
If Only It Were True

Sep 27th, 2013
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  1. ===================================================================================================================
  2. Chose 3 pictures at random and made a story.
  4. Summary: Anon is a made up character in p0ny literature that the entire mane 6 was infatuated with.
  6. Wrote during the Scruffining in a thread that ended up deleted
  7. ===================================================================================================================
  9. >Day Husbando
  10. >When Earth shattering or cataclysmic events weren’t happening life was pretty dull as the Elements of Harmony
  11. >Having to live a life where one day is life threatening adventure and the other is just another day gets pretty jarring
  12. >Because of this the 6 of you regularly get together to gossip about stupid shit
  13. >You were all comrades in arms
  14. >and you each gave 0 fucks about what others thought about your shared hobby
  15. >It all revolved around a Choose Your Own Adventure story
  16. >A story that no p0ny actually expected to happen
  17. >but those mares at the cloverchan book club surprised everyone
  18. >Everything seemed like harmless fun at first
  19. >but the signs were there
  20. >Each and every one of you read the story
  21. >Even Rainbow Dash couldn’t put the story down
  22. >AppleJack managed to read
  23. >Piknie’s ADD was curbed
  24. >How did you not pick up on the signs?
  25. >Probably because you were too busy reading the damn book
  27. >The book in question detailed a lone creature foreign to the entire world that had to try to adapt to this new life he was so cruelly thrown into
  28. >and you were the mare to help him along the way
  29. >The story gave various decisions you could make and this new creature developed based on your decisions
  30. >It sometimes felt like there were hundreds, what with all the bad ends
  31. >Some of which were actually pretty funny
  32. >According to rumors none of the author p0nies could agree on a name
  33. >So they went with Anonymous, or Anon for short
  34. >and he became your husband
  35. >You were all infatuated with this made up character
  36. >‘Regular’ p0nies would laugh or be put off by this knowledge
  37. >but you had already mentioned that not a one of you cared
  38. >The only thing you all cared about was your own head canons
  41. >Rarity regularly made little doodles of Anon, always matching him to emeralds
  42. >Sometimes she would even sneak little images or references into the stitching of her work
  43. >For Rarity, Anon would truly appreciate her
  44. >and defend her good name
  45. >A real charmer and gentlecolt
  46. >and she would give anything to make Anon happy
  48. >Pinkie snuck in references in her work too
  49. >Except they were not always as discrete as Rarity’s
  50. >“This cake tastes funny”
  51. “Shut up and eat the meat log!”
  52. >She was practically jamming it into the customers mouth
  53. >That was a weird day
  54. >For Pinkie, Anon would always be there for her
  55. >Through the highs and the lows
  56. >To make her smile even on the bad days
  57. >and she would do her best to make sure Anon never had a single bad day
  59. >AppleJack tried to be nonchalant about the whole Anon thing
  60. >but Holy Celestia was she guilty
  61. >No p0ny was allowed in the barn
  62. >For AppleJack, Anon had the stamina no other stallion could hope for
  63. >In more ways than one
  64. >and he’d always be straight with her
  65. >Never going back on his word
  66. >and she’d be just as reliable
  67. >Being there for Anon through thick and thin
  69. >Fluttershy was not so much hush hush about the topic
  70. >Just her usual quiet self
  71. >but you all knew she had made an Anon body pillow
  72. >and she could argue with the best of them
  73. “um…I disagree…..your Anon is only okay and you should only feel okay”
  74. >Well it was impressive coming from Fluttershy
  75. >Your sure there’s much worse in some weird parallel dimension
  76. >For Fluttershy, Anon offered safety and comfort
  77. >A big, strong, male, who didn’t really fit in with p0nies
  78. >He was actually just a gentle giant
  79. >and she would be there for him
  80. >Ever understanding and supportive
  83. >Rainbow Dash was the loudest on the subject
  84. >She’d have a full conversation about Anon anywhere
  85. >Her and Rarity had found common ground, and would talk for hours
  86. >During training she would mutter that it was for Anon
  87. >At performances she would dedicate her stunts to Anon
  88. >She would probably tell the entire crowd that
  89. >but she always believed in her actions speaking louder than words
  90. >For Rainbow Dash, Anon was both a supporter and a challenger
  91. >A friendly rival, a driving force
  92. >and when she wasn’t so sure
  93. >Anon would tell her just what she needed to hear
  94. >and she wouldn’t let anyone give Anon a hard time
  95. >Except for her
  97. >and of course there’s you
  98. >Twilight Sparkle
  99. >You brought this upon all your friends
  100. >but the story was too good not to share!
  101. >and Anon, oh Anon
  102. >A physical manifestation of curiosity and mystery
  103. >You would no doubt be equally interested in each other
  104. >In what you could both offer
  105. >….to the world that is
  106. >Anon would see the world in the fresh eyes you do
  107. >Seeking answers to questions no one else cared to ask
  108. >Not just simply accepting the fact that ‘things work that way’
  109. >You had your share of dirty secrets regarding Anon too
  110. >A bunch of fics you wrote hidden in one of the bookshelves
  111. >Spike better stay away from there
  112. >Or else you’ll have to put him in the horror closet again
  113. >He was probably gay anyway
  115. >The end of your rather long monologuing is punctuated by a loud crash outside
  116. >Who could be out at this hour?
  117. >Some hobo-p0nies raiding your trash?
  118. >You and the girls all get up and go outside to where the sound came from
  119. >None of you wished for what you saw
  120. >and none of you really knew what to think
  121. >Sprawled out on the ground was a naked female form
  122. >A HUMAN naked female form
  123. “Bucking Kenjina”
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