

Nov 8th, 2015
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  1. >You are Lyra Heartstrings
  2. >You live a rather humble existence with your room mate and best friend Bon Bon
  3. >Two mares living together naturally got ponies talking
  4. >Some considered you two very close friends, others; lovers, some even suggested you had a weird friends with benefits arrangement going on
  5. >All of them agreed upon one thing however
  6. >That you were the 'stallion' in whatever relationship you two had
  7. >After all, who could possibly think the same of the charming, erudite, beautiful Bon Bon?
  8. >Ugly, weird Lyra, of course she's the guy!" some would titter behind your back
  9. >You'd pretend you didn't hear them
  10. >It wasn't as if they were saying anything new anyway
  11. >You would often spend hours staring into the mirror; wishing your mane was just a little longer, your eyes slightly smaller and your nose not quite so obscenely large
  12. >One day Bon Bon noticed this and took you out for a makeover session
  13. >Your confidence soared and you felt happier than you had for a long time until one overeager stallion made a crude joke about slapping makeup on a pig
  14. >Bon Bon tried to comfort you and you reassured her that it was fine
  15. >Now you look at yourself in the mirror behind closed doors
  17. >Still, you had a pretty good life and there were other ponies who had it worse than you
  18. >You had friends, family and a steady job
  19. >So what if the only romantic experience you'd ever had was when one of the colts in high school kissed you on a dare?
  20. >At least you could say you weren't a complete loser
  21. >And would only be selfish to complain right?
  22. >Right!
  23. >And so life continued on; boring but normal
  24. >Until the day you met Anon
  26. >You were busy at your job at the Ponyville Museum sifting through some papers proposing possible common ancestors between zebras and ponies when a strange, bipedal creature entered through the door
  27. >The creature approached your desk with a lolling gait and introduced itself to you as Anonymous
  28. >Your ears pricked up
  29. >The same Anonymous who'd appeared in Equestria months ago and who'd become something of a celebrity?
  30. >He nodded in affirmation and smirked at your attempt at pronouncing his name
  31. >He explained that he'd been sent by order of Princess Celestia to catalogue his species; one previously unheard of in Equestria
  32. >You frowned
  33. >You'd have thought this is something the authorities in Canterlot would have done months ago but you supposed they were much more preoccupied with studying the possibility of interdimensional travel brought forth by Anonymous' arrival in Equestria
  34. >You asked him to fill out some paperwork agreeing to be a research subject and watched in amazement as he sailed the quill over the pages; deftly filling them out in perfect Equestrian
  35. >He didn't stay silent either, like so many other ponies; asking you various questions and making polite conversation
  36. >You also noticed he didn't avoid your gaze nor did he seem repulsed by your ugliness and you engaged in conversation with him with ease, even cracking a few jokes
  37. >When he was done you set a session for the next week and he departed with a smile and a wave
  38. >You leaned back in your chair and smiled
  39. >You were actually looking forward to it
  41. >You and Anonymous met several times over the next few weeks as you questioned him on a variety of topics from his home world
  42. >You listened in abject amazement as he described his world and how his species had dominated and shaped the earth to their will without magic
  43. >Although it wasn't technically part of your agreement, Anon also asked you questions; not about Equestria, but yourself
  44. >He asked about your childhood, your job, your family and your hobbies
  45. >You answered his questions honestly and were pleasantly surprised to find you both had a passion for table top games, something Bon Bon teased you about mercilessly
  46. >You did your best to hide your disappointment when your sessions reached their end, feeling it was best not appear more desperate than you usually do
  47. >You had enjoyed your time with Anonymous more than you thought after all
  48. >Imagine your surprise, then, when he repeated the sentiment and invited you to join him for lunch the following day
  49. >You agreed without hesitation
  51. >"Stop fidgeting Lyra" grumbled Bon Bon as she tried to brush your unkempt mane
  52. "I'm not fidgeting it just hurts!" you cry
  53. >"Well maybe if you brushed more often we wouldn't be in this mess"
  54. >You groan
  56. >Upon arriving home and telling her of your plans with Anon she'd immediately launched into a deluge of questions
  57. >"Is he cute? How tall is he? Is it true he eats meat?"
  58. >You answered all her questions until she was satisfied and she collapsed onto her bed in a giddy heap
  59. >"I just can't believe that MY Lyra scored a date with Anon the Human!" she gushes
  60. "It's NOT a date!" you insisted "It's just two friends hanging out, like we do"
  62. >You're snapped out of your reminiscing as Bon Bon tears through a particularly large knot
  63. "OW, Bon Bon watch it will you!"
  64. >"Hey now, I'm just trying to help you look your best for you little date" she coos
  65. "I told you it's not a date!"
  66. >"Then why are you blushing?"
  67. "I'm not blushing" you mumble, pulling your ears down over your cheeks.
  69. >You wait nervously and hide behind your menu
  70. >What would you even talk about when Anon got here?
  71. >You steal a look at his empty seat
  72. >IF he got here
  73. >A waiter trots by and takes your 6th empty breadbasket
  74. >You eat when you're nervous and you had good reason to be
  75. >You sigh dejectedly
  76. >Anon was probably somewhere laughing at how he only pretended to like spending time with you
  77. >And you deserved it too for thinking you could possibly stand a chance with any stallion, let alone him
  78. >You sniffle a few times and prepare to leave when you spy Anon running towards you, his suit terribly unkempt
  79. >"Sorry I'm late" he pants "I hope the wait wasn't too bad for you"
  80. "Whaaat? Naw it flew by" you smile, kicking a stray bread roll under the table
  82. >You're relieved that your earlier fear was completely unfounded
  83. >If anything, you and Anon got along even better than you did during your interviews
  84. >Time flew by and before you knew it, hours had passed
  85. >Before you and Anon parted he asked if you were available again next week
  87. >And so it became something of a ritual between you and Anon; the two of you and hanging out at least twice a week
  88. >You did everything together; picnics,movies, playing boardgames, writing crappy fictional stories, it didn't matter, you just genuinely enjoyed each others' company
  89. >Sure maybe you wished your relationship with him to be more...romantically inclined but you knew that Anon just didn't feel that way about you
  90. >And you were having too much fun with him to spoil your friendship anyway
  91. >That would just be selfish after all
  93. >You had noticed, however, that Anon had been acting strangely recently
  94. >His hand seemed to linger when he would touch you
  95. >He would hug you a lot more often than usual
  96. >And most strangely, he would even look at you expectantly when doing this, as if he were hoping for some kind of reciprocation
  97. >Probably just some human thing you reasoned
  98. >No one could possibly love an ugly mare like you
  100. >Anon's behavior strange behavior came to a head a week later during your now established movie night
  101. >The two of you were sitting side by side, a bowl of popcorn wedged between the two of you
  102. >Bon Bon was out of town for a few days on one of her 'Candy Conventions'
  103. >You also found it funny that these conventions seemed to occur every time a monster attack was reported in Equestria
  104. >Just coincidence you suppose
  105. >"He's gonna get back up, just you watch" says Anon, referring to the movie
  106. >A few seconds later Anon was proven right as the villain was shown to merely be faking his death and attacks the hero
  107. "10 bits says he spares him because of the whole 'If you spare him you'll be just like him!' trope" you reply
  108. >"If you kill him, you'll be just as bad as he is" cries a pony onscreen
  109. "Oh! What did I say" you laugh, tossing the bowl of popcorn up in the air spilling it everywhere
  110. >"Lyraaaaaaa" whines Anon, giggling slightly
  111. "Sorry" you mumble, jokingly
  112. "Here you got some on the back of your neck. Lemme just..." you say, pulling Anon's face closer to your's to get a better angle
  113. >To your surprise, Anon leans in and kisses you
  114. >Your eyes bulge and and you blush furiously
  115. >Anon was kissing you!
  116. >Wait a minute
  117. >What's the catch?
  118. >Oh geez he must have thought you were making a move with the popcorn!
  119. >He probably felt sorry for you
  120. >You quickly pull back in guilt, and scoot over to the other side of the couch
  121. >Anon's eyes shoot open
  122. >"Oh, s-sorry" he mumbles "I shouldn't have assumed that... well you know"
  123. >What was he apologizing for? You were the bad guy here!
  124. "No Anon I'm sorry" you say, "I shouldn't have been so touchy-feely. It's no wonder you felt like you had to kiss me"
  125. >A look of confusion passes over his face
  126. >"Felt like? Lyra I wanted to kiss you" he says
  127. >You stare at him in genuine confusion, your face now beet red
  128. "You...wanted to?" you ask and promptly faint
  130. >You awake in Anon's arms
  131. >It seemed he didn't realise you were awake yet
  132. >Your ear is pressed close to him and you can hear his heart beating rather fast
  133. >He must be really worried about you
  134. "Heya Anon" you say smiling awkwardly at him
  135. >His eyes snap down at you
  136. >"Uh" he says, quickly placing you beside him and coughing nervously
  137. >"Sorry" he mutters lamely "Shouldn't have done that."
  138. >You gaze at him for a moment and decide to cut to the chase
  139. "So uh, why did you kiss me Anon?" you ask, scratching your head
  140. >He sighed
  141. >"Well I've wanted to for a while now. Ever since I first saw you."
  142. "No no, I mean, why me of all ponies?" you ask
  143. >You were starting to get emotional now and memories and emotions you'd thought buried were starting to well up
  144. >"What do you mean?"
  145. "I mean why me of all ponies? I'm hideous! My nose is too big and my eyes are enormous and my horn's crooked"
  146. "You could have any pony you want Anon! Why would you want anything to do with me? Somepony like me just doesn't deserve love!"
  147. >A few errant tears falls from your eyes and you scowl and look away in shame
  148. >Typical Lyra, always crying over herself
  149. >Anon is silent for a few seconds before replying
  150. >"Well Lyra, you said it yourself, I could have any pony I wanted" he begins
  151. >You choke back a sob, you almost regret saying it now
  152. >"But" he continues "I don't want any other pony"
  153. >"Your crooked horn,your small eyes, your large nose, I don't see any of that"
  154. >"I mean I am an alien after all Lyra" he continues "And, apart from colour and manestyle, a lot of you ponies actually look really similar to me"
  155. "S-so, what, we're all hideous to you then, like me?" you ask
  156. >"What? No!" he sputters "I just mean you all look like ponies to me Lyra. You said yourself that I could have any pony; the fact that I only want you shows that I want you for your personality alone."
  157. >"And besides" he add "For what it's worth, I actually think you're really cute"
  158. >He thought you were cute?
  159. >What was wrong with him?
  161. >You find yourself at a loss for words
  162. >Somepony actually thought you were cute!
  163. >You of all ponies!
  164. >The thought alone was enough to put a smile on your face
  165. >This clearly just wasn't right
  166. >He was obviously delusional
  167. >Maybe a particularly heavy kernel of popcorn knocked some sense out of him?
  168. >No that was silly
  169. >He was probably just playing a trick on you.
  170. >It was the only possibility
  172. "Ha ha. Okay great prank Anon you can knock it off now"
  173. >Anon looks taken aback
  174. >"Prank? Lyra I'm being serious"
  175. "Oh please, that's the same thing Mercury Weave said in 8th grade"
  176. >"Lyra I"
  177. >You cut him off with a wave of your hoof
  178. "And then I'm going to think 'Oh hey, somepony's actually likes me!' and all the while you'll be planning to make a fool out of me just like he did!"
  179. >You were yelling now and tears of rage and humiliation streamed freely from yours eyes
  180. "Well that's never going to happen ever again!" you scream
  181. >Anon looks at you sadly
  182. Your chest heaves as a muffled sob erupts from your chest
  183. >Your voice breaks as you try to cough it away but you can't hold it back
  184. >Soon you're bawling; years of memories of being ignored, shunned or made fun of because of how you looked now streaming back in a deluge of emotion
  185. >You didn't see Anon wrap his arms around you but you felt it
  186. >You heard him whisper his sweet sympathies and reassurances in your ear as you soaked his chest in your tears
  187. >After some time you mellow; sniffling slightly
  188. >Eventually you bring yourself to look up at Anon
  190. >"I really, truly mean it Lyra" he says "I really do find you attractive"
  191. >You try to force out some words
  192. " W-Well sure, maybe." you sputter " B-But you can't possibly..."
  193. >"I can't what Lyra?"
  194. >He moves his face closer to yours
  195. "You can't possibly lo-"
  196. >You choke on the last word
  197. >Anon tilts his head and moves even closer, leaving barely an inch between you
  198. >"Love you?
  199. "...Yes"
  200. >He smirks
  201. >"Watch me"
  202. >And with that he leans in and kisses you again
  203. >And this time, you kiss back
  205. >You are Lyra Heartstrings
  206. >It was two years since the night Anon first kissed you
  207. >And you couldn't be happier
  208. >Turns out Anon had been quite a sought after bachelor and you'd upset quite a few leading mares all across Equestria
  209. >You still giggle at the thought of sticking it to those pompous, haughty mares from time to time
  210. >You repeat your oft practiced ritual and stare into your bathroom mirror
  211. >You stare at your crooked horn
  212. >"It's wacky and zany, like you" you recall Anon saying
  213. >You stare at your enormous eyes
  214. >"I can see into your very soul through them" Anon would tell you
  215. >You stare at your large nose
  216. >"I like a mare who can sniff out trouble" he would say
  217. >And, of course there was another reason why you loved this ritual so much
  218. >Anon walks up behind you and wraps his arms around your midsection
  219. >You did so love seeing his eyes light up in the mirror as he did so
  220. >It was an affirmation, every morning, that he really did love you
  221. >Even despite how you looked
  222. >But you supposed that was the beauty of it all
  223. >That the one who loved you more than the world itself was himself born a world away
  224. >You thank whichever deity or force it was that brought you two together
  225. >Flipping around in Anon's grip, you wrap your forelegs around his shoulders and pull him into a deep kiss
  227. Light years away, in a realm sitting between the pillars of reality themselves sat a curious creature viewing the scene from a crystal ball
  228. >The creature, an amalgamation of various beasts cried out in joy
  229. "Oh!" cried the yellow eyed creature, wiping away a tear with a clumsy lion's paw "How I love a happy ending!" and blew melodramatically into a hankerchief
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