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a guest
Mar 23rd, 2017
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  1. elseif WeakAuras.CurrentEncounter and then
  2. --Star Augur
  4. -- Fel Ejection
  5. spell = GetSpellInfo(205649)
  6. if UnitDebuff(unit, spell) then
  7. local color=aura_env.RED
  8. if getRange(unit) >= 8 then
  9. color=aura_env.YELLOW
  10. else
  11. color={1,0.6,0}
  12. end
  13. local _, _, _, _, _, _, expires = UnitDebuff(unit, spell)
  14. duration = aura_env.round(expires - GetTime(), 0)
  15. aura_env.addTextureToNameplate(unit, flames, aura_env.L, color, aura_env.ALPHA_M, duration)
  16. end
  17. -- Star Signs
  18. local signRed = GetSpellInfo(205445)
  19. local signYellow = GetSpellInfo(205429)
  20. local signGreen = GetSpellInfo(216345)
  21. local signWhite = GetSpellInfo(216344)
  23. local signUnit = UnitDebuff(unit, signRed) or UnitDebuff(unit, signYellow) or UnitDebuff(unit, signGreen) or UnitDebuff(unit, signWhite)
  24. if signUnit then
  25. local _, _, _, _, _, _, signUnitExpires = UnitDebuff(unit, signUnit)
  26. local shape = square
  27. local color = {0,0,0}
  28. cache[1863] = cache[1863] or {}
  29. local signSelf = cache[1863]["signSelf"]
  30. if not cache[1863]["signSelfIsSet"] then
  31. signSelf = UnitDebuff("player", signRed) or UnitDebuff("player", signYellow) or UnitDebuff("player", signGreen) or UnitDebuff("player", signWhite)
  32. cache[1863]["signSelf"] = signSelf
  33. cache[1863]["signSelfIsSet"] = true
  34. end
  35. if signUnit == signRed then color = aura_env.RED
  36. elseif signUnit == signYellow then color = aura_env.YELLOW
  37. elseif signUnit == signGreen then color = aura_env.GREEN
  38. elseif signUnit == signWhite then color = aura_env.WHITE
  39. end
  40. if signUnit == signSelf then
  41. shape = circle
  42. else
  43. shape = square
  44. end
  45. aura_env.addTextureToNameplate(unit, shape, aura_env.L, color, aura_env.ALPHA_M, signUnitExpires)
  46. end
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