

May 3rd, 2016
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  1. [4:56:21 PM] Eternal Heart: Ok so you know what. Screw this.
  2. [4:56:32 PM] Eternal Heart: I have tried
  3. [4:56:34 PM] Eternal Heart: I have begged
  4. [4:56:37 PM] Eternal Heart: I have asked
  5. [4:56:43 PM] Eternal Heart: And since I can't have any god damn respect
  6. [4:56:47 PM] Eternal Heart: then I am just done
  7. [5:01:13 PM] Xander: First of all you just don't demand or expect people to give you respect okay? You have to earn like other people do. Second of all I had just woke up after about an hour's nap cause I'm fixing to be making dinner soon and I just logged on to Slater and last but not least I don't know you get all upset, mad or whatever just because I log onto somebody else after getting back on. Again it shows me you either ghost random rooms or you've got friends in there.... So it seems the trusting part is just crap or something, cause that's what it seems like plus you want something that some people can't get,
  8. [5:05:13 PM] Eternal Heart: You told me a couple of hours. I get on an alt to hop and go through rooms because I am bored. I didn't ghost a room. People just room hop you know. I tried to rp with you today. Failed. And you would rather play me against someone else. Well guess what. I am tired of your bull shit. A character that is supposed to be for me. And you even agreed to it. You use with another. So have fun with it. Oasis is being put on the shelf again. And I tired of me having to look at my friends list and find you on and you don't say a fucking word to me. We haven't really rped and when we do I feel like you are half assing it like you really don't want to. I ask you to tell me when you want to rp. You don't I go to you and your responses are always. "We can rp." Like you really don't want to. So fine. We don't have to rp anymore. Go take your character and find others that will put up with your shit. Because frankly I have been loyal to you since I met Deacon with Sariah. You know why I am having trouble trusting you. We have had MANY talks about it. You even admitted to me that you have treated me like everyone else treated you. And you know what I did my damnest to not let it bother me. I have been WAITING to actually rp rp with you and every time we do. You type like you are not interested. And yet again when I room hop and find you on an alt you have NO problems rping on them. So I think it might be just me. I am tired of you treating me like shit. What the hell did I do to deserve it? I backed off. I have given you room. Only asking here and there for you to rp. And I am the one that STILL has to ask for you to rp. So how the hell is that fair?
  9. [5:13:18 PM] Xander: I'm not rping with them at all. So that's wrong all togethrer cause it's mainly OOC crap because of the brackets ( <-> These). Yes it is ghosting cause for reason or another you have no trust in me what so ever, okay so I logged onto Slater and was messing around OOC not IC and you assume that I'm rping with them, but that's fine and yes I've been loyal to you the same amount of and yes I do give it my all when we do RP thank you very much. When you do ask me about rping and my answers are short and to the point, meaning sure let's rp find who you wanna RP and I'll get on that person but until that time comes I'm staying on who I had logged on generally. You logged off Chloe which fine, yet, you turn around and room hop and see me on Slater, which to me was okay cause I you were gone and I had just got on an hour AFTER my short nap session.
  10. [5:14:35 PM] Eternal Heart: I wasn't on Chloe when I room hopped. I logged her off because of you getting off Danny... that and fuckers don't know how to read profiles.
  11. [5:15:01 PM] Xander: I didn't say you were room hopping on Chloe.
  12. [5:15:13 PM] Eternal Heart: I just feel like shit when I don't fuck around with people and all I see is you getting hung all over and it just makes me feel like I'm not important
  13. [5:15:18 PM] Xander: I said you logged off her.
  14. [5:15:25 PM] Eternal Heart: But I still have to go to you for rp
  15. [5:15:32 PM] Eternal Heart: for the past week I have had to ask you
  16. [5:15:36 PM] Eternal Heart: I have asked you to ask me
  17. [5:15:43 PM] Eternal Heart: I feel like this is all one sided
  18. [5:15:55 PM] Xander: Tell me this
  19. [5:15:58 PM] Eternal Heart: Take it from my point of view Phil
  20. [5:16:07 PM] Eternal Heart: What does it look like to you if you saw that
  21. [5:16:11 PM] Xander: Take it from my pov as well
  22. [5:16:20 PM] Eternal Heart: When you feel like you have to keep asking over and over
  23. [5:16:31 PM] Xander: I don't ask over and over again to rp
  24. [5:16:53 PM] Xander: You come on and want me to automatically know who we should RP as.
  25. [5:17:10 PM] Xander: Which is why I ask who do YOU want to RP as all the time.
  26. [5:17:27 PM] Xander: Then you say... "I don't know pick somebody."
  27. [5:17:38 PM] Eternal Heart: No I don't want you to know automaticlaly
  28. [5:17:49 PM] Eternal Heart: I want to show a fucking interest
  29. [5:17:54 PM | Edited 5:17:51 PM] Xander: I am
  30. [5:19:08 PM] Eternal Heart: Then make an effort
  31. [5:19:16 PM] Eternal Heart: I want to know if there is anyone that YOU feel like playing
  32. [5:19:24 PM] Eternal Heart: You always ask me who I want to
  33. [5:19:25 PM] Xander: I don't care.
  34. [5:19:28 PM] Eternal Heart: ...
  35. [5:19:29 PM] Eternal Heart: that
  36. [5:19:31 PM] Eternal Heart: that right there
  37. [5:19:32 PM] Xander: .....
  38. [5:19:51 PM] Xander: Again that's the reason why I ask you.
  39. [5:20:00 PM] Xander: 9 times out of 10
  40. [5:20:21 PM] Eternal Heart: I don't want to be the one always making the decisions
  41. [5:20:31 PM] Eternal Heart: Example. I wanted to play Chloe
  42. [5:20:42 PM] Xander: I got on Danny
  43. [5:20:43 PM] Eternal Heart: I get on and saw you on I was happy
  44. [5:20:46 PM] Eternal Heart: But the rp
  45. [5:20:48 PM] Xander: When I looked at my list
  46. [5:20:58 PM] Eternal Heart: the way you rped him made me want to cry
  47. [5:21:15 PM] Eternal Heart: because it seemed like you just were not interested and my own rp was affected
  48. [5:21:23 PM] Eternal Heart: you know me. I post demi paras and paras
  49. [5:21:27 PM] Eternal Heart: semi*
  50. [5:21:44 PM] Xander: After I got back on I was Danny hoping you'd be on again but I didn't see you and logged off getting on Slater
  51. [5:22:03 PM] Eternal Heart: again that is what messaging me is for!
  52. [5:22:11 PM] Eternal Heart: I ALWAYS message you
  53. [5:22:26 PM] Eternal Heart: you not once message me saying: hey lets continue
  54. [5:22:27 PM] Eternal Heart: nope
  55. [5:22:32 PM] Eternal Heart: you just say oh well and hop
  56. [5:22:36 PM] Eternal Heart: that makes me feel like shit
  57. [5:22:42 PM] Xander: it shouldn't
  58. [5:22:45 PM] Eternal Heart: well it does
  59. [5:22:51 PM] Eternal Heart: means oh well shes not on I don't care
  60. [5:22:55 PM] Xander: Again it shouldn't
  61. [5:22:59 PM] Xander: No its not that
  62. [5:23:03 PM] Eternal Heart: that is the message that feels like is coming across
  63. [5:23:28 PM] Xander: I'll brb I need to go afk for about 15 minutes to cook dinner
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