
GE wager FAQ v1.0

May 25th, 2015
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  1. The secret of successful GE wager. You want to do this in AB, with three good squidmates.
  4. Optimal BR
  5. Best BR is 3.7 cuz you have a lot of good planes at that BR, and matchmaking is fairly balanced (usually 3.0-4.0). If you collect the 4.0 setup, you will oftenly face 5.0 planes, and this is much more complicated.
  7. Setup.
  8. Soviet:
  9. - Yak-9T for shooting down everything you see;
  10. - I-185 (2h250kg bomb may come in handy) and Yak-3 for the high altitude fighing;
  11. - IL-4 for ground attacks from high alt. (mostly pillboxes);
  12. - IL-2 for low-alt ground attacks (mainly ships and tonks);
  13. - The remaining slots should be filled with fighter/attack aircraft with the BR that is not higher than 3.3.
  14. Also you you can assemble a good setup of the British prem-typhoon, 2 spits, a pack of Boston/Havoc/db-7, maybe beaufighters.
  16. Squid.
  17. You will need at least three experienced players with good KD (1 to 1.5 and above), fourth squidmate can simply perform auxiliary actions.
  19. Roles.
  20. Shooter on top - pilot on the I-185 is climbing above everyone and starts hunting bombers and the same high-altitude enemies.
  21. Low-alt shooter - Yak-9T, he's holding at medium altitudes (~ 2km), intercepting dive bombers and attackers, also, if he can, he's covering his own attacker.
  22. Bomber/attacker/field invader - this man can take IL-4 from the start and fly to hunt some pillboxes. Or he can take La-5 to capture some fields (bench screw does not break even at 500 km/h) or he can take Yak-9 / E-185 for air domination.
  23. Supporter - in fact, this guy is just like a low-alt shooter, he's sitting at medium altitudes, in the right moment he can help with ground tech farming.
  25. Tactics.
  26. Ground attack: In principle, all four pilots can take fast fighters and climb for the first toe, two to the right a little, two little to the left, down the situation. After clearing high altitude from the bombers and other enemies, high-alt shooter remains on high altitude where enemy bombers usually fly, all others are geting down to work on ground forces or enemy fighters and attackers. After losing the first fighter, the most logical will be taking assault/bomber plane. Keep an eye for statistics, your team always must have more ground forces than your enemies.
  28. Excellence: You simply are shooting down everything you see, sometimes you're capturing the fields when you need it. Squidmates skills are important here. Experienced field invader is quite able to pull a victory.
  30. Excellence in the air: All 4 are climbing, destrying everyone at a height, then two pilots remain at the point of capture at a height, two (more experienced) are going for ground forces. Here, the main task is to drive enemies away from the point of capture. And it is rarely possible, so oftenly the point of capture can be done only by destroying all enemy aircraft.
  32. Important information.
  33. 1. Do not hope that your allies will help you. You need to do everything with your squid. Correctly assess the ability of each squidmate.
  34. 2. Voice communication is must-have. Everyone should promptly report information of respawned bombers/enemy fighter planes and other things.
  35. 3. It is important to think flexibly and understand where your help is most needed. If you're losing youre ground forces - you're jumping out of your fighter and going for bomber/attacker.
  36. 4. It is necessary to immediately assess the enemy (you have some time before the first toe), you need to focus at most dangerous, shoot down dangerous enemy squids and to suppress bomber-rush.
  37. 5. No time for memes, trolling and other conflicts in those 20 flyouts.
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