

Oct 12th, 2016
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  1. <16:14:26> "iOS_Client": whats up
  2. <16:14:32> "iOS_Client": cant talk sorry
  3. <16:14:38> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": Okay, who is this?
  4. <16:14:44> "iOS_Client": zey
  5. <16:14:51> "iOS_Client": iphone is just dumb w this app
  6. <16:14:55> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": Okay
  7. <16:15:07> "iOS_Client": why?
  8. <16:15:21> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": Why what?
  9. <16:15:38> "iOS_Client": sorry about talking mad shit to the admins. knew things were going on and in the end they were, but it was only bizzarro
  10. <16:15:49> "iOS_Client": didnt have to approach it like that nor IP log all of them lol
  11. <16:16:05> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": Did you IP log them?
  12. <16:16:26> "iOS_Client": yeah off of a link, but I already deleted the log
  13. <16:16:47> "iOS_Client": it was wrong of me to do and bizzarro will be dealt with accordingly, not of my jurisdiction to handle
  14. <16:16:58> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": Exactly
  15. <16:17:14> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": And if you have a problem, you should take it up with an owner or a head admin
  16. <16:17:34> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": Not mouth off calling admins biased because they have done nothing but help you guys
  17. <16:17:51> "iOS_Client": i tried and cream said youd check the DB logs for who glitched to steal our flag etc
  18. <16:18:01> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": Exactly
  19. <16:18:06> "iOS_Client": and it ended up being bizzarro tping in and taking it
  20. <16:18:19> "iOS_Client": speaking of which
  21. <16:18:19> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": And i did
  22. <16:18:25> "iOS_Client": what happened w him
  23. <16:18:31> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": It did not turn out to be CJ
  24. <16:18:47> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": Somebody elses UID was linked to your flag
  25. <16:18:56> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": Not bizzaro
  26. <16:19:05> "iOS_Client": well bizzarro was the one deleting base parts and he was also joker
  27. <16:19:14> "iOS_Client": he admitted it, without knowing I was there
  28. <16:19:19> "iOS_Client": I heard him say it so
  29. <16:20:05> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": And it's none of your business what happens to him. He did delete your Container, it had nothing in it. He had checked that and so did i. I can see every deleted item and what its contents were
  30. <16:20:29> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": He was stuck inside of it after jumping down ontop of it
  31. <16:20:40> "iOS_Client": that container had our knives and explosives from what turtle told me...but its whatever
  32. <16:21:19> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": It had inside of it, one knife, a rope and one breaching charge
  33. <16:21:39> "iOS_Client": there were 36 knives in it mate. we had been stockpiling them
  34. <16:21:52> "iOS_Client": thats what my team mates told me, I wasnt there
  35. <16:23:06> "iOS_Client": and also in terms of crates being deleted there were also 2 upstairs that were deleted it wasnt that one alone so he was griefing us
  36. <16:23:40> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": Well what ever, regardless of there being one knife or 36, you should have came to me about it
  37. <16:24:02> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": he didnt delete those
  38. <16:24:05> "iOS_Client": come to you? you werent on and the other crates were deleted when we werent on
  39. <16:24:21> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": And part of your base was gone so i assume your flag was moved at some point
  40. <16:24:26> "iOS_Client": and he still shouldnt have the right to just delete parts of out base like that
  41. <16:24:39> "iOS_Client": but its fine
  42. <16:24:41> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": Either way. Wait for me to get on and i can handle it accordingly
  43. <16:25:28> "iOS_Client": so youre saying none if it was CJs fault? he flat out admitted it to me, and when he realized I heard all of it and the logged their IPs, thats when I was banned from the TS
  44. <16:26:33> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": I did not say that and CJ is on his final warning
  45. <16:26:47> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": and he's still under a probationary period
  46. <16:27:07> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": All of his data is automatically saved to a seperate file so i can look at it
  47. <16:27:37> "iOS_Client": k
  48. <16:27:47> "iOS_Client": also I was gonna ask about the whole joker thing
  49. <16:27:55> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": Okay
  50. <16:28:03> "iOS_Client": so he was banned and then unbanned the next day even tho tricky was specing him and saw
  51. <16:28:07> "iOS_Client": whats with that?
  52. <16:28:18> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": We thought it was indeed a hacker
  53. <16:28:24> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": I called the shot to ban
  54. <16:29:08> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": But after this i discovered it was CJ and immediately took to the logs
  55. <16:29:29> "iOS_Client": he was hacking, that was also something ge unknowigly said in front of me
  56. <16:29:44> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": CJ wouldnt know how to hack
  57. <16:30:00> "iOS_Client": idk man, im just telling you what he said
  58. <16:30:02> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": And he would have been caught by battleye and infiSTAR
  59. <16:30:11> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": CJ says alot of shit
  60. <16:30:27> "iOS_Client": and then in terms of our base, why was that deleted so quickly?
  61. <16:30:42> "iOS_Client": and our accounts were wiped completely
  62. <16:30:51> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": Because of your shitty messages to me
  63. <16:31:18> "iOS_Client": i never sent you a shitty message. i said thanks for the time and asked that you keep an eye on admins because I felt there was bias
  64. <16:31:22> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": So i dealt with it because when you say youre leaving and leave me with messages like that i will follow up instantly
  65. <16:31:37> "iOS_Client": and sure enough, we were griefed ridiculously by bizzarro
  66. <16:31:52> "iOS_Client": so there was bias, and it has been dealt woth
  67. <16:32:01> "iOS_Client": but I never said anything rude to you
  68. <16:32:25> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": Look bud, you don't message an owner telling them to "Take care of your admins, theyre bias and corrupt"
  69. <16:32:46> "iOS_Client": but he was?
  70. <16:33:33> "iOS_Client": and though that was dealt with, our "hunch" all along was true
  71. <16:33:43> "iOS_Client": it was never an insult to you
  72. <16:34:03> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": Well it did and members of your team say you run your mouth alot
  73. <16:34:05> "iOS_Client": i more or less meant you should watch then because something was going on, and then we later found out there was something going on
  74. <16:34:34> "iOS_Client": yeah I do, and there was admin bias, it was dealth with and I apologized
  75. <16:34:42> "iOS_Client": but i never said anything shitty to you
  76. <16:34:56> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": Yes you did... those messages were shitty
  77. <16:35:18> "iOS_Client": it was shitty for me to say that CJ was corrupt and you should watch him?
  78. <16:35:27> "iOS_Client": he was corrupt, and everyone sees that now
  79. <16:35:36> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": You did not say CJ specifically
  80. <16:35:47> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": you addressed all admins in your statement
  81. <16:35:47> "iOS_Client": thats what I meant, and you took it the wrong way I guess
  82. <16:35:59> "iOS_Client": and I said that becasue at the time we didnt know who it was
  83. <16:36:02> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": Be careful what you say to people is what im telling you
  84. <16:36:12> "iOS_Client": but thats when CJ went on a different account
  85. <16:36:19> "iOS_Client": and we tried to be nice because he said he was new
  86. <16:36:37> "iOS_Client": and have him the rest of our money
  87. <16:37:27> "iOS_Client": and then I joined TS and heard him saying "wait til they realize they gave me all of their money. thats when Ill tell em i was the one who TPd to their flags and deleted the base stuff"
  88. <16:37:35> "iOS_Client": and then he talked about the joker BS
  89. <16:37:43> "iOS_Client": and thats when I started talking
  90. <16:38:36> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": I have one thing to say to you. If you wish to stay here, you're more than welcome. But, you start fresh, you're nice to our admins and I don't wanna hear it anymore. The owners are still ongoing in a decision of how to deal with this... And i'll leave it at that.
  91. <16:39:00> "iOS_Client": and thats more or less when I thanked him for giving me his IP and then said Id be taking the dedi down too, but that does harm to you, who did nothing
  92. <16:39:17> "iOS_Client": and I always was nice to the admins, then bias started and we didnt know who it was from
  93. <16:39:27> "iOS_Client": thats been dealt with now. i understand that
  94. <16:39:48> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": You could try and take my dedi down but you would suffer
  95. <16:40:08> "iOS_Client": doubtful but alright
  96. <16:40:24> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": You're kind stupid for even saying that. Do you even know how many layers of protection there are in the data centre we host it from?
  97. <16:40:32> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": You wouldnt even get past the first one
  98. <16:40:42> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": Also your internet would go down instantly
  99. <16:40:49> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": and you would be reported to the police
  100. <16:40:56> "iOS_Client": thats a matter of opinion but its fine. not gonna touch it
  101. <16:41:18> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": Your PC has no where near enough power to take down my server and probably not enough to damage CJ either
  102. <16:41:49> "iOS_Client": im not a fool. i have a custom botnet config. not a PC but as I said, its fine. not gonna touch it.
  103. <16:42:14> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": Botnet cofig? Amature.
  104. <16:42:56> "iOS_Client": im an ex blackhat. i have plenty of experience. weve gotten around cloudflare, taken CP sites down for months, etc. As i said, not gonna touch it
  105. <16:43:23> "iOS_Client": you say amature? we were part of the blizzard and sony stress tests. not exactly amature but think what you want
  106. <16:43:37> "iOS_Client": i came here to 1) apologize and 2) clear that up
  107. <16:43:46> "iOS_Client": its done have a good one
  108. <16:43:56> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": All i say is try it and see what happens
  109. <16:44:01> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": And thanks
  110. <16:44:27> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": You're more than welcome back on here but i think you owe an apology to the admins
  111. <16:44:45> "iOS_Client": no need to try. i would only do, and as I said, Im not going to anymore. if I were to do anything, it would be between me and CJ, and that doesnt involve you nor your server so its all good
  112. <16:45:00> "iOS_Client": and yes, Ill be sending those out as they come online. already planned on it
  113. <16:45:08> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": Good.
  114. <16:48:03> "Monkeynutz2010 (Harry)": I suggest you come back later when theyre on
  115. <16:48:11> "iOS_Client": i will
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