
Bucking apples

Dec 6th, 2011
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  1. Yet another heavy crate was loaded onto the creaky wooden cart, there were about a dozen all ready to be shifted back to Ponyville in time for the big apple festival, this was a lot of hard work, hard work that involved strong ponies, strong ponies like.
  3. “Back Burn hurry up and git over here pronto!” the loud demanding voice called. The tall orange, sluggish and slightly big stallion was wearing only ripped jeans to keep him cool. He turned his head looking back at the red and white barn, where at the doors another pony was waiting.
  5. He trudged his way over until he was standing right in front of the scary mare who had a scornful look on her face.
  7. “Yessum?” he said looking at the floor.
  9. “You pay attention when I’m talking to you!” she snapped in her stern western accent making him look up at her. “Now you see here, I’m gonna have a visitor coming by to help with the applebucking, and inspecting the apples do you hear?”
  11. “Yes ma’am.” He replied.
  13. “Good, now all you gotta do is stay outta their way and don’t get in no trouble understand?!”
  15. “Completely ma’am.”
  17. “Good, well then get back to what you’re doing and stay out the way!” he nodded and walked back to the cart, keeping his head upright so that he wasn’t scolded again.
  19. The mare supervising him watched him walk away as she stood in her boots and her light jacket, complete with a brown leather hat.
  21. As the sun beat down on his back, Back Burn continued to load the crates, he’d been doing the same task for about half an hour and yet he wasn’t tired, he didn’t even care about the sun making him sweat he just got on with it.
  23. As he loaded crates there was the sound of wheels turning really fast, the mare standing at the barn shifted her eyes to see a dust cloud whipping up really fast down the dirt road. The cloud grew bigger until there were voices heard as whatever it was came to a stop.
  25. “Whoa there Rainbow Dash, any faster and we’d be travelling through time!”
  27. The dust settled however it didn’t seem to bother the strict and scary mare. She watched as an orange pony and a blue one approached walking behind, coming from what appeared to be a silhouette of a cart.
  29. “Greetings to you sugar cube!” the orange pony offered a handshake but the stern mare refused.
  31. “Miss Applejack I presume?” she said in a low tone.
  33. “Present and punctual, ready to kick some bark!” she replied kicking outwards with enthusiasm.
  35. “Hey don’t hog all the spotlight just remember who brought you here!” the blue pony barged in past Applejack.
  37. “Rainbow Dash, the best and fastest transporter around, at your service!” she too offered a handshake but the stern mare was nonplussed.
  39. “What’s up with her? It’s like she can’t understand cool when she sees it right in front of her!” Rainbow Dash said with a loud huff.
  41. “So then um, when am I gonna get started?” Applejack asked as Dash looked around aimlessly.
  43. “You’ll be with me inspecting the apples.” the mare replied.
  45. “Inspecting what now?” Applejack replied hoping she had heard wrong.
  47. “We need to check every single apple is fresh and ready before delivery! Not a single rotten apple passes by my eyes, and I’ll make sure they don’t pass yours!” she snapped.
  49. “But um there are apples to be bucked right?” Applejack asked.
  51. “We shall see, perhaps you won’t be needed for that, that is if that lump of a depressed pony decides to work faster!” Applejack had no idea who she was talking about.
  53. “Don’t you have somewhere to be?” the mare asked glaring at Rainbow Dash. “You’ve done your transporting, you’re no longer needed here, you can pick her up later!”
  55. “Well excuse me for being too awesome! I’ll go where cool ponies are needed, you make country folk look boring! No offense AJ!”
  57. “Non taken sugar cube.” she replied. “She’s no fun at all.” her thoughts were interrupted as the stern mare came closer.
  59. “Can I help you with something?” Applejack asked.
  61. “You shall refer to me as Miss Sherry from now on, do you understand?” she said dryly.
  63. “I’m outta here!” Dash yelled grabbing hold of the tow bar on the cart then dashing away at high speed.
  65. “Tarnation Rainbow bring that cart back in one piece!” Applejack called however Dash couldn’t hear her over the sound of her going fast with the cart.
  67. “Right then you shall come with me now, this way please.” Miss Sherry said taking her hand quite firmly and leading the way.
  69. As they travelled they walked past the large red and white barn, Applejack was quite impressed but then Miss Sherry burst her bubble.
  71. “Under no circumstances do you go into that barn understand me?” she instructed with a glare.
  73. “Err yes ma’am,” Applejack replied but she still glared at her.
  75. “Um I mean Miss Sherry.” she added correcting herself. “Sheesh what a tumbleweed she is!” she thought as they passed the barn.
  77. Back Burn had just finished loading another crate, he dusted his big hands off and walked back to the rest of the apple crates, that’s when he saw Miss Sherry but walking with her was a tall orange mare, he couldn’t quite make her out, but then he got an unexpected view of her face when she turned.
  79. She saw him from far and smiled then waved at him, Back Burn waved back smiling shyly. Applejack looked at him for a few more seconds before being rudely dragged away by Miss Sherry walking faster than before for some reason.
  81. Back Burn continued to watch her as she disappeared into the distance, he was still smiling which he did rarely as he thought to himself.
  83. “She’s pretty, and she don’t look scary like Sherry does, also she smiles too!” he said feeling glad but then he frowned. “But how am I supposed to talk to her? We could be friends but Sherry wouldn’t want that. If only cousin Firestorm were here he could help me.” he sighed glumly as he got back to work.
  85. Applejack was still being dragged by the impatient mare, she brought her to a smaller shelter which protected them from the sun, Applejack could see many crates of apples stacked next to each other, and under the shlter was a large table which Miss Sherry was sitting at.
  87. “Now in order for you to know what is a quality apple, you first need to define quality!” she barked.
  89. “Excuse me Miss but-”
  91. “That’s Miss Sherry to you!” she snapped.
  93. “Hmph, like I was saying no offense but I’ve been working with apples longer than you can memorize birthdays, not a single rotten apple gets by me when I’m checking ‘em!”
  95. Miss sherry was not pleased with her outburst.
  97. “Well then seeming as you are so smart, perhaps you’d like to work with that first batch over there!” she pointed to a large stockpile of apples ready to be inspected.
  99. “But this is the slow way!” Applejack moaned.
  101. “Well of course, take your time and don’t make a single mistake, or it’ll cost your life!” she said giving Applejack a scare.
  103. “Sheesh if that’s the way you want it done then fine.” Applejack said placing the first crate on the table. Her inspection began but Miss Sherry was watching her like a hawk, making sure that she inspected every single inch of the apple. When she was satisfied she allowed Applejack to place it down in the empty crate next to her.
  105. “This is going to take forever!” Applejack thought as she slowly progressed through the fruits.
  107. Time passed slowly and it seemed like Applejack was going to be here forever, and despite being under the shade the sun still made her feel very hot, somehow Miss Sherry was unaffected by the heat, she just kept focus on the orange pony. She reached into one of her pockets but whatever she was searching for couldn’t be found.
  109. “Shoot I must have left it in my room.” she murmured standing up slowly.
  111. “Now listen here miss, I seem to have misplaced my pen and I’m going to fetch it so you can check off these crates, but I want you to stay here and keep inspecting!”
  113. “Yes whatever.” Applejack mumbled.
  115. “Miss Sherry!” she snapped banging the table. “Now stay here and I don’t want to find a single speck on any of those apples understand!?” she said leaving Applejack all alone.
  117. She waited until Miss Sherry was out of earshot and she stood up.
  119. “Well screw this, I ain’t gonna sit around inspecting apples all day, I wanna explore!” she got up and left the table then decided to walk around a little.
  121. She traced her steps back to where the big red barn was and decided to walk around there. As she came nearer she happened to see a familiar figure walking towards the barn doors.
  123. “Hey it’s that big guy from before.” Applejack said focusing on him as he carried a ton of crates in his heavy arms, Applejack continued to watch him or more like watch his built figure.
  125. She had her eyes set on him and she began to think deeply about him, Applejack knew she was here to do a duty but she also wanted to have fun, she licked her lips and smiled as she watched him walk into the barn and close the doors.
  127. “Hmm I’ve gotta get into that barn somehow without that witch seeing me! Then again if I’m caught I’ll be in trouble. To hell with that!” she snapped. “She’s only a dumb boring old witch anyway what’s she gonna do? Besides that stallion really is something!”
  129. Applejack checked her surroundings before sneaking over to the barn, she began to feel naughty as she crept up to the double doors and listened in, she couldn’t hear much so she slowly pressed her hand against the door and walked inside closing it gently behind her.
  131. As soon as she closed it she turned and came face to right up close with the big stallion, he gasped and stumbled backwards as Applejack felt a bit shocked too, but then she stood straight and had a good look at him.
  133. “Hey there mister, what are you doing here all alone?” she asked however he stepped backwards as he sweated nervously. “Where are ya’ going?” she asked still walking towards him.
  135. “Y-you can’t be in here!” he panicked. “I’ll get in big trouble if Miss Sherry sees me!”
  137. “That old hag? Please she can’t do nothing, besides ain’t she a big meanie to you?” Applejack asked as Back Burn continued walking backwards, but then he tripped on a hay bale and stumbled to the floor landing on more hay.
  139. Applejack giggled and knelt down to his level looking at him.
  141. “So what’s your name sugar cube?” she asked making him more nervous.
  143. “They call me Back Burn.” he replied slowly.
  145. “You were smiling at me earlier weren’t you?” she asked looking straight at him.
  147. “Oh yeah you’re a happy pony, Miss Sherry never smiles at me, she’s always mean.”
  149. “Now that’s not nice is it?” Applejack replied with a frown.
  151. “No it ain’t but you’re a lot kinder, you have a pretty smile too.” he said blushing slightly.
  153. “Aww ain’t you sweet?” she said smiling at him again.
  155. Back Burn giggled like a kid, he loved seeing Applejack smile, and it warmed his heart that someone was being nice to him, he didn’t feel any cold cruelness coming from her at all, now he actually had someone to talk to.
  157. Appplejack on the other hand was barely trying to restrain herself, that feeling in the back of her mind was tugging at her nagging constantly, and she wanted something from Back Burn, something special.
  159. “Say now it’s just you and me in here isn’t it?” Applejack asked narrowing her eyes at him.
  161. “Yessum, Miss Sherry never comes in here, I’m always alone in this barn but she doesn’t let anyone else in!”
  163. “Just you and me, how about we have some fun?” she asked placing her hands on his bare chest staring passionately into his eyes.
  165. “Fun? What kinda fun?” he asked as Applejack watched him play into her hands.
  167. “Oh you’ll enjoy this for sure, just sit down on that there haystack.” Back Burn listened and sat on it as Applejack sat on his waist facing forwards, she removed his hat throwing it away and held his head in her hands, she then leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek.
  169. Immediately he blushed as Applejack sat back and smiled at him.
  171. “What did you do that for?” he asked rubbing his face.
  173. “Ssh.” Applejack replied then she kissed him again, but on the mouth.
  175. Back Burn was confused, he had no idea why this mare was doing this to him, he felt Applejack’s finger slide down his side and then she hugged him close in her arms. She held the kiss for a while before breaking away.
  177. Back Burn began to blush and turn away from her, she laughed playfully bringing her face closer to his.
  179. “Now open your mouth.” she said making him do it, she kissed him again and this time Back Burn felt something warm slide into his mouth, Applejack conitnued to kiss him with her tongue slightly getting excited, the warmth of his body and his build began to send messages of lust into her mind.
  181. Back Burn was beginning to feel something he had never felt before, the feeling of Applejack sitting on him and the fact she was kissing him made him begin to think differently. Her kiss was sweet and he could taste apples off her tongue, she continued to rub hers around his feeling more lustful, she wanted to rush things but instead took it slow.
  183. She moaned slightly as she felt Back Burn move his tongue also, she licked it more feeling the hardness of his thick tongue, imaging it was his manhood. Applejack suddenly grew impatient and ended the kiss.
  185. Back Burn watched as she slid her hand down his chest, she smiled at him looking into his eyes as she reached his waist going below his scruffy jeans. At once his eyes widened in shock and he panicked.
  187. “W-what are you doing?” he asked nervously.
  189. “Relax sugar cube, this is all part of the fun.” She replied in a seductive tone.
  191. “B-but you’re touching my―” he was cut off as she felt it in her hands and gently undone his jeans lifting his limp member out from his boxers, his face went extremely red but Applejack was shocked.
  193. “Dang sugar cube you’re packing an extra large!” she said holding his black trouser snake. “It’s so darn big!” she thought wanting to get started with him right away. “Easy girl, let’s make him enjoy it first.”
  195. She stood up in front of him with that same sexy smile.
  197. “Wanna see something interesting?” she asked undoing a button on her top. Back Burn watched in shock as she started to undress herself in front of him, then his eyes really went wide as Applejack appeared completely stark naked in front of him.
  199. He could feel something growing between his legs and for some strange reason he was feeling attracted to Applejack, he thought she looked beautiful as she was now, her curvaceous figure made him harder as he looked her up and down.
  201. Applejack grew more and more excited as he became fully erect making his boastful hardness stand at an angle, she locked onto it and came close then began to stroke it gently, feeling the ruggedness in her hands.
  203. “How does that feel sugar cube?” she asked glaring at him, at first Back Burn felt extremely embarrased but then he felt something new, his groin reacted to Applejack’s pleasuring hands and he felt it too as he bit his lip.
  205. “Does that make you feel good?” she asked making her voice sound like syrup.
  207. Back burn smiled and nodded as he felt the pleasure sink in, he conitnued to look at her naked and thats when he began to feel temptation, Back Burn had never seen a naked mare before but he sure loved it and he loved whatever it was Applejack was doing to him.
  209. “Let’s step it up a notch.” she said lowering her head, Back Burn watched as she started to lick the tip of his member teasing him gently, she slid her tongue down and back up and then managed to fit it in her mouth.
  211. Back Burn felt excited as she began to suck him off but Applejack seemed more into it, she could feel tension growing between her legs, a sign that she wanted him inside her, she felt moisture build up around her folds as her lust for him grew stronger.
  213. Back Burn was starting to enjoy it more, he felt good down below and each time she drew her head upwards the suction pleasured him intensely. He winced as she sped up a little and stroked him there at the same time, more and more Back Burn was having thoughts about her, very deep thoughts.
  215. She sucked it off one last time before letting it slide out of her mouth, she immediately pulled his jeans off leaving him naked too and then she stood him up and hugged him close.
  216. She became desperate feeling his warm hardness against her body.
  218. “What are we gonna do now?” Back Burn asked as Applejack looked back at him.
  220. “We’re gonna make love!” she replied making him panic.
  222. “Y-you mean we’re gonna have sex?” he gasped.
  224. “Of course sugar cube, why else would I do all this for you?” she asked.
  226. “B-but what if we get caught?” he panicked.
  228. “Relax now, nobody’s gonna catch us, besides you want to do it with me don’t you?”
  230. Back Burn couldn’t deny that, he found her attractive and had enjoyed the foreplay, but he wasn’t so sure about the next step.
  232. “I’ve never done this to a mare before.” He said blushing.
  234. “Don’t worry hun’ I'm sure you’re good at it, now come over here.” She walked backwards with him in her arms until she bumped against a stack of hay. She lay down on it feeling comfortable as her body sank into the straw, she spread her legs wide exposing her femness to Back Burn whose eyes widened.
  236. “Like what you see hun’?” she asked. “Come on cowboy, hurry and get that thing inside of me!”
  238. Back Burn panicked as he came close, he remembered that wet dream he had not too long ago and copied his actions from then. He held his member in his hand and approached Applejack’s awaiting entrance, he felt tense as he pressed it against her moist folds then pushed it in slowly penetrating her.
  240. Applejack let out short moans as she felt his hardness invading her, Back Burn felt his manhood melt as it sank into her warm wet insides, he groaned loudly at the pleasuring feeling as his member rubbed up against her. He kept pushing it in all the way up to the base making Applejack more excited than ever.
  242. “Come on sugar cube give it to me!” Applejack begged, poor Back Burn had just lost his virginity and wanted to enjoy it more but already Applejack wanted him to thrust her hard, he began to worry thinking that he would get too excited and end it then and there.
  244. Slowly he began to buck his hips back and forth feeling his member ache as it constantly rubbed against Applejack’s wet walls, her body felt light as she enjoyed his penetration, she felt dirty for wanting something so big inside her but she couldn’t help it.
  246. She let out another moan making Back Burn think back to his wet dream, he was enjoying the pleasure so much but now here he was with the real thing and he was starting to like it. He began to thrust her a bit faster and she noticed his increase in speed which satisfied her.
  248. “Gosh it’s so big ‘n hot!” Applejack moaned as she felt him pounding her faster and faster, Back Burn bit his lip again and continued but slowly he could feel himself going tense however the pleasure was too much, he loved her body which made him enjoy it more.
  250. Applejack moaned louder and louder, her moans turned him on more as he kept on penetrating her feeling more into it, he felt his lower region tingle as Applejack became more wet below, the feeling of her warm femness made him penetrate her harder as Applejack gripped onto the hay feeling him take over.
  252. “Oh gosh Back Burn it feels darn good!” she moaned as his face tightened, he could feel himself about to blow and just like his dream he wanted to reach the good part, the temptation drove him to go further and he clenched his teeth as he felt ready to release.
  254. Three loud knocks were heard at the barn door, at once both of them jumped then immediately Back Burn slid his member out of Applejack. He picked her up and held her close as he leaned against the barn door.
  256. “Back Burn you no good slow pony have you seen that orange mare around here!?” he became scared after hearing Miss Sherry’s voice.
  258. “U-um no Miss Sherry I ain’t seen her!”
  260. “What are you doing in there!?” her voice barked.
  262. “Just moving the apples, just like you told me too!”
  264. His body shifted slightly making his member poke up between Applejack’s legs making her moan but he quickly muffled her with his hand.
  266. “What was that noise Back Burn!?” Miss Sherry yelled.
  268. “Nothing Miss Sherry I promise!” he replied feeling dead nervous.
  270. “Good, I'm off to find that no good slacker!” she said storming off.
  272. Back Burn slowly relaxed as she went away from the barn.
  274. “That was damn close!” he sighed but somehow Back Burn felt excitement from the fact that he could have been caught.
  276. “Real close, now how about we get back in the mood?” Applejack asked leaning against the wall and grabbing Back Burn by the waist, she kissed him again and Back Burn kissed back tasting the rich apple flavour in her mouth, her need for him grew as she stroked his member making it hard.
  278. She hugged him and scissored her legs around his waist, her clit tingled as Back Burn felt his member slide back into her warm snug love hole. He began thrusting her again feeling the pleasure return as she started to moan uncontrollably.
  280. He stood firm and pounded her harder against the wall as she held onto his neck feeling him penetrate her deep with his invading manhood, he rubbed against her sensitive spot making her entire body tingle and tense up.
  282. “Do that again sugar cube!” she begged softly, Back Burn responded by bucking her hard making his tip rub against her g-spot. Each time he did he was rewarded with her femness tightening up around him, Applejack grabbed his waist as he kept fucking her in the same position.
  284. Her body went crazy as Back Burn penetrated her pleasuring her spot each time, her moans became louder and more desperate as he enjoyed her body more and more.
  286. “Gosh you’re making me wet!” she squealed as love fluids ran down her insides lubricating him making his manhood tingle.
  288. They locked lips again as he sped up and tasted her tongue, her moans became muffled in his mouth as he continued to buck hard sliding his thick warm hardness in and out of her, giving her several burst of pleasure which electrified her body.
  290. Back Burn couldn’t describe the feeling, but her wet marehood made him feel extremely good, her body seemed so beautiful when he was making love with her, and he loved seeing her desperate expression, it made him want more of her as he continued to penetrate her soft warm region, feeling her fluids rub against him. He pressed hard with his hands against the wall as his powerful hips thrust back and forth.
  292. Applejack was in ecstasy, she was enjoying it much more than he was, the feeling of his large member penetrating her satisfied her body intensely making her more desperate with each thrust, she loved feeling his huge muscular body overpowering her senses, she was glad to be here with him instead of inspecting stupid apples, this was much more fun.
  294. She stood back on the ground feeling him slide out of her slightly lubricated by her own wetness, she found another hay bale and leaned forward inviting Back Burn to her flank.
  296. “Come on cow boy, use that powerful body of yours and buck me like a tree!” Back Burn held her waist and guided his solid member back into her wet femness, he slid it in gently feeling his waist press up against Applejack’s soft rear, his hands sank into her flesh as he slowly retracted then thrusted deep into her making her gasp.
  298. “Goodness that was big!” she commented as Back Burn continued to buck his hips. Applejack enjoyed feeling him take her from behind, as his hands gripped her soft peachy rear she felt him penetrate her from a new angle, rubbing up against her sensitive areas.
  300. “Hooo boy now we’re talking!” she said as her body rocked back and forth. The sensation of his hot pole sliding in and out of her was making Applejack excited but she wanted it harder. “Come on now keep up! Don’t get left behind!” she teased gripping onto the hay for dear life as Back Burn pounded her harder.
  302. “This is so much fun, and I’m a naughty girl for skipping apple inspection, but it sure it worth it!” Applejack said not even realising she was drooling from the sheer enjoyment of Back Burn sexually invading her. She began to moan loudly making Back Burn hornier, he kept going faster and faster making Applejack’s body tingle all over.
  304. “He’s going on like a runaway train!” Applejack gasped as she felt her pleasure escalate, he smacked up against her ass as she tried to tame his raging hard on. “You ain’t gonna last forever boy, I’m a tough mare!” Applejack teased noticing he was slowing down.
  306. Back Burn enjoyed it but he felt his muscles tighten slightly, he stopped and rested making Applejack giggle.
  308. “Didn’t I tell you sugar cube? I’m hard to handle, you ain’t bad but I wonder if you can handle this?” with that said she pushed him to the ground making him land on the soft hay patch as she climbed on top of him.
  310. “Saddle up cowboy, this is gonna be one heck of a ride!” Applejack said as she spread her legs over his waist, she positioned herself above his member and lowered herself onto it, Back Burn felt himself penetrate her again as she bit her lip taking in every inch up to his waist, she smiled at him as she began to ride him slowly.
  312. She placed her hands on his chest and used them for support as she began to speed up, Back Burn could feel it already as her insides caressed him all around. She tried to stifle her moans but his hardness pleasured her as much as she pleasured him, she felt more sexual excitement as she began to ride him harder.
  314. “What’s with that face sugar cube? Giving up already?” Applejack teased as she stared at him seeing him cringe from the sensation, but even Applejack was feeling it and was trying to keep control of her body but the harder she rode him the less control she had. She began to get hotter as she leaned forwards and controlled her powerful hips making them slap against his body, she slid her hips back and forth making his member feel her all around inside.
  316. Applejack leaned further to kiss him, she could feel his warmth radiating from his bulky body, both of them were quite hot and sweaty and the room temperature had risen and it was driving Applejack’s senses crazy. She felt a tingle down below and began riding him again, but this time it was him pleasing her the most.
  318. “Gosh darn it he’s so solid!” Applejack gasped as she felt herself lose control of her rhythm, she rode him faster and harder grinding against his manhood, filling her own lustful desires with his thickness inside her. Her body began to shiver as the pleasure took over her mind making her sit up and use her finger to tease her clit more.
  320. Back Burn himself felt his body near climax, the tension in his groin soared as he felt the pressure build up below, his face tightened as Applejack stared at him with her beautiful green eyes. Her sexual moans were reaching his mind and he was thinking back to his wet dream where he was reaching the good part.
  322. Applejack was no longer in control of her body, her hips were going crazy with him, and she felt her climax nearing faster and faster, her femness became wetter and hotter as she rode him fast ready to give in.
  324. She let out 3 more moans before her body experienced a rush of pleasure and extreme sensation, Back Burn groaned loudly as his groin contracted and he began spurting bursts of seed into her, his load was massive and continued to shoot up into her receiving marehood, she felt it pulsate all around as her love hole contracted around him.
  326. As their sensual climax ended Applejack lifted herself off Back Burn, and sat on the ground watching his thick seed pour out of her. He lay there catching his breath as she eventually joined him.
  328. “Hooey well that was something!” she said laying on his chest.
  330. “I thought you were a tough mare?” Back Burn asked.
  332. “Hey just because you passed your first time, don’t mean you can get cocky with me cowboy!” she replied.
  334. “That was amazing, you really made me happy Miss.”
  336. “Just call me Applejack.” she replied stroking his mane.
  338. “Applejack you’re lovely!” he said with a smile.
  340. “Thanks sugar cube, that was definitely some wild fun!”
  342. He couldn’t agree more as he lay there with her in his arms without a care in the world, the two of them had even forgotten about Miss Sherry who was presumably still looking for Applejack, in the one place she would never dream of looking.
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