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Apr 1st, 2015
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  1. Altered monopoly directive cards:
  2. Individual:
  3. -Haiku: Comment on the current state of affairs in the form of a haiku, without hesitation. £500
  4. -Did you know: Share an interesting fact with the group. £200
  5. -Five Reasons Why: Play “five reasons why”, with a reason for anything suggested by one of the other players. Disallowed if hesitant. £300.
  6. -Just a Minute: Play a round of Just a Minute on the subject of the place you were on last. If uninterrupted for the full minute, receive £1500. If successful past 30 seconds, receive £750. If successful past 15 seconds, receive £375.
  7. -Grand Designs: Build an actual house in the middle of the board, with whatever materials you have to hand. Time limit: 3 minutes. House is scored out of 10 by the other players on its strength, inventiveness, practicality for habiting and aesthetics. Player receives up to £2000, depending on their score. Prize is equal to £50(s+i+p+a) where s, i, p and a are scores out of 10 for strength, inventiveness, practicality and aesthetics respectively.
  8. -5 second rule: Name three countries beginning with the same letter as the place you were last on. 5 second time limit. If player cannot complete the task in time, it passes to their left. The next player may not repeat any countries the previous player has said. First person to complete the task wins £200.
  9. -Flattery: Nominate another player to write you a poem about yourself. When the next directive card is played, this player must perform the poem. All players score the poem out of 10, and the poet receives £100 x the average of the scores.
  10. -Bastard landlord: the player may double the rent for any one of their properties (and only one). This is effective until the next directive card is played.
  11. -Thief: The player may steal one property of their choice from any other player. If the entire set was owned and contained houses/hotels, they are bought back by the bank for their full price.
  15. Group:
  16. -Buzzy Bees: Play a round of Buzzy Bees; the last person to play an individual directive card calls the letters. Winner receives £800, each subsequent runner up receives £200 less than the last. Caller receives £400.
  17. -Election: Each player must deliver a political speech, (time limit 2 minutes) suggesting policies they would implement if they were the mayor of the town in which the game takes place. Each player then votes for the candidate they feel should win. Players may not vote for themselves. Winning player receives £1000, each subsequent runner up receives £200 less.
  18. -Limerick: The group improvises a limerick, one line each. If the resultant limerick scans, rhymes and makes sense, each player receives £500.
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