

Mar 13th, 2017
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  1. Squib the gnome has always been an unusual creature, in a family of tinkers and engineers they preferred to stay outside with nature and study about plants. The machines their family made held little interest to them. One day whilst wandering through a forest nearby their home they stumbled upon an old druid who had been attacked by orcs, the old man was unable to move due to his injuries, luckily the quick thinking little gnome knew where some herbs were that could help the druid so they ran off through the forest to find them. they returned and rendered aid to the old man. The man was impressed with Squib's talents and offered to take them on as an apprentice. Though he promised it would not be easy, Squib quickly agreed. Squib had no idea what they were getting in for, this man wasn't just a druid, he was from a land called Chult. Squib had read about the place in stories and books, a far off island fool of volcanoes and fantastical creatures the likes of which they could only imagine.
  3. Squib, was fortunate that they were so young at the time, it helped them adjust to the rough lifestyle of the thick jungles more quickly. year after year in the old man's tutelage until their mentor was sleepwalking one day and unfortunately walked right in to a raptor nest, Had he been awake he likely would have survived by talking to the dinosaurs and explaining the whole situation. Instead he perished in a most metal of fashions, getting torn apart by a whole pack of pissed off velociraptors. When Squib found out they went to the raptors and pleaded for the return of their master's body so that they might offer it a proper burial. Though the raptors had no idea what that really meant, they allowed them to retrieve the corpse. They wrapped the body in their masters favorite robe and carried to the Peak of Flames, a massive volcano that was once home to Salamanders and other creatures of flame. When they arrived they said a prayer to Silvanus their god and then rolled their master's lifeless form in to the boiling magma of the volcano, where his ashes will remain part of nature for as long as the Peak stands.
  5. Without a teacher Squib returned to the druid grove in Chult that their master had been part of, where they trained with the circle of the moon, learning to assume the forms of the beasts around them, they never took another formal teacher, instead learning what they could from everyone around them. One day when they were out exploring the vast sweltering jungle they stumbled upon a group of otherworldly poachers, unfortunately they did this by not paying attention to where they were going, and stumbling in to a trap. This was how our young hero ended up a slave. They fought tooth and claw against them at first and managed to almost escape many times until one of the poachers got smart, placing a curse on the young gnome, causing them to not only calm down, but love the idea of being a slave. The curse had a few other side effects but Squib can't really remember what they were.
  7. Year after year Squib the gnome was bought and sold at various slave markets around Faerun until one day Squib's very drunk owner was playing a game of poker against a teifling who was as dashing as he was batshit crazy. The Tiefling won that game of cards and with it, won Squib as well. They traveled Faerun together for quite a while. The tiefling peddling his wares, and Squib, stuck in a cage. Eventually they entered a portal and ended up in the City of Brass where the Tiefling decided to set up shop.
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