

Jan 22nd, 2016
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  1. [18:14] IcePickLobotomy Mary: It's been a long day doing clerical work at a local office, but it's finally over. The baby is, as it so often is, quiet and peaceful on the ride back to your cramped apartment in a somewhat run down section of New York. You don't linger on the streets as the suns last rays filter between the highrises, casting long shadows across the worn and weathered brick exteior.
  2. [18:19] Mary is wearing her second hand work outfit, skirt, blouse, in a dark tone and rings are visibile around her eyes, and so she looks around, despite the time that she has spend here, it still has the spectre of the imoral and evil city around her as she had learned back home. But , as with so many things these lies for sinners where after all that lies.
  3. [18:21] IcePickLobotomy Down below you hear your "Neighbors" screaming at each-other again. It seems that someone spent their pay on beer again.
  4. [18:24] Mary Exhausted she throws the content of her mailbox on the shaky table, which leg she had stabilised with a book, advertisement and bills mostly but she did not look over them to carefully. She kicked her shoes away from her into a corner holding the lill one let herself sink down on the couch for a moment listening to the sound of the little heart beating before
  5. [18:25] IcePickLobotomy Your peaceful relaxation is interrupted by a polite, but firm, knock at your door. It's not the angry knock of the landlord demanding rent."
  6. [18:26] Mary she was after a scant number of minutes was forced to stand up, sliding out of her jacket and hanging it up, she might be poor but that was no reason to turn fully into a slob. But before she could go on the knock game, a polite knock in this neighboorhoor? Something was afoot there. And so she placed her kid in the cribt before heading to the door
  7. [18:30] Mary looky throught the eyehole before she relaxes slightly, and opens the door partially leaving the chain rattling there "Yes, but are you at the right miss robionson?"
  8. [18:31] Mary still wears the makeup that make her look like a legal adult, after all, even if she is sharp runaway teenagers get less job offers then a young woman , at least ones where one uses ones mind and not ones Legs.
  9. [18:31] IcePickLobotomy "Mary Robinson, moved here from Redwater Louisiana two months ago, correct?"
  10. [18:32] Mary blushes and nods "Yes ... how do you know that?" She asks somewhat suspicious
  11. [18:34] IcePickLobotomy "The organization I'm with wants to hire you for some very very important work, so finding you is in our interest."
  12. [18:34] Mary hallway, not that she really has one tries to look more cleaned up then the reminder of the apartment, it is the weight of doing one and a half jobs even with welfare that weights her down there . And coping with the stress of her life even if she isn't going for the bottle ..yet.
  13. [18:37] IcePickLobotomy "May I come in? It'd be easier to explain in person."
  14. [18:39] Mary "I do not quite find it belivable Miss walker that someone from the military would be interested in me, so might I see some credential to know that you are not a scheme, even if it is a unlikely one to rob me?
  15. [18:40] IcePickLobotomy "Of course." She pulls out two ID badges. the first is from the US Navy "Captain Amanda Walker." with her picture, followed by serial number, birth year, blood type and the like. The 2nd is almost identical, save that it's from a group called "METI".
  16. [18:42] Mary nods after a moment looking at it and finding that it looks enough like the one of her brother to be real, and so she steps back and opens the door, the handgun still in her other prior hidden hand but aimed at the ground. "Welcome to my humble abode then"
  17. [18:44] IcePickLobotomy She nods and steps inside. "In short, we have identified you as candidate for one of our projects. While I cannot go into details unless you join, I can assure you that this work is of vital importance, and that you will be generously compensated for it."
  18. [18:46] Mary "Ma'am , that honestly sounds like a load of bull" She says, falling for a second back into her home accent " I mean, why me ? "
  19. [18:47] IcePickLobotomy "You'd have to ask one of our science staff for the exact details, but a combination of neural plasticity and a unique neurological make up present in a extreme minority of the population is required for our candidates to take part in the project."
  20. [18:47] Mary puts the safety back on the gun, but against propper protocol simply rests it back in a drawer , outside of a kids reach
  21. [18:48] Mary "And how did you find me ?"
  22. [18:48] IcePickLobotomy "We asked the FBI to track down your location."
  23. [18:51] Mary "This answers the process of finding out where I live. But not quite why I would qualify for this program of yours. "
  24. [18:51] IcePickLobotomy "Classified." She sighs unhappily "Even to me."
  25. [18:53] Mary nods unsure and let her facade drop a bit ".W.Well ..."
  26. [18:57] IcePickLobotomy "Here." She passes you some paperwork outlining benifits. The pay is very good, and not locked behind a trust fund. Free medical care, some of the best available, for you and the baby. Paid-for child care so that you can finish your education and pursue a degree of your choosing as well, all at METI's expense. Plus, depending on the length of the work, free education for the baby too. Room...
  27. [18:57] IcePickLobotomy ...and board are both covered as well. "As I said, very very generous terms."
  28. [18:58] Mary "How dangerous is it " She says and now looks smaller and more her age , not the 17 to 18 facade that she had presented at the doorway, the fierce inner city woman even if she can't resist a smile " Considering what you are offering. "
  29. [19:00] IcePickLobotomy "Very dangerious. You will be directly risking your life and safety. However this project is intended to prevent the extinction of humanity." She the passes you a letter by signed by the President, and another by the Premier of the USSR, indicating that Walker is being honest and truthfully speaking for both countries.
  30. [19:01] Mary "I. how... how can mankind?"
  31. [19:01] Mary sounds shocked as this weight is added to her
  32. [19:03] IcePickLobotomy "Classified, unless you sign on, but rest assured that I am not exaggerating whatsoever. If this project fails, everyone dies. This city, you, me." She looks over at the crib with a deep frown. "Everyone dies."
  33. [19:04] Mary "There is no need to try to manipulate me " she says "I am not dumb, I know what it means if mankind dies."
  34. [19:04] Mary shots her a angry look.
  35. [19:05] IcePickLobotomy "My apologies, that wasn't meant that way, I just don't see many children that young." She sounds honest.
  36. [19:06] Mary "I. Yes .. I would not assume so on a military base . Sorry I. I am somewhat stressed even before your revelations the downside of a 10 hour work day without childcare included"
  37. [19:08] IcePickLobotomy "I can only imagine that, but I am familiar with stressful work environments myself." She removes her glasses and rubs her eyes, you notice that she too shares rings under her eyes and looks a tad pale.
  38. [19:09] Mary "Uh..coffe? Tea? Softdrink ? ." She offers belately remembering that she is the host here. " It isn't much but.."
  39. [19:10] IcePickLobotomy "I'm fine, thank you though." She does however take a seat.
  40. [19:12] Mary "What.. " She stands up and walks over to the kitchen to get herself a coke, one of her few small sins and then sits down as she fiddles with the bottlecap clearly distracted " What happens if I die?"
  41. [19:13] IcePickLobotomy "METI will ensure that the baby is cared for by the best minds available, given the best resources we can, and placed in a loving home that will look after. . . Her? Him? as best as anyone could."
  42. [19:18] Mary looks at her and then folds into herself "I.. I believe you" she says and then folds into herself and starts to cry
  43. [19:19] IcePickLobotomy Walker walks over and wraps her arms around your shoulders.
  44. [19:20] Mary leans against her and cries for a while muttering that she is sorry for that
  45. [19:22] IcePickLobotomy "I can't say I've never cried myself. No need to be sorry."
  46. [19:25] Mary "It.. it is just a way out of this dumb, of the daily fear if we will have enough to eat even with wellfare.."
  47. [19:26] IcePickLobotomy Walker nods
  48. [19:28] Mary "I...Thanks.. even.. Even if I risk my life I can make sure that my baby is safe and cared for."
  49. [19:28] Mary makes it clear that she know that it was not so beforehand
  50. [19:29] IcePickLobotomy "Sign here then." She produces a contract.
  51. [19:30] Mary nods and then takes the moment to produce a readable signature
  52. [19:31] IcePickLobotomy She nods. "Ok. . . So." She looks around, just in time for a thump from below as someone throws something. "Why don't you pack your things and we leave for Gilbratar after we get some dinner. I don't feel right leaving you two here."
  53. [19:32] Mary "I .. thanks , I think I can send in my notice from on the way and.. and I think we can carry most of my personal things with us.As you can see I am not really walloping in luxory here"
  54. [19:33] IcePickLobotomy "I'll go talk to the landlord for you and make sure the paperwork is ready. If you want any help packing I can ask my driver, Artyom, to help you."
  55. [19:33] Mary personal efforts might basically be 2 big suitcases and one for the baby as she spends most of her money on that.
  56. [19:34] Mary "Thanks for that and " For a moment she hesitates and then she nods " I would be willing to accept his help"
  57. [19:34] IcePickLobotomy "I'll send him up then."
  58. [19:36] IcePickLobotomy Mary: Artyom, a Russian on loan from the USSR is happy to help, and seems delighted at the chance to meet the baby. The rest of the nigh passes quickly as Walker takes you two out to dinner and has you aboard a private jet headed for Gibraltar shortly there after.
  59. [19:37] Mary Marry is thankfull for the help even if she is clearly a bit uncomfortable around the big man and she will be delighted in the diner, as better food was something that she missed. And she is also very distracted during the flight as it is the first time that she is in the air having had hicked and used a greyhound to get upstate
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