

Mar 28th, 2017
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  1. New Dailey, six hours after the genocidal Zerg teleport attack. The once sprawling metropolis is largely reduced to a wasteland of rubble and mutilated bodies. Kawalsky's ship, carrying the admiral himself as well as the increasingly confused and angered Captain Fleetwood and Agent O'Hammal, lands in a deserted area of the destroyed city. Kawalsky, Fleetwood and O'Hammal exit to witness the carnage.
  3. KAWALSKY: See? Thus is how I became the savior of Umoja; that is how my nation has been given... a future.
  4. FLEETWOOD: But my... h-h-how... how did that massacre accomplish anything?! I'll put a fucking bullet between your eyes for all your crimes, you deranged psycho---
  5. O'HAMMAL: Such slaughter is... unthinkable! What makes you think we're letting you walk out of this?!
  6. KAWALSKY: Turn on the broadcast system, if you wish to know.
  7. O'HAMMAL: ...
  9. in St. Elijah Street, the Umojans managed to build up emergency barricades and protect civilians from the Zerg invasion---
  10. of the Dominion teleport devices appeared right in the middle of the Meridian Avenue, killing an estimated 6,000 citizens with the recall blast. Zerg soon after---
  11. This is ASN reporting straight from the docks, where Zerg onslaught ravaged through fuel barrels. Firefighters and Umojan forces still struggle to extinguish the fire---
  12. The Corporate Council has issued a declaration of war against the Terran Dominion, and thanked the Umojan forces under Admiral Pietr Kawalsky for the assistance---
  13. Here at the mall, Dominion carnage reached its peak, with over 200,000 victims of the Zerg mass teleport. The heroic efforts of the Umojans managed to halt the spread---
  15. KAWALSKY: Excellent! It's done... it worked perfectly!
  16. FLEETWOOD: What... ?
  17. O'HAMMAL: So... that... was your plan. Only now I... understand.
  18. KAWALSKY: Of course! To force the entire Athlys system to reject the Dominion and ally with Umoja. Their vaunted independence could only be shaken by a cataclysmic event...
  19. KAWALSKY: ...and that event, one to put terror on the minds of all Athlysians for years to come, had to be connected to the most relentless and merciless force we know...
  20. O'HAMMAL: The Zerg.
  21. FLEETWOOD: Fuck... I... I...
  22. KAWALSKY: Umoja was threatened of doom, of disappearing under weak agencies and an isolationist position in such a dangerous galaxy. This was a major suspicion of mine, and it was further confirmed by anthropologists and social scientists all over the sector.
  23. KAWALSKY: Umoja needs allies, and it needs the strength to cower the Dominion - and all corrupt dictatorships that threaten Man - in fear.
  24. KAWALSKY: That strength comes from its newfound allies, the Athlys System. With only a few million casualties, I achieved more than hundreds of millions of victims ever would.
  25. KAWALSKY: The "Dominion soldiers" found in the Jameson & Grommel facility and our troops' role in fighting the Hawk gained the trust of these tough, but - until now - aimless, dreamless people.
  26. O'HAMMAL: But even you wouldn't resist sharing the truth with someone else...
  27. KAWALSKY: Other than Meru Samadhi and John Richards? Yeah, definitely. A few worthy minds may keep a secret...
  28. KAWALSKY: Minds such as yours.
  29. FLEETWOOD: What makes you even consider we'll simply let you walk out of this?
  30. KAWALSKY: ...
  31. KAWALSKY: I'm not sure if I understand you, Captain.
  32. FLEETWOOD: Well, O'Hammal still has the data disc exposing your crimes, and we'll be damn sure to reveal its contents to everyone in this forsaken star system before---
  33. O'HAMMAL: Fleetwood, I'm afraid it is pointless to do it now.
  34. FLEETWOOD: ...
  35. FLEETWOOD: What??
  36. O'HAMMAL: It's check mate for him. There are hundreds of thousands of slaughtered civilians out there, lying dead in a smoldering city. The Zerg are all dead as well, defeated by Umojans, the real victors in this war - trained by Kawalsky himself to hunt down Zerg, in a top secret assignment.
  37. O'HAMMAL: It is pointless to expose the truth now: its immediate consequences would raise the death toll to billions, as Athlys would wage war on Umoja... since the Hawk is Admiral Kawalsky.
  38. FLEETWOOD: I-I-I can't believe it! I'm not even a fucking Umojan as you know, so god damn your planet and your society!
  39. FLEETWOOD: This monster used millions of civilians as sacrificial goats, and our own army was torn to pieces while fighting this fraud of a war!
  40. FLEETWOOD: Fuck, after what we've been thru, do you want me to---
  41. O'HAMMAL: Listen. I've seen the contents of the data disc, and they reveal how Kawalsky himself is responsible for hiring the mercenaries, who then pretended to be Dominion soldiers, via a third party: Meru Samadhi.
  42. O'HAMMAL: With a powerful Protoss jewel under his guard, acquired in an exploration mission, he obtained control over a Zerg Brood. With X-Zero and other similarly advanced technology, his plan could proceed...
  43. FLEETWOOD: But killing millions to save millions or even billions is the work of a madman!!
  44. O'HAMMAL: I wouldn't hesitate to blow his brains out anytime prior to the triggering of the teleporters which brought the Zerg to New Dailey, but once he did it... morals were no longer a variable in the equation. It is all about minimizing the losses now.
  45. FLEETWOOD: ...
  46. O'HAMMAL: It's done, man. If we reveal the contents of the disc, heΒ΄ll be undone for sure, but the consequences will be dreadful: they'll mean the destruction of Umoja due to this fraud.
  47. FLEETWOOD: Maybe... maybe Umoja deserves it.
  48. KAWALSKY: Since Agent O'Hammal understands my point, I'll leave it all up to you, Captain Fleetwood. My work is done regardless, so it's your choice.
  49. KAWALSKY: Put a bullet to my head, reveal the disc's contents, or otherwise take your chance and flee and do not return... it's all up to you.
  50. KAWALSKY: I'm vulnerable. Kill me right now, if you think this is the best course of action.
  51. FLEETWOOD: ...
  52. KAWALSKY: Thought so. Farewell gentlemen, I must be gone. I'll lend you this bank card with credits. Password is "mywesthold"... an anagram of Thomas Wylde.
  54. Kawalsky enters the ship and begins take off, but as he's flying off, a bomb inside the ship goes off and blows up the vessel, killing him.
  56. O'HAMMAL: What the---
  57. FLEETWOOD: That's for my wife, son of a bitch.
  58. O'HAMMAL: Whoa! I didn't see that coming.
  59. FLEETWOOD: That's what he deserved. Poetic justice, so to say.
  60. FLEETWOOD: Still... things are... much harder now.
  61. O'HAMMAL: Hard to see things in grey instead of black and white, huh? Welcome to a ghost's world.
  62. O'HAMMAL: Rest assured that the destiny of worlds lies with you. What Kawalsky did was a crime beyond the intellect and measuring of most human minds, but...
  63. O'HAMMAL: To me, what's done is done. I bet he's been haunted by his own wicked, imaginary phantoms ever since he set this in motion.
  64. FLEETWOOD: ...
  65. O'HAMMAL: So... what will it be? Reveal everything and let the war rage on...
  66. O'HAMMAL: Or, perhaps, hide the truth and see how it all goes.
  67. O'HAMMAL: It's your choice.
  69. Screen fades to black as the credits begin to roll.
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