
ODST Alomar Pt1 (MLPxHalo)

Jul 3rd, 2014
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  1. >"Pod controls damaged. Manual override needed."
  2. >"Pod controls damaged. Manual override needed."
  3. "Nnngh..."
  4. >"Pod controls damaged. Manual override needed."
  5. >You blinked a few times, slowly coming to.
  6. >There was blood on the inside of your visor, likely from the cut you felt on your eyebrow.
  7. >"Pod controls damaged. Manual override needed."
  8. "Fuck off..." You grunted, still taking stock of your situation.
  9. >Slipspace rupture right in front of your eyes, blinding light...impact, then black-out.
  10. >"Command acknowledged."
  11. >The computer shut off, the red OLED above you blinking at a steady interval.
  12. >A quick self check showed that you were...physically alright, at the very least.
  13. >A little sore, a little beat up, but hey.
  14. >You hit the ground going at...Mach .9, it was a miracle you weren't *dead*.
  15. >Your weapons were still alright, nothing short of a Covie glassing could break these things.
  16. >Your medical kit was alright as well, though your grenades were shot.
  17. >Cracked open and leaking the explosive powder all over the pod...this could be bad.
  18. >You took them off and laid them on the floor of the pod, not wanting the explosives on you.
  19. >Your helmet, strangely, wasn't getting any radio signals.
  20. >Looking outside, you saw...trees.
  21. >There were no trees in Mombasa.
  22. >There were no buildings in this forest.
  23. >You looked about your SOEIV, looking for the emergency releases.
  24. >You hit the seven buttons, wondering for a brief moment why there were seven and not just, you know, one or two.
  25. >The door blew off, and you stepped out, M7/S in your hands and M6G on the holster around your waist.
  26. >Birds quickly retreated, scared off from the blast.
  27. >Your compass was attempting to get its bearings, spinning around fruitlessly.
  28. >Thankful there was a way to manually set it, you simply looked up.
  29. >The sun appeared to be setting rapidly, so you deemed that direction 'west'.
  30. >The compass then reset itself.
  31. >Now, to get out of this blasted forest to actually get your bearings.
  32. >You turned and began stripping your pod.
  33. >You weren't entirely sure why, though. There wasn't exactly a command post to move to.
  34. "Oh well."
  35. >You packed up your additional ammunition, MREs, anything and everything you could carry.
  36. >Your senses were still on edge.
  37. >This forest was...dark. Too dark.
  38. >Made the hairs prickle on the back of your neck, like something was watching you.
  39. "Gah. Just nerves."
  40. >You then started walking in a direction at random, you didn't care which.
  41. >As you walked, you took stock.
  42. >Twenty mags for your M7, ten for the M6G, two more frags, three C7 charges and a detpack, several MREs, an emergency beacon, and no idea what you were doing.
  43. >Goodie.
  44. >No IFF pings either. Hadn't been for over an hour.
  45. >Hell, at this point you'd be glad to see a Covie Grunt.
  46. >...granted, you'd plug his ass with lead the instant you saw him, but at least it wasn't this.
  47. >Walking, through a dark forest.
  48. >Alone.
  49. "Dammit, and Allez owed me a hundred creds." You grumped. "That's fine, though. Set up this beacon here, wait for UNSC rescue."
  50. >You sighed.
  51. "What in the fuck happened, anyway?"
  52. >Going in for Regret's carrier.
  53. >Chief cleared the path through that other assault carrier...
  54. >Deployed, then...a flash of white.
  55. >A jump in atmo? That had to have been suicide.
  56. >Didn't explain a whole lot, but did explain why you were separated from your squad.
  57. >You took off the stuffy helmet, just in time to hear something shift the bushes behind you.
  58. >Putting it back on and polarizing the visor, you drew your M6G and waited.
  59. "Come out of there slowly, this is your only warning!" You warned, aiming at the bushes.
  60. >Something lunged, and you pulled the trigger without hesitation.
  61. >The thing was suddenly missing a good quarter of its head as it blew past you.
  62. >Like a strange lion/bat/scorpion hybrid.
  63. "What...?"
  64. >You were making sure your helmet was recording this.
  65. >You kicked it to make sure it wasn't gonna get back up and try to kill you.
  66. >It merely bled a little more, unmoving. The spatter spread along the ground and to a tree behind it, where the bullet had finally come to rest.
  67. >Satisfied, you holstered your weapon.
  68. >You were finally leaving the forest, though it was still the dead of night.
  69. >There was a small hamlet in the distance, with some lights still on.
  70. >It appeared to be roughly fourteenth century, which was...odd, to say the least.
  71. >Any human colony would be built off of pre-fabricated buildings at first...perhaps they had been lost?
  72. >It wasn't exactly unheard of, especially with the war going on. Sometimes, early colonies were simply...misplaced.
  73. >Still, it didn't explain the poor state of things.
  74. >You shrugged. It was as good a place as any to get information. They might even let you set the beacon up.
  75. >You took your helmet off again, letting your head cool off.
  76. >These ODST helmets were always just a bit too stuffy, in your opinion.
  77. >Your next opinion would have to wait, as you were suddenly struck from behind.
  78. ---
  79. >"It's dangerous, Spike!" A female voice said, rousing you from your sleep.
  80. >"Are you sure? It seems pretty cool to me." A male voice responded almost instantly.
  81. >"I watched it brutally murder a manticore in under a second, yes I'm sure!" The female voice said again, at just under a shout.
  82. >You groaned, waking from unconsciousness twice in...who knows how long.
  83. >There would be legitimate brain damage before you were done, you were certain.
  84. >Trying to stretch a kink in your back, you discovered that your hands and legs were bound, and that you were sitting against a wall in a darkened room.
  85. >Your equipment bags had been removed, including the bulky one on your back.
  86. >Your armor had not, however.
  87. >The familiar outline of your ODST helmet was sitting on a small nightstand a few meters away, but you were pretty well restrained.
  88. >Another quick yank confirmed your suspicions.
  89. >This wasn't rope, this was iron chain.
  90. >The knife still under your belt wouldn't help at all.
  91. >"So what are you going to do with an obviously dangerous creature, then?" The male voice, Spike you assumed, asked.
  92. >"Interrogate it, see why it's here. It's not in any of my books, it HAS to be a new species! First contact rules, remember?"
  93. >"Oh, right. I suppose I'll get the parchment and quills..."
  94. >You grunted in pain when the door was suddenly thrown open, light spilling into the room.
  95. >Slowly opening them, you did a mental double-take and several slow blinks.
  96. >Walking towards you was a purple pony, whom would have been roughly thigh high from its shoulder on down.
  97. >The top of its head would have reached the top of your stomach.
  98. >It was sporting a tri-colored purple-light purple-pink mane, as well as wings and a horn.
  99. >The answer was simple: You were either hallucinating from Covenant interrogation drugs, or you were dead.
  100. >The twinge in the back of your head eliminated the second as an option.
  101. >Unless you had *literally* jumped into hell.
  102. >You had a magma-side suite to get to if that were the case.
  103. >Its horn suddenly glowed with a bright pink light, bringing over what appeared to be your dog tags.
  104. >Your mind was slightly blown, but you had more pressing matters to attend to.
  105. >Namely, getting these chains off.
  106. >"Captain Alomar, Blood type O Negative, serial number 051568-83430-RA." The horse read aloud.
  107. >Definitely your tags, and this was starting to look more and more like an interrogation every second.
  108. >The lights clicked on, and you winced.
  109. >Another, shorter being walked in seconds later, quill and parchment in his grip.
  110. >Purple, green underbelly, reptilian...not a Covenant species either.
  111. >"What did that manticore do to you?" The horse asked you suddenly, not angry, but demanding.
  112. >Is that what that was? A fairytale come to life?
  113. >Would definitely explain the winged unicorn interrogating you.
  114. >The possibility that you were dead or dying suddenly sprung back up.
  115. "Attacked me, I fought back." You replied shortly.
  116. >"With lethal force?"
  117. "I don't play games," You said, pausing when you realized you didn't have a name for her.
  118. >"Twilight Sparkle." She supplied after a moment, cautiously looking you over. "Why were you coming here, to Ponyville?"
  119. >She was being...much too gentle for a Covie interrogator.
  120. >You hadn't had a plasma knife cut a finger off yet, or been slugged across the jaw, or tortured for hours...
  121. >She was also letting out far, far too much information freely.
  122. "I get home."
  123. >"Home? Which is...?"
  124. "That's classified information."
  125. >"Hmph."
  126. >She walked around you a bit, and you followed as she did, eyes locked to hers.
  127. "Boo."
  128. >She jumped, wings flaring out in a display, before sending you a withering glare and tucking them to her sides.
  129. >You chuckled.
  130. "You're not Covenant, are you." You said, not really a question.
  131. >"Covenant?"
  132. >The two of you stared at one another, blankly.
  133. "...right. I'm going to have to have you let me go." You said calmly.
  134. >This was time that you could have spent setting up that rescue beacon.
  135. >"I can't."
  136. "...and why not?" You questioned.
  137. >"Because Princess Celestia is on her way to question you as well." The horse, Twilight, replied.
  138. >Great.
  139. "Can you at least let me out of these restraints?"
  140. >"I...I'm sorry, I can't. I can't trust you enough to not go on a rampage across Ponyville."
  141. >You sighed.
  142. "I won't leave this room, then. You can even have someone watch me." You said, trying to convince this (admittedly rightfully paranoid) unicorn that you would behave.
  143. >She stared at you for a few minutes, weighing her options.
  144. >"...fine."
  145. >Her horn lit up again, and you felt the chains loosen, then fall away.
  146. >Your arms and legs immediately felt like they were on fire as blood flow was allowed to continue in earnest, giving your blood-starved limbs what they needed most.
  147. >"If you leave this room, I won't be responsible for what I'll have to do to you." The horse said, attempting to act intimidating.
  148. >It wasn't really working.
  149. >Telekinetics, while somewhat worrying, wasn't anything to truly fret about.
  150. >When she was suddenly seven feet tall with a shielded suit, shouting at you in Sangheili, was when you could worry.
  151. >She and the reptile then left, and you heard the door get barricaded.
  152. >No matter.
  153. >As much as you didn't want to sleep, you knew it was in your best interest.
  154. >So you supplanted that need with your helmet.
  155. >You put it on, then looked through it for some vids to watch.
  156. >Something to keep you entertained before this "Princess Celestia" arrived.
  157. ---
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