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Aug 11th, 2013
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  1. [14:14] <SmasherDynamo> Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the final round of the Ninth Gauntlet! The winner gets that most precious of gifts: Life!
  2. [14:14] <SmasherDynamo> The losers are relegated to the dustbin of history!
  3. [14:15] <Monathin> I BELIEVE IN THE MACHINE
  4. [14:17] <SmasherDynamo> Introducing first, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, the Montreal Manatees:
  5. [14:18] <Monathin> :unsmith: Good luck Manatees
  6. [14:18] <SmasherDynamo> From Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, owned by the mountain man, mentholmoose: the Oklahoma City Bombers:
  7. [14:18] <mentholmoose> :ohdear:
  8. [14:19] <mentholmoose> what on earth
  9. [14:19] <SmasherDynamo> I don't know.
  10. [14:19] <SmasherDynamo> It just seemed right.
  11. [14:20] <SmasherDynamo> From the Great Connecticut Desert, The THUNDERSTORMS:
  12. [14:20] <@McFreeze> Look at the 2 major divisions in our country the southerners polite laid back mostly christian and very patrioticWhile the Northern states mostly is about big business education and making money
  13. [14:20] <mentholmoose> i can't even listen to that without being offended
  14. [14:20] <SmasherDynamo> And finally, from South Dakota, Canada, they will probably die alone, the South Dakota Marmosets:
  15. [14:21] <SmasherDynamo> What, you don't think that things wouldn't have been awesome if the South would have won.
  16. [14:21] <SmasherDynamo> They were fighting for freedom!
  17. [14:21] <SmasherDynamo> Also, against freedom!
  18. [14:24] <SmasherDynamo> After one month, it's Marmosets 9-4, Bombers 8-5, THUNDERstorms 5-8, Manatees 4-9
  19. [14:24] <@McFreeze> nooooo
  20. [14:24] <mentholmoose> fucking marmosets
  21. [14:24] <Monathin> Thunderstorms :smith:
  22. [14:25] <@McFreeze> we all hate the marmosets
  23. [14:25] <@McFreeze> and the bombers too
  24. [14:25] <mentholmoose> i love the bombers
  25. [14:25] <mentholmoose> so bite me
  26. [14:26] <mentholmoose> on a slightly related note, rickey henderson appeared in playgirl
  27. [14:26] <@McFreeze> this month?
  28. [14:26] <mentholmoose> haha, i don't think so
  29. [14:26] <mentholmoose> back in the 80's he did
  30. [14:26] <SmasherDynamo> After month two, it's a fucking massacre!
  31. [14:26] <mentholmoose> :ohdear:
  32. [14:26] <SmasherDynamo> Bombers 18-8, THUNDERstorms 12-14, Manatees 12-14, Manatees 10-16
  33. [14:27] <mentholmoose> lol yes
  34. [14:27] <SmasherDynamo> And it'll be up to the Manatees to try and slow the Bombers down in this last month...
  35. [14:28] <@McFreeze> literally the worst possible ordering
  36. [14:28] <Monathin> so what happens if the bombers survive
  37. [14:28] <Monathin> do we have the bombers and the disasters
  38. [14:28] * mks5000 ( Quit (Client exited)
  39. [14:28] <mentholmoose> that's what i assumed
  40. [14:29] <SmasherDynamo> And the Bombers lose eight straight!
  41. [14:29] <Monathin> WELP
  42. [14:29] <mentholmoose> oh what the fuck
  43. [14:30] <Monathin> rip in pieces oklahoma city
  44. [14:30] <@McFreeze> YESSS
  45. [14:32] <mentholmoose> they still have an OK chance, though
  46. [14:32] <SmasherDynamo> With one series left for each team, it's Bombers 20-17, Manatees 19-18, THUNDERSTORMS 18-19, Marmosets 17-20.
  47. [14:32] <SmasherDynamo> Everyone is alive!
  49. [14:32] <Monathin> I BELIEVE
  50. [14:33] <Monathin> IN THE MACHINE
  51. [14:34] <SmasherDynamo> Thunderstorms finished with a sweep! And they'll finish with a 21-19 record!
  52. [14:35] <SmasherDynamo> Bombers just need to win one of their last three games against the Manatees to advance.
  53. [14:35] <mentholmoose> oh god
  54. [14:35] <SmasherDynamo> They drop the first one.[14:36] <SmasherDynamo> They win only one of three...and we have a three-way tie!
  55. [14:37] <SmasherDynamo> Bombers, Thunderstorms, Manatees all with a 21-19 record!
  56. [14:37] <Monathin> OH GOD
  57. [14:37] <mentholmoose> god damn it
  58. [14:37] <Monathin> how do we settle the tie
  59. [14:37] <@McFreeze> a 3-way baseball game!
  60. [14:38] <SmasherDynamo> A three-way round robin!
  61. [14:38] <SmasherDynamo> First game: Bombers at Thunderstorms!
  62. [14:39] <SmasherDynamo> Thunderstorms win 7-4!
  63. [14:39] <mentholmoose> ugh
  64. [14:39] <@McFreeze> good result
  65. [14:39] <SmasherDynamo> Second game: Bombers at Manatees....Bombers win 5-2!
  66. [14:39] <@McFreeze> bad!!!
  67. [14:39] <mentholmoose> yes
  68. [14:39] <SmasherDynamo> Manatees at Thunderstorms...Thunderstorms will be champions with a win here....
  69. [14:39] <SmasherDynamo> Manatees win 10-0!
  70. [14:40] <SmasherDynamo> The round robin has settled nothing!
  71. [14:40] <@McFreeze> tiebreaker!
  72. [14:40] <@McFreeze> run differential!
  73. [14:40] <SmasherDynamo> AND SO WE'LL DO IT AGAIN!
  74. [14:40] <Monathin> MADNESS
  75. [14:40] <mentholmoose> oh my god
  76. [14:40] <mentholmoose> my heart
  77. [14:40] <SmasherDynamo> Thunderstorms at Bombers....
  78. [14:40] <SmasherDynamo> Thunderstorms win again 3-1!
  79. [14:41] <mentholmoose> fuck
  80. [14:41] <SmasherDynamo> Bombers at Manatees...
  81. [14:41] <SmasherDynamo> Bombers win 6-4!
  82. [14:41] <mentholmoose> haha
  83. [14:41] <Monathin> C'MON T-STORMS[14:41] <SmasherDynamo> And so, once again, the Thunderstorms control their own destiny!
  84. [14:41] <Monathin> I BELIEVE
  85. [14:42] <SmasherDynamo> Manatees at Thunderstorms....
  86. [14:42] <SmasherDynamo> Manatees win 9-3!
  87. [14:42] <@McFreeze> GO MANATEES
  88. [14:42] <SmasherDynamo> We'll go to a third round-robin series.
  89. [14:42] <mentholmoose> lmao
  90. [14:42] <@Pash> Can we just say fuck this and let the marmosets win as they are not making more games happen?
  91. [14:42] <SmasherDynamo> Manatees at Thunderstorms...
  92. [14:42] <Monathin> THUNDERSTORMS PLEASE
  93. [14:42] <Monathin> DON'T DO THIS TO ME
  94. [14:42] <@McFreeze> DIE THUNDERSTORMS
  95. [14:43] <Monathin> FUCK YOU MCFREEZE
  96. [14:43] <SmasherDynamo> Thunderstorms finally win one, 6-2!
  97. [14:43] <@McFreeze> FUCK
  98. [14:43] <Monathin> YES
  99. [14:43] <SmasherDynamo> Manatees at Bombers now...
  100. [14:43] <SmasherDynamo> Or, rather, Thunderstorms at Bombers...
  101. [14:43] <SmasherDynamo> Bombers win 7-4!
  102. [14:44] <mentholmoose> YES
  103. [14:44] <SmasherDynamo> And so now it'll be the bombers' chance to win this...
  104. [14:44] <@McFreeze> the bombers are the worst team in histroy
  105. [14:44] <@McFreeze> worse than the berlin hitlers
  106. [14:44] <mentholmoose> just found my next team name, thanks mcfreeze
  107. [14:44] <Monathin> DESTROY THE BOMBERS
  108. [14:44] <SmasherDynamo> Bombers at Manatees....
  109. [14:44] <SmasherDynamo> Manatees win 7-4!
  110. [14:44] <@McFreeze> YES
  111. [14:44] <SmasherDynamo> This will never end!
  112. [14:44] <mentholmoose> fuck[14:45] <mentholmoose> jesus christ
  113. [14:45] <Monathin> is this round robin round five?
  114. [14:45] <SmasherDynamo> One team's obit just has to be a recap of these tiebreakers.
  115. [14:45] <SmasherDynamo> This is four, I think.
  116. [14:45] <SmasherDynamo> Thunderstorms at Bombers....
  117. [14:45] <SmasherDynamo> Bombers win 6-5!
  118. [14:45] <mentholmoose> good
  119. [14:46] <SmasherDynamo> Now with another chance to wrap things up.
  120. [14:46] <@McFreeze> the bombers can go to hell
  121. [14:46] <SmasherDynamo> Bombers at Manatees...
  122. [14:46] <Monathin> bombers are the worst
  123. [14:46] <Monathin> MANATEES YOU CAN DO IT
  124. [14:46] <mentholmoose> bombers own
  125. [14:46] <SmasherDynamo> Wait, first Thunderstorms at Manatees....
  126. [14:47] <Monathin> thunders pls
  127. [14:47] <Monathin> pls thunder
  128. [14:47] <SmasherDynamo> Thunderstorms win 3-2!
  129. [14:47] <Monathin> THE MACHINE LIVES
  130. [14:47] <@McFreeze> damn it
  131. [14:47] <SmasherDynamo> And so now it will come down to Bombers at Manatees...
  132. [14:47] <SmasherDynamo> If the Bombers win, then all of this is over!
  133. [14:47] <Monathin> pls no
  134. [14:47] <Monathin> anything but the bombers
  135. [14:47] <Monathin> the machine deserves another chance
  136. [14:47] <@McFreeze> the machine was relegated once already
  137. [14:48] <SmasherDynamo> Manatees win 4-3!
  138. [14:48] <Zodiac5000> sad day.
  139. [14:48] <Zodiac5000> Marmosets down
  140. [14:48] <@McFreeze> YES
  141. [14:48] <SmasherDynamo> We'll go to a fifth tiebreaker!
  142. [14:48] <mentholmoose> AAAAAAAA
  143. [14:48] <Monathin> YESSSS
  144. [14:48] <SmasherDynamo> And Mogul's engine is starting to breakdown here, it can no longer produce game reports!
  145. [14:48] <mentholmoose> lmao
  146. [14:48] <Monathin> :regd05:
  147. [14:48] <Zodiac5000> It's the marmosets coming back
  148. [14:48] <@McFreeze> i don't think that is the correct emoticon
  149. [14:49] <SmasherDynamo> Thunderstorms at Bombers!
  150. [14:49] <SmasherDynamo> Thunderstorms win 9-0!
  151. [14:49] <@McFreeze> YES
  152. [14:49] <mentholmoose> shit
  153. [14:49] <SmasherDynamo> Bombers at Manatees....
  154. [14:49] <SmasherDynamo> Bombers win 3-2!
  155. [14:49] <@McFreeze> FUCK
  156. [14:49] <mentholmoose> godo
  157. [14:49] <mentholmoose> good*
  158. [14:49] <mentholmoose> go manatees!
  159. [14:49] <SmasherDynamo> And so, once again, the Thunderstorms have a chance to end this madness.
  160. [14:49] <Monathin> THUNDER, THUNDER, THUNDER
  161. [14:49] <Monathin> THUNDERSTORMS, HO
  162. [14:50] <SmasherDynamo> Manatees win 8-5!
  163. [14:50] <SmasherDynamo> We'll go to another tiebreaker.
  164. [14:50] <mentholmoose> ahahahahahahhaha
  165. [14:50] <@McFreeze> I have a solution
  166. [14:50] <@McFreeze> shoot the bombers in the head
  167. [14:50] <Zodiac5000> Summon the marmosets to beat them all. they are all obviously completely incapable of actually playing real baseball
  168. [14:50] <SmasherDynamo> Thunderstorms at Bombers once again!
  169. [14:50] <SmasherDynamo> Bombers win 2-0!
  170. [14:51] <Monathin> fuck
  171. [14:51] <@McFreeze> arrrrgh
  172. [14:51] <mentholmoose> good start
  173. [14:51] <SmasherDynamo> Bombers can end this with a win over the Manatees.
  174. [14:51] <SmasherDynamo> For the love of god, Bombers, just end this madness!
  175. [14:51] <mentholmoose> praying here
  176. [14:51] <SmasherDynamo> Manatees win 4-3!
  177. [14:52] <mentholmoose> god damn it
  178. [14:52] <SmasherDynamo> Can't any of you fucks win two fucking games in a row?
  179. [14:52] <@McFreeze> GO MANATEES
  180. [14:52] <SmasherDynamo> Manatees, with their first chance to end the Gauntlet....
  181. [14:53] <SmasherDynamo> And they blow it badly! Thunderstorms win 7-0!
  182. [14:53] <SmasherDynamo> Fuck it all!
  183. [14:53] <mentholmoose> oh my god
  184. [14:53] <@McFreeze> why manatees why
  185. [14:53] <Zodiac5000> yessss
  186. [14:53] <mentholmoose> round 6 then?
  187. [14:53] <@Beet> Holy shit this is insane
  188. [14:53] <SmasherDynamo> Round 7.
  189. [14:53] <SmasherDynamo> Okay, let's review.
  190. [14:53] <Zodiac5000> The marmosets couldn't win against this clowncar of failure?
  191. [14:53] <Monathin> around and around the mulberry bush, the thunder chased the manatee
  192. [14:53] <@gingemidget> Imagine if this had happened for the wildcard tiebreaker.
  193. [14:53] <Monathin> the bomber thought it was all in fun-
  194. [14:53] <SmasherDynamo> Tiebreaker 1: Bombers blow it
  195. [14:54] <SmasherDynamo> Tiebreaker 2: Thunderstorms blow it
  196. [14:54] <SmasherDynamo> Tiebreaker 3: Bombers blow it.
  197. [14:54] <SmasherDynamo> Tiebreaker 4: Thunderstorms blow it
  198. [14:54] <SmasherDynamo> I think I might have missed on in there.
  199. [14:54] <SmasherDynamo> At any rate.
  200. [14:54] <SmasherDynamo> It's time for the seventh tiebreaker.
  201. [14:55] <SmasherDynamo> Manatees at Thunderstorms to lead things off.
  202. [14:55] <SmasherDynamo> Thunderstorms win 2-1!
  203. [14:55] <@McFreeze> nooo
  204. [14:55] <SmasherDynamo> Thunderstorms now with a chance to ice this series with a win over the Bombers...
  205. [14:55] <SmasherDynamo> Bombers win 3-2!
  206. [14:55] <Monathin> I believe in the Thunderstorms
  207. [14:55] <Monathin> FUCK
  208. [14:55] <mentholmoose> yes
  209. [14:56] <mentholmoose> come on, one more win
  210. [14:56] <@McFreeze> dear bombers: dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed
  211. [14:56] <SmasherDynamo> And so it comes down to this, Bombers can end this with a win in Montreal.
  212. [14:56] <Monathin> manatees can do this
  213. [14:56] <SmasherDynamo> FUCK!
  214. [14:56] <SmasherDynamo> Manatees win 3-1.
  215. [14:56] <@McFreeze> YAY
  216. [14:56] <Monathin> AMAZING
  217. [14:56] <mentholmoose> damn it all to hell
  218. [14:57] <Monathin> TIEBREAKER NUMBER NINE
  219. [14:57] <SmasherDynamo> Eight.
  220. [14:57] <Monathin> Eight
  221. [14:57] <SmasherDynamo> Thunderstorms at Bombers...
  222. [14:57] <Monathin> are the wheels just coming off the mogul engine at this point
  223. [14:57] <SmasherDynamo> Thunderstorms with a big win 11-1!
  224. [14:58] <Monathin> I BELIEVE IN THE MACHINE
  225. [14:58] <mentholmoose> NOOOO
  226. [14:58] <SmasherDynamo> Bombers at Manatees...
  227. [14:58] <SmasherDynamo> Bombers win 13-3!
  228. [14:58] <@McFreeze> FUCK YOU
  229. [14:58] <mentholmoose> haha god damn
  230. [14:58] <SmasherDynamo> And so it comes down to this, hopefully.
  231. [14:58] <mentholmoose> go manatees
  232. [14:58] <Monathin> Manatees at Thunder?
  233. [14:58] <SmasherDynamo> If the Thunderstorms win, they win the Gauntlet. If they lose....well, ninth tiebreaker.
  234. [14:59] <Monathin> THUNDER, THUNDER, THUNDER
  235. [14:59] <SmasherDynamo> Un fucking believable.
  236. [14:59] <SmasherDynamo> Manatees win 9-7.
  237. [14:59] <Zodiac5000> This Baseball is shameful! Shameful!!!!
  238. [14:59] <SmasherDynamo> None of you assholes deserve to survive.
  239. [14:59] <mentholmoose> hahahahaha
  240. [14:59] <Zodiac5000> MARMOSETTTTTSSSS
  241. [14:59] <@McFreeze> just call it
  242. [14:59] <@McFreeze> everyone dies
  243. [15:00] <SmasherDynamo> Okay, maybe if we change the mood, this will finally end:
  244. [15:00] <SmasherDynamo> This is the ninth Gauntlet tiebreaker.
  245. [15:01] <SmasherDynamo> The Oklahoma City Bombers, Thunderstorms and Montreal Manatees all trying to survive.
  246. [15:01] <Monathin> Kid gripped onto his pick'em ticket, believed in GVOLTT, believed in The Machine.
  247. [15:01] <SmasherDynamo> First game: Thunderstorms at OKC Bombers
  248. [15:01] <SmasherDynamo> Thunderstorms win 5-4!
  249. [15:01] <@McFreeze> YES
  250. [15:01] <mentholmoose> fuck
  251. [15:01] <SmasherDynamo> OKC Bombers at Manatees....
  252. [15:02] <Monathin> Kid's smile brightened. They had a win under their belt.
  253. [15:02] <Monathin> All they needed was one more win. This had gone on long enough.
  254. [15:02] <SmasherDynamo> Bombers win 6-5!
  255. [15:02] <@McFreeze> BAD
  256. [15:02] <mentholmoose> go manatees again
  257. [15:02] <SmasherDynamo> And so it comes to this, the Thunderstorms have another chance to win!
  258. [15:03] <Monathin> Believe in the storm, believe in the high voltage, believe in the three true outcomes monster known only as... The MACHINE.
  259. [15:03] <@Beet> I'm rooting for the Bombers out of divisional solidarity
  260. [15:03] <SmasherDynamo> But no! They fuck up again! Manatees win 6-0!
  261. [15:03] <Monathin> FUCK
  262. [15:03] <@McFreeze> the kid can go to hell
  263. [15:03] <mentholmoose> thank you beet
  264. [15:03] <mentholmoose> lmao
  265. [15:03] <mentholmoose> tenth round
  266. [15:03] <@gingemidget> An entire month of tiebreakers at this point.
  267. [15:03] <SmasherDynamo> Each team has played 18 extra games.
  268. [15:04] <Monathin> whoever survives this deserves a banner
  269. [15:04] <SmasherDynamo> Bombers finally break their streak, and they'll win 9-5 over the Thunderstorms!
  270. [15:04] <mentholmoose> YES
  271. [15:04] <Monathin> NO
  272. [15:04] <@Beet> good
  273. [15:04] <@McFreeze> bad
  274. [15:04] <SmasherDynamo> Bombers with a chance to end this right here in Montreal!
  275. [15:04] <Monathin> come on manatees
  276. [15:05] <SmasherDynamo> But no! Manatees win 6-5!
  277. [15:05] <mentholmoose> god damn it
  278. [15:05] <@McFreeze> GET THEM MANATEES
  279. [15:05] <Monathin> Manatees with a chance to tie it up?
  280. [15:05] <SmasherDynamo> And now the Manatees have a chance to finally end this!
  281. [15:05] <Monathin> or break the cycle rather?
  282. [15:05] <Monathin> i'd be okay with a manatee win
  283. [15:05] <Monathin> but I want the Thunderstorms
  284. [15:05] <Monathin> because THE MACHINE
  285. [15:06] <SmasherDynamo> Too bad, because the Thunderstorms win 4-3!
  286. [15:06] <@McFreeze> the machine died once, it can die again
  287. [15:06] <mentholmoose> lmao
  288. [15:06] <mentholmoose> what on earth
  289. [15:06] <mentholmoose> 10th round?
  290. [15:06] <Monathin> 11th.
  291. [15:06] <mentholmoose> oh, yeah
  292. [15:06] <mentholmoose> god damn
  293. [15:06] <Monathin> have we assembled the baseball triangle of doom
  294. [15:06] <Monathin> no one team can beat the other
  295. [15:06] <SmasherDynamo> Okay, okay, clearly, Final Countdown did not work.
  296. [15:06] <@Beet> the three most evenly matched teams in Super League history
  297. [15:06] <SmasherDynamo>
  298. [15:07] <Zodiac5000> None of these teams want this
  299. [15:07] <Monathin> come on thunders
  300. [15:07] <Monathin> you can do it
  301. [15:07] <Monathin> you have HIGH VOLTAGE
  302. [15:08] <@McFreeze> no team has the requisite fat to win
  303. [15:08] <SmasherDynamo> Manatees at Thunderstorms....
  304. [15:08] <@McFreeze> no team but the manatees
  305. [15:08] <SmasherDynamo> Thunderstorms win 5-4!
  306. [15:08] <Monathin> YES
  307. [15:08] <SmasherDynamo> Thunderstorms at OKC Bombers now...
  308. [15:08] <SmasherDynamo> If the bombers can just lose here, then it's all over!
  309. [15:08] <@McFreeze> die bombers
  310. [15:08] <Monathin> you can do it thunders
  311. [15:08] <@Pash> no
  312. [15:09] <Monathin> DESTROY THE BOMBERS
  313. [15:09] <@Pash> got bombers
  314. [15:09] <Monathin> RELEASE THE MACHINE
  315. [15:09] <SmasherDynamo> BOMBERS WIN 5-4!
  316. [15:09] <Monathin> FUCK
  317. [15:09] <mentholmoose> YES
  318. [15:09] <@Pash> thank god
  319. [15:09] <@Pash> dont let the pluder corps win the pickem
  320. [15:09] <mentholmoose> just beat the manatees, please
  321. [15:09] <SmasherDynamo> Bombers now with a chance....
  322. [15:09] <mentholmoose> please
  323. [15:09] <Monathin> come on manatees
  324. [15:09] <@McFreeze>
  325. [15:09] <SmasherDynamo> And they will win....
  326. [15:09] <SmasherDynamo> ANOTHER TIEBREAKER!
  327. [15:09] <Monathin> MANATEES TOO STRONG
  328. [15:09] <SmasherDynamo> Manatees win 3-0!
  329. [15:09] <mentholmoose> fucking hell
  330. [15:10] <Monathin> Tiebreaker Twelve
  331. [15:10] <SmasherDynamo> How is this happening?
  332. [15:10] <Monathin> I feel like we broke Mogul
  333. [15:10] <SmasherDynamo> Just win two straight games!
  334. [15:10] <SmasherDynamo> That's all!
  335. [15:10] <SmasherDynamo> Just two!
  336. [15:10] <SmasherDynamo> And it's all over.
  337. [15:10] <@McFreeze> it's the home field advantage
  338. [15:10] <@McFreeze> ahaha
  339. [15:10] <SmasherDynamo> Bombers at THUNDERSTORMs
  340. [15:10] <@McFreeze> miggy homered off of rivera again
  341. [15:10] <Monathin> THUNDERS
  342. [15:10] <Monathin> COME ONNN
  343. [15:10] <SmasherDynamo> T.Hunders win 7-4!
  344. [15:11] <@McFreeze> YES
  345. [15:11] <Monathin> YES
  346. [15:11] <mentholmoose> noo
  347. [15:11] <mentholmoose> :smith:
  348. [15:11] <SmasherDynamo> Bombers now in Montreal....
  349. [15:11] <Monathin> manatees too strong
  350. [15:11] <mentholmoose> ok
  351. [15:11] <SmasherDynamo> And so the Thunderstorms have another chance to win this!
  352. [15:11] <mentholmoose> go manatees again
  353. [15:12] <Monathin> FINISH THIS THUNDER
  354. [15:12] <Monathin> FINISH ITTTTT
  355. [15:12] <SmasherDynamo> Pedro for the Manatees, Sutton for the Thunderstorms...
  356. [15:12] <SmasherDynamo> Pedro wins! Manatees take the game 7-2!
  357. [15:12] <SmasherDynamo> Your teams are all terrible and you should feel bad!
  358. [15:12] <@Pash> lol
  359. [15:12] <mentholmoose> good work
  360. [15:12] <@gingemidget> This has been going on for 45 minutes now.
  361. [15:12] <@McFreeze> just kill them all
  362. [15:13] <@McFreeze> a cleansing fire
  363. [15:13] <Zodiac5000> Or save all three
  364. [15:13] <Monathin> thunders could have wrapped this up so many times by now
  365. [15:13] <Zodiac5000> the marmosets die alone.
  366. [15:13] <@McFreeze> OH MY
  367. [15:13] <SmasherDynamo>
  368. [15:13] <@McFreeze> RIVERA BLOWS ANOTHER SAVE
  369. [15:13] <@McFreeze> V MART HOME RUN
  370. [15:13] <SmasherDynamo> Thunderstorms in OKC!
  371. [15:14] <SmasherDynamo> Thunderstorms beat the fuck out of the Bombers once again. 8-1!
  372. [15:14] <@McFreeze> good
  373. [15:14] <Monathin> excellent
  374. [15:14] <SmasherDynamo> Clemens at Clemens for the Bombers/Manatees tilt!
  375. [15:14] <Monathin> MANATEES GO
  376. [15:14] <mentholmoose> clemens wins!
  377. [15:14] <@McFreeze> I hope age 42 clemens is there
  378. [15:15] <Monathin> The Ghost Of Roger Clemens
  379. [15:15] <SmasherDynamo> Bombers win 10-9!
  380. [15:15] <Monathin> shit
  381. [15:15] <@McFreeze> death
  382. [15:15] <Monathin> FINISH THIS THUNDERSTORMS
  383. [15:16] <SmasherDynamo> And so the Thunderstorms, with another chance!
  385. [15:16] <SmasherDynamo> Fergie Jenkins for the Manatees, representing the country of Canada and the Manatees in particular!
  386. [15:16] <SmasherDynamo> Claude Osteen for the Thunderstorms!
  387. [15:16] <@Pash> dont vote for the thunders! That is what the Pluder Corp Wants you to do!
  388. [15:16] <SmasherDynamo> YOU ALL SUCK!
  389. [15:16] <SmasherDynamo> Manatees win 3-1!
  390. [15:16] <@Pash> lol
  391. [15:16] <Monathin> hahahaha holy fuck
  392. [15:17] <Monathin> TIEBREAKER: ROUND 14
  393. [15:17] <mentholmoose> my thoughts exactly mon
  394. [15:17] <Monathin> seriously though i think we've broken mogul
  395. [15:17] <SmasherDynamo> Thunderstorms, traveling to the hellscape of OKC!
  396. [15:17] <Zodiac5000> How many rounds must go on before you acknowledge the Marmosets as the truly deserving team
  397. [15:17] <Monathin> the Marmosets died alone
  398. [15:17] <@McFreeze> how many people are injured now
  399. [15:17] <SmasherDynamo> BOMBERS WIN 3-2!
  400. [15:17] <mentholmoose> YES
  401. [15:17] <mentholmoose> JUST BEAT THE FUCKING MANATEES
  402. [15:18] <@McFreeze> DON'T DO IT
  403. [15:18] <SmasherDynamo> The Deacon for the Bombers, Big Unit for the Manatees!
  404. [15:18] <@Armitage> go jobbers
  405. [15:18] <@Pash> This is the round
  406. [15:18] <@Pash> someone win!
  407. [15:18] <@Pash> JUST END THIS MADNESS
  408. [15:18] <SmasherDynamo> MANATEES WIN 6-2!
  409. [15:18] <@McFreeze> YES
  410. [15:18] <@Pash> lol
  411. [15:18] <mentholmoose> FUCKING HELL
  412. [15:18] <@McFreeze> IT'S MANATEE TIME
  413. [15:18] <SmasherDynamo> Manatees with a chance to end this!
  414. [15:19] <Monathin> MANATEES OR THUNDER
  415. [15:19] <@Pash> GO MANATEES!
  416. [15:19] <SmasherDynamo>
  417. [15:19] <mentholmoose> go thunderstorms!
  418. [15:19] <SmasherDynamo> THUNDERSTORMS WIN 6-5!
  419. [15:19] <Monathin> did it happen
  420. [15:19] <mentholmoose> YES
  421. [15:19] <Monathin> ROUND FIFTEEN
  422. [15:19] <@Pash> god dammit
  423. [15:19] <SmasherDynamo> XV!
  424. [15:20] <Zodiac5000> This tiebreaker is disgusting
  425. [15:20] <Zodiac5000> you are all miserable failures
  426. [15:20] <Monathin> This tiebreaker is amazing
  427. [15:20] <SmasherDynamo> Manatees at Thunderstorms....
  428. [15:20] * Armitage sets mode: +ooo mentholmoose Monathin SmasherDynamo
  429. [15:20] <@Monathin> THUNDER
  430. [15:20] <@Pash> come on anyone other than the thunderstorms!
  431. [15:20] <@Monathin> THUNDER
  432. [15:20] <@SmasherDynamo> Thunderstorms with a big 10-0 win!
  433. [15:20] * Armitage sets mode: +o Zodiac5000
  434. [15:20] <@Pash> ugh
  435. [15:20] <@Monathin> YES
  436. [15:20] <@Armitage> yay
  437. [15:20] <@SmasherDynamo> Thunderstorms can end this in OKC!
  438. [15:20] <@Monathin> THIS IS THE THUNDER'S TIME
  439. [15:20] <@Monathin> I CAN FEEL IT
  440. [15:21] <@SmasherDynamo> Bombers win 5-4!
  441. [15:21] <@Pash> YES!
  442. [15:21] <@mentholmoose> lmao
  443. [15:21] <@mentholmoose> good job
  444. [15:21] <@Pash> GO BOMBERS!
  445. [15:21] <@mentholmoose> just win another
  446. [15:21] <@Monathin> GO MANATEES
  447. [15:21] <@Pash> IF YOU WIN I STILL LEAD THE PICKEM!
  448. [15:21] <@SmasherDynamo> Bombers in Montreal, with a chance to end this!
  449. [15:21] <@McFreeze> hey bombers
  450. [15:21] <@McFreeze> eat my turds
  451. [15:21] <@SmasherDynamo> Manatees win 5-4!
  452. [15:21] <@SmasherDynamo> FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK
  453. [15:21] <@mentholmoose> :smith:
  454. [15:21] <@Monathin> :magical:
  455. [15:22] <@SmasherDynamo> Tiebreaker 16
  456. [15:22] <@McFreeze> at this point you have to start taking lead pipes to the players
  457. [15:22] <@Pash> i was born on the 16th of a month
  458. [15:22] <@Pash> this feels lucky
  459. [15:22] <@SmasherDynamo> Let's see if we can't end this already, you fucking useless motherfucking fucks!
  460. [15:22] <@Pash> time for anyone other than the T-Storms to win
  461. [15:22] <@McFreeze> who will be
  462. [15:22] <@McFreeze> the most mediocre
  463. [15:22] <@Monathin> Thunders
  464. [15:22] <@Monathin> coem on Thunders
  465. [15:22] <@SmasherDynamo> Bombers beat Thunderstorms 5-1!
  466. [15:22] <@Monathin> fuckkkk
  467. [15:22] <@McFreeze> fuck you
  468. [15:22] <@Pash> yes!
  469. [15:23] <@SmasherDynamo> So, the Bombers could win this here!
  470. [15:23] <@Monathin> MANATEES
  471. [15:23] <@mentholmoose> they won't :smith:
  472. [15:23] <@SmasherDynamo> Deacon at Big Unit again.
  473. [15:23] <@Monathin> manateeees
  474. [15:23] <@SmasherDynamo> Manatees win 5-4!
  475. [15:24] <@SmasherDynamo> And now the Manatees have a chance!
  476. [15:24] <@Pash> ugh
  477. [15:24] <@Pash> go manatees!
  478. [15:24] <@McFreeze> GET THAT SHIT
  479. [15:24] <@Pash> GOGOGOGOGOGOGO
  480. [15:24] <@Monathin> i will take a manatees win
  481. [15:24] <@McFreeze> TAKE IT HOME
  482. [15:24] <@Monathin> :smith:
  483. [15:24] <@mentholmoose> this is seriously heart shattering
  484. [15:24] <@McFreeze> you already have a team!
  485. [15:24] <@McFreeze> stop being so greedy
  486. [15:24] <@Monathin> don't support Marauder Imperialism
  487. [15:24] <@Monathin> down with the Bombers
  488. [15:24] <@mentholmoose> we're both from philly
  489. [15:24] <@SmasherDynamo> This might surprise you, but the Thunderstorms won 7-3!
  490. [15:24] <@mentholmoose> we're cool that way
  491. [15:25] <@SmasherDynamo> So, seventeen!
  492. [15:25] <@mentholmoose> haha lol
  493. [15:25] <@Pash> ...
  494. [15:25] <@Zodiac5000> Support the 'resurrect marmosets' fund today. These teams have proven completely incapalbe of doing their jobs.
  495. [15:25] <@McFreeze>
  496. [15:25] <@SmasherDynamo>
  497. [15:25] <@McFreeze> it's true
  498. [15:25] <@Pash> we could just do the entire round over again, maybe it will end differently
  499. [15:25] <@McFreeze> the marmosets did die alone
  500. [15:26] <@SmasherDynamo> Bombers beat Thunderstorms 4-2!
  501. [15:26] <@Pash> a good start
  502. [15:26] <@McFreeze> kill everyone
  503. [15:26] <@mentholmoose> good
  504. [15:26] <@SmasherDynamo> Manatees beat Bombers 7-6.
  505. [15:26] <@McFreeze> YES
  506. [15:26] <@mentholmoose> damn it
  507. [15:26] <@Pash> and the madness continues
  508. [15:26] <@Pash> or does it?
  509. [15:26] <@Monathin> manatee madness
  510. [15:26] <@Pash> go manatees!
  511. [15:27] <@SmasherDynamo> Thunderstorms beat Manatees 5-2.
  512. [15:27] <@McFreeze> fuck
  513. [15:27] <@Pash> ...
  514. [15:27] <@mentholmoose> lmao
  515. [15:27] <@Pash> 18!
  516. [15:27] <@gingemidget> This tiebreaker can now legally drink in the UK.
  517. [15:27] <@mentholmoose> seriously i think mogul might be broken
  518. [15:27] <@McFreeze>
  519. [15:27] <@SmasherDynamo> Thunderstorms back in OKC!
  520. [15:27] <@SmasherDynamo> Bombers beat the Thunderstorms 10-4!
  521. [15:28] <@McFreeze> shit
  522. [15:28] <@Pash> lol
  523. [15:28] <@SmasherDynamo> Manatees win 3-0!
  524. [15:28] <@Pash> go manatees
  525. [15:28] <@McFreeze> who did they beat
  526. [15:28] <@SmasherDynamo> Bombers.
  527. [15:28] <@McFreeze> of course
  528. [15:28] <@SmasherDynamo> Thunderstorms beat Manatees 4-1.
  529. [15:29] <@McFreeze> why obama why
  530. [15:29] <@mentholmoose> i legit believe you broke the engine
  531. [15:29] <@Monathin> BY THE POWER OF NIKOLA TESLA
  532. [15:29] <@Pash> endless repetition you can believe in?
  533. [15:29] <@SmasherDynamo> Bombers win 1-0!
  534. [15:29] <@Monathin> LET THE THUNDERSTORMS WIN
  535. [15:29] <@mentholmoose> really?
  536. [15:29] <@Pash> lol
  537. [15:29] <@McFreeze> death to all bombers
  538. [15:29] <@Monathin> ^
  539. [15:29] <@SmasherDynamo> Manatees win 2-0!
  540. [15:29] <@mentholmoose> manatees beat the bombers, thunderstorms beat the manatees
  541. [15:29] <@Pash> lol
  542. [15:30] <@Monathin> thunder versus bombers is the big one that can go either way
  543. [15:30] <@SmasherDynamo> Yeah...uh...the Thunderstorms did beat the manatees.
  544. [15:30] <@mentholmoose> huh, no shit
  545. [15:30] <@Pash> 20?
  546. [15:30] <@mentholmoose> let me guess the next round
  547. [15:30] <@Pash> are we gonna put a limit on this somewhere and just start over?
  548. [15:30] <@mentholmoose> bombers beat the thunderstorms, manatees beat the bombers, thunderstorms beat the manatees
  549. [15:30] <@SmasherDynamo> Thunderstorms beat the Bombers!
  550. [15:31] <@mentholmoose> welp
  551. [15:31] <@Monathin> manatees beat the bombers
  552. [15:31] <@SmasherDynamo> But then the Bombers beat the Manatees!
  553. [15:31] <@Monathin> then either way
  554. [15:31] <@Monathin> FUCK
  555. [15:31] <@Monathin> COME ON THUNDER
  556. [15:31] <@Monathin> WRAP IT UP
  557. [15:31] <@SmasherDynamo> AND WE HAVE A WINNER!
  558. [15:31] <@Monathin> THUNDER
  559. [15:31] <@Monathin> THUNDER
  560. [15:31] <@McFreeze> unbelievable
  561. [15:31] <@Monathin> THUNDER
  562. [15:32] <@Monathin> THUNDERSTORMS, HOOOOOOOOOOOO
  563. [15:32] <@SmasherDynamo> After twenty tiebreakers, the Thunderstorms defeat the Manatees 8-3!
  564. [15:32] <@McFreeze> well, it could have been worse
  565. [15:32] <@Pash> well shit
  566. [15:32] <@Pash> the plunder corps now leads the pickem
  567. [15:32] <@mentholmoose> aw fuck :smith:
  568. [15:32] <@Monathin> i believed in the machine
  569. [15:32] <@Monathin> i believed in the machine until the end
  570. [15:32] <@Monathin> :unsmith:
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