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Sep 22nd, 2016
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  1. Aug 14 19:58:22 <Knave> Emmett paces into the common room, for the third time that hour. His frizzy orange vesper trail that is his hair was tied up at one point, but it's loose now, and his outfit has dishevelled in kind, one shoulder of his coat hanging loosely and his shirt haphazardly untucked. He mutters to himself incessantly and rubs at his chin and hair, his gaze concealed behind goggles and square on the floor in front of him
  2. Aug 14 20:03:36 <Silvors> This was a normal day for Casta, at least as normal as days have been this week. She had a dufflebag on one metal shoulder, walking rather slowly through the common room. The girl looked normal, if not for the sleek, cybernetic arms and the solid black eye, which had a green ring around the camera. Casta was a cyborg, you see, and currently her arms, eye, and a part of her spine were all mechanized. She looked at the boy in goggles with a bit of curiosity.
  3. Aug 14 20:10:23 <Knave> After moment, he seems to notice the girl, then he halts his pacing and his muttering and turns his goggles on her, green lenses obscuring the eyes beneath. "Artificial arms. Another transhuman. Brachial and ocular, rather than merely sinister as my assistant." He says rapid-fire, smiling a little rat-like smile as he looks her over. Then, already in too close a proximity, he extends a gloved hand to shake, "You must be Miss Arcega."
  4. Aug 14 20:12:37 <Silvors> Oh, great, the glasses guy knew her name and was smiling. Perfect. "And spinal." She through in, before looking at his hand then at him, very hesitantly going to accept the shake. "Yeah, I'm Casta." The girl said, keeping a hold on her dufflebag. "Assistant?"
  5. Aug 14 20:14:39 <Knave> "Markus Singer. Prosthetic hand. Left. Sinister." He shakes his head with a slight frown, "Apologies. Unable to shake the word." The too-small smile returns, "He aids me in my studies and my projects, in exchange for tutelage."
  6. Aug 14 20:18:51 <Silvors> Casta nods her head and gives a dismissive wave. "Yeah, I know him. I made his hand for him." For cheaper than she probably should have, but any publicity is good publicity. She'd tell him not to try to reverse engineer it but, well, everyone at this school was an idiot.
  7. Aug 14 20:24:11 <Knave> "A fine piece. Admirable craft. You should be proud." Emmett nods slightly manically, talking in the tone of a fellow craftsman. "I understand you also undertook to study Miss Eponnie some time ago?"
  8. Aug 14 20:27:04 <Silvors> Of course it was admirable, Casta made it. She tilted her head before nodding and then giving a shrug. "Maybe I did." She doesn't do well with names, or people in general. It probably would've been better to say 'plastic person' or something.
  9. Aug 14 20:30:38 <Knave> "Yes, well..." Emmett puts his hands together in front of him, his fingers moving agitatedly. He exhales. "I am informed by the both of them that you are something of an intellect." He delivers the compliment with something approaching warmth.
  10. Aug 14 20:55:21 <Silvors> Casta raises an eyebrow before nodding once. "I suppose so." Was all the answer he was getting, laced in her Filipino accent. "And you are?" She had no idea who this guy was.
  11. Aug 14 21:02:12 <Knave> "Ah! Sincere apologies. Every time, I forget, you must forgive me, I am somewhat in awe." He jerks his head towards the metal arms by way of explanation, "I am Emmett Walter Montgomery Percival Epstein." He bows slightly and sharply, his hair a wave around his head, and as he intones his name hints of a German accent come through.
  12. Aug 14 21:06:18 <Silvors> Casta looks at him and squints a little before kicking her dropped dufflebag and picking it back up. She looks at him and then nods her head. "Casta Azis Arcega." A name that wasn't comically long. She looks over him once. "Awe?"
  13. Aug 14 21:10:12 <Knave> He gestures with one hand, "Your prosthetics. Very impressive. I am sure I could not hope to develop a design so elegant." He fiddles with his goggles.
  14. Aug 14 21:11:42 <Silvors> Casta nods her head and looks them over. "They aren't that complex but, yeah, you probably couldn't." Casta doubted anyone could. She considered herself leagues smarter than everyone else, the Tesla to everyone's caveman.
  15. Aug 14 21:16:08 <Knave> Emmett crosses his arms behind his back, straightens up his hunched posture, "Perhaps, one inventor to another, you might offer insight on a problem I am having?" He asks, face shifting beneath the goggles indicating a raised eyebrow.
  16. Aug 14 21:22:12 <Silvors> Casta looked him over and then raised an eyebrow. "What's the problem?" Casta didn't consider herself an inventor as much as a person with common sense, it was really simple if people looked at things from the correct perspective.
  17. Aug 14 21:25:06 <Knave> "I am currently unable to built a prototype of a design due to a lack of funds." He explains, back to pacing around in front of her with no apparent goal, "I thought perhaps I might make funds by inventing a second product, with more commercial application, charging for its creation on demand. The problem lies in that I have no notion what it is that my fellow students desire." He pulls a face that might be pouting, but if it is it has just about the same effect it would if a weasel tried to pout.
  18. Aug 14 21:40:18 <Silvors> Casta nods her head and gives a "Uh-huh." Then a look around before putting her hands in her pocket. "And where do I come into this?" Casta wouldn't call herself normal, anything but, she was better than your average person... albeit maybe a little off her rocker.
  19. Aug 14 21:41:47 <Knave> "I was wondering if you had any input. Ideas." He stands in place and rubs his hands together, turns his head, "You have been here longer than I, know the students better. You are intelligent. I thought perhaps /something/ might come to mind?"
  20. Aug 14 21:56:05 <Silvors> Casta looked at him and shook her head. "No idea." And even if she had ideas, why would she share them with a stranger? Casta wasn't an idiot. "And I wouldn't say I know the students better. They're all idiots." Doesn't all include Emmet?
  21. Aug 14 21:59:23 <Knave> "Hrm." Emmett adjusts his goggles. No, 'all' does not include Emmett - it refers to the 'they' already established to mean the student body outside the two of them. "Well, I must say, I do not think so lowly of our classmates. They are not geniuses, for the most part, but they are not all beyond hope." He pauses, gives a conciliatory shrug, "And the world still has need of labour." He clears his throat, refocuses his attention on Casta, "In your time here, you have made no effort to... understand your fellow student?"
  22. Aug 14 22:03:12 <Silvors> Casta looks at him and raises an eyebrow. She was including Emmett in the 'they', even if he wasn't. She shook her head and rolled her shoulders. "Why would I? It's not like any of them matter. This is high school. In a few years I'll be gone and I'll never see them again, so what's the point?" Casta was what people called 'crazy'. "I just improve them when they ask for improvements."
  23. Aug 14 22:10:23 <Knave> "All people matter." Emmett says, matter-of-factly, "Simplicity itself. Mankind. Evolution's apex. Possessors of wisdom. All endeavour is made for humanity's sake. People are all that matter. Quod erat demonstrandum." He hunches over some as he talks, finally pulling at his coat so that it covers his shoulder properly, "Our time here may be impermanent, but no more so than our time anywhere else. And are we not surrounded by unique and miraculous students? Anomalies, as they are called?" He straightens again and smiles with self-satisfaction, without his cheeks lifting at all, "I ask you, where will you find worthier people to know?" Casta was just weird. Emmett was in the middle of rewriting the book on 'crazy'.
  24. Aug 14 22:13:30 <Silvors> Casta did try to chop off her own legs, before settling for gouging out her own eye, so maybe that should be considered for the rewrite. She looked at him and then shook her head. "People don't matter, the only reason you believe they do is because you are one." She states, hands still in her pockets. "You believe people matter because you're a person, and by proxy your belief means that you matter." Castaa shakes her head with a smile. "Miracles by modern science, yes. But eventually they'll be studied and be deemed less important. Or humanity will die off and nobody will care. Aliens won't notice our disappearance because, to everyone else in the galaxy, we don't matter."
  25. Aug 14 22:20:13 <Knave> "Yes. I have heard of moral relativism. I am sure it still excites you, but some of us have things to do." Bitter sarcasm drips from his voice, in the way that it only can from the child of a Brit and a German. "Of course miracles will be studied and explained. Then, they will be replicated, made commonplace. And mankind shall work miracles." He shows teeth, so he must be smiling. There's a brief flash across the surface of his goggles. Probably just reflecting light from something. It's only when he suddenly hunches again that it becomes apparently he had been gradually straightening up as he spoke. He deadpans, with a flat face, "But, if you have no interest in such things as people and scientific endeavour, then I shall impose no further on your time, Miss Arcega."
  26. Aug 14 22:23:40 <Silvors> Casta shakes her head. "There's no such thing as a miracle." She says before looking at him, her eyes narrowing a bit. "I do believe in scientific endeavour, but not in people. People are awful." Case and point, the girl who lost her arms because of people. "If you want to leave, you can, but I believe in bettering the world." It was her goal, why she was willing to make prosthetics and cybernetics.
  27. Aug 14 22:26:20 <Knave> Behind the lenses of his goggles, Emmett rolls his eyes. "Yes, I am sure. Do not let me stop you from bettering the world for all of the people that you hate." He turns and puts up the back of his hand to her in what might have been a wave if he moved it as he walks away, "Good day, Miss Arcega. It was interesting to meet you."
  28. Aug 14 22:28:17 <Silvors> Casta just hums and nods, going to look at her dufflebag and mutter something under her breath before going to turn and head out of the common room. "Bettering the world despite hating everyone is more noble." She replies as she heads out, eyes shut. She caught his eyeroll and honestly didn't care.
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