

Jun 13th, 2014
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  1. It was a hot summer in Cloudsdale, and the normally active pegasi were staying indoors to avoid the sweltering heat. Well, not all of them. In the sky track, on the far side of the floating metropolis, were two young stallions, drenched in sweat but poised in anticipation.
  3. "Alright," said Rainbow Blitz, "first to complete the course gets bragging rights. No more technicalities. If you lose, you lose."
  5. Thunderlane licked his lips and furrowed his brow. "Can't wait to hear you backtrack and add technicalities after I leave you in the dust."
  7. Rainbow Blitz smirked. "Whatever you say dude." He crouched and flared his wings in unison with Thunderlane. "Three... Two... One... GO!"
  9. They took off, leaving circular craters in the clouds they were standing in as they tore through the sky, neck and neck, flying past colored markers. Thunderlane flashed a smug look of victory at Blitz as he sped up, arching over an obstacle. But Blitz was faster, ducking under it and bobbing back up several feet in front of him. Thunderlane gasped and flapped furiously, gritting his teeth. Down below were a series of rings, half red, half blue. Blitz took the first red ring a half second before Thunderlane zipped through the blue. He weaved through the circles, not even looking at Rainbow Blitz. Three more, two more, one more...
  11. He skidded onto the cloud below, then turned to see Blitz grinning at him. "You lose, slowpoke," he said.
  13. Thunderlane grunted. "No way dude! I know I landed first! You know I did!"
  15. "Now who's moving the goalpost?" taunted Blitz.
  17. "Come on, one more! I'll prove I'm faster!"
  19. Blitz only laughed. "I could give you a hundred more tries and I'll still always win. But whatever, I'll humor you."
  21. They returned to their starting positions, marked by several takeoffs. Thunderlane sat in his indent and panted. Admittedly, he was getting tired, and the hot sun wasn't helping. Still, he wasn't about to let Rainbow Blitz walk away with that smug look. He was going to put him in his place.
  23. "Ready to lose again?" Blitz taunted. Thunderlane only growled in response.
  25. "Three... Two... One... GO!"
  27. They shot up once more, twisting through the sky. Thunderlane decided he wasn't going to hold back, and weaved through the obstacles as quickly as possible. He was indeed ahead of Blitz, who was astonished for a moment before he pushed himself to leave Thunderlane in the dust. When they came to the rings again, Thunderlane was not going to risk a stop-and-go. He would do it all in one fluid motion. First ring, second ring, third ring, fourth--...
  29. He misjudged the distance. As his wings flared out to deliver one final boost, he soared through the ring, clipping the edge. He yelped in pain and tumbled downward, collapsing on the cloud below. Blitz zoomed past, skidding past the finish line and standing tall.
  31. "Well, still think you're the fastest Thunderlane?"
  33. There was no response. Thunderlane stood up, attempting to open his wing again, and yelled. "OW! Rgh... I think it's... ah..."
  35. "You okay dude? Are you just faking cause you lost?"
  37. Thunderlane fell down, panting. "Blitz, come on, I'm not--OW! Jeez, I didn't think it would hurt this bad. Blitz, dude, please, you won, I'm not going to push it. I think... I need to go to the hospital."
  40. Thunderlane trotted up the cloud bank, with the reluctant help of Blitz, and alerted the staff of the flying course of his injury. They arranged a chariot to take him to the hospital, while Blitz sneered. "Maybe next time you'll at least admit that I'm better," he scoffed as he flew out of the course. Thunderlane rolled his eyes. If he met Blitz again, it would be too soon.
  42. He arrived at the hospital feeling somewhat foolish and embarrassed. Wing injuries were not uncommon in Cloudsdale, but they were usually work-related. Thunderlane was just showing off. He made the mistake of letting Blitz get to him. He resolved to ignore Blitz from now on. He hated that rainbow stallion.
  44. But then, why did he want to show off so badly? Was it to put Blitz in his place, or did he want Blitz's admiration and respect? No... No, it was just a dumb mistake. Just adolescent stallions doing stupid stunts. He hoped to live this down someday.
  46. He was sitting in a hospital bed, doped up on painkillers and currently awaiting the results of an x-ray. As he stared out the window, he could see a freshly-brewed rainbow pouring off the side of cloud column.
  48. He hated the rainbow, and rolled over, growling.
  50. The next day, Rainbow Blitz returned to the flying course. Seeing as once again, it was intensely hot, there was still no one else out at the track. He sighed and slid down the bank to the starting position. Beside him was Thunderlane's indent. He grunted. "His own stupid fault... not my problem..." He flared his wings, and took off through the course.
  52. He didn't even reach the rings when he stopped. It just wasn't the same. He thought about inviting somepony else to come down and race him, but he didn't want anypony else. He wanted Thunderlane.
  54. But why? So he could show off to him? Gloat about how much faster he was? He could do that with anypony. So why him? He sat on the first ring and stared down at the fluffy cloud, where Thunderlane fell after injuring himself. He suddenly felt an enormous wave of guilt. Thunderlane was hurt, and he didn't even care. He was bragging and laughing while the poor stallion was in pain. He was also surprised by this feeling. Since when did he care about Thunderlane?
  56. He sighed again and flapped his wings. He couldn't just sit around without at least trying to talk to him. He flew off for the hospital, hoping he could try to make up for what he did.
  58. Thunderlane was laying in bed, staring up at the speckled ceiling when the door opened. A nurse walked in, peeking around the door carefully to see if Thunderlane was awake.
  60. "What is it?" he moaned.
  62. The nurse cleared her throat. "Well, um, there's someone here to see you."
  64. Thunderlane sat up, genuinely curious as to who would be paying him a visit. When Rainbow Blitz walked in behind the nurse, he gasped, then scowled.
  66. "Go away," he spat. "The last thing I want to see is your face."
  68. Rainbow Blitz stepped back as the nurse hurried out. He seemed hurt. "Hey, dude, uh, I know you're upset, but I just want to talk to you."
  70. "Oh yeah?" said Thunderlane, irritated, "come to gloat about how much of a worthless flier I am? Come to make fun of the crippled pegasus?"
  72. Blitz's eyes glistened as he gingerly walked forward. "Crippled? You're not...?"
  74. Thunderlane sighed. "I'll be good to fly again in a week," he admitted. "I fractured a shaft."
  76. Blitz breathed a sigh of relief. "That's good, I mean, that you're recovering. I really want you to get better." He offered the most genuine smile he could muster, but Thunderlane narrowed his eyes.
  78. "Oh, of course, can't wait to take me out to the track again and trash me to fuel your shallow superiority complex." He gathered the blanket around him and rolled over.
  80. "No! That's not--what I mean to say is, well... I'm sorry." He bit down on his lip and stared at his hooves. Why was that so hard to say? "I guess I never really appreciated you... I really do enjoy racing with you on the track. I just didn't realize it was because I enjoyed spending time with you, regardless of winning or losing."
  82. Thunderlane was surprised, but still didn't feel like Blitz cared. Maybe he was just messing with him, desperate to have someone to stand on to boost his ego. Maybe it would be best to just give him the benefit of the doubt. "Alright, I forgive you."
  84. Blitz smiled. "Thanks. So uh, I bet it's boring in here." To Thunderlane's surprise. he pulled up a chair and sat down next to him. "Want some company?"
  86. Thunderlane blinked. "You were being serious, weren't you? You really do care?"
  88. Blitz nodded. "I hope you were being serious when you forgave me."
  90. Now it was Thunderlane's turn to feel guilty. "Hey, I know you were kind of a dingbat, but so was I. I guess... I'm sorry too."
  92. Blitz laughed. "Oh come on now, no need to apologize. Let's just start over, okay?"
  94. The two stallions spent three hours talking, catching up, telling stories about flight camp, and sharing their thoughts and ideas. The sun had begun to sink on the horizon, bathing the hospital room in orange light. "I should probably get going," said Blitz. Thunderlane looked up at him, a little sadly. Eclipsing the window, his mane was wrapped in a golden halo. Thunderlane thought it looked beautiful... then quickly blushed and shook his head.
  96. "You don't want me to go?" asked Blitz.
  98. "No--I mean, well, I know you have things to do, I don't want to hold you up." He smiled warmly. "I get discharged tomorrow, but I'll still have to keep of the wing."
  100. Blitz got up and stretched. "I'll pick you up tomorrow then. See ya later buddy!" He waved a hoof to Thunderlane as he backed away toward the door and slid out, pausing to give his new friend another eager wave. Thunderlane waved back until the door closed, then fell back down on the pillow, sighing.
  102. He decided he liked rainbows after all.
  104. The next morning, Thunderlane rolled out of bed, walking with a pair of nurses to the counter outside to sign some papers. Now officially released from the hospital, he went outisde to wait for Blitz.
  106. As it turned out, he didn't have to wait long at all. There stood Rainbow Blitz, turning around and smiling. "Ready to fly home buddy?" he chirped.
  108. Thunderlane, though happy to see him, was a little confused. "Blitz, I told you, I have to stay off the wing for a week, and I'm pretty sure I can't fly with one wing."
  110. Blitz came around his side and wrapped a hoof around him, holding onto him tightly. "But you don't have one wing," he said, extending his wings, "you have three."
  112. Thunderlane smiled, extending his good wing and started flapping. Blitz made sure to flap in tandem with Thunderlane as they slowly took off, flying through the cloudy sky.
  114. They made their descent outside of a swirling column of dark clouds, landing on an open foyer. "This is your house?" said Blitz, looking impressed. "It's so cool!" Thunderlane looked up at his home and nodded.
  116. "Yeah, I mean, it's alright." He looked over at Rainbow Blitz and started laughing.
  118. They looked at each other and then, to Thunderlane's surprise, Blitz leaned in and nuzzled his snout. Granted, nuzzling could be purely platonic, but it was still an intimate gesture, usually reserved for family members or very close friends. Thunderlane just stared back at Blitz, who was wearing a big, happy smile, and his eyes were glistening ever so slightly. Seconds passed, and he waited for something to happen, for him or for Blitz to do something. And then, at the exact same moment, they did.
  120. Blitz and Thunderlane pressed their muzzles together, opened their mouths, and connected them in a slow kiss. Thunderlane found his foreleg wrapping around Blitz's as they pulled closer together, pressing their bodies against each other. Blitz inhaled sharply, then slowly broke the kiss.
  122. "That was nice," said Blitz cheerfully. "We should do that again."
  124. "We should," said Thunderlane.
  126. Blitz laughed and wrapped a hoof around him. "I'm glad I came to apologize... I can't believe I never took the time to appreciate you..."
  128. Thunderlane now placed a hoof on him. "Hey, no hard feelings."
  130. They kissed again, a kiss that was more intense, more meaningful. Blitz pulled him in closely, then broke again, nuzzling him. "I think I like you, Thunderlane."
  132. They were silent for a while before Blitz spoke again. "Hey, you want to uh... head to the flying course again, when you're feeling better? Not to compete," he added quickly, "just, you know... to have fun."
  134. "So a date?" asked Thunderlane.
  136. Blitz nodded eagerly, blushing. "A date."
  138. Thunderlane swished his tail happily. "I would love to."
  140. "Good," said Blitz, and then, he winked, "because the next time we race, I'm still gonna beat you."
  143. Thunderlane and Rainbow Blitz had spent the majority of the day at the flying course, zipping around each other, playing, and having a wonderful time. Thunderlane found this was a much better alternative to a competitive rivalry. Half the time, they didn't even finish a race. They would just stop in the middle to tackle each other, then collapse on the clouds, bursting into laughter.
  145. When they returned to Thunderlane's house, they were still laughing to themselves, hooves wrapped around each other.
  147. "How's the wing?" asked Blitz, breaking his smile with concern. Thunderlane flapped it a few times.
  149. "Didn't hurt at all. I'm perfectly fine!" He was still wearing a smile, but Blitz looked away, kicking a hoof against the cloud and sending up small puffs. "Is... is something wrong?"
  151. Blitz sighed. "I just... I still can't believe the way I used to treat you, that it was me who got you hurt in the first place..."
  153. Thunderlane pulled him in close and kissed him, turning his head as he did so. Blitz seemed reluctant at first, then he pushed into the kiss too, opening his mouth and taking in the warm, mellow scent. They stayed that way for a moment before Thunderlane pulled back. "I love you, and I forgive you," he said. "Please don't blame yourself. Let's put the past behind us, hmm?"
  155. Blitz paused then nodded, smiling again. "Yeah, sorry about that, I guess I just keep letting that stuff get to me."
  157. Thunderlane led him inside, fluffing his wings again and stretching his back. "Your wings need preening," Blitz pointed out. He looked at his back and clicked his lip.
  159. "Yeah, you're right, I'll get to that later tonight."
  161. Blitz walked up behind him, nuzzling his wing. "Or... I could help you with that."
  164. Thunderlane paused, blushing as he looked at Blitz. He was being completely serious. For one pegasus to preen another... it was another act usually done by a parent to their child, but it could also be seen as an intimate moment between lovers. Blitz must want to take this further.
  166. "Okay," he said, "come on." He went to the bedroom, creaking the door open and laying belly-down on the soft mattress. Blitz sidled up beside him, stroking his back with his hoof.
  168. "Relax," he said, nuzzling the wing again, "I know what I'm doing." His mouth opened over the base of the wing, biting down gently as his teeth slid over the loose down, pulling it out. He stretched back, nibbling the wing softly and cooing from the back of his throat. He reached the wing tip and opened his mouth, letting the loose down fall to the floor. Thunderlane let out a deep breath and sighed.
  170. "You really are good at this. My mom always bit too hard when I was a foal."
  172. Blitz chuckled. "Are you comparing me to your mother? Not sure how I feel about that."
  174. Thunderlane's eyes widened. "No, I didn't mean it like that, I just meant... oh, forget it."
  176. Blitz smiled as he went back to preening, taking his time to enjoy it. In the back of his mind, however, he had his own idea, and he wasn't sure if Thunderlane would be on board.
  179. There was a pile of black down on the floor, and Thunderlane was stretching out his nice, clean wings. "Thanks again," he said. "I have to remember to go to you again next time I need preening."
  181. Blitz smiled and cuddled up to him, kissing the nape of his neck. Thunderlane kissed back, nuzzling into his shoulder. "Mmm... you should probably start heading home now, it's getting late."
  183. "Yeah," said Blitz, who made no attempt to get up. His kisses were more frequent now, more intense. He was pressing his body against Thunderlane's and breathing heavily.
  185. "Blitz, I don't... what are you trying to do?"
  187. Blitz moved his kisses down to Thunderlane's belly and stopped. He wouldn't continue unless he knew it was okay. He look up with wistful eyes, and Thunderlane looked back.
  189. "Blitz... if you think we're ready for this... don't stop."
  191. He quickly moved his muzzle further down, kissing the abdomen, the groin, and stopping at the massive black shaft, which had been fully erect since he started preening. He took the member into his mouth, pressing his lips down on the base, and bobbed his head, his nostrils flaring. He slid his tongue along the shaft, stopping to lick at the tip with every pass. Thunderlane tensed in tandem with these passes, looking down at Blitz and gritting his teeth.
  193. "Ah, th-that... oh, p-please... don't stop..."
  196. Blitz had no intention of stopping. He increased speed, pressing his tongue harder along Thunderlane's cock as his breathing became louder and faster. Still teasing the tip, he tasted the salty-sweet pre and savored it in his mouth.
  197. Thunderlane was biting down hard on his lip, his face beet red. He was archimg his back and letting out soft moans, shutting his eyes tight. He tried to form words to encourage Blitz, but he had never felt anything this intense in his life, and the sensation was only getting stronger.
  199. Blitz moved faster, kissing the tip every time his head bobbed up, only to plunge deeper down the cock, taking it entirely into his mouth. The pre still leaked, mixing with his saliva to lubricate the shaft.
  201. Suddenly his cock began to pulse and throb, and Thunderlane let out a loud moan, kicking his back legs and writhing. Blitz's mouth was filled hot strands of cum that shot from the tip. Thunderlane let out another moan, shooting once more, before collapsing and panting heavily. Blitz swirled his seed around in his mouth, noticing it was slightly bitter, but salty and warm nonetheless, and swallowed.
  203. He pulled his head up, a strand of saliva and semen stretching from his lip to the tip of his cock. He looked up at Thunderlane, who looked back with tired eyes, and smiled.
  205. "You are... incredible...." Thunderlane panted, "I love you..."
  207. Blitz grinned. "I love you too," he said, licking up the strand. He climbed back up next to Thunderlane and placed his hooves around him, cuddling him. He stretched his wings out and gently prodded Thunderlane's sides, noticing that he react with a small spasm and a giggle.
  209. "Oh," said Blitz, smirking, "you're ticklish, are you?" He prodded Thunderlane again, who jerked back and laughed.
  211. "N-no, I just thought of something funny." But Blitz wasn't buying it. He pulled Thunderlane close again and started tickling his belly. "Ah! St-stop, haha, ok-haha, okay! I'm ticklish! Sto-heeehahaha!"
  213. Blitz grinned mischievously as he pulled Thunderlane in closer, holding him back with his strong hooves. "I've got you now! No mercy!"
  215. "No, p-please!" giggled Thunderlane, half-joking. "I'll do an-hahaha! Anything!"
  217. Blitz raised an eyebrow. "Anything?"
  219. He loosened his grip, intending to fake Thunderlane out, until something happened. There was a brilliant flash, followed by a crack of thunder. Now Blitz really did release Thunderlane as he backed off the bed and into a corner.
  221. Thunderlane looked up, confused. "Blitz? Is something wrong?"
  223. Blitz stayed there, his eyes frozen in fear. "Lightning... I'm terrified... of lightning..."
  225. Thunderlane laughed again. "Come on Blitz, I'm not falling for it. There's no way you-"
  227. There was another flash, and Blitz curled into the fetal position just before the loud boom rumbled through the room.
  229. "...You really are scared, aren't you?"
  231. Thunderlane climbed out of the bed, taking the blanket with him, and wrapped it around Blitz, then himself. He pulled himself in closely, holding onto Blitz as tight as he could. Blitz responded with a vice grip hug of his own.
  233. "It's okay," cooed Thunderlane, "it won't hurt you. I'm right here..."
  235. The lightning struck closer, and Blitz whimpered. Thunderlane stroked his mane and kissed him lightly.
  237. "You're going to be okay."
  239. Blitz relaxed, pressing his muzzle against Thunderlane's body. Though the lightning was fierce, and the thunder roared, Blitz and Thunderlane stayed there, holding each other through the storm, the wind and rain lulling them both to sleep.
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