

Sep 2nd, 2014
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  1. >Beyondthesummit
  3. Lmao. Every day, every day this shitty studio's audio is out of sync. Every day they miss 3/4 of the draft or even the entire drafting phase. Every day, ching chong Merlini is dirty and disheveled while casting, unshowered and unkempt because of his refusal to shower and his dedication to mouthbreathing. Every day the fat jew David "LD" Gormanberg is a fat jew, fat and a jew. Every day GoDz sucks the tiny cock of the Chinese dota scene just a little bit harder, desperately hoping for the Chinese load to be shot deep into his throat while trying to look "cool" with his awful pedophile mustache. Every day, Zyori "S N I F F B O Y" sniffs his dirty scrotum on camera, misses early teamfights and wears a pink bow in his disgusting, terrible "hair". Every single day this goes on, and you people eat it up. You love it. This is absolutely disgusting. I'm disgusted and I hate every single one of you, every single miscreant that donated to this horrid studio's kickstarter, every single retard that watches their streams without AdBlock, every single fan of this atrocious, revolting, insulting excuse for a "studio".
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