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May 30th, 2013
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  1. cast.c:1217: // NULL implicitly converts to any pointer type or dynamic array
  2. ctfeexpr.c:1598: * dynamic arrays, and strings. We know that e1 is an
  3. ctfeexpr.c:1961: // Dynamic arrays passed by ref may be null. When this happens
  4. e2ir.c:492: * Convert array to a dynamic array.
  5. e2ir.c:2216: * Evaluate elem and convert to dynamic array suitable for a function argument.
  6. e2ir.c:2496: // size is a.length*sizeof(a[0]) for dynamic arrays, or sizeof(a) for static arrays.
  7. e2ir.c:3031: // It's not a constant, so pull it from the dynamic array
  8. e2ir.c:4139: // Convert from static array to dynamic array
  9. e2ir.c:4146: // Convert from dynamic array to dynamic array
  10. e2ir.c:4167: int rtl = RTLSYM_DYNAMIC_CAST;
  11. expression.c:1614: // Convert static arrays to dynamic arrays
  12. expression.c:5309: error("new can only create structs, dynamic arrays or class objects, not %s's", type->toChars());
  13. expression.c:6150: { /* Get the dynamic type, which is .classinfo
  14. func.c:595: * it actually returns tintro, which gets dynamically
  15. func.c:598: * dynamic cast, but just subtracting the isBaseOf()
  16. interpret.c:1517: // It's OK to cast from fixed length to dynamic array, eg &int[3] to int[]*
  17. interpret.c:2514: * (dynamic array, AA, or class) or a value assignment.
  18. interpret.c:2697: // We need to dup it. We can skip this if it's a dynamic array,
  19. link.c:443: // If we are on Mac OS X and linking a dynamic library,
  20. link.c:444: // add the "-dynamiclib" flag
  21. link.c:446: argv.push((char *) "-dynamiclib");
  22. mtype.c:3523: e = e->castTo(sc, n->arrayOf()); // convert to dynamic array
  23. mtype.c:3540: e = e->castTo(sc, n->arrayOf()); // convert to dynamic array
  24. mtype.c:3559: e = e->castTo(sc, n->arrayOf()); // convert to dynamic array
  25. mtype.c:3597: e = e->castTo(sc, n->arrayOf()); // convert to dynamic array
  26. mtype.c:3601: ? n->getTypeInfo(sc) // don't convert to dynamic array
  27. mtype.c:3990: // Allow implicit conversion of static array to pointer or dynamic array
  28. mtype.c:9185: // NULL implicitly converts to any pointer type or dynamic array
  29. optimize.c:1069: { // Convert slice of string literal into dynamic array
  30. parse.c:2766: { // It's a dynamic array
  31. template.c:49: * These functions substitute for dynamic_cast. dynamic_cast does not work
  32. template.c:55: //return dynamic_cast<Expression *>(o);
  33. template.c:63: //return dynamic_cast<Dsymbol *>(o);
  34. template.c:71: //return dynamic_cast<Type *>(o);
  35. template.c:79: //return dynamic_cast<Tuple *>(o);
  36. template.c:87: //return dynamic_cast<Parameter *>(o);
  37. template.c:343: /* The logic of this should match what genIdent() does. The _dynamic_cast()
  38. template.c:1457: /* Remove top const for dynamic array types and pointer types
  39. template.c:1573: /* Remove top const for dynamic array types and pointer types
  40. typinf.c:51: * represented as dynamic arrays, enums are represented by their
  41. typinf.c:68: // convert to corresponding dynamic array type
  42. typinf.c:79: // convert to corresponding dynamic array type
  43. ctfe.h:249:/// dynamic arrays, and strings.
  44. declaration.h:325: // Eliminate need for dynamic_cast
  45. declaration.h:342: // Eliminate need for dynamic_cast
  46. dsymbol.h:218: // Eliminate need for dynamic_cast
  47. expression.h:115: TOK op; // handy to minimize use of dynamic_cast
  48. mars.h:135: char dll; // generate shared dynamic library
  49. mtype.h:348: // For eliminating dynamic_cast
  50. mtype.h:422: // For eliminating dynamic_cast
  51. mtype.h:512:// Dynamic array, no dimension
  52. statement.h:128: // Avoid dynamic_cast
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