
The Adventurer's Monster Girl Guide: Riding Hood

Jun 1st, 2015
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  1. Entry #1: Riding Hood
  2. Danger level: **
  3. Personality: Dependant and manipulative
  4. Family: Succubus
  6. Okay so I'm sure you guys have all heard the old story about Little Red Riding Hood right? Now I'm sure an innocent girl that needs a hero is a fantasy for a lot of you guys but trust me, you don't want one like a Riding Hood, they're bad news.
  8. Riding hoods aren't too common but typically reside in forests although there have been reports of them in caves and other areas. They don't look too different from humans and are almost indistinguishable from a human girl however they can usually be told apart from the real deal by their unnatural coloured eyes. They mainly look for adventurers, strong looking travellers or anyone that seems dependable and ask for help, usually claiming they're being attacked or they got lost but whatever you do, if you want to have free will again do not help them.
  10. On confirmation of a man's desire to help they'll throw themselves at him and on contact put him under their spell, from that moment on until the day he dies the Riding Hood's requests will be undeniable to him. Now you may think it's not so bad but some of their requests are just plain bizarre and dangerous, more often than not they compel their men to defeat stronger and stronger beasts in order to prove the strength of their partner. They also have ridiculous sex drives for such innocent looking things due to being part of the succubus family, a single session with one is known for to go on for half a day due to their magic and being the selfish things they are it's usually the man doing all the work.
  12. As for counter measures you're in luck. Remember that you have to agree to help them and it has to be a verbal agreement, without one their spell will not work as the words are treated as a pact of sorts. Seriously as long as you're not stupid and know the deal about their eye colours they're basically a non-issue, physically they're as strong as a regular human girl so if you don't fall under their spell you can safely ignore them. That said we have lost a couple of adventurers lately because they were thinking with their dicks, if a cute girl runs up to you in the forest and asks for help just take a good look at her face if you want to be saved a whole lot of trouble.
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