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Feb 5th, 2017
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  1. ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
  2. // Surprise! Haha. Well, this is awkward.
  4. Time: 2/4/17 11:14 PM
  5. Description: Ticking block entity
  7. java.lang.NullPointerException: Ticking block entity
  8. at codechicken.translocator.TileItemTranslocator.func_145845_h(
  9. at
  10. at
  11. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(
  12. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(
  13. at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p(
  14. at
  15. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$
  18. A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
  19. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. -- Head --
  22. Stacktrace:
  23. at codechicken.translocator.TileItemTranslocator.func_145845_h(
  25. -- Block entity being ticked --
  26. Details:
  27. Name: itemTranslocator // codechicken.translocator.TileItemTranslocator
  28. Block type: ID #1447 (tile.translocator // codechicken.translocator.BlockTranslocator)
  29. Block data value: 0 / 0x0 / 0b0000
  30. Block location: World: (846,4,879), Chunk: (at 14,0,15 in 52,54; contains blocks 832,0,864 to 847,255,879), Region: (1,1; contains chunks 32,32 to 63,63, blocks 512,0,512 to 1023,255,1023)
  31. Actual block type: ID #1447 (tile.translocator // codechicken.translocator.BlockTranslocator)
  32. Actual block data value: 0 / 0x0 / 0b0000
  33. Stacktrace:
  34. at
  35. at
  37. -- Affected level --
  38. Details:
  39. Level name: New World
  40. All players: 1 total; [EntityPlayerMP['Badcholo'/5938, l='New World', x=848.40, y=4.00, z=878.56]]
  41. Chunk stats: ServerChunkCache: 439 Drop: 0
  42. Level seed: 6547804034551590702
  43. Level generator: ID 01 - flat, ver 0. Features enabled: true
  44. Level generator options:
  45. Level spawn location: World: (840,4,875), Chunk: (at 8,0,11 in 52,54; contains blocks 832,0,864 to 847,255,879), Region: (1,1; contains chunks 32,32 to 63,63, blocks 512,0,512 to 1023,255,1023)
  46. Level time: 394 game time, 394 day time
  47. Level dimension: 0
  48. Level storage version: 0x04ABD - Anvil
  49. Level weather: Rain time: 21306 (now: false), thunder time: 101405 (now: false)
  50. Level game mode: Game mode: creative (ID 1). Hardcore: false. Cheats: true
  51. Stacktrace:
  52. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(
  53. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(
  54. at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p(
  55. at
  56. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$
  58. -- System Details --
  59. Details:
  60. Minecraft Version: 1.7.10
  61. Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0
  62. Java Version: 1.8.0_101, Oracle Corporation
  63. Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
  64. Memory: 2388428576 bytes (2277 MB) / 3053453312 bytes (2912 MB) up to 3053453312 bytes (2912 MB)
  65. JVM Flags: 3 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xms3072m -Xmx3072m
  66. AABB Pool Size: 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used
  67. IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 13, tallocated: 95
  68. FML: MCP v9.05 FML v7.10.99.99 Minecraft Forge Optifine OptiFine_1.7.10_HD_C1 160 mods loaded, 160 mods active
  69. States: 'U' = Unloaded 'L' = Loaded 'C' = Constructed 'H' = Pre-initialized 'I' = Initialized 'J' = Post-initialized 'A' = Available 'D' = Disabled 'E' = Errored
  70. UCHIJAAAA mcp{9.05} [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar)
  71. UCHIJAAAA FML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (modpack.jar)
  72. UCHIJAAAA Forge{} [Minecraft Forge] (modpack.jar)
  73. UCHIJAAAA bettersleepingcore{1.0} [Better Sleeping Core] (minecraft.jar)
  74. UCHIJAAAA CodeChickenCore{} [CodeChicken Core] (minecraft.jar)
  75. UCHIJAAAA InfiniBows{1.3.0 build 20} [InfiniBows] (minecraft.jar)
  76. UCHIJAAAA ivtoolkit{IvToolkit} [1.2] (minecraft.jar)
  77. UCHIJAAAA NotEnoughItems{} [Not Enough Items] (NotEnoughItems-1.7.10-
  78. UCHIJAAAA se{0.4.1} [Super Enchants] (minecraft.jar)
  79. UCHIJAAAA backpacks16840{3.1.3} [Backpacks!] (zz-backpacks 1.7.10 - 3.1.3.jar)
  80. UCHIJAAAA OpenModsCore{0.9} [OpenModsCore] (minecraft.jar)
  81. UCHIJAAAA ItemBlacklist{1.0.0} [ItemBlacklist] (ItemBlacklist-1.7.10-1.0.0.jar)
  82. UCHIJAAAA extendedWorkbench{} [Extended Workbench] ([1.7.10]ExtendedWorkbench v1.2.1.1.jar)
  83. UCHIJAAAA ChickenShed{1.1.3} [Chicken Shed] ([1.7.2] ChickenShed (v1.1.3).jar)
  84. UCHIJAAAA csfood{1.0.0} [Common Sense Food] ([MC1.7.X]CSFood-v1.0.0.jar)
  85. UCHIJAAAA animalsPlus{1.2} [Animals+] (animalsPlus-1.2.jar)
  86. UCHIJAAAA AnimationAPI{1.2.4} [AnimationAPI] (AnimationAPI-1.7.10-1.2.4.jar)
  87. UCHIJAAAA AppleCore{1.1.0} [AppleCore] (AppleCore-mc1.7.10-1.1.0.jar)
  88. UCHIJAAAA D3Core{} [D3Core] (D3Core-1.7.10-
  89. UCHIJAAAA AutoCrafter2000{} [AutoCrafter2000] (AutoCrafter2000-1.7.10-
  90. UCHIJAAAA weaponmod{v1.14.3} [Balkon's WeaponMod] (Balkonsweaponmod-1.14.3.jar)
  91. UCHIJAAAA BatBelt{1.1.0} [The Bat Belt] (BatBelt-1.1.0.jar)
  92. UCHIJAAAA Baubles{} [Baubles] (Baubles-1.7.10-
  93. UCHIJAAAA BBG{1.0.0} [BetterBedrockGen] (BBG-1.0.0.jar)
  94. UCHIJAAAA Bedrock{1.0.8} [Bedrock] (Bedrock.jar)
  95. UCHIJAAAA BedrockItemsReborn{1.7.10-0.1-Build 1} [Bedrock Items Reborn] (BedrockItemsReborn-1.7.10-0.1-Build 1.jar)
  96. UCHIJAAAA bedrockplus{0.0.3} [bedrockplus] (bedrockplus-0.0.3.jar)
  97. UCHIJAAAA BetterAnvil{} [Better Anvil] (Better-Anvils-Mod-1.7.10.jar)
  98. UCHIJAAAA betterquesting{1.0.155} [Better Questing] (BetterQuesting-1.0.155.jar)
  99. UCHIJAAAA betterrain{} [BetterRain] (BetterRain-1.7.10-
  100. UCHIJAAAA bettersleeping{1.7.10-1.1.26} [Better Sleeping] (BetterSleeping-1.7.10-1.1.26.jar)
  101. UCHIJAAAA bettervanilla{1.1.1} [BetterVanilla] (BetterVanilla-1.7.10-1.1.1.jar)
  102. UCHIJAAAA BiblioCraft{1.11.4} [BiblioCraft] (BiblioCraft[v1.11.4][MC1.7.10].jar)
  103. UCHIJAAAA bigtrees{1.6.4} [BigTrees] (BigTrees-Mod-1.7.10.jar)
  104. UCHIJAAAA boilerplate{} [Boilerplate] (boilerplate-1.7.10-
  105. UCHIJAAAA bookshelf{} [Bookshelf] (Bookshelf-1.7.10-
  106. UCHIJAAAA brewingapi{1.2.0} [Brewing-API] (Brewing-API-1.7.2-1.2.0.jar)
  107. UCHIJAAAA BrickaBrac{1.7.10-1.1.0b} [Brick-a-Brac] (BrickaBrac-1.7.10-1.1.0.jar)
  108. UCHIJAAAA PreciousBricks{1.7.10-1.0.0b} [Precious Bricks] (BrickaBrac-1.7.10-1.1.0.jar)
  109. UCHIJAAAA c2c{} [Coal 2 Charcoal] (c2c-
  110. UCHIJAAAA CakeIsALie{4.04} [CakeIsALie] (CakeIsALie-1.7.10-4.04.jar)
  111. UCHIJAAAA catwalks{2.0.4} [Catwalks Mod] (catwalks-2.0.4.jar)
  112. UCHIJAAAA catwalkmod{x.x.x} [Legacy Catwalk Compat] (catwalks-2.0.4.jar)
  113. UCHIJAAAA CharcoalBlock{1.7.10-1.2} [Charcoal Block] (CharcoalBlock-1.7.10-1.2.jar)
  114. UCHIJAAAA chocolateQuest{1.0} [Chocolate Quest] (chocolateQuest-1.7.10-1.1d.jar)
  115. UCHIJAAAA cookingbook{1.0.134} [Cooking for Blockheads] (cookingbook-mc1.7.10-1.0.134.jar)
  116. UCHIJAAAA cosmeticarmorreworked{1.7.10-v4} [CosmeticArmorReworked] (CosmeticArmorReworked-1.7.10-v4.jar)
  117. UCHIJAAAA cotv{1_7_10.0.0} [Chalice of the Void] (cotv-1_7_10.0.0.jar)
  118. UCHIJAAAA craftingpillars{1.6.0} [Crafting Pillars Mod] (CraftingPillars-1.7.x-1.6.1.jar)
  119. UCHIJAAAA customnpcs{1.7.10d} [CustomNpcs] (CustomNPCs_1.7.10d(21feb16).jar)
  120. UCHIJAAAA customserveritems{1.2} [Custom Server Items] (CustomServerItems-1.7.10-1.2.jar)
  121. UCHIJAAAA source_code293.digitalxp{0.1.5} [DigitalXP] (DigitalXP-1.7.10-0.1.5.jar)
  122. UCHIJAAAA DisenchanterMod{1.4} [Disenchanter] (DisenchanterMod-[1.7.10]1.4.jar)
  123. UCHIJAAAA dungeonmobs{4.1.3} [Dungeon Mobs] (Dungeon Mobs v4.1.3.jar)
  124. UCHIJAAAA emeraldobsidianmod{1.3.1} [Emerald & Obsidian tools/armor mod] (emeraldobsidianmod-1.7.10-1.3.1.jar)
  125. UCHIJAAAA EnderStorage{} [EnderStorage] (EnderStorage-1.7.10-
  126. UCHIJAAAA ExpOre{1.1a} [Exp Ore] (ExperienceOre-1.1a.jar)
  127. UCHIJAAAA ExtrabiomesXL{3.16.4} [ExtrabiomesXL] (extrabiomesxl_1.7.10-3.16.4.jar)
  128. UCHIJAAAA fastleafdecay{1.3} [Fast Leaf Decay] (FastLeafDecay-1.7.10-1.3.jar)
  129. UCHIJAAAA FeedAFriend{1.7.10-1.0.4} [Feed A Friend] (feedafriend-1.7.10-1.0.4.jar)
  130. UCHIJAAAA Fidelis{1.0.3} [Fidelis] (Fidelis-1.0.3.jar)
  131. UCHIJAAAA FinndusFillies{} [Finndus Fillies] (FinndusFillies-1.7.10-universal-
  132. UCHIJAAAA flansmod{4.10.0} [Flan's Mod] (Flans Mod-1.7.10-4.10.0.jar)
  133. UCHIJAAAA FlatSigns{} [Flat Signs] (FlatSigns-1.7.10-universal-
  134. UCHIJAAAA fortressmod{0.9.03} [Fortress Mod] (fortressmod-1.7.10-0.9.03.jar)
  135. UCHIJAAAA GardenContainers{1.7.10-1.7.0} [Garden Containers] (GardenStuff-1.7.10-1.7.0.jar)
  136. UCHIJAAAA GardenCore{1.7.10-1.7.0} [Garden Core] (GardenStuff-1.7.10-1.7.0.jar)
  137. UCHIJAAAA GardenStuff{1.7.10-1.7.0} [Garden Stuff] (GardenStuff-1.7.10-1.7.0.jar)
  138. UCHIJAAAA GardenTrees{1.7.10-1.7.0} [Garden Trees] (GardenStuff-1.7.10-1.7.0.jar)
  139. UCHIJAAAA hardcorewither{1.1.3} [Hardcore Wither] (Hardcore Wither-1.7.10-1.1.3-21-universal.jar)
  140. UCHIJAAAA HorrorWeen{1.1.0} [HorrorWeen] (HorrorWeenv1.1(1.7.10).zip)
  141. UCHIJAAAA iCraft{0.7} [iCraft] (iCraft-0.7.jar)
  142. UCHIJAAAA IronChest{} [Iron Chest] (ironchest-1.7.10-
  143. UCHIJAAAA IronFence{1.1.0} [IronFence] (IronFence-1.1.0.jar)
  144. UCHIJAAAA ironfurnaces{1.0} [Iron Furnaces] (ironfurnaces-1.0.jar)
  145. UCHIJAAAA itlt{0.0.8} [It's the little things] (itlt-1.7.10-0.0.8 (2).jar)
  146. UCHIJAAAA Pads{2.3.3} [JumpPad++] (JumpPad++-1.7.10-2.3.3.jar)
  147. UCHIJAAAA Kablooey{0.1} [Kablooey] (Kablooey-0.1.jar)
  148. UCHIJAAAA LLadders{0.5.0} [Luppii's Ladders] (Ladders-0.5.0-MC1.7.10.jar)
  149. UCHIJAAAA lycanitesmobs{ - MC 1.7.10} [Lycanites Mobs] (LycanitesMobsComplete [1.7.10].jar)
  150. UCHIJAAAA arcticmobs{ - MC 1.7.10} [Lycanites Arctic Mobs] (LycanitesMobsComplete [1.7.10].jar)
  151. UCHIJAAAA demonmobs{ - MC 1.7.10} [Lycanites Demon Mobs] (LycanitesMobsComplete [1.7.10].jar)
  152. UCHIJAAAA desertmobs{ - MC 1.7.10} [Lycanites Desert Mobs] (LycanitesMobsComplete [1.7.10].jar)
  153. UCHIJAAAA forestmobs{ - MC 1.7.10} [Lycanites Forest Mobs] (LycanitesMobsComplete [1.7.10].jar)
  154. UCHIJAAAA freshwatermobs{ - MC 1.7.10} [Lycanites Freshwater Mobs] (LycanitesMobsComplete [1.7.10].jar)
  155. UCHIJAAAA infernomobs{ - MC 1.7.10} [Lycanites Inferno Mobs] (LycanitesMobsComplete [1.7.10].jar)
  156. UCHIJAAAA junglemobs{ - MC 1.7.10} [Lycanites Jungle Mobs] (LycanitesMobsComplete [1.7.10].jar)
  157. UCHIJAAAA mountainmobs{ - MC 1.7.10} [Lycanites Mountain Mobs] (LycanitesMobsComplete [1.7.10].jar)
  158. UCHIJAAAA plainsmobs{ - MC 1.7.10} [Lycanites Plains Mobs] (LycanitesMobsComplete [1.7.10].jar)
  159. UCHIJAAAA saltwatermobs{ - MC 1.7.10} [Lycanites Saltwater Mobs] (LycanitesMobsComplete [1.7.10].jar)
  160. UCHIJAAAA shadowmobs{ - MC 1.7.10} [Lycanites Shadow Mobs] (LycanitesMobsComplete [1.7.10].jar)
  161. UCHIJAAAA swampmobs{ - MC 1.7.10} [Lycanites Swamp Mobs] (LycanitesMobsComplete [1.7.10].jar)
  162. UCHIJAAAA malisiscore{1.7.10-0.12.9} [MalisisCore] (malisiscore-1.7.10-0.12.9.jar)
  163. UCHIJAAAA malisisadvert{1.7.10-0.4.3} [Malisis Advert] (malisisadvert-1.7.10-0.4.3.jar)
  164. UCHIJAAAA malisisdoors{1.7.10-1.10} [Malisis' Doors] (malisisdoors-1.7.10-1.10.jar)
  165. UCHIJAAAA mam{1.7.10-1.0.2} [Myths & Monsters Mod] (mam-1.7.10-1.0.2.jar)
  166. UCHIJAAAA MedicineCraft{V4.0} [MedicineCraft] (MedicineCraft V4.2.jar)
  167. UCHIJAAAA nolpfij_mobstatues{0.1.1} [mobstatues] (MobStatues-1.7.10-0.1.1.jar)
  168. UCHIJAAAA modelcitizens{1.0.1} [Model Citizens] (ModelCitizens-mc1.7.10-1.0.1.jar)
  169. UCHIJAAAA cfm{3.4.8} [ยง9MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod] (MrCrayfishFurnitureModv3.4.8(1.7.10).jar)
  170. UCHIJAAAA MutantCreatures{1.4.9} [Mutant Creatures] (MutantCreatures-1.7.10-1.4.9.jar)
  171. UCHIJAAAA recipehandler{1.7.10} [NoMoreRecipeConflict] (NoMoreRecipeConflict-0.3(1.7.10).jar)
  172. UCHIJAAAA bq_npc_integration{1.0.10} [NPC Integration] (NPCIntegration-1.0.10.jar)
  173. UCHIJAAAA ObsidianTools{1.0.0} [ObsidianTools] (Obsidian Tools Mod.jar)
  174. UCHIJAAAA oharaicaine_tweaks{0.3} [oharaicaine_tweaks] (oharaicaine_tweaks-0.3.jar)
  175. UCHIJAAAA OmnisCore{0.1.0} [Omnis Core] (OmnisCore-1.7.10 - 0.0.6-universal.jar)
  176. UCHIJAAAA dimensionalPockets{} [Dimensional Pockets] (OmnisDimensionalPockets-1.7.10-
  177. UCHIJAAAA OpenMods{0.9} [OpenMods] (OpenModsLib-1.7.10-0.9.jar)
  178. UCHIJAAAA OpenBlocks{1.5} [OpenBlocks] (OpenBlocks-1.7.10-1.5.jar)
  179. UCHIJAAAA openmodularturrets{2.2.7-228} [Open Modular Turrets] (OpenModularTurrets-1.7.10-2.2.7-228.jar)
  180. UCHIJAAAA grim3212core{V0.2 - 1.7.10} [Grim3212 Core] (Pokeball-Grim3212-Core-1.7.10.jar)
  181. UCHIJAAAA pokeball{V0.1 - 1.7.10} [Pokeball] (Pokeball-Mod-by-grim3212-1.7.10 (1).jar)
  182. UCHIJAAAA ForgeMultipart{} [Forge Multipart] (ForgeMultipart-1.7.10-
  183. UCHIJAAAA MrTJPCoreMod{} [MrTJPCore] (MrTJPCore-1.7.10-
  184. UCHIJAAAA ProjRed|Core{4.7.0pre10.93} [ProjectRed Core] (ProjectRed-1.7.10-4.7.0pre10.93-Base.jar)
  185. UCHIJAAAA ProjRed|Illumination{4.7.0pre10.93} [ProjectRed Illumination] (ProjectRed-1.7.10-4.7.0pre10.93-Lighting.jar)
  186. UCHIJAAAA QuantumStorage{1.2.1} [QuantumStorage] (QuantumStorage-1.7.10-1.2.1.jar)
  187. UCHIJAAAA questbook{1.1.0} [Better Questing Quest Book] (questbook-1.1.0.jar)
  188. UCHIJAAAA QVBARightClickDye{1.0} [Right Click Dye] (RCD.jar)
  189. UCHIJAAAA RedstonePasteMod{1.6.2} [Redstone Paste] (RedstonePasteMod-1.7.10-1.6.2.jar)
  190. UCHIJAAAA roadblock{1.7.10-2.1.8-} [Roadblocks] (Roadblocks-1.7.10-2.1.8.jar)
  191. UCHIJAAAA secretroomsmod{4.7.1} [The SecretRoomsMod] (secretroomsmod-1.7.10-
  192. UCHIJAAAA SGCraft{1.13.2} [Greg's SG Craft] (SGCraft-1.13.2-mc1.7.10.jar)
  193. UCHIJAAAA SimpleLabels{@VERSION@} [SimpleLabels] (SimpleLabels-1.7.10-1.0-9.jar)
  194. UCHIJAAAA skinport{1.7.10-v8c} [SkinPort] (SkinPort-1.7.10-v8c.jar)
  195. UCHIJAAAA SpecialMobs{3.2.0} [Special Mobs] (SpecialMobs-1.7.10-3.2.0.jar)
  196. UCHIJAAAA sprinkles_for_vanilla{1.6.0} [sprinkles_for_vanilla] (sprinklesforvanilla-1.7.10-1.6.0.jar)
  197. UCHIJAAAA stairsplusplus_mrliop{1.0} [Stairs++] (stairs-plusplus-1.0.jar)
  198. UCHIJAAAA bq_standard{1.0.99} [Standard Expansion] (StandardExpansion-1.0.99.jar)
  199. UCHIJAAAA StorageDrawers{1.7.10-1.7.5} [Storage Drawers] (StorageDrawers-1.7.10-1.7.5.jar)
  200. UCHIJAAAA storageSilo{1.2.2} [StorageSilo] (StorageSilo-1.7.10-1.2.2.jar)
  201. UCHIJAAAA supercraftingframe{} [Super Crafting Frame] (supercraftingframe-
  202. UCHIJAAAA SwitchesContinued{0.0.1} [Switches Continued] (switchescontinued-0.0.1.jar)
  203. UCHIJAAAA toolbox{1.2.3} [Toolbox] (Toolbox-1.7.10-1.2.3.jar)
  204. UCHIJAAAA ToolUtilities{0.0.1} [Tool Utilities] (ToolUtilities-MC1.7.10-0.0.1-16.jar)
  205. UCHIJAAAA TooMuchTime{2.4.0} [TooMuchTime] (TooMuchTime-1.7.10-2.4.0.B3-universal.jar)
  206. UCHIJAAAA Translocator{} [Translocator] (Translocator-1.7.10-
  207. UCHIJAAAA inventorytweaks{1.58-645ca10-dirty} [Inventory Tweaks] (TweakedInventoryTweaks-1.58.jar)
  208. UCHIJAAAA twistedtweaks{0.1.2-3} [Twisted Tweaks] (twistedtweaks-0.1.2-3.jar)
  209. UCHIJAAAA TYNKYN{2.1} [TYNKYN] (TYNKYN - v2.1 - 1.7.10.jar)
  210. UCHIJAAAA UsefulFood{1.4.5} [UsefulFood] (UsefulFood-Mod-1.7.10.jar)
  211. UCHIJAAAA waystones{1.0.4} [Waystones] (Waystones-mc1.7.10-1.0.4.jar)
  212. UCHIJAAAA wildcaves3{1.7.10} [Wild Caves 3] (WildCaves3-
  213. UCHIJAAAA zetorches{1.1} [Ze Torches] (Ze Torches Mod 1.2.jar)
  214. UCHIJAAAA armoroverlay{2.0} [Armor Overlay] (zzArmor Overlay 2.0.jar)
  215. UCHIJAAAA CleanView{1.7.10-v2} [CleanView] (zzCleanView-1.7.10-v2.jar)
  216. UCHIJAAAA DamageIndicatorsMod{3.2.0} [Damage Indicators] (zzDamage-Indicators-Mod-1.7.10.jar)
  217. UCHIJAAAA fognerf{1.7.10-0.3} [Fog Nerf] (zzfognerf-1.7.10-0.4.jar)
  218. UCHIJAAAA HelpFixer{1.0.7} [HelpFixer] (zzHelpFixer-1.0.7.jar)
  219. UCHIJAAAA ModLister{1.0} [Simple Mod Lister] (zzMod-list generator.jar)
  220. UCHIJAAAA NoNausea{1.0} [No Nausea] (zzNoNausea-MC1.7.10-1.0.jar)
  221. UCHIJAAAA ParticleDistance{1.0.0} [Particle Distance Increasinator] (zzparticledist-1.0.0.jar)
  222. UCHIJAAAA ReiMinimap{1.7.10} [Rei's Minimap] (zzReis-Minimap-Mod-1.7.10.jar)
  223. UCHIJAAAA ShowDurability2{1.3.0} [ShowDurability2] (zzShowDurability2-1.7.10-1.4.0.jar)
  224. UCHIJAAAA bspkrsCore{6.15} [bspkrsCore] ([1.7.10]bspkrsCore-universal-6.15.jar)
  225. UCHIJAAAA StatusEffectHUD{1.27} [StatusEffectHUD] (zzStatusEffectHUD-client-1.27.jar)
  226. UCHIJAAAA Waila{1.5.10} [Waila] (zzWaila-1.5.10_1.7.10.jar)
  227. UCHIJAAAA McMultipart{} [Minecraft Multipart Plugin] (ForgeMultipart-1.7.10-
  228. UCHIJAAAA HungerOverhaul{1.7.10-1.0.0.jenkins75} [Hunger Overhaul] (HungerOverhaul-1.7.10-1.0.0.jar)
  229. UCHIJAAAA ForgeMicroblock{} [Forge Microblocks] (ForgeMultipart-1.7.10-
  230. GL info: ~~ERROR~~ RuntimeException: No OpenGL context found in the current thread.
  231. OpenModsLib class transformers: [stencil_patches:FINISHED],[movement_callback:FINISHED],[map_gen_fix:FINISHED],[gl_capabilities_hook:FINISHED],[player_render_hook:FINISHED]
  232. Class transformer null safety: all safe
  233. DPAnalytics Crash Check: Will analyze crash-log before shutdown and send it to the Dimensional Pockets developer
  234. Stencil buffer state: Function set: GL30, pool: internal, bits: 8
  235. Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)
  236. Vec3 Pool Size: 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used
  237. Player Count: 1 / 8; [EntityPlayerMP['Badcholo'/5938, l='New World', x=848.40, y=4.00, z=878.56]]
  238. Type: Integrated Server (map_client.txt)
  239. Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'fml,forge'
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