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What i will do if i ever take over the world

a guest
Sep 19th, 2013
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  1. A top-down style of government will form such as
  2. dictator->council of ministers->government ministry->department of ministry->government workers
  3. People will be allowed to complain to government through internet and voice complaint at any site.
  4. All forms of intellectual property will be eliminated. Anyone whoever claimed such "fictional property" and sued people will be executed and his properties and money confiscated to distribute to victims of such "fictional property".
  5. All of forms of religions/sects/cults will be outlawed and public practitioners will be executed. All places of worship and religious items will be destroyed(including any historical or valuable items).
  6. All people whose capital exceeds 1000 times minimum wage will have their properties and capital confiscated.
  7. All corporations/peoples/companies with income more than 1000 times minimum wage will pay 50% tax, with 10000 times minimum wage+ will pay 75% tax.
  8. A free internet-based education system will be provided to everyone with state-sponsored computers.Internet will be provided for free as well as basic computer hardware/accessories required to view multimedia content.
  9. Studies of useless subjects like history/linguistics/art/higher math/women studies/etc anything which doesn't guarantee a job will be removed from education and replaced with technical topics.
  10. A system of minimum income which would provide everyone with means to live comfortably. Utilities below certain limits(electricity,water) will be provided for free.
  11. Goverment subsidized housing will be provided for lower-income people.
  12. All surplus goods will be distributed for free to lower-income people.
  13. A eugenics program which would
  14. 1.prevent people with abnormal genetics breeding.
  15. 2.mandate euthanasia of insane/mentally retarded/terminally ill people.
  16. 3.prevent overpopulation by allowing only N kids per couple(with N decided on current population level)
  17. 4.require every couple to register and pass extensive DNA tests
  18. Borders will be eliminated. Communities will have the right to segregate themself with any criteria they choose.
  19. Regional seed banks will be established everywhere and free seeds will be provided in limited quantity for farmers.
  20. Economics will be highly controlled by the government, but will allow commerce as long as it follows the regulations(such as ethical business practices, respect for ecology, respect for workers,etc).
  21. All drugs will be outlawed(such as alcohol,tobacco,caffeine) unless they have a legal purpose(health,chemical industry). Food industry will be required to list all ingredients on package(with no vague or uncertain terms, full chemical names and percentages of product will be required: with violations will result in product confiscations) and the ingredients will be tested and checked for compliance with food standards.
  22. Tap water will not be altered with any chemical substances and its purity must follow a water standard(which will only allow a certain percentage of natural minerals).
  23. Plastics will be outlawed and replaced with non-plastic alternatives(such as some forms of cellulose, raw glass) which do not leach any substance into container.
  24. All lightning will be mandated to use the most efficient light source possible, unless the said source contains toxic compounds.
  25. Ecology will be treated as ultimate good: laws which protect ecology will be strict and allow no loopholes(anyone abusing a loophole will be executed).
  26. A system of free public transport will be provided.
  27. Self-defense against crime: everyone can use approved weapons to kill criminals(unless the criminal was proven innocent).
  28. Space exploration: all research will be focused on non-chemical launch systems.
  29. Science will be sponsored on massive scale with most valuable fields getting more investment.
  30. Science will be investigating all phenomena and fields, including these which cannot be reproduced or were rejected in the past. Such fields will be assigned low-priority initially.
  31. All languages will be replaced by simplified English. Local languages will be used only as limited translation aid.
  32. All pornography/erotica will be regulated by ministry of culture and those kinds of pornography which offend common aesthetics will be outlawed(e.g. scat/pedophilia/bestiality) and their creators executed(possession will not be outlawed, only distribution).
  33. All works which contain extreme forms of violence/sexual imagery will have to pass censorship.
  34. All works which portray real children will have to pass censorship.
  35. Genders other than male or female will not be allowed(see eugenics above). Trans-genders will be executed. Homosexuals and lesbians who showcase same-gender relationships in public will be executed.
  36. Prostitution will be outlawed. Government sponsored cheap alternatives to sexual services will be provided to lower-income people(mass produced dildos/vibrators/artificial orifices/etc).
  37. Militias and mercenary armies will be disbanded and outlawed.
  38. Ecology: polluting entities will be graded on how harmful their pollution is and if exceeds a threshold they will be dismantled. Amount of non-poisonous substances such as carbon dioxide will not counted.
  39. Global Warming/Climate change: All effort on climate will be spent on future-proofing society against changes in temperature. No carbon taxes or measures to reduce Co2 by reducing economic output will be allowed.
  40. Mass surveillance: all public places and private places where owner decided will be recorded.
  41. All people will be provided access to recorded material and real-time data via internet and could report any crime or misconduct to authority.
  42. Discrimination based on any criteria other than merit or proficiency in the subject will be outlawed.
  43. Business will be subject to harsh fines for every violation of ethics or consumer trust, if such facts repeat they will be dismantled and their assets confiscated.
  44. Government will not sponsor any art/museum/music/sculpture or any creative field.
  45. Statues/public art/installations which don't have functional purpose and are in public property will be removed.
  46. All cities will have mandatory green areas which would have to cover at least half of available city space.
  47. All pets which represent any threat to public will be confiscated and euthanized.
  48. Organisms defined as "harmful"(such as poisonous plants, parasites,etc) will be exterminated by regional ecology control teams trained and funded by government. Priority will be assigned to most harmful organisms.
  49. All preventable diseases will be countered with free government vaccinations, which will be subject to strict standards and manufactured by government controlled factories.
  50. Music which offends common aesthetics(such as rap,harsh noise, dubstep,heavy metal and any kind of music which is deemed vulgar/primitive/degenerate) will be outlawed.
  51. All piercings/earrings/tattoo/body modification/cosmetics/cosmetic plastic surgery/implants will be outlawed.
  52. Consumption of organisms other than plants/fungi/algae will be outlawed. Hunting and fishing will be outlawed.
  53. Luxury goods with high cost to produce will be permitted as long as the cost is less than 100 times the common good of that class of goods, to allow all segments of population to have opportunity to get such goods.
  54. Politics will be strictly controlled and limited public opinion polls will be conducted where decision of population will be considered.All forms of militarized movements will be outlawed.
  55. Abortion and euthanasia will be provided to anyone free of charge, without question.
  56. All cultures which don't share values of civilized world will be forcibly reformed.
  57. Shock art/shock sites/shock performances will be outlawed.
  58. Crime will be dealt with death penalty or fines/confiscations for minor crimes. Prisons will be dismantled.
  59. Psychiatric hospitals and similar structures will be dismantled with their patients euthanized.
  60. Execution of criminals and euthanasia will be required to be humane and painless(e.g. nitrogen chambers).
  61. Advertising will be regulated by ministry of economy. Public spaces cannot contain any advertising beyond stating the purpose of containing building.Websites which show non-ethical or intrusive advertising will be delisted from internet.
  62. Internet commerce will be regulated as normal commerce with full consumer protection and site owners which don't comply will be executed and their properties confiscated.
  63. Internet will be directly controlled by ministry of infrastructure and regulated by other other ministries.
  64. Freedom of speech on the internet will be broader than real-life: as long as such content doesn't harm, it will be allowed.Freedom of speech and assembly in real world will be strictly regulated.
  65. Fashions which don't get approval from ministry of culture will be illegal, with confiscation of fashion items.
  66. Nudism will be not be allowed unless a.the community where it occurs has unanimous approval for it and b.the nudists don't offend public aesthetics of people outside the community(e.g. ugly,old or fat people are ineligible for such privilege).
  67. Transportation reform: all transports will be replaced by electric types.
  68. Private transports which use fuel-based engines will be forcibly swapped to equivalent electric.
  69. Advertising which is deemed malicious,exploitation or harmful will be outlawed.
  70. Memes and viral marketing will be monitored and regulated by ministry of economy.
  71. People who contribute to science or work on jobs vital to society will have limited economic/social privileges.
  72. Virtual reality system controlled by government will be developed to provide free video games/conferencing and simulations of all kinds at zero cost.
  73. Final note:
  74. As a dictator i would try to transfer/implant my brain into a computer network which would control the government and military as long as possible, in the case of old age or any sign of disease. In the case that fails or stops working, a council(selected before such events, but with limited authority) of people who share my views and are loyal to the ideals of the state will be allowed to rule as replacement and accept new members with majority approval.Reforms to laws and decrees would have to be discussed and approved by 3/4 majority of such council to avoid hasty decisions.
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