
Sedridor (stage 5)

Apr 1st, 2013
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  2. NpcTalk("Welcome adventurer, to the world renowned Wizards' Tower.");
  3. NpcTalk("How may i help you?");
  4. NpcTalk("Ah, (username). How goes your quest?");
  5. NpcTalk("Have you delivered the research notes to my friend Aubury yet?");
  6. PlayerTalk("Yes, I have. He gave me some research notes to pass on to you.");
  7. NpcTalk("May I have his notes then?");
  8. PlayerTalk("Sure. I have them here.");
  9. NpcTalk("Well, before you hand them over to me, as you have been");
  10. NpcTalk("nothing but truthful with me to this point, and I admire that in");
  11. NpcTalk("an adventurer, I will let you into the secret of our research.");
  12. NpcTalk("Now as you may or may not know, many centuries ago,"));
  13. NpcTalk("the wizards at this Tower learnt the secret of creating Rune Stones,");
  14. NpcTalk("which allowed us to cast Magic very easily.");
  15. NpcTalk("When this Tower was burnt down the secret of creating runes");
  16. NpcTalk("was lost to us for all time... except it wasn't. Some months ago,");
  17. NpcTalk("while searching these ruins for information from the old days,");
  18. NpcTalk("I came upon a scroll, almost destroyed, that detailed a magical");
  19. NpcTalk("rock deep in the icefields of the North, closed off from access");
  20. NpcTalk("by anything other than magical means.");
  21. NpcTalk("This rock was called the 'Rune Essence' by the magicians");
  22. NpcTalk("who studied its powers. Apparently, by simply breaking a chunk");
  23. NpcTalk("from it, a Rune Stone could be fashioned very quickly");
  24. NpcTalk("and easily at certain elemental alters that were scattered across");
  25. NpcTalk("the land back then. Now this is an interesting little piece of history,");
  26. NpcTalk("but not much use to us as modern wizards without access");
  27. NpcTalk("to the Rune Essence, or these elemental altars.");
  28. NpcTalk("This is where you and Aubury come into this story.");
  29. NpcTalk("A few weeks back, Aubury discovered in a standard delivery");
  30. NpcTalk("of runes to his store, a parchment detailing a teleportation spell");
  31. NpcTalk("that he had never come across before. To his shock, when cast");
  32. NpcTalk("it took him to a strange rock he had never encountered before...");
  33. NpcTalk("yet that felt strangely familiar...");
  34. NpcTalk("As I'm sure by now you have guessed, he had discovered a portal");
  35. NpcTalk("leading to the mythical Rune Essence. As soon as he told me");
  36. NpcTalk("of this spell, I saw the importance of his find, for if we could");
  37. NpcTalk("but find the elemental altars spoken in the ancient texts, we");
  38. NpcTalk("would once more be able to create runes our ancestors had done!");
  39. NpcTalk("It would be the saviour of the wizards' art!");
  40. PlayerTalk("I'm still not sure how I fit into this little story of yours...");
  41. NpcTalk("You haven't guessed? This talisman you brought me...");
  42. NpcTalk("it is the key to the elemental altar of air!");
  43. NpcTalk("When you hold it next, it will direct you towards");
  44. NpcTalk("the entrance to the long forgotten Air Alter!");
  45. NpcTalk("By bringing pieces of the Rune Essence to the Air Temple,");
  46. NpcTalk("you will be able to fashion your on Air Runes!");
  47. NpcTalk("And this is not all! By finding other talismans similar to this one,");
  48. NpcTalk("you will eventually be able to craft every rune that is available on");
  49. NpcTalk("this world! Just as our ancestors did! I cannot stress enough what");
  50. NpcTalk("a find this is! Now, due to the risks involved of letting this");
  51. NpcTalk("mighty power fall into the wrong hands");
  52. NpcTalk("I will keep the teleport skill to the Rune Essence a closely guarded");
  53. NpcTalk("secret, shared only by myself and those Magic users around");
  54. NpcTalk("the world whom I trust enough to keep it.");
  55. NpcTalk("This means that if any evil power should discover the talismans");
  56. NpcTalk("required to enter the elemental temples, we will be able to prevent");
  57. NpcTalk("their access to the Rune Essence and prevent tragedy befalling");
  58. NpcTalk("this world. I know not where the temples are located, nor do I");
  59. NpcTalk("know where the talismans have been scattered to in this land,");
  60. NpcTalk("but I now return your Air Talisman to you.");
  61. NpcTalk("Find the Air Temple, and you will be able to charge your");
  62. NpcTalk("Rune Essences to become Air Runes at will. Any time you wish");
  63. NpcTalk("to visit the Rune Essence, speak to me or Aubury and we will open");
  64. NpcTalk("a portal to that mystical place for you to visit.");
  65. PlayerTalk("So only you and Aubury know the teleport spell to");
  66. PlayerTalk("the Rune Essence?");
  67. NpcTalk("No... there are others... whom I will tell of your authorisation");
  68. NpcTalk("to visit that place. When you speak to them, they will know you,");
  69. NpcTalk("and grant you access to that place when asked.");
  70. NpcTalk("Use the Air Talisman to locate the air temple, and use");
  71. NpcTalk("any further talismans you find to locate other missing elemental");
  72. NpcTalk("temples. Now... my research notes please?");
  73. SendMessage("You hand the head wizard the research notes.");
  74. RemoveItem("notes");
  75. SendMessage("He hands you back the Air Talisman.");
  76. AddItem("air talisman");
  77. SendMessage("You have completed the Rune Mysteries Quest!");
  78. SendMessage("@gre@You have gained 1 quest point!");
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