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May 27th, 2015
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  1. # Antonym List
  2. *Note: The table headings (positive/negative) are not necessarily correct.*
  4. Positive | Negative
  5. ------------|------------
  6. `Acquire` | `Release`
  7. `Add` | `Remove` (e.g. an item), `Subtract` (arithmetic)
  8. `Advance` | `Retreat`
  9. `Allocate` | `Deallocate` (correct), `Free` (common)
  10. `Assemble` | `Disassemble`
  11. `Attach` | `Detach`
  12. `Begin` | `End`
  13. `Bind` | `Unbind`
  14. `Create` | `Destroy`
  15. `Compile` | `Decompile`
  16. `Compress` | `Decompress`
  17. `Connect` | `Disconnect`
  18. `Construct` | `Destruct`
  19. `Enable` | `Disable`
  20. `Enqueue` | `Dequeue`
  21. `Enter` | `Leave`, `Exit`
  22. `First` | `Last`
  23. `Freeze` | `Unfreeze`
  24. `Front` | `Back`
  25. `Get` | `Set`
  26. `Import` | `Export`
  27. `Increase` | `Decrease`
  28. `Increment` | `Decrement`
  29. `Inflate` | `Deflate`
  30. `Inject` | `Eject`
  31. `Insert` | `Delete`
  32. `Install` | `Uninstall`
  33. `Link` | `Unlink`
  34. `Load` | `Unload` (e.g. a module), `Store` (e.g. a value)
  35. `Lock` | `Unlock`
  36. `Minimum` | `Maximum`
  37. `Next` | `Previous`
  38. `New` | `Old`
  39. `Open` | `Close`
  40. `Push` | `Pop`
  41. `Read` | `Write`
  42. `Register` | `Deregister`
  43. `Select` | `Deselect`
  44. `Send` | `Receive`
  45. `Serialize` | `Deserialize`
  46. `Set` | `Unset` (e.g. a key), `Clear` (e.g. a bit)
  47. `SetUp` | `TearDown`
  48. `Show` | `Hide`
  49. `Start` | `Stop`
  50. `StartUp` | `ShutDown`, `CleanUp` (maybe)
  51. `Resume` | `Suspend`
  52. `Up` | `Down`
  54. # Remarks
  56. ## Initialize
  57. There is no precise antonym for `Initialize` and I don't think there has to be:
  58. By using `Initialize` only for simple initializations that don't need any clean up code
  59. (`Initialize` as its own antonym) you can
  61. 1. establish a convention through that initialization routines without a corresponding clean up routine can be easily recognized, and
  62. 2. circumvent the need for an antonym ;).
  64. For routines that do not fall in this category, select another verb from the table above (most of the time there is a more descriptive alternative anyway).
  66. If you still feel like you need an antonym; possibilities include but are not limited to: `Exit` (very common in conjunction with `Init`), `Reset`, `Finalize`, `Terminate`.
  68. ## "De-" vs. "Un-"
  69. Both prefixes (`de-` and `un-`) can be defined as a *reversal of action*. Most of the time the prefix `de-` is used for verbs while `un-` is used for adjectives. There are many exceptions to this rule though.
  70. In some cases careful usage of these prefixes can be used to avoid ambiguity. For example, *"he was unregistered"* is ambiguous because it can mean either *"he was not registered"* or *"his registration was removed"*, while *"he was deregistered"* is not.
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