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- Duplica would be lying if she said she wasn’t nervous--especially at the sight of the large Celadon mall in front of her. Once known as the Celadon Department Store, the place had seen incredible business over time and expanded into a vast shopping center.
- “Wow, Ditto. When’s the last time we’ve been here?” Duplica asked her Pokemon that she held in her arms.
- “Ditto …” Ditto looked just as amazed; even though it was something as simple as a mall, the two didn’t get out much from watching their performance theater and home. “Ditto!” the Pokemon happily exclaimed.
- “Yes, yes, we’ll buy you a new toy.” Duplica assured him.
- The night sky above her was one of the most beautiful sights Duplica had laid eyes on in a very long time. Although it was interrupted by the mall’s outdoor lightning, just looking up at the stars was something the imitation artist enjoyed. Taking a deep breath, Duplica walked into the mall, the door closing hard behind her.
- “Well, since we’re here, might as well do some shopping before we hit the hotel.” Duplica said as she and Ditto walked.
- “Welcome to Celadon Mall!” A very cheerful woman standing behind a counter greeted Duplica when she walked further in. “Are you the ‘Miss Imite’ we’re expecting?” Duplica was a bit unnerved at the very blunt question. The woman noticed this and put on an apologetic smile. “I apologize, miss, but you match the photograph we were given earlier today.”
- “Uh … yes, I am. I’m Miss Imite.” Duplica admitted. “Is there something I can help you with, ma’am?”
- “Oh no, quite the contrary!” The receptionist replied with a dismissive wave of her hand. “As I said, we have been expecting you! We’ve changed the fourth floor into a special area for you and your party! Please head up whenever you’ve finished shopping.”
- “For my … party?” Duplica raised an eyebrow. “I … uh, okay. Sure, I’ll go, thank you.” Duplica and the woman exchanged an agreeing nod before Duplica walked away. Ditto looked up at her.
- “Ditto?” Ditto asked, confused. Duplica looked back down at him, her expression speaking for her—she had no idea, either. “Ditto!”
- By now, the two had reached the elevator and the directory. Duplica read the list while Ditto’s small blob hands frantically attempted to point at a floor.
- “Ditto! Ditto!” Ditto strained himself, reaching out and trying his best to point. Duplica chuckled at the sight of her Pokemon being so eager.
- “The TV and game floor, huh? Wanna play some video games?” Duplica asked. Ditto eagerly nodded. “Okay then, sounds fun!”
- “Ditto!” Ditto happily agreed.
- The elevator music was reminiscent of a Pokemon Center’s as the two rode up, heading for Ditto’s eagerly-awaited floor. As the doors opened with a ‘ding!’ Duplica and Ditto became wide-eyed at everything in front of them: game consoles, huge TVs, and even arcade cabinets: way more than what the place had years ago.
- “Wow, so cool!” Duplica exclaimed. Ditto clapped his blobby hands in anticipation and leapt from Duplica’s hold, quickly crawling towards one of the larger televisions with a game on display: New Super Machop Brothers. Ditto jumped up onto the table and tried his hardest to grab the controller in front of him.
- “Dit-to!” Ditto grunted in frustration, trying his hardest to keep hold on the chunk of plastic. A brilliant idea formed in Ditto’s mind: he started to glow, changing into the form of the Machop on screen, complete with black suspenders and matching trucker hat. Sunglasses fell from the hat over Ditto’s eyes--the little purple Pokemon felt like a complete badass. He started to play the game, although with no experience he failed miserably—being a Pokemon, he had no idea. He just assumed he was winning.
- Duplica watched behind him with a mix of amusement and awe.
- “Jeez, whenever you want something, you don’t let anything stop you, huh?” Duplica commented. Ditto placed up a hand, something Duplica took as ‘I’m concentrating.’ “Fine, Mr. Video Master. I’ll come back for you.”
- Knowing Ditto could easily take care of himself, Duplica started to explore on her own, quite impressed with the floor’s selection; retro games from years gone by, demos of games not yet released, and some recent titles that were available to buy if you wanted.
- “I always wondered why I never became a gamer.” Duplica pondered. She looked back at Ditto with an amused smirk. “I guess he’s proof as to why.” Duplica sat down in front of a Game Boy attached to a table and looked down at the game in front of her; her eyes lit up at the sight. “Hey! That old battle simulator from the nineties! I hope it’s the Red version!”
- When Duplica ended the game and looked up at the clock on the wall, she saw that two hours had already gone by. When was she being expected, again? She knew it was likely before now. She stood and ran for Ditto, who was pressing buttons and apparently winning at the ‘Game Over’ screen. She scooped up the imitation Machop in her arms, dashing towards the elevator. The fighter Pokemon quickly turned back into Ditto, whose blobby body was stretching from Duplica’s speed.
- “Come on, come on!” Duplica frantically pressed the elevator button, practically leaping inside when the doors opened. She pressed just as hard on the ‘4’ button, hoping she hadn’t missed anything. She sighed in relief when the doors finally opened, wondering if everyone had left by now.
- They hadn’t. In fact, it looked like the festivities were just beginning.
- Many girls, none of which Duplica knew, were all on the floor or bent over the counters or tables—men, also none of which Duplica knew, were behind them, vigorously thrusting inside of them. The groups were all completely nude, save for the few who were snorting some kind of purple power chopped up on a glass table.
- “Oh no.” Duplica muttered. “No way. Uh-uh.”
- “Miss Imite, there you are!”
- Duplica watched in horror as Steven stood from the glass table and approached her with a wide smile on his face. His head had fits of spasms as he walked closer.
- “We were waiting, and—what’s wrong? Do I have something on my face?” Steven wiped purple residue from his upper lip, his smile not leaving. “Sorry, this stuff sticks to ya, I swear.”
- “What … what is this?” Duplica asked. “Why is everyone naked? What are you all doing?” Steven laughed at her question, patting her on the back.
- “Miss Imite, this is something everyone in the porn business does: they call it a ‘drug party.’ Quite the blast, actually—have you ever heard of something called ‘Quick Powder?’ it’s when you take this sack of powder and—”
- “Nope, don’t care!” Duplica cut him off, stepping back into the elevator she had opened while he spoke. “Not interested!”
- “Hey, WAIT.” Steven’s cheerful voiced turned deep and rather angry, with an expression to match. He reached into the elevator and held a finger on the ‘hold door’ button. “I didn’t ask if you wanted to stay, Imite. You have very important people to impress.”
- Duplica pondered her situation; on one hand, meeting these supposed “important” people might help her career, one of which she was seriously questioning. On the other hand, she wasn’t trying any form of drug, no matter what the circumstances were, which could get her fired.
- “I’ll talk to these people, but I’m not doing anything and my clothes stay on.” Duplica said with a stern glare. Steven eased up, nodding as she stepped from the elevator. “If anyone lays a hand on me, I’m gone.”
- “Sure, whatever.” Steven replied nonchalantly. “Look, the drug store’s on the next floor, so someone’s gonna need to make a run. If you don’t wanna talk, you can be our waitress. Just figure something out before you make a fool of yourself.”
- “Uh, okay, I’ll do that.” Duplica agreed, stepping back into the elevator; anything to get away from this room was good enough for her. Steven reached in and pressed the ‘5’ button, standing back as the doors closed. Duplica took a deep breath as the elevator moved. She looked down at Ditto, expecting a smile—she was greeted by a dazed-looking blob instead. “You got a contact high from powder? How?”
- “Ditto …” Ditto replied groggily, with a glazed look in his eyes.
- “We’ll get you some medicine for that when we get up there.” Duplica assured her Pokemon. “No Pokemon of mine is becoming a druggie. You’re not gonna be a Carbos abuser like those Primeape on TV.”
- “Ditto …” Ditto replied. In his eyes, Duplica was a large piece of talking pizza with blue hair, and quite frankly, it was pretty awesome.
- Duplica looked around as she stepped into the drug store—it looked relatively normal, complete with a cashier behind the counter.
- “Hello, may I help you?” The cashier asked. Her wavy black hair and cheerful blue eyes somehow put Duplica at ease.
- “Yes. My Ditto, well …” Duplica looked humiliated. “He’s kind of …”
- “You were downstairs, huh? Those dreadful people, I swear.” The woman scoffed. She reached under the counter and pulled out a spray bottle. “Here. Paralyze Heal seems to do the trick on this stuff. No charge.”
- “Oh, thank you very much!” Duplica placed Ditto on the counter, watching as the woman lightly sprayed him with the liquid. In a matter of seconds, Ditto was back to his cheerful self, looking at Duplica with a smile as he hopped into her arms. “Ditto, you’re okay! That’s great!”
- “There’s nothing I love more than seeing a healthy Pokemon.” The cashier smiled. “Besides this little mishap, I can tell your Ditto is well-trained, ma’am. You’re a good person, I can tell.”
- If she only knew, Duplica thought.
- “Yeah, thank you.” Duplica gave a nervous smile. “I’m actually supposed to pick up something, but I don’t know what-”
- “Everyone get down, now! This is a bust!”
- Duplica and the cashier both jumped at the sound of a large crash, followed the somehow-louder yell of what sounded like Officer Jenny.
- “How can we hear that from a lower floor?” Duplica asked.
- “Please, these floors could collapse from a Machop stomp.” The woman replied. “We’re just lucky no one’s been hurt yet.” The woman moved from behind the counter and onto the floor, placing her ear to it.
- “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Duplica asked.
- “Yeah, it’s safe, I swear. C’mon, you too.” The woman encouraged. “We need to hear this.” Duplica shrugged, placing Ditto on the floor and following the cashier’s example.
- “Everyone down!” Jenny yelled. “There is no place for you people in Celadon! You’re all going to prison tonight and I’ll make sure you don’t see the light of day for a long, long time!”
- “Well, there goes my career.” Duplica muttered.
- “Your what?” The cashier asked.
- “Nothing.” Duplica replied. “It sounds like things are winding down.”
- “Okay, everyone move to the elevator! I don’t care if it’s broken; I had to get my bike up here somehow!” Jenny argued with someone, but the girls couldn’t hear who. “You wanna risk killing yourselves with this garbage, you can risk an elevator!”
- “I’m just glad we were up here; I wouldn’t wanna be mistaken for a druggie.” The cashier whispered. Duplica nodded in agreement. After a few more minutes and the bark of a Growlithe, the sound finally came to an end.
- “So how do I get out of here?” Duplica asked. The woman stood up, walking towards the wall and opening a window. Duplica looked puzzled.
- “You have a Ditto—change it into a Pidgeot or something and just fly out!” The woman explained with a sigh. “Jeez, ma’am, that’s like step one of owning a Ditto!”
- “You’re right, heh-heh! Why didn’t I ever think of that?” Duplica blushed, rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment. “Silly me! Let’s go, Ditto!”
- “Pidg-oooo!” Ditto had already transformed into a Pidgeot, flapping his large wings. Duplica climbed onto his back and Ditto headed for the window, crashing into the wall once before lazily making his way outside. It was a shaky landing, but the two reached the ground unharmed.
- “Thanks, Ditto.” Duplica said as Ditto returned to his normal appearance. “I think we should get to the hotel before anything else happens.” With that, the two began to walk; they weren’t sure where they were going, but anything was better than this. Behind them, the sirens of a police cruiser flashed and beeped as many nude women were being stuffed in, looking similar to a law-abiding clown car.
- After a brisk walk to the Pokemon Center to ask for directions, Duplica and Ditto found Celadon Hotel and quickly headed inside. The man behind the desk looked bored, flipping through what looked to Duplica like a porn magazine.
- “Hello, welcome to Celadon Hotel, I’m sorry miss but Pokemon aren’t allowed in the rooms.” The man said without taking a single breath. After a moment of silence, he looked at Duplica out of the corner of his eye—after seeing her, his expression changed completely. “Except for your Ditto! I’ve been told it’s totally cool with Ditto being here.”
- The man handed Duplica a room key. She thanked him as she and Ditto left the reception area, heading down a long hallway. The sounds and smells of the hall weren’t something Duplica would call professional; sounds of couples having sex and the aroma of such actions were very strong. Duplica practically ran to her room, slamming and locking the door behind her.
- “Okay Ditto, I think we’re safe!” Duplica sighed in relief, stuffing the room key into her jean pocket. She looked around the room, seeing her backpack was leaned against the wall. “Hey, I don’t remember taking that off! How did it get here?!” Duplica grabbed the pack and dug through it while Ditto explored the mini-fridge. Her costumes were still inside, accompanied by her normal clothing and ‘lady-needs’ as George called them on the drive. “Nothing stolen …” Duplica sighed yet again; she noticed she’d been doing a lot of that lately.
- “Ditto!” Ditto said happily. Duplica looked over, seeing that Ditto had opened and was chugging a can of Soda Pop. Duplica snatched the can away from him, pointing a finger.
- “Ditto, no! I can’t afford this stuff!” Duplica said. Ditto looked disappointed and pointed to a note on the bedside table. Duplica walked over, picking up the paper:
- “Miss Imite, please enjoy anything you’d like in the room, on me. I’m likely to be in prison before midnight, but if that’s the case then I’ll just see you in the morning. Order whatever room service you’d like for dinner and get plenty of rest, we expect you at eight a.m. sharp.” Steven’s signature ended the message.
- “He knew he’d be busted.” Duplica was amused at this. “Wow. I wonder how many girls this has happened to.” She looked over at Ditto, who had cracked open another three cans of Soda Pop, creating a pile. “Hey, leave me one!” Duplica argued, reaching past Ditto and grabbing a can of her own. “Goodness knows I need some kind of drink after tonight!”
- Duplica sat on the edge of the large bed, looking around; for what sounded like a sleazy hotel on the walk to, her room was actually very nice, surprising for just accommodating a porn actress. She pulled open her soda can and took a sip, kicking her legs against the bed.
- “Ditto, are you happy?” Duplica asked. Ditto looked at her, letting out a large belch before he replied. “I’ll take that as a yes, but I mean with our life right now, this movie thing. Are you having fun?”
- “Ditto.” Ditto replied with a nod. “Ditto, Ditto?”
- “Oh, I don’t know.” Duplica replied, looking at the ceiling. “I’m starting to get used to it, honestly. Sure, it’s just been the one scene, but these guys don’t treat me like I’m just a showgirl or a piece of meat. They talk to me like an actual person … besides wanting me to be their drug maid.” Duplica looked annoyed as she said that last part. “I think this is something we could get behind, maybe.”
- “Ditto.”
- “Yeah, I know it’s a bit late for second thoughts again.” Duplica nodded. “I dunno, Ditto. Things just feel weird, ya know? It’s like, I’m okay with doing this, but … it just seems weird. Kind of icky.”
- “Ditto. Ditto.”
- “… I’m pouring my heart out to you and you want to get laid?” Duplica raised an eyebrow, frowning at her Pokemon. “I told you, movies only.”
- “Ditto! Ditto!”
- “No, Ditto! Movies only or not at all!” Duplica argued. “I don’t care if … well, okay … even if I think about it sometimes.”
- “Ditto …” Ditto smirked at her, crawling towards the bed. He hopped up next to Duplica. “Ditto.”
- “Lay off, Casanova.” Duplica gently pushed her Pokemon away from her. “Here I am, having an identity crisis, and all you’re thinking about is getting your dick wet.”
- Ditto seemed displeased, but ignored her all the same as he crawled towards the TV remote laying at the top of the bed. He moved back to Duplica, turning the television on and relaxing into a flatter blob.
- “Okay, TV sounds good.” Duplica agreed. “Pick whatever, just not KBS. I’m tired of being guilted into donating.”
- As if on cue, Ditto’s channel flipping came to a stop when a logo appeared on screen.
- “Thank you for watching your local KBS, Kanto Broadcasting Station. Please stay tuned for a five-hour marathon about how children in Orre are starving and YOU’RE not doing anything about it.” A woman’s voice spoke. “Now, for more reasons as to why you’re a horrible person by not giving us your money is the Kanto region’s top authority on the subject, Giovanni.”
- “Hello, thank you.” Giovanni, the ex-leader of the criminal organization known as Team Rocket, appeared on screen. “I’m Giovanni. When I’m not trying to rule the world through brute force and violence, I donate my time to the people of Orre.” The screen changed to an image of very sad, starving children, with a smiling Giovanni crudely photoshopped next to them. The background of a different room could be seen surrounding his form.
- “Ditto, gimme the remote!” Duplica reached for Ditto, who pulled away and jumped further back on the bed. Duplica dived at him, the two frantically fighting over the piece of plastic. “Come on Ditto, knock it off! I said give me the—”
- “Thank you. You have ordered ‘Women are from mars, my Raichu has a penis.’”
- A robotic-sounding voice coming from the television caused both Duplica and Ditto to pause. Duplica quickly sat up, staring at the screen. She felt something under her rear, reaching down and pulling out the TV remote. Another click came from the TV.
- “Thank you, you have ordered—”
- “No, no! I didn’t order anything! Cancel!” Duplica frantically hit the buttons on the remote. The voice continued to drone out titles.
- “Thank you for ordering ‘My Grimer’s big gooey cock—Mawile’s mawjob—The Princess and the Politoed—Mr. Mime’s double-time—The rimjobbing Reshiram—” The voice continued to list titles as Duplica continued to hit buttons. After another push, the voice finally paused. “You have exceeded the limit of adult films. Please try again in ten minutes.”
- “Oh jeez, I can never show my face here again …” Duplica groaned. She turned to Ditto with a scowl on her face. “Ditto, since when did you become such a pervert?”
- “Ditto …” Ditto pointed at the screen. Duplica looked forward, seeing one of the movies had started to play at random—whatever the Grimer one was. Grimer’s cock was indeed gooey and looked to be dripping although staying still. “Ditto?” Ditto looked at his trainer.
- “Well, let’s see. You’ve emptied out the sodas, made me order at least half a dozen porn movies, and now you’re asking what I think?”
- “Ditto.” Ditto nodded. Duplica groaned, hanging her head.
- “If I put out, will you please behave? You’re acted out enough tonight as it is.” Duplica looked at him. “I can’t believe I’m even offering you this for misbehaving.”
- “Ditto!” Ditto happily agreed. Duplica shook her head, standing from the bed and unfastening and unzipping her blue jeans, pushing them to her ankles. She lazily kicked her off orange shoes, her jeans following to the floor. She faced Ditto her in usual orange star shirt and orange star-covered panties to match. “Ditto …” Ditto commented.
- “Okay, okay. Let’s just get it over with, okay?” Duplica placed her thumbs into the sides of her panties, pushing them down her legs and to her feet, tossing them on top of her jeans. Her shirt followed suit, barring her breasts to Ditto—all of the days she didn’t wear a bra, she thought. For the sake of completion, Duplica peeled off her socks to completely expose her body.
- “Ditto!” Ditto’s large, purple erection sprung from his body like elastic.
- “Please, at least change into something else.” Duplica begged. “You’re squishy, and that’ll feel weird on my butt.” Duplica thought for a moment, her eyes not leaving Ditto’s penis. “Growlithe. Steven’s so set on a Jenny scene, we’d might as well practice.”
- “Ditto!” Ditto argued. His erection grew harder, throbbing more violently.
- “Huh, didn’t know you could do that.” Duplica commented. She sighed, shaking her head. “Okay, fine, whatever makes Mr. King-of-the-house happy.” Duplica moved back onto the bed, watching as Ditto backed up to give her room. Lying on her stomach, she brushed her hair back and looked at Ditto as she leaned down, taking his gooey cock into her mouth and slowly bobbing her head.
- Ditto let out a quiet moan, his pleasure ending not a moment later when Duplica pulled away.
- “I’ve never done a blowjob before, so—mmph!” Duplica was silenced by Ditto turning his blob hand into a human’s and shoving her back down. Duplica gagged from the surprise force, but resumed bobbing. She looked up at Ditto, seeing his eyes had closed—she smiled, moving her head slightly faster.
- (Finish Sex Scenes)
- The next morning, a very tired Duplica and very eager Ditto walked into Celadon Mall.
- “Okay Ditto, let’s see—whoa!” Duplica’s eyes widened at the large groups of people standing in front of a long table at the end of the room; she’d never seen so many people in one place before, not even in the Imite House’s glory days. Next to the table was a very large sign with pictures of girls that Duplica had never met and a small one of Duplica herself with her ‘Ash’ hat covering her face. “W-What am I doing on that?”
- “Miss Imite!” Duplica shot a glance in the sound of Steven’s whispering voice. The director greeted her with a smile and a wave, ushering her off to a corner of the room. Duplica crossed her arms and looked at him, tapping a foot. “Oh, what is it now?” Steven groaned.
- “How’d you get outta jail?” Duplica asked. “I heard Jenny bust you last night and I know she wouldn’t just let you out like that!”
- “Babe, I’ve told you, the porn business works in mysterious ways.” Steven explained. “With the right name and the right money, we can go over any Jenny in Kanto with a few phone calls.” Duplica didn’t seem to buy this, but she didn’t have much choice in the matter regardless.
- “Whatever.” Duplica scoffed. She turned and pointed to the backpack she carried. “Can I go change now? I don’t think anyone’s seen me yet.”
- “Oh sure, sure.” Steven said. “I know you’ll have something clever for us.”
- …
- “No, Imite. No.”
- Steven rubbed his temples in frustration when Duplica walked out of the ladies’ restroom. Instead of some ‘cute’ costume Steven had in mind, the blue-haired girl’s body was completely covered by a long brown trench coat, black sunglasses, and a black fedora.
- “What’s the problem?” Duplica asked, moving her shades down slightly to look at Steven. “I want to make sure I’m not recognized by anyone who’s been at the Imite House before. Why can’t I wear this?”
- “Because,” Steven started. His voice grew in rage and volume when he pointed to a nearby line of men. “You look like EVERY OTHER PERSON here!”
- Indeed, he was correct—most of the men were dressed up similar to a top-secret agent, but it was all out of shame and wanting to remain anonymous to the world. Better to stay hidden than let someone find out they watch porn, right?
- “Then I’ll just get in line and watch how the girls do it.” Duplica muttered. “Besides, Ditto likes the trench coat.”
- “I don’t care what Ditto likes, get back in there and change into this.” Steven thrust a bag into her hands. “Trust me, your identity, for whatever reason you must protect, will be fine.”
- Duplica gave him a nod, rubbing her tired eyes and walking back into the bathroom. Steven leaned by the door, casually checking his fingernails and listening as Duplica had some difficulty changing into her new clothes. Steven stepped back as he heard her approaching.
- "Steven, what is this supposed to be!?"
- Duplica exited the bathroom with some hesitation; the large, yellow boot-like shoes on her feet made it difficult to walk. On her head rest a yellow horn a pair of antennae perched on top of a yellow wig that completely covered her blue hair. A yellow bikini top and matching pair of shorts was all that covered her body. Trailing behind her was a large, rounded yellow tail attached to the shorts, coupled with wings attached to the back of the bikini top.
- "You're supporting Bad Dragonite; I just signed them on as sponsors for our next few movies."
- "In a mascot costume!?" Duplica asked in a rage.
- "No, as what's called a 'booth babe'." Steven corrected her with a wag of his finger.
- "This isn't a convention!" Duplica argued.
- "... And?" Steven shrugged. He soon thrust another bag into Duplica’s hands—a black bad with ‘Bad Dragonite Inc’ on the front. “Since they’re a sponsor, we’re doing our part and whoring out their toys … no pun intended.”
- “Ha ha.” Duplica groaned. “Now how do you expect me to hold this?” The bag fumbled in Duplica’s hands, which were covered by large, plush gloves meant to look like a Dragonite’s.
- “You’re a cosplay master; I’m sure you’ll figure it out!” Steven laughed, walking past her and into the crowd of men.
- “I’ll figure out where to shove this dildo …” Duplica snapped, looking into the bag. “Right up his smug little—”
- “Good morning, everyone!”
- Duplica was cut off by Steven’s voice echoing throughout the room. She fumbled with the bag again, eventually placing it at her feet to watch her boss walk towards the front of the room.
- “My name is Steven, and I’m the director of these fantastic pictures!” Steven said to an applauding crowd. “But no one’s here to see me, I know! Let’s bring out who you’re all really here for—oh ladies, if you please?”
- The roars of cheer and applause were deafening when the girls walked out into the room. Duplica slapped her large hands over her ears, watching in annoyance as the men fawned over the women standing in a line. For porn stars, there were dressed like normal people—because of appearing in a public place, Duplica assumed. What really baffled her was how Steven was getting away with doing this in such a public setting.
- It didn’t take long to get an answer.
- “Well, if you folks could, I ask that you join us on the fourth floor!” Steven loudly spoke into a microphone. One of the cameramen Duplica recognized ran up to Steven and whispered in his ear. “Oh … the elevator’s still … broken.” Steven muttered. “Well, a little exercise never hurt anyone! To the stairs!”
- Duplica watched in amusement as men in trench coats and overweight men in Pokemon-branded shirts that barely covered their bulging stomachs all ran for the stairwell, causing a traffic jam in the process. As the last man finally wedged his fat rolls through the door, Duplica remembered that she indeed had a job to do. She reached down to fumble with the large black bag, instead seeing that Ditto was carrying it on his head.
- “Where did you come from?” Duplica asked. “I haven’t seen you since you waited outside the stall for me to change.”
- “Ditto.” Ditto replied casually, wiggling his way towards the stairs. As Ditto moved, various items fell out of the bag – dildos, beads, vibrators, and condoms – all things that shouldn’t be seen in a public setting like this.
- “Ditto, wait! You’re dropping—oomph!” Duplica tripped over her large dragon feet, falling hard on the floor. She scrambled to get back up, snatching all of the toys as she ran after Ditto. “Hold on, Ditto!”
- …
- As Duplica reached the fourth floor, panting and breathing heavily, Ditto strolled past her, looking around at the crowd of men. Having new privacy, most had stripped of their coats, looking like what one would call the ‘Super Nerd’ trainer class, although they were mostly the size of ‘Hikers.’ Some ‘Ace Trainers,’ ‘Pokemaniacs,’ and ‘Collector’ trainers were also present.
- Keeping quiet, Duplica and Ditto retired to a corner of the room, watching as the men lined up in front of the same table from the lower floor, only now with a line of women sitting behind it.
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