
Holy Terra to Inquisitor Markam

Sep 5th, 2023 (edited)
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  2. Telepathic Duct: +++++++Astropath Primus Theobald++++++
  3. +++ENCRYPTION: Cryptox 0Se57MuiL8&ab+++
  4. Author: Inquisitor Crispus Proctor, Ordo Hereticus
  5. Location: Segmentum Solar, Sector Solar, Holy Terra
  6. Destination: Segmentum Obscurus, Calixis Sector, Scintilla
  7. Year: 816.M41
  8. Subject: Sire of Dragomir Dynasty
  9. Message:
  11. Most Esteemed Lord Inquisitor,
  13. The following contains a brief accounting of the Biography of Grygoriy Dragomir. It has been gathered after a nominal scan of Archive complex Beta-6172. Lord Inquisitor I stand ready to assist you with any other information request however I have been asked by the Custodians no less to moderate all traffic to your Segmentum so as to keep Astropathic lines clear. Consider this in all future requests. The Golden ones as well as High Lord Inquisitor Theron have also asked for illumination as to your investigations into the Dragomir Dynasty.
  15. Born 968.M30 on Vostroya an ancient industrial world of the Mechanicum. Vostroya had been part of the Emperor's domain for nearly two centuries by that time having joined willingly and quickly brought to compliance. Dragomir joined the Imperial Solar Auxilia at a young age and served in the sector fleet eventually reaching the rank of Captain. By then the Archtraitor Horus and his perfidious betrayal had become known. It is written that the Master of Mankind through his Sigilite the one called Malcador had put out the call to the Emperor's realm that any ship and army available make for the Throneworld at once. That they may stop the Archtraitor Warmaster's assault or die trying. Regrettably save for one exception the Vostroyan Council, Fleet Captains, and Sector Governors ignored this call.
  17. As the legend goes Captain Dragomir rebuked his people's passivity and gathered up what loyal ships of the sector fleet he could find, setting out immediately for Holy Terra. Warpstorms plagued their route, and what should have been a journey lasting less than a year became a decade long odyssey through the Warp. When they arrived at the outskirts of System Solar the Archtraitor's war machine had already begun the dreadful Siege of Terra. It is Dragomir Dynasty and Vostroyan Legend that the Pride of the Dragomir fought in and above the skies of the Throneworld throughout the siege. This does not stand up to close scrutiny.
  19. According to records graciously supplied by the Imperial Fists we have discovered that the first record of the Dragomir Fleet in system is a rendezvous with The Phalanx, the Fortress Monastery of their chapter that had been forced to the edge of the system. The Dragomir fleet arrived along with an escort fleet of the Dark Angels Chapter who immediately made for Throneworld while the Dragomir fleet remained behind with the Phalanx. By then the Archtraitor's forces had achieved supremacy in the void around Holy Terra and there was little point in fleet action against such overwhelming foes.
  21. The Imperial Fists had forbade all Auxilia ships in the vicinity from making for Terra, however some commanders ignored these orders and made for the besieged Throneworld anyways. None returned save for Dragomir's Star Galleon. We can safety ascertain that the Dragomir fleet came within sight of Terra as this is recorded in what, I am told, come directly from the Phalanx's archives. The following is also recorded from said archives from the recollections of Captain Dragomir and thus we come to the episode of interesting note in your previous correspondence.
  23. Duirng the sortie to Terra the Pride of the Dragomir was intercepted by traitor ships and subsequently boarded. A host of traitor astartes and their neverborn allies cut their way through the Vostroyan crew all the way to the bridge. The Captain had engaged in melee reportedly killing some of the neverborn when the creatures suddenly retreated. Very soon it was apparent that not only were the traitors retreating from the ship but throughout nearby space.
  25. The Archtraitor had been defeated and the Emperor victorious, though at the enormous cost and sacrifice we all know. Having survived his encounter with the Ruinous Power in the aftermath Dragomir was recognized for his brave efforts. By contrast his home world Vostroya was strongly condemned. To this day for their shame of faithlessness their tribute is recorded as Exactus Extremis and they give their firstborn sons to serve in the Astra Militarum to atone.
  27. The exact details of the Dragomir Warrant are unavailable to me, as the Administratum has been quite adamant about refusing me access. No doubt we can surmise that the seal of the Emperor lies upon at as is the custom. Vostroyan legend records Grygoriy received an audience with the Sigilite or even the Emperor himself. This is nonsense bordering on the heretical of course and nothing in my scan of the Inquisitional Records show anything in the remaining records of the Sigilite about such an exchange. Accounts conflict of course and records of the time prior to the Age of Apostasy are scarce and so we must at least entertain such fragmentary accounts.
  29. It is strongly suggested by records recovered of Dragomir's later life during the Scouring that his Warrant of Trade had a military purpose. It is supposed that it could have been sanctioned by the Praetorian Rogal Dorn or even the Lord Commander Robute Guilliman of Ultramar. Both sons of the Emperor it is easy to assume that the Praetorian Dorn could have been the one responsible as according to these provided records the Dragomir fleet would have further dealings with the Imperial Fists during their campaigns against the Iron Warriors in the Scouring.
  31. Grygoriy Dragomir would retire in 451.M31 leaving his dynasty to a favored nephew that he had formally adopted as his own. He would die sometime later, gaining the Emperor's peace after a lifetime of service. The Dragomir name would become somewhat legendary on Vostroya as would Gyrogiy's exploits. This legend would of course contrast with the family's current standing in the Imperium as in your previous correspondence. I send this to you Lord Inquisitor in the hope that it finds you well and that it may help you in your investigations. The Emperor Protects.
  35. Thought of the Day: "Even amidst the vastness of the galaxy, one man's courage can echo through eternity."
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