

Dec 18th, 2012
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  1. [20:04:50] <RetailBeard> Well, first of how many of you remember a little myth-y thing I did a long time ago? Involving a Man with a Sword?
  2. [20:06:16] <KujiUn> H. I... think I remember it back in the swamps.
  3. [20:06:27] <~castfromhp> Admittedly I don't really remember that now. @_@
  4. [20:06:33] <RetailBeard> It was more or less the Veilstone Myth from Diamond/Pearl.
  5. [20:06:42] <RetailBeard> Lemme link
  6. [20:06:47] <RetailBeard>
  7. [20:06:54] <RetailBeard> It was a slightly altered version of that.
  8. [20:08:22] <RetailBeard> More or less how Vsevolod became who he was, renouncing the sword became the first Genetic/King of Kushva. The first and only Arceus Genetic.
  9. [20:08:30] <~castfromhp> :O
  10. [20:08:48] <RetailBeard> He was going to be the secret boss at the end. In his full Plate Armor.
  11. [20:09:04] <RetailBeard> Switching elements on a whim and all that shit.
  12. [20:09:13] <~castfromhp> Wait, why? What reason did he have to oppose us?
  13. [20:09:25] <~castfromhp> ...And what would've happened when he met his Unown copy?
  14. [20:10:39] <Kain> Secret boss doesn't always mean hostile
  15. [20:10:42] <Kain> they can be tests too
  16. [20:10:49] <~castfromhp> Oh that's true.
  17. [20:11:45] <RetailBeard> The way I saw it playing out was if you went to the crypt of the Kings. VSE would merge with the Spiritomb there, the final resting place of the Kings of Kushva. And depending on how you guys ended the game would accept the newest King/Queen or would accept the removal of royalty all together.
  18. [20:12:06] <~castfromhp> So COMMUNISM END was possible?
  19. [20:12:14] <RetailBeard> Of course
  20. [20:12:41] <RetailBeard> But anyway, Alexei I had silly ideas for. Mostly bad, but silly. I think I hamhandedly implied Alexei had some sort of connection to mew/mewtwo yes?
  21. [20:13:06] <Kain> Did you?
  22. [20:13:13] <~castfromhp> You did...? I must've forgotten. The thing I do remember is that all his vodka magic was him injecting himself with TMs while drunk.
  23. [20:13:20] <zoofTop> I don't recall that myself
  24. [20:13:34] <RetailBeard> He had a similar aura to Mr. Jack, who was infact a mew genetic.
  25. [20:13:40] <zoofTop> hrm
  26. [20:13:44] <zoofTop> I think that got overlooked
  27. [20:13:50] <zoofTop> during the fabulousdokens
  28. [20:13:51] <RetailBeard> Well fiddle sticks.
  29. [20:13:56] <RetailBeard> pfft
  30. [20:13:58] <~castfromhp> I think we all just thought "fabulous aura" yeah.
  31. [20:14:03] <zoofTop> I mean yeah that makes sense now that you say it
  32. [20:14:05] <zoofTop> but given the context
  33. [20:14:05] <~castfromhp> And...yeah fabulousdokens.
  34. [20:14:08] <~castfromhp> Hahaha
  35. [20:14:10] <zoofTop> it just sounded like fabulous aura
  36. [20:14:48] <RetailBeard> Well. Do you remember when Alexei started getting Vodka magic? And for the first few times he would get a new one? There was always some one from the 'old country' there?
  37. [20:15:11] <~castfromhp> ...I never caught on to that.
  38. [20:15:25] <~castfromhp> I was too preoccupied with the fact I'd end up with empty TM cartridges.
  39. [20:16:25] <~castfromhp> I mean, in retrospect, I see it, but it never struck me as odd before now.
  40. [20:16:50] <RetailBeard> Alexei was a sleeperagent of sorts and Sinnoh's test subject to mimic the mythic Kings of Kushva.
  41. [20:17:09] <~castfromhp> Oh god was he the Manchurian Candidate?
  42. [20:17:11] <RetailBeard> You guys have read the Pokemon Special Manga yeah? With what Blaine did to make Mewtwo/what he did to himself?
  43. [20:17:12] <~castfromhp> But with boozetrigger
  44. [20:17:22] <RetailBeard> Kinda sorta Cast
  45. [20:17:22] <~castfromhp> The thing where they were linked sort of?
  46. [20:17:29] <@zoofman> this is terrifying
  47. [20:17:32] <@zoofman> who okayed this plan
  48. [20:17:35] <@zoofman> they are terrible
  49. [20:17:42] <~castfromhp> This is hilariawesome.
  50. [20:18:03] <RetailBeard> Soviet Sinnoh: No sense of right or wrong.
  51. [20:18:12] <Plutonis> Hrrrm.
  52. [20:18:28] <Plutonis> Yes, that would look better when played, indeed.
  53. [20:18:48] * zoofTop ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  54. [20:19:19] <@zoofman> that is
  55. [20:19:23] <@zoofman> the most hilarious twist ever
  56. [20:19:28] <RetailBeard> Letssee. For Celia I had a more depressing take on her character origin/dreamers in general.
  57. [20:21:04] <RetailBeard> Celia was actualy the dreamsmoke manifestation of a girl named Cecelia. The reason all dreamers are completly off kilter is because they are actually dreams and the result of pure subconscious. Which is what happned during the Tristan Fight. She was crushed by the rocks but just reverted back to dream smoke.
  58. [20:21:28] <RetailBeard> And the woman who was doing the Immortal fight? She was trapped in a nightmare where the Immortals lost.
  59. [20:22:45] <Kain> That's far out D:
  60. [20:22:45] <~castfromhp> hoh shit man
  61. [20:22:51] <~castfromhp> That's awesome.
  62. [20:22:56] <~castfromhp> I'm stealing that for some future campaign.
  63. [20:22:58] : ~castfromhp scribbles
  64. [20:23:28] <@zoofman> what did the lake to her then?
  65. [20:24:37] <Plutonis> What in the
  66. [20:24:40] <Plutonis> Absolute fuck
  67. [20:24:51] <Plutonis> Holy shit man
  68. [20:25:38] <RetailBeard> They took a bit of a nibble. That whole being a dream thing
  69. [20:26:06] <RetailBeard> She was delicious
  70. [20:26:13] <~castfromhp> D:
  71. [20:26:47] <RetailBeard> Tentra had alot of her bullshit actually happen to her. But didn't get to see the inner workings of her Order really.
  72. [20:28:09] <RetailBeard> The patron of the order wasn't actually any legendary but a massive dragon. Made of unown. It was the orders history as written and recorded by the Scribes. They would actually write themselves into the dragon, letting it absorb their minds and memories.
  73. [20:28:40] <@zoofman> that's
  74. [20:28:41] <@zoofman> pretty nuts
  75. [20:29:04] <@zoofman> I think my only question there is really, who the hell was in her room and what did they take?
  76. [20:29:39] <~castfromhp> It was Alexei, and he took her secret booze stash from the rebellious teenage years she forgot about.
  77. [20:29:45] <~castfromhp> Obviously.
  78. [20:29:57] <RetailBeard> The head Chronicler, and he took her diary.
  79. [20:30:12] <@zoofman> huh
  80. [20:30:14] <@zoofman> why would he do that?
  81. [20:30:35] <RetailBeard> The whole dragon thing is/was voluntary btw.
  82. [20:30:47] <RetailBeard> So that she wouldn't find out who did it. =V
  83. [20:30:47] <~castfromhp> Was anything gonna happen with Tentra's parents being unsealed again?
  84. [20:30:51] <RetailBeard> (It was him.)
  85. [20:31:42] <RetailBeard> Yeah, they were going to actually snap out of their cycle and freak the fuck out they had been living a lie. If you guys had ever visited you would have been able to meet the real O'doyles.
  86. [20:31:59] <RetailBeard> I only wish Tentra's last name had been Mcoy.
  87. [20:32:00] <~castfromhp> No I mean like, was someone ever gonna try to reseal them?
  88. [20:32:28] <RetailBeard> Oooh, yes. It was a possibility.
  89. [20:33:30] <~castfromhp> Do Molly now :O
  90. [20:34:00] <Kain> You can do Rock first if you like
  91. [20:34:20] * KujiUn doesn't care which way
  92. [20:34:49] <~castfromhp> do....Cornelius. :V
  93. [20:34:57] <KujiUn> :D
  94. [20:35:08] <~castfromhp> But nah do whoever you were planning on next.
  95. [20:35:13] <KujiUn> Do Corneliu- aw.
  96. [20:35:52] <@zoofman> cornelius was obviously in on the alexei sleeper agent thing
  97. [20:38:26] <RetailBeard> Nah he was just mew
  98. [20:38:33] <RetailBeard> =3
  99. [20:38:43] <~castfromhp> I can't tell if you're joking.
  100. [20:38:56] <KujiUn> wha
  101. [20:39:21] <RetailBeard> But any way onto The Royals.
  102. [20:39:26] <RetailBeard> You actually met them
  103. [20:39:29] <RetailBeard> Back in the desert.
  104. [20:40:52] <Kain> They were the ones who dropped off Molly when she joined you guys. Because honestly guys, the truth is? I wasn't a player. I was a guest. And a conspirator trying to help Beard enrich his plot. Molly was in fact not a copy of the Molly from the old scouts. Her real name was Margaret Romanov.
  105. [20:40:53] <RetailBeard> But before that. Molly's story should get told. It'd make more sense
  106. [20:41:20] <KujiUn> Oh.
  107. [20:41:31] <~castfromhp> That's rad.
  108. [20:41:51] <RetailBeard> She was Knight Aquas and Knight Hexxus. Water and Psycic.
  109. [20:41:54] <~castfromhp> ...What was the discrepancy between what Molly was told she'd have to deal with then and what...she actually saw?
  110. [20:42:01] <Kain> Hold on Beard
  111. [20:42:03] <Kain> let me tell this
  112. [20:42:08] <RetailBeard> Your show then
  113. [20:42:18] <RetailBeard> I am going to get some cake in the meantime
  114. [20:42:26] <@zoofman> my mind just exploded
  115. [20:42:38] <Kain> She was in fact, a Tri-Face plant sent to keep tabs on the Scouts. Her mother was the one who gave Fir the information he needed to kill the old royal family during their masquerade ball.
  116. [20:42:52] <Kain> Molly's mother is not only the head of human resources but the leader of the Red Eyes, Fir's secret police
  117. [20:43:18] <Kain> Molly on the other hand, worked inside the league on Tri-Face's side. The Prince and Princess were also employed within the league, secretly.
  118. [20:43:27] <Kain> To complicate matters she has a split personality
  119. [20:43:46] <KujiUn> Which explains why she has two knight titles.
  120. [20:43:50] <Kain> She is in fact both Knight Errant Aqua, and Knight Errant Hexxus, two of Tri-Ace's knights
  121. [20:43:54] <Kain> *Aquas
  122. [20:44:14] <~castfromhp> Oh god. Please explain the loyalties involved here between Fir, the prince and princess, Molly's mother, etc.
  123. [20:44:20] <~castfromhp> This is getting complicated.
  124. [20:44:28] <Kain> She was meant to disrupt your activities and swing things in Tri-Face's favor, but she grew fond of you guys when she found out you had no love of Fir
  125. [20:44:43] <Kain> Okay basically
  126. [20:44:45] <~castfromhp> Like, who was loyal to who and who was there in secret to backstab who?
  127. [20:44:50] <Kain> Molly's family was one of the noble lines of the country
  128. [20:45:05] <Kain> Molly's MOTHER backstabbed the royals and joined Fir during his revolution
  129. [20:45:17] <Kain> Molly on the other hand, joined Tri-Face in secret, but publically joined her mother and Fir
  130. [20:45:43] <~castfromhp> Which side of the split was she on?
  131. [20:45:53] <@zoofman> jokes on us
  132. [20:45:55] <@zoofman> when there wasn't one
  133. [20:46:11] <Kain> Mollys loyal to the princess either way
  134. [20:46:22] <Kain> Her two personalities are "Molly" as Knight Errant Aquas, and "Margaret" as Knight Errant Hexxus
  135. [20:46:28] <Kain> Both serve the Princess as her right hands
  136. [20:46:53] <Kain> I was meant to stick with you guys for a few towns then flip my card and suddenly INTRIGUE
  137. [20:47:17] <~castfromhp> (and suddenly no healer)
  138. [20:47:30] <Kain> Savage leaving because of Molly was sort of an OOC shock
  139. [20:47:39] <Kain> and I got really worried about you guys once I knew I would turn
  140. [20:47:51] <Kain> Molly was in fact going to try to convince you guys to join Tri-Face
  141. [20:49:18] <Kain> But I figured that wouldn't happen, at least not on the Princess's side, and I figured there'd be a boss fight down the line.
  142. [20:49:26] <Kain> There were to be three boss battles total if we went that route
  143. [20:49:39] <Kain> One against Aquas, one against Hexxus, and one with both personalities at the forefront.
  144. [20:49:53] <Kain> Molly is 'less loyal' to the Princess than her other personality, mind you
  145. [20:50:05] <Kain> and actually had a crush on the prince
  146. [20:50:34] <Kain> This would have been really complicated later on
  147. [20:50:40] <Kain> but it didn't get to pan out
  148. [20:51:36] <Kain> Molly was Psychic/Empath/Rain Waker/Air Adept, for the record
  149. [20:52:23] <Kain> while Hexxus was Psychic/Hex Maniac/Influential/I don't think I decided
  150. [20:52:27] <Kain> Tag Battler maybe
  151. [20:52:49] <~castfromhp> You know...
  152. [20:53:08] <RetailBeard> It was Tag Bat
  153. [20:53:11] <~castfromhp> I think Alexei would have opposed Molly. Just on principle of "THIS SHIT OF BULL IS TOO COMPLICATE. WHO DO I VODKA MAGICK?"
  154. [20:53:11] <RetailBeard> I have notes.
  155. [20:53:35] <~castfromhp> But I guess that's no surprise, the conclusion that is.
  156. [20:53:58] <~castfromhp> the reason might be, because if it got that level of complicated I'm not sure I would have been able to keep the loyalties straight.
  157. [20:54:16] <Kain> Anyway beard sorry to interrupt you
  158. [20:54:18] <Kain> please continue
  159. [20:54:25] <RetailBeard> Psh no worries you said it better than I could
  160. [20:54:35] <RetailBeard> And cast. I actually had a plan for that.
  161. [20:58:02] <Kain> Oh one more note
  162. [20:58:10] <Kain> When Tentra saw Molly's aura
  163. [20:58:11] <RetailBeard> It would be shortly after yoru encounter with Hex depending on how it went you would either have been captured by Tri Face or encountered the Royals back at HQ after hearing of Fir's "sudden illness".
  164. [20:58:13] <Kain> he saw part of Hexxus's as well
  165. [20:58:28] <Kain> *she
  166. [20:58:53] <RetailBeard> Mr. Fir would have had symptoms of heart attack and be caused to step down.
  167. [21:00:33] <RetailBeard> But anyway. The scene would have played out depending on how it went you would face off against Maksimilian. The ace/tagbat/chaser/Waterace and as he got into Low Hp. Irina would have showed up. Only to stab her brother in the back.
  168. [21:01:06] <~castfromhp> >Rival water ace
  169. [21:01:08] <~castfromhp> FABULOUS WAR
  170. [21:01:12] <Kain> Nasty work, Princesses killing Princes
  171. [21:01:56] <RetailBeard> Indeed. Irina doesn't care how she rules. Head of the League or as Queen as long as she is in power she does not care.
  172. [21:02:04] <Kain> That would have been a mark of contention for Molly, making her question her loyalty. And that struggle probably would have had some importance later.
  173. [21:02:18] <Kain> Her split personality however, 100% loyal to the nutcase
  174. [21:02:28] <RetailBeard> And that would have ushered in the second phase of the game. Do you keep the facade or do you start your own rival faction/own revolition.
  175. [21:02:43] <~castfromhp> ohboy COMMUNISM PHASE
  176. [21:03:16] <RetailBeard> You already had several people to fall back on as allies.
  177. [21:03:28] <RetailBeard> OH
  178. [21:03:30] <RetailBeard> I forgot to mention.
  179. [21:03:36] <RetailBeard> Remember those doodles I did?
  180. [21:03:48] <RetailBeard> Prince was Empoleon Princess was Vespiquen
  181. [21:04:27] <RetailBeard> She was Ace/Bug/Steel/Attack Ace and as last boss version tacked on a Genesect Genetic.
  182. [21:05:18] <Kain> (Molly's Koffing was steel shifted by the princess)
  183. [21:06:33] <~castfromhp> Did she have an Escavalier?
  184. [21:06:37] <RetailBeard> And yeah. againd epending on the routes taken you could have ended up as the Elite Four
  185. [21:07:58] <~castfromhp> >Alexei in charge of being an Elite 4
  186. [21:08:23] <~castfromhp> Everyone battles him last because of the mandatory drinking clauses.
  187. [21:08:51] <RetailBeard> She had an Escavlier, a Scisor, Bug/Steel Shuckle a Bug/Steel Vespiquen, bug/steel Scyther , Bug/fight Machamp, and a steel/dragon Haxorus
  188. [21:09:09] <RetailBeard> And genesect in the last fight
  189. [21:09:42] <~castfromhp> Hmm. I guess we DIDN'T have much in the way of fire offense, huh?
  190. [21:09:48] <~castfromhp> Otherwise trololololo
  191. [21:10:18] <Kain> Molly's bossfight was going to try and turn your water reliance against you. <:3
  192. [21:10:38] <~castfromhp> I was trying to pick up non-water moves. ;_;
  193. [21:10:50] <Kain> Being an air adept, she was going to fly above the battlefield and snipe during the rain with Rainy Mood
  194. [21:11:27] <~castfromhp> I think...I would've spent that battle rolling metronome and hoping for as much shenanigans as I got during the invading -Tentra's-parents-minds thing.
  195. [21:11:31] <Kain> also her armor set had rain dish
  196. [21:11:35] <RetailBeard> Th eplan I had for the Hex fight was individual battles fought in the brainosphere. Margaret preying upon the characters weakneses.
  197. [21:12:54] <Kain> Hexxus would have used a different statset each time, assumedly, to throw you guys out of whack. If there was a fight afterward, it was going to be in a dancing hall full of fake dancers obstructing the terrain and an illusion of Molly up on stage rocking off to Maniac
  198. [21:13:05] <Kain> when in actuality she would have been hidden in the crowd or something
  199. [21:13:32] <RetailBeard> I think the original idea for Rocks was fighting some sort of crazy idol while this song played in the back round :
  200. [21:13:40] <RetailBeard> FOr his individual fight that is
  201. [21:13:50] <Kain> Yeah
  202. [21:13:53] <Kain> That was the idea
  203. [21:14:03] <~castfromhp> I was gonna guess Pleather for Breakfast before clicking.
  204. [21:14:14] <~castfromhp> Another NMH song, so I was close!
  205. [21:14:19] <RetailBeard> Heh
  206. [21:14:21] <~castfromhp> (my second favorite after the former actually :3)
  207. [21:14:40] <@zoofman> this is pretty nutso
  208. [21:14:42] <Plutonis> Hmm, guess that's where i leave... Good night guys.
  209. [21:14:52] <Kain> Night plut :<
  210. [21:14:53] <KujiUn> Aw. Good night Plut.
  211. [21:14:55] <~castfromhp> 'Night
  212. [21:14:58] <RetailBeard> Night Plut
  213. [21:15:01] <Kain> So what was the hidden plot associated with Rock
  214. [21:15:04] * Plutonis sighs. Yes, yes, another game that ends without a conclusion...
  215. [21:15:05] * Plutonis (Plutonis@C3654972.3A97F79A.28E08676.IP) Quit (Quit: Uuu uu!)
  216. [21:15:15] <KujiUn> I honestly have no idea.
  217. [21:15:17] * Plutonis (Plutonis@C3654972.3A97F79A.28E08676.IP) has joined #TalentScouts
  218. [21:15:22] * Plutonis (Plutonis@C3654972.3A97F79A.28E08676.IP) Quit (Client exited)
  219. [21:15:37] <~castfromhp> I wish Plut wouldn't be that way. He's been real down lately. :<
  220. [21:15:47] <KujiUn> I have a few guesses, but all of them I chalked up to being completely nuts.
  221. [21:15:52] <~castfromhp> Well Kuji
  222. [21:15:56] <~castfromhp> Looking at what we have so far
  223. [21:16:01] <~castfromhp> "completely nuts" is more likely to be right!
  224. [21:16:19] <@zoofman> it's just a lot to absorb
  225. [21:16:20] <KujiUn> Yeah, I noticed. It makes me go back to my previous guesses and look them over again.
  226. [21:17:02] <Kain> On another note
  227. [21:17:08] <RetailBeard> I was in sort of a hard place for Rock (=V)
  228. [21:17:09] <Kain> If we ever have academy again
  229. [21:17:17] <KujiUn> My most likely guess is that I didn't have one at all. During the time I played Rock, I was going back and forth a lot.
  230. [21:17:18] <Kain> Bella is going to be depressed as all hell that Scoots was canceled
  231. [21:17:34] <KujiUn> Yeah D:
  232. [21:17:36] <~castfromhp> There's no way you didn't have something.
  233. [21:18:10] <KujiUn> Yeah.
  234. [21:18:11] <~castfromhp> Listening to We Are Finally Cowboys now. Aww yeaaaa
  235. [21:18:55] <RetailBeard> The thing is I didn't really know Rock's history so what I have drafted up for him are the SILLIEST.
  236. [21:19:46] <KujiUn> ohwhat
  237. [21:21:42] <RetailBeard> Like, a Croc Dundee type figure hunting him down for what he did in the wilds. Or some Punisher esq fellow hunting down Rock for what he did when he was younger. Or His family looking for him after he shot some on after a hunting accident and went all IAMHUNTER status.
  238. [21:22:49] <KujiUn> Huh. That's interesting.
  239. [21:22:58] <RetailBeard> I did have a battle of a Saxton Hale analog hunting down Rock and Biter for the fun of the fight. But nothign super concrete.
  240. [21:23:16] * KujiUn nods
  241. [21:24:17] <RetailBeard> Am I missing anything? Oh the regi trio.
  242. [21:24:43] <RetailBeard> It was Water, Ground, Then Flying/Electric. Wake, Dune and Bolt/Storm.
  243. [21:25:14] <RetailBeard> Which may or may not have fused to become a gigas of some sort
  244. [21:25:41] <@zoofman> man
  245. [21:25:54] <@zoofman> it's bittersweet to think about all this but it probably is for the best
  246. [21:26:14] <@zoofman> I think it sucks more that it feels like all the PTA games going on might end this way shortly.
  247. [21:26:25] <Kain> mhm :<
  248. [21:26:48] <~castfromhp> Now I'm feeling even more bad, cause I feel like if I leave that'll put a nail in Academy's coffin. But I still can't find it in me to be interested. :<
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