

Sep 25th, 2014
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  1. It seems like all you care about is the phone. Why is it something that's eating you alive? Is it the fact that you think you can get whatever information possible to hurt mom or me or is it that you think I'm going to sell it or trade it in? It's just a phone, why is it of more sentimental value than your own relationship with your daughter? I don't know if what you wanted was for me to completely shut you and actually hate you but if that's what you wanted, you got it. I didn't hate you anytime before until just now. The phone? I don't care about. Insurance? I don't care about but how you're going about everything is disgusting and I already know Joey sees it and that makes me so happy to know. I told him on Saturday "do not end up like dad" and he said "that nigga? hecks naw" and whatever else. How does it feel to know that both of your kids find you to be this disgusting thing? That you use women for approval you've never received from anyone else. You push out the people that love you and worship people that don't care about you. What kind of “dad” does the things you're doing and says the things you say? Remember that bloody nose that you don’t recall? LOL. Weird how you don’t recall that but you recall me taunting you? Awkward. It sucks that I’m literally ashamed to call you my father and that I have to refer to you as Forrest. You have no respect for me or yourself.
  3. When I left Oklahoma I felt like everything was going to be the same when we left but I come to find out that everything has changed and nothing is the same at all besides your random bursts of anger and you continuously making mom seem like she left us. YOU are the reason Joey doesn't talk to mom. It was nothing she did, it was all you. You told him she left for another man and you said "what kind of mother would do that" BUT YOU GO AND YOU DO THE EXACT SAME THING. YOU LEAVE US FOR YOUR GIRL EMILY ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!! IT'S. SO. FUNNY. You're gonna get yourself in jail before anyone else does. Enjoy Emily and her “great vagina” :) We don't want anything from you. You're selfish. You stayed out literally almost 24 hours at one point while I was there and you didn’t even tell us you were leaving and when Joey messed up his foot and you said you were coming, you didn't come home until about 12 hours later. Exactly 12 because it happened at 11 and you didn't come home until 11 a.m. You're an exact replica of your father, if not worse. I’m done with all of your stuff. Leave me alone. I've already blocked you on Facebook and now I'm blocking your number. Stop contacting me. I no longer want to be in contact with you. If you continue to pursue conversation with me I will consider it harassment.
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