
Family relations.

May 31st, 2017
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  1. >You are blueberry, a twelve year old bat filly.
  2. >You've been living with your family for..well as long as you've known for yourself.
  3. >It hasn't been bad, you've been happy, especially with your mommy. Your dad was seemingly always away or busy.
  4. >Which was a shame, you never got to hang out with him, and you always wanted to do more of that.
  5. >After all, he was your father, he made you! Should of play more with you.
  6. >You'd get out of your bed, Sandstone seemingly long gone.
  7. >Gosh darned colt probably sneaked out again.
  8. >Expected from him.
  9. >You'd open the door, and trot into the living room, where your mother usually was.
  10. >And, of course, today was no exception.
  11. >"Hiya mom!" You'd exclaim, greeting your mother rather enthusianistically.
  12. >You were indeed happy to see her.
  13. "Huh?", she'd blink, turning her head around rapidly. Confused as to who was shouting at her.
  14. >She'd then smile warmly and trot up to you, ruffling your mane.
  15. >To which you'd scrunch, oh noes.
  16. "Hello sweetie, how was the night before, hm?"
  17. >"F-fun and stuff!"
  18. "Oh there must be more than that, you were missing for two days." She'd speak, raising her eyebrow.
  19. >You'd blink, thinking.
  20. >Well, you were fucked, you had to spill it over now, didn't you.
  21. >You'd sigh, trying to delay the whole thing for a short while, but eventually start speaking.
  22. >"Ooookay, so, basically, you know I was in season, right, and then like, I flew to Sandstone's, crashed down into his room and-"
  23. "Fuck him?", your mother would cut you off, giggling.
  24. >You'd shake your head.
  25. >"What, noo! I didn't do such a thing!"
  26. >She'd blink, raising her eyebrow, seemingly confused as to why haven't you done such a thing, eh?
  27. "Oh? Now that doesn't seem a lot like my little Blueberry."
  28. >You'd snort "Y-yeah, no thanks to him, mind you!", you'd chuckle. After all, it was his fault!
  29. "Well, now sweetie, I'm thinking that's a rather good thing, it's good to hang out, not just have senseless sex!"
  30. >You'd snort, scrunching. "Hey, maybe. Can I go on now?"
  31. "Please, by all means!" She'd say, and stop, not interrupting you further.
  32. >You'd clear your throat and go on then.
  33. >"Ahem." "So, I /did/ wait for him to senselessly fuck me buut, he was spooked by my sudden entrence into his room.
  34. >Almost as if that was something weird, like what do you expect from a filly in heat and stuff.
  35. >Like, really were you supposed to deal fine with all the itching! It wasn't nice!
  36. >"But, anyways, he was like."
  37. "Oh blue, what are you doing, you can't just run into my room, I thought we talked about it."
  38. >You'd say, in an effort to do the sandstone impression, albeit without much success, see you weren't good at it.
  39. >"But, anyways yeah so I lied down on the bed while he like, waited for me to do something I guess."
  40. >"And well I figured I would be waiting for a long long time so I started rubbing myself, so then he came up and was like."
  41. "Blue, It's late, and I want the follow day to be special, so if you'll be nice and stuff, I'll relieve ya tomorrow."
  42. >"So, I kinda had to listen, and we had a sensual bath and stuff, thing is it was a pretty fun evening."
  43. >You'd pause, figuring you told most, or the whole thing in short, there was really no need to just push things any further.
  44. >Right?
  45. >Your mother would stand silent for a few seconds, before nodding and speaking up.
  46. "I see, sounds like Sandstone treats you very nicely, I know you don't think much of it, since he denied you sex, but you have to realize some things."
  47. "See, you aren't very young anymorwe, you can get..well you are likely capable of concieving a foal at this point. And, that is likely something you don't want for the next ten years."
  48. "I've heard of fillies going through childbirth, all thanks to the monster that is called heat. Overfilled by stallion spunk, stretched so wide that-"
  49. >She'd stop, sighing.
  50. "It's not a good topic to talk about, sweetie."
  51. >You'd nod, well, yeah. But, now you had something else to ask!
  52. >"So..where's dad?" you'd pop the question after a slight period of silence.
  53. >Your mother would be rather quick to answer, stopping only for a few slight seconds.
  54. "Well, he's at work now. If you want us to, we could go hang out, as a family."
  55. "But, you'd very much prefer to hang out with Sandstone, wouldn't you?"
  56. >You'd nod softly..but you wanted to hang out with your dad as well, so you'd say a rather silly thing.
  57. >"So why don't we do both, you dad, and Sandstone can go out for a little adventure!"
  58. >"L-lewd adventure, m-maybe.", you'd say in a low tone. Despite that, your mother clearly heard it.
  59. "Haha, I heard what you said, lewd little filly. Yes, we could do such a thing, but. I'm not the sort of mare, and you're dad isn't the sort of stallion to touch his own daughter, you can watch us but."
  60. "Don't expect anything from us, we won't mind if you and Sandstone stick around though." "Still, it may be considered unacceptable here, so we might have to go somewhere where we'll have more privacy."
  61. >You'd nod, of course, such things was to be expected!
  62. "Okay. Let's go then."
  63. >She'd say not having much else to add up, lifting you up and placing you on her back.
  64. >That was always so fun. made you feel like a little filly!
  65. >The little filly you were, that is. Hehe
  66. >Shortly after the two of you would arrive at Sandstone's house, your mother taking the initative and proposing him the idea.
  67. >"Hello, Blueberry here has proposed an idea of me, her father, and you having an..adventorous time together!"
  68. >He'd nod happily, running off to his room without saying anything.
  69. >Only to return with some saddlebags strapped to his back.
  70. "Alright! Let's go, then!"
  71. >Your mother chuckled, she didn't expect him to be that serious about it!
  72. "Okay you two cuties. We'll have to wait a bit, Blueberry's dad is at work, and we can't just yank him from it."
  73. >Sandstone and you would nod in a short timespan apart. Indeed that wouldn't be right.
  74. >"Oki!"
  75. >And, so the trio of you would be sitting on a bench in the park for a while. Two foals and a mare. Sharing a bit of stories of your adventures with Sandstone.
  76. >Who would be doing the same, of course. It was a nice passtime, eventually though, you ran out of things to say, as the noon struck rather quickly.
  77. "Right. We should go home and give dad a surprise!" your mom would exclaim, in a playful tone.
  78. >Well, wasn't she the happy one about the whole thing, ehe!
  79. >"Sure, let's go!"
  80. >You'd nod, and fly off towards the house, fly fast, too. Sandstone took a weee bit longer to catch up to you. Being an unicorn and what not!
  81. >The two of you would arrive there way sooner than your mother could, and you would stop the moment you'd see your dad and squeak out in a cute voice.
  82. >"Surprise!", even though you really had nothing to give him.
  83. "U-Uhm, hi mister!"
  84. >Sandstone would speak up, only a slight bit after. Your dad was, indeed a bat, his fur was blue in color, much like your mother, likely a dominant gene you possed, his mane, however, was something quite unique in your family.
  85. >Two toned orange--mango orange, and blue. Not something that was seen around often enough. His eyes were aqua-blue.
  86. >He'd blink a few times, clearly spooked at the sudden surprise, yet not showing it!
  87. "Oh. Hello, I take it you are Blueberry's boy?"
  88. >He'd nod, rather happily at that!
  89. "Sure am, she's like, the best thing that ever happened to me!"
  90. >And he meant that, you could clearly hear it in his voice.
  91. >Your father chuckled, seemingly happy about it. Your mom would trot up to him, having a..conversation of sorts.
  92. >You couldn't really pick up what they were talking about. Not with Sandstone being all fidgety around you.
  93. >He needed to stop being you and start being Sandstone!
  94. >Even though he couldn't..silly uni.
  95. >Very very silly. You'd grab him in order to stop him. Shaking the colt a slight bit.
  96. >He'd roll his eyes, blinking.
  97. >"Shush, I'm trying to listen to mommy!"
  98. >He'd oh, calming down. Well, that was something.
  99. >But, a bit too late, for when you were finished talking, your mom was already done.
  100. "Let's go, hm? You two foals wanted to do some things." "So, let's go."
  101. >And you would, your dad was first to go, not something you usually observed. That was to say you went around a lot with your dad, which you really didn't.
  102. >He was usually really busy, and you didn't wanna bother him with silly things.
  103. >And so you would go, following your family, well for the most part your family.
  104. >Sandstone wasn't a part of your family, yet. Not like you two were married.
  105. >Or that you would be for the next couple of years, you were like, way too young to get married. But clearly not too young to have sex.
  106. >Can't never be too young for sex! After all, the genitals grew with age, there was like, nothing that could go wrong.
  107. >Your lewd train of thoughts would of been shaken off shortly, with a hoof in your face.
  108. >Your coltfriend's hoof, apparently, you were standing still the entire time.
  109. "Uh, your dad said you should get moving, and "stop being so dreamy"
  110. >You'd blink, and start trotting forwards again, picking up the pace with the trio.
  111. >Truthfully, it wasn't difficult, it was just difficult staying focused the entire time.
  112. >You did have an idea the adventure would be of lewd sorts, but what did you know. It's just what your mom said /might/ happen!
  113. >And that talk she had with your dad. Who knew!
  114. >The walk took quite a while, probably been an hour for all you know.
  115. >But you didn't keep much of the track of time. You were busy being you. And Sandstone was himself again, apparently so.
  116. >Your parents would come to a halt as you'd come up to an empty cottage at the edge of town, no, not the one in which that yellow pony lived.
  117. >What was her name again?
  118. >Either case, it certainly wasn't that cottage, it was much smaller, no windows, and one rotting wooden door. It looked like it wasn't touched for years.
  119. >What were you exactly doing here?
  120. >Your dad would speak up a simple "follow me" to all of you, and well, the rest of you would come inside.
  121. >It was much unlike the outside, just what was this place. There were scented candles, a big bed, and several books on the shelves.
  122. >You'd of course, be the one to rush and take a look at them books, and unfortunately for you, it was mostly bedtime stories. Nothing explict or lewd that you'd like.
  123. >You'd pout, oh well. Had to live with it.
  124. >Sandstone was stunned as much as you were, stuck watching the whole thing.
  125. >He was actually really confused what was going on. He'd trot up to you and boop you, hoping to get your attention.
  126. >He'd get your attention in any case but, hey.
  127. "Uhm. Blue, what kind of place is this? I thought we were gonna find a destroyed, small room, but instead it's..pretty."
  128. >Your mom overheard the two of you, slowly trotting up to you, as your dad would set up the bed, the bed indeed, was a mess.
  129. >Despite it being big.
  130. "Hey. I've never told you, but this place has a bit of a history, we didn't exactly come here unprepared. See, we were supposed to stay in this place until your dad and I managed to gain enough money to buy a real house."
  131. "Well, the one you live inside right now. Understand?" "But, our plans changed when you came along, I ended up pregnant and well."
  132. >She'd stop, pausing for a moment, but before you could speak up she'd smile, a small tear forming in her eye. "You happened 11 months later, we figured we'd give our kid a different life, something unlike a bat would ever have."
  133. "I hope you don't regret what we've done for you, we can always go back to hollow shades every once in a while, should you wanna visit your hometown."
  134. >You'd nod. You do faintly remember being there once, but could be just your brain tricking you.
  135. >In either way, she'd turn around, lying down on the big, queen-sized bed.
  136. "So, you say you don't get enough interaction with your dad anyways."
  137. "And now you have it, your mommy, your daddy, and your colt friend all on the same pile."
  138. >Sure enough, they WERE on a pile, you didn't even notice them getting there.
  139. >Sandstone was sitting on the edge of the bed, keeping his gaze on you. You'd trot up to him, jumping on the little colt, effectively pinning him to the bed.
  140. >Given your size, your father and mother had more than enough space for themselves.
  141. >Your dad would reach in to grab you by your scruff, and lift you up, but he'd be stopped by your mother, who would get up, and sit down on the bed, looking over the two of you.
  142. "Now now, don't choke Sandstone, you can do that later, if he likes it."
  143. >To which he'd scrunch, and squeak out.
  144. "W-what! No, you get this fiwwy off me, she's way too kinky for her own good~." He'd say the last part with a smirk, hugging you tightly the moment you'd be dropped.
  145. "You wanted to watch me and your father. So here you have it."
  146. >You'd nuzzle against Sandstone who was now hugging you tightly. He'd let go soon enough, and sit down.
  147. "I'd like to watch too!" He'd exclaim, not what you expected, but hey, if he wanted to!
  148. >"Oh! And you're calling me kinky? Tch tch." You'd snort, booping his snootle. Sitting down yourself, looking at your parents.
  149. >Instead of talking to the two of you, your mother would kiss your daddy, before rolling on top of him, her wings unfolding as she did.
  150. >Well, didn't need to talk to let you and your bitch know what was up.
  151. >Noting that he'd be mad if you called him a bitch, probably trying to pin you down, not that it'd work out easily. Filly or not, batties were naturally tougher!
  152. >He'd look up at you, blinking.
  153. "Well, they certainly look like they're having a fun time." He'd say with a small pout. Awh.
  154. >You'd roll your eyes, grabbing your colt and pulling /him/ in for a kiss, he needed to shut up, and fuck some more.
  155. >He'd always hold you back, never wanting to be the one to initiate stuff, gosh darned!
  156. >And while sure enough you were busy kissing your awkward ball of fur right now, you did want to know what your parents were doing.
  157. >And so you'd pull away, sitting down and looking at the two of em.
  158. >Who were completely oblivious to the two of you kissing, they were at it, at it alright. Your father was licking your mother's folds, all the while your mommy was working on his shaft.
  159. >Sandstone would stand up, looking at the two of em. His shaft seemingly getting harder than it was so far.
  160. >Indeed, you figured such a thing would happen when he saw an object of lust. Well, to him at least.
  161. >You never really considered having sex with your mother. Or your father, but, given the situation.
  162. >You'd let out a soft sigh, standing u, going by the other side of the couple on sixty-nine position. Blinking. Well, you couldn't move them but..
  163. >"Heey, Sandstone, how about you move my dad off mommy and-"
  164. >Your father would respond to this by stopping his actions, and slowly arching back-ways, taking you into his hooves and winking at your mother. Oh geesh.
  165. >She'd nod. Pushing him, and you off herself, leaving you to flop on the bed below, all the while looking at Sandstone, who took a while to figure it out.
  166. >But the moment he did, he'd blush, laying down on top of your mom, compared to her, his frame was pretty small, but then again, compared to you, your mommy was rather big.
  167. >You'd totally catch up to her in a few years, though!
  168. >Either way, your dad would boop you, blinking at you. His shaft in his hooves, you never thought he was into uh..his own kid but then again.
  169. >You were letting your colt friend do things to your mother, and so you'd bap him back, chuckling, he'd look into you speaking up in the deep, but comforting voice.
  170. "It probably won't fit inside but, if you want me to try."
  171. >You'd find his shaft pressed up against your young lips pretty soon. He was relatively big for what it's worth, from what you could tell, easy 13 inches, you weren't sure about girth, but he was thick, for sure.
  172. >Enough to satisfy your mom, for sure. You swear you could hear her moan during her..cycle. Eheh.
  173. >Though, you'd shake your head, he was surely way too big for you, even with how lewd you were, you were still a filly.
  174. >A filly who couldn't take a dick that big, it wasn't even a don't want to, it was quite the literal can't do it type of situation.
  175. >He'd frown a slight bit, nodding shortly after, though. Was he really plannin' on trying?
  176. >You'd giggle, replying in a rather teasing manner. "Oh! don't be disappointed dad, maybe when I'm older you can try, don't you think that'd be fun, your own daughter showing you her special way of..loving you!"
  177. >He would respond to this by rubbing his shaft against your lips, seems like he was tempted, though, he'd pull away, a grin on his face. "Oh I'll be certain to remember that, Blueberry."
  178. >You'd chuckle, being this lewd around your father..such acting wasn't to be expected from a filly!
  179. >Though, he was probably used to this, you wondered if your mommy spilled all the secrets to him. Hm.
  180. >Either way, you'd keep looking at him, he'd keep the contact, his arousal certainly not dying down, and sure enough, yours wasn't either, your gaze stuck on Sandstone, who was being cutely awkward with your mommy.
  181. >Though, you could keep looking for too long, as your dad would pop up a question, rather suddenly, and a rather lewd one.
  182. "So, I take it you want to try, hm?"
  183. >"I already said it, when I'm older, dad~"
  184. >He'd sigh, nodding. Though he would stand up, placing your shaft against your upper lips, pressing his length inside your mouth.
  185. >You'd squeak, that was sudden, albeit, you had no complaints, as you'd start sucking on him, getting him all wet and slimy inside your small, but warm and wet mouth!
  186. >Your eyes looking at him lovingly the entire time. His grin was that of pleasure, he most of been real happy to be doing things with his own offspring.
  187. >Which was a bit weird, come think of it, but hey. What, did you know, you were--as you were told many times--a little filly.
  188. >Either way, you'd keep up the actions, though, he'd pull out rather quickly, as soon as he'd let out a grunt, but why, were you doing things bad?
  189. >You'd look at him all confused, but the only response you got was him turning around, so that his butt, and subsequently his shaft were once again pressed against your snoot, you'd lick across it, as he'd position his length a bit lower.
  190. >His face, however, was pressed against your other set of lips. You finally figured what was going on, what a nice dad you had.
  191. >He'd lick at your fillyclit in response to you licking him, and you'd start working a bit more intensely, you were curious as to how much he came!
  192. >Hey, if Sandstone came enough to give you a comfortable filling, how much would he cum.
  193. >You'd keep going at it, the two of you simultaneously exchanging pleasure between each other, just a father and his daughter having a grand time together.
  194. >Something that most families probably wouldn't even consider, who knew if this was illegal, but hey, it mattered none to you!
  195. >The pace of the two of you got pretty intense, his tongue now rather deep inside your depths. He was surprisingly silent, but you supposed stallions weren't the ones to make much noise, but then, why was Sandstone such a cutie.
  196. >You weren't gonna question it mid-act, as you'd keep licking across his long, and thick length, the idea of it getting lodged deeply inside your small, filly cunt only making you that much more aroused!
  197. >And closer to an orgasm, as he'd keep his relentless assault on your girl bits, you wouldn't hold for far too long, your orgasm hitting your rather quickly, it's been like, a few minutes at best, and gosh it was intense, too.
  198. >Your filly bits clamping down around your dad's tongue, fillycum spraying all over his face, though, he didn't seem to complain to this at all, you were feeling pretty good, for tongue-only, that was an amazing orgasm!
  199. >You would keep sucking on him, even post orgasm, you weren't gonna stop, not until he gave you that warm seed! And indeed your wish would get fulfilled rather quickly, as your father would hit his own limit, his shaft giving a few twitches
  200. >As a rather large amount of cum would pour out, and right into your mouth, the amount was certainly more than Sandstone came, in fact enough to force you to swallow it all down. He would remain in you as you'd lick him clean, him doing exactly the same thing on your lower lips.
  201. >You weren't expecting such courtesy from your dad oh no, you would keep licking at him, getting every single drop of his cum into your belly.
  202. >The amount was enough to make you feel full, not bloated, no but if you were hungry before, this much cum would certainly stop just that!
  203. >Must of felt heavenly to have all of that inside of you, just small! Such curse.
  204. >He'd slowly pull away a look of bliss on his face, he'd turn around, facing you, lifting you up and giving you a big ol hug.
  205. >You'd lick his face, covering his face with the remains of cum on your tongue, eheh.
  206. "Oh, that was great. Your mother certainly wasn't lying when she said you were a perfect match for your colt friend."
  207. >You'd only chuckle in response, sitting down and letting out a big sigh. His shaft slowly retracting into his shaft, a few remaining drops of cum dripping onto the sheets below.
  208. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  209. >You are sandstone, and you've been messing with Blue's mommy for quite a while now, all the while Blue was doing things with her dad, you didn't really know. Hey, you were distracted!
  210. >Distracted by licking her depths, and her returning the favor on your length. She had a really long tongue, it certainly felt different than Blue's, hers was, smaller.
  211. >She'd look at you, booping your snootle and pushing you away, speaking up.
  212. >You'd blink, confused at this, though, she'd look away, and into her husband's eyes, for as far as you could tell, she was rather big, you'd climb onto her belly, your hard, leaky shaft pressing against her cunny accidentally.
  213. >She'd look at you, giggling.
  214. "Oh, has the little colt had a bit too much of the tease?"
  215. >She'd ask in a seductive tone, you were used to this from Blueberry, but this was a much larger mare an a-adult! You were sure your mother would never let ya have sex with her!
  216. >"U-uhm, s-sorry miss, I was just curious as to what was-"
  217. >You'd be cut off by a hoof pressed against your shaft, rubbing it a slight bit gently, the mare smiling knowingly.
  218. "It's fine, don't be afraid, I understand you have your desires, so go ahead, put it inside, all of it." "Don't leave any bit out now, won't you?"
  219. >And so you would, she was really encouraging, her voice..calm. And certainly not nearly as dominant as Blueberry, despite the fact you were aware she had total control over you right now.
  220. >She just didn't give off the vibe of dominance, no.
  221. >The sensations you felt as you'd slide into her warm, wet, but bigger walls were certainly a bit different. Yes it felt good, but it wasn't as tight, yet, it felt good!
  222. >She'd smile at you, holding onto your flanks and slowly moving you--and your shaft--in and out of her simultaneously.
  223. >You were indeed too shocked to figure out what to do at first, why was all of this happening, and why were you let to do such a thing in the first place!
  224. >But it didn't matter now, it felt good, real good, like it always did, even if you were only with two fillies.
  225. >And uhm, Blue's got lost in thought a bit too much, your face was red from consistent blushing, you just didn't know what to do.
  226. >You usually would, but this was..different, it's like you lost control of yourself, just, unable to do what you would usually do.
  227. >You did feel like you wouldn't last too long, even if she wasn't as small as blue, it didn't change the fact it felt nice, and that you couldn't hold on for too long.
  228. >What with the fact that, while you were looking at her with your cute, big eyes and a big ol' blushie on your face.
  229. >She would abruptly stop, pulling away, before flipping you over, and--for the lack of better word--slamming herself down on your shaft, and, starting to move up and down, rather quickly.
  230. "T-there you go, you see, you need to-" her words would be cut out by a moan, d-did she like this? It was nice to see you were doing a good job, to a mare even! That was an accomplishment, totally.
  231. "Become a bit more active with a mare, not just stick it in one and be lazy.
  232. >You'd nod softly, slowly moving your hips in motion with her.
  233. "T-there ya go, that's good colt. Don't forget this now."
  234. >Were it any other situation, you would probably be as loud as Blue at this point, but you kept your mouth shut, no matter how good it felt, you had to be quiet, it ain't like stallions moaned, right? That was totally a girl thing.
  235. >As far as you know, anyways, didn't have time to get a proper education on that, and hey, no one to tell you anyways.
  236. >"Uhm, miss I'm gonna...y-you know, might wanna stop!"
  237. >She'd just smile, muttering out a "Go ahead!", before keeping the pace up, you'd give a soft nod, and without much of a warning following that, your orgasm would hit you, your flare poking out as you'd extend an inch or two inside of her, shooting white, creamy goodness inside of her.
  238. >Not like she minded this at all, if anything you'd say she enjoyed it, based on the look she was giving you. You couldn't keep quiet following such a thing, and you'd let out a pretty loud moan, betraying yourself. Well, hey, it was way too good to keep quieet!
  239. >She'd giggle at this, booping your snootle and stopping her movements, pressing her hooves against your chest and standing up.
  240. >You came quite a lot for a lil' colt, indeed, you could see your seed drip down onto the sheets below after a few moments.
  241. >You'd keep your gaze at her, your shaft slowly retracting back into it's sheath, as you'd feel tired by every passing second.
  242. "Tch, didn't know you'd make such a mess, but mh. You were good, I hope I taught you a thing or two, don't just follow your instinct, do what your partner would like you to do, okay?"
  243. >You'd nod, indeed you heard her, but you were just way too tired to taalk.
  244. >And so, you'd slowly drift off to sleep on the now very stained bed, which had an oddly specific smell of sex.
  245. >You did feel something heavy and soft on you as you would, hugging you tightly. Who knew.
  246. >You didn't, that much remained a mystery for the rest of the night.
  247. >The..unusual, yet pleasuring night, one that you wouldn't be forgetting for a while.
  248. >Now how will you get home again?
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