
Devilish Flower

Jan 4th, 2017
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  1. "Ugh. It's her again." I thought, seeing Katia switch out to take my place in battle. My life had been so perfect up to this point. My name is Delilah. I'm a Lilligant in her prime, on an adventure in Alola to help my dear trainer become a true champion. He found me when I was just a Petilil and raised me all by himself. Always keeping a watchful eye, he never let me faint in battle and fed me all sorts of sweet treats. It was the day that he confessed to me after finishing the second trial that I was his favorite right hand girl that I'd realized I'd fallen in love with him. He smiled so warmly at me that day. He's young, but so bold and daring. Just thinking about him makes my flower petals pucker! And then there's Katia. He caught her in the deepest part of Lush Forest as a Bounsweet. We were both Grass types, so I was hoping we could be friends, but she always seemed to look down at me. She was so haughty even my Dear had a hard time raising her. But she was so strong. As we grew together, I began to feel outclassed. Every time I was in her presence, I could feel my flower wilt. She'd order me to give her my Pokebean rations and taunt me about being replaced on the team. It truly began to terrify me. But whenever Dear saw me feeling down, he'd shot me that brilliant smile, and I'd feel my heart lift.
  3. It was time. We had just finished an intense battle with Lusamine in this bizarre world. I was scared for my life when I was sent out to battle another Lilligant who seemed so mad and determined. Like looking into a mirror. I couldn't take it. I tried to hold on, so I wouldn't make my dear worry, but I fell. He called me back and Katia came out, as proud as ever of her own power. I couldn't help but be envious of her sleek, tight body that moved so gracefully. She made easy work of the opponent peppering them with lightning fast kicks. Seemed like she enjoyed beating down another Lilligant a bit too much. We were recuperating in a Pokemon Center while the sun set, so that we could continue our journey through Poni Islands. The defeat left an impression on me. If I couldn't fight, why would my dear have me around? I had to confess my true feelings, before it was too late and Katia took over the life I finally found. My dear was relaxiing in the Trainer wing, and us Pokemon were lounging about in the lobby. I was on my way to my dear to tell him how I feel when Katia called out to me. "Oh Deli! My dear girl! How are you!" It was a pet name of hers that I didn't care for, but she refused to acknowledge me as anything else. Guess she found it funny.
  5. "O-Oh hey Katia. Listen now's not a great time, I-" I started to say but she cut me off "Nonsense! Come here! Are you alright? You got beaten quite soundly today, and I want to make sure you feeling better!" I sighed and shuffled over to where she sat, comfortably in a chair near the closed cafe. "I'm fine. Thanks for asking." I replied. "Are you sure? Because that had to be your worst lost yet! It was almost funny how you could barely keep up! It was like watching two twins fight." She mused, clearly enjoying watching me squirm under her gaze. "Y-yeah. She had this weird aura thing going for her. I don't know what else to say. Anyways, c-could we talk later?" I said. I had to go speak with my Dear before my confidence was completely shot. "What's the rush, Deli? Where are you off to in such a hurry?" She pryed, looking at me quite intensely. "O-Oh, I uh..." I fumbled with my leaves for a moment. "I just had to talk to our Trainer about something." Katia paused for a second, then a tiny smile sneaked on to her face "Oh? And what would that be?" She stepped down from her seat and stalked over to me. "Ah? I-It's nothing, really. I just wanted to...learn a new move?" I murmured. "Hmm. What move? Attract? Or Captivate? Perhaps Sweet Kiss?" She said, causally waltzing around me and propping an arm over my shoulder. I turned away, unable to face her head on. I could feel my flower puckering. "W-What are you talking about?" I said. "Oh please" Katia huffed "Don't act so shy. Even an idiot could see you have feelings for our trainer. What do you think this is, Sinnoh?"
  7. My eyes widened. "W-What?!" I cried. "Oh yes. I've known for quite some time. The way you dote on him like a love sick Lillipup. It makes for a good laugh!" She chided. My heart sank. Could it be that dear already knew and just not cared? Or did he not return the feeling. "And I can hardly blame you. He's quite the specimen." Katia mused "Cute face, slightly rugged from running around the wilderness, and that manly scent he has after a long day." She seemed lost in her own thoughts, before looking back to me "Yes. You don't have much, but at least you have decent taste in men." I was so worried now, there was no way I could tell him. I lowered my head and began to walk away, trying my best to hold back the tears when Katia stalked infront of me. "Where are you walking off to now? It's so rude to just leave in the middle of a conversation." she scolded. "T-this was dumb. There's no way I can talk to him now. I should just forget about it." I sighed. "I'm sorry, when did your ability become Defeatist?" said Katia "Listen, if it means that much to you, I could let our Trainer know how you feel." I looked up at Katia, who gave me the oddest smile. I couldn't believe what I had heard. "Wh-Wha? Why would you do that for me? I...I thought you didn't even like me." I couldn't help but whimper. "Well now, seeing you cry like that makes me feel something too. So chin up, Deli girl. Big sis Tsareena will fix everything." She said, stroking the flowers on my head. She leaned in close and whispered. "Now, run along to bed, and by morning he'll be head over heels for you."
  9. I couldn't help but let a smile break out on my lips. For better or worse, I was spared the fear of having to confess. "Thanks so much Katia!" I beamed before walking away, put slightly at ease...and yet, I still couldn't understand why the Katia that had been so mean to me before was so eager and willing to help. I was so drained right now, I couldn't be bothered to dwell on it. I found a nice cushion on the far side of the building, and curled up tight, with thoughts of my dear lulling me off to sleep.
  11. I awoke in the middle of the night, feeling a bit sore from the battle earlier today. I schlepped off my cushion and got up to try and find a glass of water. There was a tiny faucet behind the counter that was operable by Pokemon. As I took a sip, I thought I could see a faint blue light coming from in the trainer room. Where my dear was. Oh, my dear! Every now and then, whenever I got the chance, I would watch him sleep, looking so peaceful. Now was the perfect opportunity, so I walked towards the doorway. The whole place was quiet, except for the hum of some machines healing Pokemon for overnight stays. But as I got closer, I heard something else. Something wet, followed by...moans. And a giggle? I peeked through the doorway to find the blue light was being cast by our Rotom-Dex sleeping on standby. It illuminated the whole room showing a couple rows of beds and nightstand tables. We were the only group spending the night, so I walked in, looking for dear. There he was, causally illuminated by the light. He appeared to be somewhat awake, his face seemed to be pained. He was shuffling about, his back against the wall. As I approached, I heard him let out a moan, and I could see his lower half more clearly. There was another person here? In bed with my dear! I squinted from the low light and I could make out her form more clearly. It was Katia. He back was turned to me, she was slightly hunched over my dear, her head bobbing up and down, in time with the wet sounds I was hearing.
  13. Feeling a terrible sinking feeling in my stomach, I finally spoke "W-What's going on here?" I murmured softy. My dear's eyes opened as he looked upon me with surprise. "Delilah? Oh crap." He said, and Katia finally turned to recognize my presence. A string of drool hung on the corner of her mouth trailing down to my dear's throbbing dick, light reflecting off it's slick surface. "Oh hey there Deli. Now what are you doing up?" She whispered, swiping away at the saliva on her cheek. "I told you I'd take care of our trainer." I was more pissed than I'd ever been in my life. I got into a battle stance. "W-What the hell do you think you're doing to my dear! Get off him immediately!" I cried. "Oh hush before you wake up everyone still in the building." Katia hissed, looking at me rather coldly. "Y-You're taking advantage of my dear! How could you!" I yelled. My dear looked frozen in shock, unable to make heads or tails of what we were saying. Katia leaned down casually to take another lick of my dear's manhood. "Alright. You caught me. But I'm not taking much advantage of anyone. All he has to do is recall me to my ball. It's right here." She pointed to a Pokeball lying on the ruffled sheets of the bed.
  15. I looked to it, then to my dear, who beckoned me over to him. I quickly rushed to the side of the bed, where he gently stroked my cheek. "This is so messed up. I never wanted anyone to see this, especially not you Delilah." I couldn't help but cry. "My dear! Oh dear, are you ok!?" I cried. He seemed to understand this. "I'm fine, Delilah. Please calm down." He gazed at me with that loving smile of his, his eyes looked so innocent. Then he winced. Katia had gone back to sucking on him, her tiny mouth barely able to hold his thick meat inside. He extended a hand down to her head. I thought maybe he'd pull her off but instead he just...stroked her leaf fronts. She let out a soft moan, even with her mouth full. I was frozen, staring at the scene that was unfolding in front of me. "I don't really know what's happening" My dear started "but it feels so good I don't want it to stop." Katia pulled her mouth away with a loud pop, my dear's crotch now dripping with her saliva. She glanced over at me "So now what? Are you still trying to fight me?" She mused, knowing full well she could easily beat me. A flood of emotions raced through me confusion, anger, but more than anything, sadness. I felt betrayed by my dear. How could he, of all people, with her!? I felt sick as I backed away from them, the tears flowing uncontrollably from my eyes. "K-Katia. Why? Why would you do this! Knowing how I felt!" I choked up.
  17. "Ahh yes! That's why! That face right there!" She cried out. My mouth dropped in horror as her eyes lit up. She let out a moan of excitement, using her small lithe body to flip herself around on my dear, forcing his head between her thighs. He was taken aback, slumping down in the bed, completlely buried in their white creamy flesh. "It's that face that just fills me with such joy. You've always been such a cry baby, even when I was still only a Steene!" She forced her weight back on my dear's face, smothering him in her sex. The sickeningly sweet scent started to hang in the air, as she got more and more turned on. "I outpaced you so long ago, but still you stayed on the team!" She reached out and deftly wrapped her hands around my dear's shaft, stroking it so quickly, with droplets of a clear liquid flying up from the tip. It seemed so angry, yet alluring. I tentatively took a step forward only to be shot a harsh glare from Katia. "Do not interfere! This is my time!" She mushed her fat ass all over my dears face before lifting up to reveal him, soaked in her foul love juices and gasping for air. His normally crisp hair all disheveled he craned his head up and croaked "Katia, please. You're being too rough!" "Hush now, 'DEAR'" she said, oozing with a frighteningly seductive tone as she gracefully stood up and stomped on his erect piece. His back reflexively arched as he held back a moan that sounded mixed with pain and pleasure.
  19. Hearing his voice, seeing his half naked form like this. I couldn't help the arousal that had built up inside of me. My petals down below began to unfurl and glisten. I felt like a Sawsbuck in headlights. "K-Katia please. Stop this. You''re killing me." I whispered, fidgeting about. She looked at me closely then reeled back with a laugh. "My god! You're aroused, aren't you!? Watching me play around with your 'dear', the one you claim to care so much about, and you're like this! You truly are pitiful"
  21. She lowered her tiny frame above my dear's precious penis, it's head gliding up and down on the gaped entrance. My dear struggled to reach for Katia's Pokeball, only to have her kick it away. "Don't spoil the fun, honey! We're both about to leave the virgin club!" Hearing this, I broke out of my trance and ran forward to the side of the bed "N-No don't! Not like this! Katia please! I'm begging you!" My tears spilled over and I couldn't control my shaking anymore. Katia slid off my dear's manhood, looking me straight in the eye. "This is happening. There's nothing you can say to stop me. But I'll let you have sex with him later. If you promise to be MY Pokemon." I looked at her in utter confusion. "Wh-What does that mean?" She stared me down "You battle for me, you train only for me, you follow only my commands. Understand? You become mine, and I'll let you be with your dear!" My heart was gripped in fear, and I looked over to my dear, who was pinned down by one of Katia's legs, having seemingly given up. All he wanted now was release, wherever he could get it. I want to be there for him. Right now more than ever. "...fine." I whispered. "Fine what?" said Katia, gazing at me with her big, purple eyes. "I'll be your Pokemon."
  23. "Mhmm. Yes. Perfect. Let's kiss on it!" She gently cradled my face with her hands, and gave me the most pitiful look. Like a Meowth about to enjoy a Rattata meal. She drew me in stealing my first kiss, her tongue slipping into my mouth and wriggling about. I was so weirded out, I tried to pull away, but she held me close, I could feel my self getting wetter each moment. Then she tensed up as she was pulled away, being impaled on my dear's throbbing cock. I was only able to take a small breath before the look of ecstasy that crossed her face shot a pang of hurt through my heart. My dear drew her close to his body, wrapping his arms around her entire form, drawing her in so close. "I'm sorry, but I can't hold back anymore!" In the low light, I could still very clearly where the two were connected, Katia finally seemed to lose the control she maintained through the whole ordeal, my dear's cock was still that of a young boy, but far too large for something like her. It stretched her out greatly, but slipped in deep with ease. He hefted her body up and down like a doll, her fronds bound behind her, her white flesh soaked with juices that were spraying out with each slip and slap inside. The frustrated, almost angry look on my dear's face was nothing like I'd ever seen before. It was at this point I couldn't help but touch myself, my leaf slipping rather vigorously on my own sex.
  25. "I hope I'm not hurting you, Katia! But you feel so good!" He moaned. He cupped her by the cheek and gave her a loving kiss that made me slump over on the bed side. Now she's taken everything from me. His thrusts became more and more violent, until he buried himself as deep as he could go, gripping her so close and clenching his teeth. He held her like that for a moment, their breathing ragged and droplets of sweet curling off them. The edge of my leaf sliced just right and I felt myself cum. It was almsot as intense as evolving. I lazily looked up at them, my dear let out a final ragged breath and he let loose his grip on Katia, her body gently draping upon the bed. It was rare to see her look somewhat defeated, yet so content. I looked towards my dear, but he couldn't bear to meet my gaze. "I'm...gonna go wash up. I'll be right back." He spoke, slipping on his deflated piece back into his boxers and walking towards the bathroom.
  27. "We sure know how to pick them, huh?" Katia said, revealing in her orgasm. "That was wonderful." I simply shook my head, and began to leave when she called out. "I'm sorry Deli, where do you think you're going?" I turned back to her to see she was sitting on the edge of the bed. "As your new second trainer, my first order is that you clean me up. That boy of ours made me quite the mess, you see." She spoke, casually resting her head upon her hands. She spread her legs to show her gaping sex, still radiating heat, with a flood of white goo oozing out. "Get started. I'd like to get to sleep soon." I trudged back over feeling the tears well up again, lowering my head between her legs. The scent flooded my brain. I couldn't lie, she smelled amazing. In a weird sort of way, like a musky flower. I carefully licked up around her red and engorged lips, before lapping up the sperm dripping out her pussy. She wrapped a leg around my head, forcing me in deeper, and I had no choice but to inhale thick globs of sperm, my tongue carefully snaking out inside her. She moaned quitely and I felt somewhat repulsed, but I began to give in. At the very least, it's my dear's sperm. And she...was my new trainer now. She let my head go after a while, and I fell back on my leaves. "Alright. Good enough job. Now go to sleep. I'll be spending the night with our Trainer from now on. Thanks for everything, Deli"
  29. I simply nodded and went back out into the lobby of the Pokemon Center. On the way back, I crossed paths with my dear trainer. He looked down at me, seeing my face etched with sadness I could not bear to hide. He said nothing, but simply stroked the top of my flower, and went back into the trainer room. What does that mean? What does any of this mean? I shook my head, and lay wide awake on my cushion. I don't think his heart is lost to me yet. But if I don't act soon, I will lose him forever.
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