
Getting to Know You: Part 4 [FINALE]

Apr 27th, 2014
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  2. >You cleaned Slutbra
  3. >Got to have a little heart to heart with her
  4. >Which led into pounding her pony pussy
  5. >Brief moment of heartwarming
  6. >Cadence shanghi'd you, and has teleportaled you out for a lunch date.
  7. >>Key issue: You have no pants. Or underwear.
  9. >You blink a few times to get rid of the pink sparkles
  10. >You appear to be at a cafe, which is on a messenene level above a plaza, with a glorious look at the prominade to the castle.
  11. >Which means that you are high up and in full veiw of everyone in said plaza.
  12. >The place is teeming with ponies.
  13. >I mean, lots of ponies.
  14. >Holy crap that's a lot of ponies.
  15. >And they're all looking at Cadence, and bowing.
  16. >At least you hope it's Cadence
  17. >And not your dick.
  18. >It'd be weird if they were bowing to your dick.
  19. >Although that would be awesome in a way
  21. >You must maintain your digintas, amicitas and gravitas!
  22. >Let not these plebiean ponies lead you astray!
  23. >You turn to Cadence, who has a nice, regal, motherly smile on her face.
  24. >She looks down at your cock, then up again, and the smile increases in intensity.
  25. >Fucking bitch.
  27. >One hand goes to cover your junk, the other goes to your hips, and you GLARE at the Cadence.
  28. >"Mommy, is that ape playing with his no-no zone?" you hear a young voice in the bowing crowd.
  30. >The hand covering yourself quickly whips out towards nearby table, aiming for a napkin to cover your 'no-no zone', but for some reason the napkin dissappears.
  31. >Along with all the other napkins
  32. >You quickly tear off you suit, place it over your front, and tie the arms behind you.
  33. >Cadence leans in with a shit-eating grin.
  34. >"They can still see your butt, you know that?" she whispers.
  36. >And so the Sons of Rome did weep.
  37. >You fold your arms and angle yourself so as to reduce the view from the crowds on the street.
  38. >Cadence simply points behind you, smirking.
  39. >You turn and oh good golly that's a lot of ponies.
  40. >Getting a close up.
  41. >High-born all, they look like you've just insulted there mother.
  42. >On the anniversary of their deaths.
  43. >The silence is deafening.
  44. >A few turn away, tut-tuting
  45. >Others glare, openly
  46. >You cut your eyes back to a sniggering Cadence.
  47. >With as much lost dignity as you can, you sit down at a nearby table.
  49. >Cadence absolutely loses it from the look on your face.
  50. >You angrily stare at her, using the Secrets of Bluebottles mesmerism to hate her to death.
  51. >You imagine little daggers coming out of your eyes and point all the way along your eyes to hers
  52. >too-tooty toot toot
  53. >Cadence simply climbs onto the chair across from you, smiling smugly.
  54. "Had your fun?" you say.
  55. >Cadence is simply giggling.
  56. >"I fail to see what the problem is, Anon - I mean, EVERYONE here isn't wearing clothes, you silly sod. No-one would've said anything had you just stood there."
  57. >You frown at her, then fold your arms again and pout off into the distance
  58. "Unlike you ponies, I have a modicum of modesty. I don't walk around like some slut in the nude!" you say.
  59. >"Apart from now." she says, as she waves over a waiter.
  60. "That was your fault, teleportaling me before I could get my pants back on after having done the deed."
  61. >You hear the crash of glassware and silence around you as everyone stops talking and looking at you.
  62. >Cadence looks scandalized
  63. >'Anon! please don't spread around such vicious rumours!" she announces
  64. >Oh.
  65. >Oh ho ho.
  66. >The Sisters of Fate has given you a weapon, young Roman. What will thoust do with it?
  67. "What rumours? All you said after I pumped your husband's throat full of my hot, gooey seed, and that I rode Sombra's rear ragged, leaving that little cumbucket panting on the floor, was that you wanted to go to lunch."
  68. >You hear the clutter of cutlery and you swear you hear someone actually say 'Scandalous!' from somewhere ahead of you.
  69. >Cadence is in full poker face mode, her eyes quickly darting to something behind you, sweat beginning to form.
  70. "And I was like "Alright, let me get some pants on' and then you were like 'No, Anon, leave your pants off - I want to pound my pussy until I'm an orgasmic pile of moosh right there in the middle of the street!"
  71. >There's a splosh as you swear someone's monocle falls off.
  72. >You can't stop, this is too much fun.
  73. "And then I was like 'Princess Cadence, that's absurd. If I did that, then you'd end up with Celestia or Luna getting reports of you lusting after my monkey dick, they'll get jealous. And then they might try to form a herd made up of themselves and the most virile nobleponies for me to slake my animalistic lusts on". And then you said, "It's a deal", and then you brought me here."
  74. >You lean in, grinning smugly.
  75. "You mean completely untrue, baseless rumours like that?" you say.
  76. >'Anonymous, you overestimate yourself"
  77. >You turn and OH HEY CELESTIA.
  78. >She's looking at you sternly, but there's laughter in her eyes.
  79. >Beside her, Luna stands there, frozen in recoil and shock and horror.
  80. >Beside her is Twilight, cheeks slightly pink, wide eyed and wide mouthed.
  81. >You look back at Celestia
  82. "It's only a rumour' you say, diplomatically.
  83. >"Now now Anon, now that this rumour has gotten to my ears, I must now determine if it is true!" says Celestia, with total seriousness.
  84. >Luna is floored
  85. >"Sister, you cannot be serious! To debauch yourself-"
  86. >"No dearest sister, this MUST be performed!" cuts in Celestia, "however, I fear that I may be too unprepared for such an investigation. However, my dearest student, I believe, has the spell required."
  87. >Twilight looks at Celestia, aghast.
  88. >Celestia gives her the ghost of a smile.
  89. >Twilight narrows her eyes.
  90. >Then smiles.
  91. >"Yes Princess, I SHALL get to the bottom of this!"
  92. >At once your suit is pulled off from your waist by a purple aura, and then your stuck in a rather exposed position on the table.
  93. >Cadence is hiding her face behind her hooves, looking like she wants to roll up into a ball and die of embarrasment.
  94. >You want to join her, considering how exposed you are.
  95. >All those ponies, looking at your wang.
  96. >"Good golly, dear, why does that ape have his penis exposed!"
  97. >"Gee, he must really be a pervert, not retracting in front of the princesses!"
  98. >"I heard he touched himself in front of a filly earlier!"
  99. >Oh god, you want to die.
  100. >Then Twilight enters you vision, and you feel a curious purple aura fondle your bits.
  101. >NOPE.
  102. >"Don't worry Anon, this is for science, after all!" she says, happily.
  103. >You struggle, but a yellow aura holds you still.
  104. >There's a sparkle of purple, Twilight's face smugly set.
  105. >"Now Anon, let's see who you were last with, hmmm?" she giggles "Your hand?", snigger, "A sock?", snigger, "I guess EVERYPONY would liek to see that!"
  106. >Oh god, you want to roll over and die and...
  107. >Oh.
  108. >Oh this will get interesting.
  109. >There's a flash, then there's a image of Slutbra riding you.
  110. >Twilight's eyes go wide.
  111. >"Anon, umph, please, nn~ng, use me! use my worthless slave cunt!" the vision cries, quite loudly. "Don't-don't think about me please, just, uuuung! Fill me with your cum!"
  112. >"Oh...oh dear..." says Twilight startled
  113. >there's another flash, and then there's Shining, currently going down on your dick.
  114. >You don't know how, but her eyes go wider.
  115. >You see him suddenly start guzzling down your cum, his throat pulsating from the job.
  116. >There's another flash, and you're free!
  117. >You quickly roll off the table, and whack into the ground
  118. >Ouch.
  119. >Then you quickly regain your suit-cum-kilt, and face the Royalty.
  120. >Celestia is still as a statue, her face a mix of confusion and horror.
  121. >Luna has gone from shock to contemplative, eyes darting between Celestia and you.
  122. >Twilight is staring at the spot where her brother's mouth was eagerly wrapped around your cock.
  123. >Cadence has taken to hiding under the table, mortified.
  124. >It seems as though someone has stopped time, as most of the ponies, mid stride, bow, trot or eat, are all looking at you and the Royals.
  125. >Clearly, This Has Gone Too Far.
  126. >Celestia slooooowly cranes her head, and looks under the table at Cadence.
  127. >"Cadence..." she says, softly, "I thought you had more modicum than that, more modesty!"
  128. >Cadence tries to stutter out something resembling words to refute, deny, abstain that anything had happened, but it just comes out as 'I, but, I, wh-"
  129. >'And Anonymous!" she scolds, "To believe that I would enter into a 'herd' with you! Shameful!"
  130. >She trots over and looks at you dead in the eye.
  131. >"Why, I wouldn't want a dick as tiny as yours in my harem!"
  132. >You stare back.
  133. >She stares back.
  134. >Her eyes are sparkling with restrained laughter.
  135. >This.
  136. >This god-damned crazy bitch.
  137. "...are you quite done enjoying yourself?" you say, unamused.
  138. >"Have you learned to not insult royalty by saying completely inapproprriate and embarrassing things in public?" she responds, smugly.
  139. "...I guess" you venture.
  140. >"Good!" There's a flash of yellow, and now you're back in your pants.
  142. >Celestia trots back over to the table, and sits down.
  143. >Luna sits down next to her, glaring at her sister.
  144. >Twilight remains fixated.
  145. >Cadence slowly pulls herself from under the table, her face flushed with embarrasment.
  146. >"Was that REALLY necessary, sister!" growls Luna.
  147. >"Believe me Luna, it WAS." she replies, eyeing you pointedly. "Anon can be ... sneaky and quite stubborn when he wants to. Although I didn't expect you to make such quick work."
  148. >"Aunty, please!" hisses Cadence, trying to hide herself behind a menu.
  149. "I guess that with a little communication, and some mutual understanding, it turns out that we all do care for each other." you say, philosophically, stroking your chin.
  150. >Celestia espies your mock-seriousness face and rolls her eyes.
  152. >Twilight, however, snaps out of her trance.
  153. >"Wait, my therapy session actually WORKED!?" she emitts, stunned, "I had been up for like four days straight - how the hell did I NOT make that a disaster!?"
  154. "You did make it a disaster," you answer 'And it was because of that that it showed that Shining and Cadence cared a lot about me...and that I cared about them."
  155. >Good lord Anon, you're getting awfully love-dovey.
  156. >A pink hoof crawls out from under a menu across from you, and rests on your hand.
  157. >You smile.
  158. >Luna simply humphs.
  159. >"Well, now all this silliness is out of the way, can we now proceed with the Princess meeting?"
  160. >"Here here!" says Celestia. "The topic of this Princess meeting is how to correct several issues that have occurred in the past couple of days."
  161. >Everyone at the table looks at you.
  162. >Even the menu from across from you dips to reveal purple eyes.
  163. "Hey, don't look at me - you're the one's responsible for having such a dodgy legal system in the first place, where entire countries grind to a halt just because one guy wants a divorce."
  164. >"Regardless," Luna pushes on "now we have several acts and budgets that have fallen behind, and economic issues and trades to deal with, how shall we proceed?"
  166. --
  168. >What followed is a two hour lunch meeting on the affairs of state, and how the collosal fuck-up was being mitigated.
  169. >And you suddenly realised exactly how stupoid the entire system was.
  170. "So, wait, let me get this straight," you say, putting down your samich, "The Minotaurs pay taxes to titled nobles of the House of Low, which you then have to return to the minotaurs because it's not technically Equestrian land, although it technically is, and this is governed not by the tax office or the diplomatic administration, but by a civic commitee that's actually inthe town of Lo in Zebrica!?"
  171. >There's a few seconds silence around the table.
  172. >"Pretty much, it's the Yo Low Swag Problem. It's been around since I was a rule" says Luna, casually.
  173. "Since you were a..." you exasperate.
  174. >"Please Anon, that's not even the worst of it" says Celestia "for a time we actually had to pay considerable sums to a village in Deerwood because of a minute spelling error in the Truce of Poppies. Instead of the "Queen of the Deerlands", it was written "Some random girl in the village of Lights, county of Deer Head."
  175. >'Yeah, the Deer in the Head Lights Affair." says Cadence, nodding solemnly.
  176. >Holy shit.
  177. "I understand now why Slutbra wanted to change the legal system first, then proceed on world conquest." you say.
  178. >Twilight nods in agreement. Then looks at you.
  179. >"Slutbra?"
  180. >"It's what Anonymous calls Sombra now." says Cadence, looking down a list. "She finds in enjoyable" she adds, magicking a quill and signing the bottom.
  181. >Twilight leans in.
  182. >"So THAT spell worked too? It changed him THAT deeply?" she asks.
  183. "Too well." you say, somewhere between sad and serious.
  184. >Twilight simply grins
  185. >"So, not ONLY did I fix your relationship, and save the day on the moon, I also fixed Sombra?" she claps her hooves together "I should sleep less more oft-"
  186. >"AND HERE ENDS THE MEETING" announces Celestia, quickly grabbing Twilight, "We shall see you next week!"
  187. >An Aurora Borealis reaches down from the sky, and in a blast of multicoloured magic, Celestia and Twilight turn into vaporous ghosts, travelling up into the sky.
  188. >There's a lot of oooing and ahhhhing from the ponies around the cafe.
  189. >Luna just rolls her eyes, and finishes her herbal tea.
  190. >"Until next week Cadence. And Anonymous." she leans in "Don't mess this up,"
  191. >With a poof! she's gone.
  192. >You turn back to Cadence
  193. "Well, that was ..." you mull over your statment, "...horrifying." you settle on.
  194. >"I KNOW!" She hides her head under her hooves, mortified, "Why did you have to go too far, Anon?"
  195. "Me? Weren't you the one who teleported me into the middle of a busy cafe with no pants on?" you reply.
  196. >"Please Anon," she says, "being without clothes here isn't an issue. You can walk straight through the Crystal Empire in the nude and it wouldn't be an issue. Just retract yourself and-"
  197. "It doesn't retract."
  198. >Cadence looks at you for a moment.
  199. >"It doesn't retract?" she says.
  200. "It doesn't retract. It sticks out like that, all the time."
  201. >She looks at you, ponderously.
  202. >"...It doesn't-"
  203. "I'm not a pony Cadence. It doesn't retract." you stare levelly at her.
  204. >She frowns, then puts her hooves to my face.
  205. >"Oh my goodness! I had no idea! I was just sitting there going 'Just retract Anon, just retract' but..."
  206. >You look at her, levelly.
  207. >"On second thought, I reckon it would be wise for you to wear pants. At all times." she decrees.
  208. "Smart Idea." you agree, popping the last of your sammich into your mouth.
  210. >Cadence sighs
  211. >"We really don't know that much about each other, do we?" she says.
  212. >You look back.
  213. >"I mean, I had no idea about doesn't retract," she says, her mind still unable to wrap around that bit of info, "and...well...earlier..."
  214. >She looks down.
  215. >"That...being embarrased like that...that hurt, Anon." she says, softly.
  216. >You sit there for a minute, looking at her. She looks really depressed.
  217. "I'm sorry Cadence," you offer, "I was just trying to get you back, you know? Turn the prank around? I didn't know you didn't know that I can't retract."
  218. >She simply smiles, and places her hoof back onto your hand.
  219. >"Apology accepted." she says, calling for the bill.
  220. "So, why did you invite me to this meeting, anyway?" you ask.
  221. >"I thought it might be a nice little introduction to you ...I mean, I want you to participate in this Empire of ours. After all," she says, tentatively, "you might be our Prince again, some day..."
  222. >She taps her hooves together shyly.
  223. >You raise an eyebrow.
  224. "I'm not sure I'm administrative material, that seems to be Slutbra's domain. Heck, can I make her me 'Legal Counsellor', and have her do all this stuff while I screw her-"
  225. >"Anon!" Cadence hisses, eyes darting around.
  226. >It's quite clear that she cares about what these ponies think.
  227. >You don't.
  228. >What is a noble?
  229. >A miserable pile of entitlement.
  230. >But as you see her cringe away from everyone's eyes...
  231. >You can kind of see why Shining would do anything to make her smile.
  232. >You don't like to see her sad like this.
  233. >Embarrassed you can dig, but, this depressed visage before you makes you relent.
  234. "Sorry," you mutter.
  235. >Cadence looks a little relieved.
  236. >"That's alright," she says, "just keep that sort of talk down when we're...y'know, outside.". she smirks, "Anywhere."
  237. >You grin as you stand - like HELL that isn't happening.
  238. "So, where to now?" you ask.
  239. >She stands to full regal height.
  240. >"Anonymous, I feel that you don't know much about the Crystal Empire," she pokes you with her hoof, "and the Crystal Empire doesn't know much about you. So I'm going to introduce you!"
  241. "To the Crystal Empire?" you ask, eyebrow raised
  242. >"Yep!" she says, trotting off.
  243. >You follow, shaking your head.
  244. >How on earth does she plan on doing this?
  246. --
  248. >You and Cadence spent the afternoon on what was little more than a glorified tour.
  249. >Slash date.
  250. >She took you to the Bullovarde and showed you where all the good book stores and ice cream shops were, getting introduced by Cadence to a few shopponies and stall holders here and there.
  251. >She showed you the Craftspony Corner, covered in facinating scultpures and murals made out of glistening crystal, meeting a few aspiring artists and old veterans courtesy of Cadence herself.
  252. >She reverently displayed the Silent Spring, a haven used to honour the past and the Divine Shard, getting a few odd looks from Cadence and the occasional worshipper as you repeated 'Make us Whole" over and over again in front of the Shard.
  253. >She then proceded to fly you around the country side, pointing out a house here and there and the ponies within.
  254. >By the end of the flight, as the last of Celestia's rays were disappearing behind the horizon, and you touched down on the Royal Balcony, you realized that Cadence really did care deeply about her subjects.
  255. >They all reverently respected Cadence, and she replied with love and compassion.
  256. >She really is an amazing pony, who still acts like a shy twelve year old girl when you're talking about sex in public.
  257. >You understand now why she's so embarrased though - she really DOES think everyone's important.
  258. >And you also began to feel that this place...wasn't that bad.
  259. >It wasn't ponyville, but it had it's own distinct charm.
  260. >You could think of this place as a home almost.
  261. >Maybe.
  262. "Thanks," you say, as you hop off.
  263. >She replies by wrapping you in her wings and nuzzling you.
  264. >"You're welcome" she says, "I just hope that...I can make this place a home for you."
  265. >Woah.
  266. >Mind reader?
  267. >She looks at your quizzical face, then giggles.
  268. >'Guessed what you were thinking?" she says, playfully
  269. >You nod, slightly worried.
  270. >"That happens sometimes with Shining. Don't worry, it's more like 'heartreading' than anything." she nuzzles into your neck.
  271. >Well, that was worrying.
  272. >" you think that this place could be home to you?" she asks, tentatively.
  273. >You ponder.
  274. "...yeah, I can see it." you say.
  275. >It wasn't a house in ponyville, but were with ponies you cared about.
  276. >Deeply, you're finding.
  277. >Cadence strngthens her hug, and you find youself returning it.
  278. >She pulls back, and looks at you, smiling.
  279. >You look down at her, into those amazing eyes.
  280. >She moves closer, and you reply.
  281. >Your lips meet just as Luna's sky emerges into being, and a comforting warm floods your system.
  282. >It's magical.
  283. >Literally, you're glowing.
  284. >You pull away gasping slightly for air.
  285. >Cadence simply smiles.
  286. >You go in and kiss her, more passionately this time, stroking her hair, and grabbing her so she's 'standing up', holding her back.
  287. >You go up for air, and Cadence gently pushes you back onto the lounge.
  288. >You fall back with a 'pomf', as she looks at you hungrily.
  289. >She crawls on top of you, and nuzzles you.
  290. >"Get it out for me, Hon," she commands sutlry, kissing you deeply.
  291. >You quickly unbutton your pants, and release yourself as you play tongue hockey with the Pink Princess.
  292. >Your arms go back up her sides as she grinds her belly along your dick.
  293. >Dat fur feels goooood.
  294. >You moan into her mouth, and she pulls back, smiling.
  295. >Her horn lights up, and you you feel her line you up.
  296. >She watches you intensely as she slooooowly lowers herself onto your dick, her canal milking you.
  297. >Oh...oh gosh.
  298. >She approves of all the faces you pull, and the pleasured sounds you make, smiling and leaning into to kiss you again, more fiercely.
  299. >You eventually hilt, and she moans a little as you plumb her depths.
  300. >You rake your hand through her mane and lay her hand on her rear.
  301. >You give it an experimental squeeze.
  302. >Oh yeah, she's plush.
  303. >Cadence moans into your mouth, before raising herself sloooowly off you dick, squeezing tightly.
  304. >You moan, hard, before she starts to kiss you again.
  305. >It's like a whole new ball game, this kiss.
  306. >Sometimes she goes all out, sometimes she retreats, teasing you to follow her.
  307. >She then sloooowly lowers herself again, extracting another long groan of pleasure out of you.
  308. >She smiles, watching your face.
  309. >'Beautiful' you hear her whisper.
  310. >When you hilt her, she nibbles at your ears, while her pussy contracts rythmically around your throbbing cock.
  311. >Oh gosh this is intense.
  312. >You begin to grab and knead her butt with both hands, trying to grind into her.
  313. >She moans into your ear, then pulls back again, watching your face.
  314. >She suddenly steps it up a gear, travelling up and down along your shaft, before changing gears again.
  315. >She watches your reactions intensely as she changes speed, gripping you or releasing you, rythmically milking or even stopping altogether, just watching your reactions to her pleasuring you.
  316. >Those eyes watch you lovingly as you moan, groan, hiss, pant or clench your teeth, stopping occassionally to kiss you, or flirt with you, or nibble your ear, or lick your neck.
  317. >Soon, it's all too much.
  318. >You grab her firmly by the rear, and try to pump yourself into her.
  319. >There's a sparkle of pink and as you pump, she remains, just out of reach.
  320. >You look at her, panting.
  321. >She's panting too, but grinning.
  322. >"Now, Anon," she huffs, "We're going, to do, this right,"
  323. >She AGONISINGLY slowly lowers herself onto your dick, no matter how hard to try to pull her on.
  324. >You're going to go crazy from this.
  325. >She eventually hilts into you, her hooves wrapping around you.
  326. >She drinks in your reaction, your face desperate, panting.
  327. >"I love you," she whispers.
  328. "I love you too," you find yourself saying.
  329. >Wait, where did THAT come from-
  330. >She leans in, and kisses you deeply, the thought being obliterated by the goddess hugging you.
  331. >You kiss back, your hand leaving her hips to hug her.
  332. >You begin to feel warm, and toasty, inside.
  333. >It's like you're melting into her.
  334. >And you feel it.
  335. >It bulds up, and you tense.
  336. >But it's not only from your balls.
  337. >Your chest feels really fucking weird.
  338. >Like, REALLY fucking weird.
  339. >But in a really GOOD kind of way.
  340. >It's like the first time you jerked off.
  341. >Except instead of your dick, your heart is cumming.
  342. >Hard.
  343. >That's the best way to describe it.
  344. >Your dick follows shortly after, unloading itself into Cadence's pussy, but the pleasure from it is over-ridden by what's going on in your chest.
  345. >You white out from the feeling.
  346. >Eventually you come to, feeling a post-coital bliss you haven't felt before.
  347. >It's like you're still cumming, your dick still throbbing inside Cadence, with no more seed to give.
  348. >But the rest of you feels glorious.
  349. >You become aware of a warm weight upon you, and see Cadence snuggled into your chest.
  350. >You weakly reach up and stroke her mane.
  351. >She sighs.
  352. >"Thank you, Anon." she says.
  353. "For waht?" you ask.
  354. >"For accepting our love." she replies.
  355. >You lie there, stroking Cadence's mane.
  356. >Is this love?
  357. >You think about Shining.
  358. >You think about Slutbra.
  359. >And you think about Cadence.
  360. >...And you think about the giant Love-gasm you just had.
  361. "And thank you, for accepting mine," you say, kissing the top of her head.
  362. >She coos softly.
  363. >You rest your head back, and Shining kisses you.
  364. >Wait, what.
  365. "When did you get here?" you ask, surprised.
  366. >He looks at you, shaking his head.
  367. >"I was stuck here all day, remember?" he says.
  368. >Behind him, Slutbra is holding the handles on his wheel chair. With a gesture from Shining, he pushes Shining to the front of the lounge, and helps him onto it next to you.
  369. >He joins in on the hug, nuzzling into the empty space between Cadence and yourself, sighing happily. Cadence licks Shining's ear, and giggles.
  370. >Meanwhile, Slutbra has taken off your shoes and socks, and gently nuzzles your feet.
  371. >You shoot him a smile over Cadence's head and use one of your feet to stroke Slutbra's mane.
  372. >She replies by sighing happily, and licking the other foot eagerly.
  373. >You're not entirely, wholly, one-hundred-percent sure on this marriage.
  374. >But by golly you love these ponies.
  375. >And as you daze off, you find.
  376. >that's good enough for you.
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