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a guest
Feb 19th, 2012
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  1. You stab The Human Administrator vampire in the right upper arm with your iron spear, tearing the muscle through the goat leather cloak!
  2. A motor nerve has been severed!
  3. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf tooth earring-.
  4. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +dwarf nail ring+.
  5. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf tooth crown-.
  6. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf tooth earring.
  7. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf hair bracelet.
  8. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf nail ring.
  9. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf tooth earring-.
  10. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf hair earring.
  11. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf hair ring.
  12. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf bone crown.
  13. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf hair ring.
  14. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf nail earring.
  15. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +dwarf tooth earring+.
  16. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf hair ring.
  17. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf tooth bracelet-.
  18. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf nail earring.
  19. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +dwarf bone bracelet+.
  20. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +dwarf nail crown+.
  21. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf hair bracelet-.
  22. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf hair bracelet-.
  23. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf hair earring-.
  24. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf hair ring.
  25. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the *dwarf nail bracelet*.
  26. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf tooth ring-.
  27. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf bone bracelet-.
  28. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf nail crown.
  29. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf nail ring.
  30. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf nail bracelet.
  31. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf hair crown-.
  32. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf hair bracelet-.
  33. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf nail earring-.
  34. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf nail earring.
  35. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf tooth bracelet.
  36. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf bone ring-.
  37. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf bone crown.
  38. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +dwarf bone earring+.
  39. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf bone bracelet-.
  40. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +dwarf hair crown+.
  41. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf tooth crown.
  42. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf nail earring.
  43. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf tooth earring-.
  44. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf hair ring-.
  45. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf bone bracelet-.
  46. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf hair crown-.
  47. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf nail earring-.
  48. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf bone bracelet-.
  49. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf hair crown-.
  50. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf hair ring.
  51. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf hair earring-.
  52. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf tooth ring-.
  53. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf tooth crown-.
  54. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf hair ring-.
  55. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf hair bracelet.
  56. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf bone crown.
  57. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf hair crown.
  58. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf bone ring.
  59. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf tooth crown.
  60. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf bone bracelet-.
  61. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf bone earring-.
  62. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf bone bracelet-.
  63. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf tooth crown-.
  64. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf tooth crown.
  65. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +dwarf hair crown+.
  66. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf bone bracelet-.
  67. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf hair bracelet-.
  68. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf nail ring.
  69. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf bone bracelet.
  70. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf tooth earring.
  71. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf hair ring.
  72. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf bone bracelet.
  73. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf nail crown-.
  74. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf tooth ring.
  75. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf tooth ring.
  76. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf tooth bracelet.
  77. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf hair ring.
  78. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf bone bracelet.
  79. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf bone crown-.
  80. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf hair bracelet.
  81. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf bone ring-.
  82. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf nail bracelet-.
  83. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf tooth bracelet-.
  84. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf nail crown-.
  85. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf tooth ring-.
  86. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf hair bracelet-.
  87. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf nail earring.
  88. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +dwarf nail bracelet+.
  89. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf hair crown.
  90. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf tooth ring.
  91. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf tooth bracelet.
  92. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf tooth ring-.
  93. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf nail crown-.
  94. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf bone crown-.
  95. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf hair bracelet-.
  96. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +dwarf nail crown+.
  97. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf tooth bracelet.
  98. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf hair crown-.
  99. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf bone earring.
  100. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf hair bracelet.
  101. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf tooth crown-.
  102. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf nail ring.
  103. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +dwarf nail ring+.
  104. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf tooth earring-.
  105. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail earring-.
  106. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf nail ring+.
  107. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone ring-.
  108. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone ring.
  109. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf tooth crown+.
  110. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone bracelet-.
  111. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail ring.
  112. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail bracelet-.
  113. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth earring.
  114. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone crown.
  115. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair bracelet-.
  116. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone ring-.
  117. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair crown.
  118. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail ring-.
  119. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair earring-.
  120. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth earring.
  121. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone earring-.
  122. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth crown-.
  123. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair earring-.
  124. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail crown-.
  125. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth ring.
  126. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone earring-.
  127. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth bracelet.
  128. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail crown-.
  129. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair earring.
  130. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth ring-.
  131. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth crown-.
  132. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair ring.
  133. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair bracelet-.
  134. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone crown-.
  135. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail crown.
  136. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone earring.
  137. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone crown-.
  138. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair bracelet.
  139. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail bracelet.
  140. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone earring-.
  141. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail crown-.
  142. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair ring.
  143. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail ring-.
  144. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail bracelet-.
  145. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair earring.
  146. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail ring-.
  147. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail bracelet-.
  148. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair earring.
  149. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth earring-.
  150. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth bracelet-.
  151. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail crown-.
  152. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair ring-.
  153. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail earring.
  154. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone earring-.
  155. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail bracelet-.
  156. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail bracelet.
  157. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail ring-.
  158. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair ring-.
  159. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair earring-.
  160. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone ring.
  161. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth ring.
  162. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth earring.
  163. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail ring-.
  164. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail earring-.
  165. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail bracelet-.
  166. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth earring-.
  167. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth crown-.
  168. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail crown-.
  169. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth earring.
  170. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair crown-.
  171. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth ring-.
  172. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail earring-.
  173. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair ring.
  174. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth bracelet-.
  175. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail crown.
  176. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone crown.
  177. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth bracelet-.
  178. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair crown-.
  179. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone bracelet.
  180. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair earring.
  181. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone earring-.
  182. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail ring.
  183. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail bracelet.
  184. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf hair crown+.
  185. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth ring-.
  186. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth crown.
  187. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair earring-.
  188. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair crown-.
  189. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail bracelet.
  190. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf bone earring+.
  191. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair earring.
  192. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf tooth earring+.
  193. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf tooth earring+.
  194. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail ring-.
  195. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail bracelet-.
  196. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth earring.
  197. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair bracelet.
  198. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail bracelet-.
  199. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone crown-.
  200. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair crown.
  201. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth ring.
  202. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail bracelet.
  203. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair ring-.
  204. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth ring-.
  205. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail earring-.
  206. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone crown-.
  207. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone earring-.
  208. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail earring.
  209. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth earring-.
  210. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth ring.
  211. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf bone ring+.
  212. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth crown.
  213. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail bracelet.
  214. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail bracelet-.
  215. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail crown-.
  216. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair earring-.
  217. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail bracelet.
  218. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf hair earring+.
  219. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail ring.
  220. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail earring.
  221. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf tooth earring+.
  222. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair bracelet-.
  223. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth crown-.
  224. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth crown-.
  225. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth bracelet-.
  226. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth ring-.
  227. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf nail bracelet+.
  228. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth bracelet-.
  229. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf tooth bracelet+.
  230. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair bracelet.
  231. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail earring.
  232. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the *elf nail bracelet*.
  233. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone crown-.
  234. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair ring-.
  235. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf bone ring+.
  236. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail earring.
  237. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair ring-.
  238. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth ring-.
  239. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth ring-.
  240. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth earring.
  241. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf bone bracelet+.
  242. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone earring.
  243. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone crown.
  244. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail ring-.
  245. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone bracelet-.
  246. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone earring-.
  247. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth ring.
  248. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf nail crown+.
  249. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone ring.
  250. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail bracelet.
  251. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf bone bracelet+.
  252. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth ring-.
  253. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair ring.
  254. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair earring.
  255. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone bracelet.
  256. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone ring.
  257. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone ring.
  258. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf bone bracelet+.
  259. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth bracelet-.
  260. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth crown.
  261. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone crown.
  262. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth bracelet.
  263. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail crown-.
  264. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth crown.
  265. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth earring.
  266. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth bracelet.
  267. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail bracelet.
  268. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the *elf bone earring*.
  269. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf tooth crown+.
  270. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone earring.
  271. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair ring-.
  272. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail earring-.
  273. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail earring-.
  274. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth bracelet.
  275. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair crown.
  276. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth bracelet-.
  277. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail bracelet-.
  278. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone earring-.
  279. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail ring.
  280. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf bone crown+.
  281. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone earring-.
  282. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone ring.
  283. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair crown.
  284. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf tooth crown+.
  285. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone bracelet.
  286. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair crown.
  287. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone bracelet.
  288. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail earring-.
  289. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair earring-.
  290. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair ring.
  291. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair crown.
  292. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail earring.
  293. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail bracelet.
  294. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone bracelet.
  295. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair crown.
  296. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail earring.
  297. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth crown-.
  298. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair bracelet.
  299. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth earring.
  300. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail earring.
  301. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair crown.
  302. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth ring-.
  303. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone ring-.
  304. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail crown-.
  305. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf tooth crown+.
  306. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth earring.
  307. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail crown.
  308. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail bracelet-.
  309. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth crown-.
  310. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail earring.
  311. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair bracelet.
  312. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf bone ring+.
  313. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail crown-.
  314. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth bracelet-.
  315. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail ring.
  316. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair earring-.
  317. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth crown-.
  318. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair earring-.
  319. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth crown-.
  320. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone bracelet.
  321. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth ring.
  322. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone ring.
  323. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf nail ring+.
  324. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone bracelet.
  325. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf hair crown+.
  326. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail ring.
  327. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair ring.
  328. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair bracelet.
  329. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair bracelet-.
  330. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth crown.
  331. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone bracelet-.
  332. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth earring.
  333. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone earring-.
  334. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail crown.
  335. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail bracelet.
  336. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail earring-.
  337. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone bracelet.
  338. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth bracelet.
  339. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail crown.
  340. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth crown.
  341. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth ring.
  342. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth bracelet-.
  343. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail bracelet.
  344. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair ring.
  345. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth crown.
  346. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf tooth crown+.
  347. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone earring.
  348. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair ring.
  349. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf nail ring+.
  350. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone ring.
  351. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail crown.
  352. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair earring-.
  353. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone crown-.
  354. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth earring-.
  355. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair bracelet-.
  356. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail earring-.
  357. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf bone crown+.
  358. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth earring.
  359. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone crown.
  360. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail bracelet-.
  361. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail bracelet.
  362. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair bracelet-.
  363. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth crown-.
  364. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth earring.
  365. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail ring-.
  366. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail ring.
  367. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf hair ring+.
  368. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair bracelet-.
  369. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth bracelet.
  370. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf bone crown+.
  371. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone earring.
  372. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail ring.
  373. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth bracelet.
  374. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair earring.
  375. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail ring-.
  376. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail bracelet.
  377. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair bracelet.
  378. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth earring-.
  379. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair earring-.
  380. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth ring-.
  381. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf bone crown+.
  382. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf tooth bracelet+.
  383. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone bracelet-.
  384. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth ring-.
  385. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair earring-.
  386. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair ring-.
  387. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail ring.
  388. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone ring-.
  389. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair bracelet.
  390. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth ring.
  391. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone ring.
  392. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail ring-.
  393. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone bracelet.
  394. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth crown.
  395. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth earring.
  396. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone earring.
  397. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail earring-.
  398. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail ring-.
  399. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair crown-.
  400. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth ring-.
  401. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf hair ring+.
  402. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail ring-.
  403. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair crown.
  404. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone crown-.
  405. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail crown.
  406. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone earring-.
  407. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth earring.
  408. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone bracelet-.
  409. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf tooth bracelet+.
  410. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf nail ring+.
  411. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair ring.
  412. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth crown-.
  413. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail bracelet.
  414. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail bracelet.
  415. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair bracelet.
  416. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone earring.
  417. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth ring.
  418. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail ring.
  419. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth ring.
  420. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth bracelet.
  421. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail crown.
  422. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf hair crown+.
  423. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair bracelet-.
  424. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone earring-.
  425. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth bracelet-.
  426. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair bracelet-.
  427. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone earring-.
  428. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone crown-.
  429. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair earring-.
  430. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone bracelet-.
  431. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair bracelet.
  432. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone earring-.
  433. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair crown-.
  434. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth bracelet-.
  435. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair ring.
  436. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail earring-.
  437. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone crown.
  438. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone crown.
  439. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth crown.
  440. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail bracelet.
  441. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth earring-.
  442. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair earring-.
  443. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone ring-.
  444. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone bracelet.
  445. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail bracelet.
  446. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone ring-.
  447. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf hair ring+.
  448. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail bracelet-.
  449. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone crown-.
  450. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair ring-.
  451. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth crown-.
  452. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair crown.
  453. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail ring.
  454. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth bracelet-.
  455. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone bracelet.
  456. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair bracelet-.
  457. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone crown-.
  458. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair ring.
  459. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth crown.
  460. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf hair ring+.
  461. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf tooth bracelet+.
  462. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail bracelet-.
  463. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf tooth crown+.
  464. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone crown-.
  465. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail ring.
  466. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth crown.
  467. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth earring-.
  468. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail ring-.
  469. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair earring-.
  470. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair bracelet.
  471. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone bracelet.
  472. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail crown-.
  473. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail ring-.
  474. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail crown-.
  475. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair crown-.
  476. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail ring-.
  477. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone crown.
  478. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail ring.
  479. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair crown.
  480. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth crown.
  481. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail earring.
  482. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth earring-.
  483. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf tooth earring+.
  484. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth ring.
  485. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone bracelet-.
  486. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail bracelet.
  487. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail crown-.
  488. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair bracelet.
  489. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth crown-.
  490. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone bracelet-.
  491. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone earring-.
  492. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail bracelet-.
  493. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair crown.
  494. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone earring-.
  495. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail bracelet-.
  496. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf tooth earring+.
  497. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair earring-.
  498. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth crown.
  499. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone earring.
  500. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth earring-.
  501. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail crown.
  502. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair bracelet-.
  503. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair crown.
  504. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone earring-.
  505. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone crown-.
  506. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair crown-.
  507. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth crown-.
  508. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone earring.
  509. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail crown.
  510. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth earring-.
  511. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth earring.
  512. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair earring-.
  513. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth bracelet.
  514. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail earring-.
  515. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone earring-.
  516. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone crown.
  517. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail crown-.
  518. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone bracelet-.
  519. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail earring.
  520. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf hair earring+.
  521. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail bracelet.
  522. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail bracelet.
  523. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail bracelet.
  524. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone bracelet.
  525. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf nail earring+.
  526. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth bracelet.
  527. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone crown.
  528. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone crown.
  529. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair bracelet-.
  530. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair bracelet-.
  531. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth earring-.
  532. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair bracelet.
  533. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone crown-.
  534. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth crown-.
  535. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair crown-.
  536. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail earring.
  537. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone crown.
  538. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail crown-.
  539. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair earring-.
  540. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail crown.
  541. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone crown.
  542. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf tooth crown+.
  543. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth crown-.
  544. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth bracelet.
  545. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone earring.
  546. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair bracelet-.
  547. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth crown.
  548. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair earring.
  549. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail crown.
  550. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth earring.
  551. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf bone earring+.
  552. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth bracelet.
  553. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail bracelet-.
  554. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair earring.
  555. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone earring-.
  556. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair bracelet-.
  557. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair crown-.
  558. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone crown.
  559. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail bracelet.
  560. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone crown.
  561. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone crown.
  562. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf nail earring+.
  563. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf hair bracelet-.
  564. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone bracelet-.
  565. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail bracelet.
  566. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone crown-.
  567. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth bracelet-.
  568. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail crown.
  569. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone earring.
  570. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone bracelet-.
  571. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf nail crown-.
  572. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone bracelet-.
  573. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +elf tooth earring+.
  574. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair crown.
  575. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth crown-.
  576. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail crown.
  577. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail earring.
  578. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth earring.
  579. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf tooth earring.
  580. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf nail earring.
  581. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf hair crown.
  582. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf bone earring-.
  583. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone bracelet.
  584. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the elf bone bracelet.
  585. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth earring-.
  586. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -elf tooth bracelet-.
  587. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf nail crown.
  588. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf bone earring.
  589. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf hair crown-.
  590. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf nail bracelet.
  591. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf tooth crown-.
  592. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the *dwarf tooth crown*.
  593. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +dwarf bone earring+.
  594. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf bone bracelet.
  595. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf tooth bracelet.
  596. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf hair earring-.
  597. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf nail crown-.
  598. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +dwarf hair earring+.
  599. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +dwarf bone crown+.
  600. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf bone earring.
  601. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf nail crown.
  602. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf bone crown-.
  603. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf hair bracelet-.
  604. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf tooth crown-.
  605. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +dwarf nail bracelet+.
  606. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf nail earring.
  607. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf hair earring.
  608. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf bone bracelet-.
  609. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf hair earring.
  610. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf nail crown.
  611. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf nail earring.
  612. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf bone bracelet.
  613. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf bone crown-.
  614. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf bone earring-.
  615. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +dwarf bone crown+.
  616. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf hair bracelet.
  617. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf nail earring.
  618. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf bone bracelet.
  619. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf bone bracelet-.
  620. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf bone crown-.
  621. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf tooth crown.
  622. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf bone crown.
  623. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf tooth crown-.
  624. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf hair bracelet.
  625. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf bone crown.
  626. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf hair bracelet-.
  627. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +dwarf hair earring+.
  628. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf hair bracelet-.
  629. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf nail earring.
  630. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf hair bracelet.
  631. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf hair crown.
  632. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf hair crown.
  633. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf nail bracelet-.
  634. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the *dwarf bone bracelet*.
  635. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf nail earring-.
  636. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf tooth bracelet-.
  637. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf bone bracelet-.
  638. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf tooth earring.
  639. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf hair earring-.
  640. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf nail bracelet-.
  641. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf tooth crown.
  642. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf bone bracelet-.
  643. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf nail earring-.
  644. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf bone earring.
  645. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +dwarf bone earring+.
  646. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf hair earring.
  647. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +dwarf tooth earring+.
  648. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf bone earring-.
  649. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +dwarf bone crown+.
  650. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf bone bracelet-.
  651. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf bone bracelet.
  652. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf tooth crown-.
  653. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf nail earring.
  654. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf nail crown-.
  655. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf tooth bracelet.
  656. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +dwarf tooth earring+.
  657. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf nail earring-.
  658. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf tooth bracelet-.
  659. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf hair crown-.
  660. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf hair bracelet-.
  661. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf nail crown.
  662. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf bone earring.
  663. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -dwarf nail crown-.
  664. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf bone earring.
  665. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the dwarf nail earring.
  666. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human tooth bracelet.
  667. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human tooth earring.
  668. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human bone crown.
  669. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human nail crown-.
  670. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human bone crown.
  671. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human nail earring-.
  672. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +human tooth earring+.
  673. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human tooth crown.
  674. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human tooth earring-.
  675. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human hair crown-.
  676. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human tooth bracelet.
  677. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human bone earring.
  678. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human bone earring.
  679. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human bone bracelet-.
  680. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human nail bracelet.
  681. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human tooth bracelet-.
  682. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human bone earring.
  683. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human hair crown.
  684. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human bone crown-.
  685. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human tooth crown-.
  686. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human nail crown.
  687. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human hair crown.
  688. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human tooth bracelet-.
  689. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human bone bracelet.
  690. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human nail crown-.
  691. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human bone earring.
  692. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human hair bracelet-.
  693. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human nail bracelet-.
  694. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human hair crown.
  695. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +human nail crown+.
  696. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the *human bone bracelet*.
  697. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human tooth crown.
  698. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +human bone bracelet+.
  699. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human bone bracelet.
  700. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human bone crown.
  701. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human bone crown.
  702. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human tooth bracelet.
  703. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human bone crown-.
  704. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human bone earring.
  705. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human tooth crown.
  706. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human tooth bracelet-.
  707. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human tooth earring-.
  708. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human nail bracelet.
  709. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human tooth earring-.
  710. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human hair crown.
  711. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human hair earring.
  712. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human bone crown-.
  713. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human bone earring-.
  714. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human tooth earring-.
  715. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human tooth bracelet.
  716. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human hair earring.
  717. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human bone bracelet.
  718. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human bone earring-.
  719. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +human hair bracelet+.
  720. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human nail earring-.
  721. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +human bone earring+.
  722. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human hair crown.
  723. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human tooth earring-.
  724. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human bone crown.
  725. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human hair bracelet-.
  726. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human bone bracelet-.
  727. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human tooth crown.
  728. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human tooth earring-.
  729. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +human nail crown+.
  730. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human tooth bracelet-.
  731. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human hair crown-.
  732. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human hair bracelet-.
  733. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human hair crown.
  734. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +human nail earring+.
  735. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human nail bracelet.
  736. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human bone bracelet-.
  737. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human hair crown-.
  738. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human nail bracelet.
  739. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human tooth crown-.
  740. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human bone bracelet.
  741. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human tooth earring.
  742. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human hair earring.
  743. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human nail earring-.
  744. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +human nail earring+.
  745. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human tooth earring.
  746. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human hair crown-.
  747. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human hair crown.
  748. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human nail earring-.
  749. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human bone earring.
  750. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human nail earring-.
  751. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human nail crown-.
  752. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the +human hair crown+.
  753. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human bone bracelet-.
  754. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human bone crown-.
  755. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human bone earring.
  756. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human hair bracelet-.
  757. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human bone crown-.
  758. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human hair bracelet.
  759. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human nail crown-.
  760. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human nail earring-.
  761. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human hair bracelet.
  762. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human nail earring-.
  763. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human hair crown-.
  764. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human hair crown-.
  765. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human nail crown.
  766. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human tooth crown.
  767. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human hair crown.
  768. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human tooth crown-.
  769. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human hair crown.
  770. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human bone crown-.
  771. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the -human tooth crown-.
  772. The Human Administrator vampire loses hold of the human bone crown.
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