
[AiE] Sleepless night with Princess Luna pt. 2

May 23rd, 2014
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  1. >Dusk is approaching and you've been stirred from sleep
  2. >Luna has somehow ended sprawled across your abdomen, her head hanging off the side of the bed
  3. >her wingfeathers are tickling your nose so you move it out of the way
  4. >this elicits a soft moan from her
  5. >you notice how her belly gently rises and falls as she makes that sound
  6. >so round
  7. >so soft
  8. >so furry
  9. >God blessed you with five digits on each hand and by Him, you weren't going to let them go to waste
  10. >you run your right hand through the fur of her underbelly
  11. >it's even softer than the rest of her coat
  12. >it feels like petting a kitten
  13. >she gives another moan, this one preceded by a gasp, and followed by a slight movement in her rear legs
  14. >you keep moving your hand across her belly and get the same last response as before
  15. >time to kick it up a notch
  16. >you start kneading and massaging that p0ne tummy like it was your final mission in life
  17. >Luna's heart rate increases slowly, but steadily through this
  18. >her skin underneath is getting warmer
  19. >during the massaging she's stopped moaning, instead started breathing quickly and shallowly, tongue lolling out, eyes closed firmly in a fit of pleasure
  20. >in the coup de grace, her right hind leg has started kicking instinctively at nothing and her tail is swishing back and forth like mad
  21. >you wind it down and give her one last, firm, but caring squeeze and look on as Luna falls limp out of pure ecstasy
  22. >you put your hand flat on her belly and notice her heart rate is at top speed and her breathing is still quick, but this all slows down eventually as she moves back into a more natural position, this time on top of your form
  23. >her belly is on your belly and you feel the heat
  24. >her head is right below yours
  25. >you give her a peck on the head and scratch her ear which flicks once, twice, before you fall back asleep
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