
Part Three; CoC

Jun 27th, 2012
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  1. You find a long and oddly flared vial half-buried in the sand. Written across the middle band of the vial is a single word: 'Equinum'.You place a vial of Equinum in your first pouch.
  2. >Drinking this
  3. You down the potion, grimacing at the strong taste.Your muscles clench and surge, making you feel as strong as a horse.Your body suddenly feels tougher and more resilient.
  4. Everything went better than expected.
  5. As you roam the shores of the lake, you find your footsteps echoing as though you were stepping on wood rather than squishing in the sandy mud of the shore. Curious, you squat down and brush the soil away, revealing the rotting form of a wooden plank. Looking carefully at the ground underfoot, you realize that it is part of a pathway – the kind that villages make to provide easier access to and from muddy rivers, lakes and beaches. You believe you can make out the rest of the path clearly enough to follow it to its end.Do you follow the pathway?
  6. >Always.
  7. You follow the overgrown path inland, away from the shore of the lake. You pass through thick trees, struggling not to lose the path, before finally reaching what is clearly the end. In front of you lie crumbling walls, broken and scattered by the wind and rain... and by other forces entirely. Beyond them are houses that have been torn apart, burned or collapsed. This was clearly once a village, but it was devastated at some point in the past. Demon attack is the first possibility that leaps into your mind. You examine the ruins for a time, and then decide to head back to camp. You don’t think it would be wise to investigate here without preparing first.("R. Village" added to Places menu.)
  8. >Lucky place bitches. Time to Place > R. Village
  9. You wind your way deep into the maze of dusty crumbling buildings and twisted saplings, looking for any sign of life – or, failing that, something that can help you in your quest. Bending down to rummage through an old heap of rubbish, you complain aloud that this is hardly the sort of thing you expected to be doing as a champion. Suddenly, you hear a ‘thwip’ and something shoots past your face, embedding into the stone beside your head and trembling with the impact."Don't make any sudden moves!" A voice calls out, high pitched and a little squeaky, but firm and commanding. You freeze to avoid giving your assailant a reason to shoot at you again. "Stand up and turn around, slowly," it commands again. You do as you are told.You have been cornered by a very strange being: a bipedal female humanoid with the unmistakable features of a giant mouse; paw-like feet, a muzzled head with long whiskers, large mouse ears, and a body covered in dust-caked auburn fur. It doesn’t look like she has had a very easy life; her clothing consists of a dirty, tattered set of pants and shirt, while her limbs and midriff are wiry, hardened as much by meals that are less than frequent as by constant exercise and physical exertion. Her buttocks are non-existent, and her breasts can’t be any larger than an A-cup. Still, she looks quite capable of defending herself; not only is she brandishing a blowpipe, clearly ready to spit another doubtlessly-poisoned dart at you, but she has formidable-looking knife strapped to her hip.She looks you for a few long moments, and then lowers her blowpipe, "I'm sorry about that, but I thought you were another demon. They destroyed this place years ago, but some of the damn scavengers still occasionally drift through. Not so much lately, of course. I've made something of an impression on them." She grins malevolently, one hand caressing the blade of her knife in an almost sensual fashion. "My name is Amily, the last survivor of this village. All of my people are gone now; they’re scattered, dead, enslaved, or worse. What about you? Are you one of those... humans, I've heard sometimes wander into this world?"You admit that, yes, you are a human, and then ask her why she remains here in this empty wasteland of a settlement."I was born here, I grew up here, and I would have gotten married and settled down here if it hadn't been for those demons." She spits the word ‘demons’ with contempt. "After it was all over, I had nowhere else to go. So I stayed here. I've still got nowhere else to go, to be honest. I haven't found any other settlements of my own people, and I'd sooner die than give myself over to the demons. But it seems that if I'm ever going to see more of my people living free, I'm going to have to take the leading role..."She stares at you intently, and you ask her what the matter is."You see, that role I was talking about? I've had a long time to think about it, and there's no one else for it. If there are ever going to be more of my kind born into freedom, they're going to have to be born. Literally; I need to find a mate that is pure, one that can give me strong and pure children of my own kind," she explains, one hand absently touching her flat belly. "The few males of my kind that I’ve managed to find are demon slaves – far too corrupt to make suitable mates, even if I could free them. I've heard, though, that humans are strangely weak breeders; your seed would be free of taint, and you would father more of my own kind. Unlike, say, an imp or a minotaur."She tucks her blowpipe into her belt and takes several uncertain steps towards you, trying to appear winning – flirtatious even – despite her grimy appearance and clear inexperience with the matter. "Please, will you help me? You said something about being a champion – If you lay with me and help me bring more of my people into this world, free of the demons and untouched by their perverse taint, you will be striking another kind of blow against their corrupt stranglehold on Mareth."What do you do?
  10. >I do this hesitantly.
  11. The offer is shocking... and yet, strangely enticing. You cannot help but think that it's nice to meet somebody who, even if they are more sexually explicit than in your village, actually approaches the matter with some decorum. You are still surprised and even embarrassed by the invitation, but you can't help but think it might be worthwhile to accept. It's for a good cause, and she's clearly not entirely comfortable with it herself. And maybe you've been too long in this world of beast-people and monsters, but she actually is kind of cute.Softly, you ask if she really does want you to mate with her, to father her offspring."Yes. You're the best hope I have... the only hope I have." She replies, sadly.You bow your head and tell her that if she really does need your help, you will help her – even if it does mean doing things with her that she doesn't want.She blinks at you, clearly surprised. "I've never met a male who actually cared if a female wanted sex or not..." She then smiles gently. "It's nice to meet somebody who can still care about people as something other than fuck toys. Please, come with me."She eagerly leads you down a path, her tail swishing back and forth energetically. She seems very happy by your acceptance.It seems you've made Amily happy by asking if this is what she wants.
  12. >Joy.
  13. Amily leads you on a convulated route through the ruins of the village. Up streets, down streets, around corners, even straight through some ruins. Finally, you are led into one particular ruined house, and from there, to a bedroom. It's not exactly an impressive sight; a few bits of smashed furniture, and a large mound of vaguely clean rags and tattered cushions is the closest thing to a bed. The floor is covered in a thick layer of dirt - more than just dust, it's like dirt was deliberately brought in from outside.Amily sees you examining the room and looks sheepish. "I have to stay hidden, I can't afford to make it too obvious that anyone lives here. That dirt actually helps warn me if anyone else has found this bolthole." She idly takes her tail in one hand and starts stroking the tip. "So... here we are?" She says, hesitantly. It's clear that for all her insistence on this being what she needed to do, she's evidently a virgin, and has no real idea of how to proceed from here. What do you do?
  14. >Wait for her.
  15. Amily may be a cute little girl, but you're not sure it's really a good idea to... proceed... So you just wait for her to decide whether she really wants to have sex here and now. After a few moments, when it's clear that you're not going to do anything, she frowns a little and steps up to you. Looking up into your eyes, you suddenly realize she wants a kiss. Bending down your head, you plan to give her a rather chaste kiss, but Amily obviously has other ideas. You feel your tongue entering her mouth, and what was intended as a short, innocent kiss turns into a very hot, rather 'not-so-innocent' one. And suddenly you feel her little hand (or paw?) grabbing your ass.Despite this passionate display, though, she doesn't seem to really be 'feeling' it, more going through the motions to arouse you. You are too horny to care that much.At the sight of your member, she grins and begins stroking it. "You are obviously the right size for me..." Before long, you're hard and almost desperately waiting for her to start doing 'it' for real. Never losing her grin, she slowly lowers herself onto you and guides your penis into her netherlips. The feeling is better than you imagined, but still, something doesn't feel quite right... However, as soon as the mouse-girl starts moving up and down, you forget anything but the pleasure you feel. It doesn't take long before you can't hold back anymore. Afterwards, Amily looks into your eyes for a moment before standing up and putting on her clothes again. You get the distinct feeling that she's somehow disappointed.Seeing as how she clearly has no further need for you, you quietly excuse yourself, get dressed and leave.
  16. >Teach me to be a gentlemen, I'm going back to the lake to explore.
  17. You find an odd, fruit-bearing tree growing near the lake shore. One of the fruits has fallen on the ground in front of you. You pick it up.You place a piece of whisker-fruit in your first pouch.
  18. >Eat this bitch. I fucking love my cat ears.
  19. You take a bite of the fruit and gulp it down. It's thick and juicy and has an almost overpowering sweetness. Nevertheless, it is delicious and you certainly could use a meal. You devour the fruit, stopping only when the hard, nubby pit is left; which you toss aside.You feel...more balanced, sure of step. You're certain that you've become just a little bit faster.Your mind feels somewhat sluggish, and you wonder if you should just lie down somewhere and toss a ball around or something.Your slender cock swells up with near-painful arousal and begins to transform. It turns pink and begins to narrow until the tip is barely wide enough to accommodate your urethra. Barbs begin to sprout from its flesh, if you can call the small, fleshy nubs barbs. They start out thick around the base of your pecker and shrink towards the tip. The smallest are barely visible. Your new, feline dong throbs powerfully and spurts a few droplets of cum before it begins to shrink and sucks itself inside your body. Within a few moments, a fleshy sheath is formed. Thankfully, your balls appear untouched.
  20. >Oh no my dick! balls are ok.
  21. You find an odd, fruit-bearing tree growing near the lake shore. One of the fruits has fallen on the ground in front of you. You pick it up.You place a piece of whisker-fruit in your first pouch.
  22. >Meh. I'll eat another, it raises stats and my dicks already feline. May as well get cat balls.
  23. You take a bite of the fruit and gulp it down. It's thick and juicy and has an almost overpowering sweetness. Nevertheless, it is delicious and you certainly could use a meal. You devour the fruit, stopping only when the hard, nubby pit is left; which you toss aside.Inhuman vitality spreads through your body, invigorating you!You're as healthy as you can be.There's a tingling in your face as it changes imperciptibly towards being more feminine. (+1)
  24. >Meh. Still got a dick. And untouched balls.
  25. You find a quaint farmhouse on the far shores of the lake. Around the homestead are a range of gardens, filled with delicious fruits and vegetables. Your belly rumbles, aching with hunger, as you approach the dwelling. A figure in a pepper patch rises up to greet you, waving you over.You do your best to conceal your surprise as you realize the farmer is a woman... with fur and canine-like features! She giggles happily and beckons you over, "Welcome stranger, it sure is pleasant to see a new face 'round here. My name's Whitney, and it's mighty fine I don't have to pitchfork you like most guests!" She fills you in about the lake and her farm, telling you how the demons can't seem to stay close for long, and monsters always seem weaker the few times they have approached her farm. Whitney flushes and rapidly changes subject, "I've got to get back to work, but you help yourself to the peppers, hun!"You place a Canine pepper in your first pouch.
  26. >Nice girl. Free food. I'll keep exploring this lake.
  27. The pepper is strangely spicy but very tasty.Your feline shaft trembles, reshaping itself into a shiny red doggie-dick with a fat knot at the base. You now have a dog-cock.
  28. >Of course. Now, to sleep. Then, I shall continue exploring the lake.
  29. You stumble across Whitney's farm again. The anthropomorphic canine woman gives you a friendly wave and tosses you another Canine pepper.You place a Canine pepper in your first pouch.
  30. >Dinner time.
  31. ----
  32. Accidental skipped.
  33. You find a long and oddly flared vial half-buried in the sand. Written across the middle band of the vial is a single word: 'Equinum'.You place a vial of Equinum in your first pouch.
  34. >Take a drink
  35. You down the potion, grimacing at the strong taste.Your body suddenly feels tougher and more resilient.There is a sudden tickling on your ass, and you notice you have sprouted a long shiny horsetail of the same red color as your hair. You now have a horse-tail.
  37. I'll finish tomorrow.
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