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Oliver Dunkel - The Dunking

a guest
Jan 11th, 2017
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  1. PART 1:
  2. -------
  3. Alice Bishop radios on wi: "No, I am dead. Please leave a message after the beep. Beep."
  4. Sector Administrator Richardson radios on wi: "Dead eh?"
  5. Dr. Johan Schuster radios on wi: "Right. Well I'll say my message now: when you are available- please sta-......."
  6. Dr. Johan Schuster radios on wi: "...Richardson? Oh, hello there sir!"
  7. Oliver Dunkel radios on wi: "'Setting UM up'-"
  8. Sector Administrator Richardson radios on wi: "I am to understand Dunekl's replacement is here?"
  9. Oliver Dunkel radios on wi: "Is that Sector Administrator Richardson?"
  10. Oliver Dunkel radios on wi: "Oh, uhm.. Yes, sir."
  11. Sector Administrator Richardson radios on wi: "Find your way to the nexus, boy."
  12. Dr. Johan Schuster radios on wi: "Uuuuhhmmmm."
  13. Oliver Dunkel radios on wi: "Right away, Administrator."
  14. Dr. Johan Schuster radios on wi: "Is that required /now/, sir?"
  15. Dr. Johan Schuster radios on wi: "He's...working on a project file!"
  16. Oliver Dunkel radios on wi: "Nah, nah.. It's fine. I didn't start yet."
  17. Dr. Johan Schuster radios on wi: "*Sigh* right."
  18. Oliver Dunkel radios on wi: "I was sort of expecting a meeting either way, ever since I found out whom I replaced. Perhaps there's a reason for it."
  19. Oliver Dunkel radios on wi: "For why I replaced them, that is.. Anyway, on my way out of the facility."
  20. Sector Administrator Richardson radios on wi: "I shot him like a dog and I needed a new dog. Is that a good enough reason?"
  21. Oliver Dunkel radios on wi: "Ahem.. *clears his throat a bit*."
  22. Sector Administrator Richardson radios on wi: "I thought so."
  24. *** Oliver Dunkel sighs from his nostrils a bit, gathering his thoughts and senses.
  25. Oliver Dunkel radios on wi: "I'm here now, sir."
  26. ------------------------------------------------
  28. PART 2:
  29. -------
  30. [An Overwatch soldier ...] says "<:: Citizen apply. ::>"
  31. Oliver Dunkel says "Oliver Dunkel, 799004."
  32. [An Overwatch soldier ...] says "<:: Wall; now. ::>"
  33. *** [An Overwatch soldier ...] snaps a tie from their pouch, attempting to forcefully bind the citizens hands if no resistance is met.
  34. *** Oliver Dunkel does not show any sign of resistance, although halfly supresses a light grunt at the rough handling of his hands.
  35. *** [An Overwatch soldier ...] pats the citizen down, confiscating anything ill permissed.
  36. [An Overwatch soldier ...] says "<:: Hm. ::>"
  37. [An Overwatch soldier ...] whispers on radio: "<:: Roger that, Subject container, relocating. ::>"
  38. [An Overwatch soldier ...] says "<:: Move! ::>"
  39. [An Overwatch soldier ...] says "<:: Get in! ::>"
  40. [An Overwatch soldier ...] says "<:: Standing by. ::>"
  41. Sector Administrator Richardson says "Oliver Dinkel."
  42. Sector Administrator Richardson says "My my."
  43. [LOOC] Oliver Dunkel: LOL dinkel
  44. [LOOC] Sector Administrator Richardson: Dunkel*
  45. [LOOC] Sector Administrator Richardson: :stuck_out_tongue:
  46. Oliver Dunkel says "Greetings, Mr. Richardson."
  47. Sector Administrator Richardson says "Let's hope you do better than...the other one, hmh?"
  48. Oliver Dunkel says "Well, I assume I would, sir."
  49. Sector Administrator Richardson says "Let's breack the ice, hmh?"
  50. Oliver Dunkel says "Not really sure what happened with the.. Last one, but- of course."
  51. Sector Administrator Richardson says "I shot the other one like the dog he was, shot him in cold blood and if you even look at me wrong you'll end up the same way."
  52. *** Oliver Dunkel maintains a calm expression, although his lip could vaguely appear to twitch slightly, as if with-holding a frown. He forces a small smirk, though. "As expected, Administrator."
  53. Sector Administrator Richardson says "So."
  54. *** Sector Administrator Richardson folds his arms slowly.
  55. Sector Administrator Richardson says "How are you finding the city so far?"
  56. Oliver Dunkel says "Quite lovely, actually. I mean, the WI facility back in City 24 was much bigger, but.. This one has its charm. The people are.. Interesting, as well."
  57. *** Sector Administrator Richardson grunts, rolling his eyes.
  58. Sector Administrator Richardson says "To be clear, I do not like WI."
  59. Sector Administrator Richardson says "You're here as I need a new chewtoy as it were."
  60. Sector Administrator Richardson says "A new ragdoll."
  61. Sector Administrator Richardson says "A new bitch."
  62. Oliver Dunkel says "I.. See.."
  63. *** Oliver Dunkel keeps a remotely blank expression, although hides some worry in his eyes.
  64. Sector Administrator Richardson says "If you thought your life was hard before" Chuckles softly "You have no" He'd slowly walk up to him."
  65. Sector Administrator Richardson says "There's a story."
  66. Sector Administrator Richardson says "I'd like to share with you."
  67. *** Oliver Dunkel swallows lightly as the man intimidatingly walks up, Oliver could hardly see his face as the shadow fell upon it.
  68. Oliver Dunkel says "M-.. Mhm?"
  69. Sector Administrator Richardson says "There is a man...let's call him Oliver, hmh?"
  70. Oliver Dunkel says "Sure."
  71. Sector Administrator Richardson says "He works in a market, owns a nice little stall. One day, he sees a man clad in black attire. None other than death himself."
  72. Sector Administrator Richardson says "He runs, runs as fast as he can to another city."
  73. Oliver Dunkel says "Oh?"
  74. Sector Administrator Richardson says "Once he gets there, he runs into the figure once more."
  75. *** [An Overwatch soldier ...] edges closer, positioning themselve behind the Sectorial Administrator, blankly staring at Oliver.
  76. Sector Administrator Richardson says "Broken, tired, the man accepts his death. But he asks only one question."
  77. Sector Administrator Richardson says "When we were in the other city, why did you look so shocked?"
  78. *** Sector Administrator Richardson slowly smiles.
  79. Sector Administrator Richardson says "Death replies simply; ."
  80. Sector Administrator Richardson says "Because I was not supposed to meet you for another hour, in this city at this time."
  81. Sector Administrator Richardson says "Do you understand what I'm saying to you?"
  82. Sector Administrator Richardson says "There is no where you can run."
  83. Sector Administrator Richardson says "No where you can hide."
  84. Sector Administrator Richardson says "Nothing you can do."
  85. Sector Administrator Richardson says "I will always be there. And when you fuck up - which I'm sure you will."
  86. Sector Administrator Richardson says "I will be there."
  87. Sector Administrator Richardson says "Always."
  88. Sector Administrator Richardson says "Do you understand?"
  89. *** Oliver Dunkel keeps a very subtle 'half-smile' on his lips, although he's clearly quite a bit startled, doing his best to supress the shiver probably running down his spine at this very moment.
  90. Oliver Dunkel says "Understood, sir."
  91. Sector Administrator Richardson says "Good!"
  92. Sector Administrator Richardson says "Now - I do owe you something."
  93. Sector Administrator Richardson says "A welcoming gift, if you will."
  94. Oliver Dunkel says "Alright?"
  95. Sector Administrator Richardson says "Something you'll get to know about me rather quickly, Dunkel."
  96. *** Sector Administrator Richardson attempts to ram his right fist into Dunkel's lower gut "I like to do my dirty work myself"
  97. *** Oliver Dunkel grunts, nearly choking from the sudden jolt of pain, falls back a few steps although stays put, his back lightly hunched as he holds his right arm around his stomach.
  98. Oliver Dunkel says "Hungh."
  99. Sector Administrator Richardson says "Have a nice day Dunkel." He'd smile, waving his hand slowly."
  100. [LOOC] Oliver Dunkel: that's a p good anim for holding your gut, lol
  101. [LOOC] Oliver Dunkel: no wait void i didnt hold it
  102. [LOOC] Oliver Dunkel: im tied up, lol
  103. [LOOC] Oliver Dunkel: nvm the holding part
  104. *** [An Overwatch soldier ...] approaches Dunkel, taking a firm grasp of his collar, dragging him up to his feet.
  105. [An Overwatch soldier ...] says "<:: Move! ::>"
  106. *** Oliver Dunkel leans back up, groaning slightly- before getting pulled away, making a startled kind of noise. "Hmmgh-!"
  107. *** [An Overwatch soldier ...] gives him a premature shove as he is dragged up.
  108. [An Overwatch soldier ...] says "<:: Go on, move it! ::>"
  109. ---------------------------------------------------------
  111. PART 3:
  112. -------
  113. [An Overwatch soldier ...] says "<:: Wall. ::>"
  114. *** [An Overwatch soldier ...] takes a firm grasp of the citizens bindings, snapping them before taking ahold of their weapon once more.
  115. [An Overwatch soldier ...] says "<:: Het out. ::>"
  116. [An Overwatch soldier ...] says "<:: Get out of here! ::>"
  118. *** Oliver Dunkel pulls at his white shirt a bit, straightening it out and dusting it off for a moment.
  119. Oliver Dunkel says "Ungh.."
  120. Oliver Dunkel radios on wi: "Uh.. Errmh.. I'm out of the meeting now, so.. I guess I'll work on that file, or something."
  121. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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