
#Coinmarkets drama Drak / Architect

Sep 9th, 2014
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  1. 00:08 <&btcdrak> Lots of people asking me. I have nothing to do with Archcoin or the site. It's a copy.
  2. 00:09 <&btcdrak> I never released my presale software which I wrote myself.
  3. 00:09 <&btcdrak> - message ends.
  4. 00:09 <CryptoStoner> HAL will either crash with peersend news or establish a new ATH
  5. 00:09 <Mauri_> btcdrak so he copied your stuff?
  6. 00:09 <Mauri_> over
  7. 00:09 <&btcdrak> Mauri_ yes.
  8. 00:10 ⇐ jackfruit quit ( Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client
  9. 00:10 <Mauri_> btcdrak hmmmm
  10. 00:10 <blueRAP> hope it works the same lol
  11. 00:10 <Mauri_> thats fucked up
  12. 00:10 <luxbtc> WORLDSTAR
  13. 00:10 → Coin_Viking joined (
  14. 00:10 <_user26> huh?
  15. 00:11 <blueRAP> well, it's the best ICO format imo, so why not copy
  16. 00:13 <SJS_> whoaaa
  17. 00:13 <SJS_> DRAMABOMB
  18. 00:13 <Vyker> haha
  19. 00:13 <Vyker> i asked the question of the ICO page on twitter the moment i saw it.
  20. 00:13 <SJS_> any response?
  21. 00:14 <Mauri_> SJS_ response to what?
  22. 00:14 <Vyker>
  24. 00:14 <SJS_> What Vyker asked
  25. 00:15 <Mauri_> both of them copied satoshi and made a crypto currency
  26. 00:15 <SJS_> ...
  27. 00:15 <SJS_> There is a difference between copying shoes as a concept and copying shoes as a brand
  28. 00:16 <SJS_> if code etc., got ripped off that sucks.
  29. 00:16 → +wonderloops (voiced) joined
  30. 00:16 <Mauri_> i know lol I said it was fucked up
  31. 00:16 <Mauri_> Mauri_> thats fucked up
  32. 00:16 <SJS_> Didn't see that
  33. 00:16 <piotr14> code is information, and information is free
  34. 00:16 ⇐ devanh quit ( Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client
  35. 00:16 <SJS_> whatever, i don't have a dog in this fight
  36. 00:16 <piotr14> if you see someones code you can copy that
  37. 00:17 <luxbtc> maybe in poland
  38. 00:17 <Mauri_> weed is a plant, plants are free, weed is free
  39. 00:17 <piotr14> IP is most fucked thing
  40. 00:17 <CryptoBrah> piotr
  41. 00:17 <SJS_> Lol. What?
  42. 00:17 <CryptoBrah> jestes polakiem?
  43. 00:18 <piotr14> if some idea released to the world can be someones property then ask yourself what could happen if someone took walking as his property?
  44. 00:18 <piotr14> jestem
  45. 00:18 <CryptoBrah> zajebiscie
  46. 00:18 <duuuuude> both used some counterparty code
  47. 00:18 <duuuuude> so xcp should feel ripped off
  48. 00:18 <SJS_> Brah. your polish?
  49. 00:18 <SJS_> Youre
  50. 00:18 <CryptoBrah> yes
  51. 00:18 <SJS_> Gross
  52. 00:18 <piotr14> any polish forums?;d
  53. 00:18 <SJS_> (I'm polish too)
  54. 00:18 <Mauri_> any mexicans in here
  55. 00:18 <SJS_> Czesc
  56. 00:19 <CryptoBrah> are you 1% polish
  57. 00:19 → shakinha_ joined (
  58. 00:19 <SJS_> Born in Poland.
  59. 00:19 <luxbtc> kurwa
  60. 00:19 <CryptoBrah> to dobrze
  61. 00:19 <piotr14> haha:D
  62. 00:19 <SJS_> lol
  63. 00:19 <piotr14> kurwa is best word :D
  64. 00:19 <CryptoBrah> half norwegian half polish half american half swedish
  65. 00:19 <Coin_Viking> kourva
  66. 00:19 <Coin_Viking> kourva
  67. 00:19 <CryptoBrah> .897% russian
  68. 00:19 <Coin_Viking> kourva
  69. 00:19 <SJS_> your maths is confusing
  70. 00:19 <CryptoBrah> nie no duzo polakow jest w crypto
  71. 00:20 <Coin_Viking> kourva
  72. 00:20 ⇐ adfas quit (adfas@DFBC7A65.CAADA4D5.FF810DF5.IP) Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client
  73. 00:20 <SJS_> Yeah It seems that way Brah
  74. 00:20 <Coin_Viking> or kurwa guess it proper spelling
  75. 00:20 <SJS_> lol
  76. 00:20 <SJS_> Congrats. you guys know how to say prostitute.
  77. 00:20 <piotr14> no jest sporo;p
  78. 00:20 ⇐ a3r quit ( Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client
  79. 00:20 <SJS_> lol
  80. 00:20 <Coin_Viking> that what my polish hockey buddies thought me
  81. 00:20 <SJS_> haha
  82. 00:20 ⇐ shakinhandz quit ( Ping timeout: 185 seconds
  83. 00:21 <SJS_> they are good men.
  84. 00:21 <Coin_Viking> only word i need to know apparently
  85. 00:21 <SJS_> just a hunch
  86. 00:21 ⇐ zerocrypt quit ( Quit: Connection closed for inactivity
  87. 00:21 <Coin_Viking> so about this arch stuff. thoughts?
  88. 00:21 <SJS_> Thoughts: lol.
  89. 00:21 <CryptoBrah> piotr14 SJS_
  90. 00:21 <Coin_Viking> opinions etc
  91. 00:21 <CryptoBrah>
  92. 00:21 → oiihhhaa joined (
  93. 00:22 <SJS_> I have that grass
  94. 00:22 <SJS_> I make my own.
  95. 00:22 <SJS_> lol
  96. 00:22 <CryptoBrah> haha
  97. 00:22 <ahheatyoface> grass vodka is strange...weird flavor
  98. 00:22 <CryptoBrah> i love it
  99. 00:22 <SJS_> I do too.
  100. 00:22 <CryptoBrah> u make ur own zubrowka
  101. 00:22 <ahheatyoface> ive only had it once
  102. 00:22 <CryptoBrah> how?
  103. 00:22 → BitcoinBender joined ⇐ mintsaux quit
  104. 00:22 <SJS_> Literally put a blade or two in vodka
  105. 00:23 <SJS_> let it steep for a few weeks/months
  106. 00:23 <SJS_> boom.
  107. 00:23 <piotr14> exacly but its special grass
  108. 00:23 <Mauri_> will any grass work
  109. 00:23 <SJS_> LOL
  110. 00:23 <SJS_> no.
  111. 00:23 <SJS_> I wish though.
  112. 00:23 <Mauri_> After I mow ill try it
  113. 00:23 <CryptoBrah> apparently the one with actual grass in it is illegal
  114. 00:23 <CryptoBrah> american versions have no grass in them
  115. 00:23 <SJS_> It totally is.
  116. 00:23 <SJS_> But i don't give a fuuuu
  117. 00:23 <licens3d> why is the one with grass illegal
  118. 00:23 <CryptoBrah> lol
  119. 00:23 <whateverusa> wait, btcdrak wuuuut?
  120. 00:23 ⇐ jea quit ( Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client
  121. 00:24 <CryptoBrah> because it makes you hallucniate
  122. 00:24 ⇐ willzminame quit ( Quit: Connection closed for inactivity
  123. 00:24 <licens3d> lol wtf
  124. 00:24 <&btcdrak> whateverusa?
  125. 00:24 → Ostrow-ACG joined (
  126. 00:24 <SJS_> Is that why? I've never tripped off it but anyways ...
  127. 00:24 <ahheatyoface> philaris grass can make you hallucinate but normal grass wont
  128. 00:24 <whateverusa> arch?
  129. 00:24 <ahheatyoface> they used to say the same about absinthe
  130. 00:24 <CryptoBrah> haha
  131. 00:25 <&btcdrak> whateveruse nothing to do with me
  132. 00:25 <cryptochris> mimoso hosillis is dmt grass
  133. 00:25 <ahheatyoface> mimosa is a tree
  134. 00:25 <ahheatyoface> they use the root bark
  135. 00:25 <whateverusa> no, the software, copied?
  136. 00:25 <Zoggy32> btcdrak, was any of it open source?
  137. 00:25 <BitcoinBender> HallucenCoin $TRIP coming soon. haha
  138. 00:25 <cryptochris> no its not
  139. 00:25 <cryptochris> its the grass
  140. 00:25 <ahheatyoface> dmt is freakin crazy
  141. 00:25 <&btcdrak> Zoggy32 none of it was OSS.
  142. 00:26 <Zoggy32> wow
  143. 00:26 <Mauri_> SJS_ is it psycadelic
  144. 00:26 <SJS_> yikes
  145. 00:26 <ahheatyoface>
  146. 00:26 <ahheatyoface> i still have some mimosa
  147. 00:26 <&btcdrak> I literally have nothing to do with it. I am quite pissed that he didnt even change the design a bit. See how many people think I am behind it already?
  148. 00:26 <blueRAP>
  149. 00:26 → jackfruit joined (
  150. 00:26 <Zoggy32> can we get a statement from BTCarchitect about the presale code?
  151. 00:26 <SJS_> Drak that sucks
  152. 00:27 [BTCarchitect] was de-voiced (-v) by &btcdrak
  153. 00:27 <mattpett> lol
  154. 00:27 <Mauri_> hahaha ^^
  155. 00:27 <cryptochris> yea i thought u had something to do with it drak
  156. 00:27 <blueRAP> uh oh
  157. 00:27 <+el_crypto> he changed the logo
  158. 00:27 <duuuuude> i thought they did release a statment saying its was a rewrite of the via code
  159. 00:27 <Mauri_> SHOTS FIRED
  160. 00:27 <&btcdrak> it's not even a good copy. the thing is buggy as hell if you havent noticed.
  161. 00:28 <burningzoul> ahahahhahahahahhahaha
  162. 00:28 <Squeeze> at least the top bar is white
  163. 00:28 <Squeeze> ^^
  164. 00:28 <luxbtc> lmao
  165. 00:28 <blueRAP> at least he has 21 days to fix his shit XD
  166. 00:28 <&btcdrak> so I knew he was planning something similar, I didnt particularly mind, but I wasnt going to license or release my code. I expected something to look different at least.
  167. 00:29 <duuuuude> he did rewrite the code right, its not just copy paste
  168. 00:29 <Mauri_> of course it isnt copy and past
  169. 00:29 <blueRAP> then why look the exact same?
  170. 00:29 <&btcdrak> duuuuude the look is the same. I'm annoyed that people instantly think it's my doing.
  171. 00:29 <duuuuude> just making sure
  172. 00:30 <Mauri_> btcdrak no one here thought that
  173. 00:30 <duuuuude> i am not picking sides, but i will tell you, i didnt think for one minute your were involved
  174. 00:30 <duuuuude> but i see alot of other people do
  175. 00:30 <&btcdrak> Mauri_ dozens of people have messaged me about it already
  176. 00:30 <blueRAP> i noticed it looking the same, just thought he was borrowing the idea
  177. 00:30 <&btcdrak> so I beg to differ
  178. 00:30 <cryptochris> i thought drak was involved
  179. 00:30 <[BTCarchitect]> dont worry guys, I will refund everyone that sent btc to the sweep
  180. 00:31 <mattpett> Arch fud already seeping out
  181. 00:31 <Mauri_> btcdrak awww I was completely wrong then
  182. 00:31 <mattpett> I love it
  183. 00:31 <Mauri_> [BTCarchitect] I sent 20 btc on accident
  184. 00:31 <SJS_> Is that FUD mattpett?
  185. 00:32 <&btcdrak> see, not even an apology from him yet?
  186. 00:32 &btcdrak banned [BTCarchitect]!*@* (+b)
  187. 00:33 <duuuuude> would and apology fix anything
  188. 00:33 <&btcdrak> and with that, good night.
  189. 00:33 <Mauri_> good night baby
  190. 00:33 <CryptoBrah> lol
  191. 00:33 <Squeeze> @_@
  192. 00:33 → a3r joined ⇐ fullhdpixel quit
  193. 00:34 <SJS_> Hahah
  194. 00:34 ⇐ really quit ( Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client
  195. 00:34 <CryptoBrah> polacy
  196. 00:34 <CryptoBrah> robimy monetę sami?
  197. 00:35 <SJS_> Monete?
  198. 00:35 <+emerald> wtf
  199. 00:35 <CryptoBrah> tak
  200. 00:35 <Fate> dammit brah, trollin
  201. 00:35 <Fate> lol
  202. 00:35 <CryptoBrah> im not trollin
  203. 00:35 → truc and DSNR joined ⇐ philipvdlinde quit
  204. 00:36 <CryptoBrah> trzeba zrobic coina
  205. 00:36 <Squeeze> @_____________________________________@
  206. 00:36 <SJS_> Lol
  207. 00:36 <SJS_> lets do it
  208. 00:36 <SJS_> Archcoin V2.0
  209. 00:37 <CryptoBrah> heh tak tak
  210. 00:37 <CryptoBrah> tutaj nikt nie rozumie co mowie
  211. 00:37 &Jebus911 un-banned [BTCarchitect]!*@* (-b)
  212. 00:37 <sirConga> is drak mad with power, or just mad?
  213. 00:37 ⇐ a3r quit ( Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client
  214. 00:37 <SJS_> lol
  215. 00:38 <CryptoBrah> polska gorą
  216. 00:38 <&btcdrak> sirConga both? but pissed he didnt rebrand the look of what he's doing and that tons of people think I am behind his offering.
  217. 00:38 <BitcoinBender> I wouldnt call him the happiest guy in crypto right now....
  218. 00:38 <[BTCarchitect]> no sync until distribuition on the 30th of September
  219. 00:38 <&btcdrak> [BTCarchitect] out
  220. 00:38 <webedigi> I love how multipools are launching with ARCH so we can guarantee perma dump and massive suppression
  221. 00:38 &btcdrak banned [BTCarchitect]!*@* (+b)
  222. 00:38 <&btcdrak> who unbanned [BTCarchitect] ?
  223. 00:38 <&Jebus911> I did.
  224. 00:38 <webedigi> why did you ban him?
  225. 00:39 <Squeeze> >_<
  226. 00:39 <sirConga> I totally understand that, and agree that you have a right to be sore. but how you respond can say a lot about you, I'm sure you know that
  227. 00:39 <+el_crypto> careful conga, the cm boat is taking water ;)
  228. 00:39 <duuuuude> dont worry i think most people know that VIA and ARCH are two differant things
  229. 00:40 <+el_crypto> lol this shit is crazy
  230. 00:40 <luxbtc> shit's going down yo
  231. 00:40 <+el_crypto> just talk it out man
  232. 00:40 <sirConga> lol
  233. 00:40 <+el_crypto> drak
  234. 00:40 → CryptoSavvy joined (
  235. 00:41 ← [BTCarchitect] was kicked by btcdrak ( btcdrak
  236. 00:41 <sirConga> I was referring to JBS, but I think this is truer every day.
  238. 00:41 → AndChat|320025 joined (
  239. 00:41 <sirConga> alts have jumped the shark
  240. 00:41 <duuuuude> kicked him instead of talking to him huh?
  241. 00:41 <whateverusa> hey did u hear that the dev behind arch is the same as via? Wtf?
  242. 00:41 <sirConga> and did a flip
  243. 00:41 <duuuuude> interesting
  244. 00:41 <+albertdros> to be fair, arch completely ignored btcdrak here
  245. 00:41 <&btcdrak> duuuuuude as I said, not even an apology
  246. 00:41 <@angelobtc> oh shit
  247. 00:41 <+albertdros> just, completely
  248. 00:42 <+wonderloops> im sticking to JBS coin
  249. 00:42 → akhenaten joined (
  250. 00:42 <@angelobtc> it got real
  251. 00:42 <+emerald> ^
  252. 00:42 <SJS_> haha
  253. 00:42 <duuuuude> i understand that he should be adult, but so should you
  254. 00:42 <Squeeze> lol whateverusa adding oil into this fire
  255. 00:42 <+albertdros> the soap has begun
  256. 00:42 <+albertdros> the next saga
  257. 00:42 <@AltMinerD> best. day. ever.
  258. 00:42 <SJS_> Seriously dude?
  259. 00:42 <whateverusa> im fuckin around lol
  260. 00:42 ⇐ baxto_4 quit (baxto_4@E6A55C63.8CAD3352.B20A6A27.IP) Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client
  261. 00:42 <SJS_> duuuude
  262. 00:42 <@AltMinerD> the next 24 hours of crypto drama will be fucking epic
  263. 00:42 <duuuuude> me yes
  264. 00:42 &Jebus911 un-banned [BTCarchitect]!*@* (-b)
  265. 00:42 <Zoggy32> gotta say, I did not expect this
  266. 00:42 &btcdrak banned [BTCarchitect]!*@* (+b)
  267. 00:42 <Zoggy32> lol
  268. 00:43 <Squeeze> @____@
  269. 00:43 <&btcdrak> we can play this over and over
  270. 00:43 <@AltMinerD> alright fellas
  271. 00:43 <sirConga>
  272. 00:43 <+wonderloops> this some assetbacked beef
  273. 00:43 <duuuuude> see how are you guys going to talk it out if you just ban him
  274. 00:43 <@AltMinerD> let's not do the ban fight thing
  275. 00:43 <SJS_>
  277. 00:43 <SJS_> lol
  278. 00:43 <Fate> ^
  279. 00:43 <Fate> not even an acknowledgement
  280. 00:43 <Fate> brutal
  281. 00:43 <+albertdros> this is like dbz goku vs freeza
  282. 00:43 <Fate> i think thats the fucked part
  283. 00:43 <+wonderloops> Someone tell me what to buy please?
  284. 00:43 <duuuuude> money does crazy things to people
  285. 00:44 <Fate> like 'yeah sorry bro I copied it cause its cool'
  286. 00:44 <&Jebus911> You're British, you'll give up before me.
  287. 00:44 <&btcdrak>
  289. 00:44 → ImNoSer joined (
  290. 00:44 <&btcdrak> look at that lol
  291. 00:44 <jackfruit> wait a minute how much via does [BTCArchitect] have that he could dump?
  292. 00:44 <CryptoSavvy> 1,500 users in 1 day! epic cloud wallet :)
  293. 00:44 <duuuuude> no one said sorry to counterparty
  294. 00:44 <&btcdrak> you forget the british own this channel jebus
  295. 00:44 <Fate> or 'fuck you i copied it'
  296. 00:44 <CryptoSavvy>
  297. 00:44 <Fate> nothing
  298. 00:44 <Squeeze> maybe he was too busy to see the chatlog
  299. 00:44 <jackfruit> setting some really low buy orders on via
  300. 00:44 <&Jebus911> The British fleeing to America.
  301. 00:44 <Squeeze> since he has to reply to some many things
  302. 00:44 <&btcdrak> haha
  303. 00:44 <&btcdrak> :)
  304. 00:45 ⇐ hypron quit ( Quit: hypron
  305. 00:45 <whateverusa> nobody says sorry for stealing Sync's shit
  306. 00:45 <+wonderloops> I fucking love crypto man
  307. 00:45 <+wonderloops> yesterday atoshi and paypal
  308. 00:45 <+wonderloops> day before zeta ann in africa
  309. 00:45 <&btcdrak> well gn8
  310. 00:45 <mpm> cryptobrits
  311. 00:45 <Fate> someone stole syncs shit?
  312. 00:45 <+wonderloops> you cant steal sync's shit
  313. 00:45 <sirConga> good night drak
  314. 00:45 <Fate> is that possible?
  315. 00:45 <+wonderloops> Sync is asset backed
  316. 00:45 <mattpett> drak vs. arch could be great undercard for Bryce's MMA fight
  317. 00:45 <sirConga> don't let this all get you down
  318. 00:45 → topkekker joined (
  319. 00:45 <Fate> lol mattpett
  320. 00:45 <sirConga> you still the ICO king
  321. 00:46 <whateverusa> i dont mind actually
  322. 00:46 <sirConga> :P
  323. 00:46 <blueRAP> you either die a hero or create a coin and become a villain
  324. 00:46 <Zoggy32> that Someone guy gets around
  325. 00:46 <+wonderloops> you shouldnt
  326. 00:46 — sirConga looks for some one else to fellate
  327. 00:46 → JACOBcze joined ⇐ topkekker quit
  328. 00:46 &Jebus911 un-banned [BTCarchitect]!*@* (-b)
  329. 00:46 → topkek joined (
  330. 00:46 <DaDude> I have been reading this last lines, btcdrak, I can only imagine he is being bombarded with messages right now and handling tons of stuff, it could really happen that he didnt get to read what everyone was posting here :/
  331. 00:46 <+wonderloops> guys, this feels like a great time to announce my new coin. Vla coin.. with an L
  332. 00:46 <JACOBcze> LOL
  333. 00:46 <Squeeze> lol wonderloops!
  334. 00:47 → davidgw joined ⇐ rufus666 quit
  335. 00:47 <SJS_> lol
  336. 00:47 <JACOBcze> so innovative loops
  337. 00:47 <Squeeze> just like choosing names for an rpg game.
  338. 00:47 <duuuuude> well im releasing Vrch Coin,
  339. 00:47 <duuuuude> so there
  340. 00:47 → rndmhero and ~cryptocobain (promoted to owner, opped) joined • someone → gettingDizzy
  341. 00:47 <Squeeze> boss is here
  342. 00:47 → +Pyramusx (voiced) joined
  343. 00:47 <+albertdros> lol @ loops
  344. 00:47 <topkek> topkek
  345. 00:47 <sirConga> oh shit
  346. 00:47 <mattpett> When loops makes his ICO coin you know he's just trying to cash out of crypto finally
  347. 00:47 <+wonderloops> i swear if i ever make one
  348. 00:47 <+wonderloops> thats exactly why
  349. 00:47 <mattpett> I believe he tweeted as much
  350. 00:48 <+albertdros> cryptocobain to the rescue
  351. 00:48 <sirConga> everyone pretend we all cool
  352. 00:48 <+albertdros> the boss is here
  353. 00:48 → Weeeeeeeenner joined (Weeeeeeeen@8010B439.4B1AF3F1.4FD9986E.IP)
  354. 00:48 <Fate> DaDude, you dont have all the details, lol
  355. 00:48 <+wonderloops> you have been warned
  356. 00:48 <duuuuude> suck in your guts boys cobains here
  357. 00:48 <mpm> its grandpa cobain
  358. 00:48 <+albertdros> hes going to ban everyone
  359. 00:48 <mpm> quick everyone start smoking
  360. 00:48 <sirConga> ban ban ban ban!!!
  361. 00:48 <SJS_> lol
  362. 00:48 <topkek> topkek
  363. 00:48 → devanh joined (
  364. 00:48 <DSNR> topkek
  365. 00:48 <DSNR> topkek
  366. 00:48 <BlkHandAshdrake> when shit hits the fan, you get the cryptocobain
  367. 00:48 → James_Dal and Brendan joined
  368. 00:48 <DaDude> fate, ok, maybe.. I just saw that he didnt react to what btcdrak said here, and i think its because he didnt read, more deep details i dont know, yeah ^^
  369. 00:48 <whateverusa> My second coin will be called "Cripped"
  370. 00:48 <SJS_> Que Ghostbusters theme song.
  371. 00:48 → fullhdpixel joined ← Brendan left
  372. 00:49 <SJS_> *queue
  373. 00:49 ⇐ Weeeeeeeenner quit (Weeeeeeeen@8010B439.4B1AF3F1.4FD9986E.IP) Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client
  374. 00:49 <Fate> yeah, you missed 1 thing i found interesting
  375. 00:49 <+emerald> this is some nice free publicity
  376. 00:49 → SuperShibe_ (was Brendan) joined
  377. 00:49 <~cryptocobain> AFAIK drak is not happy that Arch copied the IPO software + layout via used without consulting him
  378. 00:49 <~cryptocobain> nobody will get banned from the channel though
  379. 00:49 <~cryptocobain> if architect is banned i will unban him
  380. 00:49 <duuuuude> nice
  381. 00:49 <~cryptocobain> i dont know how in terms of irc commands cos me = n00b
  382. 00:50 <@angelobtc> lol
  383. 00:50 <+Pyramusx> Wow so I had heard that the IPO was going to be similar to VIA last night. But I had just assumed he had drak help
  384. 00:50 → Tester2 joined (
  385. 00:50 <johndaugherty> just roll back the ban
  386. 00:50 <+Pyramusx> Which probably wouldn't have been too hard to do :|
  387. 00:50 <mattpett> VRC style
  388. 00:50 <Squeeze> fork it
  389. 00:50 <+wonderloops> Im just waiting for Bryce to roll in any second now and announce RZR road
  390. 00:50 <duuuuude> ha
  391. 00:50 <johndaugherty> or maybe it is just -b instead of +b
  392. 00:50 → Weeeeeener joined (Weeeeeener@8010B439.4B1AF3F1.4FD9986E.IP)
  393. 00:50 <topkek> topkek
  394. 00:50 <DSNR> wonderloops loool
  395. 00:50 <@AltMinerD> let's definitely keep this chan ban-free
  396. 00:50 <sirConga> yea
  397. 00:50 <@AltMinerD> talk it out, make with the drama!
  398. 00:50 <~cryptocobain> whats his username
  399. 00:50 <sirConga> don't ban me cuz I'm beautiful
  400. 00:50 <DSNR> [btcarchitect]
  401. 00:50 <duuuuude> except for owl, we should keep that ban
  402. 00:50 <+emerald> hard fork
  403. 00:50 <whateverusa> hey, u guys heard of coin called Sync? Think its legit.
  404. 00:50 <BitcoinBender> coinmarkets is a crying child and cobain is the dad that is going to kick some ass
  405. 00:50 <topkek> top kek
  406. 00:50 <johndaugherty> [btcarchitect]
  407. 00:50 <EVIAN11> wonderloops: and everyone will dump again
  408. 00:51 <~cryptocobain> hes not banned
  409. 00:51 <+el_crypto> cobain: abusive father?
  410. 00:51 <DSNR> jebus unbanned him already
  411. 00:51 <~cryptocobain> and if he joins i will re-voice him
  412. 00:51 <CryptoTrout> jebus unbanned him
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