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a guest
Jun 13th, 2010
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  1. 22:29:50 [info] logging started at 2010/06/12 22:29:50 +0800
  2. 22:29:50 [info] public alpha version - build #14 (2010/06/11)
  3. 22:29:50 [info] registered data path 'E:\Games\Resistance Force\data'
  4. 22:29:50 [info] registered 'E:\Games\Resistance Force\data\'
  5. 22:29:50 [info] registered 'E:\Games\Resistance Force\data\'
  6. 22:29:50 [info] registered 'E:\Games\Resistance Force\data\'
  7. 22:29:51 [info] available display modes:
  8. [...] 1280x800@60Hz 16bpp
  9. [...] 1024x768@60Hz 16bpp
  10. [...] 800x600@60Hz 32bpp
  11. [...] 1280x800@60Hz 32bpp
  12. [...] 1024x768@60Hz 32bpp
  13. [...] 800x600@60Hz 16bpp
  14. [...] 640x480@60Hz 32bpp
  15. [...] 640x480@60Hz 16bpp
  16. 22:29:52 [info] OpenGL vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
  17. 22:29:52 [info] OpenGL renderer: ATI Radeon X1200
  18. 22:29:52 [info] OpenGL driver version: 2.0.6747 Release
  19. 22:29:52 [info] OpenGL extensions:
  20. [...] GL_ARB_depth_texture
  21. [...] GL_ARB_draw_buffers
  22. [...] GL_ARB_fragment_program
  23. [...] GL_ARB_fragment_shader
  24. [...] GL_ARB_multisample
  25. [...] GL_ARB_multitexture
  26. [...] GL_ARB_occlusion_query
  27. [...] GL_ARB_point_parameters
  28. [...] GL_ARB_point_sprite
  29. [...] GL_ARB_shader_objects
  30. [...] GL_ARB_shading_language_100
  31. [...] GL_ARB_shadow
  32. [...] GL_ARB_shadow_ambient
  33. [...] GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp
  34. [...] GL_ARB_texture_compression
  35. [...] GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
  36. [...] GL_ARB_texture_env_add
  37. [...] GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
  38. [...] GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar
  39. [...] GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3
  40. [...] GL_ARB_texture_float
  41. [...] GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat
  42. [...] GL_ARB_texture_rectangle
  43. [...] GL_ARB_transpose_matrix
  44. [...] GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
  45. [...] GL_ARB_vertex_program
  46. [...] GL_ARB_vertex_shader
  47. [...] GL_ARB_window_pos
  48. [...] GL_ATI_draw_buffers
  49. [...] GL_ATI_envmap_bumpmap
  50. [...] GL_ATI_fragment_shader
  51. [...] GL_ATI_meminfo
  52. [...] GL_ATI_separate_stencil
  53. [...] GL_ATI_texture_compression_3dc
  54. [...] GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3
  55. [...] GL_ATI_texture_float
  56. [...] GL_EXT_bgra
  57. [...] GL_EXT_blend_color
  58. [...] GL_EXT_blend_func_separate
  59. [...] GL_EXT_blend_minmax
  60. [...] GL_EXT_blend_subtract
  61. [...] GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array
  62. [...] GL_EXT_copy_texture
  63. [...] GL_EXT_draw_range_elements
  64. [...] GL_EXT_fog_coord
  65. [...] GL_EXT_framebuffer_object
  66. [...] GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays
  67. [...] GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil
  68. [...] GL_EXT_packed_pixels
  69. [...] GL_EXT_point_parameters
  70. [...] GL_EXT_rescale_normal
  71. [...] GL_EXT_secondary_color
  72. [...] GL_EXT_separate_specular_color
  73. [...] GL_EXT_shadow_funcs
  74. [...] GL_EXT_stencil_wrap
  75. [...] GL_EXT_subtexture
  76. [...] GL_EXT_texgen_reflection
  77. [...] GL_EXT_texture3D
  78. [...] GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
  79. [...] GL_EXT_texture_cube_map
  80. [...] GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp
  81. [...] GL_EXT_texture_env_add
  82. [...] GL_EXT_texture_env_combine
  83. [...] GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3
  84. [...] GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
  85. [...] GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias
  86. [...] GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp
  87. [...] GL_EXT_texture_object
  88. [...] GL_EXT_texture_rectangle
  89. [...] GL_EXT_vertex_array
  90. [...] GL_KTX_buffer_region
  91. [...] GL_NV_blend_square
  92. [...] GL_NV_texgen_reflection
  93. [...] GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap
  94. [...] GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp
  95. [...] GL_SGIS_texture_lod
  96. [...] GL_WIN_swap_hint
  97. [...] WGL_EXT_swap_control
  98. [...]
  99. 22:29:56 [info] loading maps/complex/auto1.mat...
  100. 22:29:56 [info] loading models/chair1.mat...
  101. 22:29:56 [info] loading models/fire_explosion_round.mat...
  102. 22:29:56 [info] loading models/lcd1.mat...
  103. 22:29:56 [info] loading models/smg_sd.mat...
  104. 22:29:56 [info] loading sounds/carpet.mat...
  105. 22:29:56 [info] loading sounds/default.mat...
  106. 22:29:56 [info] loading sounds/dirt.mat...
  107. 22:29:56 [info] loading sounds/metal.mat...
  108. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/asphalt.mat...
  109. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/bricks.mat...
  110. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/bricks/BrickSmall0032_L.mat...
  111. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/carpet.mat...
  112. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/default.mat...
  113. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/effects/explosion.mat...
  114. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/effects/explosion01.mat...
  115. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/effects/explosion02.mat...
  116. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/effects/explosion03.mat...
  117. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/effects/explosion04.mat...
  118. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/effects/explosion05.mat...
  119. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/effects/explosion06.mat...
  120. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/effects/explosion07.mat...
  121. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/effects/explosion08.mat...
  122. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/effects/explosion09.mat...
  123. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/effects/explosion10.mat...
  124. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/effects/explosion11.mat...
  125. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/effects/explosion12.mat...
  126. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/effects/explosion13.mat...
  127. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/effects/explosion14.mat...
  128. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/effects/explosion15.mat...
  129. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/effects/explosion16.mat...
  130. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/effects/explosion17.mat...
  131. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/effects/explosion18.mat...
  132. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/effects/explosion19.mat...
  133. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/effects/explosion20.mat...
  134. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/effects/explosion21.mat...
  135. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/effects/explosion22.mat...
  136. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/effects/explosion23.mat...
  137. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/effects/explosion24.mat...
  138. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/effects/explosion25.mat...
  139. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/effects/explosion26.mat...
  140. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/effects/explosion27.mat...
  141. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/effects/smoke.mat...
  142. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/effects/smoke2.mat...
  143. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/grass.mat...
  144. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/indoor/Carpet0021_L.mat...
  145. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/metal.mat...
  146. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/metal/MetalPlates0107_1_L.mat...
  147. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/metal/bombsite.mat...
  148. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/metal/bombsite1.mat...
  149. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/metal/bombsite2.mat...
  150. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/normalized/BrickFloors0121_L_1.mat...
  151. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/normalized/MetalGalvanized0005_L.mat...
  152. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/normalized/Vents0042_L.mat...
  153. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/normalized/cihly2.mat...
  154. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/soil.mat...
  155. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/terrain/Sand0064_L.mat...
  156. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/terrain/asphalt001.mat...
  157. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/terrain/asphalt002.mat...
  158. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/terrain/asphalt003.mat...
  159. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/terrain/asphalt004.mat...
  160. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/terrain/grass001.mat...
  161. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/terrain/grass002.mat...
  162. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/terrain/soil001.mat...
  163. 22:29:56 [info] loading textures/terrain/soil002.mat...
  164. 22:29:56 [warning] mesh models/bomb.mesh not preloaded
  165. 22:29:56 [info] loading mesh models/bomb.mesh
  166. 22:29:56 [info] loading models/
  167. 22:29:57 [info] loading textures/normalized/
  168. 22:29:57 [info] loading textures/normalized/
  169. 22:29:58 [info] loading textures/terrain/
  170. 22:29:58 [info] loading textures/terrain/
  171. 22:29:58 [info] loading textures/bricks/
  172. 22:29:58 [info] loading textures/bricks/
  173. 22:29:58 [info] loading textures/normalized/
  174. 22:29:58 [info] loading textures/indoor/
  175. 22:29:58 [info] loading textures/indoor/
  176. 22:29:58 [info] loading textures/normalized/
  177. 22:29:58 [info] loading textures/normalized/
  178. 22:29:58 [info] loading textures/normalized/
  179. 22:29:58 [info] loading textures/normalized/
  180. 22:29:58 [info] loading textures/normalized/
  181. 22:29:58 [info] loading textures/metal/
  182. 22:29:58 [info] loading textures/metal/
  183. 22:29:58 [info] loading textures/metal/
  184. 22:29:58 [info] loading textures/normalized/
  185. 22:29:58 [info] loading textures/normalized/
  186. 22:29:58 [info] loading textures/normalized/
  187. 22:29:58 [info] loading maps/complex/complex_frontroad.composite
  188. 22:29:59 [info] loading textures/terrain/
  189. 22:29:59 [info] loading textures/terrain/
  190. 22:29:59 [info] loading textures/terrain/
  191. 22:29:59 [info] loading textures/terrain/
  192. 22:29:59 [info] loading textures/terrain/
  193. 22:29:59 [info] loading textures/terrain/
  194. 22:29:59 [info] loading textures/terrain/
  195. 22:29:59 [info] loading textures/terrain/
  196. 22:29:59 [info] loading textures/terrain/
  197. 22:29:59 [info] loading textures/terrain/
  198. 22:29:59 [info] loading textures/terrain/
  199. 22:29:59 [info] loading textures/terrain/
  200. 22:29:59 [info] loading maps/complex/complex_hill.composite
  201. 22:29:59 [info] loading maps/complex/
  202. 22:29:59 [info] loading maps/complex/
  203. 22:29:59 [info] loading cubemap textures/skies/
  204. 22:30:00 [info] loading models/
  205. 22:30:00 [info] loading models/
  206. 22:30:00 [info] loading models/
  207. 22:30:00 [info] loading models/
  208. 22:30:03 [info] loading mesh human/human.mesh
  209. 22:30:03 [info] loading human/
  210. 22:30:03 [info] loading human/
  211. 22:30:03 [info] loading human/
  212. 22:30:03 [warning] texture human/ not found in any registered path
  213. 22:30:03 [info] loading human/
  214. 22:30:03 [info] loading human/
  215. 22:30:03 [info] loading human/
  216. 22:30:03 [info] loading human/
  217. 22:30:03 [info] loading human/
  218. 22:30:04 [info] loading human/
  219. 22:30:04 [info] loading mesh models/beachball.mesh
  220. 22:30:04 [info] loading models/
  221. 22:30:04 [info] loading mesh models/pistol.mesh
  222. 22:30:04 [info] loading models/
  223. 22:30:04 [info] loading models/
  224. 22:30:04 [info] loading mesh models/grenade.mesh
  225. 22:30:04 [info] loading models/
  226. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/effects/
  227. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/effects/
  228. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/effects/
  229. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/effects/
  230. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/effects/
  231. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/effects/
  232. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/effects/
  233. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/effects/
  234. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/effects/
  235. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/effects/
  236. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/effects/
  237. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/effects/
  238. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/effects/
  239. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/effects/
  240. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/effects/
  241. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/effects/
  242. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/effects/
  243. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/effects/
  244. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/effects/
  245. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/effects/
  246. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/effects/
  247. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/effects/
  248. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/effects/
  249. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/effects/
  250. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/effects/
  251. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/effects/
  252. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/effects/
  253. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/effects/
  254. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/effects/
  255. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/
  256. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/
  257. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/
  258. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/
  259. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/
  260. 22:30:04 [info] loading textures/
  261. 22:30:04 [info] client started
  262. 22:30:08 [error] unhandled exception occurred in thread "main"
  263. [...] org.lwjgl.opengl.OpenGLException: Invalid operation (1282)
  264. [...] at org.lwjgl.opengl.Util.checkGLError(
  265. [...] at engine.eF.a(SourceFile:679)
  266. [...] at
  267. [...] at engine.Launch.main(SourceFile:54)
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