
Drunk One sHots and shit

Apr 25th, 2014
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  1. "Rarity, I'm totally dying right now."
  2. >You hold your sides that have exploded from laughter when Rainbow Dash farted. Blood runs down your body and onto the ground."Just hold still Anon, I'll get help."
  3. "There's no time! Quick, come here, I have to tell you somthing important."
  4. >Rarity blushes and leans in close, "Yes, Anonymous?"
  5. You bite her on her thick shoulder, hard enough to draw blood. Rarity yells before pulling back, and slapping you, "WHY IN TARTARUS DID YOU DO THAT!?"
  6. "Unicorn blood has healing powers."
  7. >"Where in Equestria did you hear that!?"
  8. "I saw it in a movie back on earth, or a book, I'm not sure. But.."
  9. >Suddenly you begin to heal and in amazement, you get up.
  10. "Rarity! Rarity! Look! Your HIV positive blood is curing me!"
  11. >Rarity smiles and jumps up and down giddily, "Oh Anonymous thats so wonderful!"
  12. "I know right!?"
  13. >"Oh, and Anon."
  14. "Yeah?"
  15. >She bites you back, and practically rips a little chunk of skin off, "DONT YOU EVER BITE ME AGAIN! ONLY MY SPECIAL SOMPEP0NY IS ALLOWED TO BITE ME! AND I HAVE GENITAL WARTS! NOT HIV! THE NERVE! Hmpf!"
  16. >She turns around and walks away as you wince and look at your new cut...that, actually starts to heal itself.
  17. >Shocked, you smile stupidy before looking up to the sky, walking away, and loudly singing.
  18. "And here we are! We're the princes of the universe!"
  19. >Back at Carousel Boutique, Rarity angrily mumbles to herself as she applies her ointment, "Stupid Anon, and shis stupid blood, got all in my mouth..huh? warts, they're gone! Hahaha! But how all I did was...Anon's blood, HE'S the one with magical healing blood!"
  20. >She looks around, grabs a picther of water, dumps it down, and then gets a knife.
  21. "Anonymous~ You handsome ape bastard~ Come ooooooout~ I have a SURPRISE for yooooou~"
  22. >It took 8 ponies to take her down, and she was convicted in court of attempted ape slaughter.
  23. >Today was an odd day.
  25. >Luna mumbles curses as she stands before the mirror, "Stupid mirror, stupid sister." Luna takes on a pose and mocking pretends to be Celestia, "Oh, I have SUCH a handsome and loving coltfriend, and he wont ever die or leave me."
  26. >Going back to looking annoyed, she looks at the mirror and runs her hoof along the glass, "Could I find my special Somep0ny on the other side of this mirror?"
  27. >The moonlight makes it way into the room and shines onto the mirror. Suddenly it radiates as Luna walks back surprised, "Is this it?! Is this the arrival of my special somep0ny?! I'm ready! Take me my handsome Coltanova!"
  28. >Luna braces as something comes walking through the mirror before exploding. The dust settles and there stands you, Anonymous.
  29. >Luna looks you over from top to bottom as you look her over from top to bottom.
  30. "Hey, so uhh, what are you? Some kind of giant cat?"
  31. >"'re my special somep0ny?"
  32. "Huh? What the hell are you talking about? I was at a carnival, drunk, and then I went into the house of mirrors, and now I'm here. Trippin balls apparently as I'm seeing talking cats."
  33. >"I'm a pony."
  34. "Oh, thats cool I guess."
  35. >"Fate has brought you here, it is destiny for you to be my king. Our love will surpass our obvious differences, I know it."
  36. >She smiles and puts her hoof on you, "If Twilight could come to love a human, so can I."
  37. >You look her down and up and shrug.
  38. "Eh, I've fucked worse."
  39. >In Luna's room, the only sounds that can be heard are the bed springs squeaking, the bed slamming into the wall, and Luna's stifled grunts "Oh! Oh! Oh!"
  40. >The few stallions guarding her front doors cringe, "How long have they been going at it already?"
  41. >"4 minutes."
  42. >"My Celestia!"
  43. >Suddenly Pony Flash Sentry shows up and sighs sadly, "You know what they say, once you go ape, stallions only have rape.""
  44. >"Nobody likes you Flash."
  45. >Today was a good day to cum inside an Equestrian
  47. >DAy fem Flash in Equdsri
  48. >Be Anon and at the carnival by yourself, like a tool. Well, yu werent really by yourself, you and Rainbow were taking Scootaloo out. But, it amy as well have been by yourself, Rainbow wasnt into you.
  49. >Not too far off, Abrojack watches from behind a cotton candy veil.
  50. >Applebloom and Spike watch as she tries not to be notived by her crsh.
  51. >AB: "Ya should talk tah ANon sis, he dont seem tah be talking to nop0ny.""
  52. >"Uhh..hehe, mayber later, ah wouldn t wanna butt in with him and Rainbro."
  53. >AB: "She aint datin him, ah dont see a wing on her hoof."
  54. >S: "Yeah, Ranbow is totally into mares."
  55. >aJ: "Well, ah guess ah could..WHO IS THAT?!"
  56. >Over at where you were, A fem Flash Sentry stands by palying with her mane.
  57. >She giggles as you tells hokes, and then leads you away to a ride as Applejack tries not to cry.
  58. >Rainbw and ACootaloo comes walking up, "Hey AJ, what are you guys doing here?"
  59. >Aj: "Oh, u know, nutin."
  60. >RD wraps her hoof around her kneck and grins, "So, you wanna go play that game and squirt at a small target? Because I am totally down for trying to out squirt you."
  61. >Today was a good day\
  63. >Be Non and Spikey in Equestria, Twilight reads the paper when you come in.
  64. *burp* "Hey Spikey, grab your coat, we're going to the *burp* Nightmare Night Celebation."
  65. >Twilight lowers her paper and looks voer at you, "Dont you mean Nightmare Nigh Celebration?"
  66. "No dummy, Celebation. Its obviously a giant party by Celestia to jerk off her younger, more worthless sister. You know, keep her from dipping into that Nightmare Moonshine, ya get my *burp* drift? Now cmon Spikey, I'll explain on the way."
  68. >Both you and Spike walk down the street as you unenthusiastically look at all the towns ponies.
  69. >"Hey Non, why are we I mean..are we gonna with mares, cuz, I..really had my eyes set on.."
  70. "Nobody cares about your Rarity fixation Spikey *burp* not even Rarity. And besides, why bother asking her to dance anyway? You could just pay her for the hour.."
  71. >" I wont! Rarity is a gg.ood mare! She'd never do that! take that back!"
  72. "God, calm down Spikey, nobody is dissin your imaginary girlfriend *burp* now give me a boost into this window."
  73. >"N.not until apologize."
  74. *sigh* "Fine, if you help me out, I'll make Rarity dance with you, hows that?"
  75. >"R.really!?"
  76. "Yes *burp* now do you mind? Neither of us got all night. Especially if you wanna dance with your little mare of the evening."
  77. >Spikey picks you up, and you crash head first into the room. After some fooling around, you come out holding a bright shining star, "W.w.what is that?"
  78. "You know what killed the cat Spikey? Sticking his head into my room as my experiment exploded. Decapitating him instantly. Now get lost, I gotta work all night on this."
  79. >"W.what, what about my dance?"
  80. "Huh? Oh yeah, *burp* that."
  81. >You walk past Rarity and slip her a 100 dollar bill.
  82. "Here, go nuts kid."
  83. >Rarity suddenly acts flirty with him as Spikey tries not to cry, "'re a monster Non!"
  84. "I'm not the one turning tricks for bits. Night kid."
  85. >Today was an autism kinda day
  87. >Its a quiet day in the Rainbow Kingdom
  88. >Ponies are sipping tea, guards are yawning bored, and Twilight sighs bored as several guards fan her with giant leaves.
  89. >Applejack counts bits at the table with her small reading glasses on, and Rarity looks over her design as she measures Twilight for a new pretty princess dress.
  90. >"Oh, you are going to look so pretty come the gala darling."
  91. >Twilight frowns upset, "Yeah, cause you know, gala's, dancing, and balls were all us back in the day."
  92. >Rarity coyly smiles and puts a hoof to her mouth, "I know I was a frequenter of many balls in my day."
  93. >Twilight groans annoyed as Applejack chuckles, "Whats wrong sugar cube? You look sadder than a clown with a broken tricycle."
  94. >"Its just, I miss the old days. You know, when ponies werent kissing my ass, and pinning after my garbage like it was something worthwhile? I just...miss the days when I was a regular pony."
  95. >Her two friends take on a more somber expression and hang their heads. Suddenly one of the guards speaks up, "I think you're the most regular, and average pony there has ever been."
  96. >"Oh shut up Flash, you'd say my shit dont stink if it would get me to smile at you."
  97. >"But it doesnt."
  98. >"Get out of here, all of you."
  99. >All the ponies get up, and start heading out as Twi groans, "Except Rarity and Applejack. gah."
  100. >Suddenly there are screams, and wails outside as Twilight's ears perk up, "What was that?"
  101. >AJ is looking out the window, "Looks like somep0ny is burning up the whole town."
  102. >"YAY! Its Anon! The badguy!"
  103. >Outside, you run in an olympic track suit, holding a burning torch with an annoyed expression on your face.
  104. "Oga boga boga where the white women at?"
  105. >Setting things on fire, you hear Twilight yell out, "Stop right there Anonymous!" Sarcastically you reply
  106. "Oh no, Twilight and her merry band of do gooders."
  107. >"Thats right, we're gonna take you down. Old school style."
  108. "Can we get this over with? I'm gonna miss my shows."
  109. >2day gud
  111. >Both you and Applejack kiss passionately in her room upstairs. The wet slurping, and smacking can be heard even outside.
  112. >Applebloom presses her ear to the door and listens intently, she imagines both you and AJ eating a really greasy hayburger.
  113. >Moving her ear from the door, she runs down the steps yelling, "Big Brother, can we go get burgers like Anon and AJ did?!"
  114. >Back upstairs, the two of you break away and pant from the heated session.
  115. >"Hope ya dont mind if ah make myself a little, comferble?"
  116. >She leans back, exposing her bare wet crotch as she takes off her hat, and sets it on the counter.
  117. >Coming back to where you are, she begins to kiss you from the neck up as both explore one another bodies.
  118. >Pushing her away, you get up and begin undoing your shirt. Ripping it off, you toss it to the side and work the trousers.
  119. >Applejack bites her hoof in anticipation as you ready to drop em. Smirking, you pull them down in an instant to reveal, nothing. Your genitals are completely gone.
  120. >"Sweet Celestia! What happened!?"
  121. "Oh my god! AHHHH!!!"
  122. >"AHHHH!!!"
  123. "AHHHHahahahaha!"
  124. >You laugh uncontrollably as you grab your invisible junk.
  125. "Its right here, I just hid it with duct tape. You ponies are so gullible hahaha."
  126. >"Cripes! Get out of muh room Anon!"
  127. "Oh cmon baby, dont be that way."
  128. >She shoves you out, pants around your ankles as you keep laughing. Big Mac and Applebloom just stand there looking at you.
  129. >AB shakes her head in disaproval, "Oh Anon, ya should never take AJ's food, she gets mighty nasty bout that. Say, you wanna come with us tah get burgers?"
  130. "Sure, why not. I'm fucking starving."
  131. >"Gosh Anon, ya sure do like eating."
  132. "I guess."
  133. >Today was a "Totally worth it" day.
  137. >Luna holds you against her chest tuft and tightly squeezes as she yells at Celestia in tears, "You just don't understand our love!"
  138. >"Luna I mean, just LOOK at him, he's just soooo tiny. No offense Mr. Anon."
  139. "It's cool."
  140. >Luna hugs you slightly tighter as she looks away in a snobbish manner, "As is size is everything, we have a very fulfilling sex life thank you very much."
  141. >Celestia is taken aback, "Whoa ok that's"
  142. >Luna looks over genuinely happy, "Why thank you for asking, it's always refreshing to see ignorance give way to understanding. First, I lube home up and put him right on my clitoris, and he rubs himself against it while I whip out my super stud 5000 and shove it right into my.."
  143. >Celestia covers her ears and begins yelling "Lalalalala!! I'm not hearing this!! Lalalalala!"
  144. >Luna snarls and snorts before setting you atop her crown, "Let us be off Anon, it's CLEAR my ignorant sister is a close minded prude. Come, we shall have a romantic dinner by candle light, I'll get you thimble."
  145. "Bye Celestia, if was nice meeting you."
  146. >Today was a macro micro is kinda my fetish day
  148. >You hold a gun and tremble as you aim between Pinkie, and Pinkie.
  149. >Pinkie left points at Pinkie Right, "Shoot her Anon, shes the fake Pinkie!"
  150. >Pinkie right follows her lead, "No Anon, shoot her! Shes the REAL fake Pinkie!"
  151. >"I'm not the real fake Pinkie, I'm the fake real fake Pinkie!"
  152. >"Well I'M the fake real fake fake Pinkie!"
  153. >"No, I'M the real fake real fake fake real fake Pinkie!"
  154. >"No I'M.."
  155. >As they continue arguing at one another, Twilight looks between them, "Which one is the real Pinkie, and which one is the changeling? Hooo, I dont want to blast the wrong one."
  156. "Pinkie!"
  157. >They both look at you smiling and answering in unison "What!?"
  158. "Anon says raise your left hoof."
  159. >The two do so at the same time as you go on.
  160. "Anon says touch your mane."
  161. >Again they do so.
  162. "Anon says touch each others mane."
  163. >They both touch their respective manes.
  164. "changelingsayswhut."
  165. >One has a slight facial expression change, causing you yo aim at one, and blast its leg.
  166. >It to falls forward and revert back to its bug self.
  167. >Pinkie bounces over and kisses you on the cheek as Chrysalis rocks herself back and forth holding her hoof, "How did you know?"
  168. >Pinkie giggles and bats her hoof at her, "Because I'm not a changeling silly, I didnt need to say "whut"."
  169. >Chrysalis sighs sadly and looks at her painball shot hoof, "I guess this is it for me."
  170. "Nah, you can stay and live with me and Pinkie."
  171. >"But why? I tried to impersonate her and deceive you?"
  172. "Well, I mean you didnt hurt her, and like, if you just hung around us you'd know Pinkie and I have an open marriage."
  173. >Chrysalis's eyes go wide "So THATS why she went home with me when I desguised as a stallion! I though I was just doing you a favor by getting rid of her, at least I'd be loyal."
  174. "An now you can be."
  175. >Twilight awwws affectionatly as you pick up luv bug.
  176. "Next stop, home for some feel good sex, you up for it, new wifey?"
  177. >"I do."
  178. >She wraps her arms around you as you both walk off into the sunset.
  180. ==========================================
  182. >Applebloom raises her hoof in class, "Mrs. Cheerilee, where do babies come from?"
  183. >"Thats an excellent question sweetie, babies come from the hopes and wishes of would-be parents. They hope, and wish really hard, and if they are lucky, they are granted a baby."
  184. >The whole class seems to accept it, but Applebloom is not so sure. Out of class, Applebloom, Sweetie Bellle, and Scootaloo walk down the street.
  185. >"Ah just dont feel like babies come frum so many places. Wishes from Cheerilee, cake batter from Pinkie, and weaved from cloth from Rarity. It juz doesnt make sense."
  186. >Scootaloo walks to catch up, "What about Anon? I'm sure he'd know."
  187. >"Yeah, Anon is really smart! Remember when he figured out it was Pinkie eating all the cookies?"
  189. >At your place, the three fillies drink tea while you sit down.
  190. "So, you wanna know where babies come from huh?"
  191. >They nod happily as you sigh.
  192. "Well, they come from your vagina. You see, the short version is ponies have sex, and the stallion cums in her vagina, and then nine months later, a baby comes out."
  194. >The CMC come running up to Applejack and a pregnant Mrs. Cake and start gushing over what you told them about babies.
  195. >Applejack laughs heartily, "Oh you little silly fillies, whut imaginations."
  196. >Mrs.Cake laughs, "I cant wait till I have fillies of my own to make up stories."
  197. >AB points at her, "But Mrs. Cake, yer pregnant right now! Anon told us mares get really fat when they're carrying babies!"
  198. >Applejack gasps, "Applebloom! How dare ya say sumthin so rude!"
  199. >Mrs. Cake waves it off, "Oh it all right dear, it is true I've been gaining a little weight. Too many cakes haha. Well, I'll see you later.
  200. >She walks off as AJ scolds AB and heads home. At Sugar Cube Corner, Mrs. Cake comes in, "Oh dear, you should have heard what Apple.." Suddenly she grunts and stiffins, "!"
  201. >She falls over and goes stiff as a board while shitting. Several hours later, she has two foals and screams, "IT WAS TRUE!"
  202. >2day bad day
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