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Mar 10th, 2015
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  1. Martial(Fighter, Barbarian) Attack Boost: +1/level
  2. Hybrid(Paladin, Ranger, Monk, Rogue) Attack Boost: +1/2 levels
  3. Partial(Bard, Cleric, Druid, Warlock) Attack Boost: +1/3 levels
  4. Arcane(Wizard, Sorcerer) Attack Boost: None
  6. For grapple-specific attacks/maneuvers that require a contested grapple roll, apply the maneuver's cost/penalty to the grapple roll.
  8. Charge: This attack allows you to reach and engage an enemy without provoking attacks of opportunity. For every attack of opportunity ignored, your attack suffers a -2 penalty. Cost: Varies.
  10. Counter: If an enemy attack misses you, you can instantly make a counter attack, which can be combined with any maneuvers you know, though the cost of the maneuver will be applied on your next turn. Cost: -2 attack bonus, subtracted on your next turn AND from any counters in between then and the next turn.
  12. Disarming Attack: Make an attack that deals no damage, but, if it hits, forces your opponent to make a Strength save against a DC of your attack roll or have a weapon(or shield) flung from his hands. Natural weapons cannot be disarmed, and if the weapon is two-handed, the wielder gets a +4 on his save. Cost: -2 attack bonus.
  14. Distracting Attack: If this attack lands, it deals half damage. Whether the attack lands or not, the target must make a Wisdom save against a DC of your attack roll. If he fails, he is considered flatfooted against the next attack on him, removing his dexterity bonus to AC, making him vulnerable to backstabs and making him automatically fail any Dexterity saves. Cost: -2 attack bonus.
  16. Evasion/Parry: During any attack against you, you may increase your AC by up to your total attack bonus. However, this will be subtracted from your AC on your next turn, and any actions or maneuvers you take until your next turn will also suffer from the penalty. Cost: Varies, applied to next turn.
  18. Headlock: This maneuver can be made against grappled enemies, it can be made in the same action as grappling them. To use a headlock, make a contested grapple roll against your opponent. If the roll succeeds, they're silenced and can neither talk nor cast spells with vocal components. Every turn you maintain the headlock past the first, they lose temporary points of Constitution equal to your strength bonus. When their Constitution temporarily reaches 0, they're unconscious. Cost: -3 attack bonus.
  20. Knockdown/Shove/Trip: If this attack strikes an opponent, they must make a Strength or Constitution save vs a DC equal to your attack roll. If they succeed in the save, they're shoved backwards but remain on their feet. If they fail their save, they're knocked prone and suffer all associated penalties. Cost: -4 attack bonus.
  22. Meat Shield: If you currently have an enemy grappled and are successfully hit by an attack or spell, you may make a contested grapple check to instead block the attack with your grappled opponent. Against area-of-effect spells, this is counted as successfully making your save(i.e. you may still suffer half damage). Your opponent automatically fails any dexterity saves and take full damage from any attacks they're used to block. Dead opponents don't work as shields. Cost: -2 attack bonus.
  24. Power Attack: Exchange attack bonus for a damage bonus on a 1:1 basis for this attack. Cost: Varies.
  26. Shield Bash: Strike with your weapon and follow up with a bash from your shield, roll both attacks separately and against the same target. Bucklers or small shields deal 1d6 damage, normal shields and tower shields deal 1d8 damage. Shields that are spiked or otherwise more offensively inclined(on fire, etc.) may receive damage bonuses. Your shield provides no AC bonus until your next turn and cannot be used for further shield bashes until then. Cost: -2 attack bonus.
  28. Suplex: This attack can only be made against grappled enemies, it can be made in the same action as grappling them. If you succeed at a contested grapple roll, you slam your enemy into the ground for 2d8+strength bonus damage, knocking them prone and ending your grapple. Cost: -2 attack bonus.
  30. Sweeping Strike: This attack can only be made with a two-handed weapon. Make an attack against every opponent within range of your weapon. Cost: -6 attack bonus.
  32. Throw: This attack can only be made against/with grappled enemies. With this attack, you hurl a grappled enemy at his friends as a thrown weapon, ending the grapple. Small enemies do 2d4 damage, medium-sized enemies do 2d6 damage, large enemies do 2d8 damage and huge enemies do 2d10 damage. The thrown enemy always ends up prone. This attack gains damage bonuses from strength. The thrown victim suffers the same damage as the target(s). Enemies can also be thrown off cliffs/into obstacles/into hazards if there are no other enemies to target. Cost: -2 attack bonus.
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