
Sam/Shula On Fishing and Sisters.

Oct 4th, 2015
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  1. [18:38] Sam After Irune's gifts and the ensuring cuddle pile, Sam carries Shula back to their room with a small grin. A long held tension seemingly gone.
  2. [18:39] scya relaxes in his arms
  3. [18:39] =-= scya is now known as Shula
  4. [18:40] Sam sets Shula down on the bed and turns to the mini-bar. "Now I know you don't like drinking, but we do have some coke here. Want a glass?"
  5. [18:42] === scya Mibbit *
  6. [18:42] --- scya End of WHOWAS
  7. [18:43] Shula "I.. sure?" She asks a bit surprised. "Is nice taste"
  8. [18:43] Sam "No alcohol either." Sam eyes the rum with a longing look but ignores it as he pours out two glasses of coke-cola. He takes a seat on the bed and hands one to Shula.
  9. [18:48] Shula nods and takes it "Is.. bad so you can drink if helps?"
  10. [18:48] Shula offers after a moment out of concern
  11. [18:48] Sam shakes his head. "No, it's not that bad."
  12. [18:48] Sam sits down next to Shula and takes a drink.
  13. [18:50] Sam "I just find myself rather more found of the drinks of late, that's all."
  14. [18:51] Shula nods unsure
  15. [18:51] Sam "So. . . I've been thinking. . . . Tiamat. . . wants me to consider becoming a Deep One."
  16. [18:52] Shula blinks unsure "uh.."
  17. [18:55] Sam "She . . . doesn't want me to die of old age, as us humans are so short-lived in comparison. I. . . have been thinking about since theen, quite a bit. There are. . . when you line things up, there's a lot to be said about it. Stronger, faster, more adaptable, longer lived. Lot of reasons why it's a good deal. But. . . it. . . I'm not. . . sure, there's something holding me back from saying...
  18. [18:55] Sam ...yes, not enough for me to say no either though."
  19. [18:58] Shula "I it.. Do , I thought you feared that it would change those that are doing so in how they think?"
  20. [19:00] Sam "I did but. . . Hydra said I would retain my faculties. There. . . would off course be some changes, but. . . not enough that I wouldn't consider myself Sam still." Sam smiles "And I've got a few bits of you, marika, Yang, Tiamat, and Hydra floating around my soul and brain and I'm still *me* so. . . I'm not to worried on that account."
  21. [19:03] Shula "We, are all in you, and yet, is.. would you from outsider stil lconsider yourself you?"
  22. [19:04] Sam "Some would no longer consider me Sam, but. . . I am I. I would still be me."
  23. [19:05] Shula "Is,,, soul and mind there... is.."
  24. [19:05] Shula sounds unsure, trying to guard her emotions
  25. [19:06] Sam "They would remain." Sam sighs "I. . . am thinking about it, but. . . Should you choose to take the cure, I will remain with you as I am. Should you choose to let the transformation take it's course I. . . I would still love you, and it would. . . give me a strong reason to join you but it would not decide it for me either."
  26. [19:11] Shula remains silent
  27. [19:11] Sam "I'm not saying we have to choose now, but it's something I wanted to talk to you about." Sam sets the drink on his bed-stand and lays down, folding his arm under his head.
  28. [19:14] Shula "I it.. is much to think about"
  29. [19:14] Shula looks at her hand and takes a deep drink "I... did not think that you might think about this .. I.. "
  30. [19:16] Sam "Before I . . . was in a coma I would have said no. Tiamat offered me this once before, before we knew about the Deep One BioWep, and I refused her. But. . . after everything I've seen, I know I could be happy as a Deep One. I just don't know if I would be happ *ier* "
  31. [19:16] [ERROR] Connection to irc:// (irc:// reset. [Help]
  32. [19:16] === *** Looking up your hostname...
  33. [19:18] Shula shivers "I... it.. is.. "
  34. [19:19] Sam puts his arm around Shula and waits for her to gather her thoughts.
  35. [19:20] Shula "It is much I , fear that you.. might do the wrong thing , but I do not know what is the wrong thing.."
  36. [19:22] Sam "I don't think there is a wrong choice here Shula. I. . . " Sam flexes his hand "How important is me being "Hominus Sapiens Sapiens" to me? How Important is *this* body to me, this form?"
  37. [19:25] Sam "I don't know. . . I know that. . . you are thinking about if you should take that cure or not. . . I want you to make the choice that's right for /you/ ."
  38. [19:26] Shula "But.."
  39. [19:26] Sam "But?"
  40. [19:27] Shula "My choice is .. more then just me "
  41. [19:27] Sam "No, it's your choice, but you are free to consider how others feel about it, and what they would want you to do, but it is your choice in the end."
  42. [19:30] Shula "I.."
  43. [19:32] Sam "Would you have me tell you what to do Shula?"
  44. [19:33] Shula "I.. do not know.."
  45. [19:38] Sam "Ok, so. . . let's break it down. Do *you* without considering anyone else, have a preference?"
  46. [19:38] Shula "I...Maybe.."
  47. [19:39] Sam "Alright, start there then. See if you have a preference for yourself. Then think about what you want in the future and if that preference will effect that or not."
  48. [19:40] Shula nods
  49. [19:41] Sam "From there, consider the people who's opinion you value. Ask them what they think, consider what they say. They prolly won't agree with what you think you should do, but listen to them, consider what they say and see if it makes sense, if they have a point."
  50. [19:43] Sam "Then go back, and think about your goals, and what you think in light of what the others said. See if it still makes sense, if it is still the right choice."
  51. [19:44] Shula nods again. "And , would you do the same?"
  52. [19:45] Sam "That is what I am doing. One of my biggest goals is being with you, raising a family, which is why your choice is a important consideration for me."
  53. [19:48] Shula "I..."
  54. [19:48] Shula breaks down in tears
  55. [19:49] Sam "Shhh." Sam pulls Shula into his arms. He runs his hands across her head and through her hair. "It's ok Shula."
  56. [19:52] Shula "It.. is...It.. is.. hjard, and.. important.. so important.."
  57. [19:53] Sam "I know it is, but I'm not asking you to choose now. We have time to consider our options and make a finale decision."
  58. [19:53] Shula "How much do we have.. "
  59. [19:54] Shula "And dima.."
  60. [19:54] Sam "I do not know. Dima. . . as soon as the cure is available to here I'm sure she will take it, but we need to tell her about it too. Give her hope."
  61. [19:58] Shula "I yes. I .. need to talk leliel into message and.. Video abot.. to.. sisters "
  62. [19:58] Sam nods
  63. [19:58] Sam "Do you want me to be there when you talk with her? Or would you rather keep this between you two?
  64. [19:59] Shula "Three..."
  65. [20:00] Shula "I.. need to find words for.. youngest of us.."
  66. [20:00] Sam nods
  67. [20:01] Sam "So, do you want to keep this between the three of you, or would you like me to be there with you?"
  68. [20:02] Shula "I.. I.. Might .. need help"
  69. [20:02] Sam nods
  70. [20:02] Shula "What.. Do I say to her .."
  71. [20:03] Sam "Start with, "Hello." "
  72. [20:03] Shula "Is.. easy word"
  73. [20:03] Sam "Just take it a step at a time. Without knowing what she is like, I can't really tell you what to say."
  74. [20:05] Shula "Do I.. Ask her for things do.. Do I tell them about us .."
  75. [20:10] Sam "If it comes up then I see no reason to not tell her about us." He runs his hand along her hand, fingers lingering across the ring "It's not as though we hide what we are to the world. As for the other stuff. . .I don't really know."
  76. [20:13] Sam takes the brush on the nearby bedstand. He settles Shula on his lap as he begins to brush her hair.
  77. [20:14] Shula "No, I mean daily life stuff, not just that you are there.."
  78. [20:14] Shula shivers
  79. [20:14] Sam "I think, that if the conversation goes that way, then there is no harm in doing so."
  80. [20:15] Shula "I.. fear that we can only send video instead of talk for now?"
  81. [20:15] Sam "Well we can't exactly go over to Dharma too easily. Might be best to just do a video call for now."
  82. [20:20] Shula "And.. what to say.."
  83. [20:21] Sam "Start small, introduce yourself. Neither of you really know eachother, so. . . you're at the same place. Maybe ask Dima to help smooth things along?"
  84. [20:44] Shula "It.. might be good idea, so, two letters then? Or one big one where I say to her to pause?"
  85. [20:44] Sam "Two, one for Dima and one for your new sister?"
  86. [20:45] Shula nods
  87. [20:47] Sam "Sounds like a good plan, you want me to look them over after you write them?"
  88. [20:47] Shula "and, help me with what to do in there as .. and I was think.. video letter?"
  89. [20:48] Sam "A video recording." Sam nods "That works just fine as well."
  90. [20:49] Sam "Well, I'm more than happy to help you however you want with this."
  91. [20:50] Shula "It,, seems the easiest.. wait!
  92. [20:50] Shula "What language should I use?"
  93. [20:52] Sam "Well, for Dima I'd suggest Farsi, unless you want to show her your English improvements. As for you other sister. . . I;m not sure, might be prudent to use Deep One in case she doesn't know English, though we've yet to meet one that doesn't speak it, and she was raised in Dharma from what I understand."
  94. [20:53] Shula "And dima can translate easy if it is in english.."
  95. [20:53] Sam nods
  96. [21:06] Shula "So.. what do you want to say to her?"
  97. [21:08] Sam "Me?"
  98. [21:10] Shula "Well you is smart"
  99. [21:10] Sam "Sure, but I'm not that great at this sorta thing! First time I called my grandfather back I reduced him to tears!"
  100. [21:11] Shula mumbles something about stupid sams
  101. [21:11] Sam "You just called me smart!"
  102. [21:15] Shula "And?"
  103. [21:16] Sam "Well. . . ok. . . To Dima, I'd tell her that we have a cure, but only if we can make sure that our message is secure, and that I hope she is well. I look forward to speaking with her again."
  104. [21:16] Sam "To your other sister. . . I hope to meet her, and welcome to the family I suppose."
  105. [21:22] Shula "hmh"
  106. [21:25] Sam sets the brush aside. He gentle begins to massage Shula's shoulders.
  107. [21:25] Shula "mgggmm"
  108. [21:25] Shula likes that also qzite a bit
  109. [21:26] Sam "Mmm, feel good?"
  110. [21:26] Shula "Mch so"
  111. [21:28] Sam continues his ministrations. "So, how do you feel about the new sister?"
  112. [21:28] Shula "hope she is good, in both sense"
  113. [21:28] Sam "So do I."
  114. [21:31] Shula "She.. I.."
  115. [21:31] Sam "Yes?"
  116. [21:31] Shula "I.. fear hope .. I.."
  117. [21:32] Sam "I know what it's like. . . ."
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