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Sep 24th, 2016
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  1. Anvesh Gundlapalli
  2. I drunk texted her last night
  3. Jade Quach
  4. She responded?
  5. Anvesh Gundlapalli
  6. she did
  7. Jade Quach
  8. So how are you feeling?
  9. Anvesh Gundlapalli
  10. i feel like i abandoned her
  11. Jade Quach
  12. What did she say when you messaged her?
  13. Anvesh Gundlapalli
  14. Well I just asked her if she was awake, she said yeah. I asked her how she was doing, and she said she's trying to deal with it but its hard since she didnt see it coming at all apparently. I kept asking her if I did the right thing because I am not sure if I did
  15. Jade Quach
  16. And she said?
  17. Anvesh Gundlapalli
  18. She said that I should be deciding that and not her
  19. And she can't tell me
  20. Jade Quach
  21. That is true
  22. Anvesh Gundlapalli
  23. And I kept telling her that I am not sure if I did the right thing
  24. And then she was like if you can't make up your mind it'll just make it harder for me to get over you
  25. Anvesh Gundlapalli
  26. And then she told me that I was the best thing that ever happened to her and that I taught her so much about how to love/be loved, how to be more outgoing and a lot of other things and that she really thought we were going to have a future together. She told me how earlier during the day before we broke up she was at the mall with her mom and she saw a mixed race couple with a little baby in a stroller and they looked really affectionate. She thought that it looked like us in the future and it made her super happy.
  27. Jade Quach
  28. :/
  29. Anvesh Gundlapalli
  30. But at the end she basically said that its upto me to decide if I did the right thing for myself and she understand whatever decision I made.
  31. She was like if you're not completely sure you need to think about it because it'll make it a lot harder for me to get over you if you keep me waiting like this..
  32. Jade Quach
  33. She's being very mature and understanding
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