
Spiracha Jr. Giant form

Dec 15th, 2016
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  1. Key: RinsSDwasEPIC
  2. Character: Spiracha Jr.
  3. Skill: Giant Form
  5. Spiracha Jr. was now O and five against the old man Sim. Even with the Makyo star in the sky he could not best his foe in combat, nothing he seemed to do worked, and without the star he was even worse off. There was something about being small that made him feel inferior, even just with everyday life things. Opening bottles or jars, holding up his own massive head, walking up stairs, reaching high places like cupboards or even just the freezer that was atop the fridge. Sometimes he would have to fly just to get around, and though this was not much of a problem, it was still an inconvenience.
  7. Being small had been hard all his life, he had been called names like goblin, short stuff, shrimp, even just recently he was called a midget freak. Though this just made Spiracha Jr. mad, it did hurt him a little inside. He didn't think he was ever going to grow. But one night the Makyo star came out, and in the midst of some hard training the little Makyo could feel something changing inside of himself. He focused on how small he was, he focused on his ever expanding aura and thought of ways he could use it to his advantage. His body changed when the star was out as it was, he felt stronger, faster, and the amount of energy he had was simply astounding.
  9. He wondered on about how he could use his energy in a fitting manner, perhaps projecting it inside of himself rather than outwards to make himself just a bit stronger, instead making his body stronger. With the whim and a hope Spiracha Jr. began channelling his ki inside of himself, causing it to expand within his muscles, chest, legs, making them harder. This was close to what he wanted, but not quite. He still needed some mass. He then focused his massive brain on each individual muscle in his body. His thighs, calves, biceps, triceps, quads, bods, everything that made him, him.
  11. After hours of focusing on this he began to bulge out, his bone structure expanding, his muscles tripling in size, his chest gradually expanding outwards making him much larger in size. He felt taller, looked taller, his skin changed from a light blue tint to a much darker green. Even his head had muscle on it, contouring to his brain and creating a much thicker exterior over it. He flexed and let out a massive scream, he had done it, and now the old man was in for a treat.
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