
If I could talk human would you understand?

Mar 22nd, 2016
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  1. If I could talk human would you understand?
  2. As a citizen on planet earth and some one who has had the pleasure of having/not owning 3
  3. dogs. As friends companions loving caring lives. Part of my family existing together in one
  4. world. It pains me to see the treatment of "friends" to their dogs
  5. .
  6. Quick simple to the point THINK 10X before emotionally scarring a dog.
  7. Hard Long and Rationally for the sake of you and the dog!
  8. Examples of the wrong way to live with a dog and what I believe they would say in "human".
  10. One:
  11. I was so happy the day you picked my up from the breeder. Wow they sure dinged you. We
  12. had such fun travelling all over the city in your truck. They way you would cuddled me up to
  13. you and let me lick your face I'll always remember. I felt so proud when you stood up for me
  14. in front of your mate who doesn't like dogs. I didn't quite catch what you kept insisting
  15. though. But I remember being so happy hearing you say outside so often. Oh boy we are
  16. going exploring in the woods again I kept thinking. Four happy weeks later after all our trips
  17. together I learned another human word. Work. I have to say I don't like Work whatever it is!
  18. Once Work started you left me with your mate who remember does not like dogs or any pets
  19. for that matter. That afternoon I found out what Work means. It means that even now after 5
  20. years I have never been back inside our home. It means I am attached to this chain with 40' of
  21. room to run jump play by myself in. It means I'll get fed twice a day watered twice a day and
  22. that will be the ned of my human interaction with my "family" for the day. It means freezing
  23. cold or boiling hot, 15 days of pouring rain or 14 days sweltering sun I'll be chained here. It
  24. means while my family goes off to the beach, camping, biking, I'll be chained right here. It
  25. means that you wont even come near me any more because I have no way of restraining
  26. myself from jumping all over you to show you how much I miss you. We used to have fun
  27. doing that remember? It means my whole family YES even your mate who doesn't like
  28. animals (that I still love unconditionally because that is the way i am) keep far away because
  29. again I find it hard to restrain my joy at having human company. I am NOT just seeking
  30. attention when I bark I'm seeking the love we share or maybe just I share. Yes I get well fed
  31. thank you. Also I'd like to thank you for the strangers that come to take me for a walk twice a
  32. day but they are not YOU! My love for you and our family is unconditional and always will be.
  33. If I knew how to NOT love that is how I would feel about WORK. I have heard you say often to
  34. your visitors how the breeder insisted I be an outside dog but I really don't think that meant
  35. forever outside Halloween fireworks and all (they still make me tremble like a puppy). I was
  36. so happy when you picked me up at the breeders do you think you could now please take me
  37. back there until your finished WORK and I can join my family again. Love me your? dog!
  38. Two:
  39. I first met you when I was being abused by mu first family. When they were spending all their
  40. funds on drugs and there was very little for their dog, scraps sometimes were great but you
  41. would always come by with wonderful smelly bags of food that my family never tried to eat.
  42. Those boxes with yuuuummmy cookies made me drool, I so looked forward to your visit
  43. every once 7 days. You'd pick me up hold me on your chest and tell me what a good dog I am
  44. how happy that made me. Then I'm not sure what I did to my original family but they stuck
  45. me in a room and left me there. Then I started getting yelled at and told how stupid I was for
  46. peeing in the corner or for pooing by the room door. I tried to hold it but I'm inly so big and 2
  47. days without going outside is too much I can't hold it that long as we saw for months. That day
  48. when all those boxes were moving and people were carrying big pieces of our/my home and
  49. you brought me out to your car I was soooo happy. I was hoping you would not stick me back
  50. in that smelly room and you didn't let me down. I miss my original family but I do not miss
  51. that room. Just thinking about that room makes me shudder and when I dream of being put
  52. back into the room I wake up barking and scared. I'm sorry if that wakes you up but I'll adjust
  53. Im hoping.Being with you my new family was such fun, meeting our kids every weekend
  54. made me run around and around in circles. The screams of laughter from those kids were
  55. almost enough to drown out the pain that came back in my dreams, almost. I was even proud
  56. that you wanted me to meet the other animal in my new family who seemed to keep telling
  57. me his name was meow.
  58. I absolutely loved that you would take me with you wherever you went. The truck rides were
  59. a thrill as I never could see over the dash so each arrival was an adventure never knowing
  60. where it was. Meeting all your friends and their dogs shocked me at first. Were you going to
  61. leave me there? It was an excellent chance for me to make you proud doing dog things with
  62. the other dogs. Having fun as they were, such great times. Watching you laugh with your
  63. friends at our tussling made my heart burst with joy. What first family, YOU are my family I
  64. am so proud of being your dog. Moving from home to home 3 times a year was never a
  65. problem for me because I had you with me. Did you notice not once did I pee or crap in the
  66. homes we lived in. Thank you for being so attuned to my needs to go outside every few
  67. hours. At my size it is hard to hold for a loooong time and you got that. Our latest home is
  68. perfect, close to a park, people living all around with dogs, all of us meeting on several
  69. occasions in the park is such a blast! Being allowed to sleep on same bad as you every night,
  70. nice and warm and cuddly I look forward to every night. I so adore you.
  71. Yes I scratch and chew at my rear end, YES i am a mix of 2 breeds and that is hard on my little
  72. system. The new food you got from the vet helps but does not alleviate totally. I'm pretty sure
  73. I don't have fleas or I would taste them when I'm chewing back there. Those wet things you
  74. drop on my neck every month should prove to you I keep myself pretty tick and flea free. The
  75. baths help because they feel so good soaking in the water. I really really do not like that
  76. white thing you keep putting around my neck because when I itch now I can't scratch. I know
  77. you say the vet gave you that but I have a question. This 'vet' I keep hearing about, will I ever
  78. get to meet them? I mean they seem to have good food and a wonderful soap for baths,
  79. maybe they have something for itches. I hope one day you will take me there to meet them
  80. and maybe even give them back this white thing I have been wearing for almost 2 years.
  81. Please stop getting angry at me for scratching, if I could "stop it" just like that I would. It is not
  82. fun for me either. I know now you have no truck that taking me outside is more time taken
  83. out of your day to walk me so what can I do to help you get another truck. Just tell me, you
  84. know I love you so much I'd try. Going outside in the yard for five minutes just isn't the same
  85. as the hours we used to spend out walking, sniffing, exploring new trees and rocks. When
  86. you fall asleep in front of the TV then wake up and go straight to bed I know I'm in for a rough
  87. night. I so want to just jump in and cuddle with you but I also SO need to go pee first. I DO
  88. NOT want to be put in a room again by myself so I hold it. My eyes water I'm in pain but I hold
  89. it. That whimpering you hear is me under my breath saying do not pee in the house do not pee
  90. in the house do not pee in the house in dog talk. When you get up in the afternoon yes I
  91. make a mad dash to the door and prance around in front of it because I need to go pee, just
  92. like you have done 3 times since going to bed. Please do not yell at me for that I can't talk
  93. human to tell you how bad I need to pee. Yes as soon as you open that door I'm running for
  94. the grass and peeing long long time. NO that does not mean that just putting me in the yard
  95. for 10 minutes is as good as a walk. Do you not remember the fun we had on those walks?
  96. How comforting they are for both of us? I know now you're not working things are tough, but
  97. we do get to spend way more time together, maybe sometime you can leave the computer
  98. long enough to spend some time with me. Not much I'm not greedy let us say minimum 1
  99. hour a day would that be too much? Giving the "chore" ( never considered going for a walk a
  100. chore but ok) of walking me to a young teenager is probably not the best plan for us. The
  101. shrinking schedule you and I had was better for my system then a teenagers schedule which
  102. from what I have seen is non existing. That drag around the block by my leash (that you and I
  103. never used) is humiliating and a little scary.
  104. Please my one human who used to love me start loving me again. I am so in need of that, if
  105. you ever get stuck for months in a room by yourself you would understand why. Please take
  106. me to your friend 'vet' with the good food and soap I so want to meet them to show them I
  107. am a great friend just with some anxiety issues. I do love you and will always love you please
  108. love me back. Please do not break my heart and soul like my original family tried. We are an
  109. unstoppable team remember saying that? I do! We are! woof!
  110. Three:
  111. I was not happy when you took me from my Mom and brothers and sisters. I whimpered for 3
  112. days missing them, whining intermittently in sadness. Thank you for understanding. For holding
  113. me on your lap, for scratching my belly, for giving me stuffed toys to sleep with. All those things
  114. helped me get over my sadness and embrace the pleasure of being found by my for ever
  115. human. I do love you immensely. I still remember the fun your teen age kids, you and I had
  116. roaming through trails and parks. We had such a happy life even though I heard you complain
  117. about being broke I never did understand what that means.
  118. When the kids moved out one by one I felt your sadness, it was my sadness too. I too miss the
  119. joy of running after the ball thrown for me by your children and the look of pleasure on their
  120. face when I brought it back. It was the same pleasure I would see on your face if I sat when you
  121. said sit in my early days. The treats were tasty but I would have done so just for the smile you
  122. would give me. I remember the sheer joy on your face when I learned the words lay down and
  123. roll over. That day you called me when I was running after the squirrel and I stopped just before
  124. a car went past I now realize was a life saver THANK YOU! But Yes I too miss the kids very very
  125. much that is why I get all jumpy when they come by for a visit now. NO I am not trying to get
  126. their clothes dirty on purpose (why anyone would think that I don't know but I have no revenge
  127. knowledge just to be clear) I was just trying to show them how much I miss them in dog. I have
  128. no reason to be mad at anyone and have no idea what that really means. I'm a dog! I do know
  129. love,running, sniffing, love, chasing squirrels,digging, love, not because you taught them to me
  130. but because that is what I do. Anger, yelling, screaming, hate, are all things I do NOT know but I
  131. see and hear. They don't look like much fun if I'm reading your face correctly so I don't
  132. understand why humans live those experiences so often by their own hands seemingly. I do
  133. know that the joy you showed 8 years ago when we would go for a walk now seems to put pain
  134. in your face and I don't understand why. If I knew what happened to change that I would try to
  135. fix it because YOU mean everything to me. You are my life. Everything you do or feel i sense and
  136. feel it too in a dog way. When your sad I want to make you happy. When your crying I want to
  137. lick your tears and tell you I love you and always will. When you go away for days at a time YES i
  138. howl. I miss you! I'm sorry I upset the neighbours doing that and if I knew another way to
  139. express my sorrow I would do it, because I love you and do not want anyone mad at you
  140. because of me.
  141. Please dear human love me the way you did when you took me from my Mom. YOU are my
  142. Mom now and I try every day to make you proud of me. When we do go for a walk and my head
  143. is held high it is because I am so proud to have YOU walking me! When you come home after
  144. being away for 4 days YES all I want to do is jump in your lap, that is how we met and became a
  145. family. By you holding in your lap to comfort me. I know I'm, 8 years older but I STILL need
  146. comforting after 4 days of missing you. This is not something I know how to control it just is!
  147. Please Mom love me like you did 8 years ago, I have never lost my love for you why do I feel
  148. you're losing yours for me? Please MOM let me love you unconditionally and please please
  149. return that love. You ARE my best friend all I'm asking is that I be yours!
  150. Please!
  152. If you see yourselves in any of the above scenarios then it is time you re evaluated your dog-
  153. human relationship. A dog is not a trophy. A dog is not a toy. A dog is not a display of your
  154. wealth. A dog is not for you to show your friends how big a heart you have only to be ignored in
  155. later years. A dog is not your alarm system that can be turned on and left for days. A dog is not
  156. a status symbol those are the trinkets on your arm.
  158. A dog is a LIFE. A dog is a feeling living creature that only wants to give to you its
  159. unconditional love and greatly appreciates that love being returned. A dog is a dog period. They
  160. have no need for many of the human emotions we surround ourselves in and with. A dog is
  161. LOVE. No questions No judging No expectations just love. Don't they deserve the same?
  163. YES getting a dog sounds like a great idea but please take the time to think. A dog will be
  164. dependant on you for its life are you dependable enough for your dog? Do you have a safe
  165. place for you and your dog to live forever. Go to your local Animal Cruelty Prevention centre
  166. and look at all the dogs that humans thought they could look after then found out they couldn't.
  167. Look into their eyes and see the sadness. They do not know what they did wrong to end up
  168. there, most of the time even their previous human is sad they are there. Do you want to be the
  169. next one dropping off your dog there? Is that fair to the dog? Or you? Things change in our lives
  170. making having a dog a challenge not just today but for the rest of the dogs life. Are you
  171. prepared emotionally. physically and financially to care for a dog? These are question to ask
  172. yourself before committing to being a dogs human.
  173. Please I beg of you THINK HARD before deciding that you want to share your space on this
  174. planet with a dog. You'll thank yourself and your future best friend will thank you too, even if it
  175. is just by licking you as much as your dog can.
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