
Sunny Gardens: Insert Tab A Into Slot B

Jul 22nd, 2012
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  1. >Berry and Lightning are unlike any fluffy ponies you've ever encountered.
  2. >When Sarah dropped you off, they waddled in behind you, carrying their little bags.
  3. >Once you set them into the play pen, they unpacked.
  4. >Literally. They picked a corner for their toys and unpacked their bags.
  5. >When that was done, they started cuddling and cooing to each other.
  6. >”Dis nice home fo' Bewwy, Bewwy wike. Bewwy happy bes' fwiend eva' hewe.”
  7. >”Wightnin' happy too. Bewwy happy, mean Wightnin' happy.”
  8. >They are so much like little kids.
  9. >God, this is going to be weird. Slate wasn't this smart.
  10. >You check the binder again.
  11. >Since you want to get them settled in first before attempting to make them...ahem, you had Sarah make a stop at the store to get their favorite treats.
  12. >Berry loves raspberries. Probably where she got her name.
  13. >Lightning loves cheese. Cheddar cheese. Extra sharp.
  14. “Are you hungry?”
  15. >They nod quietly, breaking their embrace and waddling over to the mesh side.
  16. >”Wucy mommy gif nummies?” Berry asks.
  17. >You reach into the shopping bag, plucking a raspberry out.
  18. “This is for you!”
  19. >She tentatively reaches up and gets it, waddling away and chewing.
  20. >For Lightning, he gets a cheddar cheese stick. You couldn't find extra sharp.
  21. >He takes it and eats with Berry.
  22. >You hear whispers of 'goo' nummies' and 'yummies make tummy happy', but they seem nervous for some reason.
  23. >Once they're done eating, they sit side by side and stare up at you.
  24. “Uh...what's wrong?”
  25. >Berry speaks up. ”Wucy wan' fwuffies make fun huggies now?”
  26. >Whoa whoa whoa wait a minute.
  27. “No, I was just giving you a treat.”
  28. >They look very confused.
  29. >”When daddy gif bes' nummies, a'ways say fwuffies make fun huggies den,” Lightning explains.
  30. >”Fwuffies make huggies now,” Berry nods.
  31. >She waddles to the center of the pen and drops down.
  32. >More accurately, her front half drops down. Her rear end, tail raised, is standing up.
  33. >Lightning wanders over, nuzzling at her fluff.
  34. >”Make bes' huggies,” he coos.
  35. “Uh, wait a second...”
  36. >They both look up at you and blink.
  37. >”Make fun huggies now, wike Wucy wan'!” Berry chirps.
  38. “I didn't want you to, though.”
  39. >They blink again, their looks becoming uncertain.
  40. >”Wucy no wan' fwuffies make babehs?”
  41. >At the mention of babies, Berry begins to sniffle.
  42. >”Miss babehs, wan' babehs back, Bewwy wuv babehs...”
  43. >Lightning hugs her rear end – not in a mount – but still looks up at you for confirmation.
  44. “Well, yes, I do...”
  45. >”Wightnin' weady!” he says, changing his caring hug to a determined mounting.
  46. >Berry squeaks with surprise, but closes her eyes tightly and waits.
  47. “No, not right now!”
  48. >Lightning dismounts and walks around to Berry's left side.
  49. >”Wucy gif tweat! Tweat mean fun huggies, make babehs!”
  50. >”Baaaaabehs...” Berry whines.
  51. >You look at the binder notes again.
  52. >Nowhere in the pages does it say 'cheese and raspberries means fuck time'.
  53. >You're actually going to have to explain how things work now.
  54. “When I want you to huggies, I'll tell you. Right now, I just want you to get used to your new home.”
  55. >Lightning is still mounted to his mate, but not thrusting. Berry is waiting for him to start.
  56. >”Weggies huwt...make huggies pwease, Bewwy wan' pway...”
  57. >”Eenf!”
  58. >Lightning does as she wishes, and begins thrusting.
  59. “Stop that!”
  60. >He does, looking utterly bewildered.
  61. >”Bu' is fun huggies time!”
  62. “It is not fun huggies time until I say it is!”
  63. >They both start trembling at your accidentally too strong tone.
  64. >Berry stands up and clings to Lightning. They both look at you with terrified eyes.
  65. >Facepalm and sigh.
  66. “I didn't mean to yell, I'm sorry.”
  67. >”Wucy wan' babehs, bu' no wan' babehs?” Lightning asks timidly.
  68. “I do want babies, but later.”
  69. >”' wan' now? Babehs...” he struggles.
  70. >Looks like alicorns, despite their intelligence, still have issues with the concept of time.
  71. >At least, time not related to baby-making.
  72. >Perhaps it'd help if you put it into a command form.
  73. >That should appeal to their training...if they have any.
  74. “When I want babies, I'll tell you. Okay?”
  75. >They relax a little and nod. “Wucy say if wan' babehs. Okay,” Berry confirms. “Can pway now?”
  76. “Sure, go play.”
  77. >Berry squeals happily and dashes unsteadily over to her blocks.
  78. >”Bwockies fun! Wuv bwockies!”
  79. >Lightning is still looking at you, plopped down on his haunches and fluttering his wings restlessly.
  80. >”Daddy say gif tweat, den make fun huggies...”
  81. “That's nice, but I'm not your daddy. I'm going to take things slow.”
  82. >”Wha' tings? Whewe take? Wucy...Wucy take fwuffies 'way?”
  83. “No, it's a figure—never mind.”
  84. >Oh, screw it. Half the people you meet don't understand how English works, no way these fluffies will.
  85. >”Wha' figuwe? Figuwe nummies? Figuwe new fwiend?”
  86. >Berry looks back. “New fwiend? Whewe is? Wan' huggies an' pway!”
  87. >They spend the next couple of moments shouting for Figure, their non-existent new friend.
  88. >So much for the 'increased intelligence' of the alicorn.
  89. >”No can fin' new fwiend Figuwe, Figuwe no wan' pway wif fwuffies,” Berry sniffles.
  90. “There is no figure, Berry.”
  91. >”Bu' Wucy say figuwe! Wha' figuwe mean, if no new fwiend?”
  92. “It's just a word, don't worry about it.”
  93. >”Bu'...dunno wha' mean...”
  94. >Oh great, they're curious and only mostly sentient.
  95. >You sit down at the desk and sigh a little, rubbing your forehead.
  96. >”Wucy haf owwies?” Berry asks.
  97. >And perceptive! Wonderful.
  98. “I'm okay, go on and play with your blocks.”
  99. >Berry does just that, tossing them to Lightning with her stubby legs. He tosses them back.
  100. >”Bwockies fwy! Fwy fun!” they giggle.
  101. >You watch them play. Yes, it's incredibly cute.
  102. >It's human child cute.
  103. >Sarah really expects you to make these things have sex, produce kids, and then sell them?
  104. >They call you by name!
  105. >They have actual longer-than-goldfish attention spans!
  106. >”Bewwy wuv Wightnin', bes' fwiend! Pway bwockies, haf fun!”
  107. >And they're a god damn couple!
  108. >Another sigh. A longer one.
  109. >The happy fluffies don't really notice.
  110. >You try to distract yourself with your laptop, but only about twenty minutes pass.
  111. >”Wucy hooman?” Lightning calls, waddling to the mesh wall nearest your chair.
  112. >Berry has cut the game short, quietly saying 'make goo' peepees in wittabocks' as she does her business there.
  113. >You swivel in your chair to face the electric blue alicorn.
  114. “What is it, sweetie?”
  115. >”Bewwy no wan' pway anymo'. Is make babeh time wike Wucy say now?”
  116. >Facepalm again.
  117. “No, Lightning...”
  118. >It hasn't even been four hours, and you're already missing dumber fluffy ponies.
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