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- 07:43:37 85200.601562 T:1967714304 NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/
- 07:43:37 85200.601562 T:1967714304 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 07:43:37 85200.601562 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Starting Kodi (15.0-BETA2 Git:b374e39). Platform: Linux ARM 32-bit
- 07:43:37 85200.601562 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Using Release Kodi x32 build (version for Raspberry Pi)
- 07:43:37 85200.601562 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Kodi compiled May 6 2015 by GCC 4.9.2 for Linux ARM 32-bit version 4.0.1 (262145)
- 07:43:37 85200.601562 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Running on OpenELEC (Milhouse) - Version: devel-20150506023602-#0505-g1092c6e [Build #0505] 6.0, kernel: Linux ARM 32-bit version 4.0.1
- 07:43:37 85200.601562 T:1967714304 NOTICE: FFmpeg version: 2.6.2
- 07:43:37 85200.601562 T:1967714304 NOTICE: WARNING: unsupported ffmpeg version detected
- 07:43:37 85200.601562 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Host CPU: ARMv7 Processor rev 5 (v7l), 4 cores available
- 07:43:37 85200.601562 T:1967714304 NOTICE: ARM Features: Neon enabled
- 07:43:37 85200.601562 T:1967714304 NOTICE: special://xbmc/ is mapped to: /usr/share/kodi
- 07:43:37 85200.601562 T:1967714304 NOTICE: special://xbmcbin/ is mapped to: /usr/lib/kodi
- 07:43:37 85200.601562 T:1967714304 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/ is mapped to: /storage/.kodi/userdata
- 07:43:37 85200.601562 T:1967714304 NOTICE: special://home/ is mapped to: /storage/.kodi
- 07:43:37 85200.601562 T:1967714304 NOTICE: special://temp/ is mapped to: /storage/.kodi/temp
- 07:43:37 85200.601562 T:1967714304 NOTICE: The executable running is: /usr/lib/kodi/kodi.bin
- 07:43:37 85200.601562 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Local hostname: OpenelecRPI
- 07:43:37 85200.601562 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Log File is located: /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.log
- 07:43:37 85200.601562 T:1967714304 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 07:43:37 85200.601562 T:1967714304 NOTICE: load settings...
- 07:43:37 85200.734375 T:1967699008 NOTICE: Thread FDEventMonitor start, auto delete: false
- 07:43:37 85200.859375 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Loaded settings file from special://xbmc/system/advancedsettings.xml
- 07:43:37 85200.859375 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Contents of special://xbmc/system/advancedsettings.xml are...
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <advancedsettings>
- <showexitbutton>false</showexitbutton>
- <fanartres>720</fanartres>
- <imageres>540</imageres>
- <video>
- <busydialogdelayms>750</busydialogdelayms>
- </video>
- <samba>
- <clienttimeout>30</clienttimeout>
- </samba>
- <network>
- <readbufferfactor>4.0</readbufferfactor>
- </network>
- </advancedsettings>
- 07:43:37 85200.867188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Loaded settings file from special://profile/advancedsettings.xml
- 07:43:37 85200.867188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Contents of special://profile/advancedsettings.xml are...
- <advancedsettings>
- <video>
- <latency>
- <delay>0</delay>
- <refresh>
- <min>23</min>
- <max>24</max>
- <delay>250</delay>
- </refresh>
- </latency>
- </video>
- <network>
- <buffermode>1</buffermode>
- <readbufferfactor>10</readbufferfactor>
- </network>
- </advancedsettings>
- 07:43:37 85200.867188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Default DVD Player: dvdplayer
- 07:43:37 85200.867188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Default Video Player: dvdplayer
- 07:43:37 85200.867188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Default Audio Player: paplayer
- 07:43:37 85200.867188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Enabled debug logging due to GUI setting (2)
- 07:43:37 85200.867188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Log level changed to "LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_FREEMEM"
- 07:43:37 85200.867188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: CMediaSourceSettings: loading media sources from special://masterprofile/sources.xml
- 07:43:37 85200.875000 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CMediaSourceSettings: Setting <default> source to : Pictures
- 07:43:37 85200.875000 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://xbmc/system/playercorefactory.xml.
- 07:43:37 85200.875000 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreConfig::<ctor>: created player DVDPlayer for core 1
- 07:43:37 85200.875000 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreConfig::<ctor>: created player oldmplayercore for core 1
- 07:43:37 85200.875000 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreConfig::<ctor>: created player PAPlayer for core 3
- 07:43:37 85200.875000 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: system rules
- 07:43:37 85200.875000 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: hdhomerun/mms/udp
- 07:43:37 85200.875000 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: lastfm/shout
- 07:43:37 85200.875000 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: rtmp
- 07:43:37 85200.875000 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: rtsp
- 07:43:37 85200.875000 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: streams
- 07:43:37 85200.875000 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: aacp/sdp
- 07:43:37 85200.875000 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: mp2
- 07:43:37 85200.875000 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: dvd
- 07:43:37 85200.875000 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: dvdimage
- 07:43:37 85200.875000 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: sdp/asf
- 07:43:37 85200.875000 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: nsv
- 07:43:37 85200.875000 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: radio
- 07:43:37 85200.875000 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Loaded playercorefactory configuration
- 07:43:37 85200.875000 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml.
- 07:43:37 85200.875000 T:1967714304 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml does not exist. Skipping.
- 07:43:37 85200.882812 T:1967714304 ERROR: CRssManager: error loading special://profile/RssFeeds.xml, Line 0
- Failed to open file
- 00:43:37 85200.929688 T:1967714304 INFO: creating subdirectories
- 00:43:37 85200.929688 T:1967714304 INFO: userdata folder: special://masterprofile/
- 00:43:37 85200.929688 T:1967714304 INFO: recording folder:
- 00:43:37 85200.929688 T:1967714304 INFO: screenshots folder:
- 00:43:37 85200.937500 T:1957688384 NOTICE: Thread ActiveAE start, auto delete: false
- 00:43:37 85200.937500 T:1947202624 NOTICE: Thread AESink start, auto delete: false
- 00:43:37 85200.937500 T:1947202624 INFO: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - initialize sink
- 00:43:37 85200.937500 T:1947202624 DEBUG: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - trying to open device PI:HDMI
- 00:43:37 85200.937500 T:1947202624 DEBUG: DllBcm: Using omx system library
- 00:43:37 85200.937500 T:1947202624 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(
- 00:43:37 85200.945312 T:1947202624 DEBUG: Loading:
- 00:43:37 85200.945312 T:1947202624 DEBUG: Raspberry PI resuming video output
- 00:43:37 85200.945312 T:1886385216 NOTICE: Thread CRBPWorker start, auto delete: false
- 00:43:37 85200.945312 T:1947202624 DEBUG: CAESinkPi:SetAudioProps hdmi_stream_channels 0 hdmi_channel_map 00000008
- 00:43:37 85200.945312 T:1947202624 DEBUG: CAESinkPi:Initialize Format:15 Channels:2 Samplerate:44100 framesize:8 bufsize:17640 bytes/s=352800.00 dest=PI:HDMI
- 00:43:37 85200.945312 T:1947202624 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.audio_render input port 100 output port 100 m_handle 0x742021d0
- 00:43:37 85200.953125 T:1947202624 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::AllocInputBuffers component(OMX.broadcom.audio_render) - port(100), nBufferCountMin(1), nBufferCountActual(2), nBufferSize(17648), nBufferAlignmen(16)
- 00:43:37 85200.953125 T:1947202624 DEBUG: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - SinkPi Initialized:
- 00:43:37 85200.953125 T:1947202624 DEBUG: Output Device : HDMI
- 00:43:37 85200.953125 T:1947202624 DEBUG: Sample Rate : 44100
- 00:43:37 85200.953125 T:1947202624 DEBUG: Sample Format : AE_FMT_FLOAT
- 00:43:37 85200.953125 T:1947202624 DEBUG: Channel Count : 2
- 00:43:37 85200.953125 T:1947202624 DEBUG: Channel Layout: FL,FR
- 00:43:37 85200.953125 T:1947202624 DEBUG: Frames : 2205
- 00:43:37 85200.953125 T:1947202624 DEBUG: Frame Samples : 4410
- 00:43:37 85200.953125 T:1947202624 DEBUG: Frame Size : 8
- 00:43:37 85200.960938 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Running database version Addons19
- 00:43:37 85200.960938 T:1967714304 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/
- 00:43:37 85200.960938 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/lib/kodi/system/
- 00:43:37 85201.070312 T:1967714304 INFO: ADDON: cpluff: 'Could not read plug-in directory /usr/lib/kodi/addons: No such file or directory'
- 00:43:37 85201.070312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.json has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.070312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.070312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audiodecoder.nosefart has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.070312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.070312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.audioencoder has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.070312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in pvr.vbox has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.070312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audiodecoder.timidity has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.070312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in webinterface.default has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.070312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.070312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in kodi.audiodecoder has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.070312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.070312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in visualization.vortex has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.070312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in service.openelec.settings has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.070312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.070312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in pvr.vdr.vnsi has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.070312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in pvr.argustv has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.070312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in kodi.guilib has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.070312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audiodecoder.modplug has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.070312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in pvr.mediaportal.tvserver has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.070312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.xbmc.builtin.wma has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.070312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.vorbis has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.070312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in service.nhl-hls-proxy has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.070312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.wav has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.070312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.simplejson has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.070312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in weather.wunderground has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.070312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in screensaver.xbmc.builtin.dim has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.070312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.favourites has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.xmltodict has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.m3u8 has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in service.libraryautoupdate has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.metadata has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in pvr.wmc has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in service.xbmc.versioncheck has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in pvr.dvblink has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.flac has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in skin.confluence has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.httplib2 has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audiodecoder.ym has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in kodi.resource has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.beautifulsoup has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.gui has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.pil has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in screensaver.gles.warp has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.common.plugin.cache has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in screensaver.gles.plasma has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in pvr.vuplus has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in pvr.mythtv has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.simple.downloader has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.core has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in pvr.demo has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audiodecoder.sidplay has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.requests has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in pvr.pctv has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in repository.timewasted has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in pvr.iptvsimple has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in repository.xycl.addons has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.pvr has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in screensaver.gles.stellar has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in screensaver.gles.solarwinds has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in pvr.njoy has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in pvr.nextpvr has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in screensaver.gles.plasma2 has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.xbmc.builtin.aac has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audiodecoder.vgmstream has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.album.universal has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.xbmcbackup has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in visualization.spectrum has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in resource.language.en_gb has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in pvr.dvbviewer has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in skin.amber has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in pvr.stalker has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audiodecoder.snesapu has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.local has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.webinterface has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.lame has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.buggalo has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in resource.uisounds.confluence has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in screensaver.gles.noise has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.mechanize has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.artists.universal has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.parsedom has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.python has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in pvr.filmon has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.addon has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in visualization.waveform has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in pvr.hts has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in service.multimedia.mpd has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.codec has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
- 00:43:37 85201.078125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Not all directories were successfully scanned.'
- 00:43:37 85201.101562 T:1967714304 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository
- 00:43:37 85201.101562 T:1967714304 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository
- 00:43:37 85201.101562 T:1967714304 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository
- 00:43:37 85201.101562 T:1967714304 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.timewasted
- 00:43:37 85201.101562 T:1967714304 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.xycl.addons
- 00:43:37 85201.101562 T:1967714304 DEBUG: LoadMappings - loaded node "Motorola Nyxboard Hybrid"
- 00:43:37 85201.101562 T:1967714304 DEBUG: LoadMappings - loaded node "CEC Adapter"
- 00:43:37 85201.101562 T:1967714304 DEBUG: LoadMappings - loaded node "Pulse-Eight CEC Adapter"
- 00:43:37 85201.101562 T:1967714304 DEBUG: LoadMappings - loaded node "iMON HID device"
- 00:43:37 85201.109375 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CPeripheralBusUSB - initialised udev monitor
- 00:43:37 85201.109375 T:1967714304 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(
- 00:43:37 85201.109375 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Loading:
- 00:43:37 85201.148438 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GetMappingForDevice - device (2708:1001) mapped to CEC Adapter (type = cec)
- 00:43:37 85201.156250 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Initialise - initialised peripheral on 'RPI' with 2 features and 0 sub devices
- 00:43:37 85201.156250 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Register - new cec device registered on cec->RPI: CEC Adapter (2708:1001)
- 00:43:37 85201.187500 T:1867510848 NOTICE: Thread PeripBusUSBUdev start, auto delete: false
- 00:43:37 85201.187500 T:1858073664 NOTICE: Thread RemoteControl start, auto delete: false
- 00:43:37 85201.187500 T:1858073664 INFO: LIRC Process: using: /run/lirc/lircd
- 00:43:37 85201.187500 T:1858073664 INFO: LIRC Connect: successfully started
- 00:43:37 85201.187500 T:1858073664 DEBUG: Thread RemoteControl 1858073664 terminating
- 00:43:37 85201.203125 T:1967714304 INFO: CKeyboardLayoutManager: loading keyboard layouts from special://xbmc/system/keyboardlayouts...
- 00:43:37 85201.203125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Arabic QWERTY" successfully loaded
- 00:43:37 85201.203125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Bulgarian ЯВЕРТЪ" successfully loaded
- 00:43:37 85201.203125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Bulgarian АБВ" successfully loaded
- 00:43:37 85201.210938 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Danish QWERTY" successfully loaded
- 00:43:37 85201.210938 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "English QWERTY" successfully loaded
- 00:43:37 85201.210938 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "English AZERTY" successfully loaded
- 00:43:37 85201.210938 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "English ABC" successfully loaded
- 00:43:37 85201.210938 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "German QWERTZ" successfully loaded
- 00:43:37 85201.210938 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Greek QWERTY" successfully loaded
- 00:43:37 85201.210938 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Hebrew QWERTY" successfully loaded
- 00:43:37 85201.218750 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Hebrew ABC" successfully loaded
- 00:43:37 85201.218750 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Hungarian QWERTZ" successfully loaded
- 00:43:37 85201.218750 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Norwegian QWERTY" successfully loaded
- 00:43:37 85201.218750 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Polish QWERTY" successfully loaded
- 00:43:37 85201.218750 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Portuguese (Portugal) QWERTY" successfully loaded
- 00:43:37 85201.218750 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Russian ЙЦУКЕН" successfully loaded
- 00:43:37 85201.226562 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Russian АБВ" successfully loaded
- 00:43:37 85201.226562 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Spanish QWERTY" successfully loaded
- 00:43:37 85201.226562 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Swedish QWERTY" successfully loaded
- 00:43:37 85201.226562 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Turkish QWERTY" successfully loaded
- 00:43:37 85201.226562 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Ukrainian ЙЦУКЕН" successfully loaded
- 00:43:37 85201.226562 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Ukrainian АБВ" successfully loaded
- 00:43:37 85201.234375 T:1967714304 DEBUG: UDisks: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown - The name org.freedesktop.UDisks was not provided by any .service files
- 00:43:37 85201.234375 T:1967714304 DEBUG: DeviceKit.Disks: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown - The name org.freedesktop.DeviceKit.Disks was not provided by any .service files
- 00:43:37 85201.234375 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Selected UDev as storage provider
- 00:43:37 85201.234375 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Raspberry PI firmware version: May 1 2015 18:56:06
- Copyright (c) 2012 Broadcom
- version f5f5ba5f2423c3dff6ccd4ca4b832264cd33f12a (clean) (release)
- 00:43:37 85201.234375 T:1967714304 NOTICE: ARM mem: 752MB GPU mem: 256MB MPG2:1 WVC1:1
- 00:43:37 85201.234375 T:1967714304 NOTICE: cacheMemBufferSize: 2MB
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Config:
- arm_control=0xa5800010
- arm_freq=1100
- avoid_fix_ts=1
- config_hdmi_boost=2
- core_freq=520
- disable_commandline_tags=2
- disable_l2cache=1
- emmc_pll_core=1
- force_eeprom_read=1
- force_pwm_open=1
- framebuffer_ignore_alpha=1
- framebuffer_swap=1
- hdmi_channel_map=8
- hdmi_force_cec_address=65535
- hdmi_ignore_cec_init=1
- over_voltage=8
- over_voltage_avs=0x1b774
- over_voltage_sdram=6
- pause_burst_frames=1
- program_serial_random=1
- sdram_freq=520
- temp_limit=85
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Config:
- decode_MPG2=0x5b7229d
- decode_WVC1=0x4bbe8c9
- device_tree=-
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: DllBcm: Using omx system library
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: InitWindowSystem: Using EGL Implementation: raspberrypi
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: EGL initial desktop resolution 1920x1080 (1920x1080) @ 60.00 - Full Screen (1.00)
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: EGL get supported modes (1) = 8, prefer_group=1, prefer_mode=10
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: EGL mode 0: 640x480 (640x480) @ 60.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :1
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: EGL mode 1: 720x480 (720x480) @ 60.00 - Full Screen (0.89) :2
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: EGL mode 2: 720x480 (720x480) @ 60.00 - Full Screen (1.19) :3
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: EGL mode 3: 1280x720 (1280x720) @ 60.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :4
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: EGL mode 4: 1920x1080 (1920x1080) @ 60.00i - Full Screen (1.00) I:5
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: EGL mode 5: 1920x1080 (1920x1080) @ 60.00 - Full Screen (1.00) N:10
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: EGL mode 6: 1920x1080 (1920x1080) @ 24.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :20
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: EGL mode 7: 1920x1080 (1920x1080) @ 30.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :22
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: EGL get supported modes (2) = 18, prefer_group=1, prefer_mode=10
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: EGL mode 0: 640x480 (640x480) @ 60.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :4
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: EGL mode 1: 640x480 (640x480) @ 72.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :5
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: EGL mode 2: 640x480 (640x480) @ 75.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :6
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: EGL mode 3: 800x600 (800x600) @ 60.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :9
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: EGL mode 4: 800x600 (800x600) @ 72.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :a
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: EGL mode 5: 800x600 (800x600) @ 75.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :b
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: EGL mode 6: 1024x768 (1024x768) @ 60.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :10
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: EGL mode 7: 1024x768 (1024x768) @ 70.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :11
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: EGL mode 8: 1024x768 (1024x768) @ 75.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :12
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: EGL mode 9: 1152x864 (1152x864) @ 75.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :15
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: EGL mode 10: 1280x800 (1280x800) @ 60.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :1c
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: EGL mode 11: 1280x960 (1280x960) @ 60.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :20
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: EGL mode 12: 1280x1024 (1280x1024) @ 60.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :23
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: EGL mode 13: 1280x1024 (1280x1024) @ 75.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :24
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: EGL mode 14: 1360x768 (1360x768) @ 60.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :27
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: EGL mode 15: 1440x900 (1440x900) @ 60.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :2f
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: EGL mode 16: 1440x900 (1440x900) @ 75.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :30
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: EGL mode 17: 1680x1050 (1680x1050) @ 60.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :3a
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 640 x 480 for display 0 with 640 x 480 @ 60.000000 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 640 x 480 for display 0 with 640 x 480 @ 59.940063 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 720 x 480 for display 0 with 720 x 480 @ 60.000000 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 720 x 480 for display 0 with 720 x 480 @ 59.940063 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280 x 720 for display 0 with 1280 x 720 @ 60.000000 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280 x 720 for display 0 with 1280 x 720 @ 59.940063 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 for display 0 with 1920 x 1080 @ 60.000000 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 for display 0 with 1920 x 1080 @ 59.940063 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 for display 0 with 1920 x 1080 @ 24.000000 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 for display 0 with 1920 x 1080 @ 23.976025 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 for display 0 with 1920 x 1080 @ 30.000000 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 for display 0 with 1920 x 1080 @ 29.970032 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 640 x 480 for display 0 with 640 x 480 @ 72.000000 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 640 x 480 for display 0 with 640 x 480 @ 75.000000 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 800 x 600 for display 0 with 800 x 600 @ 60.000000 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 800 x 600 for display 0 with 800 x 600 @ 59.940063 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 800 x 600 for display 0 with 800 x 600 @ 72.000000 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 800 x 600 for display 0 with 800 x 600 @ 75.000000 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 1024 x 768 for display 0 with 1024 x 768 @ 60.000000 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 1024 x 768 for display 0 with 1024 x 768 @ 59.940063 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 1024 x 768 for display 0 with 1024 x 768 @ 70.000000 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 1024 x 768 for display 0 with 1024 x 768 @ 75.000000 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 1152 x 864 for display 0 with 1152 x 864 @ 75.000000 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280 x 800 for display 0 with 1280 x 800 @ 60.000000 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280 x 800 for display 0 with 1280 x 800 @ 59.940063 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280 x 960 for display 0 with 1280 x 960 @ 60.000000 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280 x 960 for display 0 with 1280 x 960 @ 59.940063 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280 x 1024 for display 0 with 1280 x 1024 @ 60.000000 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280 x 1024 for display 0 with 1280 x 1024 @ 59.940063 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280 x 1024 for display 0 with 1280 x 1024 @ 75.000000 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 1360 x 768 for display 0 with 1360 x 768 @ 60.000000 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 1360 x 768 for display 0 with 1360 x 768 @ 59.940063 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 1440 x 900 for display 0 with 1440 x 900 @ 60.000000 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 1440 x 900 for display 0 with 1440 x 900 @ 59.940063 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 1440 x 900 for display 0 with 1440 x 900 @ 75.000000 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 1680 x 1050 for display 0 with 1680 x 1050 @ 60.000000 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found resolution 1680 x 1050 for display 0 with 1680 x 1050 @ 59.940063 Hz
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Found (1920x1080@60.000000) at 22, setting to RES_DESKTOP at 16
- 00:43:37 85201.242188 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Checking resolution 16
- 00:43:43 85206.804688 T:1967714304 DEBUG: EGL set HDMI mode (1,16)=0
- 00:43:43 85206.875000 T:1919939648 DEBUG: EGL tv_service_callback (8,1,16)
- 00:43:43 85206.875000 T:1967714304 DEBUG: EGL set resolution 1920x1080 -> 1920x1080 @ 60.00 fps (1,16) flags:10010004 aspect:1.00
- 00:43:43 85206.898438 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CreateWindow: Created surface of size 1920x1080
- 00:43:43 85206.898438 T:1967714304 NOTICE: GL_VENDOR = Broadcom
- 00:43:43 85206.898438 T:1967714304 NOTICE: GL_RENDERER = VideoCore IV HW
- 00:43:43 85206.898438 T:1967714304 NOTICE: GL_VERSION = OpenGL ES 2.0
- 00:43:43 85206.898438 T:1967714304 NOTICE: GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION = OpenGL ES GLSL ES 1.00
- 00:43:43 85206.898438 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GLES: Extension Support Test - GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info NO
- 00:43:43 85206.898438 T:1967714304 NOTICE: GL_EXTENSIONS = GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_depth32 GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_APPLE_rgb_422 GL_EXT_debug_marker
- 00:43:43 85206.898438 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GLES: Extension Support Test - GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 YES
- 00:43:43 85206.898438 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GLES: Extension Support Test - GL_IMG_texture_format_BGRA8888 NO
- 00:43:43 85206.898438 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GLES: Extension Support Test - GL_APPLE_texture_format_BGRA8888 NO
- 00:43:43 85206.898438 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
- 00:43:43 85206.906250 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Compiled
- 00:43:43 85206.906250 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
- 00:43:43 85206.906250 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
- 00:43:43 85206.906250 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Compiled
- 00:43:43 85206.906250 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
- 00:43:43 85206.921875 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_default.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0x32bc9a0
- 00:43:43 85206.921875 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
- 00:43:43 85206.921875 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Compiled
- 00:43:43 85206.921875 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
- 00:43:43 85206.921875 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
- 00:43:43 85206.921875 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Compiled
- 00:43:43 85206.921875 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
- 00:43:43 85206.945312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_texture.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0x311e090
- 00:43:43 85206.945312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
- 00:43:43 85206.945312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Compiled
- 00:43:43 85206.945312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
- 00:43:43 85206.945312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
- 00:43:43 85206.945312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Compiled
- 00:43:43 85206.945312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
- 00:43:43 85206.968750 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_multi.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0x32bd778
- 00:43:43 85206.968750 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
- 00:43:43 85206.968750 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Compiled
- 00:43:43 85206.968750 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
- 00:43:43 85206.968750 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
- 00:43:43 85206.968750 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Compiled
- 00:43:43 85206.968750 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
- 00:43:43 85206.992188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_fonts.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0x32de998
- 00:43:43 85206.992188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
- 00:43:43 85206.992188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Compiled
- 00:43:43 85206.992188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
- 00:43:43 85206.992188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
- 00:43:43 85206.992188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Compiled
- 00:43:43 85206.992188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
- 00:43:43 85207.015625 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_texture_noblend.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0x32bcac0
- 00:43:43 85207.015625 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
- 00:43:43 85207.015625 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Compiled
- 00:43:43 85207.015625 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
- 00:43:43 85207.015625 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
- 00:43:43 85207.015625 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Compiled
- 00:43:43 85207.015625 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
- 00:43:43 85207.039062 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_multi_blendcolor.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0x32bcb38
- 00:43:43 85207.039062 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
- 00:43:43 85207.039062 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Compiled
- 00:43:43 85207.039062 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
- 00:43:43 85207.039062 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
- 00:43:43 85207.039062 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Compiled
- 00:43:43 85207.039062 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
- 00:43:43 85207.062500 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_rgba.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0x32e6d68
- 00:43:43 85207.062500 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GLES: Extension Support Test - GL_OES_EGL_image_external YES
- 00:43:43 85207.062500 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
- 00:43:43 85207.062500 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Compiled
- 00:43:43 85207.062500 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
- 00:43:43 85207.062500 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
- 00:43:43 85207.062500 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Compiled
- 00:43:43 85207.062500 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
- 00:43:43 85207.085938 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_rgba_oes.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0x30bbb70
- 00:43:43 85207.085938 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
- 00:43:43 85207.085938 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Compiled
- 00:43:43 85207.085938 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
- 00:43:43 85207.093750 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
- 00:43:43 85207.093750 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Compiled
- 00:43:43 85207.093750 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
- 00:43:43 85207.109375 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_rgba_blendcolor.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0x32bd560
- 00:43:43 85207.117188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
- 00:43:43 85207.117188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Compiled
- 00:43:43 85207.117188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
- 00:43:43 85207.117188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
- 00:43:43 85207.117188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Compiled
- 00:43:43 85207.117188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
- 00:43:43 85207.140625 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_rgba_bob.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0x30bbc50
- 00:43:43 85207.140625 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
- 00:43:43 85207.140625 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Compiled
- 00:43:43 85207.140625 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
- 00:43:43 85207.140625 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
- 00:43:43 85207.140625 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Compiled
- 00:43:43 85207.140625 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
- 00:43:43 85207.171875 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_rgba_bob_oes.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0x30bbcc8
- 00:43:43 85207.171875 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CWinSystemEGL::CreateNewWindow: No need to create a new window
- 00:43:43 85207.171875 T:1967714304 INFO: GLES: Maximum texture width: 2048
- 00:43:43 85207.171875 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CRenderManager::UpdateDisplayLatency - Latency set to 0 msec
- 00:43:43 85207.171875 T:1967714304 INFO: load default splash image: /usr/share/kodi/media/Splash.png
- 00:43:43 85207.171875 T:1967714304 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/
- 00:43:43 85207.171875 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/lib/kodi/system/
- 00:43:43 85207.242188 T:1967714304 INFO: load keymapping
- 00:43:43 85207.257812 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/appcommand.xml
- 00:43:43 85207.257812 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/gamepad.xml
- 00:43:43 85207.273438 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Alienware.Dual.Compatible.Controller.xml
- 00:43:43 85207.273438 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.AppleRemote.xml
- 00:43:43 85207.289062 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Interact.AxisPad.xml
- 00:43:43 85207.289062 T:1967714304 ERROR: Error reading joystick map element, Invalid id: 0
- 00:43:43 85207.289062 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Logitech.RumblePad.2.xml
- 00:43:43 85207.296875 T:1967714304 ERROR: Error reading joystick map element, Invalid id: 0
- 00:43:43 85207.296875 T:1967714304 ERROR: Previous line repeats 25 times.
- 00:43:43 85207.296875 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Microsoft.Xbox.360.Controller.xml
- 00:43:43 85207.328125 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Microsoft.Xbox.Controller.S.xml
- 00:43:43 85207.335938 T:1967714304 ERROR: Error reading joystick map element, Invalid id: 0
- 00:43:43 85207.351562 T:1967714304 ERROR: Previous line repeats 98 times.
- 00:43:43 85207.351562 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Nintendo.Wii.U.Pro.Controller.xml
- 00:43:44 85207.351562 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Ouya.Controller.xml
- 00:43:44 85207.359375 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.PS3.Remote.Keyboard.xml
- 00:43:44 85207.359375 T:1967714304 ERROR: Error reading joystick map element, Invalid id: 0
- 00:43:44 85207.367188 T:1967714304 ERROR: Previous line repeats 13 times.
- 00:43:44 85207.367188 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.PS4.Controller.xml
- 00:43:44 85207.367188 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Sony.PLAYSTATION(R)3.Controller.xml
- 00:43:44 85207.375000 T:1967714304 ERROR: Error reading joystick map element, Invalid id: 0
- 00:43:44 85207.382812 T:1967714304 ERROR: Previous line repeats 109 times.
- 00:43:44 85207.382812 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.WiiRemote.xml
- 00:43:44 85207.390625 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/keyboard.xml
- 00:43:44 85207.406250 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/mouse.xml
- 00:43:44 85207.406250 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/remote.xml
- 00:43:44 85207.429688 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/touchscreen.xml
- 00:43:44 85207.429688 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/Lircmap.xml
- 00:43:44 85207.437500 T:1967714304 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'mceusb'
- 00:43:44 85207.437500 T:1967714304 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'XboxDVDDongle'
- 00:43:44 85207.437500 T:1967714304 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'Microsoft_Xbox'
- 00:43:44 85207.437500 T:1967714304 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'PinnacleSysPCTVRemote'
- 00:43:44 85207.437500 T:1967714304 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'anysee'
- 00:43:44 85207.437500 T:1967714304 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'iMON-PAD'
- 00:43:44 85207.437500 T:1967714304 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'Antec_Veris_RM200'
- 00:43:44 85207.437500 T:1967714304 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'MCE_via_iMON'
- 00:43:44 85207.437500 T:1967714304 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'TwinHanRemote'
- 00:43:44 85207.437500 T:1967714304 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'linux-input-layer'
- 00:43:44 85207.437500 T:1967714304 INFO: * Linking remote mapping for 'linux-input-layer' to 'cx23885_remote'
- 00:43:44 85207.437500 T:1967714304 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'mediacenter'
- 00:43:44 85207.437500 T:1967714304 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'devinput'
- 00:43:44 85207.437500 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading special://profile/Lircmap.xml
- 00:43:44 85207.445312 T:1967714304 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'mceusb'
- 00:43:44 85207.445312 T:1967714304 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'XboxDVDDongle'
- 00:43:44 85207.445312 T:1967714304 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'Microsoft_Xbox'
- 00:43:44 85207.445312 T:1967714304 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'PinnacleSysPCTVRemote'
- 00:43:44 85207.445312 T:1967714304 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'anysee'
- 00:43:44 85207.445312 T:1967714304 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'iMON-PAD'
- 00:43:44 85207.445312 T:1967714304 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'Antec_Veris_RM200'
- 00:43:44 85207.445312 T:1967714304 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'MCE_via_iMON'
- 00:43:44 85207.445312 T:1967714304 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'TwinHanRemote'
- 00:43:44 85207.445312 T:1967714304 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'linux-input-layer'
- 00:43:44 85207.445312 T:1967714304 INFO: * Linking remote mapping for 'linux-input-layer' to 'cx23885_remote'
- 00:43:44 85207.445312 T:1967714304 INFO: * Linking remote mapping for 'linux-input-layer' to 'devinput'
- 00:43:44 85207.445312 T:1967714304 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'mediacenter'
- 00:43:44 85207.453125 T:1967714304 INFO: GUI format 1920x1080, Display 1920x1080 (1920x1080) @ 60.00 - Full Screen
- 00:43:44 85207.453125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: guilib: Fill viewport on change for solving rendering passes
- 00:43:44 85207.453125 T:1967714304 INFO: CLangInfo: loading resource.language.en_gb language information...
- 00:43:44 85207.453125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: trying to set locale to en_CA.UTF-8
- 00:43:44 85207.453125 T:1967714304 INFO: global locale set to C
- 00:43:44 85207.453125 T:1967714304 INFO: CLangInfo: loading resource.language.en_gb language strings...
- 00:43:44 85207.500000 T:1967714304 DEBUG: POParser: loaded 3356 strings from file resource://resource.language.en_gb/strings.po
- 00:43:44 85207.500000 T:1967714304 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(
- 00:43:44 85207.500000 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Loading:
- 00:43:44 85207.515625 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Running database version Addons19
- 00:43:44 85207.515625 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Initialize, updating databases...
- 00:43:44 85207.515625 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Running database version ViewModes6
- 00:43:44 85207.515625 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Running database version Textures13
- 00:43:44 85207.523438 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Running database version MyMusic52
- 00:43:44 85207.539062 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Running database version MyVideos92
- 00:43:44 85207.546875 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Running database version TV29
- 00:43:44 85207.546875 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Running database version Epg10
- 00:43:44 85207.546875 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Initialize, updating databases... DONE
- 00:43:44 85207.546875 T:1967714304 NOTICE: start dvd mediatype detection
- 00:43:44 85207.546875 T:1967714304 INFO: DPMS: not supported on this platform
- 00:43:44 85207.554688 T:1877038144 NOTICE: Thread DetectDVDMedia start, auto delete: false
- 00:43:44 85207.554688 T:1877038144 DEBUG: Compiled with libcdio Version 0.92
- 00:43:44 85207.554688 T:1877038144 DEBUG: Thread DetectDVDMedia 1877038144 terminating
- 00:43:44 85207.593750 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnClear from xbmc
- 00:43:44 85207.593750 T:1967714304 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 2, from xbmc, message OnClear
- 00:43:44 85207.593750 T:1967714304 INFO: Unloading old skin ...
- 00:43:44 85207.593750 T:1967714304 INFO: load skin from: /storage/.kodi/addons/skin.amber (version: 2.0.14)
- 00:43:44 85207.593750 T:1967714304 INFO: load fonts for skin...
- 00:43:44 85207.601562 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading fonts from /storage/.kodi/addons/skin.amber/1080i/Font.xml
- 00:43:44 85207.710938 T:1967714304 DEBUG: POParser: loaded 106 strings from file /storage/.kodi/addons/skin.amber/language/English/strings.po
- 00:43:44 85207.710938 T:1967714304 DEBUG: POParser: loaded 0 strings from file /storage/.kodi/addons/skin.amber/language/English/strings.po
- 00:43:44 85207.710938 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading skin includes from /storage/.kodi/addons/skin.amber/1080i/Includes.xml
- 00:43:44 85208.156250 T:1967714304 INFO: load new skin...
- 00:43:44 85208.156250 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading user windows, path /storage/.kodi/addons/skin.amber/1080i
- 00:43:44 85208.195312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Load Skin XML: 36.19ms
- 00:43:44 85208.195312 T:1967714304 INFO: initialize new skin...
- 00:43:44 85208.195312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: guilib: Fill viewport on change for solving rendering passes
- 00:43:44 85208.195312 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading skin file: Pointer.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
- 00:43:44 85208.195312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: OpenBundle - Opened bundle /storage/.kodi/addons/skin.amber/media/Textures.xbt
- 00:43:44 85208.203125 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogVolumeBar.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
- 00:43:44 85208.203125 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogKaiToast.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
- 00:43:44 85208.210938 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogMuteBug.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
- 00:43:44 85208.210938 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogSeekBar.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
- 00:43:44 85208.226562 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading skin file: VideoOSDSettings.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
- 00:43:44 85208.242188 T:1967714304 INFO: Previous line repeats 1 times.
- 00:43:44 85208.242188 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogBusy.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
- 00:43:44 85208.242188 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogExtendedProgressBar.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
- 00:43:44 85208.250000 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogSubtitles.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
- 00:43:44 85208.273438 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogPVRChannelsOSD.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
- 00:43:44 85208.281250 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogPVRGuideOSD.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
- 00:43:44 85208.289062 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading skin file: VideoOSD.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
- 00:43:44 85208.335938 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading /storage/.kodi/addons/skin.amber/sounds/sounds.xml
- 00:43:45 85208.390625 T:1967714304 INFO: skin loaded...
- 00:43:45 85208.421875 T:1967714304 DEBUG: JSONRPC: JSON schema type broadcastnext references an unknown type PVR.Details.Broadcast
- 00:43:45 85208.421875 T:1967714304 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type "PVR.Details.Channel"
- 00:43:45 85208.421875 T:1967714304 INFO: JSONRPC: Adding type "PVR.Details.Channel" to list of incomplete definitions (waiting for "PVR.Details.Broadcast")
- 00:43:45 85208.421875 T:1967714304 DEBUG: JSONRPC: JSON schema type references an unknown type PVR.Details.Channel
- 00:43:45 85208.421875 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Invalid item definition in "items" for type channels
- 00:43:45 85208.421875 T:1967714304 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type "PVR.Details.ChannelGroup.Extended"
- 00:43:45 85208.421875 T:1967714304 INFO: JSONRPC: Adding type "PVR.Details.ChannelGroup.Extended" to list of incomplete definitions (waiting for "PVR.Details.Channel")
- 00:43:45 85208.421875 T:1967714304 INFO: JSONRPC: Resolving incomplete types/methods referencing PVR.Details.Broadcast
- 00:43:45 85208.429688 T:1967714304 INFO: JSONRPC: Resolving incomplete types/methods referencing PVR.Details.Channel
- 00:43:45 85208.445312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: JSONRPC: JSON schema type stereoscopicmode references an unknown type GUI.Stereoscopy.Mode
- 00:43:45 85208.445312 T:1967714304 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type "GUI.Property.Value"
- 00:43:45 85208.445312 T:1967714304 INFO: JSONRPC: Adding type "GUI.Property.Value" to list of incomplete definitions (waiting for "GUI.Stereoscopy.Mode")
- 00:43:45 85208.445312 T:1967714304 INFO: JSONRPC: Resolving incomplete types/methods referencing GUI.Stereoscopy.Mode
- 00:43:45 85208.453125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: JSONRPC: JSON schema type definition references an unknown type Setting.Details.Setting
- 00:43:45 85208.453125 T:1967714304 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type "Setting.Details.SettingList"
- 00:43:45 85208.453125 T:1967714304 INFO: JSONRPC: Adding type "Setting.Details.SettingList" to list of incomplete definitions (waiting for "Setting.Details.Setting")
- 00:43:45 85208.453125 T:1967714304 INFO: JSONRPC: Resolving incomplete types/methods referencing Setting.Details.Setting
- 00:43:45 85208.546875 T:1967714304 INFO: JSONRPC v6.25.1: Successfully initialized
- 00:43:45 85208.546875 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: Starting service addons.
- 00:43:45 85208.554688 T:1858073664 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
- 00:43:45 85208.554688 T:1858073664 INFO: initializing python engine.
- 00:43:45 85208.554688 T:1848153152 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
- 00:43:45 85208.554688 T:1848153152 INFO: initializing python engine.
- 00:43:45 85208.554688 T:1839764544 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
- 00:43:45 85208.554688 T:1839764544 INFO: initializing python engine.
- 00:43:45 85208.554688 T:1831375936 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
- 00:43:45 85208.554688 T:1831375936 INFO: initializing python engine.
- 00:43:45 85208.554688 T:1822987328 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
- 00:43:45 85208.554688 T:1822987328 INFO: initializing python engine.
- 00:43:45 85208.554688 T:1814598720 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
- 00:43:45 85208.554688 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 12999
- 00:43:45 85208.554688 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Startup.xml) ------
- 00:43:45 85208.554688 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading skin file: Startup.xml, load type: LOAD_EVERY_TIME
- 00:43:45 85208.562500 T:1967714304 INFO: removing tempfiles
- 00:43:45 85208.570312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ADDON: Starting service addons.
- 00:43:45 85208.570312 T:1783395392 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
- 00:43:45 85208.570312 T:1783395392 INFO: initializing python engine.
- 00:43:45 85208.570312 T:1775006784 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
- 00:43:45 85208.570312 T:1775006784 INFO: initializing python engine.
- 00:43:45 85208.570312 T:1766618176 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
- 00:43:45 85208.570312 T:1766618176 INFO: initializing python engine.
- 00:43:45 85208.570312 T:1967714304 NOTICE: initialize done
- 00:43:45 85208.570312 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Running the application...
- 00:43:45 85208.578125 T:1814598720 NOTICE: PVRManager - starting up
- 00:43:45 85208.578125 T:1758229568 NOTICE: Thread PVRManager start, auto delete: false
- 00:43:45 85208.578125 T:1749840960 NOTICE: Thread PVRClient start, auto delete: false
- 00:43:45 85208.578125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: no profile (/storage/.kodi/userdata/ found, skipping
- 00:43:45 85208.578125 T:1967714304 DEBUG: NetworkMessage - Starting network services
- 00:43:45 85208.593750 T:1749840960 DEBUG: PVR - Create - creating PVR add-on instance 'MythTV PVR Client'
- 00:43:45 85208.593750 T:1749840960 DEBUG: ADDON: Dll Initializing - MythTV PVR Client
- 00:43:45 85208.593750 T:1749840960 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(/usr/lib/kodi/addons/pvr.mythtv/
- 00:43:45 85208.593750 T:1749840960 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/lib/kodi/addons/pvr.mythtv/
- 00:43:45 85208.601562 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Creating MythTV PVR-Client
- 00:43:45 85208.601562 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Addon compiled with XBMC_PVR_API_VERSION: 1.9.6 and XBMC_PVR_MIN_API_VERSION: 1.9.6
- 00:43:45 85208.601562 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Register handle @ libXBMC_addon...done
- 00:43:45 85208.601562 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Checking props...
- 00:43:45 85208.601562 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Checking props...done
- 00:43:45 85208.601562 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Register handle @ libXBMC_pvr...
- 00:43:45 85208.601562 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Register handle @ libXBMC_pvr...done
- 00:43:45 85208.601562 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Register handle @ libXBMC_gui...
- 00:43:45 85208.609375 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Register handle @ libXBMC_gui...done
- 00:43:45 85208.609375 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Register handle @ libXBMC_codec...
- 00:43:45 85208.609375 T:1967714304 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::clientCallback: client is up and running
- 00:43:45 85208.609375 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Register handle @ libXBMC_codec...done
- 00:43:45 85208.609375 T:1967714304 NOTICE: starting zeroconf publishing
- 00:43:45 85208.609375 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Loading settings...
- 00:43:45 85208.609375 T:1967714304 NOTICE: Webserver: Starting...
- 00:43:45 85208.609375 T:1749840960 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - GetAddonSetting - add-on 'MythTV PVR Client' requests setting 'host'
- 00:43:45 85208.609375 T:1967714304 NOTICE: WebServer: Started the webserver
- 00:43:45 85208.609375 T:1814598720 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::doPublishService identifier: servers.webserver type: _http._tcp name:Kodi (OpenelecRPI) port:8080
- 00:43:45 85208.609375 T:1967714304 NOTICE: starting upnp client
- 00:43:45 85208.609375 T:1713370176 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
- 00:43:45 85208.609375 T:1814598720 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::addService() named: Kodi (OpenelecRPI) type: _http._tcp port:8080
- 00:43:45 85208.609375 T:1713370176 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::doPublishService identifier: servers.jsonrpc-http type: _xbmc-jsonrpc-h._tcp name:Kodi (OpenelecRPI) port:8080
- 00:43:45 85208.609375 T:1967714304 NOTICE: ES: Starting event server
- 00:43:45 85208.617188 T:1967714304 INFO: JSONRPC Server: Successfully initialized
- 00:43:45 85208.617188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(
- 00:43:45 85208.617188 T:1654649920 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
- 00:43:45 85208.617188 T:1654649920 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::doPublishService identifier: servers.jsonrpc-tpc type: _xbmc-jsonrpc._tcp name:Kodi (OpenelecRPI) port:9090
- 00:43:45 85208.617188 T:1671427136 NOTICE: Thread EventServer start, auto delete: false
- 00:43:45 85208.617188 T:1671427136 NOTICE: ES: Starting UDP Event server on
- 00:43:45 85208.617188 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Loading:
- 00:43:45 85208.617188 T:1671427136 NOTICE: UDP: Listening on port 9777
- 00:43:45 85208.617188 T:1663038528 NOTICE: Thread TCPServer start, auto delete: false
- 00:43:45 85208.617188 T:1749840960 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - GetAddonSetting - add-on 'MythTV PVR Client' requests setting 'port'
- 00:43:45 85208.617188 T:1814598720 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::doPublishService identifier: servers.eventserver type: _xbmc-events._udp name:Kodi (OpenelecRPI) port:9777
- 00:43:45 85208.617188 T:1713370176 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::addService() named: Kodi (OpenelecRPI) type: _xbmc-jsonrpc-h._tcp port:8080
- 00:43:45 85208.617188 T:1967714304 INFO: AIRPLAY: Cleaning up photoassetcache
- 00:43:45 85208.617188 T:1749840960 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - GetAddonSetting - add-on 'MythTV PVR Client' requests setting 'wsport'
- 00:43:45 85208.625000 T:1749840960 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - GetAddonSetting - add-on 'MythTV PVR Client' requests setting 'wssecuritypin'
- 00:43:45 85208.625000 T:1713370176 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::doPublishService identifier: servers.airtunes type: _raop._tcp name:B827EB58F9DA@Kodi (OpenelecRPI) port:36666
- 00:43:45 85208.625000 T:1654649920 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::addService() named: Kodi (OpenelecRPI) type: _xbmc-jsonrpc._tcp port:9090
- 00:43:45 85208.625000 T:1967714304 INFO: AIRPLAY Server: Successfully initialized
- 00:43:45 85208.625000 T:1749840960 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - GetAddonSetting - add-on 'MythTV PVR Client' requests setting 'extradebug'
- 00:43:45 85208.625000 T:1637872704 NOTICE: Thread AirPlayServer start, auto delete: false
- 00:43:45 85208.632812 T:1654649920 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::doPublishService identifier: servers.airplay type: _airplay._tcp name:Kodi (OpenelecRPI) port:36667
- 00:43:45 85208.632812 T:1814598720 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::addService() named: Kodi (OpenelecRPI) type: _xbmc-events._udp port:9777
- 00:43:45 85208.632812 T:1749840960 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - GetAddonSetting - add-on 'MythTV PVR Client' requests setting 'livetv'
- 00:43:45 85208.632812 T:1749840960 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - GetAddonSetting - add-on 'MythTV PVR Client' requests setting 'livetv_conflict_strategy'
- 00:43:45 85208.632812 T:1713370176 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::addService() named: B827EB58F9DA@Kodi (OpenelecRPI) type: _raop._tcp port:36666
- 00:43:45 85208.632812 T:1749840960 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - GetAddonSetting - add-on 'MythTV PVR Client' requests setting 'rec_template_provider'
- 00:43:45 85208.640625 T:1749840960 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - GetAddonSetting - add-on 'MythTV PVR Client' requests setting 'rec_autometadata'
- 00:43:45 85208.640625 T:1654649920 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::addService() named: Kodi (OpenelecRPI) type: _airplay._tcp port:36667
- 00:43:45 85208.640625 T:1749840960 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - GetAddonSetting - add-on 'MythTV PVR Client' requests setting 'rec_autocommflag'
- 00:43:45 85208.648438 T:1749840960 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - GetAddonSetting - add-on 'MythTV PVR Client' requests setting 'rec_autotranscode'
- 00:43:45 85208.648438 T:1749840960 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - GetAddonSetting - add-on 'MythTV PVR Client' requests setting 'rec_autorunjob1'
- 00:43:45 85208.648438 T:1749840960 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - GetAddonSetting - add-on 'MythTV PVR Client' requests setting 'rec_autorunjob2'
- 00:43:45 85208.656250 T:1749840960 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - GetAddonSetting - add-on 'MythTV PVR Client' requests setting 'rec_autorunjob3'
- 00:43:45 85208.656250 T:1749840960 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - GetAddonSetting - add-on 'MythTV PVR Client' requests setting 'rec_autorunjob4'
- 00:43:45 85208.656250 T:1749840960 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - GetAddonSetting - add-on 'MythTV PVR Client' requests setting 'rec_autoexpire'
- 00:43:45 85208.664062 T:1749840960 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - GetAddonSetting - add-on 'MythTV PVR Client' requests setting 'rec_transcoder'
- 00:43:45 85208.664062 T:1749840960 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - GetAddonSetting - add-on 'MythTV PVR Client' requests setting 'demuxing'
- 00:43:45 85208.664062 T:1749840960 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - GetAddonSetting - add-on 'MythTV PVR Client' requests setting 'tunedelay'
- 00:43:45 85208.671875 T:1749840960 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - GetAddonSetting - add-on 'MythTV PVR Client' requests setting 'host_ether'
- 00:43:45 85208.671875 T:1749840960 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - GetAddonSetting - add-on 'MythTV PVR Client' requests setting 'group_recordings'
- 00:43:45 85208.671875 T:1749840960 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - GetAddonSetting - add-on 'MythTV PVR Client' requests setting 'enable_edl'
- 00:43:45 85208.679688 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ------ Window Init () ------
- 00:43:45 85208.679688 T:1749840960 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - GetAddonSetting - add-on 'MythTV PVR Client' requests setting 'block_shutdown'
- 00:43:45 85208.679688 T:1749840960 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - GetAddonSetting - add-on 'MythTV PVR Client' requests setting 'channel_icons'
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - GetAddonSetting - add-on 'MythTV PVR Client' requests setting 'recording_icons'
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Loading settings...done
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Creating MythTV client...
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Loading EIT categories from file '/usr/share/kodi/addons/pvr.mythtv/resources/eit_categories.txt'
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Movie] for category 10
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Movie - Detective/Thriller] for category 11
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Movie - Adventure/Western/War] for category 12
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Movie - Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror] for category 13
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Movie - Comedy] for category 14
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Movie - Soap/melodrama/folkloric] for category 15
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Movie - Romance] for category 16
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Movie - Serious/Classical/Religious/Historical Movie/Drama] for category 17
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Movie - Adult] for category 18
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Drama] for category 1F
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [News] for category 20
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [News/weather report] for category 21
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [News magazine] for category 22
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Documentary] for category 23
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Intelligent Programmes] for category 24
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Entertainment] for category 30
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Game Show] for category 31
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Variety Show] for category 32
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Talk Show] for category 33
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Sports] for category 40
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Special Events (World Cup, World Series, etc)] for category 41
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Sports Magazines] for category 42
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Football (Soccer)] for category 43
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Tennis/Squash] for category 44
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Misc. Team Sports] for category 45
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Athletics] for category 46
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Motor Sport] for category 47
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Water Sport] for category 48
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Winter Sports] for category 49
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Equestrian] for category 4A
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Martial Sports] for category 4B
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Kids] for category 50
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Pre-School Children's Programmes] for category 51
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Entertainment Programmes for 6 to 14] for category 52
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Entertainment Programmes for 10 to 16] for category 53
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Informational/Educational] for category 54
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Cartoons/Puppets] for category 55
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Music/Ballet/Dance] for category 60
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Rock/Pop] for category 61
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Classical Music] for category 62
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Folk Music] for category 63
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Jazz] for category 64
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Musical/Opera] for category 65
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Ballet] for category 66
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Arts/Culture] for category 70
- 00:43:45 85208.687500 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Performing Arts] for category 71
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Fine Arts] for category 72
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Religion] for category 73
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Popular Culture/Traditional Arts] for category 74
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Literature] for category 75
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Film/Cinema] for category 76
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Experimental Film/Video] for category 77
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Broadcasting/Press] for category 78
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [New Media] for category 79
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Arts/Culture Magazines] for category 7A
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Fashion] for category 7B
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Social/Policical/Economics] for category 80
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Magazines/Reports/Documentary] for category 81
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Economics/Social Advisory] for category 82
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Remarkable People] for category 83
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Education/Science/Factual] for category 90
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Nature/animals/Environment] for category 91
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Technology/Natural Sciences] for category 92
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Medicine/Physiology/Psychology] for category 93
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Foreign Countries/Expeditions] for category 94
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Social/Spiritual Sciences] for category 95
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Further Education] for category 96
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Languages] for category 97
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Leisure/Hobbies] for category A0
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Tourism/Travel] for category A1
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Handicraft] for category A2
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Motoring] for category A3
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Fitness & Health] for category A4
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Cooking] for category A5
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Advertizement/Shopping] for category A6
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Gardening] for category A7
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Original Language] for category B0
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Black & White] for category B1
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Pointer.xml) ------
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name ["Unpublished" Programmes] for category B2
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Live Broadcast] for category B3
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Community] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Fundraiser] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1967714304 INFO: GLES: Enabling VSYNC
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Bus./financial] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1967714304 INFO: GLES: Selected vsync mode 10
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Variety] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Romance-comedy] for category C6
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Sports event] for category 40
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Sports talk] for category 40
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Computers] for category 92
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [How-to] for category A2
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Religious] for category 73
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Parenting] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Art] for category 70
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Musical comedy] for category 64
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Environment] for category 91
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Politics] for category 80
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Animated] for category 55
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Gaming] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Interview] for category 24
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Historical drama] for category C7
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Biography] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Home improvement] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Hunting] for category A0
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Outdoors] for category A0
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Auto] for category 47
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Auto racing] for category 47
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Horror] for category C4
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Medical] for category 93
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Romance] for category C6
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Spanish] for category 97
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Adults only] for category C8
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Musical] for category 64
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Self improvement] for category A0
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Pro wrestling] for category 40
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Wrestling] for category 40
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Fishing] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Agriculture] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Arts/crafts] for category 70
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Technology] for category 92
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Docudrama] for category C0
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Science fiction] for category C3
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Paranormal] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Comedy] for category C4
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Science] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Travel] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Adventure] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Suspense] for category C1
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [History] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Collectibles] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Crime] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.695312 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [French] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.703125 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [House/garden] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.703125 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Action] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.703125 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Fantasy] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.703125 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Mystery] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.703125 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Health] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.703125 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Comedy-drama] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.703125 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Special] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.703125 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Holiday] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.703125 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Weather] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.703125 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Western] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.703125 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Children] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.703125 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Nature] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.703125 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Animals] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.703125 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Public affairs] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.703125 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Educational] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.703125 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Shopping] for category A6
- 00:43:45 85208.703125 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Consumer] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.703125 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Soap] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.703125 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Newsmagazine] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.703125 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Exercise] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.703125 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Music] for category 60
- 00:43:45 85208.703125 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Game show] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.703125 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Sitcom] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.703125 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Talk] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.703125 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Crime drama] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.703125 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Sports non-event] for category 40
- 00:43:45 85208.703125 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: Add name [Reality] for category 00
- 00:43:45 85208.703125 T:1749840960 INFO: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: LoadEITCategories: File '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/eit_categories.txt' not found
- 00:43:45 85208.710938 T:1858073664 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(0, /storage/.kodi/addons/service.nhl-hls-proxy/ start processing
- 00:43:45 85208.710938 T:1848153152 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(1, /storage/.kodi/addons/service.xbmc.versioncheck/ start processing
- 00:43:45 85208.710938 T:1839764544 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(2, /storage/.kodi/addons/ start processing
- 00:43:45 85208.710938 T:1831375936 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(3, /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.simple.downloader/ start processing
- 00:43:45 85208.710938 T:1822987328 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(4, /storage/.kodi/addons/service.multimedia.mpd/ start processing
- 00:43:45 85208.710938 T:1783395392 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(5, /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.openelec.settings/ start processing
- 00:43:45 85208.710938 T:1775006784 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(6, /storage/.kodi/addons/script.common.plugin.cache/ start processing
- 00:43:45 85208.710938 T:1766618176 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(7, /storage/.kodi/addons/script.xbmcbackup/ start processing
- 00:43:45 85208.773438 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Pointer.xml) ------
- 00:43:45 85208.804688 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: InitBasePath: Configure cache directory /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/
- 00:43:45 85208.804688 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: InitBasePath: Cache stamp is Tue May 5 21:18:18 2015
- 00:43:45 85208.812500 T:1654649920 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.image_decode input port 320 output port 321 m_handle 0x32e6d00
- 00:43:45 85208.812500 T:1654649920 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::AllocInputBuffers component(OMX.broadcom.image_decode) - port(320), nBufferCountMin(2), nBufferCountActual(2), nBufferSize(307344), nBufferAlignmen(16)
- 00:43:45 85208.820312 T:1654649920 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.egl_render input port 220 output port 221 m_handle 0x33a2638
- 00:43:45 85208.820312 T:1654649920 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::UseEGLImage component(OMX.broadcom.egl_render) - port(221), nBufferCountMin(1), nBufferCountActual(1), nBufferSize(15360) nBufferAlignmen(16)
- 00:43:45 85208.843750 T:1602221120 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: FileOps Thread Started
- 00:43:45 85208.843750 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Creating MythTV client...done
- 00:43:45 85208.843750 T:1749840960 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - GetAddonSetting - add-on 'MythTV PVR Client' requests setting 'livetv_priority'
- 00:43:45 85208.843750 T:1654649920 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Deinitialize : OMX.broadcom.image_decode handle 0x32e6d00
- 00:43:45 85208.851562 T:1654649920 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Deinitialize : OMX.broadcom.egl_render handle 0x33a2638
- 00:43:45 85208.851562 T:1654649920 DEBUG: DecodeJpegToTexture: decoded special://skin/backgrounds/default/default.jpg 1280x720
- 00:43:45 85208.851562 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Creating menu hooks...
- 00:43:45 85208.851562 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Creating menu hooks...done
- 00:43:45 85208.851562 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Addon created successfully
- 00:43:45 85208.851562 T:1621095488 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: FillChannelsAndChannelGroups
- 00:43:45 85208.851562 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: GetBackendName: MythTV (ubuntu)
- 00:43:45 85208.851562 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: GetConnectionString:
- 00:43:45 85208.851562 T:1749840960 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: GetBackendVersion: v0.27.4-53-g7962008
- 00:43:45 85208.875000 T:1758229568 DEBUG: PVRManager - Load - active clients found. continue to start
- 00:43:45 85208.882812 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogExtendedProgressBar.xml) ------
- 00:43:45 85208.882812 T:1758229568 DEBUG: PVR - Load - loading all radio channel groups
- 00:43:45 85208.882812 T:1758229568 DEBUG: PVR - Load - 1 radio groups fetched from the database
- 00:43:45 85208.882812 T:1758229568 INFO: PVRChannelGroupInternal - LoadFromDb - no channels in the database
- 00:43:45 85208.882812 T:1758229568 DEBUG: PVRChannelGroup - Load - 0 channels loaded from the database for group 'All channels'
- 00:43:45 85208.921875 T:1621095488 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: FillChannelsAndChannelGroups: Loaded 15 channel(s) 1 group(s)
- 00:43:45 85208.921875 T:1758229568 DEBUG: PVR - LoadUserDefinedChannelGroups - 'synchannelgroups' is disabled; skipping groups from clients
- 00:43:45 85208.921875 T:1758229568 DEBUG: PVR - Load - 1 radio channel groups loaded
- 00:43:45 85208.921875 T:1758229568 DEBUG: PVR - Load - loading all TV channel groups
- 00:43:45 85208.937500 T:1621095488 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: FillRecordings
- 00:43:45 85208.945312 T:1621095488 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: FillRecordings: Loaded 0 visible recording(s)
- 00:43:45 85209.070312 T:1822987328 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
- 00:43:45 85209.070312 T:1822987328 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(4, /storage/.kodi/addons/service.multimedia.mpd/ the source file to load is "/storage/.kodi/addons/service.multimedia.mpd/"
- 00:43:46 85209.398438 T:1738536000 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::groupCallback: Service successfully established
- 00:43:46 85209.796875 T:1839764544 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 5 times.
- 00:43:46 85209.796875 T:1839764544 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
- 00:43:46 85209.796875 T:1839764544 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(2, /storage/.kodi/addons/ the source file to load is "/storage/.kodi/addons/"
- 00:43:46 85209.960938 T:1858073664 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
- 00:43:46 85209.960938 T:1858073664 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(0, /storage/.kodi/addons/service.nhl-hls-proxy/ the source file to load is "/storage/.kodi/addons/service.nhl-hls-proxy/"
- 00:43:46 85209.968750 T:1822987328 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(4, /storage/.kodi/addons/service.multimedia.mpd/ setting the Python path to /storage/.kodi/addons/service.multimedia.mpd:/usr/lib/
- 00:43:46 85209.968750 T:1822987328 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(4, /storage/.kodi/addons/service.multimedia.mpd/ entering source directory /storage/.kodi/addons/service.multimedia.mpd
- 00:43:46 85209.968750 T:1822987328 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(4, /storage/.kodi/addons/service.multimedia.mpd/ instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "service.multimedia.mpd" dependent on version 2.1.0 of the xbmc.python api
- 00:43:46 85209.968750 T:1822987328 INFO: CPythonInvoker(4, /storage/.kodi/addons/service.multimedia.mpd/ script successfully run
- 00:43:46 85209.976562 T:1848153152 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
- 00:43:46 85209.976562 T:1848153152 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(1, /storage/.kodi/addons/service.xbmc.versioncheck/ the source file to load is "/storage/.kodi/addons/service.xbmc.versioncheck/"
- 00:43:46 85209.984375 T:1822987328 INFO: Python script stopped
- 00:43:46 85209.984375 T:1839764544 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(2, /storage/.kodi/addons/ setting the Python path to /storage/.kodi/addons/
- 00:43:46 85209.984375 T:1839764544 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(2, /storage/.kodi/addons/ entering source directory /storage/.kodi/addons/
- 00:43:46 85209.984375 T:1822987328 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 1822987328 terminating
- 00:43:46 85209.984375 T:1766618176 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
- 00:43:46 85209.984375 T:1766618176 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(7, /storage/.kodi/addons/script.xbmcbackup/ the source file to load is "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.xbmcbackup/"
- 00:43:46 85209.984375 T:1839764544 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(2, /storage/.kodi/addons/ instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "" dependent on version 2.1.0 of the xbmc.python api
- 00:43:46 85210.101562 T:1831375936 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
- 00:43:46 85210.101562 T:1831375936 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(3, /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.simple.downloader/ the source file to load is "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.simple.downloader/"
- 00:43:46 85210.101562 T:1858073664 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(0, /storage/.kodi/addons/service.nhl-hls-proxy/ setting the Python path to /storage/.kodi/addons/service.nhl-hls-proxy:/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.requests/lib:/usr/lib/
- 00:43:46 85210.101562 T:1858073664 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(0, /storage/.kodi/addons/service.nhl-hls-proxy/ entering source directory /storage/.kodi/addons/service.nhl-hls-proxy
- 00:43:46 85210.101562 T:1858073664 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(0, /storage/.kodi/addons/service.nhl-hls-proxy/ instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "service.nhl-hls-proxy" dependent on version 2.14.0 of the xbmc.python api
- 00:43:46 85210.125000 T:1775006784 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
- 00:43:46 85210.125000 T:1775006784 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(6, /storage/.kodi/addons/script.common.plugin.cache/ the source file to load is "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.common.plugin.cache/"
- 00:43:46 85210.125000 T:1783395392 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
- 00:43:46 85210.125000 T:1783395392 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(5, /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.openelec.settings/ the source file to load is "/usr/share/kodi/addons/service.openelec.settings/"
- 00:43:46 85210.265625 T:1758229568 DEBUG: PVR - Get - group 'All channels' loaded from the database
- 00:43:46 85210.265625 T:1758229568 DEBUG: PVR - Load - 1 TV groups fetched from the database
- 00:43:46 85210.273438 T:1758229568 DEBUG: PVRChannelGroup - Load - 1 channels loaded from the database for group 'All channels'
- 00:43:46 85210.281250 T:1758229568 INFO: PVRChannelGroup - RemoveDeletedChannels - deleted TV channel '' from group 'All channels'
- 00:43:46 85210.281250 T:1602221120 INFO: Previous line repeats 14 times.
- 00:43:46 85210.281250 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)WSResponse: bad request (404)
- 00:43:46 85210.281250 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelIcon1_32: invalid response
- 00:43:46 85210.281250 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1101
- 00:43:46 85210.281250 T:1602221120 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1101
- 00:43:46 85210.281250 T:1758229568 INFO: PVRChannelGroupInternal - AddAndUpdateChannels - added TV channel 'KATU-HD'
- 00:43:46 85210.281250 T:1758229568 INFO: PVRChannelGroupInternal - AddAndUpdateChannels - added TV channel 'KATU-SD'
- 00:43:46 85210.281250 T:1758229568 INFO: PVRChannelGroupInternal - AddAndUpdateChannels - added TV channel 'KOIN-HD'
- 00:43:46 85210.281250 T:1758229568 INFO: PVRChannelGroupInternal - AddAndUpdateChannels - added TV channel 'KGW'
- 00:43:46 85210.281250 T:1758229568 INFO: PVRChannelGroupInternal - AddAndUpdateChannels - added TV channel 'OPB'
- 00:43:46 85210.281250 T:1758229568 INFO: PVRChannelGroupInternal - AddAndUpdateChannels - added TV channel 'OPBPlus'
- 00:43:46 85210.281250 T:1758229568 INFO: PVRChannelGroupInternal - AddAndUpdateChannels - added TV channel 'OPB-FM'
- 00:43:46 85210.281250 T:1758229568 INFO: PVRChannelGroupInternal - AddAndUpdateChannels - added TV channel 'KPTV-DT'
- 00:43:46 85210.281250 T:1758229568 INFO: PVRChannelGroupInternal - AddAndUpdateChannels - added TV channel 'KPXG Digital Television'
- 00:43:46 85210.281250 T:1758229568 INFO: PVRChannelGroupInternal - AddAndUpdateChannels - added TV channel 'KPXG qubo'
- 00:43:46 85210.281250 T:1758229568 INFO: PVRChannelGroupInternal - AddAndUpdateChannels - added TV channel 'KPXG ION Life'
- 00:43:46 85210.281250 T:1758229568 INFO: PVRChannelGroupInternal - AddAndUpdateChannels - added TV channel 'KRCW-DT'
- 00:43:46 85210.281250 T:1758229568 INFO: PVRChannelGroupInternal - AddAndUpdateChannels - added TV channel 'AntTV'
- 00:43:46 85210.281250 T:1758229568 INFO: PVRChannelGroupInternal - AddAndUpdateChannels - added TV channel 'ThisTV'
- 00:43:46 85210.281250 T:1758229568 INFO: PVRChannelGroupInternal - AddAndUpdateChannels - added TV channel 'KPDX-DT'
- 00:43:46 85210.281250 T:1758229568 DEBUG: PVRChannelGroup - Load - 14 channels added from clients to group 'All channels'
- 00:43:46 85210.281250 T:1758229568 DEBUG: PVR - LoadUserDefinedChannelGroups - 'synchannelgroups' is disabled; skipping groups from clients
- 00:43:46 85210.281250 T:1758229568 DEBUG: PVR - Load - 1 TV channel groups loaded
- 00:43:46 85210.281250 T:1758229568 DEBUG: CPVRTimers - Update - updating timers
- 00:43:46 85210.281250 T:1758229568 DEBUG: CPVRRecordings - Update - updating recordings
- 00:43:46 85210.289062 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)WSResponse: bad request (404)
- 00:43:46 85210.289062 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelIcon1_32: invalid response
- 00:43:46 85210.289062 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1021
- 00:43:46 85210.289062 T:1602221120 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1021
- 00:43:46 85210.289062 T:1758229568 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: FillRecordings
- 00:43:46 85210.289062 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)WSResponse: bad request (404)
- 00:43:46 85210.296875 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelIcon1_32: invalid response
- 00:43:46 85210.296875 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1081
- 00:43:46 85210.296875 T:1602221120 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1081
- 00:43:46 85210.296875 T:1758229568 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: FillRecordings: Loaded 0 visible recording(s)
- 00:43:46 85210.296875 T:1758229568 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: FillRecordings
- 00:43:46 85210.296875 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)WSResponse: bad request (404)
- 00:43:46 85210.296875 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelIcon1_32: invalid response
- 00:43:46 85210.296875 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1491
- 00:43:46 85210.296875 T:1602221120 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1491
- 00:43:46 85210.304688 T:1758229568 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: FillRecordings: Loaded 0 visible recording(s)
- 00:43:46 85210.304688 T:1577055296 NOTICE: Thread PVRGUIInfo start, auto delete: false
- 00:43:46 85210.304688 T:1758229568 DEBUG: PVRManager - Process - entering main loop
- 00:43:46 85210.304688 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)WSResponse: bad request (404)
- 00:43:46 85210.304688 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelIcon1_32: invalid response
- 00:43:46 85210.304688 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1061
- 00:43:46 85210.304688 T:1602221120 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1061
- 00:43:46 85210.312500 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)WSResponse: bad request (404)
- 00:43:46 85210.312500 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelIcon1_32: invalid response
- 00:43:46 85210.312500 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1121
- 00:43:46 85210.312500 T:1602221120 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1121
- 00:43:46 85210.312500 T:1577055296 INFO: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: GetRecordingsAmount: No recording
- 00:43:46 85210.312500 T:1577055296 INFO: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: GetDeletedRecordingsAmount: No deleted recording
- 00:43:46 85210.312500 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)WSResponse: bad request (404)
- 00:43:46 85210.312500 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelIcon1_32: invalid response
- 00:43:46 85210.312500 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1321
- 00:43:46 85210.312500 T:1602221120 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1321
- 00:43:46 85210.320312 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)WSResponse: bad request (404)
- 00:43:46 85210.320312 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelIcon1_32: invalid response
- 00:43:46 85210.320312 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1102
- 00:43:46 85210.320312 T:1602221120 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1102
- 00:43:46 85210.320312 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogExtendedProgressBar.xml) ------
- 00:43:46 85210.320312 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)WSResponse: bad request (404)
- 00:43:46 85210.320312 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelIcon1_32: invalid response
- 00:43:46 85210.328125 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1221
- 00:43:46 85210.328125 T:1602221120 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1221
- 00:43:46 85210.328125 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)WSResponse: bad request (404)
- 00:43:46 85210.328125 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelIcon1_32: invalid response
- 00:43:46 85210.328125 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1222
- 00:43:46 85210.328125 T:1602221120 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1222
- 00:43:46 85210.335938 T:1758229568 ERROR: SQL: The database disk image is malformed
- Query: DELETE FROM epgtags WHERE iEndTime < 1430898226
- 00:43:46 85210.335938 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)WSResponse: bad request (404)
- 00:43:46 85210.335938 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelIcon1_32: invalid response
- 00:43:46 85210.335938 T:1758229568 ERROR: ExecuteQuery - failed to execute query 'DELETE FROM epgtags WHERE iEndTime < 1430898226'
- 00:43:46 85210.335938 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1223
- 00:43:46 85210.335938 T:1602221120 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1223
- 00:43:46 85210.335938 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)WSResponse: bad request (404)
- 00:43:46 85210.335938 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelIcon1_32: invalid response
- 00:43:46 85210.335938 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1322
- 00:43:46 85210.335938 T:1602221120 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1322
- 00:43:46 85210.343750 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)WSResponse: bad request (404)
- 00:43:46 85210.343750 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelIcon1_32: invalid response
- 00:43:46 85210.343750 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1103
- 00:43:46 85210.343750 T:1602221120 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1103
- 00:43:46 85210.351562 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)WSResponse: bad request (404)
- 00:43:46 85210.351562 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelIcon1_32: invalid response
- 00:43:46 85210.351562 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1022
- 00:43:46 85210.351562 T:1602221120 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1022
- 00:43:47 85210.351562 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)WSResponse: bad request (404)
- 00:43:47 85210.351562 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelIcon1_32: invalid response
- 00:43:47 85210.351562 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1323
- 00:43:47 85210.351562 T:1602221120 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1323
- 00:43:47 85210.359375 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)WSResponse: bad request (404)
- 00:43:47 85210.359375 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelIcon1_32: invalid response
- 00:43:47 85210.359375 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1101
- 00:43:47 85210.359375 T:1602221120 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1101
- 00:43:47 85210.367188 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)WSResponse: bad request (404)
- 00:43:47 85210.367188 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelIcon1_32: invalid response
- 00:43:47 85210.367188 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1021
- 00:43:47 85210.367188 T:1602221120 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1021
- 00:43:47 85210.367188 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)WSResponse: bad request (404)
- 00:43:47 85210.367188 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelIcon1_32: invalid response
- 00:43:47 85210.367188 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1081
- 00:43:47 85210.367188 T:1602221120 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1081
- 00:43:47 85210.375000 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)WSResponse: bad request (404)
- 00:43:47 85210.375000 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelIcon1_32: invalid response
- 00:43:47 85210.375000 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1491
- 00:43:47 85210.375000 T:1602221120 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1491
- 00:43:47 85210.375000 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)WSResponse: bad request (404)
- 00:43:47 85210.375000 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelIcon1_32: invalid response
- 00:43:47 85210.375000 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1061
- 00:43:47 85210.375000 T:1602221120 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1061
- 00:43:47 85210.382812 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)WSResponse: bad request (404)
- 00:43:47 85210.382812 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelIcon1_32: invalid response
- 00:43:47 85210.382812 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1121
- 00:43:47 85210.382812 T:1602221120 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1121
- 00:43:47 85210.382812 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)WSResponse: bad request (404)
- 00:43:47 85210.382812 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelIcon1_32: invalid response
- 00:43:47 85210.390625 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1321
- 00:43:47 85210.390625 T:1602221120 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1321
- 00:43:47 85210.390625 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)WSResponse: bad request (404)
- 00:43:47 85210.390625 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelIcon1_32: invalid response
- 00:43:47 85210.390625 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1102
- 00:43:47 85210.390625 T:1602221120 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1102
- 00:43:47 85210.398438 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)WSResponse: bad request (404)
- 00:43:47 85210.398438 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelIcon1_32: invalid response
- 00:43:47 85210.398438 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1221
- 00:43:47 85210.398438 T:1602221120 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1221
- 00:43:47 85210.406250 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)WSResponse: bad request (404)
- 00:43:47 85210.406250 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelIcon1_32: invalid response
- 00:43:47 85210.406250 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1222
- 00:43:47 85210.406250 T:1602221120 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1222
- 00:43:47 85210.406250 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)WSResponse: bad request (404)
- 00:43:47 85210.406250 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelIcon1_32: invalid response
- 00:43:47 85210.406250 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1223
- 00:43:47 85210.406250 T:1602221120 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1223
- 00:43:47 85210.414062 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)WSResponse: bad request (404)
- 00:43:47 85210.414062 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelIcon1_32: invalid response
- 00:43:47 85210.414062 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1322
- 00:43:47 85210.414062 T:1602221120 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1322
- 00:43:47 85210.414062 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)WSResponse: bad request (404)
- 00:43:47 85210.414062 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelIcon1_32: invalid response
- 00:43:47 85210.414062 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1103
- 00:43:47 85210.414062 T:1602221120 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1103
- 00:43:47 85210.421875 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)WSResponse: bad request (404)
- 00:43:47 85210.421875 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelIcon1_32: invalid response
- 00:43:47 85210.421875 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1022
- 00:43:47 85210.421875 T:1602221120 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1022
- 00:43:47 85210.429688 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)WSResponse: bad request (404)
- 00:43:47 85210.429688 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelIcon1_32: invalid response
- 00:43:47 85210.429688 T:1602221120 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1323
- 00:43:47 85210.429688 T:1602221120 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 4, local: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/channelIcon/1323
- 00:43:47 85210.804688 T:1766618176 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(7, /storage/.kodi/addons/script.xbmcbackup/ setting the Python path to /storage/.kodi/addons/script.xbmcbackup:/usr/lib/
- 00:43:47 85210.804688 T:1766618176 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(7, /storage/.kodi/addons/script.xbmcbackup/ entering source directory /storage/.kodi/addons/script.xbmcbackup
- 00:43:47 85210.804688 T:1766618176 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(7, /storage/.kodi/addons/script.xbmcbackup/ instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "script.xbmcbackup" dependent on version 2.19.0 of the xbmc.python api
- 00:43:47 85210.812500 T:1848153152 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(1, /storage/.kodi/addons/service.xbmc.versioncheck/ setting the Python path to /storage/.kodi/addons/service.xbmc.versioncheck:/usr/lib/
- 00:43:47 85210.812500 T:1848153152 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(1, /storage/.kodi/addons/service.xbmc.versioncheck/ entering source directory /storage/.kodi/addons/service.xbmc.versioncheck
- 00:43:47 85210.820312 T:1848153152 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(1, /storage/.kodi/addons/service.xbmc.versioncheck/ instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "service.xbmc.versioncheck" dependent on version 2.1.0 of the xbmc.python api
- 00:43:47 85211.164062 T:1783395392 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(5, /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.openelec.settings/ setting the Python path to /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.openelec.settings:/usr/lib/
- 00:43:47 85211.164062 T:1783395392 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(5, /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.openelec.settings/ entering source directory /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.openelec.settings
- 00:43:47 85211.164062 T:1783395392 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(5, /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.openelec.settings/ instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "service.openelec.settings" dependent on version 2.1.0 of the xbmc.python api
- 00:43:47 85211.234375 T:1831375936 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(3, /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.simple.downloader/ setting the Python path to /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.simple.downloader:/storage/.kodi/addons/script.common.plugin.cache/lib:/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.parsedom/lib:/usr/lib/
- 00:43:47 85211.234375 T:1831375936 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(3, /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.simple.downloader/ entering source directory /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.simple.downloader
- 00:43:47 85211.234375 T:1831375936 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(3, /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.simple.downloader/ instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "script.module.simple.downloader" dependent on version 2.1.0 of the xbmc.python api
- 00:43:48 85211.531250 T:1783395392 NOTICE: ## OpenELEC Addon ## 0.6.5
- 00:43:48 85211.546875 T:1775006784 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(6, /storage/.kodi/addons/script.common.plugin.cache/ setting the Python path to /storage/.kodi/addons/script.common.plugin.cache:/usr/lib/
- 00:43:48 85211.546875 T:1775006784 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(6, /storage/.kodi/addons/script.common.plugin.cache/ entering source directory /storage/.kodi/addons/script.common.plugin.cache
- 00:43:48 85211.546875 T:1775006784 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(6, /storage/.kodi/addons/script.common.plugin.cache/ instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "script.common.plugin.cache" dependent on version 2.1.0 of the xbmc.python api
- 00:43:48 85211.812500 T:1848153152 DEBUG: Version Check: Version 0.3.3 started
- 00:43:48 85212.234375 T:1831375936 INFO: CPythonInvoker(3, /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.simple.downloader/ script successfully run
- 00:43:49 85212.421875 T:1766618176 NOTICE: script.xbmcbackup-1.0.2: scheduler enabled, finding next run time
- 00:43:49 85212.523438 T:1831375936 INFO: Python script stopped
- 00:43:49 85212.523438 T:1831375936 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 1831375936 terminating
- 00:43:49 85212.523438 T:1839764544 DEBUG: Skin Widgets: script version 0.0.29 started
- 00:43:49 85212.601562 T:1839764544 DEBUG: RunQuery took 45 ms for 266 items query: select * from movie_view WHERE ((movie_view.playCount IS NULL OR movie_view.playCount = 0))
- 00:43:49 85212.625000 T:1775006784 NOTICE: StorageServer Module loaded RUN
- 00:43:49 85212.750000 T:1775006784 NOTICE: StorageClient-2.5.4 Starting server
- 00:43:49 85212.757812 T:1766618176 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at /storage/.kodi/addons/script.xbmcbackup/resources/language/English, fallback to strings.xml
- 00:43:49 85212.757812 T:1766618176 NOTICE: script.xbmcbackup-1.0.2: scheduler will run again on 05-10-2015 00:00
- 00:43:49 85212.773438 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogKaiToast.xml) ------
- 00:43:49 85212.820312 T:1858073664 ERROR: [07/May/2015:00:43:49] ENGINE Bus STARTING
- 00:43:49 85212.828125 T:1858073664 NOTICE: .
- 00:43:49 85212.828125 T:1858073664 ERROR: CherryPy Checker:
- The Application mounted at '' has an empty config.
- 00:43:49 85212.953125 T:1858073664 ERROR: [07/May/2015:00:43:49] ENGINE Serving on
- 00:43:49 85212.953125 T:1858073664 NOTICE: .
- 00:43:49 85212.953125 T:1858073664 ERROR: [07/May/2015:00:43:49] ENGINE Bus STARTED
- 00:43:49 85212.953125 T:1858073664 NOTICE: .
- 00:43:50 85213.859375 T:1839764544 DEBUG: RunQuery took 581 ms for 6373 items query: select * from episode_view WHERE ((episode_view.playCount IS NULL OR episode_view.playCount < 1))
- 00:43:50 85213.937500 T:1414526016 NOTICE: Thread EPGUpdater start, auto delete: false
- 00:43:50 85213.937500 T:1758229568 NOTICE: Start - EPG thread started
- 00:43:50 85213.937500 T:1814598720 INFO: PVRChannelGroupsContainer - SearchMissingChannelIcons - starting channel icon search
- 00:43:50 85213.937500 T:1758229568 DEBUG: CPVRTimers - Update - updating timers
- 00:43:50 85213.945312 T:1414526016 DEBUG: EPG - Load - no database entries found for table 'KATU-HD'.
- 00:43:50 85213.945312 T:1414526016 DEBUG: EPG - UpdateFromScraper - updating EPG for channel 'KATU-HD' from client '57269'
- 00:43:50 85214.031250 T:1414526016 DEBUG: EPG - Load - no database entries found for table 'KATU-SD'.
- 00:43:50 85214.031250 T:1414526016 DEBUG: EPG - UpdateFromScraper - updating EPG for channel 'KATU-SD' from client '57269'
- 00:43:50 85214.132812 T:1414526016 DEBUG: EPG - Load - no database entries found for table 'KOIN-HD'.
- 00:43:50 85214.132812 T:1414526016 DEBUG: EPG - UpdateFromScraper - updating EPG for channel 'KOIN-HD' from client '57269'
- 00:43:50 85214.218750 T:1414526016 DEBUG: EPG - Load - no database entries found for table 'KGW'.
- 00:43:50 85214.218750 T:1414526016 DEBUG: EPG - UpdateFromScraper - updating EPG for channel 'KGW' from client '57269'
- 00:43:50 85214.296875 T:1414526016 DEBUG: EPG - Load - no database entries found for table 'OPB'.
- 00:43:50 85214.296875 T:1414526016 DEBUG: EPG - UpdateFromScraper - updating EPG for channel 'OPB' from client '57269'
- 00:43:51 85214.398438 T:1414526016 DEBUG: EPG - Load - no database entries found for table 'OPBPlus'.
- 00:43:51 85214.398438 T:1414526016 DEBUG: EPG - UpdateFromScraper - updating EPG for channel 'OPBPlus' from client '57269'
- 00:43:51 85214.492188 T:1414526016 DEBUG: EPG - Load - no database entries found for table 'OPB-FM'.
- 00:43:51 85214.492188 T:1414526016 DEBUG: EPG - UpdateFromScraper - updating EPG for channel 'OPB-FM' from client '57269'
- 00:43:51 85214.632812 T:1414526016 DEBUG: EPG - Load - no database entries found for table 'KPTV-DT'.
- 00:43:51 85214.632812 T:1414526016 DEBUG: EPG - UpdateFromScraper - updating EPG for channel 'KPTV-DT' from client '57269'
- 00:43:51 85214.726562 T:1414526016 DEBUG: EPG - Load - no database entries found for table 'KPXG Digital Television'.
- 00:43:51 85214.726562 T:1414526016 DEBUG: EPG - UpdateFromScraper - updating EPG for channel 'KPXG Digital Television' from client '57269'
- 00:43:51 85214.796875 T:1414526016 DEBUG: EPG - Load - no database entries found for table 'KPXG qubo'.
- 00:43:51 85214.804688 T:1414526016 DEBUG: EPG - UpdateFromScraper - updating EPG for channel 'KPXG qubo' from client '57269'
- 00:43:51 85214.937500 T:1414526016 DEBUG: EPG - Load - no database entries found for table 'KPXG ION Life'.
- 00:43:51 85214.937500 T:1414526016 DEBUG: EPG - UpdateFromScraper - updating EPG for channel 'KPXG ION Life' from client '57269'
- 00:43:51 85215.070312 T:1414526016 DEBUG: EPG - Load - no database entries found for table 'KRCW-DT'.
- 00:43:51 85215.070312 T:1414526016 DEBUG: EPG - UpdateFromScraper - updating EPG for channel 'KRCW-DT' from client '57269'
- 00:43:51 85215.179688 T:1414526016 DEBUG: EPG - Load - no database entries found for table 'AntTV'.
- 00:43:51 85215.179688 T:1414526016 DEBUG: EPG - UpdateFromScraper - updating EPG for channel 'AntTV' from client '57269'
- 00:43:51 85215.203125 T:1839764544 DEBUG: RunQuery took 1 ms for 0 items query: select * from musicvideo_view
- 00:43:51 85215.210938 T:1839764544 DEBUG: GetAlbumsByWhere query: SELECT albumview.* FROM albumview WHERE albumview.strReleaseType = 'album'
- 00:43:51 85215.242188 T:1839764544 DEBUG: GetAlbumsByWhere - query took 30 ms
- 00:43:51 85215.242188 T:1839764544 DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 36
- 00:43:51 85215.281250 T:1839764544 ERROR: SQL: The database disk image is malformed
- Query: PRAGMA cache_size=4096
- 00:43:51 85215.281250 T:1839764544 ERROR: Connect failed with 'SQL: The database disk image is malformed
- Query: PRAGMA cache_size=4096
- '
- 00:43:51 85215.312500 T:1414526016 DEBUG: EPG - Load - no database entries found for table 'ThisTV'.
- 00:43:51 85215.312500 T:1414526016 DEBUG: EPG - UpdateFromScraper - updating EPG for channel 'ThisTV' from client '57269'
- 00:43:52 85215.359375 T:1414526016 DEBUG: EPG - Load - no database entries found for table 'KPDX-DT'.
- 00:43:52 85215.367188 T:1414526016 DEBUG: EPG - UpdateFromScraper - updating EPG for channel 'KPDX-DT' from client '57269'
- 00:43:52 85215.382812 T:1839764544 DEBUG: Skin Widgets: Total time needed to request recent items queries: 0:00:02.858277
- 00:43:52 85215.382812 T:1839764544 DEBUG: Skin Widgets: Total time needed for all queries: 0:00:02.858858
- 00:43:52 85215.421875 T:1967714304 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10000
- 00:43:52 85215.468750 T:1758229568 DEBUG: CPVRTimers - Update - updating timers
- 00:43:52 85215.476562 T:1414526016 ERROR: SQL: The database disk image is malformed
- Query: DELETE FROM epgtags WHERE iEndTime < 1430898232
- 00:43:52 85215.476562 T:1414526016 ERROR: ExecuteQuery - failed to execute query 'DELETE FROM epgtags WHERE iEndTime < 1430898232'
- 00:43:52 85215.625000 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Startup.xml) ------
- 00:43:52 85215.640625 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Home.xml) ------
- 00:43:52 85215.640625 T:1967714304 INFO: Loading skin file: Home.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
- 00:43:52 85215.851562 T:1814598720 DEBUG: CRecentlyAddedJob::UpdateMusic() - Running RecentlyAdded home screen update
- 00:43:52 85215.867188 T:1654649920 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.image_decode input port 320 output port 321 m_handle 0x4201ac8
- 00:43:52 85215.867188 T:1654649920 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::AllocInputBuffers component(OMX.broadcom.image_decode) - port(320), nBufferCountMin(2), nBufferCountActual(2), nBufferSize(465552), nBufferAlignmen(16)
- 00:43:52 85215.875000 T:1814598720 DEBUG: GetRecentlyAddedAlbumSongs() query: SELECT songview.* FROM (SELECT idAlbum FROM albumview ORDER BY idAlbum DESC LIMIT 10) AS recentalbums JOIN songview ON songview.idAlbum=recentalbums.idAlbum
- 00:43:52 85215.875000 T:1654649920 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.egl_render input port 220 output port 221 m_handle 0x447c720
- 00:43:52 85215.875000 T:1654649920 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::UseEGLImage component(OMX.broadcom.egl_render) - port(221), nBufferCountMin(1), nBufferCountActual(1), nBufferSize(15360) nBufferAlignmen(16)
- 00:43:52 85215.906250 T:1654649920 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Deinitialize : OMX.broadcom.image_decode handle 0x4201ac8
- 00:43:52 85215.906250 T:1654649920 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Deinitialize : OMX.broadcom.egl_render handle 0x447c720
- 00:43:52 85215.906250 T:1654649920 DEBUG: DecodeJpegToTexture: decoded special://skin/backgrounds/Videos.jpg 1280x720
- 00:43:52 85215.914062 T:1814598720 DEBUG: GetRecentlyAddedAlbums query: select * from albumview where strAlbum != '' order by idAlbum desc limit 10
- 00:43:52 85215.921875 T:1814598720 DEBUG: CRecentlyAddedJob::UpdateVideos() - Running RecentlyAdded home screen update
- 00:43:52 85215.937500 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogExtendedProgressBar.xml) ------
- 00:43:52 85216.000000 T:1814598720 DEBUG: RunQuery took 36 ms for 10 items query: select * from movie_view WHERE (playCount <= 0) OR (playCount IS NULL) ORDER BY dateAdded desc, idMovie desc LIMIT 10
- 00:43:53 85216.414062 T:1814598720 DEBUG: RunQuery took 401 ms for 10 items query: select * from episode_view WHERE (playCount <= 0) OR (playCount IS NULL) ORDER BY dateAdded desc, idEpisode desc LIMIT 10
- 00:43:53 85216.437500 T:1814598720 DEBUG: RunQuery took 1 ms for 0 items query: select * from musicvideo_view WHERE (playCount <= 0) OR (playCount IS NULL) ORDER BY dateAdded desc, idMVideo desc LIMIT 10
- 00:43:53 85216.453125 T:1814598720 DEBUG: CRecentlyAddedJob::UpdateTotal() - Running RecentlyAdded home screen update
- 00:43:53 85216.843750 T:1848153152 DEBUG: Version Check: Version installed {u'major': 15, u'tag': u'beta', u'tagversion': u'2', u'minor': 0, u'revision': u'b374e39'}
- 00:43:53 85216.843750 T:1848153152 INFO: CPythonInvoker(1, /storage/.kodi/addons/service.xbmc.versioncheck/ script successfully run
- 00:43:53 85216.945312 T:1848153152 INFO: Python script stopped
- 00:43:53 85216.945312 T:1848153152 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 1848153152 terminating
- 00:43:53 85217.226562 T:1967714304 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogKaiToast.xml) ------
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