
updated rocer fanfic

Oct 17th, 2015
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  1. 25 year old Teruteru Hanamura was in the back of his family diner, which doubled as his home. He inherited this diner after his mother had passed away years ago. He finally put up the closed sign up in front of the diner, indicating that he was done working for the day. He took off his hat and fell back onto his sofa, wiping seat off of his forehead.
  3. "What a busy day...!" he exclaimed. The chef turned on the tv as he waited for his boyfriend to come home.
  5. After about 30 minutes or so he heard keys unlocking the back door. In came Teruteru's beloved boyfriend Monobear, who placed his fedora and coat on the rack after his busy day at Despair Inc. But it seemed as though he had something with him...! It was a bag. What was in the bag? Teruteru could not help but wonder about this.
  7. Monobear gave Teruteru a kiss. "How are you sweetie?" he asked.
  9. "I'm just was a very busy day... so I'm very tired as you would guess," Hanamura explained.
  11. Monobear put the bag in front of Teruteru. "I got you a present," the bear told his boyfriend.
  13. Teruteru opened the bag anxiously, and pulled out something he never would have guessed. It was a long, sparkly, black dress. Teruteru was pleasantly surprised. "You shouldn't have...!" he exclaimed.
  15. "I got this for you so that we could have a night on the town" said Monobear.
  17. Teruteru was so overcome with joy that he had to hug his husband. "Thank you so much!"
  19. Afterwards, Monobear got into his best suit and Teruteru put on his pearls. Monobear waited in the living room to see Teruteru in his new dress.
  21. After a while of waiting, Teruteru came out in the brillant dress. The color made his eyes pop out, the sparkles adding to his shining personality. It really showed off all of his best features.
  23. Monobear was speechless. " look....stunning..." he gasped out.
  25. Hanamura flustered in response. They gave each other a kiss as they walked out the door for their night on the town.
  27. After a long night of going to shops and watching a theater play, Monobear took Teruteru to dinner. "This was a beautiful night!" declared Teruteru.
  29. Suddenly, Monobear put his hand on Teruteru's as they both gave each other a loving look. "Teruteru....I've loved you for as long as I can remember. You are my light. You are my world. You mean everything to me...I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Teruteru looked aghast as Monobear pulled something out of his pocket. "Teruteru Hanamura...will you marry me?" he finally asked.
  31. Teruteru started crying tears of joy. He hugged the bear tightly to his chest. "Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!" he exclaimed loudly, his voice echoing throughout the restaurant. The entire restaurant applauded the newly engaged couple.
  33. When they arrived home, they both sat together on the sofa holding each other's hands. "You looked beautiful in that dress tonight..." complimented Monobear.
  35. "Thank were quite handsome yourself," Hanamura admitted, still blushing from the sudden proposal.
  37. They looked at each other and laughed. "I've never loved anyone more than I loved you tonight, Teruteru. Do you think we should...?" Monokuma asked tentatively, hesitance in his eyes.
  39. Teruteru looked at him smiling, and nodded yes. He was ready. Monobear then picked up Teruteru and carried him into their room, where they then had their first time.
  41. The End
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