
Ms. Paint/FemReader, Spanking

Sep 22nd, 2013
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  1. [wip]
  3. Ms. Paint had caught you trying to sneak off to Derse, again. It seemed, however, she had caught you completely by accident. You had made a half-assed plan to steal clothes from a Prospit carapace in the hopes of being undetected when flying off to the foreboding purple moon. And, of course, such a shitty plan failed horribly. While waiting in one of the blindingly golden alleys of your moon for an unsuspecting victim to walk past, you had mistakenly grabbed the plump woman and pulled her close to you. She struggled briefly and when you recognized her figure you let her go, sheepishly blushing when you realized you had gotten a handful of breast. And so the two of you stood in the cramped space, you apologizes profusely and trying to explain yourself, and the paint-can carrying carapace regarding you with curious eyes. Since you hadn’t talked to her very much before now, you weren’t sure just how well you would be able to talk your way out of a punishment. It seemed much better, honestly, to just wait things out. Ms. Paint was a sweet lady, she’d just take you back to your room right?
  5. When she had finished hearing your tale of being tragically bored and in need of visiting your friends on Derse, the chubby Prospitan seemed to think things over for a short while. Hmming to herself, she tilted her head and asked if you thought you deserved to be punished. You sputtered, wanting to deny it but feeling guilty about lying to the adorable alien. Almost knowingly she shook her head, placing her paint can down on the ground and pointing towards the off-yellow building behind you. Her voice was just as gentle as it had always been, despite her ordering you to turn and face the wall. Trembling a bit, you do so, nervously bracing your hands on the cool brick.
  7. Small hands immediately begin groping at your sides and you crane your head to look down at what she’s doing. Ms. Paint’s delicate fingers are feeling along your hips and down your thighs until they reach the hem of your Prospit-themed dress. She works enthusiastically, quickly grabbing the bottom of the dress and yanking it up. You let out a small yelp as she exposes the pastel yellow panties that cling to your large backside, the cool Prospit air blowing past your legs and ass and making goose bumps rise on your skin. A blush creeps across your face, your eyes widening in surprise as Ms. Paint makes no effort to preserve your modesty. Using one hand to hold up your dress, she allows her free hand to gently trace a sharp nail along the right side of your underwear. The thin material tears easily, and you gasp when you can feel her nail drag against your bare skin. She does the same with the other side, allowing your panties to fall to the ground silently.
  9. With your ass bare, you feel uncomfortably aware of just how public this situation is. The alleyway isn’t secluded, in fact there are windows with their shades drawn in the buildings surrounding the two of you. At the moment the main streets are mostly empty but at any moment they could spring to life. The idea makes your heart beat fast and you open your mouth to ask to move somewhere more private. However the second your mouth opens is the second Ms. Paint begins.
  11. The sound registers before the pain, hard carapace meeting flesh with an ear ringing smack. Your entire body jumps, your hands pressing even harder into the wall before you and for a second you think your legs might even give out. It only just barely starts to sting before her hand meets your ass a second time, just as loud but with even more force behind it. Heat blooms in each cheek, your heart beating faster now. You peek around to make sure no one is looking at this humiliating display, flushing hotly at the thought of being seen. Your body tenses, waiting for the next slap but it doesn’t come. Instead you feel her smooth, hard hands rubbing against your ass, tracing invisible circles with her fingertips. It’s soothing and your body starts to relax, shoulders going slack as she massage each cheek. Your eyes drift close and your press your ass back against her palms, whining when you feel her grip start to lessen. She has, of course, completely played you and in an instant you feel that tiny hand whacking against your ass once more. This time, she manages to get a moan from you, low and throaty and you’re a little surprised how good it’s beginning to feel. She alternates between rubbing your ass and spanking it, treating it tender and rough in intervals that makes your head spin and your body ache.
  13. To your great embarrassment, you can feel yourself getting wet. In addition to the ache from your ass, you’re growing hot between your legs. Now each of her rough spanks sends shivers down your spine, your toes curling and your hands balling into fists. More than once your back arches, jutting your ass out and giving Ms. Paint more access, of which she fully takes advantage of. She varies her hits, sometimes only getting one cheek and sometimes hitting the underside of both. Your body flushes, sweat dripping down the back of your neck and between your small breasts as she punishes you. Through the haze of arousal you can hear the sound of Prospitans leaving their homes, wandering down the golden streets, chatting while happily unaware one of their princesses is spread in a dingy alleyway receiving a spanking. If anyone so much as even glanced down the passageway, they’d see you in plain sight, body trembling and face red as you just barely keep from begging for more. Biting your lip even harder, you silently plead for Ms. Paint to take mercy on you. But her hits remain steady and you finally open your mouth to croak out a plaintive,
  15. “Please…” There’s a pause. Then suddenly she’s pressed close against you from behind, large breasts digging into your back and the fabric of her clothes brushing against your burning ass. She asks, in that calm sweet voice of hers, what you could mean and you squirm against her. Your whole body is getting entirely too hot, and the small woman letting her elusive hands slide up your thighs isn’t making things any better. Her fingers glide dangerously close to between your legs and you buck forward, desperately trying to get her to touch you. But she pulls away, out of your reach, and she pulls from your body leaving you once more exposed. You shudder, feeling even wetter than before, your nipples painfully hard under your dress. She goes back to the spanking, spreading her fingers even wider than before to fully hit her palm against your bruised butt.
  17. Her pace picks up drastically, leaving your ass raw and most likely bright red. She pushes you forward so that she can rest one hand on your ass and use the other to touch between your legs. Your eyes roll back the second she rubs against you. With a low moan, you let your head fall forward, banging against the wall. Your legs wobble as you ride out the last waves of your orgasm, no longer caring if someone happens to see you. All you care about are the tiny hands still resting against your ass, pressing hard against the throbbing flesh. When the shorter woman is sure you’ve finished completely, she removes her hands from your still-warm skin, allowing your dress to fall back into place. She murmurs an apology while patting your back, and you sigh at the matronly gesture, assuring her that her apology is not needed. The sweet woman offers to escort you back to your room. After all you wouldn’t want the White Queen to find you missing and punish you herself, would you?
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