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Oct 9th, 2015
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  1. Part 1
  2. Nitrostrikes, when you sing it's like aids to my ears. Nobody can understand a word you say apart from "I'm a queer" You can win a war on TGI, but you cant win nothing against me I'm too fly..So go ahead and die you're as bad as the men in TGI. You complain to your mother all the time that's no lie but you try to make it out like your not the bad guy. When you host a raid you complain a lot, rage a lot, whine like a little bitch a lot! It's not surprising that you haven't made it to General yet your IQ's lower than a than your Tortilla hat so go ahead m8 give me your best shot.
  4. Part 2
  5. Well the good news is that you tried to beat me just like when you tried to beat Greem in a rap, So in the meantime I'll have a nap but before that I'll wrap you up and eat you with your Tortilla hat. "Your poop is green" Nitrostrikes - 2015. Well I'll tel you what you stupid little fock I'll take your wannabe girlfriend away whilst you stay home and jerk off all day to Eminem you wanna be bellend. You were demoted to captain twice you didn't rage but did I taste a little salt? Your KDR goes negative at raids and defences I'm not surprised so I'll take you back to Auschwitz and bake you in my oven, Damn you'll make a fine pie. Speaking of pie your mother gave me a nice Creampie damn that was mighty fine of her now run along kiddy, I'm the new guy.
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