
Spike/Femanon /ss/

Jun 5th, 2015
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  1. Twlight had slowly begun to furnish her castle after the destruction of the Golden Oak library. And of course, that meant lots of new books. Lots and lots of new books.
  3. One of the rooms had been turned into a library. Bookshelves lined the walls, stuffed with replacement books that Twilight had lost. Whenever she was fortunate enough to have some free time, she dove into her plethora of books. And that meant lots of cleaning and organizing for Spike while she was out.
  5. The little dragon was probably your best friend. He was always so sweet and adorable, not like any of the stallions you had met. You actually weren’t really into stallions, and most of the mares were so pretty and cute that you felt out of place around them.
  7. But Spike? He was perfect to hang around. You even took it upon yourself to keep an eye on him whenever Twilight was out. She really appreciated it since it was a new environment and she wanted her little dragon companion to be safe.
  9. At the moment, you were helping Spike put away the mountains books that the purple mare had left lying around.
  11. “Aw, Femanon, you really don’t have to help me put away all these books,” said Spike as he stuck a book into its proper spot on the shelf.
  13. “It’s fine, I don’t mind it. Man, Twilight’s a fuckin’ slob.” You collected a few books of the same series, placing them on the shelf in the proper order.
  15. “Well, I gotta tell you, I really appreciate you pitching in. I’ll be done a whole lot quicker with you helping! Say, uh…” He stood on his toes, stretching his arm toward a high shelf. “Would you mind putting this book on that shelf up there so I don’t have to get the stepladder?”
  17. “Sure.” You walked over and took the book from his hands, placing it onto the shelf where it belonged
  19. “Thanks, fem!” He smiled up at you, that tiny fang poking at his bottom lip.
  21. “No problem, little buddy,” you said, waving him off as you took a seat on the floor to organize some books by series. Slouching forward to concentrate better, your cleavage ended up peering over the top of your shirt. You could feel it hanging out, but it didn’t bother you. Your breasts were especially large, so you were already used to it.
  23. After a few minutes, you noticed how quiet it had gotten. You couldn’t even hear the soft scraping of Spike’s little claws on the floor. Did he go to the bathroom or something?
  25. You looked up, catching the dragon in the act of staring straight at your chest. His emerald eyes were huge, gaping at your tits as if they were the most glorious things he’d ever seen.
  27. Oh, man. Spike was practically a kid, so you didn’t think he’d be looking at your lady parts. That’s why you were so comfortable leaving the top of your shirt down.
  29. Although, he was your friend, so you didn’t feel offended or creeped out by it.
  31. As soon as he realized you were staring right back at him, a panicked gasp escaped him as he turned back to the bookshelf, pretending to reorganize the books. “S-S-Sorry,” he stammered, his face darkening with embarrassment.
  33. “It’s okay,” you said, sitting up straight again. “You can look if you want. It doesn’t bother me.” You figured Spike was starting to go through puberty… if dragons even went through puberty.
  35. “Huh? R-Really…? It doesn’t?” Spike turned around with an unsure expression, nervously rubbing his knuckles together. “I… I thought you’d be freaked out or something.”
  37. “Nah. If it’s you, it’s fine.” You put down the book you were looking at, pressing your hands against the floor behind you as you leaned back a bit.
  39. “Then… is it okay if I come over and get a closer look?” His eyes looked hopeful, as if you just told him you were thinking about taking him to Disneyland.
  41. “Be my guest.”
  43. With that, the little dragon scuttled over and shamelessly ogled at your ta-tas. “Wooaaahhh… they’re, like… so big…”
  45. You snickered at his dorky amazement. “You should see ‘em without my shirt on,” you joked.
  47. Though, not all surprisingly, Spike took you seriously. “R-Really!? You’ll let me see you without your shirt on?” His eyes were wide, his mouth agape with eagerness.
  49. “I… was only joking,” you said uneasily, shrugging your shoulders slightly.
  51. “Oh, come on! Please, Fem? Pretty, pretty please?” He put his hands together like he was begging, as if he were starving and pleading for food. “Please, Fem? Come on, pleeeaaassee?”
  53. Man… how could you say no to that? He was so desperate.
  55. “Okay, okay… fine,” you grumbled, taking hold of the hem of your shirt.
  57. The young dragon was quickly silenced as you pulled up your blouse, throwing it onto the floor once it was off.
  59. “Oh. You’re… wearing one of those… uh, things.”
  61. “A bra?”
  63. “Yeah, yeah, that. Um… can… can you take that off, too?”
  65. You complied without bothering to say anything, reaching behind you to unclip the back. He wouldn’t stop pestering you unless you did so, but you didn’t quite mind him seeing your bare chest anyway.
  67. You were always confident around Spike, but you were starting to feel nervous. You weren’t really used to taking your top off in front of anyone, after all.
  69. You freed your arms from the straps, letting your large, full breasts free as your placed your bra on the floor.
  71. “Wooooaaaaahhh…” Spike stared at your voluptuous breasts with his mouth hanging open. It reminded you of a little kid seeing fireworks for the first time.
  73. He swallowed thickly, his claws twitching just a bit. “Um.. uh… Fem?” He cleared his throat. “Can I… touch them?”
  75. No way… seriously?
  77. “I don’t think so, Spike. You’re too young for this.”
  79. “Am not!” He came closer, his eyes darting from your face and chest. “Come on, please? They’re… They’re just so big and soft and… Please, I want to touch them so bad! They look so squishy and soft, Fem. Please?” You could see his claws twitch even more than before, as if he were thinking about grabbing them without your permission. “It’ll only take a second! I just wanna touch them, that’s all.”
  81. “… Fine. Just for a sec—“
  83. Before you could finish your sentence, the dragon’s small claws were already on your chest. He grabbed at the fleshy mounds with eagerness and vigor, your nipples already getting hard from the open air and his warm touch.
  85. “Woah, they’re… they’re getting all stiff…” It sounded like he was talking to himself, as if you weren’t there. He pressed your tits together, rubbing his scaly fingers against the pink nipples as he kneaded into the soft flesh.
  87. It was strange. You felt a bit violated, but at the same time, it felt good.
  89. Before you could tell the dragon that it had been way more than a second, you felt his warm mouth on your pert nipple.
  91. “Spike, stop, that’s—aahh, fffuck!” Before you could finish your objection, the heat and wetness from his little mouth got to you. You felt his pointy fangs just slightly scrape against your skin as his snake-like tongue ravished your slick nipple.
  93. It was almost unreal how good it felt. It was unlike anything you’d ever experienced before. The way he sucked and lapped at your nipple was borderline insane. And just as you were getting used to the feeling, he moved on to the next one and gave it the same treatment.
  95. He hungrily sucked and licked, his tongue rubbing against the tiny, sensitive slit on your nipple. It was difficult not to moan aloud.
  97. “Spike… no…” you began to pant, trying to push away one of his arms. But his hands stayed firm on your tits, groping and grabbing at the tender flesh.
  99. “Femanon…” His breathing was heavy through his voice, which sounded slightly gruff and raspy. He removed one of his hands from your breasts, so you figured it was over.
  101. But you looked down, your eyes widening when you saw that he was using his hand to feverishly stroke his little prick.
  103. “Spike,” you exclaimed, startled. “What are you--!?”
  105. “It hurts,” he almost whined. “Fem, it’s aching so bad. Please… I need you.”
  107. “Spike, no, you can’t—“
  109. “I’m sorry, I just… I need it so bad! Please, I wanna be inside you so bad!”
  111. “No! Spike, you…”
  113. You couldn’t admit to yourself how wet you were. You were so aroused that you could feel your clit pulsing, but something like this just felt… wrong. This whole thing was a bad idea from the start.
  115. “I’m sorry, but I can’t hold back anymore! I need you, Fem!” With that, he pushed you onto your back. You felt your head bump against the solid floor, a groan slipping past your lips as you held your head.
  117. Spike didn’t seem to notice. He was too busy climbing on top of you.
  119. Since he was much smaller than you, his face only reached your chest. Pushing your legs open, he yanked off your skirt and pulled down your panties, almost ripping them in the process. He started to pant as he prodded your wet opening.
  121. Somehow, you felt like you couldn’t retaliate. Though every part of you objected, you were craving this almost as badly as he was.
  123. “I’m sorry,” he repeated through his heavy pants, his reddened member twitching excitedly as he finally angled it correctly.
  125. You winced as he pushed it inside, almost forcibly. A long, drawn out moan slipped past his scaly lips as his cock pulsed and throbbed inside you.
  127. “Femanon,” he moaned blissfully, “You’re… s-so hot and wet… a-ah, man…!”
  129. He started to plow into you, not even bothering to take it slow first. He grabbed your tender breasts, returning his mouth to one of the nipples just like before. He slurped and lapped loudly, mewls and groans leaking from his mouth.
  131. His grip felt so strong, like you were getting fucked by a completely different person. His cock was pretty small, but it was so unbelievably hot. It felt mind-numbingly amazing.
  133. The small dragon pounded into you with desperation, his moans and gasps becoming louder after every moment. You were soaking at this point, pressure building up inside you further and further.
  135. You were panting, your mind growing blank as your eyes narrowed with lust. Your tongue slipped out of your mouth as your breaths grew heavier, whimpers and moans running past your lips as this dragon fucked your metaphorical brains out.
  137. “Wuuuuhhh… uhhh… Fem… Femanon, I… I think I’m gonna…!” He pounded into your soaking pussy, a blissful and euphoric expression coating his face.
  139. “Spike, not inside,” you said urgently, but he was plowing into you so hard that you didn’t have the strength to stop him. You were so close to orgasm that you didn’t have the willpower to push him away.
  141. “I’m sorry, Femanon! I… I can’t hold it…! I’m… I’m…!”
  143. With a passionate cry, he blew his load inside you. You could feel his throbbing cock shoot rounds of hot cum into your wet cunt, your own orgasm building up to its peak at the sensation.
  145. “Fuck…! Spike, oh fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”
  147. Your moans and cries filled the air as you rubbed your pulsing clit with your fingers, your entire mind going numb as your orgasm ran through your body like bolts of electricity.
  149. Once Spike finished cumming, he pulled out and collapsed onto your hot, slightly sweaty body. As you rode out your orgasm, you could feel Spike’s warm seed leak from your pussy.
  151. As your breathing calmed down, the small dragon nestled his head between your soft breasts. You let him lie there as you relaxed against the floor, collecting your thoughts and getting your mind back together. So that’s what they called a ‘mind-blowing’ orgasm, huh?
  153. After a few moments of just lying there on the floor, Spike slowly raised his head and looked up at you. Oh, you thought he had fallen asleep.
  155. “… Femanon…?” he said sheepishly, a frown on his cute little face.
  157. “Mmm, yeah? What is it?”
  159. “… I’m… I’m really sorry. I… I really don’t know what got into me. Did I… Did I hurt you, Fem?”
  161. You chuckled. “No, you didn’t hurt me.” You almost added that his dick was too small for it to hurt, but you left that part out.
  163. “Oh. Good. I still feel bad, though. You sure you’re not hurt?”
  165. You laughed, finding it adorable how worried he was.
  167. “Seriously, Spike. I’m okay. It felt good. Really, really good.”
  169. “Really?” His face lit up, a smile returning to his face. “Oh, I’m so glad! Heh. It felt really, really good for me, too.”
  171. Suddenly, another voice rang out through the castle.
  173. “Oh, Spiiiiiike! Femanon! I’m home, and I got some new books! Where are you guys? Are you in the library?”
  175. “Shit, Twilight’s back,” you cursed, sitting up and quickly gathering your clothes as Spike hopped off of you. Tugging on your skirt, you grabbed your panties and bra with semen running down your leg.
  177. You were so panicked that you didn’t even want Twilight to know you were there. Even though she already knew you were there. If that made any sense. Which it didn’t.
  179. You just knew you were bound to get into trouble if she found out what you and Spike did.
  181. “Fem? What’s wrong? Why are you freaking out? Are you okay?”
  183. Pulling on your shirt, you grabbed your shoes and swung a leg over the window pane. “If Twilight asks, I left early. Okay? Don’t tell her anything!”
  185. “Well… Okay, but—“
  187. “Spike, you in there?” Twilight called from outside the library. “Is that Femanon I hear?”
  189. “Shit!” With the rest of your clothes in a bundle, you climbed out the window and slid down the castle, hoping to Celestia that you didn’t fall to your death.
  191. You heard Twilight enter the room as soon as you hit the ground, stumbling as you booked it out of there. As you raced back to your house, you wondered if Rarity knew any Morning After spells.
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