
Dragon's Dogma KB&M Convenience Hotkeys

Feb 2nd, 2016
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  1. For Casting:
  2. http://pastebin.com/aB5Z0bAs
  4. For Melee/Bow:(Should work with shield, not tested though)
  5. http://pastebin.com/PHU3Yszr
  7. my keybinding, replace part of your config.cfg with this. I'm using a pirated version, not sure if it's the same for everyone. You need this one!
  9. http://pastebin.com/7EeDb476
  11. Menu is the same on both.
  12. Tab is inventory
  13. CTRL is PauseMenu and Back button in dialogue and inventory
  14. Space is Jump and Forward in Dialogue and Inventory
  15. C is Grab(Also on XButton2) and other explanation in inventory
  16. Q,E function as swaps between characters in inventory
  17. I think navigating should be fairly easy with it, downside is that you can't see those keybindings.
  20. As for the Combat stuff. For Both:
  21. Y is Seathe/Draw Weapon
  22. X is Activate
  23. Space is Jump
  24. Left/Right Click are Light/Heavy Attack
  25. 1-5 are Hotkeys
  27. For Melees:
  28. Q,E,F are your 3 Primary Skills
  29. Xbutton1(Mouse4) activates your bow and changes some keys for my bow mode:
  30. Left Click is now Shoot
  31. Rightlick is nothing and disabled for a few ms after leaving bow mode cause this pc version's Bow Mode is shitty(toggle with R incase it comes active)
  32. Q,E,F are now your 3 Secondary Skills
  33. It's all in all 1 modifier less
  35. For Caster:
  36. Q,E,F,Shift+Q,E,F are your 6 Spells. i,e pressing Shift+Q let's you start casting your first Secondary Skill and it keeps you in "Secondary Weapons"-Stance. While it casts you can press M4/LeftM/RightM once to have it go off when it's ready. You can also hold M4 which will give you the magic crosshair instead and you can aim your spell till you let got of M4 and fire the spell. You can also start pressing M4/LM/RM after you're done casting and wait forever and move around freely with a charged spell without having to hold any button, though keep in mind Jumping cancels every cast. Further you can use Shift to enter this Aim mode without having the spell go off.
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