
Red Neck Anon One Shot

Jul 6th, 2013
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  1. >Day thriller in Equestria, be Redneck Anon and after a series of unfortunate, but hilarious events, you are now teamed up with Cadence.
  2. >At the tallest building, of the empire, you and Cadence look at all the places not to go.
  3. "We gotta get this here sombromb, away from dah Crystal Methpire!"
  4. >"Can you PLEASE stop calling it that."
  5. "Sorry purtty horse lady, dem words just often go tagether back home."
  6. >The large black bomb with a distictive horn protruding out of it ticks down the seconds.
  7. >30, 29, 28..
  8. "Its no use! Er goose is well cooked!"
  9. >"No, its not."
  10. "Huh?"
  11. >"Give me the bomb, I'll take it a safe distance away from here."
  12. "No way, we's in this tugether, ya drank from dah koolaid with me, we's kin now. Sept I would never sleep with ya."
  13. >"Damn it Anon, there is no time! Give me the bomb!"
  14. "No! Ya got yer whole life ahead of ya, wit dat white horse and yer yungins."
  15. >"How did you know I was pregnant!?"
  16. "I lived on a farm woman!"
  17. >10, 9,
  18. >You look in all directions before tears swell in your eyes,
  19. "Tell my wife/cousin, ah love her."
  20. >You jump off the balcony and plummet to the ground.
  21. "YEEEEEHAAA.."
  23. >Cadence weeps as the dark bomb explodes midair and away from the building. Shining Armor breaks through the door, "Cadence! Are you all right!?"
  24. >"I'm fine sweetie, but...Anonymous."
  25. >The two hug as the screen goes to black, much later, the two stand in front of a statue of you.
  26. >It depicts you fighting off 4 royal guards, while holding a bottle of whiskey. Cadence wips away a tear and smiles. "That was the first time I ever saw him, do you think he's looking up at us from hell? As he would say."
  27. >"I'm sure he's in hell right now, having the time of his life. C'mon sweetie, lets get you back home, Twilight can’t look after our kids forever you know."
  28. The end
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