
Rift live server detail documentation

Nov 16th, 2011
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  1. Basic globals:
  2. UI.Context
  3. Lists all contexts that have been created. Organizes them under [addonIdentifier][contextIdentifier][constructionOrder]. As an example, if TestAddon created four contexts named UIElement, the second would be UI.Context.TestAddon.UIElement[2].
  4. UI.CreateContext
  5. Function documentation:
  6. Creates a new UI context. A UI context must be created in order to create any frames.
  7. context = UI.CreateContext(name) -- Context <- string
  8. Parameters:
  9. name: A descriptive name for this element. Used for error reports and performance information. May be shown to end-users.
  10. Return values:
  11. context: A new context. Contexts are guaranteed to have at least the capabilities of a Frame.
  12. UI.CreateFrame
  13. Function documentation:
  14. Creates a new frame. Frames are the blocks that all addon UIs are made out of. Since all frames must have a parent, you'll need to create a Context before any frames. See UI.CreateContext.
  15. List of valid frame types:
  16. Frame: The base type. No special capabilities. Useful for spacing, organization, input handling, and solid color squares.
  17. Mask: Obscures the contents of child frames that do not fall within the mask boundaries.
  18. Text: Displays text.
  19. Texture: Displays a static texture image.
  20. RiftButton: A standard Rift button widget.
  21. RiftCheckbox: A standard Rift checkbox widget.
  22. RiftScrollbar: A standard Rift scrollbar widget.
  23. RiftSlider: A standard Rift slider widget.
  24. RiftTextfield: A standard Rift textfield widget.
  25. RiftWindow: A standard Rift window widget.
  26. frame = UI.CreateFrame(type, name, parent) -- Frame <- string, string, Element
  27. Parameters:
  28. name: A descriptive name for this element. Used for error reports and performance information. May be shown to end-users.
  29. parent: The new parent for this frame.
  30. type: The type of your new frame. Current supported types: Frame, Text, Texture.
  31. Return values:
  32. frame: Your new frame.
  33. UI.Frame
  34. Lists all frames that have been created. Organizes them under [addonIdentifier][contextIdentifier][constructionOrder]. As an example, if TestAddon created four frames named UIElement, the second would be UI.Frame.TestAddon.UIElement[2].
  35. UIParent.Event.Move
  36. UIParent.Event.Size
  37. _VERSION
  38. assert
  39. bit.arshift
  41. bit.bnot
  42. bit.bor
  43. bit.bswap
  44. bit.bxor
  45. bit.lshift
  46. bit.rol
  47. bit.ror
  48. bit.rshift
  49. bit.tobit
  50. bit.tohex
  51. collectgarbage
  52. coroutine.create
  53. coroutine.resume
  54. coroutine.running
  55. coroutine.status
  56. coroutine.wrap
  57. coroutine.yield
  58. debug.traceback
  59. dump
  60. Function documentation:
  61. Debug utility function. Similar to print(), but serializes any table parameters before outputting.
  62. dump(...) -- ...
  63. Parameters:
  64. ...: Takes any number of any parameter type.
  65. error
  66. An error, represented by a standard ID with an 'x' prefix.
  67. gcinfo
  68. getfenv
  69. getmetatable
  70. ipairs
  71. load
  72. loadstring
  73. math.abs
  74. math.acos
  75. math.asin
  76. math.atan
  77. math.atan2
  78. math.ceil
  79. math.cos
  80. math.cosh
  81. math.deg
  82. math.exp
  83. math.floor
  84. math.fmod
  85. math.frexp
  86. math.huge
  87. math.ldexp
  88. math.log
  89. math.log10
  90. math.max
  91. math.min
  92. math.modf
  93. math.pi
  94. math.pow
  95. math.rad
  96. math.random
  97. math.randomseed
  98. math.sin
  99. math.sinh
  100. math.sqrt
  101. math.tan
  102. math.tanh
  103. math.tau
  104. newproxy
  105. next
  107. os.difftime
  108. os.time
  109. pairs
  110. pcall
  111. print
  112. rawequal
  113. rawget
  114. rawlen
  115. rawset
  116. select
  117. setfenv
  118. setmetatable
  119. string.byte
  120. string.char
  121. string.find
  122. string.format
  123. string.gmatch
  124. string.gsub
  125. string.len
  126. string.lower
  127. string.match
  128. string.rep
  129. string.reverse
  130. string.sub
  131. string.upper
  132. table.concat
  133. table.foreach
  134. table.foreachi
  135. table.getn
  136. table.insert
  137. table.maxn
  138. table.pack
  139. table.remove
  140. table.sort
  141. table.unpack
  142. tonumber
  143. tostring
  144. type
  145. unpack
  146. xpcall
  148. zlib.BEST_SPEED
  149. zlib._COPYRIGHT
  150. zlib._DESCRIPTION
  151. zlib._VERSION
  152. zlib.deflate
  153. zlib.inflate
  155. Inspectors:
  156. Inspect.Ability.New.Detail
  157. Function documentation:
  158. Provides detailed information about abilities.
  159. detail = Inspect.Ability.New.Detail(ability) -- table <- ability
  160. details = Inspect.Ability.New.Detail(abilities) -- table <- table
  161. Parameters:
  162. abilities: A table of identifiers of abilities to retrieve detail for.
  163. ability: The identifier of the ability to retrieve detail for.
  164. Return values:
  165. detail: Detail table for a single ability.
  166. details: Detail tables for all requested abilities. The key is the ability ID, the value is the ability's detail table.
  167. Returned members:
  168. autoattack: Autoattack mode of the ability.
  169. castingTime: Casting time of the ability, in seconds.
  170. channeled: Signals that the ability is channeled.
  171. continuous: Signals that the ability is continuous.
  172. cooldown: Cooldown of the ability, in seconds.
  173. costCharge: The amount of charge this ability consumes on use.
  174. costEnergy: The amount of energy this ability consumes on use.
  175. costMana: The amount of mana this ability consumes on use.
  176. costPlanarCharge: The amount of planar charges this ability consumes on use.
  177. costPower: The amount of power this ability consumes on use.
  178. currentCooldownBegin: The time the current cooldown started, in the context of Inspect.Time.Frame.
  179. currentCooldownDuration: Duration of the current cooldown the ability is influenced by, in seconds.
  180. currentCooldownExpired: Number of seconds the current cooldown is past its expiration time. Generally indicates lag.
  181. currentCooldownPaused: Indicates that this ability's cooldown is paused.
  182. currentCooldownRemaining: Time remaining in the ability's current cooldown, in seconds.
  183. description: Description for the ability.
  184. gainCharge: Amount of charge gained by using the ability.
  185. icon: Resource filename of the ability's icon.
  186. id: The ID of the requested element.
  187. idNew: The new ability ID.
  188. name: Name of the ability.
  189. outOfRange: Signals that the ability is out of range.
  190. passive: Signals that the ability is passive.
  191. positioned: Signals that the ability's effect is manually positioned by the user.
  192. racial: Signals that the ability is a racial ability.
  193. rangeMax: The maximum range of the ability.
  194. rangeMin: The minimum range of the ability.
  195. stealthRequired: Signals that the ability requires the user to be in stealth.
  196. target: The Unit ID of the unit that this ability will be used on if triggered at this moment.
  197. unusable: Signals that this ability is unusable.
  198. weapon: The required equipped weapon for this ability. May be "any", "melee", or "ranged".
  199. Inspect.Ability.New.List
  200. Function documentation:
  201. List available abilities.
  202. abilities = Inspect.Ability.New.List() -- table <- void
  203. Return values:
  204. abilities: A table of IDs of the available abilities.
  205. Inspect.Achievement.Category.Detail
  206. Function documentation:
  207. Returns information about achievement categories.
  208. detail = Inspect.Achievement.Category.Detail(category) -- table <- achievementcategory
  209. details = Inspect.Achievement.Category.Detail(categories) -- table <- table
  210. Parameters:
  211. categories: A table of identifiers of achievement categories to retrieve detail for.
  212. category: The identifier of the achievement category to retrieve detail for.
  213. Return values:
  214. detail: Detail table for a single achievement category.
  215. details: Detail tables for all requested achievement categories. The key is the category ID, the value is the category's detail table.
  216. Returned members:
  217. id: The ID of the requested element.
  218. name: The name of the achievement category.
  219. parent: The category's parent, if it has one.
  220. Inspect.Achievement.Category.List
  221. Function documentation:
  222. Returns a table of valid achievement categories.
  223. categories = Inspect.Achievement.Category.List() -- table <- void
  224. Return values:
  225. categories: Valid achievement categories, in {id = true} format.
  226. Inspect.Achievement.Detail
  227. Function documentation:
  228. Provides detailed information about achievements.
  229. detail = Inspect.Achievement.Detail(achievement) -- table <- achievement
  230. details = Inspect.Achievement.Detail(achievements) -- table <- table
  231. Parameters:
  232. achievement: The identifier of the achievement to retrieve detail for.
  233. achievements: A table of identifiers of achievements to retrieve detail for.
  234. Return values:
  235. detail: Detail table for a single achievement.
  236. details: Detail tables for all requested achievements. The key is the achievement ID, the value is the achievement's detail table.
  237. Returned members:
  238. alliance: The alliance that this achievement requires, either "guardian", "defiant", or nil.
  239. category: ID of the achievement's category.
  240. complete: true is the achievement is completed by this character. If the achievement has been completed by another of the player's characters, gives that character's name.
  241. description: The achievement's description.
  242. icon: Internal name of the achievement's icon.
  243. id: The ID of the requested element.
  244. name: The achievement's name.
  245. previous: The ID of the achievement immediately previous to this in a chain.
  246. requirement: Table listing the requirements for this achievement. Each item may include multiple members.
  247. type: The type of the requirement. Valid values include "achievement", "artifactset", "discover", "event", "quest", and "tradeskill".
  248. name: The name of the requirement.
  249. count: The count required for completion.
  250. countDone: The count already completed.
  251. complete: Signals that this requirement is complete.
  252. id: The id of whatever this requires.
  253. score: The number of points this achievement awards for completion.
  254. sort: A number indicating the order that this achievement should be sorted in.
  255. title: The ID of the title this achievement awards.
  256. watch: Signals that this achievement is being watched.
  257. Inspect.Achievement.List
  258. Function documentation:
  259. Returns a table of all known achievements.
  260. achievements = Inspect.Achievement.List() -- table <- void
  261. Return values:
  262. achievements: All known achievements, in {id = true} format.
  263. Inspect.Addon.Cpu
  264. Function documentation:
  265. Returns recent CPU usage information. This is calculated using an exponential-falloff method.
  266. data = Inspect.Addon.Cpu() -- table <- void
  267. Return values:
  268. data: Recent CPU usage. This takes the format { AddonIdentifier = { SubIdentifier = cpu_used_as_a_fraction_of_one } }. SubIdentifiers are generated by Rift and the format may change without notice.
  269. Inspect.Addon.Current
  270. Function documentation:
  271. Returns the current addon. This information is used internally for counting CPU usage and determining frame ownership.
  272. addonIdentifier = Inspect.Addon.Current() -- string <- void
  273. Return values:
  274. addonIdentifier: The addon's identifier, as written in its TOC file.
  275. Inspect.Addon.Detail
  276. Function documentation:
  277. Provides detailed information about loaded addons.
  278. detail = Inspect.Addon.Detail(addon) -- table <- string
  279. details = Inspect.Addon.Detail(addons) -- table <- table
  280. Parameters:
  281. addon: An addon identifier.
  282. addons: A table containing addon identifiers.
  283. Return values:
  284. detail: Detail table for a single addon.
  285. details: Detail tables for all requested addons. The key is the addon identifier, the value is the addon's detail table.
  286. Returned members:
  287. data: The "data" table provided to the addon at load time.
  288. description: The chosen localization of the TOC Description field.
  289. id: The ID of the requested element.
  290. identifier: The addon's identifier.
  291. name: The chosen localization of the TOC Name field.
  292. nameShort: The chosen localization of the TOC NameShort field.
  293. toc: The addon's RiftAddon.toc file, parsed and in table form.
  294. Inspect.Addon.List
  295. Function documentation:
  296. Lists all the addons that the client has loaded.
  297. addons = Inspect.Addon.List() -- table <- void
  298. Return values:
  299. addons: Map of addon identifier to addon version, or "true" if no version is provided.
  300. Inspect.Attunement.Progress
  301. Function documentation:
  302. Returns information on your current attunement progress.
  303. result = Inspect.Attunement.Progress() -- table <- void
  304. Return values:
  305. result: Table containing information on attunement progress.
  306. Returned members:
  307. accumulated: Attunement experience accumulated so far in this attunement level.
  308. available: Number of unused attunement ranks.
  309. needed: Quantity of attunement experience needed to gain a level.
  310. rested: Quantity of available attunement rested experience.
  311. spent: Number of spent attunement ranks.
  312. Inspect.Auction.Detail
  313. Function documentation:
  314. Provides detailed information about auctions.
  315. Requires the "auction" interaction flag to be set.
  316. detail = Inspect.Auction.Detail(auction) -- table <- auction
  317. details = Inspect.Auction.Detail(auctions) -- table <- table
  318. Parameters:
  319. auction: An identifier for the auction to retrieve detail for.
  320. auctions: A table containing auction identifiers to retrieve details for. The value is the sort order.
  321. Return values:
  322. detail: Detail table for a single auction.
  323. details: Detail tables for all requested auctions. The key is the auction ID, the value is the auction's detail table.
  324. Returned members:
  325. bid: The current bid on this auction, in silver.
  326. bidder: Current high bidder on this auction. Available only if your current character is the bidder or the seller.
  327. buyout: The buyout amount for this auction, in silver.
  328. id: The ID of the requested element.
  329. item: ID of the item involved in the auction.
  330. itemStack: The size of this item stack.
  331. itemType: The item's type specifier.
  332. partial: Whether partial buyouts are permitted.
  333. remaining: Time remaining in the auction, as a number of seconds.
  334. seller: The name of the auction's seller.
  335. Inspect.Buff.Detail
  336. Function documentation:
  337. Provides detailed information about the buffs on a unit.
  338. detail = Inspect.Buff.Detail(unit, buff) -- table <- unit, buff
  339. details = Inspect.Buff.Detail(unit, buffs) -- table <- unit, table
  340. Parameters:
  341. buff: An identifier for the buff to retrieve detail for.
  342. buffs: A table containing buff identifiers to retrieve details for.
  343. unit: The unit to inspect.
  344. Return values:
  345. detail: Detail table for a single buff.
  346. details: Detail tables for all requested buffs. The key is the buff ID, the value is the buff's detail table.
  347. Returned members:
  348. ability: The ID of the ability that created this buff. Not guaranteed to exist.
  349. begin: The time the buff started, in the context of Inspect.Time.Frame.
  350. caster: Unit ID of the buff's caster.
  351. curse: Signals that the buff is a curse.
  352. debuff: Signals that the buff is a debuff. If this is missing, then it's an actual buff.
  353. description: Description for the buff. Numbers may not be accurate - see Command.Buff.Describe().
  354. descriptionComplete: Signals that the buff description is complete.
  355. disease: Signals that the buff is a disease.
  356. duration: Duration of the buff in seconds.
  357. expired: Number of seconds the buff is past its expiration time. Generally indicates lag.
  358. icon: Resource filename of the buff's icon.
  359. id: The ID of the requested element.
  360. name: Name of the buff.
  361. noncancelable: Signals that the buff cannot be voluntarily canceled. Does not show up for debuffs.
  362. poison: Signals that the buff is a poison.
  363. remaining: Time remaining on the buff, in seconds.
  364. rune: If this buff is created by a rune, the ID of the rune causing it.
  365. stack: Number of stacks on the buff.
  366. type: The buff type ID.
  367. Inspect.Buff.List
  368. Function documentation:
  369. List buffs on a unit.
  370. buffs = Inspect.Buff.List(unit) -- table <- unit
  371. Parameters:
  372. unit: The unit to inspect.
  373. Return values:
  374. buffs: A table of the IDs of the buffs on the unit.
  375. Inspect.Console.Detail
  376. Function documentation:
  377. Provides detailed information about consoles.
  378. detail = Inspect.Console.Detail(console) -- table <- console
  379. details = Inspect.Console.Detail(consoles) -- table <- table
  380. Parameters:
  381. console: The identifier of the console to retrieve information for. May also be "general" or "combat".
  382. consoles: A table of consoles to retrieve detail for.
  383. Return values:
  384. detail: Detail table for a single console.
  385. details: Detail tables for all requested consoles.
  386. Returned members:
  387. accolade: Indicates that this console displays Accolade messages.
  388. achievement: Indicates that this console displays Achievement messages.
  389. channel: May contain a table of public channels that this console will display. nil if the console does not display any public channels.
  390. combatBad: Indicates that this console displays Combat Bad messages.
  391. combatGood: Indicates that this console displays Combat Good messages.
  392. combatNeutral: Indicates that this console displays Combat Neutral messages.
  393. combatOther: Indicates that this console displays Combat Other messages.
  394. combatSpecial: Indicates that this console displays Combat Special messages.
  395. craftingOther: Indicates that this console displays Crafting Others messages.
  396. craftingSelf: Indicates that this console displays Crafting Self messages.
  397. emote: Indicates that this console displays Emote messages.
  398. experience: Indicates that this console displays Experience messages.
  399. guild: Indicates that this console displays Guild messages.
  400. id: The ID of the requested element.
  401. lootGroup: Indicates that this console displays Group Loot messages.
  402. lootItem: Indicates that this console displays Item Loot messages.
  403. lootMoney: Indicates that this console displays Money Loot messages.
  404. name: The player-chosen name of the console.
  405. notoriety: Indicates that this console displays Notoriety messages.
  406. npc: Indicates that this console displays NPC messages.
  407. officer: Indicates that this console displays Officer messages.
  408. party: Indicates that this console displays Party messages.
  409. purchase: Indicates that this console displays Purchase messages.
  410. raid: Indicates that this console displays Raid messages.
  411. raidWarning: Indicates that this console displays Raid Warning messages.
  412. say: Indicates that this console displays Say messages.
  413. skill: Indicates that this console displays Skill messages.
  414. system: Indicates that this console displays System messages.
  415. tell: Indicates that this console displays Tell messages.
  416. twitter: Indicates that this console displays Twitter messages.
  417. yell: Indicates that this console displays Yell messages.
  418. Inspect.Console.List
  419. Function documentation:
  420. Returns a table of the current open text consoles.
  421. consoles = Inspect.Console.List() -- table <- void
  422. Return values:
  423. consoles: A table containing the IDs of the available consoles.
  424. Inspect.Currency.Category.Detail
  425. Function documentation:
  426. Returns information about currency categories.
  427. detail = Inspect.Currency.Category.Detail(category) -- table <- currencycategory
  428. details = Inspect.Currency.Category.Detail(categories) -- table <- table
  429. Parameters:
  430. categories: A table of identifiers of currency categories to retrieve detail for.
  431. category: The identifier of the currency category to retrieve detail for.
  432. Return values:
  433. detail: Detail table for a single currency category.
  434. details: Detail tables for all requested currency categories. The key is the category ID, the value is the category's detail table.
  435. Returned members:
  436. id: The ID of the requested element.
  437. name: The name of the currency category.
  438. Inspect.Currency.Category.List
  439. Function documentation:
  440. Returns a table of valid currency categories.
  441. categories = Inspect.Currency.Category.List() -- table <- void
  442. Return values:
  443. categories: Valid currency categories, in {id = true} format.
  444. Inspect.Currency.Detail
  445. Function documentation:
  446. Provides detailed information about currencies.
  447. detail = Inspect.Currency.Detail(coin) -- table <- string
  448. detail = Inspect.Currency.Detail(currency) -- table <- itemtype
  449. details = Inspect.Currency.Detail(currencies) -- table <- table
  450. Parameters:
  451. coin: The string "coin", used as a value to request the player's money.
  452. currencies: A table of identifiers of currencies to retrieve detail for.
  453. currency: The identifier of the currency to retrieve detail for.
  454. Return values:
  455. detail: Detail table for a single currency.
  456. details: Detail tables for all requested currencies. The key is the currency ID, the value is the currency's detail table.
  457. Returned members:
  458. category: ID of the currency's category.
  459. icon: Internal name of the currency's icon.
  460. id: The ID of the requested element.
  461. name: The currency's name.
  462. stack: The number of this currency that you have.
  463. stackMax: The maximum number of this currency that you can have.
  464. Inspect.Currency.List
  465. Function documentation:
  466. Returns a table of all known currencies.
  467. currencies = Inspect.Currency.List() -- table <- void
  468. Return values:
  469. currencies: All known currencies, in {id = amount} format.
  470. Inspect.Cursor
  471. Function documentation:
  472. Returns the current contents of the cursor.
  473. type, held = Inspect.Cursor() -- nil, nil <- void
  474. type, held = Inspect.Cursor() -- string, variant <- void
  475. Return values:
  476. held: The blob describing what is currently held. Generally, some kind of identifier used in another part of the addon system.
  477. type: The current cursor type. Valid values include "ability", "item", "itemtype", and nil.
  478. Inspect.Dimension.Layout.Detail
  479. Function documentation:
  480. Returns details about the specified dimension item.
  481. detail = Inspect.Dimension.Layout.Details(dimensionitem) -- table <- dimensionitem
  482. details = Inspect.Dimension.Layout.Details(dimensionitems) -- table <- table
  483. Parameters:
  484. dimensionitem: The identifier of the dimension item to retrieve detail for.
  485. dimensionitems: A table of identifiers of dimension items to retrieve detail for.
  486. Return values:
  487. detail: Table of details about the dimension item specified.
  488. details: Detail table for all requsted dimension items. The key is the dimension item ID, the value is the dimension item's detail table.
  489. Returned members:
  490. coordX: The X coordinate of the item.
  491. coordY: The Y coordinate of the item.
  492. coordZ: The Z coordinate of the item.
  493. crated: Indicates that the item is crated.
  494. icon: Resource filename of the item's icon.
  495. id: The item's id.
  496. name: The name of the item.
  497. pitch: The pitch of the item.
  498. roll: The roll of the item.
  499. scale: The scale of the item.
  500. selected: Indicates that the item is selected.
  501. type: The type of the item.
  502. yaw: The yaw of the item.
  503. Inspect.Dimension.Layout.List
  504. Function documentation:
  505. Returns a list of dimension items in the dimension you're currently in, and whether or not they are crated.
  506. list = Inspect.Dimension.Layout.List() -- table <- void
  507. Return values:
  508. list: The list of detail results.
  509. Inspect.Documentation
  510. Function documentation:
  511. Provide documentation on items in the addon environment. Called with no parameters, it returns a table listing all documentation. Can provide both human-readable and computer-readable documentation.
  512. documentables = Inspect.Documentation() -- table <- void
  513. documentation = Inspect.Documentation(item) -- string <- variant
  514. documentation = Inspect.Documentation(item, parseable) -- string <- variant, boolean
  515. documentationTable = Inspect.Documentation(item, parseable) -- table <- variant, boolean
  516. Parameters:
  517. item: The item to get documentation on. May be either the item itself or a string identifier.
  518. parseable: Whether to return in a computer-readable format, as opposed to the normal human-readable format.
  519. Return values:
  520. documentables: List of all items that documentation can be retrieved for. In {["itemname"] = true} format.
  521. documentation: Documentation for the requested item.
  522. documentationTable: Computer-readable documentation for the requested item. Format may change without warning.
  523. Returned members:
  524. (other): May include many other parameters. These parameters are not yet documented.
  525. disabled: Boolean that indicates whether this function is disabled for deprecation reasons.
  526. readable: Human-readable string version of this documentation.
  527. Inspect.Event.List
  528. Function documentation:
  529. Lists the current event handlers for an event.
  530. result = Inspect.Event.List(event) -- table <- eventGlobal
  531. Parameters:
  532. event: A global event handle, usually pulled out of the "Event." hierarchy.
  533. Return values:
  534. result: A table of event handlers for this event.
  535. Returned members:
  536. handler: The handler that will be called when the event fires.
  537. label: Label assigned to the event handler at creation.
  538. owner: Owner addon for the event handler.
  539. priority: Priority for the event handler.
  540. Inspect.Experience
  541. Function documentation:
  542. Returns information on your experience.
  543. result = Inspect.Experience() -- table <- void
  544. Return values:
  545. result: Table containing information on experience.
  546. Returned members:
  547. accumulated: Experience accumulated so far in this character level.
  548. needed: Quantity of experience needed to gain a level.
  549. rested: Quantity of available rested experience.
  550. Inspect.Faction.Detail
  551. Function documentation:
  552. Provides detailed information about factions.
  553. detail = Inspect.Faction.Detail(faction) -- table <- faction
  554. details = Inspect.Faction.Detail(factions) -- table <- table
  555. Parameters:
  556. faction: The identifier of the faction to retrieve detail for.
  557. factions: A table of identifiers of factions to retrieve detail for.
  558. Return values:
  559. detail: Detail table for a single faction.
  560. details: Detail tables for all requested factions. The key is the faction ID, the value is the faction's detail table.
  561. Returned members:
  562. categoryName: Name of the faction's category.
  563. id: The ID of the requested element.
  564. name: The faction's name.
  565. notoriety: The current notoriety you have with this faction.
  566. Inspect.Faction.List
  567. Function documentation:
  568. Returns a table of all known factions.
  569. factions = Inspect.Faction.List() -- table <- void
  570. Return values:
  571. factions: All known factions, in {id = notoriety} format.
  572. Inspect.Guild.Bank.Coin
  573. Function documentation:
  574. Returns the amount of money contained within the guild bank.
  575. Requires the "guildbank" interaction flag to be set.
  576. coin = Inspect.Guild.Bank.Coin() -- number <- void
  577. Return values:
  578. coin: The current money in the guild bank, in silver.
  579. Inspect.Guild.Bank.Detail
  580. Function documentation:
  581. Provides detailed information about guild bank vaults.
  582. detail = Inspect.Guild.Bank.Detail(guildvault) -- table <- slot
  583. details = Inspect.Guild.Bank.Detail(guildvaults) -- table <- table
  584. Parameters:
  585. guildvault: A slot specifier representing the entire guild bank vault to retrieve information for.
  586. guildvaults: A table of slot specifiers, each representing an entire guild bank vault, to retrieve information for.
  587. Return values:
  588. detail: Detail table for a guild bank vault.
  589. details: Detail tables for all requested guild bank vault. The key is the vault specifier, the value is the vault's detail table.
  590. Returned members:
  591. id: The ID of the requested element.
  592. name: The name of the vault.
  593. Inspect.Guild.Bank.List
  594. Function documentation:
  595. Returns a table of all available guild bank vaults.
  596. list = Inspect.Guild.Bank.List() -- table <- void
  597. Return values:
  598. list: All available guild vaults, in {id = name} format.
  599. Inspect.Guild.Motd
  600. Function documentation:
  601. Returns the current guild Message of the Day.
  602. motd = Inspect.Guild.Motd() -- string <- void
  603. Return values:
  604. motd: The current Message of the Day.
  605. Inspect.Guild.Rank.Detail
  606. Function documentation:
  607. Provides detailed information about guild ranks.
  608. detail = Inspect.Guild.Rank.Detail(guildrank) -- table <- guildrank
  609. details = Inspect.Guild.Rank.Detail(guildranks) -- table <- table
  610. Parameters:
  611. guildrank: The identifier of the rank to retrieve detail for.
  612. guildranks: A table of identifiers of ranks to retrieve detail for.
  613. Return values:
  614. detail: Detail table for a single rank.
  615. details: Detail table for all requested ranks. The key is the rank ID, the value is the rank's detail table.
  616. Returned members:
  617. addonStorageDelete: Signals that this rank has permission to modify or delete addon storage elements.
  618. addonStorageWrite: Signals that this rank has permission to non-destructively write addon storage elements.
  619. demote: Signals that this rank has permission to demote guildmembers.
  620. finderEdit: Signals that this rank has permission to edit the Guild Finder settings.
  621. finderReceive: Signals that this rank has permission to receive Guild Finder messages.
  622. id: The ID of the requested element.
  623. invite: Signals that this rank has permission to invite new guildmembers.
  624. kick: Signals that this rank has permission to kick guildmembers.
  625. listen: Signals that this rank has permission to listen to guild chat.
  626. motd: Signals that this rank has permission to change the guild Message of the Day.
  627. name: The name of this rank.
  628. noteOfficer: Signals that this rank has permission to view and edit Officer Notes.
  629. officer: Signals that this rank has permission to listen to and speak in officer chat.
  630. perk: Signals that this rank has permission to choose guild perks.
  631. promote: Signals that this rank has permission to promote guildmembers.
  632. questAbandon: Signals that this rank has permission to abandon guild quests.
  633. questAccept: Signals that this rank has permission to accept guild quests.
  634. questComplete: Signals that this rank has permission to complete guild quests.
  635. rally: Signals that this rank has permission to set the guild rally point.
  636. rankEdit: Signals that this rank has permission to edit rank permissions.
  637. rename: Signals that this rank has permission to rename the guild.
  638. speak: Signals that this rank has permission to speak in guild chat.
  639. vaultAccess: A table containing information on vault access permissions. The key is the vault ID in slot format. The value is a table containing two members, "access" which may be nil, "deposit", or "full", and "withdrawLimit" which gives the number of stacks that may be withdrawn daily.
  640. vaultBuy: Signals that this rank has permission to buy guild vaults.
  641. vaultRename: Signals that this rank has permission to rename guild vaults.
  642. wallDelete: Signals that this rank has permission to delete entries off the Guild Wall.
  643. wallPost: Signals that this rank has permission to post to the Guild Wall.
  644. Inspect.Guild.Rank.List
  645. Function documentation:
  646. Lists available guild ranks.
  647. list = Inspect.Guild.Rank.List() -- table <- void
  648. Return values:
  649. list: A table of the IDs of the available ranks. The value is the rank's name.
  650. Inspect.Guild.Roster.Detail
  651. Function documentation:
  652. Provides detailed information about guildmembers.
  653. detail = Inspect.Guild.Roster.Detail(guildmember) -- table <- string
  654. details = Inspect.Guild.Roster.Detail(guildmembers) -- table <- table
  655. Parameters:
  656. guildmember: The name of the guildmember to retrieve data for.
  657. guildmembers: A table of names of guildmembers to retrieve data for.
  658. Return values:
  659. detail: Detail table for a single guildmember.
  660. details: Detail tables for all requested guildmembers. The key is the guildmember's name, the value is the guildmember's detail table.
  661. Returned members:
  662. id: The ID of the requested element.
  663. level: The guildmember's level.
  664. logout: The guildmember's last logout time, in UNIX time.
  665. name: The guildmember's name.
  666. note: The guildmember's public note.
  667. noteOfficer: The guildmember's officer note.
  668. rank: The guildmember's rank.
  669. score: The guildmember's achievement score.
  670. status: The guildmember's current status. May include "online" or "mobile". nil if the guildmember is offline.
  671. zone: The guildmember's current zone, if online.
  672. Inspect.Guild.Roster.List
  673. Function documentation:
  674. Lists guildmembers.
  675. list = Inspect.Guild.Roster.List() -- table <- void
  676. Return values:
  677. list: A table listing all your guildmembers. The key is the guildmember's name, the value is the guildmember's status.
  678. Inspect.Interaction
  679. Function documentation:
  680. Provides information about what types of interaction are available.
  681. interactions = Inspect.Interaction() -- table <- void
  682. status = Inspect.Interaction(interaction) -- boolean <- string
  683. Parameters:
  684. interaction: Optional name of the interaction type to query. Valid values include "auction", "bank", "guildbank", and "mail".
  685. Return values:
  686. interactions: Table from interaction type to indicator of whether that interaction is available.
  687. status: Whether or not that interaction type is available.
  688. Inspect.Item.Detail
  689. Function documentation:
  690. Provides detailed information about items.
  691. item = Inspect.Item.Detail(item) -- table <- item
  692. item = Inspect.Item.Detail(itemtype) -- table <- itemtype
  693. item = Inspect.Item.Detail(slot) -- table <- slot
  694. items = Inspect.Item.Detail(slot) -- table <- slot
  695. items = Inspect.Item.Detail(elements) -- table <- table
  696. Parameters:
  697. elements: A table of slot specifiers, item IDs, or item types.
  698. item: A single item ID.
  699. itemtype: A single item type.
  700. slot: A single slot specifier.
  701. Return values:
  702. item: Detail table for a single item.
  703. items: Detail tables for all requested items. The key is the string used to lookup, the value is the item's detail table.
  704. Returned members:
  705. bind: The item's binding type. May be "equip", "use", "pickup", or "account".
  706. bound: The item's bound flag.
  707. category: The item's type category.
  708. coin: The amount of silver this item represents.
  709. cooldown: The cooldown for using this item.
  710. cooldownBegin: The time the current cooldown started, in the context of Inspect.Time.Frame.
  711. cooldownDuration: Duration of the current cooldown the item is influenced by, in seconds.
  712. cooldownExpired: Number of seconds the current cooldown is past its expiration time. Generally indicates lag.
  713. cooldownRemaining: Time remaining in the item's current cooldown, in seconds.
  714. crafter: The name of the player who crafted this item.
  715. damageDelay: If a weapon, the delay between autoattacks using this weapon.
  716. damageMax: If a weapon, the maximum damage done by a single hit with this item.
  717. damageMin: If a weapon, the minimum damage done by a single hit with this item.
  718. damageType: If a weapon, the damage type done by autoattacks. Values include "life", "death", "air", "earth", "fire", and "water".
  719. description: The description of this item.
  720. flavor: The flavor text for this item.
  721. icon: Resource filename of the item's icon.
  722. id: The ID of the requested element.
  723. lootable: Indicates that the item contains loot.
  724. name: The item's name.
  725. range: If a ranged weapon, the maximum range of this item.
  726. rarity: The item's rarity. Values include "sellable", "uncommon", "rare", "epic", "relic", "transcendent", or "quest". Common items have a rarity of nil.
  727. requiredCalling: Space-delimited list of the required callings to use this item.
  728. requiredFaction: The ID of the faction required to use this item.
  729. requiredFactionLevel: The faction notoriety required to use this item.
  730. requiredLevel: The level required to use this item.
  731. requiredPrestige: The prestige rank required to use this item.
  732. requiredSkill: The skill required to use this item.
  733. requiredSkillLevel: The skill level required to use this item.
  734. sell: The sell value of this item, in silver.
  735. slots: If a container, the number of slots that this item can contain.
  736. stack: The size of this item stack.
  737. stackMax: The maximum size of this item stack.
  738. stats: The base stats of this item. Members may include "armor", "block", "critAttack", "critPower", "critSpell", "dexterity", "dodge", "endurance", "energyMax", "energyRegen", "hit", "intelligence", "manaMax", "manaRegen", "movement", "powerAttack", "powerMax", "powerRegen", "powerSpell", "resistAir", "resistAll", "resistDeath", "resistEarth", "resistFire", "resistLife", "resistWater", "stealth", "stealthDetect", "strength", and "wisdom".
  739. statsRune: The added rune stats of this item. May contain the same members as stats.
  740. statsRuneTemporary: The added temporary rune stats of this item. May contain the same members as stats.
  741. type: The item's type specifier.
  742. Inspect.Item.Find
  743. Function documentation:
  744. Finds a slot specifier based on an item ID.
  745. slot = Inspect.Item.Find(item) -- slot <- item
  746. slots = Inspect.Item.Find(items) -- table <- table
  747. Parameters:
  748. item: A single item ID.
  749. items: A table of item IDs.
  750. Return values:
  751. slot: A slot specifier for that item.
  752. slots: Slot specifiers for all requested items. The key is the string used to lookup, the value is the slot specifier.
  753. Inspect.Item.List
  754. Function documentation:
  755. Generate a list of item IDs from a slot specifier or set of slot specifiers.
  756. items = Inspect.Item.List() -- table <- void
  757. item = Inspect.Item.List(slot) -- item <- slot
  758. items = Inspect.Item.List(slot) -- table <- slot
  759. items = Inspect.Item.List(slots) -- table <- table
  760. Parameters:
  761. slot: A single slot specifier.
  762. slots: A table of slot specifiers.
  763. Return values:
  764. item: A single item ID. This will be returned only if the input is a single fully-specified slot specifier.
  765. items: A table of item IDs. The key is the slot specifier, the value is the item ID.
  766. Inspect.Mail.Detail
  767. Function documentation:
  768. Returns information about mail.
  769. Requires the "mail" interaction flag to be set.
  770. detail = Inspect.Mail.Detail(mail) -- table <- mail
  771. details = Inspect.Mail.Detail(mails) -- table <- table
  772. Parameters:
  773. mail: The identifier of the mail to retrieve detail for.
  774. mails: A table of identifiers of mail to retrieve detail for.
  775. Return values:
  776. detail: Detail table for a single mail.
  777. details: Detail tables for all requested mail. The key is the mail ID, the value is the mail's detail table.
  778. Returned members:
  779. attachments: The attachments available on this mail. A number if this mail has basic information, or a table of item IDs if this mail has detailed information.
  780. body: The body of this mail. Available only if detailed information on the mail has been retrieved.
  781. cod: The Cash on Delivery required to retrieve attachments out of this mail message.
  782. expire: The time this mail will expire, in Unix timestamp form.
  783. from: The name of the character this mail was sent from.
  784. id: The ID of the requested element.
  785. read: "true" if you have already opened this mail.
  786. spam: "true" if this mail is considered spam.
  787. subject: The subject line for this mail.
  788. Inspect.Mail.List
  789. Function documentation:
  790. Returns a table of valid mail and its status.
  791. Requires the "mail" interaction flag to be set.
  792. mails = Inspect.Mail.List() -- table <- void
  793. Return values:
  794. mails: Valid mail, in {id = "type"} format. The type may be either "basic" or "detail", indicating whether the mail has been opened and its detailed information is available.
  795. Inspect.Map.Detail
  796. Function documentation:
  797. Returns information about map locations.
  798. detail = Inspect.Map.Detail(location) -- table <- location
  799. details = Inspect.Map.Detail(locations) -- table <- table
  800. Parameters:
  801. location: The identifier of the location to retrieve detail for.
  802. locations: A table of identifiers of locations to retrieve detail for.
  803. Return values:
  804. detail: Detail table for a single location.
  805. details: Detail tables for all requested locations. The key is the location ID, the value is the location's detail table.
  806. Returned members:
  807. coordX: The map location's current X coordinate.
  808. coordY: The map location's current Y coordinate.
  809. coordZ: The map location's current Z coordinate.
  810. description: The description of this map location, if it has one.
  811. id: The ID of the requested element.
  812. title: The title of this map location, if it has one.
  813. Inspect.Map.List
  814. Function documentation:
  815. Returns a table of map locations.
  816. list = Inspect.Map.List() -- table <- void
  817. Return values:
  818. list: Valid locations, in {id = true} format.
  819. Inspect.Map.Monitor
  820. Function documentation:
  821. Inspects the state of the map monitor flag. See Command.Map.Monitor() for details.
  822. monitor = Inspect.Map.Monitor() -- boolean <- void
  823. Return values:
  824. monitor: The current state of the map monitor flag.
  825. Inspect.Map.Waypoint.Get
  826. Function documentation:
  827. Gets a unit's current waypoint.
  828. x, z = Inspect.Map.Waypoint.Get(unit) -- number, number <- unit
  829. Parameters:
  830. unit: A unit, in either unit ID or unit specifier format.
  831. Return values:
  832. x: The x coordinate of the waypoint.
  833. z: The z coordinate of the waypoint.
  834. Inspect.Message.Accept.Check
  835. Function documentation:
  836. Checks whether a given message type would be accepted if it were sent to you. Parameters can be replaced by "nil" to check for wildcard acceptance.
  837. accepted = Inspect.Message.Accept.Check(type, identifier) -- boolean <- string/nil, string/nil
  838. Parameters:
  839. identifier: The identifier type of the message. Used for the receiver to filter accepted messages via the Command.Message.Accept() function. Must be at least three characters long.
  840. type: The type of message. Valid types include "tell", "channel", "guild", "officer", "party", "raid", "say", "yell", "send".
  841. Return values:
  842. accepted: True if the message would be transferred to this client.
  843. Inspect.Message.Accept.List
  844. Function documentation:
  845. Retrieves the list of accepted message types and identifiers.
  846. accepts = Inspect.Message.Accept.List() -- table <- void
  847. Return values:
  848. accepts: List of all accepted message types. Takes the form of a key/value table. The key is a table containing {type, identifier}, where either element may be nil to indicate a wildcard. The value is the number of times this type has been accepted.
  849. Inspect.Minion.Adventure.Detail
  850. Function documentation:
  851. Provides detailed information about minion adventures.
  852. detail = Inspect.Minion.Adventure.Detail(adventure) -- table <- minionadventure
  853. details = Inspect.Minion.Adventure.Detail(adventures) -- table <- table
  854. Parameters:
  855. adventure: The identifier of the minion adventure to retrieve detail for.
  856. adventures: A table of identifiers of minion adventures to retrieve detail for.
  857. Return values:
  858. detail: Detail table for a single minion adventure.
  859. details: Detail table for all requested minion adventures. The key is the minion adventure ID, the value is the adventure's detail table.
  860. Returned members:
  861. completion: The time a "working" adventure will change to "finished", represented as UNIX time.
  862. costAventurine: The cost to start this adventure in Aventurine.
  863. costCredit: The cost to start this adventure in credits.
  864. costStamina: The cost to start this adventure in stamina.
  865. duration: The duration of this adventure in seconds.
  866. hurryAventurine: The cost to hurry this adventure in Aventurine.
  867. hurryCredit: The cost to hurry this adventure in credits.
  868. mode: The mode this adventure is in. One of "available", "working", or "finished".
  869. name: The name of this adventure.
  870. reward: The reward type of this adventure.
  871. rewardQuality: The final reward quality of this adventure once in "finished" mode.
  872. statAir: Indicates greater rewards if finished by a minion with an Air stat.
  873. statArtifact: Indicates greater rewards if finished by a minion with an Artifact stat.
  874. statAssassination: Indicates greater rewards if finished by a minion with an Assassination stat.
  875. statDeath: Indicates greater rewards if finished by a minion with a Death stat.
  876. statDimension: Indicates greater rewards if finished by a minion with a Dimension stat.
  877. statDiplomacy: Indicates greater rewards if finished by a minion with a Diplomacy stat.
  878. statEarth: Indicates greater rewards if finished by a minion with an Earth stat.
  879. statExploration: Indicates greater rewards if finished by a minion with an Exploration stat.
  880. statFire: Indicates greater rewards if finished by a minion with a Fire stat.
  881. statHarvesting: Indicates greater rewards if finished by a minion with a Harvesting stat.
  882. statHunting: Indicates greater rewards if finished by a minion with a Hunting stat.
  883. statLife: Indicates greater rewards if finished by a minion with a Life stat.
  884. statWater: Indicates greater rewards if finished by a minion with a Water stat.
  885. Inspect.Minion.Adventure.List
  886. Function documentation:
  887. Lists known minion adventures.
  888. list = Inspect.Minion.Adventure.List() -- table <- void
  889. Return values:
  890. list: A table of minion adventure IDs. The key is the minion adventure ID.
  891. Inspect.Minion.Minion.Detail
  892. Function documentation:
  893. Provides detailed information about minions.
  894. detail = Inspect.Minion.Minion.Detail(minion) -- table <- minionminion
  895. details = Inspect.Minion.Minion.Detail(minions) -- table <- table
  896. Parameters:
  897. minion: The identifier of the minion to retrieve detail for.
  898. minions: A table of identifiers of minions to retrieve detail for.
  899. Return values:
  900. detail: Detail table for a single minion.
  901. details: Detail table for all requested minions. The key is the minion ID, the value is the minion's detail table.
  902. Returned members:
  903. description: The description of this minion.
  904. experienceAccumulated: If not at max level, this minion's accumulated experience in their current level.
  905. experienceNeeded: If not at max level, the amount of experience required to gain a level.
  906. level: The current level of this minion.
  907. name: The name of this minion.
  908. rarity: The rarity of this minion. "common", "uncommon", "rare", or "epic".
  909. stamina: The current stamina of this minion.
  910. staminaMax: The maximum stamina of this minion.
  911. statAir: This minion's Air stat.
  912. statArtifact: This minion's Artifact stat.
  913. statAssassination: This minion's Assassination stat.
  914. statDeath: This minion's Death stat.
  915. statDimension: This minion's Dimension stat.
  916. statDiplomacy: This minion's Diplomacy stat.
  917. statEarth: This minion's Earth stat.
  918. statExploration: This minion's Exploration stat.
  919. statFire: This minion's Fire stat.
  920. statHarvesting: This minion's Harvesting stat.
  921. statHunting: This minion's Hunting stat.
  922. statLife: This minion's Life stat.
  923. statWater: This minion's Water stat.
  924. Inspect.Minion.Minion.List
  925. Function documentation:
  926. Lists available minions.
  927. list = Inspect.Minion.Minion.List() -- table <- void
  928. Return values:
  929. list: A table of minion IDs. The key is the minion ID.
  930. Inspect.Minion.Slot
  931. Function documentation:
  932. Returns the total number of minion adventure slots.
  933. slots = Inspect.Minion.Slot() -- number <- void
  934. Return values:
  935. slots: The number of slots available for active minion adventures.
  936. Inspect.Mouse
  937. Function documentation:
  938. Returns information about the current mouse position and button state.
  939. results = Inspect.Mouse() -- table <- void
  940. Return values:
  941. results: Table containing the current mouse state. May include members x, y, Left, Right, Middle, Mouse4, Mouse5.
  942. Inspect.Pvp.History
  943. Function documentation:
  944. Returns information on your PVP history.
  945. result = Inspect.Pvp.History() -- table <- void
  946. Return values:
  947. result: Table containing information on PVP history.
  948. Returned members:
  949. favorLifetime: Amount of lifetime favor accumulated.
  950. killLifetime: Amount of kills made on this character.
  951. killMonth: Amount of kills made on this character within the last month.
  952. killToday: Amount of kills made on this character within the last day.
  953. killWeek: Amount of kills made on this character within the last week.
  954. Inspect.Pvp.Prestige
  955. Function documentation:
  956. Returns information on your PVP prestige.
  957. result = Inspect.Pvp.Prestige() -- table <- void
  958. Return values:
  959. result: Table containing information on prestige.
  960. Returned members:
  961. accumulated: Prestige accumulated so far in this rank.
  962. needed: Quantity of prestige needed to gain a rank.
  963. rank: Current prestige rank.
  964. Inspect.Quest.Complete
  965. Function documentation:
  966. Returns a table of all quests completed.
  967. quests = Inspect.Quest.Complete() -- table <- void
  968. Return values:
  969. quests: A table where the key is the incomplete quest identifier. Identifiers returned by this function may not include all characters - the last eight characters may be replaced by "xxxxxxxx". These elements can still be compared against standard quest IDs by comparing only the first nine characters (including the 'q' prefix).
  970. Inspect.Quest.Detail
  971. Function documentation:
  972. Provides detailed information about a quest.
  973. detail = Inspect.Quest.Detail(quest) -- table <- quest
  974. details = Inspect.Quest.Detail(quests) -- table <- table
  975. Parameters:
  976. quest: The quest to retrieve detail for.
  977. quests: A table of quests to retrieve detail for.
  978. Return values:
  979. detail: Detail table for a single quest.
  980. details: Detail tables for all requested quests.
  981. Returned members:
  982. categoryName: The name of the category this quest is placed under.
  983. complete: Signals that this quest is complete.
  984. description: The long description for this quest.
  985. domain: The quest's domain. May be "area", "guild", "instant", or "zone". Personal quests are signaled with nil.
  986. failed: Signals that this quest has failed.
  987. id: The ID of the requested element.
  988. mode: This quest's mode, if it has a special mode. May be "story" or "soul".
  989. name: The name of this quest.
  990. objective: A table of objectives. Each objective is a table that may contain the following members: "description", representing the quest's full description. "count", representing how many elements must be completed to finish this quest. "countDone", representing how many elements have been completed. "complete", indicating that this objective is complete. "indicator", listing all the map indicators that can be used to complete this quest.
  991. rewardChoose: Lists the possible reward choices for the player. The key is the item type, the value is the count.
  992. rewardCoin: The amount of silver this quest's completion will award.
  993. rewardExperience: The amount of experience this quest's completion will award.
  994. rewardExperienceGuild: The amount of guild experience this quest's completion will award.
  995. rewardFavor: The amount of favor this quest's completion will award.
  996. rewardGuaranteed: Lists the guaranteed rewards for the player. The key is the item type, the value is the count.
  997. rewardNotoriety: The amount of notoriety this quest's completion will award, represented as a table. The key is the faction ID, the value is the amount.
  998. rewardPrestige: The amount of prestige this quest's completion will award.
  999. summary: The short summary for this quest.
  1000. tag: The quest's tags, space-separated.
  1001. tagName: The quest's tags, localized.
  1002. track: Signals that this quest is being manually tracked.
  1003. watch: Signals that this quest is being watched.
  1004. Inspect.Quest.List
  1005. Function documentation:
  1006. Lists the player's current active quests.
  1007. quests = Inspect.Quest.List() -- table <- void
  1008. Return values:
  1009. quests: A table containing the player's current quests.
  1010. Inspect.Queue.Handler
  1011. Function documentation:
  1012. Returns the current queue handler function.
  1013. handler, owner = Inspect.Queue.Handler() -- function, string <- void
  1014. Return values:
  1015. handler: The current queue handler function.
  1016. owner: The owner of the current queue handler function.
  1017. Inspect.Queue.Status
  1018. Function documentation:
  1019. Inspects the current queue status. Omit the first parameter to get a table containing information on all queues.
  1020. results = Inspect.Queue.Status() -- table <- void
  1021. result = Inspect.Queue.Status(queue) -- boolean <- string
  1022. results = Inspect.Queue.Status(queue, size) -- table <- string, number
  1023. Parameters:
  1024. queue: Optional identifier of the queue to query. Valid values include "global" and "auctionfullscan".
  1025. size: The size of the element to test in this queue. Defaults to 1 if no size is provided.
  1026. Return values:
  1027. result: false if this queue is throttled, non-false otherwise.
  1028. results: A key/value table. The first parameter is the name of the queue. The second parameter is false if the queue is throttled, or a number representing the queue size available otherwise.
  1029. Inspect.Role.List
  1030. Function documentation:
  1031. Lists the player's roles.
  1032. roles = Inspect.Role.List() -- table <- void
  1033. Return values:
  1034. roles: A table containing the player's roles. The key is the role ID, the value is the role name.
  1035. Inspect.Setting.Detail
  1036. Function documentation:
  1037. Provides detailed information about a setting.
  1038. detail = Inspect.Setting.Detail(setting) -- table <- string
  1039. details = Inspect.Setting.Detail(settings) -- table <- table
  1040. Parameters:
  1041. setting: The setting to retrieve detail for.
  1042. settings: A table of settings to retrieve detail for.
  1043. Return values:
  1044. detail: Detail table for a single setting.
  1045. details: Detail tables for all requested settings.
  1046. Returned members:
  1047. id: The ID of the requested element.
  1048. value: The value of the requested element.
  1049. Inspect.Setting.List
  1050. Function documentation:
  1051. Lists the player's current settings.
  1052. settings = Inspect.Setting.List() -- table <- void
  1053. Return values:
  1054. settings: A table containing the player's current settings.
  1055. Inspect.Shard
  1056. Function documentation:
  1057. Returns information about the current shard.
  1058. shard = Inspect.Shard() -- table <- void
  1059. Return values:
  1060. shard: Table containing requested data.
  1061. Returned members:
  1062. name: The shard's name.
  1063. pvp: Signals that the shard is a PvP shard.
  1064. rp: Signals that the shard is a roleplaying shard.
  1065. Inspect.Social.Friend.Detail
  1066. Function documentation:
  1067. Provides detailed information about a friend.
  1068. detail = Inspect.Social.Friend.Detail(friend) -- table <- string
  1069. details = Inspect.Social.Friend.Detail(friends) -- table <- table
  1070. Parameters:
  1071. friend: The name of a friend to retrieve detail for.
  1072. friends: A table of names of friends to retrieve detail for.
  1073. Return values:
  1074. detail: Detail table for a single friend.
  1075. details: Detail tables for all requested friends.
  1076. Returned members:
  1077. calling: The friend's calling, if known.
  1078. guild: The friend's current guild.
  1079. id: The ID of the requested element.
  1080. level: The friend's current level, if known.
  1081. name: The friend's name.
  1082. note: The friend's personal note.
  1083. race: The friend's race, if known.
  1084. status: The friend's status. Either "online", "afk", or nil.
  1085. zone: The friend's current zone, if known.
  1086. Inspect.Social.Friend.List
  1087. Function documentation:
  1088. Lists the player's current friends.
  1089. friends = Inspect.Social.Friend.List() -- table <- void
  1090. Return values:
  1091. friends: A table containing the player's current friends.
  1092. Inspect.Social.Ignore.Detail
  1093. Function documentation:
  1094. Provides detailed information about an ignored player.
  1095. detail = Inspect.Social.Ignore.Detail(ignore) -- table <- string
  1096. details = Inspect.Social.Ignore.Detail(ignores) -- table <- table
  1097. Parameters:
  1098. ignore: The name of an ignored player to retrieve detail for.
  1099. ignores: A table of names of ignored players to retrieve detail for.
  1100. Return values:
  1101. detail: Detail table for a single ignored player.
  1102. details: Detail tables for all requested ignored players.
  1103. Returned members:
  1104. id: The ID of the requested element.
  1105. name: The ignored player's name.
  1106. note: The ignored player's personal note.
  1107. Inspect.Social.Ignore.List
  1108. Function documentation:
  1109. Lists the player's current ignored players.
  1110. ignores = Inspect.Social.Ignore.List() -- table <- void
  1111. Return values:
  1112. ignores: A table containing the player's current ignored players.
  1113. Inspect.Stat
  1114. Function documentation:
  1115. Returns information about the player's stats.
  1116. results = Inspect.Stat() -- table <- void
  1117. result = Inspect.Stat(stat) -- number <- string
  1118. Parameters:
  1119. stat: Optional parameter identifying the stat desired. May be any of strength, dexterity, intelligence, wisdom, endurance, resistLife, resistDeath, resistFire, resistWater, resistEarth, resistAir, armor, powerAttack, critAttack, hit, powerSpell, critSpell, critPower, block, dodge, or any of the previous with "Unbuffed" appended.
  1120. Return values:
  1121. result: The current value of that stat.
  1122. results: A table from stat ID to stat value, containing all the player's stats.
  1123. Inspect.Storage.Used
  1124. Function documentation:
  1125. Returns the storage space currently used for a given segment.
  1126. current, maximum = Inspect.Storage.Used(segment) -- number, number <- string
  1127. Parameters:
  1128. segment: The storage segment to access. "player" will access the target's per-player storage, "guild" will access the target's guild's per-guild storage. If this function has no target parameter, then the player will be targeted.
  1129. Return values:
  1130. current: Current storage space used.
  1131. maximum: Maximum storage space available.
  1132. Inspect.System.Error.Detail
  1133. Function documentation:
  1134. Provides detailed information about an addon error.
  1135. detail = Inspect.System.Error.Detail(error) -- table <- error
  1136. details = Inspect.System.Error.Detail(errors) -- table <- table
  1137. Parameters:
  1138. error: The error to be inspected.
  1139. errors: A table of errors to retrieve detail for.
  1140. Return values:
  1141. detail: Detail table for a single error. Member documentation can be found in Event.System.Error.
  1142. details: Detail tables for all requested errors.
  1143. Inspect.System.Language
  1144. Function documentation:
  1145. Returns the client's current language.
  1146. language = Inspect.System.Language() -- string <- void
  1147. Return values:
  1148. language: Current language. Valid values include "English", "French", "German", "Korean", "Russian", "Chinese", and "Taiwanese".
  1149. Inspect.System.Secure
  1150. Function documentation:
  1151. Returns the client's current secure mode.
  1152. secure = Inspect.System.Secure() -- boolean <- void
  1153. Return values:
  1154. secure: The current secure mode.
  1155. Inspect.System.Version
  1156. Function documentation:
  1157. Returns information on the client version.
  1158. version = Inspect.System.Version() -- table <- void
  1159. Return values:
  1160. version: A table containing detailed version information.
  1161. Returned members:
  1162. build: Client build information.
  1163. external: Client external version.
  1164. internal: Client internal version.
  1165. Inspect.System.Watchdog
  1166. Function documentation:
  1167. Returns the number of seconds until the system watchdog may begin generating warnings.
  1168. time = Inspect.System.Watchdog() -- number <- void
  1169. Return values:
  1170. time: Time left in seconds.
  1171. Inspect.TEMPORARY.Experience
  1172. Function documentation:
  1173. Returns information about the player's experience.
  1174. This function is deprecated and will be removed in the future. It should not be used.
  1175. accumulated, rested, needed = Inspect.TEMPORARY.Experience() -- number, number, number <- void
  1176. Return values:
  1177. accumulated: The amount of experience that has accumulated towards the next level.
  1178. needed: The amonut of experience required to reach the next level.
  1179. rested: The amount of rested experience that has accumulated.
  1180. Inspect.TEMPORARY.Role
  1181. Function documentation:
  1182. Returns the ID of the player's current role.
  1183. This function will be removed in the future.
  1184. role = Inspect.TEMPORARY.Role() -- number <- void
  1185. Return values:
  1186. role: The ID of the player's current role.
  1187. Inspect.Time.Frame
  1188. Function documentation:
  1189. The game time of the last frame. This function's return value will not change until the next frame.
  1190. time = Inspect.Time.Frame() -- number <- void
  1191. Return values:
  1192. time: Time in seconds. Counted from an arbitrary point in the past. Guaranteed to be non-negative.
  1193. Inspect.Time.Real
  1194. Function documentation:
  1195. A high-resolution realtime timer. Not measured in the same timespace as Inspect.Time.Frame.
  1196. time = Inspect.Time.Real() -- number <- void
  1197. Return values:
  1198. time: Time in seconds. Counted from an arbitrary point in the past. Guaranteed to be non-negative.
  1199. Inspect.Time.Server
  1200. Function documentation:
  1201. Returns the current server time.
  1202. time = Inspect.Time.Server() -- number <- void
  1203. Return values:
  1204. time: Server time, as seconds from the Unix epoch.
  1205. Inspect.Title.Category.Detail
  1206. Function documentation:
  1207. Provides detailed information about a title category.
  1208. detail = Inspect.Title.Category.Detail(titlecategory) -- table <- titlecategory
  1209. details = Inspect.Title.Category.Detail(titlecategories) -- table <- table
  1210. Parameters:
  1211. titlecategories: A table of title categories to retrieve details for.
  1212. titlecategory: The title category to retrieve detail for.
  1213. Return values:
  1214. detail: Detail table for a single title category.
  1215. details: Detail tables for all requested title categories.
  1216. Returned members:
  1217. id: The ID of the required element.
  1218. name: The name of the title category.
  1219. Inspect.Title.Category.List
  1220. Function documentation:
  1221. Lists known title categories.
  1222. titlecategories = Inspect.Title.Category.List() -- table <- void
  1223. Return values:
  1224. titlecategories: A lookup table of known title categories.
  1225. Inspect.Title.Detail
  1226. Function documentation:
  1227. Provides detailed information about a title.
  1228. detail = Inspect.Title.Detail(title) -- table <- title
  1229. details = Inspect.Title.Detail(titles) -- table <- table
  1230. Parameters:
  1231. title: The title ID to retrieve detail for.
  1232. titles: A table of title IDs to retrieve detail for.
  1233. Return values:
  1234. detail: Detail table for a single title.
  1235. details: Detail tables for all requested titles.
  1236. Returned members:
  1237. gameFemale: The title as seen ingame and applied to female characters.
  1238. gameMale: The title as seen ingame and applied to male characters.
  1239. id: The ID of the requested element.
  1240. nameFemale: The title as seen in menus and applied to female characters.
  1241. nameMale: The title as seen in menus and applied to male characters.
  1242. prefix: Signals that the title is a prefix title.
  1243. Inspect.Title.List
  1244. Function documentation:
  1245. Lists the player's currently available titles.
  1246. titles = Inspect.Title.List() -- table <- void
  1247. Return values:
  1248. titles: A lookup table of all available titles.
  1249. Inspect.Tooltip
  1250. Function documentation:
  1251. Returns the current contents of the tooltip.
  1252. type, shown = Inspect.Tooltip() -- nil, nil <- void
  1253. type, shown = Inspect.Tooltip() -- string, variant <- void
  1254. type, unit, buff = Inspect.Tooltip() -- string, unit, buff <- void
  1255. Return values:
  1256. buff: The ID of the tooltip's buff.
  1257. shown: The blob describing what is currently shown. Generally, some kind of identifier used in another part of the addon system.
  1258. type: The current tooltip type. Valid values include "ability", "buff", "item", "itemtype", and "unit".
  1259. unit: The unit that the buff is attached to.
  1260. Inspect.Unit.Castbar
  1261. Function documentation:
  1262. Provides detailed information about a unit's castbar.
  1263. detail = Inspect.Unit.Castbar(unit) -- table <- unit
  1264. details = Inspect.Unit.Castbar(units) -- table <- table
  1265. Parameters:
  1266. unit: A unit, in either unit ID or unit specifier format.
  1267. units: A table containing units to inspect.
  1268. Return values:
  1269. detail: Detail table for a single castbar.
  1270. details: Detail tables for all requested castbars. The key is the unit ID or unit specifier, the value is the castbar's detail table.
  1271. Returned members:
  1272. ability: ID of the ability being cast, if available.
  1273. abilityName: Name of the ability being cast.
  1274. begin: The time the cast started, in the context of Inspect.Time.Frame.
  1275. channeled: True if this ability is channeled.
  1276. duration: Duration of the cast in seconds.
  1277. expired: Number of the seconds the cast is past its completion time. Generally indicates lag.
  1278. remaining: Time remaining on the cast, in seconds.
  1279. uninterruptible: Signals that the cast is not interruptible.
  1280. Inspect.Unit.Detail
  1281. Function documentation:
  1282. Provides detailed information about a unit.
  1283. detail = Inspect.Unit.Detail(unit) -- table <- unit
  1284. details = Inspect.Unit.Detail(units) -- table <- table
  1285. Parameters:
  1286. unit: A unit, in either unit ID or unit specifier format.
  1287. units: A table containing units to inspect.
  1288. Return values:
  1289. detail: Detail table for a single unit.
  1290. details: Detail tables for all requested units. The key is the unit ID or unit specifier, the value is the unit's detail table.
  1291. Returned members:
  1292. absorb: The unit's damage absorption.
  1293. afk: Signals that the unit is AFK. Provided only for the player and the player's groupmembers.
  1294. aggro: Signals that this unit is being attacked. Provided only for groupmembers.
  1295. alliance: The unit's alliance. "defiant", "guardian", or nil.
  1296. availability: The unit's current availability. See Utility.Unit.Availability() for details.
  1297. blocked: Signals that this unit is not in line of sight. Provided only for groupmembers.
  1298. calling: The unit's calling. May be "mage", "rogue", "cleric", or "warrior".
  1299. charge: The unit's charge. Provided only for the player.
  1300. chargeMax: The unit's maximum charge. Provided only for the player.
  1301. combat: The unit's combat status.
  1302. combo: The unit's combo points. Provided only for the player.
  1303. coordX: The unit's current X coordinate.
  1304. coordY: The unit's current Y coordinate.
  1305. coordZ: The unit's current Z coordinate.
  1306. energy: The unit's energy.
  1307. energyMax: The unit's maximum energy.
  1308. factionId: The unit's faction ID.
  1309. guaranteedLoot: Signals that this unit guarantees loot on death. Shown in the user interface as a diamond above the portrait.
  1310. guild: The unit's guild.
  1311. health: The unit's health.
  1312. healthCap: The unit's capped maximum health.
  1313. healthMax: The unit's maximum health.
  1314. id: The ID of the requested element.
  1315. level: The unit's level. May be "??" if the unit is hostile and very high-level.
  1316. locationName: The name of the unit's location. Provided only for friendly players.
  1317. loot: The Unit ID that has looting rights to this corpse.
  1318. mana: The unit's mana.
  1319. manaMax: The unit's maximum mana.
  1320. mark: The mark on this unit.
  1321. mentoring: The unit's mentoring status.
  1322. name: The unit's name.
  1323. nameSecondary: The unit's secondary name.
  1324. offline: Signals that the unit is offline. Provided only for the player's groupmembers.
  1325. planar: The unit's available planar charges. Provided only for the player or groupmembers.
  1326. planarMax: The unit's maximum planar charges. Provided only for the player or groupmembers.
  1327. player: Signals that the unit is a player, not an NPC.
  1328. power: The unit's power.
  1329. publicSize: The unit's current public group size. nil if the group is not public. Provided only for friendly players.
  1330. pvp: The unit's PvP flag.
  1331. race: The unit's race. Provided only for players.
  1332. raceName: The unit's race, localized. Provided only for players.
  1333. radius: The unit's radius.
  1334. ready: The unit's readycheck status.
  1335. relation: The unit's relation to you. May be "hostile" or "friendly". Neutral targets will not have this member.
  1336. role: The unit's role. May be "tank", "heal", "dps", "support", or nil. Provided only for the player and the player's groupmembers.
  1337. tag: The unit's tags, space-separated.
  1338. tagName: The unit's tags, localized.
  1339. tagged: The unit's tagged status. true if the unit has been tagged by you, "other" if the unit has been tagged by someone else.
  1340. tier: The unit's difficulty tier. nil, "group", or "raid".
  1341. titlePrefixId: The unit's title prefix ID.
  1342. titlePrefixName: The unit's localized title prefix.
  1343. titleSuffixId: The unit's title suffix ID.
  1344. titleSuffixName: The unit's localized title suffix.
  1345. type: The unit type ID.
  1346. vitality: The unit's vitality. Provided only for the player or groupmembers.
  1347. warfront: Signals that the unit has temporarily left the group to join a warfront. Provided only for groupmembers.
  1348. zone: The ID of the unit's current zone.
  1349. Inspect.Unit.List
  1350. Function documentation:
  1351. Lists all the units that the client can see.
  1352. list = Inspect.Unit.List() -- table <- void
  1353. Return values:
  1354. list: Map of unit ID to unit specifier. Units with multiple valid specifiers will have one chosen at random.
  1355. Inspect.Unit.Lookup
  1356. Function documentation:
  1357. Converts unit IDs to unit specifiers and vice-versa.
  1358. unit = Inspect.Unit.Lookup(unit) -- unit <- unit
  1359. units = Inspect.Unit.Lookup(units) -- table <- table
  1360. Parameters:
  1361. unit: A single unit ID or unit specifier.
  1362. units: A table containing unit IDs and unit specifiers.
  1363. Return values:
  1364. unit: A unit ID or unit specifier, whichever is the opposite of the parameter given. May be nil.
  1365. units: A table of unit IDs and unit specifiers. The key is the input, the value is the result. Invalid inputs will not result in output entries.
  1366. Inspect.Zone.Detail
  1367. Function documentation:
  1368. Returns information about zones.
  1369. detail = Inspect.Zone.Detail(zone) -- table <- zone
  1370. details = Inspect.Zone.Detail(zones) -- table <- table
  1371. Parameters:
  1372. zone: The identifier of the zone to retrieve detail for.
  1373. zones: A table of identifiers of zones to retrieve detail for.
  1374. Return values:
  1375. detail: Detail table for a single zone.
  1376. details: Detail tables for all requested zones. The key is the zone ID, the value is the zone's detail table.
  1377. Returned members:
  1378. id: The ID of the requested element.
  1379. name: The name of the zone.
  1380. type: The type of this zone. May be either "instance", "warfront", or nil.
  1382. Commands:
  1383. Command.Achievement.Watch
  1384. Function documentation:
  1385. Watches an achievement, possibly unwatching another item if the player is already watching the maximum item count. Permitted only on unfinished achievements.
  1386. Command.Achievement.Watch(achievement, flag) -- achievement, boolean
  1387. Parameters:
  1388. achievement: The achievement to be affected.
  1389. flag: The new watch status.
  1390. Command.Auction.Analyze
  1391. Function documentation:
  1392. Requests auction statistics from the server. The results will be sent to Event.Auction.Statistics. This command is throttled by the "auctionanalyze" throttle type, proportional to the number of days requested.
  1393. Requires the "auction" interaction flag to be set.
  1394. Command.Auction.Analyze(itemtype, begin, end) -- itemtype, number, number
  1395. Command.Auction.Analyze(itemtype, begin, end, callback) -- itemtype, number, number, callbackfunction
  1396. Parameters:
  1397. begin: UNIX timestamp to begin analysis at.
  1398. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  1399. end: UNIX timestamp to end analysis at.
  1400. itemtype: Item type to analyze.
  1401. Command.Auction.Bid
  1402. Function documentation:
  1403. Bids or buys out an auction.
  1404. Requires the "auction" interaction flag to be set.
  1405. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1406. Command.Auction.Bid(auction, bid) -- auction, number
  1407. Command.Auction.Bid(auction, bid, quantity) -- auction, number, number
  1408. Command.Auction.Bid(auction, bid, callback) -- auction, number, callbackfunction
  1409. Command.Auction.Bid(auction, bid, quantity, callback) -- auction, number, number, callbackfunction
  1410. Parameters:
  1411. auction: The auction to be targeted.
  1412. bid: The amount to bid. To place a buyout, simply bid the buyout value.
  1413. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  1414. quantity: How many items to purchase. If omitted, defaults to the entire auction quantity.
  1415. Command.Auction.Cancel
  1416. Function documentation:
  1417. Cancels an auction.
  1418. Requires the "auction" interaction flag to be set.
  1419. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1420. Command.Auction.Cancel(auction) -- auction
  1421. Command.Auction.Cancel(auction, callback) -- auction, callbackfunction
  1422. Parameters:
  1423. auction: The auction to be targeted.
  1424. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  1425. Command.Auction.Fulfill
  1426. Function documentation:
  1427. Fulfills an existing buy order.
  1428. Requires the "auction" interaction flag to be set.
  1429. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1430. Command.Auction.Fulfill(auction, item, quantity) -- auction, item, number
  1431. Command.Auction.Fulfill(auction, item, quantity, callback) -- auction, item, number, callbackfunction
  1432. Parameters:
  1433. auction: The auction to be targeted.
  1434. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  1435. item: The ID of the item to be taken.
  1436. quantity: Stack size to fulfill.
  1437. Command.Auction.Order
  1438. Function documentation:
  1439. Posts a new buy order.
  1440. Requires the "auction" interaction flag to be set.
  1441. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1442. Command.Auction.Order(itemtype, quantity, time, buyout) -- itemtype, number, number, number
  1443. Command.Auction.Order(itemtype, quantity, time, buyout, callback) -- itemtype, number, number, number, callbackfunction
  1444. Parameters:
  1445. buyout: The total buyout for the new auction, in silver. Must be evenly divisible by quantity.
  1446. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  1447. itemtype: The item type to be ordered.
  1448. quantity: The number of items to be ordered.
  1449. time: The duration that the order should last, in hours. Valid values are limited to 12, 24, and 48.
  1450. Command.Auction.Post
  1451. Function documentation:
  1452. Posts a new auction.
  1453. Requires the "auction" interaction flag to be set.
  1454. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1455. Command.Auction.Post(item, time, bid, buyout) -- item, number, number/nil, number/nil
  1456. Command.Auction.Post(item, time, bid, buyout, partial) -- item, number, number/nil, number/nil, boolean
  1457. Command.Auction.Post(item, time, bid, buyout, callback) -- item, number, number/nil, number/nil, callbackfunction
  1458. Command.Auction.Post(item, time, bid, buyout, partial, callback) -- item, number, number/nil, number/nil, boolean, callbackfunction
  1459. Parameters:
  1460. bid: The minimum bid for the new auction, in silver. nil if no bid is desired.
  1461. buyout: The buyout for the new auction, in silver. nil if no buyout is desired.
  1462. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  1463. item: The ID of the item to be auctioned.
  1464. partial: Whether partial buyouts should be permitted. Must be "false" if a buyout is not provided or if a bid is provided that is different from the buyout. If this parameter is omitted, will default to "true" when possible, or "false" otherwise.
  1465. time: The duration that the auction should last, in hours. Valid values are limited to 12, 24, and 48.
  1466. Command.Auction.Scan
  1467. Function documentation:
  1468. Requests an auction house scan. For type "search", if "index" is omitted then this function will error if the "auctionfullscan" queue is not ready. Type "search" with "index" will throttle on the "auction" command queue. Other types throttle on the "global" command queue.
  1469. This function consumes a hardware event to function. Hardware events include Event.UI.Input.Mouse.*.Down, Event.UI.Input.Mouse.*.Up, and Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Wheel.*.
  1470. Requires the "auction" interaction flag to be set.
  1471. Command.Auction.Scan(parameters) -- table
  1472. Parameters:
  1473. parameters: Table containing data about the requested scan.
  1474. type: Type of scan to perform. One of "bids", "buy", "mine", "orders", or "search".
  1475. If type is "bids", "mine", or "orders", no other parameters are allowed.
  1476. If type is "search":
  1477. category: Category to search for. Same as the "category" member returned by Inspect.Item.Detail(). Optional.
  1478. index: Numeric item index to start the scan at. If provided, the auction scan will return the first 50 items immediately following this index.
  1479. levelMax: Maximum level the item must require. Optional.
  1480. levelMin: Minimum level the item must require. Optional.
  1481. priceMax: Maximum price of the item. Optional.
  1482. priceMin: Minimum price of the item. Optional.
  1483. rarity: The minimum rarity to search for. Same as the "rarity" member returned by Inspect.Item.Detail(). Optional.
  1484. role: The role that the item must be compatible with. One of "mage", "rogue", "cleric", or "warrior". Optional.
  1485. statType: Which stat to filter based on. One of "armor", "block", "critPower", "critSpell", "dexterity", "dodge", "endurance", "health", "hit", "intelligence", "mana", "powerAttack", "powerSpell", "resistAir", "resistDeath", "resistEarth", "resistFire", "resistLife", "resistWater", "strength", or "wisdom". Optional. If provided, statMin and statMax must also be provided.
  1486. statMax: Maximum allowed value for the filter stat. Optional. If provided, statType and statMin must also be provided.
  1487. statMin: Minimum allowed value for the filter stat. Optional. If provided, statType and statMax must also be provided.
  1488. sort: Which column the requested items should be sorted based on. One of "rarity", "name", "level", "time", "seller", "pricePerUnit", "bid", "buyout", "stack". Optional.
  1489. sortOrder: What order to sort in. One of "ascending" or "descending". Optional.
  1490. text: A string to search for in the item name. Optional.
  1491. type: Type of scan to perform. One of "search", "buy", "mine", or "bids". If "mine" or "bids", must be the only member in the table.
  1492. If type is "buy":
  1493. category: Category to search for. Same as the "category" member returned by Inspect.Item.Detail(). Optional.
  1494. text: A string to search for in the item name. Optional.
  1495. Command.Buff.Cancel
  1496. Function documentation:
  1497. Cancels a buff on the player. Not all buffs are cancelable.
  1498. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1499. Command.Buff.Cancel(buff) -- buff
  1500. Parameters:
  1501. buff: The ID of the buff to cancel.
  1502. Command.Buff.Describe
  1503. Function documentation:
  1504. Requests a detailed description for a given buff.
  1505. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1506. Command.Buff.Describe(unit, buff) -- unit, buff
  1507. Parameters:
  1508. buff: The ID of the buff to describe.
  1509. unit: The ID of the unit that the buff is on.
  1510. Command.Console.Display
  1511. Function documentation:
  1512. Prints a line of text in a console window of your choice. Note that the line length is limited, including HTML tags.
  1513. Command.Console.Display(console, suppressPrefix, text, html) -- console, boolean, string, boolean
  1514. Parameters:
  1515. console: The console to display text into. May be "general", "combat", or a console ID.
  1516. html: Enables HTML mode. In HTML mode, a limited number of formatting tags are available: <u>, <font color="#rrggbb">, and <a lua="print('This is a lua script.')">.
  1517. suppressPrefix: Suppress the automatic addon shortname prefix.
  1518. text: The text to be printed.
  1519. Command.Cursor
  1520. Function documentation:
  1521. Changes the contents of the cursor. Ability cursors may be set only if the environment is not in secure mode.
  1522. Command.Cursor(hold) -- variant
  1523. Parameters:
  1524. hold: The new cursor. Currently accepts ability, item, itemtype, or non-empty non-wildcard slot IDs. Pass nil to clear the cursor.
  1525. Command.Dimension.Layout.Pickup
  1526. Function documentation:
  1527. Pick up the specified dimension item from the world to your inventory.
  1528. Command.Dimension.Layout.Pickup(dimensionItem) -- dimensionitem
  1529. Parameters:
  1530. dimensionItem: The ID of the dimension item to operate on.
  1531. Command.Dimension.Layout.Place
  1532. Function documentation:
  1533. Places the item (dimension or inventory) in your current dimension and modifies the details specified by the values parameter.
  1534. Command.Dimension.Layout.Place(item, values) -- item, table
  1535. Command.Dimension.Layout.Place(dimensionItem, values) -- dimensionitem, table
  1536. Parameters:
  1537. dimensionItem: The ID of the dimension item to operate on.
  1538. item: The inventory item to operate on.
  1539. values: Table containing data to set on the dimension item. All parameters are optional and will default to current or default values.
  1540. coordX: The X coordinate of the item.
  1541. coordY: The Y coordinate of the item.
  1542. coordZ: The Z coordinate of the item.
  1543. pitch: The pitch rotation of the item.
  1544. roll: The roll rotation of the item.
  1545. scale: The scale of the item.
  1546. yaw: The yaw rotation of the item.
  1547. Command.Dimension.Layout.Select
  1548. Function documentation:
  1549. Selects or deselects the specified dimension item.
  1550. Command.Dimension.Layout.Select(dimensionItem, selected) -- dimensionitem, boolean
  1551. Parameters:
  1552. dimensionItem: The ID of the dimension item to operate on.
  1553. selected: Indicates if the dimension item should be selected or deselected.
  1554. Command.Event.Attach
  1555. Function documentation:
  1556. Attaches an event handler to an event.
  1557. Command.Event.Attach(event, handler, label) -- eventGlobal, function, string
  1558. Command.Event.Attach(event, handler, label, priority) -- eventGlobal, function, string, number
  1559. Parameters:
  1560. event: A global event handle, usually pulled out of the "Event." hierarchy.
  1561. handler: A global event handler function. This will be called when the event fires. The first parameter will be the standard global event handle, any other parameters will follow that.
  1562. label: Human-readable label used to identify the handler in error reports, performance reports, and for later detaching.
  1563. priority: Priority of the event handler. Higher numbers trigger first.
  1564. Command.Event.Detach
  1565. Function documentation:
  1566. Detaches an event handler from an event. Any parameter can be 'nil', and this is interpreted as a wildcard. If multiple events match the constraints, only one will be detached.
  1567. Command.Event.Detach(event, handler) -- eventGlobal, function/nil
  1568. Command.Event.Detach(event, handler, label) -- eventGlobal, function/nil, string/nil
  1569. Command.Event.Detach(event, handler, label, priority) -- eventGlobal, function/nil, string/nil, number/nil
  1570. Command.Event.Detach(event, handler, label, priority, owner) -- eventGlobal, function/nil, string/nil, number/nil, string/nil
  1571. Parameters:
  1572. event: A global event handle, usually pulled out of the "Event." hierarchy.
  1573. handler: A global event handler function. This will be called when the event fires. The first parameter will be the standard global event handle, any other parameters will follow that.
  1574. label: Human-readable label used to identify the handler in error reports, performance reports, and for later detaching.
  1575. owner: Owner to search for.
  1576. priority: Priority of the event handler. Higher numbers trigger first.
  1577. Command.Guild.Bank.Deposit
  1578. Function documentation:
  1579. Deposits money into the guild bank.
  1580. Requires the "guildbank" interaction flag to be set.
  1581. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1582. Command.Guild.Bank.Deposit(coin) -- number
  1583. Command.Guild.Bank.Deposit(coin, callback) -- number, callbackfunction
  1584. Parameters:
  1585. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  1586. coin: The string "coin", used as a value to request the player's money.
  1587. Command.Guild.Bank.Purchase
  1588. Function documentation:
  1589. Purchases a new guild bank vault.
  1590. Requires the "guildbank" interaction flag to be set.
  1591. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1592. Command.Guild.Bank.Purchase() -- void
  1593. Command.Guild.Bank.Purchase(callback) -- callbackfunction
  1594. Parameters:
  1595. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  1596. Command.Guild.Bank.Withdraw
  1597. Function documentation:
  1598. Withdraws money from the guild bank.
  1599. Requires the "guildbank" interaction flag to be set.
  1600. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1601. Command.Guild.Bank.Withdraw(coin) -- number
  1602. Command.Guild.Bank.Withdraw(coin, callback) -- number, callbackfunction
  1603. Parameters:
  1604. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  1605. coin: The string "coin", used as a value to request the player's money.
  1606. Command.Guild.Log.Request
  1607. Function documentation:
  1608. Requests a guild log event.
  1609. This function is subject to the "bulk" command queue, and will error if the command queue is not ready to send.
  1610. Command.Guild.Log.Request() -- void
  1611. Command.Guild.Log.Request(callback) -- callbackfunction
  1612. Parameters:
  1613. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  1614. Command.Guild.Motd
  1615. Function documentation:
  1616. Changes the guild's Message of the Day.
  1617. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1618. Command.Guild.Motd(motd) -- string
  1619. Command.Guild.Motd(motd, callback) -- string, callbackfunction
  1620. Parameters:
  1621. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  1622. motd: The new Message of the Day.
  1623. Command.Guild.Roster.Demote
  1624. Function documentation:
  1625. Demotes a guildmember by one rank.
  1626. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1627. Command.Guild.Roster.Demote(member) -- string
  1628. Command.Guild.Roster.Demote(member, callback) -- string, callbackfunction
  1629. Parameters:
  1630. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  1631. member: The guildmember to target.
  1632. Command.Guild.Roster.Kick
  1633. Function documentation:
  1634. Kicks a guildmember from the guild.
  1635. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1636. Command.Guild.Roster.Kick(member) -- string
  1637. Command.Guild.Roster.Kick(member, callback) -- string, callbackfunction
  1638. Parameters:
  1639. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  1640. member: The guildmember to target.
  1641. Command.Guild.Roster.Note
  1642. Function documentation:
  1643. Changes your guild note.
  1644. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1645. Command.Guild.Roster.Note(note) -- string
  1646. Command.Guild.Roster.Note(note, callback) -- string, callbackfunction
  1647. Parameters:
  1648. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  1649. note: The new note.
  1650. Command.Guild.Roster.NoteOfficer
  1651. Function documentation:
  1652. Changes a guildmember's officer note.
  1653. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1654. Command.Guild.Roster.NoteOfficer(member, note) -- string, string
  1655. Command.Guild.Roster.NoteOfficer(member, note, callback) -- string, string, callbackfunction
  1656. Parameters:
  1657. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  1658. member: The guildmember to target.
  1659. note: The new note.
  1660. Command.Guild.Roster.Promote
  1661. Function documentation:
  1662. Promotes a guildmember by one rank.
  1663. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1664. Command.Guild.Roster.Promote(member) -- string
  1665. Command.Guild.Roster.Promote(member, callback) -- string, callbackfunction
  1666. Parameters:
  1667. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  1668. member: The guildmember to target.
  1669. Command.Guild.Wall.Delete
  1670. Function documentation:
  1671. Deletes an entry from the guild wall.
  1672. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1673. Command.Guild.Wall.Delete(wall) -- guildwall
  1674. Command.Guild.Wall.Delete(wall, callback) -- guildwall, callbackfunction
  1675. Parameters:
  1676. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  1677. wall: The ID of the target wall post.
  1678. Command.Guild.Wall.Post
  1679. Function documentation:
  1680. Posts an entry to the guild wall.
  1681. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1682. Command.Guild.Wall.Post(post) -- string
  1683. Command.Guild.Wall.Post(post, callback) -- string, callbackfunction
  1684. Parameters:
  1685. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  1686. post: The item to post.
  1687. Command.Guild.Wall.Request
  1688. Function documentation:
  1689. Requests a guild wall event.
  1690. This function is subject to the "bulk" command queue, and will error if the command queue is not ready to send.
  1691. Command.Guild.Wall.Request() -- void
  1692. Command.Guild.Wall.Request(callback) -- callbackfunction
  1693. Parameters:
  1694. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  1695. Command.Item.Destroy
  1696. Function documentation:
  1697. Destroys an item. Be careful: this really does destroy an item. There is no confirmation dialog and the process is irreversible. This cannot destroy items directly out of the guild bank.
  1698. If interacting with an item in the player bank, requires the "bank" interaction flag to be set. If interacting with an item in the guild bank, requires the "guildbank" interaction flag to be set.
  1699. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1700. Command.Item.Destroy(target) -- item
  1701. Parameters:
  1702. target: The item ID of the item to destroy.
  1703. Command.Item.Move
  1704. Function documentation:
  1705. Moves an item from one location to another. This cannot move items directly between equipment, wardrobe, or guild bank - you'll have to stop off in the inventory first.
  1706. If interacting with an item in the player bank, requires the "bank" interaction flag to be set. If interacting with an item in the guild bank, requires the "guildbank" interaction flag to be set.
  1707. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1708. Command.Item.Move(source, destination) -- item, slot
  1709. Command.Item.Move(source, destination) -- slot, slot
  1710. Parameters:
  1711. destination: The location to move the item. May attempt to stack or swap if there is already an item here.
  1712. source: The item to move. Must be a slot specifier that refers to an actual item.
  1713. Command.Item.Split
  1714. Function documentation:
  1715. Splits a number of items off a stack.
  1716. If interacting with an item in the player bank, requires the "bank" interaction flag to be set. If interacting with an item in the guild bank, requires the "guildbank" interaction flag to be set.
  1717. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1718. Command.Item.Split(source, stack) -- item, number
  1719. Command.Item.Split(source, stack) -- slot, number
  1720. Parameters:
  1721. source: The item to split. May be a slot specifier or an item ID.
  1722. stack: The number of items to move into the new stack. Must be a positive integer.
  1723. Command.Item.Standard.Drag
  1724. Function documentation:
  1725. Behaves in the same way that the addon system does when an inventory icon is dragged.
  1726. If interacting with an item in the player bank, requires the "bank" interaction flag to be set. If interacting with an item in the guild bank, requires the "guildbank" interaction flag to be set.
  1727. Command.Item.Standard.Drag(target) -- slot
  1728. Command.Item.Standard.Drag(target) -- item
  1729. Parameters:
  1730. target: The item or slot to be targeted.
  1731. Command.Item.Standard.Drop
  1732. Function documentation:
  1733. Behaves in the same way that the addon system does when an inventory icon is dropped.
  1734. This function consumes a hardware event to function. Hardware events include Event.UI.Input.Mouse.*.Down, Event.UI.Input.Mouse.*.Up, and Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Wheel.*.
  1735. If interacting with an item in the player bank, requires the "bank" interaction flag to be set. If interacting with an item in the guild bank, requires the "guildbank" interaction flag to be set.
  1736. Command.Item.Standard.Drop(target) -- slot
  1737. Command.Item.Standard.Drop(target) -- item
  1738. Parameters:
  1739. target: The item or slot to be targeted.
  1740. Command.Item.Standard.Left
  1741. Function documentation:
  1742. Behaves in the same way that the addon system does when an inventory icon is left-clicked.
  1743. This function consumes a hardware event to function. Hardware events include Event.UI.Input.Mouse.*.Down, Event.UI.Input.Mouse.*.Up, and Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Wheel.*.
  1744. If interacting with an item in the player bank, requires the "bank" interaction flag to be set. If interacting with an item in the guild bank, requires the "guildbank" interaction flag to be set.
  1745. Command.Item.Standard.Left(target) -- slot
  1746. Command.Item.Standard.Left(target) -- item
  1747. Parameters:
  1748. target: The item or slot to be targeted.
  1749. Command.Item.Standard.Right
  1750. Function documentation:
  1751. Behaves in the same way that the addon system does when an inventory icon is right-clicked.
  1752. This function consumes a hardware event to function. Hardware events include Event.UI.Input.Mouse.*.Down, Event.UI.Input.Mouse.*.Up, and Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Wheel.*.
  1753. If interacting with an item in the player bank, requires the "bank" interaction flag to be set. If interacting with an item in the guild bank, requires the "guildbank" interaction flag to be set.
  1754. Command.Item.Standard.Right(target) -- slot
  1755. Command.Item.Standard.Right(target) -- item
  1756. Parameters:
  1757. target: The item or slot to be targeted.
  1758. Command.Mail.Delete
  1759. Function documentation:
  1760. Deletes a mail.
  1761. Requires the "mail" interaction flag to be set.
  1762. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1763. Command.Mail.Delete(mail) -- mail
  1764. Command.Mail.Delete(mail, callback) -- mail, callbackfunction
  1765. Parameters:
  1766. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  1767. mail: The ID of the mail to be targeted.
  1768. Command.Mail.Open
  1769. Function documentation:
  1770. Opens a mail, retrieving detailed information for it.
  1771. Requires the "mail" interaction flag to be set.
  1772. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1773. Command.Mail.Open(mail) -- mail
  1774. Command.Mail.Open(mail, callback) -- mail, callbackfunction
  1775. Parameters:
  1776. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  1777. mail: The ID of the mail to be targeted.
  1778. Command.Mail.Pay
  1779. Function documentation:
  1780. Pays the COD fee on a mail.
  1781. Requires the "mail" interaction flag to be set.
  1782. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1783. Command.Mail.Pay(mail) -- mail
  1784. Command.Mail.Pay(mail, callback) -- mail, callbackfunction
  1785. Parameters:
  1786. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  1787. mail: The ID of the mail to be targeted.
  1788. Command.Mail.Return
  1789. Function documentation:
  1790. Returns a mail to its sender.
  1791. Requires the "mail" interaction flag to be set.
  1792. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1793. Command.Mail.Return(mail) -- mail
  1794. Command.Mail.Return(mail, callback) -- mail, callbackfunction
  1795. Parameters:
  1796. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  1797. mail: The ID of the mail to be targeted.
  1798. Command.Mail.Send
  1799. Function documentation:
  1800. Sends mail.
  1801. This function consumes a hardware event to function. Hardware events include Event.UI.Input.Mouse.*.Down, Event.UI.Input.Mouse.*.Up, and Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Wheel.*.
  1802. Requires the "mail" interaction flag to be set.
  1803. Command.Mail.Send(mail) -- table
  1804. Command.Mail.Send(mail, callback) -- table, callbackfunction
  1805. Parameters:
  1806. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  1807. mail: Table containing data about the mail to send.
  1808. to: The name of the player to send mail to. Required.
  1809. subject: The mail's subject. Required.
  1810. body: The mail's body.
  1811. cod: The money required for the recipient to remove attachments. Mutually exclusive with "coin", requires non-empty "attachments".
  1812. coin: The amount of money attached to this message. Mutually exclusive with "cod".
  1813. attachments: A table listing the item IDs of the items you wish to attach. Maximum of 6.
  1814. Command.Mail.Spam
  1815. Function documentation:
  1816. Marks mail as spam.
  1817. Requires the "mail" interaction flag to be set.
  1818. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1819. Command.Mail.Spam(mail) -- mail
  1820. Command.Mail.Spam(mail, callback) -- mail, callbackfunction
  1821. Parameters:
  1822. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  1823. mail: The ID of the mail to be targeted.
  1824. Command.Mail.Take
  1825. Function documentation:
  1826. Takes an attached item from mail.
  1827. Requires the "mail" interaction flag to be set.
  1828. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1829. Command.Mail.Take(mail, item) -- mail, item
  1830. Command.Mail.Take(mail, items) -- mail, table
  1831. Command.Mail.Take(mail, item, callback) -- mail, item, callbackfunction
  1832. Command.Mail.Take(mail, items, callback) -- mail, table, callbackfunction
  1833. Parameters:
  1834. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  1835. item: The ID of the item to be taken.
  1836. items: A table containing a list of the items to be taken.
  1837. mail: The ID of the mail to be targeted.
  1838. Command.Map.Monitor
  1839. Function documentation:
  1840. Controls the state of the map monitor flag. When enabled, mainmap data will be received, updating every sixty seconds. When disabled, mainmap data will be received only when the built-in map window is open.
  1841. Command.Map.Monitor(monitor) -- boolean
  1842. Parameters:
  1843. monitor: The new state of the map monitor flag.
  1844. Command.Map.Waypoint.Clear
  1845. Function documentation:
  1846. Clears the player's current waypoint.
  1847. Command.Map.Waypoint.Clear() -- void
  1848. Command.Map.Waypoint.Set
  1849. Function documentation:
  1850. Sets the player's waypoint.
  1851. Command.Map.Waypoint.Set(x, z) -- number, number
  1852. Parameters:
  1853. x: The x coordinate of the waypoint.
  1854. z: The z coordinate of the waypoint.
  1855. Command.Message.Accept
  1856. Function documentation:
  1857. Sets the environment to accept a given type and identifier of message. Parameters can be replaced with "nil" to act as a wildcard.
  1858. Command.Message.Accept(type, identifier) -- string/nil, string/nil
  1859. Parameters:
  1860. identifier: The identifier type of the message. Used for the receiver to filter accepted messages via the Command.Message.Accept() function. Must be at least three characters long.
  1861. type: The type of message. Valid types include "tell", "channel", "guild", "officer", "party", "raid", "say", "yell", "send".
  1862. Command.Message.Broadcast
  1863. Function documentation:
  1864. Broadcast an unreliable addon message to some number of targets. This message will be dropped silently if the targets do not have the available bandwidth to receive it. The callback will respond with failure only if the message's target is invalid. "tell" messages are subject to the same restrictions as Command.Message.Send(). This command is throttled by the "message" throttle type.
  1865. Command.Message.Broadcast(type, target, identifier, data) -- string, string/nil, string, string
  1866. Command.Message.Broadcast(type, target, identifier, data, callback) -- string, string/nil, string, string, callbackfunction
  1867. Parameters:
  1868. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  1869. data: The data to send. This parameter is binary-safe.
  1870. identifier: The identifier type of the message. Used for the receiver to filter accepted messages via the Command.Message.Accept() function. Must be at least three characters long.
  1871. target: The target of this message. Required for "channel" or "tell" message types, must be nil otherwise.
  1872. type: The type of message to send. Valid types include "tell", "channel", "guild", "officer", "party", "raid", "say", "yell".
  1873. Command.Message.Reject
  1874. Function documentation:
  1875. Sets the environment to reject a given type and identifier of message. Directly cancels out single calls to Command.Message.Accept.
  1876. Command.Message.Reject(type, identifier) -- string/nil, string/nil
  1877. Parameters:
  1878. identifier: The identifier type of the message. Used for the receiver to filter accepted messages via the Command.Message.Accept() function. Must be at least three characters long.
  1879. type: The type of message. Valid types include "tell", "channel", "guild", "officer", "party", "raid", "say", "yell", "send".
  1880. Command.Message.Send
  1881. Function documentation:
  1882. Send an reliable addon message to a single target. The callback will respond with success only once the server has accepted the message for processing and queueing. Failure may occur if the target is invalid or if the target's receive queue is full. Messages may be sent only to players that are nearby, in your guild, in your party or raid, or that have sent you a message or tell during this session. This command is throttled by the "message" throttle type.
  1883. Command.Message.Send(target, identifier, data, callback) -- string, string, string, callbackfunction
  1884. Parameters:
  1885. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  1886. data: The data to send. This parameter is binary-safe.
  1887. identifier: The identifier type of the message. Used for the receiver to filter accepted messages via the Command.Message.Accept() function. Must be at least three characters long.
  1888. target: The name of the player to send the message to.
  1889. Command.Minion.Claim
  1890. Function documentation:
  1891. Claims an award from a minion adventure in "finished" mode.
  1892. This function consumes a hardware event to function. Hardware events include Event.UI.Input.Mouse.*.Down, Event.UI.Input.Mouse.*.Up, and Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Wheel.*.
  1893. Command.Minion.Claim(adventure) -- minionadventure
  1894. Parameters:
  1895. adventure: The minion adventure to be affected.
  1896. Command.Minion.Hurry
  1897. Function documentation:
  1898. Hurry a minion adventure in "working" mode.
  1899. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1900. Command.Minion.Hurry(adventure, currency) -- minionadventure, string
  1901. Parameters:
  1902. adventure: The minion adventure to be affected.
  1903. currency: The currency to use for this command. May be any of "none", "aventurine", or "credit".
  1904. Command.Minion.Send
  1905. Function documentation:
  1906. Send a minion on an adventure.
  1907. This function consumes a hardware event to function. Hardware events include Event.UI.Input.Mouse.*.Down, Event.UI.Input.Mouse.*.Up, and Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Wheel.*.
  1908. Command.Minion.Send(minion, adventure) -- minionminion, minionadventure
  1909. Command.Minion.Send(minion, adventure, currency) -- minionminion, minionadventure, string
  1910. Parameters:
  1911. adventure: The minion adventure to be affected.
  1912. currency: The currency to use for this command. May be any of "none", "aventurine", or "credit".
  1913. minion: The minion to be affected.
  1914. Command.Minion.Shuffle
  1915. Function documentation:
  1916. Shuffle an adventure for a new option.
  1917. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1918. Command.Minion.Shuffle(adventure, currency) -- minionadventure, string
  1919. Parameters:
  1920. adventure: The minion adventure to be affected.
  1921. currency: The currency to use for this command. May be any of "none", "aventurine", or "credit".
  1922. Command.Minion.Unlock
  1923. Function documentation:
  1924. Unlock another minion adventure slot.
  1925. This function consumes a hardware event to function. Hardware events include Event.UI.Input.Mouse.*.Down, Event.UI.Input.Mouse.*.Up, and Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Wheel.*.
  1926. Command.Minion.Unlock() -- void
  1927. Command.Quest.Abandon
  1928. Function documentation:
  1929. Abandons the given quest. Permitted only on personal quests.
  1930. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1931. Command.Quest.Abandon(quest) -- quest
  1932. Parameters:
  1933. quest: The quest to be affected.
  1934. Command.Quest.Share
  1935. Function documentation:
  1936. Shares the given quest. Permitted only on personal quests.
  1937. This function consumes a hardware event to function. Hardware events include Event.UI.Input.Mouse.*.Down, Event.UI.Input.Mouse.*.Up, and Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Wheel.*.
  1938. Command.Quest.Share(quest) -- quest
  1939. Parameters:
  1940. quest: The quest to be affected.
  1941. Command.Quest.Track
  1942. Function documentation:
  1943. Tracks the current quest, un-tracking any other quest that may be tracked. Pass in "nil" to cancel all tracking. Permitted only on personal quests.
  1944. Command.Quest.Track(quest) -- quest
  1945. Command.Quest.Track(nil) -- nil
  1946. Parameters:
  1947. nil: The value "nil".
  1948. quest: The quest to be affected.
  1949. Command.Quest.Watch
  1950. Function documentation:
  1951. Watches a quest, possibly unwatching another item if the player is already watching the maximum item count. Permitted only on personal quests.
  1952. Command.Quest.Watch(quest, flag) -- quest, boolean
  1953. Parameters:
  1954. flag: The new watch status.
  1955. quest: The quest to be affected.
  1956. Command.Queue.Handler
  1957. Function documentation:
  1958. Sets the queue handler function. The queue handler function will be called when a Command.* function is called which relies on a queue for throttling and that queue is full. This function will be passed (queue, owner, func, ...). queue: The identifier of the queue that this function call will wait on. owner: The identifier of the addon that made the function call. func: The function call that has been queued. ...: The argument list that must be passed to func.
  1959. Command.Queue.Handler(handler) -- function
  1960. Parameters:
  1961. handler: The new queue handler.
  1962. Command.Slash.Register
  1963. Function documentation:
  1964. Registers a new chat slash command, inserts a new event handle into the Event.Slash hierarchy, and returns that handle. If called multiple times with the same slash command, will return the same handle each time.
  1965. eventTable = Command.Slash.Register(slashCommand) -- table <- string
  1966. Parameters:
  1967. slashCommand: The name of the slash command to register.
  1968. Return values:
  1969. eventTable: The event table for your slash command. nil if the slash command could not be registered (usually because it conflicts with a built-in slash command.) Will return the same event table if used twice to register the same slash command.
  1970. Command.Social.Friend.Add
  1971. Function documentation:
  1972. Adds a player to your friend list.
  1973. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1974. Command.Social.Friend.Add(name) -- string
  1975. Parameters:
  1976. name: The name of the friend.
  1977. Command.Social.Friend.Note
  1978. Function documentation:
  1979. Changes a friend's personal note.
  1980. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1981. Command.Social.Friend.Note(name, note) -- string, string
  1982. Parameters:
  1983. name: The name of the friend.
  1984. note: The new personal note.
  1985. Command.Social.Friend.Remove
  1986. Function documentation:
  1987. Removes a player from your friend list.
  1988. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1989. Command.Social.Friend.Remove(name) -- string
  1990. Parameters:
  1991. name: The name of the friend.
  1992. Command.Social.Ignore.Add
  1993. Function documentation:
  1994. Adds an player to your ignore list.
  1995. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  1996. Command.Social.Ignore.Add(name) -- string
  1997. Parameters:
  1998. name: The name of the ignored player.
  1999. Command.Social.Ignore.Note
  2000. Function documentation:
  2001. Changes an ignored player's personal note.
  2002. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  2003. Command.Social.Ignore.Note(name, note) -- string, string
  2004. Parameters:
  2005. name: The name of the ignored player.
  2006. note: The new personal note.
  2007. Command.Social.Ignore.Remove
  2008. Function documentation:
  2009. Removes a player from your ignore list.
  2010. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  2011. Command.Social.Ignore.Remove(name) -- string
  2012. Parameters:
  2013. name: The name of the ignored player.
  2014. Command.Storage.Clear
  2015. Function documentation:
  2016. Remove an element from a storage segment. If accessing guild storage, you will need write access to that element, as well as the Delete from Guild Addon Storage permission. This command is throttled by the "storage" throttle type.
  2017. Command.Storage.Clear(segment, identifier, callback) -- string, string, callbackfunction
  2018. Parameters:
  2019. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  2020. identifier: The identifier of the storage bucket. Must be at least three characters long.
  2021. segment: The storage segment to access. "player" will access the target's per-player storage, "guild" will access the target's guild's per-guild storage. If this function has no target parameter, then the player will be targeted.
  2022. Command.Storage.Get
  2023. Function documentation:
  2024. Gets a specific element from a target's storage. The result will be sent to Event.Storage.Get. This command is throttled by the "storage" throttle type on both the client and server.
  2025. Command.Storage.Get(target, segment, identifier, callback) -- string, string, string, callbackfunction
  2026. Parameters:
  2027. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  2028. identifier: The identifier of the storage bucket. Must be at least three characters long.
  2029. segment: The storage segment to access. "player" will access the target's per-player storage, "guild" will access the target's guild's per-guild storage. If this function has no target parameter, then the player will be targeted.
  2030. target: The name of the player whose storage should be accessed. Will work only on players in your guild, players in your group, or players that the addon unit system is aware of.
  2031. Command.Storage.List
  2032. Function documentation:
  2033. Lists the visible elements in a target's storage. The results will be sent to Event.Storage.List. This command is throttled by the "storage" throttle type.
  2034. Command.Storage.List(target, segment, callback) -- string, string, callbackfunction
  2035. Parameters:
  2036. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  2037. segment: The storage segment to access. "player" will access the target's per-player storage, "guild" will access the target's guild's per-guild storage. If this function has no target parameter, then the player will be targeted.
  2038. target: The name of the player whose storage should be accessed. Will work only on players in your guild, players in your group, or players that the addon unit system is aware of.
  2039. Command.Storage.Set
  2040. Function documentation:
  2041. Sets a storage element. If accessing guild storage, you will need the Write to Guild Addon Storage permission. If replacing an existing element, you will also need write access to that element as well as the Delete from Guild Addon Storage permission. You cannot create an element that you cannot read, nor can you create an element with Officer write permissions if you are not an Officer. This command is throttled by the "storage" throttle type.
  2042. Command.Storage.Set(segment, identifier, read, write, data, callback) -- string, string, string, string, string, callbackfunction
  2043. Parameters:
  2044. callback: A standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
  2045. data: The data to store. This parameter is binary-safe.
  2046. identifier: The identifier of the storage bucket. Must be at least three characters long.
  2047. read: Read permissions for this element. If the segment is "player", this may be "public", "guild", or "private", where public is readable by anyone, guild is readable by your guildmembers only, and private is readable by the player only. If the segment is "guild", this may be "public", "guild", or "officer", where public is readable by anyone, guild is readable by guildmembers with the Listen permission, and officer is readable by guildmembers with the Officer Chat permission.
  2048. segment: The storage segment to access. "player" will access the target's per-player storage, "guild" will access the target's guild's per-guild storage. If this function has no target parameter, then the player will be targeted.
  2049. write: Write permissions for this element. If the segment is "player", this must be "private", as only you may modify your own storage. If the segment is "guild", this may be "guild" or "officer", where guild is changeable by guildmembers with the Delete from Guild Addon Storage permission, and officer is changeable by guildmembers with the Delete from Guild Addon Storage permission and the Officer Chat permission. The write permission must be "officer" if the read permission is "officer".
  2050. Command.System.Flash
  2051. Function documentation:
  2052. Controls the flashing of the Rift taskbar icon.
  2053. Command.System.Flash(flash) -- boolean
  2054. Parameters:
  2055. flash: Whether the taskbar icon should flash or not.
  2056. Command.System.Strict
  2057. Function documentation:
  2058. Puts the environment into Strict mode. In Strict mode, deprecated functions and events will throw errors instead of functioning normally.
  2059. Command.System.Strict() -- void
  2060. Command.System.Texture.Record
  2061. Function documentation:
  2062. Begin recording Rift UI textures. The texture list will be transmitted via Event.System.Texture during the logout sequence. Note that this flag persists through character selection and cannot be disabled without restarting the client.
  2063. Command.System.Texture.Record() -- void
  2064. Command.System.Watchdog.Quiet
  2065. Function documentation:
  2066. Significantly increases the time required for the watchdog to generate warnings. Intended for bootup processes or similar long startup sequences that will not adversely affect the player experience. This function may not be called in combat.
  2067. Command.System.Watchdog.Quiet() -- void
  2068. Command.Title.Prefix
  2069. Function documentation:
  2070. Changes the player's prefix title.
  2071. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  2072. Command.Title.Prefix(title) -- title
  2073. Command.Title.Prefix(title) -- nil
  2074. Parameters:
  2075. title: The ID of the new title to set, or "nil" for no title.
  2076. Command.Title.Suffix
  2077. Function documentation:
  2078. Changes the player's suffix title.
  2079. This function is subject to the "global" command queue.
  2080. Command.Title.Suffix(title) -- title
  2081. Command.Title.Suffix(title) -- nil
  2082. Parameters:
  2083. title: The ID of the new title to set, or "nil" for no title.
  2084. Command.Tooltip
  2085. Function documentation:
  2086. Changes the displayed tooltip.
  2087. Command.Tooltip(target) -- variant
  2088. Command.Tooltip(target, nil) -- variant, nil
  2089. Command.Tooltip(owner, buff) -- unit, buff
  2090. Parameters:
  2091. buff: The ID of a buff for the new tooltip.
  2092. nil: Optional placeholder nil.
  2093. owner: The ID of the owner of the buff.
  2094. target: The new tooltip. Currently accepts ability, item, itemtype, or unit IDs. Pass nil to clear the tooltip.
  2095. Command.UI.Error
  2096. Function documentation:
  2097. Display the addon error dialog.
  2098. Command.UI.Error(id) -- error
  2099. Parameters:
  2100. id: The ID of the error to be displayed.
  2101. Command.Unit.Menu
  2102. Function documentation:
  2103. Creates a standard context menu targeted at the unit of choice.
  2104. Command.Unit.Menu(target) -- unit
  2105. Parameters:
  2106. target: The unit to generate a context menu for.
  2108. Utilities:
  2109. Utility.Auction.Cost
  2110. Function documentation:
  2111. Returns the amount of silver it will cost to post a given auction.
  2112. This function is deprecated and will be removed in the future. It should not be used.
  2113. cost = Utility.Auction.Cost(item, time, bid, buyout) -- number <- item, number, number/nil, number/nil
  2114. cost = Utility.Auction.Cost(item, time, bid, buyout, partial) -- number <- item, number, number/nil, number/nil, boolean
  2115. Parameters:
  2116. bid: The minimum bid for the new auction, in silver. nil if no bid is desired.
  2117. buyout: The buyout for the new auction, in silver. nil if no buyout is desired.
  2118. item: The ID of the item to be auctioned.
  2119. partial: Whether partial buyouts should be permitted. Must be "false" if a buyout is not provided or if a bid is provided that is different from the buyout. If this parameter is omitted, will default to "true" when possible, or "false" otherwise.
  2120. time: The duration that the auction should last, in hours. Valid values are limited to 12, 24, and 48.
  2121. Return values:
  2122. cost: The cost of posting this auction, in silver.
  2123. Utility.Auction.CostOrder
  2124. Function documentation:
  2125. Returns the amount of silver it will cost to post a given order.
  2126. cost = Utility.Auction.CostOrder(itemtype, quantity, time, buyout) -- number <- itemtype, number, number, number
  2127. Parameters:
  2128. buyout: The total buyout for the new auction, in silver. Must be evenly divisible by quantity.
  2129. itemtype: The item type to be ordered.
  2130. quantity: The number of items to be ordered.
  2131. time: The duration that the order should last, in hours. Valid values are limited to 12, 24, and 48.
  2132. Return values:
  2133. cost: The cost of posting this order, in silver. Includes the full deposit for the items.
  2134. Utility.Auction.CostPost
  2135. Function documentation:
  2136. Returns the amount of silver it will cost to post a given auction.
  2137. cost = Utility.Auction.CostPost(item, time, bid, buyout) -- number <- item, number, number/nil, number/nil
  2138. cost = Utility.Auction.CostPost(item, time, bid, buyout, partial) -- number <- item, number, number/nil, number/nil, boolean
  2139. Parameters:
  2140. bid: The minimum bid for the new auction, in silver. nil if no bid is desired.
  2141. buyout: The buyout for the new auction, in silver. nil if no buyout is desired.
  2142. item: The ID of the item to be auctioned.
  2143. partial: Whether partial buyouts should be permitted. Must be "false" if a buyout is not provided or if a bid is provided that is different from the buyout. If this parameter is omitted, will default to "true" when possible, or "false" otherwise.
  2144. time: The duration that the auction should last, in hours. Valid values are limited to 12, 24, and 48.
  2145. Return values:
  2146. cost: The cost of posting this auction, in silver.
  2147. Utility.Dispatch
  2148. Function documentation:
  2149. Calls a function, crediting that function's execution and errors to a specific addon. Errors will be handled by the standard error handler and not relayed to the caller. Does not return anything.
  2150. Utility.Dispatch(func, identifier, info) -- function, string, string
  2151. Parameters:
  2152. func: The function to call.
  2153. identifier: The identifier of the addon to credit execution time towards.
  2154. info: An info string to be included in error reports.
  2155. Utility.Event.Create
  2156. Function documentation:
  2157. Creates a custom event. Takes an identifier and an event path as parameters. Called with Create("Identifier", "The.Event.Path") the event table will end up at Event.Identifier.The.Event.Path, and will behave like a standard Rift event table in every way. Undefined behavior if given an identifier or a path that conflicts with a built-in Rift event or an existing addon event.
  2158. caller, handle = Utility.Event.Create(identifier, event) -- function, table <- string, string
  2159. Parameters:
  2160. event: The event's name. "." characters will be treated as hierarchy delimeters.
  2161. identifier: The identifier of the addon creating this event.
  2162. Return values:
  2163. caller: A function used to trigger the event. Called with any selection of parameters, it will pass those parameters through to properly registered event handlers in order. Any errors caused by those event handlers will be caught and handled.
  2164. handle: The resulting event handle.
  2165. Utility.Item.Slot.All
  2166. Function documentation:
  2167. Generates a slot specifier for all known items.
  2168. slot = Utility.Item.Slot.All() -- slot <- void
  2169. Return values:
  2170. slot: The requested slot specifier.
  2171. Utility.Item.Slot.Bank
  2172. Function documentation:
  2173. Generates a slot specifier for the player's bank.
  2174. slot = Utility.Item.Slot.Bank() -- slot <- void
  2175. slot = Utility.Item.Slot.Bank(segment) -- slot <- string
  2176. slot = Utility.Item.Slot.Bank(segment) -- slot <- number
  2177. slot = Utility.Item.Slot.Bank(segment, slot) -- slot <- string, number
  2178. slot = Utility.Item.Slot.Bank(segment, slot) -- slot <- number, number
  2179. Parameters:
  2180. segment: Segment to inspect. Use "main" for the main bank area, "bag" for the bank bags, or a number starting at 1 for the contents of a specific bank bag.
  2181. slot: The slot ID, starting at 1.
  2182. Return values:
  2183. slot: The requested slot specifier.
  2184. Utility.Item.Slot.Equipment
  2185. Function documentation:
  2186. Generates a slot specifier for the player's equipment.
  2187. slot = Utility.Item.Slot.Equipment() -- slot <- void
  2188. slot = Utility.Item.Slot.Equipment(slot) -- slot <- string
  2189. Parameters:
  2190. slot: The equipment slot to be used. Can be any of the following: "helmet", "cape", "shoulders", "chest", "gloves", "belt", "legs", "feet", "handmain", "handoff", "ranged", "neck", "trinket", "ring1", "ring2", "synergy", "focus", or "seal".
  2191. Return values:
  2192. slot: The requested slot specifier.
  2193. Utility.Item.Slot.Guild
  2194. Function documentation:
  2195. Generates a slot specifier for the player's guild bank.
  2196. slot = Utility.Item.Slot.Guild() -- slot <- void
  2197. slot = Utility.Item.Slot.Guild(vault) -- slot <- number
  2198. slot = Utility.Item.Slot.Guild(vault, slot) -- slot <- number, number
  2199. Parameters:
  2200. slot: The slot ID, starting at 1.
  2201. vault: The vault ID to inspect. Starts at 1.
  2202. Return values:
  2203. slot: The requested slot specifier.
  2204. Utility.Item.Slot.Inventory
  2205. Function documentation:
  2206. Generates a slot specifier for the player's inventory.
  2207. slot = Utility.Item.Slot.Inventory() -- slot <- void
  2208. slot = Utility.Item.Slot.Inventory(bag) -- slot <- string
  2209. slot = Utility.Item.Slot.Inventory(bag) -- slot <- number
  2210. slot = Utility.Item.Slot.Inventory(bag, slot) -- slot <- string, number
  2211. slot = Utility.Item.Slot.Inventory(bag, slot) -- slot <- number, number
  2212. Parameters:
  2213. bag: The number of the bag whose contents should be inspected, starting at 1, or "bag" to inspect the actual inventory bags.
  2214. slot: The slot ID, starting at 1.
  2215. Return values:
  2216. slot: The requested slot specifier.
  2217. Utility.Item.Slot.Parse
  2218. Function documentation:
  2219. Parses a slot specifier, returning information on what it represents.
  2220. type, parameter, parameter = Utility.Item.Slot.Parse(slot) -- string, variant, variant <- slot
  2221. type, parameter = Utility.Item.Slot.Parse(slot) -- string, variant <- slot
  2222. type = Utility.Item.Slot.Parse(slot) -- string <- slot
  2223. Utility.Item.Slot.Parse(slot) -- slot
  2224. Parameters:
  2225. slot: The slot ID, starting at 1.
  2226. Return values:
  2227. parameter: A parameter for this slot type. Actual meaning depends on the type.
  2228. type: The type of this element.
  2229. Utility.Item.Slot.Quest
  2230. Function documentation:
  2231. Generates a slot specifier for the player's quest bag.
  2232. slot = Utility.Item.Slot.Quest() -- slot <- void
  2233. slot = Utility.Item.Slot.Quest(slot) -- slot <- number
  2234. Parameters:
  2235. slot: The slot ID, starting at 1.
  2236. Return values:
  2237. slot: The requested slot specifier.
  2238. Utility.Item.Slot.Vault
  2239. Function documentation:
  2240. Generates a slot specifier for the player's bank vaults.
  2241. slot = Utility.Item.Slot.Vault() -- slot <- void
  2242. slot = Utility.Item.Slot.Vault(vault) -- slot <- number
  2243. slot = Utility.Item.Slot.Vault(vault, slot) -- slot <- number, number
  2244. Parameters:
  2245. slot: The slot ID, starting at 1.
  2246. vault: The vault ID, starting at 1.
  2247. Return values:
  2248. slot: The requested slot specifier.
  2249. Utility.Item.Slot.Wardrobe
  2250. Function documentation:
  2251. Generates a slot specifier for the player's wardrobe.
  2252. slot = Utility.Item.Slot.Wardrobe() -- slot <- void
  2253. slot = Utility.Item.Slot.Wardrobe(costume) -- slot <- number
  2254. slot = Utility.Item.Slot.Wardrobe(costume, slot) -- slot <- number, string
  2255. Parameters:
  2256. costume: The number of the wardrobe costume to inspect, starting at 1.
  2257. slot: The equipment slot to be used. Can be any of the following: "helmet", "cape", "shoulders", "chest", "gloves", "legs", or "feet".
  2258. Return values:
  2259. slot: The requested slot specifier.
  2260. Utility.Mail.Cost
  2261. Function documentation:
  2262. Returns the amount of silver it will cost to send a given mail.
  2263. cost = Utility.Mail.Cost(mail) -- number <- table
  2264. Parameters:
  2265. mail: The mail to check. In the same format as the parameter of Command.Mail.Send.
  2266. Return values:
  2267. cost: The cost of sending this mail, in silver.
  2268. Utility.Matrix.Create
  2269. Function documentation:
  2270. Creates a transformation matrix table. These can also be created by hand; this is simply a convenience routine. Applies scaling first, then rotation, then translation.
  2271. matrix = Utility.Matrix.Create(scaleX, scaleY, rotate, translateX, translateY) -- table <- number/nil, number/nil, number/nil, number/nil, number/nil
  2272. Parameters:
  2273. rotate: Rotation amount in radians. Defaults to 0.
  2274. scaleX: Scaling along the X axis. Defaults to 1.
  2275. scaleY: Scaling along the Y axis. Defaults to 1.
  2276. translateX: Translation along the X axis. Defaults to 0.
  2277. translateY: Translation along the Y axis. Defaults to 0.
  2278. Return values:
  2279. matrix: Matrix table suitable for "transform" members.
  2280. Utility.Message.Limits
  2281. Function documentation:
  2282. Returns information on the message bandwidth limits.
  2283. data = Utility.Message.Limits() -- table <- void
  2284. Return values:
  2285. data: The requested data.
  2286. Returned members:
  2287. burst: The amount of data that can be sent or received without being subject to throttling.
  2288. maximum: Maximum allowed message size.
  2289. sustained: Amount of data that can be transferred per second without dropping messages.
  2290. Utility.Message.Size
  2291. Function documentation:
  2292. Returns the size of a message, as used for bandwidth control.
  2293. size = Utility.Message.Size(to, identifier, data) -- number <- string/nil, string, string
  2294. Parameters:
  2295. data: The data to send. This parameter is binary-safe.
  2296. identifier: The identifier type of the message. Used for the receiver to filter accepted messages via the Command.Message.Accept() function. Must be at least three characters long.
  2297. to: The name of the player or channel to send to. nil if this is not targeted at a specific player or channel.
  2298. Return values:
  2299. size: The calculated size of the message.
  2300. Utility.Serialize.Full
  2301. Function documentation:
  2302. Serializes a table of parameters. Results in a string suitable for feeding directly into loadstring(). Deals properly with table cycles and non-tree structures.
  2303. serialized = Utility.Serialize.Full(elements) -- string <- table
  2304. serialized = Utility.Serialize.Full(elements, exists) -- string <- table, table
  2305. Parameters:
  2306. elements: Table of elements to serialize.
  2307. exists: Optional parameter containing a table of elements that should be included even in the case that they are nil.
  2308. Return values:
  2309. serialized: String containing serialized output. May be nil if there was an error with the input.
  2310. Utility.Serialize.Inline
  2311. Function documentation:
  2312. Serializes a single parameter. Results in a string suitable for use as a parameter in Lua code. If the input is a table, it must not contain table cycles or non-tree structures.
  2313. serialized = Utility.Serialize.Inline(element) -- string <- variant
  2314. Parameters:
  2315. element: Element to serialize.
  2316. Return values:
  2317. serialized: String containing serialized output. May be nil if there was an error with the input.
  2318. Utility.Storage.Checksum
  2319. Function documentation:
  2320. Calculates the storage checksum of a string.
  2321. checksum = Utility.Storage.Checksum(data) -- string <- string
  2322. Parameters:
  2323. data: The data to store. This parameter is binary-safe.
  2324. Return values:
  2325. checksum: An opaque string representing the storage checksum.
  2326. Utility.Storage.Limits
  2327. Function documentation:
  2328. Returns information on the storage bandwidth limits.
  2329. data = Utility.Storage.Limits() -- table <- void
  2330. Return values:
  2331. data: The requested data.
  2332. Returned members:
  2333. burst: The amount of data that can be sent or received without being subject to throttling.
  2334. sustained: Amount of data that can be transferred per second without dropping messages.
  2335. Utility.Storage.Size
  2336. Function documentation:
  2337. Returns the size of a stored element, as used for storage quota and bandwidth control.
  2338. size = Utility.Storage.Size(identifier, data) -- number <- string, string
  2339. Parameters:
  2340. data: The data to store. This parameter is binary-safe.
  2341. identifier: The identifier of the storage bucket. Must be at least three characters long.
  2342. Return values:
  2343. size: The calculated size of the storage bucket.
  2344. Utility.Type
  2345. Function documentation:
  2346. Determines the type of a given item. Understands Rift-specific identifiers.
  2347. type = Utility.Type(element) -- string <- variant
  2348. Parameters:
  2349. element: The element to check.
  2350. Return values:
  2351. type: The type of this element.
  2352. Utility.Unit.Availability
  2353. Function documentation:
  2354. Returns information on which detail members are available in which availability mode.
  2355. lookup = Utility.Unit.Availability() -- table <- void
  2356. Return values:
  2357. lookup: Lookup table for which members are available in which availability mode. To check if "full" availability contains "level", check "lookup.full.level".
  2359. Native frames:
  2360. UI.Native.Ability
  2361. The Ability dialog.
  2362. UI.Native.Accolade
  2363. The Warfront accolade HUD.
  2364. UI.Native.Achievement
  2365. The Achievement dialog.
  2366. UI.Native.AchievementPopup
  2367. The "Achievement Complete" popup.
  2368. UI.Native.Adventure
  2369. The Instant Adventure dialog.
  2370. UI.Native.Ascend
  2371. The Ascend-a-Friend dialog.
  2372. UI.Native.Attunement
  2373. The Planar Attunement dialog.
  2374. UI.Native.Auction
  2375. The Auction dialog.
  2376. UI.Native.Bag
  2377. The bag and currency HUD.
  2378. UI.Native.BagBank1
  2379. The first bank inventory bag.
  2380. UI.Native.BagBank2
  2381. The second bank inventory bag.
  2382. UI.Native.BagBank3
  2383. The third bank inventory bag.
  2384. UI.Native.BagBank4
  2385. The fourth bank inventory bag.
  2386. UI.Native.BagBank5
  2387. The fifth bank inventory bag.
  2388. UI.Native.BagBank6
  2389. The sixth bank inventory bag.
  2390. UI.Native.BagBank7
  2391. The seventh bank inventory bag.
  2392. UI.Native.BagBank8
  2393. The eighth bank inventory bag.
  2394. UI.Native.BagInventory1
  2395. The first main inventory bag.
  2396. UI.Native.BagInventory2
  2397. The second main inventory bag.
  2398. UI.Native.BagInventory3
  2399. The third main inventory bag.
  2400. UI.Native.BagInventory4
  2401. The fourth main inventory bag.
  2402. UI.Native.BagInventory5
  2403. The fifth main inventory bag.
  2404. UI.Native.BagInventory6
  2405. The sixth main inventory bag.
  2406. UI.Native.BagInventory7
  2407. The seventh main inventory bag.
  2408. UI.Native.BagInventory8
  2409. The eighth main inventory bag.
  2410. UI.Native.Bank
  2411. The Bank dialog.
  2412. UI.Native.BankGuild
  2413. The Guild Bank dialog.
  2414. UI.Native.BarBottom1
  2415. The first extra bottom action bar.
  2416. UI.Native.BarBottom2
  2417. The second extra bottom action bar.
  2418. UI.Native.BarBottom3
  2419. The third extra bottom action bar.
  2420. UI.Native.BarBottom4
  2421. The fourth extra bottom action bar.
  2422. UI.Native.BarBottom5
  2423. The fifth extra bottom action bar.
  2424. UI.Native.BarBottom6
  2425. The sixth extra bottom action bar.
  2426. UI.Native.BarMain
  2427. The main action bar.
  2428. UI.Native.BarPet
  2429. The pet action bar.
  2430. UI.Native.BarSide1
  2431. The first extra side action bar.
  2432. UI.Native.BarSide2
  2433. The second extra side action bar.
  2434. UI.Native.BarSide3
  2435. The third extra side action bar.
  2436. UI.Native.BarSide4
  2437. The fourth extra side action bar.
  2438. UI.Native.BarTemporary
  2439. The action bar used for temporary abilities.
  2440. UI.Native.Breath
  2441. The breath/fatigue bar.
  2442. UI.Native.Buffbar
  2443. The player's buff bar.
  2444. UI.Native.Castbar
  2445. The player's cast bar.
  2446. UI.Native.Character
  2447. The Character dialog.
  2448. UI.Native.Chronicle
  2449. The Chronicles dialog.
  2450. UI.Native.Coinlock
  2451. The Coin Lock button.
  2452. UI.Native.Console1
  2453. The first console window.
  2454. UI.Native.Console2
  2455. The second console window.
  2456. UI.Native.Console3
  2457. The third console window.
  2458. UI.Native.Console4
  2459. The fourth console window.
  2460. UI.Native.Console5
  2461. The fifth console window.
  2462. UI.Native.Console6
  2463. The sixth console window.
  2464. UI.Native.Console7
  2465. The seventh console window.
  2466. UI.Native.ConsoleSetting
  2467. The console settings dialog.
  2468. UI.Native.Crafting
  2469. The Crafting dialog.
  2470. UI.Native.Ctf
  2471. The Capture-the-Flag status indicator.
  2472. UI.Native.Guest
  2473. The guest invite dialog for weddings.
  2474. UI.Native.Guild
  2475. The Guild dialog.
  2476. UI.Native.GuildCharter
  2477. The Guild Charter dialog.
  2478. UI.Native.GuildFinder
  2479. The Guild Finder dialog.
  2480. UI.Native.Import
  2481. The Import dialog, as reached from the escape menu.
  2482. UI.Native.Keybind
  2483. The Keybind dialog.
  2484. UI.Native.Layout
  2485. The UI Layout dialog.
  2486. UI.Native.Leaderboard
  2487. The Leaderboard dialog.
  2488. UI.Native.Lfg
  2489. The Looking-for-Group dialog.
  2490. UI.Native.Loot
  2491. The Loot dialog.
  2492. UI.Native.Macro
  2493. The Macro dialog.
  2494. UI.Native.MacroIcon
  2495. The Macro icons list.
  2496. UI.Native.MacroSlash
  2497. The Macro slash commands list.
  2498. UI.Native.Mail
  2499. The Mail dialog.
  2500. UI.Native.MailRead
  2501. The currently-being-read Mail dialog.
  2502. UI.Native.MapMain
  2503. The main map.
  2504. UI.Native.MapMini
  2505. The minimap.
  2506. UI.Native.MechanicPlayer
  2507. The player-focused class-specific-mechanic HUD element.
  2508. UI.Native.MechanicTarget
  2509. The target-focused class-specific-mechanic HUD element.
  2510. UI.Native.Mentor
  2511. The Mentoring popup.
  2512. UI.Native.Menu
  2513. The main menu HUD element.
  2514. UI.Native.MessageEvent
  2515. The event-related message popup.
  2516. UI.Native.MessageStandard
  2517. The generic message popup.
  2518. UI.Native.MessageText
  2519. The generic text popup.
  2520. UI.Native.MessageWarfront
  2521. The warfront-related message popup.
  2522. UI.Native.MessageZone
  2523. The zone-related message popup.
  2524. UI.Native.Notification
  2525. The notification message popup.
  2526. UI.Native.Notify
  2527. The public-group/return-to-graveyard popup button.
  2528. UI.Native.PortraitFocus
  2529. The portrait of your focus target.
  2530. UI.Native.PortraitParty1
  2531. The portrait of your first partymember.
  2532. UI.Native.PortraitParty1Pet
  2533. The portrait of your first partymember's pet.
  2534. UI.Native.PortraitParty2
  2535. The portrait of your second partymember.
  2536. UI.Native.PortraitParty2Pet
  2537. The portrait of your second partymember's pet.
  2538. UI.Native.PortraitParty3
  2539. The portrait of your third partymember.
  2540. UI.Native.PortraitParty3Pet
  2541. The portrait of your third partymember's pet.
  2542. UI.Native.PortraitParty4
  2543. The portrait of your fourth partymember.
  2544. UI.Native.PortraitParty4Pet
  2545. The portrait of your fourth partymember's pet.
  2546. UI.Native.PortraitPet
  2547. The portrait of your pet.
  2548. UI.Native.PortraitPlayer
  2549. Your portrait.
  2550. UI.Native.PortraitTarget
  2551. The portrait of your target.
  2552. UI.Native.PortraitTargetTarget
  2553. The portrait of your target's target.
  2554. UI.Native.Quest
  2555. The Quest dialog.
  2556. UI.Native.QuestStickies
  2557. The Quest sticky HUD.
  2558. UI.Native.Question
  2559. The general-purpose question popup.
  2560. UI.Native.Raid
  2561. The Raid dialog.
  2562. UI.Native.RaidGroup1
  2563. The raid frame for your raid's first group.
  2564. UI.Native.RaidGroup1Pet
  2565. The raid frame for your raid's first group's pets.
  2566. UI.Native.RaidGroup2
  2567. The raid frame for your raid's second group.
  2568. UI.Native.RaidGroup2Pet
  2569. The raid frame for your raid's second group's pets.
  2570. UI.Native.RaidGroup3
  2571. The raid frame for your raid's third group.
  2572. UI.Native.RaidGroup3Pet
  2573. The raid frame for your raid's third group's pets.
  2574. UI.Native.RaidGroup4
  2575. The raid frame for your raid's fourth group.
  2576. UI.Native.RaidGroup4Pet
  2577. The raid frame for your raid's fourth group's pets.
  2578. UI.Native.RaidParty
  2579. The raid frame used for displaying your party as a raid.
  2580. UI.Native.RaidPartyPet
  2581. The raid frame used for displaying your party's pets as a raid.
  2582. UI.Native.Reactive
  2583. The reactive-ability popup.
  2584. UI.Native.Recall
  2585. The set-recall-point dialog.
  2586. UI.Native.Respec
  2587. The respec dialog.
  2588. UI.Native.Rift
  2589. The Rift meter HUD.
  2590. UI.Native.Roll1
  2591. The first loot-roll popup.
  2592. UI.Native.Roll2
  2593. The second loot-roll popup.
  2594. UI.Native.Roll3
  2595. The third loot-roll popup.
  2596. UI.Native.Roll4
  2597. The fourth loot-roll popup.
  2598. UI.Native.Setting
  2599. The Settings dialog.
  2600. UI.Native.Social
  2601. The Social dialog.
  2602. UI.Native.Soul
  2603. The Soul Tree dialog.
  2604. UI.Native.Split
  2605. The stack split popup.
  2606. UI.Native.Streaming
  2607. The icon that indicates your current streaming download status.
  2608. UI.Native.Ticket
  2609. The Customer Service Ticket dialog.
  2610. UI.Native.Tip
  2611. The Game Tip dialog.
  2612. UI.Native.TipAlert
  2613. The Game Tip notification popup.
  2614. UI.Native.Tooltip
  2615. The tooltip.
  2616. UI.Native.TooltipAnchor
  2617. The location that tooltips are anchored to by default.
  2618. UI.Native.Trade
  2619. The Trade dialog.
  2620. UI.Native.Tray
  2621. The icon tray used for the clock, mail notification, and similar elements.
  2622. UI.Native.TraySocial
  2623. The icon tray used for social notifications.
  2624. UI.Native.Treasure
  2625. The Treasure popup used to claim dungeon loot.
  2626. UI.Native.Trial
  2627. The Trial dialog.
  2628. UI.Native.Upgrade
  2629. The Upgrade portrait, used for targets that are upgradeable.
  2630. UI.Native.Warfront
  2631. The Warfront dialog.
  2632. UI.Native.WarfrontLeaderboard
  2633. The Warfront Leaderboard dialog.
  2634. UI.Native.World
  2635. The World Event dialog.
  2637. Global events:
  2638. Event.Ability.New.Add
  2639. Event documentation:
  2640. Signals the addition of a player ability.
  2641. Event.Ability.New.Add(abilities)
  2642. Parameters:
  2643. abilities: Lists the abilities that were added. Table from ability ID to "true".
  2644. Event.Ability.New.Cooldown.Begin
  2645. Event documentation:
  2646. Signals the start of an ability's cooldown.
  2647. Event.Ability.New.Cooldown.Begin(cooldowns)
  2648. Parameters:
  2649. cooldowns: The abilities whose cooldown has been changed. The key is the ability ID, the value is the new cooldown. 0 indicates that the cooldown has finished.
  2650. Event.Ability.New.Cooldown.End
  2651. Event documentation:
  2652. Signals the end of an ability's cooldown. All the values in the "cooldown" parameter will be 0.
  2653. Event.Ability.New.Cooldown.End(cooldowns)
  2654. Parameters:
  2655. cooldowns: The abilities whose cooldown has been changed. The key is the ability ID, the value is the new cooldown. 0 indicates that the cooldown has finished.
  2656. Event.Ability.New.Range.False
  2657. Event documentation:
  2658. Signals a player ability exiting range from its current target.
  2659. Event.Ability.New.Range.False(abilities)
  2660. Parameters:
  2661. abilities: The abilities that have entered or exited range. The key is the ability ID, the value is whether they are currently in range.
  2662. Event.Ability.New.Range.True
  2663. Event documentation:
  2664. Signals a player ability entering range from its current target.
  2665. Event.Ability.New.Range.True(abilities)
  2666. Parameters:
  2667. abilities: The abilities that have entered or exited range. The key is the ability ID, the value is whether they are currently in range.
  2668. Event.Ability.New.Remove
  2669. Event documentation:
  2670. Signals the removal of a player ability.
  2671. Event.Ability.New.Remove(abilities)
  2672. Parameters:
  2673. abilities: Lists the abilities that were removed. Table from ability ID to "false".
  2674. Event.Ability.New.Target
  2675. Event documentation:
  2676. Signals a player ability changing its current target.
  2677. Event.Ability.New.Target(abilities)
  2678. Parameters:
  2679. abilities: The abilities whose target has changed. The key is the ability ID, the value is the new target.
  2680. Event.Ability.New.Usable.False
  2681. Event documentation:
  2682. Signals a player ability becoming unusable.
  2683. Event.Ability.New.Usable.False(abilities)
  2684. Parameters:
  2685. abilities: The abilities whose usability has changed. The key is the ability ID, the value is the new usability.
  2686. Event.Ability.New.Usable.True
  2687. Event documentation:
  2688. Signals a player ability becoming usable.
  2689. Event.Ability.New.Usable.True(abilities)
  2690. Parameters:
  2691. abilities: The abilities whose usability has changed. The key is the ability ID, the value is the new usability.
  2692. Event.Achievement.Complete
  2693. Event documentation:
  2694. Signals an achievement completing.
  2695. Event.Achievement.Complete(achievement)
  2696. Parameters:
  2697. achievement: The ID of the achievement.
  2698. Event.Achievement.Update
  2699. Event documentation:
  2700. Signals a change in an achievement's information.
  2701. Event.Achievement.Update(achievements)
  2702. Parameters:
  2703. achievements: A table of the achievements, in {id = true} format.
  2704. Event.Addon.Load.Begin
  2705. Event documentation:
  2706. Signals the beginning of an addon's loading sequence.
  2707. Event.Addon.Load.Begin(addonidentifier)
  2708. Parameters:
  2709. addonidentifier: The addon's identifier.
  2710. Event.Addon.Load.End
  2711. Event documentation:
  2712. Signals the end of an addon's loading sequence. At this point, that addon is fully loaded and initialized.
  2713. Event.Addon.Load.End(addonidentifier)
  2714. Parameters:
  2715. addonidentifier: The addon's identifier.
  2716. Event.Addon.SavedVariables.Load.Begin
  2717. Event documentation:
  2718. Signals the beginning of an addon's saved variable loading.
  2719. Event.Addon.SavedVariables.Load.Begin(addonidentifier)
  2720. Parameters:
  2721. addonidentifier: The addon's identifier.
  2722. Event.Addon.SavedVariables.Load.End
  2723. Event documentation:
  2724. Signals the end of an addon's saved variable load.
  2725. Event.Addon.SavedVariables.Load.End(addonidentifier)
  2726. Parameters:
  2727. addonidentifier: The addon's identifier.
  2728. Event.Addon.SavedVariables.Save.Begin
  2729. Event documentation:
  2730. Signals the beginning of an addon's saved variable saving.
  2731. Event.Addon.SavedVariables.Save.Begin(addonidentifier)
  2732. Parameters:
  2733. addonidentifier: The addon's identifier.
  2734. Event.Addon.SavedVariables.Save.End
  2735. Event documentation:
  2736. Signals the end of an addon's saved variable saving.
  2737. Event.Addon.SavedVariables.Save.End(addonidentifier)
  2738. Parameters:
  2739. addonidentifier: The addon's identifier.
  2740. Event.Addon.Shutdown.Begin
  2741. Event documentation:
  2742. Signals the beginning of the shutdown sequence.
  2743. Event.Addon.Shutdown.Begin()
  2744. Event.Addon.Shutdown.End
  2745. Event documentation:
  2746. Signals the end of the shutdown sequence. This is the last event that will be sent.
  2747. Event.Addon.Shutdown.End()
  2748. Event.Addon.Startup.End
  2749. Event documentation:
  2750. Signals the end of the startup sequence. At this point, all addons are fully loaded and initialized.
  2751. Event.Addon.Startup.End()
  2752. Event.Attunement.Progress.Accumulated
  2753. Event documentation:
  2754. Signals your accumulated attunement experience changing.
  2755. Event.Attunement.Progress.Accumulated(accumulated)
  2756. Parameters:
  2757. accumulated: Total quantity of accumulated attunement experience in this level.
  2758. Event.Attunement.Progress.Available
  2759. Event documentation:
  2760. Signals your available attunement points changing.
  2761. Event.Attunement.Progress.Available(available)
  2762. Parameters:
  2763. available: Number of unused attunement ranks.
  2764. Event.Attunement.Progress.Rested
  2765. Event documentation:
  2766. Signals your available attunement rested experience changing.
  2767. Event.Attunement.Progress.Rested(rested)
  2768. Parameters:
  2769. rested: Quantity of available attunement rested experience.
  2770. Event.Attunement.Progress.Spent
  2771. Event documentation:
  2772. Signals your spent attunement points changing.
  2773. Event.Attunement.Progress.Spent(spent)
  2774. Parameters:
  2775. spent: Number of spent attunement ranks.
  2776. Event.Auction.Scan
  2777. Event documentation:
  2778. Signals incoming auction data.
  2779. Event.Auction.Scan(type, auctions)
  2780. Parameters:
  2781. type: A table containing information on this scan. In the same format as the parameter to Command.Auction.Scan().
  2782. auctions: A table of the auctions returned from this scan.
  2783. Event.Auction.Statistics
  2784. Event documentation:
  2785. Signals receipt of auction statistics.
  2786. Event.Auction.Statistics(itemtype, data)
  2787. Parameters:
  2788. itemtype: Item type that the attached statistics refer to.
  2789. data: Table containing a series of tables with different timestamps, each containing data for a single day.
  2790. Parameter members:
  2791. priceAverage: Average item price during this day.
  2792. priceMax: Maximum item price during this day.
  2793. priceMin: Minimum item price during this day.
  2794. priceVariance: Variance in item price during this day.
  2795. time: UNIX timestamp of the day.
  2796. volume: Quantity of items traded during this day.
  2797. Event.Buff.Add
  2798. Event documentation:
  2799. Signals new buffs on a unit.
  2800. Event.Buff.Add(unit, buffs)
  2801. Parameters:
  2802. unit: The Unit ID of the unit involved.
  2803. buffs: A table containing the buffs involved. The key is the buff ID, the value is the buff type ID or 'true' if the buff has no type.
  2804. Event.Buff.Change
  2805. Event documentation:
  2806. Signals a change in existing buffs on a unit.
  2807. Event.Buff.Change(unit, buffs)
  2808. Parameters:
  2809. unit: The Unit ID of the unit involved.
  2810. buffs: A table containing the buffs involved.
  2811. Event.Buff.Description
  2812. Event documentation:
  2813. Signals a change in an existing buff's detailed description. Value of the key is "true" if detail is now available, "false" if it is no longer available.
  2814. Event.Buff.Description(unit, buffs)
  2815. Parameters:
  2816. unit: The Unit ID of the unit involved.
  2817. buffs: A table containing the buffs involved.
  2818. Event.Buff.Remove
  2819. Event documentation:
  2820. Signals removal of buffs from a unit.
  2821. Event.Buff.Remove(unit, buffs)
  2822. Parameters:
  2823. unit: The Unit ID of the unit involved.
  2824. buffs: A table containing the buffs involved.
  2825. Event.Chat.Notify
  2826. Event documentation:
  2827. Signals a screen notification. This is generally used as a warning mechanism during boss fights.
  2828. Event.Chat.Notify(info)
  2829. Parameters:
  2830. info: Detailed information table about this event, containing several named parameters.
  2831. Parameter members:
  2832. message: The text said.
  2833. Event.Chat.Npc
  2834. Event documentation:
  2835. Signals an NPC speaking a line of text.
  2836. Event.Chat.Npc(info)
  2837. Parameters:
  2838. info: Detailed information table about this event, containing several named parameters.
  2839. Parameter members:
  2840. from: The unit ID of the speaker, if available.
  2841. fromName: The name of the speaker.
  2842. message: The text said.
  2843. Event.Combat.Damage
  2844. Event documentation:
  2845. Signals damage done to a unit. All units referenced by this event will be accessible within this event's handlers.
  2846. Event.Combat.Damage(info)
  2847. Parameters:
  2848. info: Detailed information table about this event, containing several named parameters.
  2849. Parameter members:
  2850. ability: The ability ID for the ability used, if available.
  2851. abilityName: The name of the ability used.
  2852. caster: The unit ID for this event's initiator, if one exists.
  2853. casterName: The name of this event's initiator, if available.
  2854. crit: Whether this was the result of a critical hit.
  2855. damage: The amount of damage actually done.
  2856. damageAbsorbed: The amount of damage absorbed.
  2857. damageBlocked: The amount of damage blocked.
  2858. damageIntercepted: The amount of damage intercepted.
  2859. damageModified: The amount of damage modified.
  2860. overkill: The amount of overkill done.
  2861. target: The unit ID for the target.
  2862. targetName: The name of the target, if available.
  2863. type: The damage type. Values include "life", "death", "air", "earth", "fire", "water".
  2864. Event.Combat.Death
  2865. Event documentation:
  2866. Signals the death of a unit. All units referenced by this event will be accessible within this event's handlers.
  2867. Event.Combat.Death(info)
  2868. Parameters:
  2869. info: Detailed information table about this event, containing several named parameters.
  2870. Parameter members:
  2871. caster: The unit ID for this event's initiator, if one exists.
  2872. casterName: The name of this event's initiator, if available.
  2873. target: The unit ID for the target.
  2874. targetName: The name of the target, if available.
  2875. Event.Combat.Dodge
  2876. Event documentation:
  2877. Signals a unit dodging an ability. All units referenced by this event will be accessible within this event's handlers.
  2878. Event.Combat.Dodge(info)
  2879. Parameters:
  2880. info: Detailed information table about this event, containing several named parameters.
  2881. Parameter members:
  2882. ability: The ability ID for the ability used, if available.
  2883. abilityName: The name of the ability used.
  2884. caster: The unit ID for this event's initiator, if one exists.
  2885. casterName: The name of this event's initiator, if available.
  2886. target: The unit ID for the target.
  2887. targetName: The name of the target, if available.
  2888. Event.Combat.Heal
  2889. Event documentation:
  2890. Signals healing done to a unit. All units referenced by this event will be accessible within this event's handlers.
  2891. Event.Combat.Heal(info)
  2892. Parameters:
  2893. info: Detailed information table about this event, containing several named parameters.
  2894. Parameter members:
  2895. ability: The ability ID for the ability used, if available.
  2896. abilityName: The name of the ability used.
  2897. caster: The unit ID for this event's initiator, if one exists.
  2898. casterName: The name of this event's initiator, if available.
  2899. crit: Whether this was the result of a critical hit.
  2900. heal: The amount healed.
  2901. overheal: The amount of healing past maximum health wasted.
  2902. target: The unit ID for the target.
  2903. targetName: The name of the target, if available.
  2904. Event.Combat.Immune
  2905. Event documentation:
  2906. Signals a unit resisting an ability through immunity. All units referenced by this event will be accessible within this event's handlers.
  2907. Event.Combat.Immune(info)
  2908. Parameters:
  2909. info: Detailed information table about this event, containing several named parameters.
  2910. Parameter members:
  2911. ability: The ability ID for the ability used, if available.
  2912. abilityName: The name of the ability used.
  2913. caster: The unit ID for this event's initiator, if one exists.
  2914. casterName: The name of this event's initiator, if available.
  2915. target: The unit ID for the target.
  2916. targetName: The name of the target, if available.
  2917. Event.Combat.Miss
  2918. Event documentation:
  2919. Signals an ability's effect missing a unit. All units referenced by this event will be accessible within this event's handlers.
  2920. Event.Combat.Miss(info)
  2921. Parameters:
  2922. info: Detailed information table about this event, containing several named parameters.
  2923. Parameter members:
  2924. ability: The ability ID for the ability used, if available.
  2925. abilityName: The name of the ability used.
  2926. caster: The unit ID for this event's initiator, if one exists.
  2927. casterName: The name of this event's initiator, if available.
  2928. target: The unit ID for the target.
  2929. targetName: The name of the target, if available.
  2930. Event.Combat.Parry
  2931. Event documentation:
  2932. Signals a unit parrying an ability. All units referenced by this event will be accessible within this event's handlers.
  2933. This event is deprecated and will be removed in the future. It should not be used.
  2934. Event.Combat.Parry(info)
  2935. Parameters:
  2936. info: Detailed information table about this event, containing several named parameters.
  2937. Parameter members:
  2938. ability: The ability ID for the ability used, if available.
  2939. abilityName: The name of the ability used.
  2940. caster: The unit ID for this event's initiator, if one exists.
  2941. casterName: The name of this event's initiator, if available.
  2942. target: The unit ID for the target.
  2943. targetName: The name of the target, if available.
  2944. Event.Combat.Resist
  2945. Event documentation:
  2946. Signals a unit resisting an ability. All units referenced by this event will be accessible within this event's handlers.
  2947. Event.Combat.Resist(info)
  2948. Parameters:
  2949. info: Detailed information table about this event, containing several named parameters.
  2950. Parameter members:
  2951. ability: The ability ID for the ability used, if available.
  2952. abilityName: The name of the ability used.
  2953. caster: The unit ID for this event's initiator, if one exists.
  2954. casterName: The name of this event's initiator, if available.
  2955. target: The unit ID for the target.
  2956. targetName: The name of the target, if available.
  2957. Event.Currency
  2958. Event documentation:
  2959. Signals a change in the player's available currency.
  2960. Event.Currency(currencies)
  2961. Parameters:
  2962. currencies: New currency counts, in key/value form.
  2963. Event.Cursor
  2964. Event documentation:
  2965. Signals that the cursor has changed.
  2966. Event.Cursor(type, held)
  2967. Parameters:
  2968. type: The current cursor type. Valid values include "ability", "item", and "itemtype".
  2969. held: The blob describing the new element held. Generally, some kind of identifier used in another part of the addon system.
  2970. Event.Dimension.Layout.Add
  2971. Event documentation:
  2972. Signals that a dimension item has been added.
  2973. Event.Dimension.Layout.Add(addedItem)
  2974. Parameters:
  2975. addedItem: The dimension item that has been added.
  2976. Event.Dimension.Layout.Remove
  2977. Event documentation:
  2978. Signals that a dimension item has been removed.
  2979. Event.Dimension.Layout.Remove(removedItem)
  2980. Parameters:
  2981. removedItem: The dimension item that has been removed.
  2982. Event.Dimension.Layout.Update
  2983. Event documentation:
  2984. Signals that a dimension item has been updated.
  2985. Event.Dimension.Layout.Update(updatedItem)
  2986. Parameters:
  2987. updatedItem: The dimension item that has been updated.
  2988. Event.Experience.Accumulated
  2989. Event documentation:
  2990. Signals your accumulated experience changing.
  2991. Event.Experience.Accumulated(accumulated)
  2992. Parameters:
  2993. accumulated: Total quantity of accumulated experience in this level.
  2994. Event.Experience.Rested
  2995. Event documentation:
  2996. Signals your available rested experience changing.
  2997. Event.Experience.Rested(rested)
  2998. Parameters:
  2999. rested: Quantity of available rested experience.
  3000. Event.Faction.Notoriety
  3001. Event documentation:
  3002. Signals a change in the player's faction notoriety.
  3003. Event.Faction.Notoriety(notoriety)
  3004. Parameters:
  3005. notoriety: New notoriety values, in key/value form.
  3006. Event.Guild.Bank.Change
  3007. Event documentation:
  3008. Signals a change in a guild bank vault's information.
  3009. Event.Guild.Bank.Change(vaults)
  3010. Parameters:
  3011. vaults: A lookup table of vaults that have changed.
  3012. Event.Guild.Bank.Coin
  3013. Event documentation:
  3014. Signals a change in the guild bank's money.
  3015. Event.Guild.Bank.Coin(coin)
  3016. Parameters:
  3017. coin: The new amount of money in the guild bank.
  3018. Event.Guild.Log
  3019. Event documentation:
  3020. Signals incoming guild log data. Can be triggered manually with Command.Guild.Log.Request().
  3021. Event.Guild.Log(log)
  3022. Parameters:
  3023. log: An array containing the refreshed guild log items, in order.
  3024. Parameter members:
  3025. achievement: The achievement involved.
  3026. coin: The amount of silver involved.
  3027. count: The number of items involved.
  3028. item: The item type involved.
  3029. level: The level involved.
  3030. rank: The rank involved.
  3031. source: The source of the log event.
  3032. target: The target of the log event.
  3033. type: The type of the log message. May be any of achievement, bankCoinDeposit, bankCoinHeal, bankCoinTithe, bankCoinWithdraw, bankItemDeposit, bankItemWithdraw, bankVault, charterSign, charterUnsign, demote, demoteTrial, dimensionBuy, finder, firstAchievement, firstCollection, firstItem, firstKill, firstQuest, form, found, invite, kick, leave, level, motd, promote, rankEdit, rename, transferred, unlearnActive, unlearnPassive, wallDelete, wallModify, xp, or xpQuest.
  3034. xp: The amount of XP involved.
  3035. Event.Guild.Motd
  3036. Event documentation:
  3037. Signals a change in the guild Message of the Day.
  3038. Event.Guild.Motd(motd)
  3039. Parameters:
  3040. motd: The new Message of the Day.
  3041. Event.Guild.Rank
  3042. Event documentation:
  3043. Signals a change in one of your guild's ranks.
  3044. Event.Guild.Rank(ranks)
  3045. Parameters:
  3046. ranks: A lookup table of ranks that have changed.
  3047. Event.Guild.Roster.Add
  3048. Event documentation:
  3049. Signals a new player added to the guild roster.
  3050. Event.Guild.Roster.Add(add)
  3051. Parameters:
  3052. add: The name of the added guildmember.
  3053. Event.Guild.Roster.Detail.Level
  3054. Event documentation:
  3055. Signals a change in a guildmember's level.
  3056. Event.Guild.Roster.Detail.Level(units)
  3057. Parameters:
  3058. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value.
  3059. Event.Guild.Roster.Detail.Note
  3060. Event documentation:
  3061. Signals a change in a guildmember's note.
  3062. Event.Guild.Roster.Detail.Note(units)
  3063. Parameters:
  3064. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value.
  3065. Event.Guild.Roster.Detail.NoteOfficer
  3066. Event documentation:
  3067. Signals a change in a guildmember's officer note.
  3068. Event.Guild.Roster.Detail.NoteOfficer(units)
  3069. Parameters:
  3070. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value.
  3071. Event.Guild.Roster.Detail.Rank
  3072. Event documentation:
  3073. Signals a change in a guildmember's rank.
  3074. Event.Guild.Roster.Detail.Rank(units)
  3075. Parameters:
  3076. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value.
  3077. Event.Guild.Roster.Detail.Status
  3078. Event documentation:
  3079. Signals a change in a guildmember's status.
  3080. Event.Guild.Roster.Detail.Status(units)
  3081. Parameters:
  3082. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  3083. Event.Guild.Roster.Detail.Zone
  3084. Event documentation:
  3085. Signals a change in a guildmember's zone.
  3086. Event.Guild.Roster.Detail.Zone(units)
  3087. Parameters:
  3088. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value.
  3089. Event.Guild.Roster.Remove
  3090. Event documentation:
  3091. Signals a player removed from the guild roster.
  3092. Event.Guild.Roster.Remove(remove)
  3093. Parameters:
  3094. remove: The name of the removed guildmember.
  3095. Event.Guild.Wall
  3096. Event documentation:
  3097. Signals incoming guild wall data. Can be triggered manually with Command.Guild.Wall.Request().
  3098. Event.Guild.Wall(wall)
  3099. Parameters:
  3100. wall: An array containing the refreshed guild wall items, in order.
  3101. Parameter members:
  3102. id: The ID of the guild wall entry.
  3103. poster: The poster of the guild wall entry.
  3104. text: The text of the guild wall entry.
  3105. time: The time the wall entry was posted, in UNIX time.
  3106. Event.Interaction
  3107. Event documentation:
  3108. Signals a change in available interaction types.
  3109. Event.Interaction(interaction, state)
  3110. Parameters:
  3111. interaction: The identifier of the interaction type. May be any of "auction", "bank", "guildbank", or "mail".
  3112. state: Boolean indicating whether or not that interaction is available.
  3113. Event.Item.Slot
  3114. Event documentation:
  3115. Signals that the contents of an item slot have changed.
  3116. Event.Item.Slot(updates)
  3117. Parameters:
  3118. updates: Table of changes. Key is the slot identifier, value is an item ID, false if the slot is now empty, or the string "nil" if the slot no longer exists.
  3119. Event.Item.Update
  3120. Event documentation:
  3121. Signals that an item has changed.
  3122. Event.Item.Update(updates)
  3123. Parameters:
  3124. updates: Table of changes. Key is the slot identifier, value is an item ID, false if the slot is now empty, or the string "nil" if the slot no longer exists.
  3125. Event.Mail
  3126. Event documentation:
  3127. Signals a change in the available mail messages.
  3128. Event.Mail(mail)
  3129. Parameters:
  3130. mail: The changed mail messages. Takes the form of a table. The key is the mail ID, the value is "basic" to indicate basic information available about a piece of mail, "detail" to indicate detailed information available, or false to indicate no information available.
  3131. Event.Map.Add
  3132. Event documentation:
  3133. Signals the addition of a map element.
  3134. Event.Map.Add(elements)
  3135. Parameters:
  3136. elements: The changed elements. Takes the form of a table. The key is the element ID.
  3137. Event.Map.Change
  3138. Event documentation:
  3139. Signals the change of a map element, in some manner besides coordinates.
  3140. Event.Map.Change(elements)
  3141. Parameters:
  3142. elements: The changed elements. Takes the form of a table. The key is the element ID.
  3143. Event.Map.Detail.Coord
  3144. Event documentation:
  3145. Signals the coordinate change of a map element.
  3146. Event.Map.Detail.Coord(x, y, z)
  3147. Parameters:
  3148. x: The new X coordinate of the changed elements. Takes the form of a table. The key is the element ID.
  3149. y: The new Y coordinate of the changed elements. Takes the form of a table. The key is the element ID.
  3150. z: The new Z coordinate of the changed elements. Takes the form of a table. The key is the element ID.
  3151. Event.Map.Remove
  3152. Event documentation:
  3153. Signals the removal of a map element.
  3154. Event.Map.Remove(elements)
  3155. Parameters:
  3156. elements: The changed elements. Takes the form of a table. The key is the element ID.
  3157. Event.Map.Waypoint.Update
  3158. Event documentation:
  3159. Signals the change of a player's waypoint.
  3160. Event.Map.Waypoint.Update(units)
  3161. Parameters:
  3162. units: The unit whose waypoint has changed. Takes the form of a table. The key is the element ID.
  3163. Event.Message.Receive
  3164. Event documentation:
  3165. Signals the receipt of an addon message.
  3166. Event.Message.Receive(from, type, channel, identifier, data)
  3167. Parameters:
  3168. from: The name of the player this message is from.
  3169. type: The type of this message. May be any of "send", "tell", "channel", "guild", "officer", "party", "raid", "say", or "yell".
  3170. channel: If type is "channel", the channel that this message was sent to. Otherwise, nil.
  3171. identifier: The identifier for this message.
  3172. data: The data payload for this message type.
  3173. Event.Minion.Adventure.Change
  3174. Event documentation:
  3175. Signals a change in a minion adventure.
  3176. Event.Minion.Adventure.Change(adventures)
  3177. Parameters:
  3178. adventures: A table of minion adventures that have changed. Takes the form of a table. The key is the minion adventure ID.
  3179. Event.Minion.Minion.Change
  3180. Event documentation:
  3181. Signals a change in a minion.
  3182. Event.Minion.Minion.Change(minions)
  3183. Parameters:
  3184. minions: A table of minions that have changed. Takes the form of a table. The key is the minion ID.
  3185. Event.Mouse.Move
  3186. Event documentation:
  3187. Signals the mouse moving.
  3188. Event.Mouse.Move(x, y)
  3189. Parameters:
  3190. x: The mouse's new X position.
  3191. y: The mouse's new Y position.
  3192. Event.Pvp.History.Favor
  3193. Event documentation:
  3194. Signals your historical favor changing.
  3195. Event.Pvp.History.Favor(favor)
  3196. Parameters:
  3197. favor: Amount of lifetime favor accumulated.
  3198. Event.Pvp.History.Kill.Today
  3199. Event documentation:
  3200. Signals your daily kill count changing.
  3201. Event.Pvp.History.Kill.Today(kill)
  3202. Parameters:
  3203. kill: Amount of kills made in this time period.
  3204. Event.Pvp.Prestige.Accumulated
  3205. Event documentation:
  3206. Signals your accumulated prestige changing.
  3207. Event.Pvp.Prestige.Accumulated(accumulated)
  3208. Parameters:
  3209. accumulated: Total quantity of accumulated prestige in this rank.
  3210. Event.Pvp.Prestige.Rank
  3211. Event documentation:
  3212. Signals your prestige rank changing.
  3213. Event.Pvp.Prestige.Rank(rank)
  3214. Parameters:
  3215. rank: Current prestige rank.
  3216. Event.Quest.Abandon
  3217. Event documentation:
  3218. Signals that a quest has been abandoned.
  3219. Event.Quest.Abandon(elements)
  3220. Parameters:
  3221. elements: The changed elements. Takes the form of a table. The key is the element ID.
  3222. Event.Quest.Accept
  3223. Event documentation:
  3224. Signals that a quest has been accepted.
  3225. Event.Quest.Accept(elements)
  3226. Parameters:
  3227. elements: The changed elements. Takes the form of a table. The key is the element ID.
  3228. Event.Quest.Change
  3229. Event documentation:
  3230. Signals that a quest has been changed in some manner, most likely progress in an objective.
  3231. Event.Quest.Change(elements)
  3232. Parameters:
  3233. elements: The changed elements. Takes the form of a table. The key is the element ID.
  3234. Event.Quest.Complete
  3235. Event documentation:
  3236. Signals that a quest has been completed.
  3237. Event.Quest.Complete(elements)
  3238. Parameters:
  3239. elements: The changed elements. Takes the form of a table. The key is the element ID.
  3240. Event.Queue.Status
  3241. Event documentation:
  3242. Signals that a queue may have left or entered the throttled state.
  3243. Event.Queue.Status(id)
  3244. Parameters:
  3245. id: The ID of the queue affected. To get the actual new state, use Inspect.Queue.Status().
  3246. Event.Slash (category for dynamically-created events)
  3247. Event.Slash.addonerror
  3248. Frame event documentation:
  3249. Addon-created event. No documentation available.
  3250. Event.Slash.addonerror(handle, ...)
  3251. Event.Slash.dump
  3252. Frame event documentation:
  3253. Addon-created event. No documentation available.
  3254. Event.Slash.dump(handle, ...)
  3255. Event.Slash.eventlog
  3256. Frame event documentation:
  3257. Addon-created event. No documentation available.
  3258. Event.Slash.eventlog(handle, ...)
  3259. Event.Slash.framecap
  3260. Frame event documentation:
  3261. Addon-created event. No documentation available.
  3262. Event.Slash.framecap(handle, ...)
  3263. Event.Slash.layout
  3264. Frame event documentation:
  3265. Addon-created event. No documentation available.
  3266. Event.Slash.layout(handle, ...)
  3267. Event.Social.Friend
  3268. Event documentation:
  3269. Signals a change in your friend list.
  3270. Event.Social.Friend(friends)
  3271. Parameters:
  3272. friends: A lookup table containing the changed friends.
  3273. Event.Social.Ignore
  3274. Event documentation:
  3275. Signals a change in your ignore list.
  3276. Event.Social.Ignore(ignores)
  3277. Parameters:
  3278. ignores: A lookup table containing the changed ignored players.
  3279. Event.Stat
  3280. Event documentation:
  3281. Signals a change in the player's stats.
  3282. Event.Stat(stats)
  3283. Parameters:
  3284. stats: A table from stat ID to stat value, containing the stats that changed.
  3285. Event.Storage.Get
  3286. Event documentation:
  3287. Signals receiving storage data from a target.
  3288. Event.Storage.Get(target, segment, identifier, read, write, data)
  3289. Parameters:
  3290. target: The name of the player that has been inspected.
  3291. segment: The segment that has been inspected, either "player" or "guild".
  3292. identifier: The identifier that was inspected.
  3293. read: The read permissions of this element. See Command.Storage.Set() for details.
  3294. write: The write permissions of this element. See Command.Storage.Set() for details.
  3295. data: The data contained in the requested element.
  3296. Event.Storage.List
  3297. Event documentation:
  3298. Signals receiving a list of storage elements from a target.
  3299. Event.Storage.List(target, segment, identifiers)
  3300. Parameters:
  3301. target: The name of the player that has been inspected.
  3302. segment: The segment that has been inspected, either "player" or "guild".
  3303. identifiers: A list of identifiers available to you, in {identifier = checksum} format.
  3304. Event.System.Error
  3305. Event documentation:
  3306. Signals that an addon error has occurred. To prevent infinite loops, errors in handlers for this event may not result in further events being triggered.
  3307. Event.System.Error(error)
  3308. Parameters:
  3309. error: Table containing error data.
  3310. Parameter members:
  3311. addon: The identifier of the responsible addon. Used in error types event, frameEvent, dispatch, fileNotFound, fileLoad, fileRun, perfWarning, perfError, text, and requirement.
  3312. axis: The axis influenced by the error. Used in error types layoutLoop and layoutError.
  3313. deprecation: Indicates that the error was caused by attempted use of deprecated functionality. May appear in error types event, frameEvent, script, dispatch, queue, callback, or fileRun.
  3314. error: The actual error message generated. Used in error types event, frameEvent, script, dispatch, fileLoad, fileRun, and text.
  3315. event: The name of the event responsible. Used in error types event, frameEvent, and internal.
  3316. file: The name of the file responsible. Used in error types fileNotFound, fileLoad, and fileRun.
  3317. frame: The name of the frame that the event was generated on. Used in error type frameEvent.
  3318. id: The internal ID of this error.
  3319. info: The info string provided as part of the event handler. Used in error types event, dispatch, perfWarning, perfError, and requirement.
  3320. script: The exact script entered by the user. Used in error type script.
  3321. stacktrace: The stacktrace at the point of the error. Used in error types event, frameEvent, script, dispatch, fileRun, layoutLoop, layoutError, perfWarning, perfError, text, and requirement.
  3322. type: Error type. "event" indicates an error within a global event handler. "frameEvent" indicates an error within a frame event handler. "script" indicates an error within a user-entered /script. "dispatch" indicates an error within a Utility.Dispatch handler. "internal" indicates an error within Rift's code (hopefully you'll never see this). "fileNotFound" indicates a missing file when attempting to load an addon. "fileLoad" indicates a parse failure when attempting to load an addon. "fileRun" indicates an execution error when attempting to load an addon. "layoutLoop" indicates a dependency loop found when evaluating the layout. "layoutError" indicates an invalid position found when evaluating the layout. "perfWarning" indicates a watchdog performance warning. "perfError" indicates a watchdog performance error, and that the Lua thread may have been interrupted. "text" indicates an error in Lua code embedded in HTML text. "requirement" indicates an error caused by not fulfilling function requirements.
  3323. Event.System.Secure.Enter
  3324. Event documentation:
  3325. Signals that the system is entering Secure mode. Usually this is equivalent to entering combat. Functions that may not be called in Secure mode will be locked after this event is complete.
  3326. Event.System.Secure.Enter()
  3327. Event.System.Secure.Leave
  3328. Event documentation:
  3329. Signals that the system is leaving Secure mode. Usually this is equivalent to leaving combat. Functions that may not be called in Secure mode are unlocked just before this event fires.
  3330. Event.System.Secure.Leave()
  3331. Event.System.Texture
  3332. Event documentation:
  3333. Signals information on Rift UI textures that have been seen.
  3334. Event.System.Texture(textures)
  3335. Parameters:
  3336. textures: A lookup table of all textures that has been seen since the last event.
  3337. Event.System.Update.Begin
  3338. Event documentation:
  3339. Signals the beginning of a frame render. This is your last chance to make UI changes for this frame.
  3340. Event.System.Update.Begin()
  3341. Event.System.Update.End
  3342. Event documentation:
  3343. Signals the end of a frame render.
  3344. Event.System.Update.End()
  3345. Event.TEMPORARY.Experience
  3346. Event documentation:
  3347. Signals a change in the player's experience.
  3348. This event is deprecated and will be removed in the future. It should not be used.
  3349. Event.TEMPORARY.Experience(accumulated, rested, needed)
  3350. Parameters:
  3351. accumulated: The amount of experience that has accumulated towards the next level.
  3352. rested: The amount of rested experience that has accumulated.
  3353. needed: The amount of experience required to reach the next level.
  3354. Event.TEMPORARY.Role
  3355. Event documentation:
  3356. Signals a change in the player's current role.
  3357. This event will be removed in the future.
  3358. Event.TEMPORARY.Role(role)
  3359. Parameters:
  3360. role: The ID of the new role.
  3361. Event.Title.Add
  3362. Event documentation:
  3363. Signals the addition of a new title.
  3364. Event.Title.Add(titles)
  3365. Parameters:
  3366. titles: A lookup table of newly available titles.
  3367. Event.Tooltip
  3368. Event documentation:
  3369. Signals that the tooltip has changed.
  3370. Event.Tooltip(type, shown, buff)
  3371. Parameters:
  3372. type: The current tooltip type. Valid values include "ability", "buff", "item", "itemtype", and "unit".
  3373. shown: The blob describing the new element shown. Generally, some kind of identifier used in another part of the addon system.
  3374. buff: The ID of the tooltip's new buff. "shown" will be a unit in this case.
  3375. Event.Unit.Add
  3376. Event documentation:
  3377. Signals the addition of units to unit specifiers. Always preceded by Event.Unit.Change.Remove. Triggers for unit IDs that have been removed from the specifier tree, but may not trigger for any children of those units. You may want to use LibUnitChange instead of this event.
  3378. Event.Unit.Add(units)
  3379. Parameters:
  3380. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the unit specifier, or "false" if the unit now has no specifier.
  3381. Event.Unit.Availability.Full
  3382. Event documentation:
  3383. Signals units entering Full availability.
  3384. Event.Unit.Availability.Full(units)
  3385. Parameters:
  3386. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the unit specifier, or "false" if the unit now has no specifier.
  3387. Event.Unit.Availability.None
  3388. Event documentation:
  3389. Signals units leaving availability entirely.
  3390. Event.Unit.Availability.None(units)
  3391. Parameters:
  3392. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the unit specifier, or "false" if the unit now has no specifier.
  3393. Event.Unit.Availability.Partial
  3394. Event documentation:
  3395. Signals units entering Partial availability, possibly on the way to Full or None availability.
  3396. Event.Unit.Availability.Partial(units)
  3397. Parameters:
  3398. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the unit specifier, or "false" if the unit now has no specifier.
  3399. Event.Unit.Castbar
  3400. Event documentation:
  3401. Signals a unit's castbar changing.
  3402. Event.Unit.Castbar(units)
  3403. Parameters:
  3404. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is a castbar visibility flag.
  3405. Event.Unit.Detail.Absorb
  3406. Event documentation:
  3407. Signals a unit's damage absorption changing.
  3408. Event.Unit.Detail.Absorb(units)
  3409. Parameters:
  3410. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value.
  3411. Event.Unit.Detail.Afk
  3412. Event documentation:
  3413. Signals a unit's AFK flag changing. Will trigger only for partymembers.
  3414. Event.Unit.Detail.Afk(units)
  3415. Parameters:
  3416. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value.
  3417. Event.Unit.Detail.Aggro
  3418. Event documentation:
  3419. Signals a unit's aggro flag changing. Will trigger only for groupmembers.
  3420. Event.Unit.Detail.Aggro(units)
  3421. Parameters:
  3422. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  3423. Event.Unit.Detail.Blocked
  3424. Event documentation:
  3425. Signals a unit's LOS-blocked flag changing. Will trigger only for groupmembers.
  3426. Event.Unit.Detail.Blocked(units)
  3427. Parameters:
  3428. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  3429. Event.Unit.Detail.Charge
  3430. Event documentation:
  3431. Signals a unit's charge changing. Will trigger only for the player's unit ID.
  3432. Event.Unit.Detail.Charge(units)
  3433. Parameters:
  3434. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value.
  3435. Event.Unit.Detail.ChargeMax
  3436. Event documentation:
  3437. Signals a unit's charge maximum changing. Will trigger only for the player's unit ID.
  3438. Event.Unit.Detail.ChargeMax(units)
  3439. Parameters:
  3440. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value.
  3441. Event.Unit.Detail.Combat
  3442. Event documentation:
  3443. Signals a unit's combat status changing.
  3444. Event.Unit.Detail.Combat(units)
  3445. Parameters:
  3446. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value.
  3447. Event.Unit.Detail.Combo
  3448. Event documentation:
  3449. Signals a unit's combo points changing. Will trigger only for the player's unit ID.
  3450. Event.Unit.Detail.Combo(units)
  3451. Parameters:
  3452. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value.
  3453. Event.Unit.Detail.Coord
  3454. Event documentation:
  3455. Signals a change in the unit's location.
  3456. Event.Unit.Detail.Coord(x, y, z)
  3457. Parameters:
  3458. x: The new X coordinate of the changed elements. Takes the form of a table. The key is the element ID.
  3459. y: The new Y coordinate of the changed elements. Takes the form of a table. The key is the element ID.
  3460. z: The new Z coordinate of the changed elements. Takes the form of a table. The key is the element ID.
  3461. Event.Unit.Detail.Energy
  3462. Event documentation:
  3463. Signals a unit's energy changing.
  3464. Event.Unit.Detail.Energy(units)
  3465. Parameters:
  3466. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  3467. Event.Unit.Detail.EnergyMax
  3468. Event documentation:
  3469. Signals a unit's energy maximum changing.
  3470. Event.Unit.Detail.EnergyMax(units)
  3471. Parameters:
  3472. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  3473. Event.Unit.Detail.Guild
  3474. Event documentation:
  3475. Signals a unit's guild changing.
  3476. Event.Unit.Detail.Guild(units)
  3477. Parameters:
  3478. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  3479. Event.Unit.Detail.Health
  3480. Event documentation:
  3481. Signals a unit's health changing.
  3482. Event.Unit.Detail.Health(units)
  3483. Parameters:
  3484. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  3485. Event.Unit.Detail.HealthCap
  3486. Event documentation:
  3487. Signals a unit's health cap changing.
  3488. Event.Unit.Detail.HealthCap(units)
  3489. Parameters:
  3490. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  3491. Event.Unit.Detail.HealthMax
  3492. Event documentation:
  3493. Signals a unit's health maximum changing.
  3494. Event.Unit.Detail.HealthMax(units)
  3495. Parameters:
  3496. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  3497. Event.Unit.Detail.Level
  3498. Event documentation:
  3499. Signals a unit's level changing.
  3500. Event.Unit.Detail.Level(units)
  3501. Parameters:
  3502. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  3503. Event.Unit.Detail.LocationName
  3504. Event documentation:
  3505. Signals a unit's location name changing.
  3506. Event.Unit.Detail.LocationName(units)
  3507. Parameters:
  3508. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  3509. Event.Unit.Detail.Mana
  3510. Event documentation:
  3511. Signals a unit's mana changing.
  3512. Event.Unit.Detail.Mana(units)
  3513. Parameters:
  3514. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  3515. Event.Unit.Detail.ManaMax
  3516. Event documentation:
  3517. Signals a unit's mana maximum changing.
  3518. Event.Unit.Detail.ManaMax(units)
  3519. Parameters:
  3520. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  3521. Event.Unit.Detail.Mark
  3522. Event documentation:
  3523. Signals a unit's mark changing.
  3524. Event.Unit.Detail.Mark(units)
  3525. Parameters:
  3526. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  3527. Event.Unit.Detail.Mentoring
  3528. Event documentation:
  3529. Signals a unit's mentoring status changing.
  3530. Event.Unit.Detail.Mentoring(units)
  3531. Parameters:
  3532. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  3533. Event.Unit.Detail.Name
  3534. Event documentation:
  3535. Signals a unit's name changing.
  3536. Event.Unit.Detail.Name(units)
  3537. Parameters:
  3538. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value.
  3539. Event.Unit.Detail.Offline
  3540. Event documentation:
  3541. Signals a unit's offline flag changing. Will trigger only for partymembers.
  3542. Event.Unit.Detail.Offline(units)
  3543. Parameters:
  3544. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value.
  3545. Event.Unit.Detail.Planar
  3546. Event documentation:
  3547. Signals a unit's planar charges changing. Will trigger only for the player or groupmembers.
  3548. Event.Unit.Detail.Planar(units)
  3549. Parameters:
  3550. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value.
  3551. Event.Unit.Detail.PlanarMax
  3552. Event documentation:
  3553. Signals a unit's maximum planar charges changing. Will trigger only for the player or groupmembers.
  3554. Event.Unit.Detail.PlanarMax(units)
  3555. Parameters:
  3556. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value.
  3557. Event.Unit.Detail.Power
  3558. Event documentation:
  3559. Signals a unit's power changing.
  3560. Event.Unit.Detail.Power(units)
  3561. Parameters:
  3562. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  3563. Event.Unit.Detail.PublicSize
  3564. Event documentation:
  3565. Signals a unit's public group size or status changing.
  3566. Event.Unit.Detail.PublicSize(units)
  3567. Parameters:
  3568. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  3569. Event.Unit.Detail.Pvp
  3570. Event documentation:
  3571. Signals a unit's PvP flag changing.
  3572. Event.Unit.Detail.Pvp(units)
  3573. Parameters:
  3574. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value.
  3575. Event.Unit.Detail.Radius
  3576. Event documentation:
  3577. Signals a unit's radius changing.
  3578. Event.Unit.Detail.Radius(units)
  3579. Parameters:
  3580. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  3581. Event.Unit.Detail.Ready
  3582. Event documentation:
  3583. Signals a unit's readycheck status changing.
  3584. Event.Unit.Detail.Ready(units)
  3585. Parameters:
  3586. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or the string "nil" in place of nil.
  3587. Event.Unit.Detail.Role
  3588. Event documentation:
  3589. Signals a unit's role changing. Will trigger only for the player or partymembers.
  3590. Event.Unit.Detail.Role(units)
  3591. Parameters:
  3592. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  3593. Event.Unit.Detail.Tagged
  3594. Event documentation:
  3595. Signals a unit's tagged status changing.
  3596. Event.Unit.Detail.Tagged(units)
  3597. Parameters:
  3598. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  3599. Event.Unit.Detail.TitlePrefixId
  3600. Event documentation:
  3601. Signals a unit's title prefix ID changing.
  3602. Event.Unit.Detail.TitlePrefixId(units)
  3603. Parameters:
  3604. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  3605. Event.Unit.Detail.TitlePrefixName
  3606. Event documentation:
  3607. Signals a unit's localized title prefix changing.
  3608. This event is deprecated and will be removed in the future. It should not be used.
  3609. Event.Unit.Detail.TitlePrefixName(units)
  3610. Parameters:
  3611. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  3612. Event.Unit.Detail.TitleSuffixId
  3613. Event documentation:
  3614. Signals a unit's title suffix ID changing.
  3615. Event.Unit.Detail.TitleSuffixId(units)
  3616. Parameters:
  3617. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  3618. Event.Unit.Detail.TitleSuffixName
  3619. Event documentation:
  3620. Signals a unit's localized title suffix changing.
  3621. This event is deprecated and will be removed in the future. It should not be used.
  3622. Event.Unit.Detail.TitleSuffixName(units)
  3623. Parameters:
  3624. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  3625. Event.Unit.Detail.Vitality
  3626. Event documentation:
  3627. Signals a unit's vitality changing. Will trigger only for the player or groupmembers.
  3628. Event.Unit.Detail.Vitality(units)
  3629. Parameters:
  3630. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value.
  3631. Event.Unit.Detail.Warfront
  3632. Event documentation:
  3633. Signals a unit's warfront flag changing. Will trigger only for partymembers.
  3634. Event.Unit.Detail.Warfront(units)
  3635. Parameters:
  3636. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value.
  3637. Event.Unit.Detail.Zone
  3638. Event documentation:
  3639. Signals a change in the unit's zone.
  3640. Event.Unit.Detail.Zone(units)
  3641. Parameters:
  3642. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  3643. Event.Unit.Remove
  3644. Event documentation:
  3645. Signals the removal of units from unit specifiers. Always followed by Event.Unit.Change.Add. Triggers for unit IDs that have been removed from the specifier tree, but may not trigger for any children of those units. You may want to use LibUnitChange instead of this event.
  3646. Event.Unit.Remove(units)
  3647. Parameters:
  3648. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the unit specifier, or "false" if the unit now has no specifier.
  3650. UI:
  3651. Layout:
  3652. Members:
  3653. EventAttach
  3654. Function documentation:
  3655. Attaches an event handler to an event.
  3656. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  3657. Layout:EventAttach(handle, callback, label) -- eventFrame, function, string
  3658. Layout:EventAttach(handle, callback, label, priority) -- eventFrame, function, string, number
  3659. Parameters:
  3660. callback: A global event handler function. This will be called when the event fires. The first parameter will be the frame that the event is called on, the second parameter will be the standard frame event handle, any other parameters will follow that.
  3661. handle: A handle to a frame event, usually pulled out of the "Event.UI." hierarchy.
  3662. label: Human-readable label used to identify the handler in error reports, performance reports, and for later detaching.
  3663. priority: Priority of the event handler. Higher numbers trigger first.
  3664. EventDetach
  3665. Function documentation:
  3666. Detaches an event handler from an event. Any parameter can be 'nil', and this is interpreted as a wildcard. If multiple events match the constraints, only one will be detached.
  3667. Layout:EventDetach(handle, callback) -- eventFrame, function/nil
  3668. Layout:EventDetach(handle, callback, label) -- eventFrame, function/nil, string/nil
  3669. Layout:EventDetach(handle, callback, label, priority) -- eventFrame, function/nil, string/nil, number/nil
  3670. Layout:EventDetach(handle, callback, label, priority, owner) -- eventFrame, function/nil, string/nil, number/nil, string/nil
  3671. Parameters:
  3672. callback: A callback function to search for.
  3673. handle: A handle to a frame event, usually pulled out of the "Event.UI." hierarchy.
  3674. label: Human-readable label used to identify the handler in error reports, performance reports, and for later detaching.
  3675. owner: Owner to search for.
  3676. priority: Priority of the event handler. Higher numbers trigger first.
  3677. EventList
  3678. Function documentation:
  3679. Lists the current event handlers for an event.
  3680. result = Layout:EventList(handle) -- table <- eventFrame
  3681. Parameters:
  3682. handle: A handle to a frame event, usually pulled out of the "Event.UI." hierarchy.
  3683. Return values:
  3684. result: A table of event handlers for this event.
  3685. Returned members:
  3686. handler: The handler that will be called when the event fires.
  3687. label: Human-readable label used to identify the handler in error reports, performance reports, and for later detaching.
  3688. macro: The macro that will run when the event fires.
  3689. owner: Owner to search for.
  3690. priority: Priority of the event handler. Higher numbers trigger first.
  3691. EventMacroGet
  3692. Function documentation:
  3693. Gets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
  3694. macro = Layout:EventMacroGet(handle) -- string/nil <- eventFrame
  3695. Parameters:
  3696. handle: A handle to a frame event, usually pulled out of the "Event.UI." hierarchy.
  3697. Return values:
  3698. macro: The macro that will be triggered.
  3699. EventMacroSet
  3700. Function documentation:
  3701. Sets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
  3702. Permitted only on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is not secured.
  3703. Layout:EventMacroSet(handle, macro) -- eventFrame, string/nil
  3704. Parameters:
  3705. handle: A handle to a frame event, usually pulled out of the "Event.UI." hierarchy.
  3706. macro: The macro to trigger. nil to clear the macro.
  3707. GetBottom
  3708. Function documentation:
  3709. Retrieves the Y position of the bottom edge of this element.
  3710. bottom = Layout:GetBottom() -- number <- void
  3711. Return values:
  3712. bottom: The Y position of the bottom edge of this element.
  3713. GetBounds
  3714. Function documentation:
  3715. Retrieves the complete bounds of this element.
  3716. left, top, right, bottom = Layout:GetBounds() -- number, number, number, number <- void
  3717. Return values:
  3718. bottom: The Y position of the bottom edge of this element.
  3719. left: The X position of the left edge of this element.
  3720. right: The X position of the right edge of this element.
  3721. top: The Y position of the top edge of this element.
  3722. GetEventTable
  3723. Function documentation:
  3724. Retrieves the event table of this element. By default, this value is also stored in "this.Event".
  3725. eventTable = Layout:GetEventTable() -- table <- void
  3726. Return values:
  3727. eventTable: The event table of this element.
  3728. GetHeight
  3729. Function documentation:
  3730. Retrieves the height of this element.
  3731. height = Layout:GetHeight() -- number <- void
  3732. Return values:
  3733. height: The height of this element.
  3734. GetLeft
  3735. Function documentation:
  3736. Retrieves the X position of the left edge of this element.
  3737. left = Layout:GetLeft() -- number <- void
  3738. Return values:
  3739. left: The X position of the left edge of this element.
  3740. GetName
  3741. Function documentation:
  3742. Retrieves the name of this element.
  3743. name = Layout:GetName() -- string <- void
  3744. Return values:
  3745. name: The name of this element, as provided by the addon that created it.
  3746. GetOwner
  3747. Function documentation:
  3748. Retrieves the owner of this element.
  3749. owner = Layout:GetOwner() -- string <- void
  3750. Return values:
  3751. owner: The owner of this element. Given as an addon identifier.
  3752. GetRight
  3753. Function documentation:
  3754. Retrieves the X position of the right edge of this element.
  3755. right = Layout:GetRight() -- number <- void
  3756. Return values:
  3757. right: The X position of the right edge of this element.
  3758. GetTop
  3759. Function documentation:
  3760. Retrieves the Y position of the top edge of this element.
  3761. top = Layout:GetTop() -- number <- void
  3762. Return values:
  3763. top: The Y position of the top edge of this element.
  3764. GetType
  3765. Function documentation:
  3766. Retrieves the type of this element.
  3767. type = Layout:GetType() -- string <- void
  3768. Return values:
  3769. type: The type of this element.
  3770. GetWidth
  3771. Function documentation:
  3772. Retrieves the width of this element.
  3773. width = Layout:GetWidth() -- number <- void
  3774. Return values:
  3775. width: The width of this element.
  3776. ReadAll
  3777. Function documentation:
  3778. Read all set points and sizes from this frame.
  3779. results = Layout:ReadAll() -- table <- void
  3780. Return values:
  3781. results: Result table. Contains data in the following format: {x = {size = (size), [(position)] = {layout = (layout), position = (position), offset = (offset)}}, y = (the same thing)}.
  3782. ReadHeight
  3783. Function documentation:
  3784. Read a set height from this frame.
  3785. height = Layout:ReadHeight() -- number <- void
  3786. Return values:
  3787. height: The parameter passed to SetHeight(), or nil if no such parameter has been passed.
  3788. ReadPoint
  3789. Function documentation:
  3790. Read a set point from this frame. Must be given a single-axis coordinate.
  3791. layout, position, offset = Layout:ReadPoint(coordinate) -- Layout, number, number <- string
  3792. layout, position, offset = Layout:ReadPoint(x, y) -- Layout, number, number <- number/nil, number/nil
  3793. origin, offset = Layout:ReadPoint(coordinate) -- string, number <- string
  3794. origin, offset = Layout:ReadPoint(x, y) -- string, number <- number/nil, number/nil
  3795. Parameters:
  3796. coordinate: Named coordinate. Must be a one-axis coordinate.
  3797. x: X coordinate of the point. Either this or Y must be nil.
  3798. y: Y coordinate of the point. Either this or X must be nil.
  3799. Return values:
  3800. layout: The table that this point is pinned to.
  3801. offset: The offset in pixels from the source location to the actual location.
  3802. origin: The string "origin".
  3803. position: The position on "layout" that this point is pinned. 0 refers to the top or left edge, 1 refers to the bottom or right edge.
  3804. ReadWidth
  3805. Function documentation:
  3806. Read a set width from this frame.
  3807. width = Layout:ReadWidth() -- number <- void
  3808. Return values:
  3809. width: The parameter passed to SetWidth(), or nil if no such parameter has been passed.
  3810. Events:
  3811. Move
  3812. Frame event documentation:
  3813. Signals that the frame's vertices have moved.
  3814. Layout.Event:Move()
  3815. Size
  3816. Frame event documentation:
  3817. Signals that the frame's size has changed.
  3818. Layout.Event:Size()
  3819. Native: Inherits from Layout
  3820. Members:
  3821. GetLayer
  3822. Function documentation:
  3823. Gets the native item's layer order.
  3824. layer = Native:GetLayer() -- number <- void
  3825. Return values:
  3826. layer: The render layer of this frame. See Frame:SetLayer for details.
  3827. GetLoaded
  3828. Function documentation:
  3829. Gets whether or not this native element is loaded and rendering.
  3830. loaded = Native:GetLoaded() -- boolean <- void
  3831. Return values:
  3832. loaded: true if it is loaded.
  3833. GetSecureMode
  3834. Function documentation:
  3835. Get the native element's secure mode. See Frame:SetSecureMode() for details.
  3836. secure = Native:GetSecureMode() -- string <- void
  3837. Return values:
  3838. secure: The current secure mode.
  3839. GetStrata
  3840. Function documentation:
  3841. Gets the native item's strata. The strata determines render order on a coarser level than Layer does, as well as determining how far an element is brought to the front when clicked on.
  3842. strata = Native:GetStrata() -- string <- void
  3843. Return values:
  3844. strata: The item's current strata.
  3845. GetStrataList
  3846. Function documentation:
  3847. Gets a list of valid stratas for this native element.
  3848. stratas = Native:GetStrataList() -- table <- void
  3849. Return values:
  3850. stratas: An array of valid stratas, in order.
  3851. SetLayer
  3852. Function documentation:
  3853. Sets the frame layer for this native element. This can be any number. Frames are drawn in ascending order. If two frames have the same layer number, then the order of those frames is undefined, but guarantees no Z-fighting. Frames are always drawn after their parents.
  3854. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  3855. Native:SetLayer(layer) -- number
  3856. Parameters:
  3857. layer: The new layer for this frame.
  3858. SetStrata
  3859. Function documentation:
  3860. Sets the strata for this native element.
  3861. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  3862. Native:SetStrata(layer) -- string
  3863. Parameters:
  3864. layer: The new layer for this frame.
  3865. Events:
  3866. Layer
  3867. Frame event documentation:
  3868. Signals a change in the item's layer.
  3869. Native.Event:Layer()
  3870. Loaded
  3871. Frame event documentation:
  3872. Signals a change in the item's loaded status.
  3873. Native.Event:Loaded()
  3874. Strata
  3875. Frame event documentation:
  3876. Signals a change in the item's strata.
  3877. Native.Event:Strata()
  3878. Element: Inherits from Layout
  3879. Members:
  3880. GetAlpha
  3881. Function documentation:
  3882. Gets the alpha multiplier of this frame.
  3883. alpha = Element:GetAlpha() -- number <- void
  3884. Return values:
  3885. alpha: The alpha multiplier of this frame. 1 is fully opaque, 0 is fully transparent. This does not include multiplied alphas from this frame's parent - it's the exact value passed to SetAlpha.
  3886. GetBackgroundColor
  3887. Function documentation:
  3888. Retrieves the background color of this frame.
  3889. r, g, b, a = Element:GetBackgroundColor() -- number, number, number, number <- void
  3890. Return values:
  3891. a: Alpha. 1 is fully opaque, 0 is fully transparent.
  3892. b: Blue.
  3893. g: Green.
  3894. r: Red.
  3895. GetChildren
  3896. Function documentation:
  3897. Returns a table containing all of this element's children.
  3898. children = Element:GetChildren() -- table <- void
  3899. Return values:
  3900. children: A table containing this element's children.
  3901. GetKeyFocus
  3902. Function documentation:
  3903. Gets the key focus status.
  3904. focus = Element:GetKeyFocus() -- boolean <- void
  3905. Return values:
  3906. focus: Whether this frame is the current key focus.
  3907. GetMouseMasking
  3908. Function documentation:
  3909. Get the current mouse masking mode. See SetMouseMasking for details.
  3910. mask = Element:GetMouseMasking() -- string <- void
  3911. Return values:
  3912. mask: The current mouse masking mode.
  3913. GetVisible
  3914. Function documentation:
  3915. Gets the visibility flag for this frame.
  3916. visible = Element:GetVisible() -- boolean <- void
  3917. Return values:
  3918. visible: This frame's visibility flag, as set by SetVisible. Does not check the visibility flags of the frame's parents.
  3919. SetAlpha
  3920. Function documentation:
  3921. Sets the alpha transparency multiplier for this frame and its children.
  3922. Element:SetAlpha(alpha) -- number
  3923. Parameters:
  3924. alpha: The new alpha multiplier. 1 is fully opaque, 0 is fully transparent.
  3925. SetBackgroundColor
  3926. Function documentation:
  3927. Sets the background color of this frame.
  3928. Element:SetBackgroundColor(r, g, b) -- number, number, number
  3929. Element:SetBackgroundColor(r, g, b, a) -- number, number, number, number
  3930. Parameters:
  3931. a: Alpha. 1 is fully opaque, 0 is fully transparent. Defaults to 1.
  3932. b: Blue.
  3933. g: Green.
  3934. r: Red.
  3935. SetKeyFocus
  3936. Function documentation:
  3937. Sets the key focus status. Note that only one frame can be the key focus at a time. Focusing on another frame will automatically unset the current focus.
  3938. Element:SetKeyFocus(focus) -- boolean
  3939. Parameters:
  3940. focus: The new key focus setting.
  3941. SetMouseMasking
  3942. Function documentation:
  3943. Sets the frame's mouse masking mode.
  3944. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  3945. Element:SetMouseMasking(mask) -- string
  3946. Parameters:
  3947. mask: The new mouse masking mode. "full" is the standard mode, and means that creating any Left, Right, or movement-related mouse event will cause the frame to accept and consume any event from any of those types. "limited" causes the frame to accept and consume only events for buttons that have been hooked, so that hooking "LeftDown" will still pass Right mouse events through the frame. Note that hooking any mouse event will still consume MouseMove/In/Out events.
  3948. SetVisible
  3949. Function documentation:
  3950. Sets the frame's visibility flag. If set to false, then this frame and all its children will not be rendered or accept mouse input.
  3951. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  3952. Element:SetVisible(visible) -- boolean
  3953. Parameters:
  3954. visible: The new visibility flag.
  3955. Events:
  3956. KeyDown
  3957. KeyFocusGain
  3958. KeyFocusLoss
  3959. KeyRepeat
  3960. KeyType
  3961. KeyUp
  3962. LeftClick
  3963. LeftDown
  3964. LeftUp
  3965. LeftUpoutside
  3966. MiddleClick
  3967. MiddleDown
  3968. MiddleUp
  3969. MiddleUpoutside
  3970. Mouse4Click
  3971. Mouse4Down
  3972. Mouse4Up
  3973. Mouse4Upoutside
  3974. Mouse5Click
  3975. Mouse5Down
  3976. Mouse5Up
  3977. Mouse5Upoutside
  3978. MouseIn
  3979. MouseMove
  3980. MouseOut
  3981. RightClick
  3982. RightDown
  3983. RightUp
  3984. RightUpoutside
  3985. WheelBack
  3986. WheelForward
  3987. Frame: Inherits from Element
  3988. Members:
  3989. ClearAll
  3990. Function documentation:
  3991. Clear all set points and sizes from this frame.
  3992. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  3993. Frame:ClearAll() -- void
  3994. ClearHeight
  3995. Function documentation:
  3996. Clear a set height from this frame.
  3997. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  3998. Frame:ClearHeight() -- void
  3999. ClearPoint
  4000. Function documentation:
  4001. Clear a set point from this frame.
  4002. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  4003. Frame:ClearPoint(coordinate) -- string
  4004. Frame:ClearPoint(x, y) -- number/nil, number/nil
  4005. Parameters:
  4006. coordinate: Named coordinate.
  4007. x: X coordinate of the point.
  4008. y: Y coordinate of the point.
  4009. ClearWidth
  4010. Function documentation:
  4011. Clear a set width from this frame.
  4012. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  4013. Frame:ClearWidth() -- void
  4014. GetLayer
  4015. Function documentation:
  4016. Gets the frame's layer order.
  4017. layer = Frame:GetLayer() -- number <- void
  4018. Return values:
  4019. layer: The render layer of this frame. See Frame:SetLayer for details.
  4020. GetMouseoverUnit
  4021. Function documentation:
  4022. Gets the unit that is being represented by this frame.
  4023. unit = Frame:GetMouseoverUnit() -- string <- void
  4024. Return values:
  4025. unit: The current mouseover unit. May be nil if there is no mouseover unit.
  4026. GetParent
  4027. Function documentation:
  4028. Gets the parent of this frame.
  4029. parent = Frame:GetParent() -- Element <- void
  4030. Return values:
  4031. parent: The parent element of this frame.
  4032. GetSecureMode
  4033. Function documentation:
  4034. Get the current secure mode. See SetSecureMode for details.
  4035. secure = Frame:GetSecureMode() -- string <- void
  4036. Return values:
  4037. secure: The current secure mode.
  4038. GetStrata
  4039. Function documentation:
  4040. Gets the frame's strata. The strata determines render order on a coarser level than Layer does, as well as determining how far an element is brought to the front when clicked on.
  4041. strata = Frame:GetStrata() -- string <- void
  4042. Return values:
  4043. strata: The item's current strata.
  4044. GetStrataList
  4045. Function documentation:
  4046. Gets a list of valid stratas for this frame.
  4047. stratas = Frame:GetStrataList() -- table <- void
  4048. Return values:
  4049. stratas: An array of valid stratas, in order.
  4050. SetAllPoints
  4051. Function documentation:
  4052. Pins all the edges of this frame to the edges of a different frame. If no target is given, defaults to this frame's parent.
  4053. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  4054. Frame:SetAllPoints() -- void
  4055. Frame:SetAllPoints(target) -- Layout
  4056. Parameters:
  4057. target: Target Layout to pin this frame's edges to.
  4058. SetHeight
  4059. Function documentation:
  4060. Sets the height of this frame. Undefined results if the frame already has two pinned Y coordinates.
  4061. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  4062. Frame:SetHeight(height) -- number
  4063. Parameters:
  4064. height: The new height of this frame.
  4065. SetLayer
  4066. Function documentation:
  4067. Sets the frame layer for this frame. This can be any number. Frames are drawn in ascending order. If two frames have the same layer number, then the order of those frames is undefined, but guarantees no Z-fighting. Frames are always drawn after their parents.
  4068. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  4069. Frame:SetLayer(layer) -- number
  4070. Parameters:
  4071. layer: The new layer for this frame.
  4072. SetMouseoverUnit
  4073. Function documentation:
  4074. Sets the unit that will be represented by this frame.
  4075. Permitted only on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is not secured.
  4076. Frame:SetMouseoverUnit(unit) -- unit
  4077. Frame:SetMouseoverUnit(unit) -- nil
  4078. Parameters:
  4079. unit: The new mouseover unit. May be a unit ID or a unit specifier. Pass in nil to disable the mouseover effect.
  4080. SetParent
  4081. Function documentation:
  4082. Sets the parent of this frame. Circular dependencies result in undefined behavior. If this frame's secure mode is "restricted", then its parent must also have a secure mode of "restricted".
  4083. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  4084. Frame:SetParent(parent) -- Element
  4085. Parameters:
  4086. parent: The new parent for this frame.
  4087. SetPoint
  4088. Function documentation:
  4089. Pins a point on this frame to a location on another frame. This is a rather complex function and you should look at examples to see how to use it.
  4090. This function can take many different forms. In general, it looks like this: SetPoint(point_on_this_frame, target_frame, point_on_target_frame [, x_offset, y_offset]).
  4091. The first part is the point on this frame that will be attached. Usually, these are string identifiers. "TOPLEFT", "TOPCENTER", "TOPRIGHT", "CENTERLEFT", "CENTER", "CENTERRIGHT", "BOTTOMLEFT", "BOTTOMCENTER", "BOTTOMRIGHT". You may also use a string identifier that refers to a single axis - "TOP", "BOTTOM", "LEFT", "RIGHT", "CENTERX", "CENTERY". If you want more direct numeric control you can use number pairs. 0,0 is equivalent to "TOPLEFT", 1,1 is equivalent to "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0.5,nil is equivalent to "CENTERX".
  4092. The second part is the frame to attach to, as well as the point on that frame to attach to. The frame is simply passing in the frame table. The point is the same identifier or number pair as the first parameter.
  4093. Optionally, you may include an X or Y offset to the point.
  4094. This connection is permanent, and if the target frame moves, this frame will move along with it.
  4095. Caveat: If the target is a frame set to the "restricted" SecureMode, and the client is currently in "secure" mode, then unexpected behavior may occur.
  4096. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  4097. Frame:SetPoint(...) -- ...
  4098. Parameters:
  4099. ...: This function's parameters are complicated. Read the above summary for details.
  4100. SetSecureMode
  4101. Function documentation:
  4102. Sets the frame's secure mode.
  4103. "normal" is the standard mode. It allows for most functionality to be used and does not restrict frames in combat. "restricted" allows for certain sensitive functions to be called, but disables a significant amount of functionality in combat. In order to change a frame to "restricted", its parent must already be "restricted". Note that a "restricted" frame can still have "normal" children.
  4104. If you are not planning to use any restricted functions, your frame should remain in normal mode.
  4105. At the moment, it is not possible to change from "restricted" back to "normal".
  4106. Frame:SetSecureMode(secure) -- string
  4107. Parameters:
  4108. secure: The new secure mode. Valid inputs are "normal" and "restricted".
  4109. SetStrata
  4110. Function documentation:
  4111. Sets the strata for this frame.
  4112. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  4113. Frame:SetStrata(strata) -- string
  4114. Parameters:
  4115. strata: The item's new strata. Must be one of the elements returned by :GetStrataList().
  4116. SetWidth
  4117. Function documentation:
  4118. Sets the width of this frame. Undefined results if the frame already has two pinned X coordinates.
  4119. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  4120. Frame:SetWidth(width) -- number
  4121. Parameters:
  4122. width: The new width of this frame.
  4123. Events:
  4124. Layer
  4125. Frame event documentation:
  4126. Signals a change in the item's layer.
  4127. Frame.Event:Layer()
  4128. Strata
  4129. Frame event documentation:
  4130. Signals a change in the item's strata.
  4131. Frame.Event:Strata()
  4132. Context: Inherits from Frame
  4133. Members:
  4134. (No extra members)
  4135. Events:
  4136. (No extra events)
  4137. Canvas: Inherits from Frame
  4138. Members:
  4139. GetShape
  4140. Function documentation:
  4141. Returns the current canvas shape.
  4142. shape, fill, stroke = Canvas:GetShape() -- table, table, table <- void
  4143. Return values:
  4144. fill: The current fill style. See Canvas:SetShape() for details.
  4145. shape: The current shape. See Canvas:SetShape() for details.
  4146. stroke: The current stroke style. See Canvas:SetShape() for details.
  4147. SetShape
  4148. Function documentation:
  4149. Sets the canvas shape. Must have at least one of "fill" or "stroke".
  4150. Canvas:SetShape(path, fill, stroke) -- nil, nil, nil
  4151. Canvas:SetShape(path, fill, stroke) -- table, table, nil
  4152. Canvas:SetShape(path, fill, stroke) -- table, nil, table
  4153. Canvas:SetShape(path, fill, stroke) -- table, table, table
  4154. Parameters:
  4155. fill: A fill style. By default, "gradientLinear" spreads on the X axis, between 0 and 100. "gradientRadial" is centered around the local origin, with a radius of 100 units. "texture" starts at the origin and extends out to the texture size. Members:
  4156. type: One of "solid", "gradientLinear", "gradientRadial", "texture". Required.
  4157. r: Red color value, betwen 0 and 1. Available and required for "solid".
  4158. g: Green color value, betwen 0 and 1. Available and required for "solid".
  4159. b: Blue color value, betwen 0 and 1. Available and required for "solid".
  4160. a: Alpha color value, betwen 0 and 1. Defaults to 1. Available for "solid".
  4161. color: Gradient color values. A table containing a series of tables, with consecutive integer keys starting from 1. Each internal table contains color values and a gradient position. Available and required for "gradientLinear" and "gradientRadial". Members:
  4162. r: Red color value, between 0 and 1. Required.
  4163. g: Green color value, between 0 and 1. Required.
  4164. b: Blue color value, between 0 and 1. Required.
  4165. a: Alpha color value, between 0 and 1. Defaults to 1.
  4166. position: Location within the gradient. Must be nondecreasing. Gradient automatically rescales to fit the largest position value seen.
  4167. transform: An array containing the first two rows of a 3x3 transformation matrix. The third row is set to (0,0,1). Defaults to {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, representing the identity matrix. See Utility.Matrix.Create() for basic functionality. Available for "gradientLinear", "gradientRadial", and "texture".
  4168. focus: Number between 0 and 1 controlling the center bias of radial gradients. Defaults to 0. Available for "gradientRadial".
  4169. wrap: Control the bounds behavior of textures. Must be either "clamp" or "repeat". Defaults to "clamp". Available for "texture".
  4170. smooth: Boolean controlling texture smoothing behavior. Defaults to true. Available for "texture".
  4171. source: Source addon ID of the texture to be rendered. See Texture:SetTexture() for details. Available and required for "texture".
  4172. texture: Texture identifier of the texture to be rendered. See Texture:SetTexture() for details. Available and required for "texture".
  4173. path: A path. Consists of a table containing a series of tables, with consecutive integer keys starting from 1. Each internal table contains coordinates, either as an absolute value relative to the top-left corner of the frame, or Proportional to the frame size, as a number from 0 to 1. Giving both an absolute value and a proportional value for any coordinate is not allowed. Members:
  4174. x/xProportional: x coordinate of this point. Required.
  4175. y/yProportional: y coordinate of this point. Required.
  4176. xControl/xControlProportional: x coordinate of the curve control handle. If this exists, yControl/yControlProportional must also exist.
  4177. yControl/yControlProportional: y coordinate of the curve control handle. If this exists, xControl/xControlProportional must also exist.
  4178. stroke: A stroke style. Members:
  4179. r: Red color value, betwen 0 and 1. Required.
  4180. g: Green color value, betwen 0 and 1. Required.
  4181. b: Blue color value, betwen 0 and 1. Required.
  4182. a: Alpha color value, betwen 0 and 1. Defaults to 1.
  4183. cap: Endcap behavior for non-loops. May be "none", "square", or "round". Defaults to "round".
  4184. miter: Corner behavior. May be "miter", "round", or "bevel". Defaults to "miter".
  4185. miterLimit: Determines how small the corner angle can be until the miter is chopped off. Defaults to 3. Available only if miter behavior is set to "miter".
  4186. thickness: Line thickness. Required.
  4187. Events:
  4188. (No extra events)
  4189. Mask: Inherits from Frame
  4190. Members:
  4191. GetShape
  4192. Function documentation:
  4193. Returns the current mask shape.
  4194. shape = Mask:GetShape() -- table <- void
  4195. Return values:
  4196. shape: The current shape. See Canvas:SetShape() for details.
  4197. SetShape
  4198. Function documentation:
  4199. Sets the mask shape. Note that masks with custom shapes will not cull mouse events according to the custom shape.
  4200. Mask:SetShape(path) -- nil
  4201. Mask:SetShape(path) -- table
  4202. Parameters:
  4203. path: A path. Consists of a table containing a series of tables, with consecutive integer keys starting from 1. Each internal table contains coordinates, either as an absolute value relative to the top-left corner of the frame, or Proportional to the frame size, as a number from 0 to 1. Giving both an absolute value and a proportional value for any coordinate is not allowed. Members:
  4204. x/xProportional: x coordinate of this point. Required.
  4205. y/yProportional: y coordinate of this point. Required.
  4206. xControl/xControlProportional: x coordinate of the curve control handle. If this exists, yControl/yControlProportional must also exist.
  4207. yControl/yControlProportional: y coordinate of the curve control handle. If this exists, xControl/xControlProportional must also exist.
  4208. Events:
  4209. (No extra events)
  4210. Text: Inherits from Frame
  4211. Members:
  4212. GetEffectBlur
  4213. Function documentation:
  4214. Gets the current parameters for the Blur effect.
  4215. effect = Text:GetEffectBlur() -- table <- void
  4216. effect = Text:GetEffectBlur() -- nil <- void
  4217. Return values:
  4218. effect: The current parameters for this effect. All members are optional. Pass nil to disable the effect.
  4219. Returned members:
  4220. blurX: Controls how much blurring exists along the X axis. Defaults to 2.
  4221. blurY: Controls how much blurring exists along the Y axis. Defaults to 2.
  4222. GetEffectGlow
  4223. Function documentation:
  4224. Gets the current parameters for the Glow effect.
  4225. effect = Text:GetEffectGlow() -- table <- void
  4226. effect = Text:GetEffectGlow() -- nil <- void
  4227. Return values:
  4228. effect: The current parameters for this effect. All members are optional. Pass nil to disable the effect.
  4229. Returned members:
  4230. blurX: Controls how much blurring exists along the X axis. Defaults to 2.
  4231. blurY: Controls how much blurring exists along the Y axis. Defaults to 2.
  4232. colorA: Controls the alpha channel of the glow effect. Defaults to 1.
  4233. colorB: Controls the blue channel of the glow effect. Defaults to 0.
  4234. colorG: Controls the green channel of the glow effect. Defaults to 0.
  4235. colorR: Controls the red channel of the glow effect. Defaults to 0.
  4236. knockout: Enables the "knockout" effect. Defaults to false.
  4237. offsetX: Controls the glow offset along the X axis. Defaults to 0.
  4238. offsetY: Controls the glow offset along the Y axis. Defaults to 0.
  4239. replace: Hides the original text. Defaults to false.
  4240. strength: Controls the strength of the glow. Defaults to 1.
  4241. GetFont
  4242. Function documentation:
  4243. Gets the current font used for this element.
  4244. source, font = Text:GetFont() -- string, string <- void
  4245. Return values:
  4246. font: The actual font identifier. Either a resource identifier or a filename.
  4247. source: The source of the resource. "Rift" will take the resource from Rift's internal data. Anything else will take the resource from the addon with that identifier.
  4248. GetFontColor
  4249. Function documentation:
  4250. Gets the current font color for this element.
  4251. r, g, b, a = Text:GetFontColor() -- number, number, number, number <- void
  4252. Return values:
  4253. a: Alpha. 1 is fully opaque, 0 is fully transparent.
  4254. b: Blue.
  4255. g: Green.
  4256. r: Red.
  4257. GetFontSize
  4258. Function documentation:
  4259. Gets the font size of the current element.
  4260. fontsize = Text:GetFontSize() -- number <- void
  4261. Return values:
  4262. fontsize: The current font size of this element.
  4263. GetText
  4264. Function documentation:
  4265. Get the current text for this element.
  4266. text, html = Text:GetText() -- string, boolean <- void
  4267. Return values:
  4268. html: The current HTML flag.
  4269. text: The current text of the element.
  4270. GetWordwrap
  4271. Function documentation:
  4272. Gets the wordwrap flag for this element.
  4273. wordwrap = Text:GetWordwrap() -- boolean <- void
  4274. Return values:
  4275. wordwrap: The current wordwrap flag for this element. If false, long lines will be truncated. Defaults to false.
  4276. SetEffectBlur
  4277. Function documentation:
  4278. Sets the parameters for the Blur effect.
  4279. Text:SetEffectBlur(effect) -- table
  4280. Text:SetEffectBlur(effect) -- nil
  4281. Parameters:
  4282. effect: The parameters for this effect. All members are optional. Pass nil to disable the effect.
  4283. Returned members:
  4284. blurX: Controls how much blurring exists along the X axis. Defaults to 2.
  4285. blurY: Controls how much blurring exists along the Y axis. Defaults to 2.
  4286. SetEffectGlow
  4287. Function documentation:
  4288. Sets the parameters for the Glow effect.
  4289. Text:SetEffectGlow(effect) -- table
  4290. Text:SetEffectGlow(effect) -- nil
  4291. Parameters:
  4292. effect: The parameters for this effect. All members are optional. Pass nil to disable the effect.
  4293. Returned members:
  4294. blurX: Controls how much blurring exists along the X axis. Defaults to 2.
  4295. blurY: Controls how much blurring exists along the Y axis. Defaults to 2.
  4296. colorA: Controls the alpha channel of the glow effect. Defaults to 1.
  4297. colorB: Controls the blue channel of the glow effect. Defaults to 0.
  4298. colorG: Controls the green channel of the glow effect. Defaults to 0.
  4299. colorR: Controls the red channel of the glow effect. Defaults to 0.
  4300. knockout: Enables the "knockout" effect. Defaults to false.
  4301. offsetX: Controls the glow offset along the X axis. Defaults to 0.
  4302. offsetY: Controls the glow offset along the Y axis. Defaults to 0.
  4303. replace: Hides the original text. Defaults to false.
  4304. strength: Controls the strength of the glow. Defaults to 1.
  4305. SetFont
  4306. Function documentation:
  4307. Sets the current font used for this element.
  4308. Text:SetFont(source, font) -- string, string
  4309. Parameters:
  4310. font: The actual font identifier. Either a resource identifier or a filename.
  4311. source: The source of the resource. "Rift" will take the resource from Rift's internal data. Anything else will take the resource from the addon with that identifier.
  4312. SetFontColor
  4313. Function documentation:
  4314. Sets the current font color for this element.
  4315. Text:SetFontColor(r, g, b) -- number, number, number
  4316. Text:SetFontColor(r, g, b, a) -- number, number, number, number
  4317. Parameters:
  4318. a: Alpha. 1 is fully opaque, 0 is fully transparent. Defaults to 1.
  4319. b: Blue.
  4320. g: Green.
  4321. r: Red.
  4322. SetFontSize
  4323. Function documentation:
  4324. Sets the current font size of this element.
  4325. Text:SetFontSize(fontsize) -- number
  4326. Parameters:
  4327. fontsize: The new font size of this element.
  4328. SetText
  4329. Function documentation:
  4330. Sets the current text for this element.
  4331. Text:SetText(text) -- string
  4332. Text:SetText(text, html) -- string, boolean
  4333. Parameters:
  4334. html: Enables HTML mode. In HTML mode, a limited number of formatting tags are available: <u>, <font color="#rrggbb">, and <a lua="print('This is a lua script.')">.
  4335. text: The new text for the element.
  4336. SetWordwrap
  4337. Function documentation:
  4338. Sets the wordwrap flag for this element.
  4339. Text:SetWordwrap(wordwrap) -- boolean
  4340. Parameters:
  4341. wordwrap: The new wordwrap flag for this element. If false, long lines will be truncated. Defaults to false.
  4342. Events:
  4343. (No extra events)
  4344. Texture: Inherits from Frame
  4345. Members:
  4346. GetTexture
  4347. Function documentation:
  4348. Gets the current texture used for this element.
  4349. source, texture = Texture:GetTexture() -- string, string <- void
  4350. Return values:
  4351. source: The source of the resource. "Rift" will take the resource from Rift's internal data. Anything else will take the resource from the addon with that identifier.
  4352. texture: The actual texture identifier. Either a resource identifier or a filename.
  4353. GetTextureHeight
  4354. Function documentation:
  4355. Returns the actual pixel height of the current texture.
  4356. height = Texture:GetTextureHeight() -- number <- void
  4357. Return values:
  4358. height: The height of the current texture in pixels.
  4359. GetTextureWidth
  4360. Function documentation:
  4361. Returns the actual pixel width of the current texture.
  4362. width = Texture:GetTextureWidth() -- number <- void
  4363. Return values:
  4364. width: The width of the current texture in pixels.
  4365. SetTexture
  4366. Function documentation:
  4367. Sets the current texture used for this element.
  4368. Texture:SetTexture(source, texture) -- string, string
  4369. Parameters:
  4370. source: The source of the resource. "Rift" will take the resource from Rift's internal data. Anything else will take the resource from the addon with that identifier.
  4371. texture: The actual texture identifier. Either a resource identifier or a filename.
  4372. Events:
  4373. (No extra events)
  4374. RiftButton: Inherits from Frame
  4375. Members:
  4376. GetEnabled
  4377. Function documentation:
  4378. Gets whether the button is enabled or grayed out.
  4379. enabled = RiftButton:GetEnabled() -- boolean <- void
  4380. Return values:
  4381. enabled: The current enable state of this item.
  4382. GetSkin
  4383. Function documentation:
  4384. Gets the current skin of this item.
  4385. skin = RiftButton:GetSkin() -- string <- void
  4386. Return values:
  4387. skin: The current skin. Possible results include "default" and "close".
  4388. GetText
  4389. Function documentation:
  4390. Gets this button's text.
  4391. text = RiftButton:GetText() -- string <- void
  4392. Return values:
  4393. text: The current text of the element.
  4394. SetEnabled
  4395. Function documentation:
  4396. Sets whether the button is enabled or grayed out.
  4397. RiftButton:SetEnabled(enabled) -- boolean
  4398. Parameters:
  4399. enabled: The new enable state of this item.
  4400. SetSkin
  4401. Function documentation:
  4402. Sets the current skin of this item.
  4403. RiftButton:SetSkin(skin) -- string
  4404. Parameters:
  4405. skin: The new skin. Possible values are "default" and "close".
  4406. SetText
  4407. Function documentation:
  4408. Sets this button's text.
  4409. RiftButton:SetText(text) -- string
  4410. Parameters:
  4411. text: The new text for the element.
  4412. Events:
  4413. LeftPress
  4414. Frame event documentation:
  4415. Signals that the button has been pressed. Equivalent to LeftClick, but triggers only while the button is enabled.
  4416. RiftButton.Event:LeftPress()
  4417. RiftCheckbox: Inherits from Frame
  4418. Members:
  4419. GetChecked
  4420. Function documentation:
  4421. Gets whether the button is checked or not.
  4422. checked = RiftCheckbox:GetChecked() -- boolean <- void
  4423. Return values:
  4424. checked: The current checked state of this item.
  4425. GetEnabled
  4426. Function documentation:
  4427. Gets whether the checkbox is enabled or grayed out.
  4428. enabled = RiftCheckbox:GetEnabled() -- boolean <- void
  4429. Return values:
  4430. enabled: The current enable state of this item.
  4431. SetChecked
  4432. Function documentation:
  4433. Sets whether the checkbox is checked or not.
  4434. RiftCheckbox:SetChecked(checked) -- boolean
  4435. Parameters:
  4436. checked: The new checked state of this item.
  4437. SetEnabled
  4438. Function documentation:
  4439. Sets whether the checkbox is enabled or grayed out.
  4440. RiftCheckbox:SetEnabled(enabled) -- boolean
  4441. Parameters:
  4442. enabled: The new enable state of this item.
  4443. Events:
  4444. CheckboxChange
  4445. Frame event documentation:
  4446. Signals that the checkbox's checked state has changed.
  4447. RiftCheckbox.Event:CheckboxChange()
  4448. RiftScrollbar: Inherits from Frame
  4449. Members:
  4450. GetEnabled
  4451. Function documentation:
  4452. Gets whether the scrollbar is enabled or disabled.
  4453. enabled = RiftScrollbar:GetEnabled() -- boolean <- void
  4454. Return values:
  4455. enabled: The current enable state of this item.
  4456. GetOrientation
  4457. Function documentation:
  4458. Gets the current orientation of the scrollbar.
  4459. orientation = RiftScrollbar:GetOrientation() -- string <- void
  4460. Return values:
  4461. orientation: The current orientation. Valid results include "vertical" and "horizontal".
  4462. GetPosition
  4463. Function documentation:
  4464. Returns the current position of the scrollbar.
  4465. position = RiftScrollbar:GetPosition() -- number <- void
  4466. Return values:
  4467. position: The current position of this scrollbar.
  4468. GetRange
  4469. Function documentation:
  4470. Returns the current range of the scrollbar.
  4471. minimum, maximum = RiftScrollbar:GetRange() -- number, number <- void
  4472. Return values:
  4473. maximum: The maximum value for the position of this slider.
  4474. minimum: The minimum value for the position of this slider.
  4475. GetThickness
  4476. Function documentation:
  4477. Returns the thickness of the scrollbar handle. Size is relative to the range.
  4478. thickness = RiftScrollbar:GetThickness() -- number <- void
  4479. Return values:
  4480. thickness: The thickness of the handle.
  4481. Nudge
  4482. Function documentation:
  4483. Modify the scrollbar position, clamped to the current bounds.
  4484. RiftScrollbar:Nudge(offset) -- number
  4485. Parameters:
  4486. offset: The amount to nudge.
  4487. NudgeDown
  4488. Function documentation:
  4489. Shift the scrollbar down (i.e. away from zero) by a standard amount.
  4490. RiftScrollbar:NudgeDown() -- void
  4491. NudgeUp
  4492. Function documentation:
  4493. Shift the scrollbar up (i.e. towards zero) by a standard amount.
  4494. RiftScrollbar:NudgeUp() -- void
  4495. SetEnabled
  4496. Function documentation:
  4497. Sets whether the scrollbar is enabled or disabled.
  4498. RiftScrollbar:SetEnabled(enabled) -- boolean
  4499. Parameters:
  4500. enabled: The new enable state of this item.
  4501. SetOrientation
  4502. Function documentation:
  4503. Sets the orientation of the scrollbar.
  4504. RiftScrollbar:SetOrientation(orientation) -- string
  4505. Parameters:
  4506. orientation: The new orientation. Must be either "vertical" or "horizontal".
  4507. SetPosition
  4508. Function documentation:
  4509. Changes the current position of the scrollbar.
  4510. RiftScrollbar:SetPosition(position) -- number
  4511. Parameters:
  4512. position: The new position of this scrollbar. Must be within the current range.
  4513. SetRange
  4514. Function documentation:
  4515. Changes the current range of the scrollbar.
  4516. RiftScrollbar:SetRange(minimum, maximum) -- number, number
  4517. Parameters:
  4518. maximum: The new maximum value for the position of this slider. Must be an integer and larger than or equal to "minimum".
  4519. minimum: The new minimum value for the position of this slider. Must be an integer and smaller than or equal to "maximum".
  4520. SetThickness
  4521. Function documentation:
  4522. Sets the current thickness of the scrollbar handle. Size is relative to the range.
  4523. RiftScrollbar:SetThickness(thickness) -- number
  4524. Parameters:
  4525. thickness: The new thickness of the handle.
  4526. Events:
  4527. ScrollbarChange
  4528. Frame event documentation:
  4529. Signals a change in the scrollbar position.
  4530. RiftScrollbar.Event:ScrollbarChange()
  4531. ScrollbarGrab
  4532. Frame event documentation:
  4533. Signals the user grabbing the scrollbar with the mouse.
  4534. RiftScrollbar.Event:ScrollbarGrab()
  4535. ScrollbarRelease
  4536. Frame event documentation:
  4537. Signals the user releasing the scrollbar.
  4538. RiftScrollbar.Event:ScrollbarRelease()
  4539. RiftSlider: Inherits from Frame
  4540. Members:
  4541. GetEnabled
  4542. Function documentation:
  4543. Gets whether the slider is enabled or grayed out.
  4544. enabled = RiftSlider:GetEnabled() -- boolean <- void
  4545. Return values:
  4546. enabled: The current enable state of this item.
  4547. GetPosition
  4548. Function documentation:
  4549. Returns the current position of the slider.
  4550. position = RiftSlider:GetPosition() -- number <- void
  4551. Return values:
  4552. position: The current position of this slider.
  4553. GetRange
  4554. Function documentation:
  4555. Returns the current range of the slider.
  4556. minimum, maximum = RiftSlider:GetRange() -- number, number <- void
  4557. Return values:
  4558. maximum: The maximum value for the position of this slider.
  4559. minimum: The minimum value for the position of this slider.
  4560. SetEnabled
  4561. Function documentation:
  4562. Sets whether the slider is enabled or grayed out.
  4563. RiftSlider:SetEnabled(enabled) -- boolean
  4564. Parameters:
  4565. enabled: The new enable state of this item.
  4566. SetPosition
  4567. Function documentation:
  4568. Changes the current position of the slider.
  4569. RiftSlider:SetPosition(position) -- number
  4570. Parameters:
  4571. position: The new position of this slider. Must be within the current range.
  4572. SetRange
  4573. Function documentation:
  4574. Sets the current range of the slider.
  4575. RiftSlider:SetRange(minimum, maximum) -- number, number
  4576. Parameters:
  4577. maximum: The new maximum value for the position of this slider. Must be an integer and larger than or equal to "minimum".
  4578. minimum: The new minimum value for the position of this slider. Must be an integer and smaller than or equal to "maximum".
  4579. Events:
  4580. SliderChange
  4581. Frame event documentation:
  4582. Signals a change in the slider position.
  4583. RiftSlider.Event:SliderChange()
  4584. SliderGrab
  4585. Frame event documentation:
  4586. Signals the user grabbing the slider with the mouse.
  4587. RiftSlider.Event:SliderGrab()
  4588. SliderRelease
  4589. Frame event documentation:
  4590. Signals the user releasing the slider.
  4591. RiftSlider.Event:SliderRelease()
  4592. RiftTextfield: Inherits from Frame
  4593. Members:
  4594. GetCursor
  4595. Function documentation:
  4596. Returns the current position of the cursor.
  4597. cursor = RiftTextfield:GetCursor() -- number <- void
  4598. Return values:
  4599. cursor: The current position of this cursor. 0 indicates a cursor placed before any text.
  4600. GetSelection
  4601. Function documentation:
  4602. Returns the current bounds of the selected text.
  4603. begin, end = RiftTextfield:GetSelection() -- number, number <- void
  4604. Return values:
  4605. begin: The beginning of the selected text, in the same format GetCursor uses. nil if there is no text selected.
  4606. end: The end of the selected text, in the same format GetCursor uses. nil if there is no text selected.
  4607. GetSelectionText
  4608. Function documentation:
  4609. Get the current selected text for this element. Returns nil if no text has been selected.
  4610. text = RiftTextfield:GetSelectionText() -- string <- void
  4611. Return values:
  4612. text: The current text of the element.
  4613. GetText
  4614. Function documentation:
  4615. Get the current text for this element.
  4616. text = RiftTextfield:GetText() -- string <- void
  4617. Return values:
  4618. text: The current text of the element.
  4619. SetCursor
  4620. Function documentation:
  4621. Changes the current position of the cursor.
  4622. RiftTextfield:SetCursor(cursor) -- number
  4623. Parameters:
  4624. cursor: The new position of this cursor. Must be within the valid range.
  4625. SetSelection
  4626. Function documentation:
  4627. Sets the current bounds of the selected text. Call with no arguments to remove the current selection.
  4628. RiftTextfield:SetSelection() -- void
  4629. RiftTextfield:SetSelection(begin, end) -- number, number
  4630. Parameters:
  4631. begin: The new beginning of the selected text, in the same format SetCursor uses. Must be an integer and smaller than "end".
  4632. end: The new end of the selected text, in the same format SetCursor uses. Must be an integer and larger than "begin".
  4633. SetText
  4634. Function documentation:
  4635. Set the current text for this element.
  4636. RiftTextfield:SetText(text) -- string
  4637. Parameters:
  4638. text: The new text for the element.
  4639. Events:
  4640. TextfieldChange
  4641. Frame event documentation:
  4642. Signals that the textfield's text has changed.
  4643. RiftTextfield.Event:TextfieldChange()
  4644. TextfieldSelect
  4645. Frame event documentation:
  4646. Signals that the textfield's selection has changed.
  4647. RiftTextfield.Event:TextfieldSelect()
  4648. RiftWindow: Inherits from Frame
  4649. Members:
  4650. GetBorder
  4651. Function documentation:
  4652. Gets the element representing the window border.
  4653. border = RiftWindow:GetBorder() -- Element <- void
  4654. Return values:
  4655. border: The window border.
  4656. GetContent
  4657. Function documentation:
  4658. Gets the element representing the window content area.
  4659. content = RiftWindow:GetContent() -- Element <- void
  4660. Return values:
  4661. content: The window content area.
  4662. GetController
  4663. Function documentation:
  4664. Gets the ID of the current controller for this window.
  4665. controller = RiftWindow:GetController() -- string <- void
  4666. Return values:
  4667. controller: "border" or "content", whichever dictates the dimensions of the other.
  4668. GetTitle
  4669. Function documentation:
  4670. Get the current title for this element.
  4671. title = RiftWindow:GetTitle() -- string <- void
  4672. Return values:
  4673. title: The current title of the element.
  4674. GetTrimDimensions
  4675. Function documentation:
  4676. Gets the thicknesses of the border's visual trim.
  4677. left, top, right, bottom = RiftWindow:GetTrimDimensions() -- number, number, number, number <- void
  4678. Return values:
  4679. bottom: The thickness of the bottom window border.
  4680. left: The thickness of the left window border.
  4681. right: The thickness of the right window border.
  4682. top: The thickness of the top window border.
  4683. SetController
  4684. Function documentation:
  4685. Sets the current controller for this window. The controller will take on the exact dimensions of the RiftWindow object, and the other element will adjust accordingly.
  4686. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  4687. RiftWindow:SetController(controller) -- string
  4688. Parameters:
  4689. controller: The new controller ID. May be either "border" or "content".
  4690. SetTitle
  4691. Function documentation:
  4692. Set the current title for this element.
  4693. RiftWindow:SetTitle(title) -- string
  4694. Parameters:
  4695. title: The new title for the element.
  4696. Events:
  4697. (No extra events)
  4699. Frame events:
  4700. Event.UI.Button.Left.Press
  4701. Frame event documentation:
  4702. Signals that a Button has been pressed with the left mouse button. Equivalent to LeftClick, but triggers only while the button is enabled.
  4703. Event.UI.Button.Left.Press(handle)
  4704. Event.UI.Checkbox.Change
  4705. Frame event documentation:
  4706. Signals that a checkbox's state has changed.
  4707. Event.UI.Checkbox.Change(handle)
  4708. Event.UI.Input.Key.Down
  4709. Frame event documentation:
  4710. Signals that a keyboard key has been pressed. Requires key focus.
  4711. Event.UI.Input.Key.Down(handle, key)
  4712. Parameters:
  4713. key: Key code for the applicable key. Generally, the lowercase non-shifted result of pressing that key. Will be a user-identifiable string for keys without standard display representations.
  4714. Event.UI.Input.Key.Focus.Gain
  4715. Frame event documentation:
  4716. Signals that a frame has gained the key focus.
  4717. Event.UI.Input.Key.Focus.Gain(handle)
  4718. Event.UI.Input.Key.Focus.Loss
  4719. Frame event documentation:
  4720. Signals that a frame has lost the key focus.
  4721. Event.UI.Input.Key.Focus.Loss(handle)
  4722. Event.UI.Input.Key.Repeat
  4723. Frame event documentation:
  4724. Signals that a keyboard key is repeating. Requires key focus.
  4725. Event.UI.Input.Key.Repeat(handle, key)
  4726. Parameters:
  4727. key: Key code for the applicable key. Generally, the lowercase non-shifted result of pressing that key. Will be a user-identifiable string for keys without standard display representations.
  4728. Event.UI.Input.Key.Type
  4729. Frame event documentation:
  4730. Signals that text has been typed. Requires key focus.
  4731. Event.UI.Input.Key.Type(handle, text)
  4732. Parameters:
  4733. text: The text that has been entered.
  4734. Event.UI.Input.Key.Up
  4735. Frame event documentation:
  4736. Signals that a keyboard key has been released. Requires key focus.
  4737. Event.UI.Input.Key.Up(handle, key)
  4738. Parameters:
  4739. key: Key code for the applicable key. Generally, the lowercase non-shifted result of pressing that key. Will be a user-identifiable string for keys without standard display representations.
  4740. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Cursor.In
  4741. Frame event documentation:
  4742. Signals that the cursor has moved into a frame.
  4743. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Cursor.In(handle)
  4744. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Cursor.Move
  4745. Frame event documentation:
  4746. Signals that the cursor has moved within a frame.
  4747. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Cursor.Move(handle)
  4748. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Cursor.Out
  4749. Frame event documentation:
  4750. Signals that the cursor has moved out of a frame.
  4751. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Cursor.Out(handle)
  4752. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Left.Click
  4753. Frame event documentation:
  4754. Signals that the user has clicked the left mouse button.
  4755. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Left.Click(handle)
  4756. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Left.Down
  4757. Frame event documentation:
  4758. Signals that the user has pressed the left mouse button.
  4759. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Left.Down(handle)
  4760. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Left.Up
  4761. Frame event documentation:
  4762. Signals that the user has released the left mouse button.
  4763. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Left.Up(handle)
  4764. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Left.Upoutside
  4765. Frame event documentation:
  4766. Signals that the user has released the left mouse button off this frame after pressing it on this frame.
  4767. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Left.Upoutside(handle)
  4768. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Middle.Click
  4769. Frame event documentation:
  4770. Signals that the user has clicked the middle mouse button.
  4771. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Middle.Click(handle)
  4772. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Middle.Down
  4773. Frame event documentation:
  4774. Signals that the user has pressed the middle mouse button.
  4775. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Middle.Down(handle)
  4776. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Middle.Up
  4777. Frame event documentation:
  4778. Signals that the user has released the middle mouse button.
  4779. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Middle.Up(handle)
  4780. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Middle.Upoutside
  4781. Frame event documentation:
  4782. Signals that the user has released the middle mouse button off this frame after pressing it on this frame.
  4783. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Middle.Upoutside(handle)
  4784. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse4.Click
  4785. Frame event documentation:
  4786. Signals that the user has clicked the fourth mouse button.
  4787. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse4.Click(handle)
  4788. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse4.Down
  4789. Frame event documentation:
  4790. Signals that the user has pressed the fourth mouse button.
  4791. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse4.Down(handle)
  4792. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse4.Up
  4793. Frame event documentation:
  4794. Signals that the user has released the fourth mouse button.
  4795. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse4.Up(handle)
  4796. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse4.Upoutside
  4797. Frame event documentation:
  4798. Signals that the user has released the fourth mouse button off this frame after pressing it on this frame.
  4799. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse4.Upoutside(handle)
  4800. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse5.Click
  4801. Frame event documentation:
  4802. Signals that the user has clicked the fifth mouse button.
  4803. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse5.Click(handle)
  4804. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse5.Down
  4805. Frame event documentation:
  4806. Signals that the user has pressed the fifth mouse button.
  4807. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse5.Down(handle)
  4808. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse5.Up
  4809. Frame event documentation:
  4810. Signals that the user has released the fifth mouse button.
  4811. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse5.Up(handle)
  4812. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse5.Upoutside
  4813. Frame event documentation:
  4814. Signals that the user has released the fifth mouse button off this frame after pressing it on this frame.
  4815. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse5.Upoutside(handle)
  4816. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Right.Click
  4817. Frame event documentation:
  4818. Signals that the user has clicked the right mouse button.
  4819. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Right.Click(handle)
  4820. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Right.Down
  4821. Frame event documentation:
  4822. Signals that the user has pressed the right mouse button.
  4823. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Right.Down(handle)
  4824. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Right.Up
  4825. Frame event documentation:
  4826. Signals that the user has released the right mouse button.
  4827. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Right.Up(handle)
  4828. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Right.Upoutside
  4829. Frame event documentation:
  4830. Signals that the user has released the right mouse button off this frame after pressing it on this frame.
  4831. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Right.Upoutside(handle)
  4832. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Wheel.Back
  4833. Frame event documentation:
  4834. Signals that the user has moved the mousewheel back.
  4835. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Wheel.Back(handle)
  4836. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Wheel.Forward
  4837. Frame event documentation:
  4838. Signals that the user has moved the mousewheel forwards.
  4839. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Wheel.Forward(handle)
  4840. Event.UI.Layout.Layer
  4841. Frame event documentation:
  4842. Signals a change in layer.
  4843. Event.UI.Layout.Layer(handle)
  4844. Event.UI.Layout.Move
  4845. Frame event documentation:
  4846. Signals a change in the top-left corner's position. May be delayed after the actual movement.
  4847. Event.UI.Layout.Move(handle)
  4848. Event.UI.Layout.Size
  4849. Frame event documentation:
  4850. Signals a change in size. May be delayed after the actual change.
  4851. Event.UI.Layout.Size(handle)
  4852. Event.UI.Layout.Strata
  4853. Frame event documentation:
  4854. Signals a change in strata.
  4855. Event.UI.Layout.Strata(handle)
  4856. Event.UI.Native.Loaded
  4857. Frame event documentation:
  4858. Signals a change in this native frame's loaded state.
  4859. Event.UI.Native.Loaded(handle)
  4860. Event.UI.Scrollbar.Change
  4861. Frame event documentation:
  4862. Signals a change in scrollbar position.
  4863. Event.UI.Scrollbar.Change(handle)
  4864. Event.UI.Scrollbar.Grab
  4865. Frame event documentation:
  4866. Signals that a scrollbar has been grabbed.
  4867. Event.UI.Scrollbar.Grab(handle)
  4868. Event.UI.Scrollbar.Release
  4869. Frame event documentation:
  4870. Signals that a scrollbar has been released.
  4871. Event.UI.Scrollbar.Release(handle)
  4872. Event.UI.Slider.Change
  4873. Frame event documentation:
  4874. Signals a change in slider position.
  4875. Event.UI.Slider.Change(handle)
  4876. Event.UI.Slider.Grab
  4877. Frame event documentation:
  4878. Signals that a slider has been grabbed.
  4879. Event.UI.Slider.Grab(handle)
  4880. Event.UI.Slider.Release
  4881. Frame event documentation:
  4882. Signals that a slider has been released.
  4883. Event.UI.Slider.Release(handle)
  4884. Event.UI.Textfield.Change
  4885. Frame event documentation:
  4886. Signals a change in textfield contents.
  4887. Event.UI.Textfield.Change(handle)
  4888. Event.UI.Textfield.Select
  4889. Frame event documentation:
  4890. Signals a change in textfield selection.
  4891. Event.UI.Textfield.Select(handle)
  4893. Parameter types:
  4894. Canvas
  4895. A UI element of type Canvas or derived from Canvas.
  4896. Context
  4897. A UI element of type Context or derived from Context.
  4898. Element
  4899. A UI element of type Element or derived from Element.
  4900. Frame
  4901. A UI element of type Frame or derived from Frame.
  4902. Layout
  4903. A UI element of type Layout or derived from Layout.
  4904. Mask
  4905. A UI element of type Mask or derived from Mask.
  4906. Native
  4907. A UI element of type Native or derived from Native.
  4908. RiftButton
  4909. A UI element of type RiftButton or derived from RiftButton.
  4910. RiftCheckbox
  4911. A UI element of type RiftCheckbox or derived from RiftCheckbox.
  4912. RiftScrollbar
  4913. A UI element of type RiftScrollbar or derived from RiftScrollbar.
  4914. RiftSlider
  4915. A UI element of type RiftSlider or derived from RiftSlider.
  4916. RiftTextfield
  4917. A UI element of type RiftTextfield or derived from RiftTextfield.
  4918. RiftWindow
  4919. A UI element of type RiftWindow or derived from RiftWindow.
  4920. Text
  4921. A UI element of type Text or derived from Text.
  4922. Texture
  4923. A UI element of type Texture or derived from Texture.
  4924. ability
  4925. An ability, represented by a standard identifier with an 'a' prefix.
  4926. achievement
  4927. An achievement, represented by a standard identifier with a 'c' prefix.
  4928. achievementcategory
  4929. An achievement category, represented by a standard identifier with a 'C' prefix.
  4930. auction
  4931. An auction, represented by a standard identifier with an 'o' prefix.
  4932. boolean
  4933. A value of type 'boolean'.
  4934. buff
  4935. A buff, represented by a standard identifier with a 'b' prefix.
  4936. callbackfunction
  4937. A callback function, used to signal success or failure. Must be a function that takes two parameters, "failure" and "message". On success, "failure" will be false or nil. Otherwise, "failure" will be either a computer-readable string identifier or true. "message" may contain a human-readable message that may be delivered to the user.
  4938. console
  4939. A text console, represented by a standard ID with a 'v' prefix.
  4940. currencycategory
  4941. A currency category, represented by a standard identifier with a 'N' prefix.
  4942. dimensionitem
  4943. A dimension item, represented by a standard identifier with a 'd' prefix.
  4944. error
  4945. An error, represented by a standard ID with an 'x' prefix.
  4946. eventFrame
  4947. A frame event handle.
  4948. eventGlobal
  4949. A global event handle.
  4950. faction
  4951. A faction, represented by a standard ID with an 'f' prefix.
  4952. frameEventTable
  4953. A frame event table of a UI element.
  4954. function
  4955. A value of type 'function'.
  4956. function/nil
  4957. A value of type "function" or "nil".
  4958. function/string
  4959. A value of type "function" or "string".
  4960. function/string/nil
  4961. A value of type "function", "string", or "nil".
  4962. guildrank
  4963. A guild rank, represented by a standard identifier with a 'k' prefix.
  4964. guildwall
  4965. A guild wall ID, represented by a standard identifier with a 'w' prefix.
  4966. handleEventFrame
  4967. A handle for active frame events. Includes the member :GetTarget(), which returns the target frame of this event. If being passed to a .Dive handler, also includes :Halt() and :Catch(). :Halt() halts propogation of the event through the hierarchy and, after finishing the current frame's .Dive handlers, immediately begins processing .Bubble events. :Catch() works similarly but processes main events before continuing to .Bubble. Neither function may be called when the environment is in secure mode and either the current or target frame has a restricted secure mode.
  4968. handleEventGlobal
  4969. A handle for active global events. Currently contains no members.
  4970. item
  4971. An item, represented by either a standard identifier with an 'i' prefix or a slot.
  4972. itemtype
  4973. An item type, represented by a nonstandard identifier with an 'I' prefix.
  4974. location
  4975. A map location, represented by a nonstandard identifier with an 'l' prefix.
  4976. mail
  4977. A mail, represented by a standard identifier with an 'm' prefix.
  4978. minionadventure
  4979. A minion adventure, represented by a standard identifier with a 'mn.adv.' prefix.
  4980. minionminion
  4981. A minion, represented by a standard identifier with a '' prefix.
  4982. nil
  4983. A value of type 'nil'.
  4984. number
  4985. A value of type 'number'. May not be NaN.
  4986. number/nil
  4987. A value of type 'number' or 'nil'. May not be NaN.
  4988. quest
  4989. A quest, represented by a standard identifier with a 'q' prefix.
  4990. role
  4991. A role, represented by a standard identifier with a "h" prefix.
  4992. slot
  4993. An item slot, represented by a nonstandard identifier with an 's' prefix, as generated by the Utility.Item.Slot.* functions.
  4994. string
  4995. A value of type 'string'.
  4996. string/nil
  4997. A value of type 'string' or 'nil'.
  4998. table
  4999. A value of type 'table'.
  5000. title
  5001. A title, represented by a standard identifier with a 't' prefix.
  5002. titlecategory
  5003. A title category, represented by a standard identifier with a 'T' prefix.
  5004. unit
  5005. A unit, represented by either a standard identifier with a 'u' prefix or by a unit specifier. Unit specifiers start with any of "player", "focus", "mouseover", "group01" through "group20", or a standard identifier with a 'u' prefix, and are followed by a chain of any number of ".target", ".pet", or ".owner" modifiers.
  5006. variant
  5007. A value of any type.
  5008. zone
  5009. A zone, represented by a standard identifier with a 'z' prefix.
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